Project of the preparatory group within the framework of “Book Week. Short-term project for children of the preparatory school group “Flowers-clocks Organization of the project in the preparatory group

Municipal educational institution
kindergarten No. 27 “Cheburashka”.

Project in the preparatory group
project topic : "Seasons"

Prepared by:


Tsvetkova Olga Igorevna.

Rzhev. 2013-2014

Project type: practice-oriented, information-creative.

Project participants: teachers, preparatory group children, physical instructor, music director, parents.

Implementation period: long-term (1 year).

Forms of work: playful, educational, productive, work with parents.

Relevance: Taking into account the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard on reading, it is very important to comprehensively and efficiently prepare children for school.
* To form a sound culture of children’s speech through play activities in kindergarten and in the family.
* Create conditions to ensure the readiness of older preschoolers to study at school.

*Strengthen the connection between the preschool educational institution and the family.
* Develop fine and gross motor skills, coherent (dialogical and monologue) speech.

* As a result of developmental activities, teach children logical thinking, the ability to analyze, introduce them to the structure of the world around them and teach them to communicate with each other.

Target: development of coherent speech in children.

Tasks: 1. Develop in children the characteristics of coherent dialogic and monologue speech; activate children's vocabulary.
2. Form an emotional, positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty at different times of the year.
3. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to reflect in drawings the signs of nature at different times of the year, using various drawing methods, and to introduce non-traditional drawing techniques.
4. strengthen the ability to independently compose environmental fairy tales, compose riddles, and invent fables.
5. Develop memory, attention, thinking, aesthetic taste.
6. To instill in children a love for nature and a caring attitude toward it.

Expected result:
1. The following will be formed:
a) Coherent speech skills in older preschoolers, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, and establish cause and effect relationships.
b) A positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty at different times of the year.

2. The development of the child as a person will take place.

3. The pedagogical competence of parents will increase.

4. Business interaction will be established.

Project stages:

I. Organizational.
II. Basic (practical).
III. Final.

I . Organizational stage:

Analysis of the subject environment.

Collection of information and material for the implementation of the project.

Development of a hypothesis, goals and objectives of the project.

II . The main (practical) stage.

1. Communication.
A) Conversations “How nature paints with colors”
“How I relax in the summer”

B) Examination of illustrations by artists: Shishkina, I. Levitan, I. Grabar, photographs, postcards.

C) Examination of reproductions of paintings on the theme “Winter” (K. Yuon “Russian Winter”, I. Shishkin “Pine”, I. Grabar “February Glaze”).

2. Game activity:

Didactic games: “Seasons”, “When does this happen?”,
“Fold the picture”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”
“Run to the tree”, “Find out by description”,
“Name the baby”, “Who lives where?”,
“Whose voice?” “And then what?”
"Answer quickly", "Body".

Target: develop ingenuity, intelligence, logical thinking, and consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Outdoor games : “One, two, three, run to the tree”

3 . Reading fiction:

Poems, riddles, signs, sayings.
A. Fedorov “Frost”,
L. Tolstoy “December”,
F. Tyutchev “Spring”, “Spring Waters”,
S. Yesenin “Bird cherry”

Artistic creativity

- Drawing “Magic colors of autumn” (introduction to the technique of printing with leaves).
“Rowan branch” (printing with cotton swabs),
“Magic Winter”, “My Magic Snowflakes” (watercolor painting).
“First snow” (finger painting).
“My favorite tree in winter” (gouache).
“Branch with the first leaves” (watercolor).
“Spring bouquet” (gouache).
“The rooks have arrived” (watercolor).
“Summer mood” (watercolor).
“On the River” (colored pencils).
“Summer in the forest” (colored pencils).
“My favorite flowers” ​​(watercolor).
-making paintings about summer from natural and waste materials.

- Applications: "Mushrooms in a basket"
"Gifts of Autumn"
-Listen: “Autumn” by A. Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons”
P. I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song. October"
"December. Christmas time"
Shainsky "Snowflakes"
Songs about the seasons - listening and learning.

Working with parents:

Making costumes for entertainment.
-Making crafts from natural materials together with children.
-Design of information stand.
- Participation in entertainment.

III . Final stage:

Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation.
- Design of the album “Seasons”.
- Providing entertainment all year round.

Project implementation forms:

1. GCD.

2. Creation of creative works of children, the album “Seasons”.
3. Learning poems and songs.
4. Compilation of stories about the seasons, riddles.
5. Joint entertainment with parents.

Results of the project:

1. Older preschoolers have developed coherent speech skills, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships, a positive attitude towards nature, and the ability to see beauty.
2. The child has developed as a person.
3. The pedagogical competence of parents has increased.
4. Business interaction has been established.

Nomination: Project activities in kindergarten ready-made projects preparatory group, Preparatory group

Project on the topic:
“I live in Lyangasovo”

The project was implemented on pupils of the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

The project is directed on the cognitive development of pupils in the preparatory group of a preschool institution.

Type of project being implemented: information and research.

Is the topic of this project relevant?

Throughout the course of work with pupils of the preparatory group of a preschool institution, aimed at enriching the information the children had about their native village, we were forced to encounter a deficit of knowledge they had about important places in their village.

Also, one of the difficult stages for the teacher is the work aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with the history of their native village and its special places. Since, in order to interest children, it is necessary to convey the material in a form understandable to them, as well as enrich it with an emotional component. The work needs to begin with the fact that children observe around them, what surrounds them, over time expanding the knowledge that children have.

The work aimed at, which takes place in the systematic work of the preschool institution and family, is also important. Since most parents do not have the necessary amount of information about the history and sights of their native village, its traditions, cultural values, and, therefore, they cannot provide enough knowledge on this topic to their children.

This project is aimed at organizing a system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents, thanks to which not only the level of knowledge and skills of parents in the pedagogical field increases, but they also get the opportunity to participate in the patriotic education of their children. During the implementation of this project, children acquire new knowledge regarding their home village, as well as enrich their experience of interaction with peers, preschool teachers, and, just as importantly, with their parents.

The purpose of the project being implemented:

Creating a space aimed at enriching the horizons of children, as well as their parents, about their native village in the process of joint activities of children, parents and teachers.

Objectives of the ongoing project:

  • Work aimed at enriching the information children have about their home village;
  • Fostering the manifestation of love and care for the nature of their native village in preschool pupils, as well as developing the ability to perceive its beauty and diversity;
  • Instilling in children a sense of pride in their home village;
  • Familiarizing children with historical information regarding their native village, as well as its location, traditions and culture of their native village, as well as its attractions;
  • Stimulating activities aimed at searching for information on the topic of the project being implemented;
  • Development of children's speech, enrichment and activation of their vocabulary, creative and cognitive abilities.

Project participants: children, parents, teachers, music director, physical educator.

Also taking part in the ongoing project were: the library of the microdistrict. Lyangasovo, school No. 73 microdistrict. Lyangasovo, music school microdistrict. Lyangasovo, microdistrict museum. Lyangasovo.

Duration of the project: long-term, September – October 2016.

Predicted results of the project:

  • Improving the awareness of children and their parents regarding their home village, and specifically about the sights, monuments, names of the streets of the village, etc.;
  • Formed love and patriotic feelings for the native village;
  • Prerequisites for the formation of a sensitive and caring attitude of children towards the nature of their native village;
  • The active influence of the family on the process of educating moral and patriotic personal qualities of children;
  • Increasing the knowledge, skills and competence of teachers within the scope of the implemented project.

Project parts:

Part 1 of the project - “The surrounding nature of my native village” (implementation period: September 2016);

Part 2 of the project – “Streets of my native village” (implementation period: October 2016).

Analysis of some points implemented from the first part of the program:

"Creation of a herbarium"

Work carried out together with parents aimed at environmental education of children is one of the main points of work of a preschool institution, since raising an environmentally literate person is possible only with the assistance of the family.

The goal of this activity is to develop new knowledge among children regarding the plants of their native village, as well as the children’s conscious attitude towards them.

Systematization of children’s knowledge about the plants that surround them;

Forming children's understanding of the system of natural interactions;

Development of directed cognitive interest among preschool pupils in the surrounding nature of their native village.

Educational task : expanding children's horizons about the world of plants in their native village.

instilling in children a love for the plants of their native village.
Collaboration with family:
Family consultation: “Rules for making a herbarium”;

a short story from a child about a plant used to make a herbarium.

Exhibition of works made from leaves “Golden Autumn”

Preparatory group. September 2016.

The purpose of the exhibition was to strengthen the relationship between children and their parents, to attract parents to the educational activities of the preschool institution, as well as to develop aesthetic perception in children.

The participation of children in collaboration with parents in competitions, during which they create crafts from a variety of materials of natural origin, makes family leisure more diverse. Thanks to this, children activate such qualities as hard work, respect for work, accuracy, and attentive attitude towards loved ones. This activity lays the foundation for patriotic education of children, as well as love for the nature of their native village. Parents, in the process of making crafts from natural materials, influence the harmonious upbringing of their child’s personality. And the time that children spent in joint activities with their parents is priceless, both for some and for others.

Every year autumn gives us such tools for creating compositions as pine cones, leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables and much more. It is these gifts of nature that are used to create original crafts, jewelry and everything that a child and his parents have enough imagination for.

Excursion to the “Books about Nature” library

Preparatory group. September 2016.

Educational objectives:

  • Familiarizing children with the sights of their native village while visiting the library;
  • Enrich the vocabulary of kindergarten students with the term “library”;
  • Identify the knowledge that children have about the library, as well as introduce them to the peculiarities of the work of a librarian;
  • To consolidate children’s knowledge about correct behavior in the library, as well as about the possibilities of using this resource.

Developmental tasks:

  • Stimulate children's interest in books;
  • Expand children's horizons regarding literature;
  • Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers.

Educational tasks:

  • Calling kindergarten students to take care of books and literature in general;
  • Stimulate children's desire to read;
  • Remember and consolidate in children’s memory knowledge of the rules of behavior while in a public place;
  • Instilling in kindergarten students a love for their home village.

Excursion to the pond

Preparatory group. September 2016.

An excursion to the pond was prepared for children attending the preparatory group. The excursion began at the kindergarten, where the children, with the help of the teacher, identified the correct direction of their movement. Along the entire road to the pond, the teacher introduced the children to the trees and shrubs encountered along the way. When the group reached the shore of the pond, the teacher drew their attention to the inhabitants living in it. The children met them and also had the opportunity to observe them. Then the children played. After which we rested a little and headed back to the kindergarten, where we described our impressions of the event to the teacher and other children.

Objectives of the excursion:

  • Clarify and consolidate the information children have about the nature of their native village;
  • Stimulate the development of logical thinking and observation skills in children through conversation and games;
  • To consolidate children's knowledge of correct behavior while near bodies of water;
  • To arouse in children a feeling of pleasure from contact with the nature of their native village;
  • To evoke in preschool pupils a feeling of love towards the nature of their home village.

"Health Day in Forestry"

Preparatory group. September 2016.


  • Observe the peculiarities of changes in nature in the autumn;
  • Expand children’s knowledge about the plant world;
  • Collect natural materials for decorating crafts;
  • To instill in children a sense of love for the nature of their native village.

Analysis of some points implemented from the second part of the program:

"Excursion to the music school"

Preparatory group. October 2016.

On October 12, the children attended a music school. Thanks to the teachers of the music school, an interactive conversation was held with the children on information about musical instruments, the variety of genres, and the children, at the suggestion of the teachers of the music school, performed vocal works.

The children were greatly interested in the musical instruments they saw within the walls of the music school, in particular the piano, balalaika, accordion, dombra, guitar and synthesizer. And thanks to the students of this music school, kindergarten students had the opportunity to watch a small concert of classical works, which was listened to with great interest.

The main purpose of the excursion to the music school was to establish contacts between the music school and the kindergarten.

This excursion was aimed at achieving a number of objectives:

Conducting an excursion to a music school, introducing preschoolers to the specifics of music education;

Expanding children's knowledge about musical instruments.

Work program

Part 1 of the project

“The surrounding nature of my native village”

Goal of the 1st part of the project: development of children's patriotic feelings, based on their familiarization with the nature of their native village.

Objectives of the 1st part of the project:

  • Expand and clarify children’s ideas related to knowledge about trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, plants of meadows, gardens, forests;
  • To develop such personal qualities of children as curiosity, observation, sense of beauty;
  • To form the foundations of children's environmental culture.
  • Continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior in nature;
  • To instill in kindergarten students an interest in work, as well as to involve them in participating as much as possible;
  • To develop children’s interest in the cognitive field, the manifestations of which relate to the world around them, by reading works about nature and in the process of children’s practical activities;
  • To develop children’s coherent speech, enrich their vocabulary, imaginative and variable thinking, fantasy, imagination, as well as creative abilities;
  • Develop the ability to express your impressions in various activities;
  • Fostering in preschool pupils a love for the nature of their native village, as well as their perception of its diversity and beauty.

Participants in the implementation of the 1st part of the project: teachers, preparatory group children, parents, library workers, music director.

Predicted result of the implementation of the 1st part of the project:

  • The importance of studying the nature of their native village, its attractions, monuments, etc., realized by both children and adults;
  • Manifestations in children of a careful and caring attitude towards the nature of their native village;
  • A strong desire to preserve places in the village that have preserved their natural beauty;
  • Acquisition of positive emotional experience by children with nature;
  • Full participation of parents in all activities.

Preparatory stage of the 1st part of the project:

  • Collection of information necessary for the implementation of the project regarding the topic of the project;
  • Organizing a meeting with the librarian “Nature Experts”, an excursion to the “Books about Nature” library;
  • Development by a teacher of a preschool institution of a detailed outline of the walk “On the Pond”, “Walk in the Forestry”;
  • Design of an informative stand for parents “Introducing preschoolers to the nature of their native land”, as well as “Rules for designing a herbarium”;
  • A selection of didactic games, environmental posters, manuals, etc. for the implementation of the project;
  • Development of educational activity notes by a preschool teacher.

The main stage of the 1st part of the project:

Labor education (the process of joint activity of children and adults):

  • Transplanting plants from soil to pot;
  • Cleaning up fallen leaves and covering plants with them;
  • Maintaining order in the area and flower garden;
  • Collection of seeds, twigs, leaves for herbarium and crafts from natural materials.

Conversations: “Learning to protect the forest”, “Interrelation and interaction in nature”, “Edible and poisonous plants”;

Making signs “Rules of conduct in the forest.”

GCD: “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, “Forest mansions”, “What are the medicinal plants?”;

Conversations: “How do we imagine a forest?”, “What kind of forests are there?”, “What has autumn brought us?”, “The nature of our native Vyatka region”;

Examination of paintings and illustrations on the topic;

Creation of a herbarium: “The nature that surrounds us”, “Coniferous plants of our native village”.

  • Reading fairy tales, stories, riddles about nature;
  • Memorizing poems about nature;
  • Using model diagrams to write stories.
  • Modeling: “Vegetables - fruits”, “Mushrooms in the meadow”;
  • Application: “Still life in a basket”, “Autumn carpet”, “Our flowerbed”;
  • Drawing: “Summer in the Forest”, “Cosmea”, “Golden Autumn”, “Rowan Branch”;
  • Working with natural materials;
  • Series of lessons “What does a fir cone look like?”;
  • Exhibition of joint works of children and parents made from leaves “Falling Leaves”.

Musical and artistic activities:

Learning songs: “What are the leaves rustling about”, “Autumn has come to visit us”, “Autumn is a beauty”, “Gnome and mushrooms”;

Carrying out the festival “Concert for Autumn”;

NOD “Music and Nature”, “Musical - Ecological Tale” performed by artists of the Kirov Philharmonic.

Educational field. Section "Physical development":

Complex of morning exercises “Trees”;

Outdoor games with environmental content.

Game activity:

Didactic games: “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Find out by description”, “Tops and roots”, “It happens or not”, etc.;

Board games with environmental content.


  • Finding autumn signs;
  • Examining plant stems;
  • Observation of the variety of shapes and colors of leaves;
  • Looking at flowers;
  • Observation of plants;
  • Monitoring the distribution of seeds and fruits;
  • Finding differences between trees and shrubs;
  • Annual and perennial plants;
  • Observing the beauty of nature.

Creating an ecological environment in the group:

  • Selection of paintings, postcards, encyclopedias on the topic;
  • Creation of a herbarium (Appendix 1);
  • Design of an exhibition of works made from leaves “Golden Autumn” (Appendix 2).

Cycle of excursions:

  • Picturesque places of the village;
  • Library and ecology (Appendix 3);
  • Plants of the reservoir (Appendix 4);
  • Health day in forestry (Appendix 5)


  1. T. G. Kobzeva “Organization of children’s activities during a walk” 2012
  2. T. A. Shorygina “Conversations about the Russian forest” 2008
  3. T. M. Bondarenko “Ecological activities with children 6-7 years old” 2004
  4. E. K. Gulyants “What can be made from natural materials” 1984
  5. T. S. Komarova “Fine arts classes in kindergarten” 1991

Summing up the implementation of the 1st part of the project:

In conclusion, I want to say that:

  • The children began to show attention and curiosity about the natural beauty of their native village;
  • Children are actively involved in activities that are directly related to learning about the nature of their native village;
  • Children express their impressions about the nature of the village in their preferred activities: stories, pictures, etc.

The relevance of the problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children during their acquaintance with the nature of their native village leaves no doubt.

Thus, based on the results of the program, we can summarize that the children acquired enough knowledge about the nature of their native village, began to see more around them, notice what they had not paid attention to before, and also became more responsible and attentive. The work carried out in the system with parents gave great results, since thanks to the activity of parents, moral and patriotic education was not limited to the walls of the preschool institution.

Work in this direction will continue according to the plan for the second part of the project together with children and their parents.

Part 2 of the project

"Streets of my hometown"

Goal of the 2nd part of the project: creating conditions that facilitate the formation of children’s knowledge about the names of the streets of the village of Lyangasovo.

Objectives of the 2nd part of the project:

  • Arouse in children a cognitive interest aimed at studying their native village, providing each child with the opportunity to discover “new things in the familiar”;
  • Develop feelings such as: belonging to one’s native village, pride in one’s native village;
  • To develop knowledge about the streets of their native village and their home address;
  • To develop the ability to navigate in the village, in their area, on their street, as well as consolidate their knowledge of basic traffic rules;
  • To develop coherent speech in children, as well as memory, attention and observation.

Project participants: teachers, children of the preparatory group, parents, music director, school No. 73 microdistrict. Lyangasovo, music school microdistrict. Lyangasovo, PDN inspector for the railway.

Predicted result of the implementation of the 2nd part of the project:

  • Children’s fixed ideas about their native village;
  • Street names assigned to children, as well as home address;
  • Familiarizing children with architectural structures;
  • Teaching children to see the beauty of their native village;
  • Children have developed the ability to navigate on a map of the village.

Preparatory stage of the 2nd part of the project:

  • Studying methodological and popular scientific literature necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • Conducting conversations with children aimed at clarifying their existing knowledge about their native village;
  • Creation of a sketch map of the village;
  • Organization of excursions to the music school of the microdistrict. Lyangasovo, school No. 73 microdistrict. Lyangasovo, as well as along the streets of the village;
  • Interaction with the children’s parents, in particular, involving parents in activities aimed at creating the album “The House Where I Live.”

The main stage of the 2nd part of the project:

Formation of security fundamentals:

  • Conversations: “Safe behavior on the street”, “Rules for pedestrians”, “The road is not a place for games”, “We walk on the sidewalk”, “Safety on the railway”;
  • Reading by T.A. Shorygin “Traffic rules for children 5-8 years old”;
  • Review and discussion of the map - diagram “Safe route “Home - kindergarten”;
  • Games with floor aids: “The ABCs of traffic”.

Educational field. Section “Cognitive Development”:

  • Conversations: “Do you know your village?”, “Attractions of the village”, “Professions of village residents”;
  • Creating a map - a diagram of “Streets of our village” (mark children's houses and attractions);
  • Games: “Guess where I am” (working with a map), “My address”, “Guess the profession”;
  • NOD “Our Kindergarten”;
  • Looking at photographs “This is my home” (working with parents);
  • Creation of the album “The House Where I Live” (working with parents).

Educational field. Section “Speech development”:

  • Children's story about their house, street, nearby attractions;
  • Compiling stories: “Favorite places of the village”, “Our village in the future” (using your imagination).

Plot-role-playing games:

“We are going to visit”, “Journey through the streets of the village.”

Educational field. Section “Artistic and aesthetic development”:

  • Drawing: “My house”, “My family on a walk”;
  • Construction: “Our village”;
  • Participation in the drawing competition “The Railway and Me”.

Cycle of excursions:

  • "Village Streets";
  • "Railway Station";
  • “Music school” (Appendix 6);
  • “Museum of Folk Art of School No. 73”;
  • "Museum of the village of Lyangasovo."


  1. N. N. Avdeeva “Security” 2009
  2. N. S. Golitsyna “Notes of complex thematic classes” 2003
  3. I. A. Lykova “Art in kindergarten” 2006
  4. Dybina O.V. “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group” 2011
  5. Shorygina T.A. “Conversations about traffic rules with children 5-8 years old” 2009
  6. Russian Railways brochure “Rules for safe behavior on the railway”

Summing up the implementation of the 2nd part of the project:

Based on the results of the project, we can say that the project was of interest not only to teachers and children, but also to their parents. The children, together with their parents, presented works on the theme “The House Where I Live.” The children gave descriptions with interest, which were accompanied by a display of photographs. The children were familiarized with the streets of the village, they had knowledge of their home address, and the children, accompanied by a teacher, visited a number of attractions in the village.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of work on this project is the joint activity of teachers, children and their parents, which makes it possible to include moral and patriotic education throughout the child’s life.

In continuation of work on the topic of this project, we plan to organize a data bank about the history of our native village.

Conclusion on the results of the project implementation

“I live in Lyangasovo”

Raising patriotism is a rather difficult task, the solution of which requires effort, starting from childhood. The use of various means of education, systematic and planned work, coordinated efforts of the kindergarten and family, as well as the responsibility of adults will certainly give positive results and will become the basis for further work on the patriotic education of children.

As a result of the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities help unite children through common impressions, experiences, emotions, and also help in the formation of collective relationships.

Work on this project did not leave parents indifferent. They were actively involved in instilling in children a love for the nature of their native village. Parents together with their children enriched and refined their knowledge. In addition to the knowledge gained, the joint work had a positive result, expressed in the formed partnerships between children and their parents.

In conclusion, it must be added that work with children on the topic of this project will continue, since moral and patriotic education is necessary throughout the entire period of raising children in kindergarten, and then at school. This is an integral part of a child’s full personal development.

Nomination: Short-term project in the preparatory group according to the Federal State Educational Standard, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU No. 175
Location: microdistrict. Lyangasovo, Kirov city, Kirov region

Short-term projects in the preparatory group involve the use of a variety of teaching techniques that allow children to understand the topic at hand.

Features of preschool age

This period is the most fertile time for learning and education. Preschoolers absorb information about society, the surrounding nature, and relationships between adults like a sponge. At this age, active knowledge of the world is developed. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at enriching the child’s personal experience, developing his independence,

The purpose of projects in preschool educational institutions

The main goal of any project is to expand the knowledge of preschoolers on a specific topic. Short-term projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten are aimed at developing patriotic qualities in young citizens. From birth, a child becomes an explorer of the world that surrounds him. He sees snow, rain, rainbows for the first time, and encounters joy and grief. At the age of five, little “why girls” try to find answers to numerous questions that interest them. Teachers and parents should help them with this.

Project methods in kindergarten

A short-term project in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard can have a variety of topics, taking into account the predisposition of the children. Educators try to use problem-based learning to develop logical thinking in their students. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at modeling non-standard situations, solving puzzles, and conducting experimental research activities.

Project topics

Integrated learning for preschool is innovative. It is aimed at developing the child’s personal qualities, creative and cognitive abilities. Topics for short-term projects in the preparatory group may be related to pets. For example, the teacher introduces children to the image of a dog in the works of Russian writers and poets, artists and filmmakers. After the theoretical part of the project is presented, preschoolers receive assignments in groups. One team is asked to portray a pet, the second - to write a fairy tale, the third - to come up with riddles related to the dog. At the end, each group presents the result of their activities; the final result of the lesson is the creation of a complete picture of man’s best friend.

Such short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of the younger generation.

Variability in the use of project methods

What are the main advantages of this technique? It is equally good for both physical development and the formation of intellectual abilities of preschoolers. Among the common types of projects used, group types lead.

at preschool educational institution

The transition of a kindergarten to project technology is carried out according to a certain algorithm. It involves several stages:

  • conducting classes using problem situations, a small experiment;
  • conducting complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration of theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific topic.

A short-term project in a preparatory group on ecology, for example, involves familiarization with natural phenomena, their explanation, and study.

Children's project algorithm

What are children's short-term projects? The preparatory group at the preschool educational institution involves the use of a similar methodology. The teacher determines the form of organization of the educational space, selects methods for developing in students a creative cognitive interest in the problem under consideration.

Teacher activity plan when preparing a short-term project

In order for such activities to be effective, the teacher must build a clear sequence of actions.

  • 1st stage. A problem is being thought out that young researchers will tackle under the guidance of a teacher. In order for preschoolers to become interested in the topic of the project, it must be understandable to them. There is no point in inventing complex scientific research for 5-6 year olds.
  • 2nd stage. Planning actions that will help achieve the goal. The teacher, together with the children, determines approximate deadlines for each stage.
  • 3rd stage. Search for information related to the project topic. At this stage, together with parents, teachers, and representatives of other organizations, the children receive theoretical knowledge on their project.
  • 4th stage. Drawing up a project diagram, accumulating material. The acquired knowledge is gradually systematized, and a diagram is drawn up on its basis. It is this that will become the basis for all subsequent work of little researchers.
  • 5th stage. Practical activities. The children are offered experiments that they can do both in kindergarten and at home.
  • 6th stage. At this stage, the main burden falls on the shoulders of parents and educators. Together with children, adults prepare a presentation in the form of a performance, a computer presentation. All results that were achieved as the project progressed are presented at an open event.

at preschool educational institution

How are short-term projects divided in preschool educational institutions? The preparatory group works according to new federal standards. They involve the classification of projects by the number of participants, target setting, and duration.

The following options are mainly used in preschool institutions:

  • Creative and research forms. Children conduct interesting experiments, presenting the results in the form of newspapers, theatrical performances, and role-playing games.
  • Role-playing and game projects. They contain individual elements of games in which children play the main roles.
  • Practice-oriented information works. The kids collect the material and then design it.
  • Creative projects involve holding children's parties and excursions.

Examples of projects in preschool educational institutions

We suggest considering the short-term project “Winter” in the preparatory group. The main purpose of it is to introduce children to the seasons. First, the teacher tells the children about what is typical for such a time of year as winter. The teacher pays special attention not to the climatic features of a given period, but to the traditions with which this period is so rich. As homework, children are invited to remember New Year's traditions together with their parents and come up with riddles about the New Year. In the second lesson, the guys share the information they managed to find. The teacher introduces the children to “different” Santa Clauses. This can be done using a computer presentation. In addition, preschoolers will learn about the New Year traditions that exist in different countries.

This project is best carried out in November-December. The second homework will be making New Year's toys. But first, the teacher introduces children to the types of Christmas tree decorations and how to make them.

The final lesson for the “Winter” project will be a presentation of New Year’s decorations and hanging them on the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is decorated with hand-made toys (with the help of parents), the kids will find themselves in a fairy-tale forest, where treats and fun games await them.

"World of Water"

By implementing this short-term project, children not only become familiar with the most important substance on Earth, but also learn to respect water resources.

The teacher tells his kids that they are 90 percent water. To attract the attention of preschoolers to the topic of the project, he can tell them a fairy tale about a droplet, which during its journey turned into steam, then into ice, then back into a droplet. This way the children will get acquainted with the aggregate states of water and its circulation in nature. There is also a practical part to this project. Kids learn to “turn” water into ice using refrigerators. Aesthetic skills are also required in this activity. Armed with ordinary sheets of white paper and scissors, young designers create snowflakes of unusual shape and size. Together with the teacher, the children attach threads to the finished products, and such homemade decorations are used for New Year trees.

The “World of Water” project involves the involvement of a music worker from a preschool educational institution. He introduces the children to songs that mention water, snow, ice. The result of such cooperation will be learning a song about water, snow, rain. Everyone chooses a song together: the teacher, the music worker, the children.


Project activities in a preschool institution are aimed at developing the child’s creative, free personality. This technology ensures the psychological well-being and physical health of preschool children. When children are involved in a joint project, each child’s cognitive abilities develop, creative thinking develops, and communication skills are formed. For younger preschool age, the result can be obtained by involving children in the game process, in which the leading role will belong to the teacher. In the senior groups of preschool educational institutions, children work on a given task in groups, developing independence and curiosity. These qualities will help children easily and quickly adapt to elementary school. Children attending kindergarten who have acquired the skills of project activities here will definitely be successful students in secondary school.

Project passport.

Subject:“Getting ready for school by playing!!!”

Developer: Teacher of the 1st qualification category of MBDOU No. 7, Maikop Avagyan Ekaterina Sosikovna


Currently, first-graders are less developed than their peers in the middle of the last century, because psychological readiness is not formed in school-type classes.

This is explained by the fact that our children play traditional games less and less (role-playing games, educational games, games with rules, didactic games, and are less likely to engage in construction, modeling, drawing, appliqué. All types of children's activities are being replaced by computer games. Parents are trying to start a systematic training their child as early as possible, and in addition to kindergarten, he can be taken to sports clubs, a music school, an art studio, etc. They do not know what education is, which, as a rule, boils down to developing skills and abilities in a particular area, does not contribute to the mental development of the child.

Readiness for school is the social and communicative prerequisites for mastering educational activities, which are formed within the leading activity, that is, in the game.

Implementation deadlines:

December – February

Project type:

Game, long-term, group.


Children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents, educational psychologist.

Project justification:

An analysis of the pedagogical heritage showed that at all times teachers expressed thoughts about preparing for schooling. It should consist of the proper organization of children’s lives, the timely development of their abilities, as well as awakening interest in school and learning. And since in preschool childhood there is nothing closer, understandable and enjoyable for children than play, then this preparation should go through play.


Entering school is a serious stage in the life of every child. And it’s no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, team, and teacher.

A child’s attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and preschool teachers plays an important role.

Psychological and pedagogical research examines issues of special and general readiness of a child for school. According to scientists, one of the aspects of psychological readiness is the personal readiness of a preschooler for the upcoming learning, which is expressed in the motives of learning, the attitude of children to school, the teacher, school responsibilities and the position of the student, and the ability to consciously manage their behavior.

And the high level of intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school. A preschooler may have

a positive attitude towards the new way of life, changes in conditions, rules, requirements has not been formed, which is an indicator of the attitude towards school. School teachers also note this discrepancy.

Since play is still the leading activity in preschool childhood, we see that it is more comfortable for children to prepare them for school with the help of gaming technologies.


Development of a model of gaming technologies that can be used to prepare children for school.


Forming a positive attitude of children towards the upcoming schooling, personal qualities, adequate self-esteem and psychological readiness in general with the help of gaming technologies.



creation of a subject-development environment to familiarize students with school (didactic and role-playing games);

introducing children to school and the teaching profession in role-playing games;


Development of psychological functions necessary for learning at school through didactic and role-playing games;

Strengthening physical and mental health through sports and outdoor games;


nurturing a positive attitude towards school in preparatory group children.

Stages of work:

I stage – organizational and preparatory:

    Statement of the problem – “How to “comfortably” prepare children for school?”;

    Studying literature on the topic;

    Preparation of the subject-spatial environment;

II stage – reflective-diagnostic:

    Identification of the level of motivational readiness of children for school;

    Parent survey.

III stage – practical:

Project implementation through:

    Role-playing games;

    Didactic games;

    Outdoor games;

    Productive activity;

    Working with parents.

Receipt of the project product - production of the album “How I See School”;

Photo exhibition “We’ll be going to school soon!”

IV stage - final:

    Questioning parents “What do you know about preparing children for school?”

    (parents with children)

    Presentation of the project at the teachers' council;

    Project analysis.

Expected results:

    motivation to study;

    development of voluntariness;

    the formation of visually effective and visually imaginative thinking;

    development of spatial concepts;

    development of cognitive processes;

    manifestation of independence.

Long-term planning of project activities

Stage 1 – organizational and preparatory




With teachers

Study and analysis of scientific research, methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue; selection of software and methodological support for this problem; visual demonstration, handout material

1-2 week of December

The competence of teachers on the topic has been increased

With pupils

Statement of the problem “How to prepare children for school “comfortably”?”

1-2 week of December

Children have a certain interest in the upcoming activity.

Development of project content

1-2 week of December

The main directions of project implementation and expected results have been determined

Preparation of the subject-spatial environment

Attributes for role-playing games, didactic and board games have been prepared.

With parents

Introducing parents to the upcoming project.

1-2 week of December

Interest in upcoming activities has been aroused.

Stage 2 – reflective-diagnostic




With teachers

Identifying Foreseen Difficulties

2-3 week of December

Anticipated difficulties identified.

With pupils

“Interview” with children - “What is school?”

2-3 week of December

The level of psychological readiness of children for school has been determined.

With parents

Parent survey “What is readiness for school?”

2-3 week of December

The level of parental competence in preparing children for school has been determined.

Stage 3 – practical

Educational area




With teachers

Consultation “How to “comfortably” prepare children for school”

2nd week of January

The competence of teachers on the topic has been increased.

With pupils


Social and communicative development

Dramatization of “Rules of Conduct at School”

Creating a problematic situation - “They call you to play around during recess”;

“It’s a lesson, and you want to play”

January - 1st week of February

They are able to change the role-playing action as the game progresses.


S/r games: “School”:

Plots – “The teacher teaches a lesson - the children complete his tasks”;

“The bell rings - change”;

“The head teacher distributes the class schedule”; “Library”

Children can independently create their own play environment. They are able to creatively develop game plots.


Board games for the development of logic, attention, memory, thinking, graphic dictations.

In game interaction, the development of skills in educational activities.


Intellectual game "Clever and Clever"

Children, through playful interaction, have experience in conducting discussions on various topics.


Role-playing game "Cunning Dwarf"

Creating a problem situation - “We need to find the same image that the gnome shows for a short time”

Through play, the child’s memory and visual attention are developed.


Cognitive development

School excursion

Children are familiar with school


Presentation: “School of the past and present”

With the help of computer technology, children have the opportunity to “plunge” into the past.


Construction "My School"

Children, through productive activities, have the opportunity to express their ideas about school.


Speech development

Who are first graders?

Through the artistic word, expanding knowledge about the school.


Compiling a monologue story - “Why do I want to go to school?”


What will my first day of school be like? (fantasy story)


Analysis and learning of proverbs


Reading fiction:

In Dragunsky “Where is it seen, where is it heard”, “The Enchanted Letter”,

"Amazing Day"

A. Barto “To school”

G. P. Shalaeva “The Big Book of Rules of Conduct”

N. Nosov “Dreamers”

V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”, “Why?”

Y. Koval “Zero class”

V. Golyavnin “No luck” “Carousel in the head”


Artistic and aesthetic development

Application “What will I take to school”

January - 1st week of February

Productive activities consolidate knowledge about school and school supplies.


Modeling “The most beautiful briefcase”


Drawing “My future teacher”


Physical development

Conversation: “My daily routine.”

“How we harden ourselves”

"Strong and Agile"

January - 1st week of February

Development of motor skills and health promotion.

With parents



« Child's readiness for school »

January - 1st week of February

The competence of parents on child development issues has been increased.


Photo exhibition “Mom and Dad were also first graders”

Parents can understand their child's psychological state through their memories.


Workshop “By playing, we prepare for school”

Parents have ideas about playful ways to prepare their children for school.


The competence of parents on the development of volitional qualities and prerequisites for educational activities has been increased.


Presentation at a parent meeting “How we “went” to school”

Parents can compare their children at different ages.

With society

Coverage of the progress of the project on the website page

During the project implementation

Openness of project implementation activities.

4th stage - final




With teachers

Presentation of the project at the teachers' meeting

2nd - 4th week of February

Teachers have an idea of ​​the project and project activities.

Project Analysis

2nd week of February

The outcome of the project has been determined.

With pupils

Photo strip “We’ll be going to school soon”

2nd - 4th week of February

The result of the work on the project is presented.

Presentation of the project product - the album “How I See School”

2nd - 4th week of February

Children have the opportunity to express their ideas about school

With parents

Parent survey “What do you know about preparing children for school”

2nd - 4th week of February

The level of knowledge acquired by parents on the topic of the project was determined.

Intellectual game "Clever and Clever"

2nd - 4th week of February

Parents and children have experience in joint activities. Parents have ideas about the intellectual abilities of their children

With society

4th week of February

Parents' interest in the project was revealed.

Project support:

    A.K. Bondarenko, Didactic games in kindergarten, M - Education, 1991.

    and. Teacher of a preschool educational institution, No. 5/2007, M - Creative Center Sphere.

    and. Directory of senior preschool teacher

No. 2/2008, No. 9/2008, No. 9/2011, M – MCFR

    Internet resources.

Job Description: this project will be useful in the work of teachers of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of preschool preparation of children.

Carrying out targeted work in kindergarten to cultivate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group helps to increase social and cognitive activity, and the targeted formation of integrative qualities in them, necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

The presented material involves the use of various forms and methods of work: the creation of a subject-development environment, pedagogical education of parents, interaction with teachers and primary school students.

Project theme: “Soon to school”

Implementation deadlines: short-term (2nd week of April)

Project type: educational - creative

Age of children: preparatory group

Project participants: preschool teachers, preparatory group children, parents, teachers and primary school students.

Target: to form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.


Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;

Promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness;

Relieving feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with school;

Increasing parental competence in matters of preschool preparation.

Relevance of the project:

Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child’s lifestyle and activities. The little man is in a state of anticipation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but is still uncertain. The child’s entire way of life changes radically (routine, change in communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual workload).

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student here,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart kids like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child who is tuned to a joyful, exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the background of seeming universal success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancies between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

A number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school, as a condition for successful learning in the future (Ya. A. Komensky, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, N. A. Dobrolyubov, K. D. Ushinsky , A. S. Simonovich, E. I. Vodovozova, A. S. Makarenko). And practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school and pays little attention to the formation of the “internal position of the student.”

Consequently, the theoretical analysis of the literature and practice data convinced us of carrying out targeted work to cultivate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-development environment, through pedagogical education of parents, and interaction with primary school teachers.

Thus, all this can be reflected precisely in the short-term project “Soon to school.” School-oriented projects help to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the targeted formation of integrative qualities in them, necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project implementation plan:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of notes on educational activities, conversations, etc.);

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and format it;

Help from parents in selecting literature and board and printed games on school topics;

Collaboration with the school library and primary school teachers.

Main stage. Project implementation: (table)

The final stage.

Project presentation - folder design;

Creating an album with children “Riddles from the Briefcase”.

Presentation of children’s creative drawings “What did you like at school.”

Joint event of the preparatory group and 1st grade of KVN

"Magic Sun"

Expected result:

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;

Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Table. Project implementation.

Days of the week

Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and primary school teachers

Educational activities in the process of organizing various types of children's activities

Educational activities carried out during regime moments


Exhibition of illustrative books on school subjects and reading of the work

"Filippok" by L.N. Tolstoy

Conversation “Be Kind”

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Review of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Could Count to 10”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about the importance of numeracy.

Helping parents select cartoons and board games about school.

Conversation with children

“How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school"

Goal: creating positive attitudes towards school.

"Be ready!"

(emphasis on organizing routine moments, getting ready for a walk, preparing for a game, joint activities, etc.)

Watching the cartoon “Island of Errors”

Reading books about school at home with your children.

Game - competition

"Soon to school"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Asking riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Goal: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing. Publication of the book “Riddles from the Briefcase”

Story-based role-playing game


Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.

Folder design - transfers for parents

“Which aspects of school readiness are especially important”

Integrative lesson

(musical - artistic activities and drawing)

"School day."

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings “What did you like at school” (based on personal knowledge - excursion)

Goal: reflect your impressions in a drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school.

Looking at school supplies.

Goal: to introduce children to school paraphernalia and its purpose.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the purpose of school subjects.

Game “What's extra? » (school supplies and other items)

Goal: activation of vocabulary, classification of objects, development of speech.

Story-based role-playing game

Goal: to cultivate the desire to accept the position of a schoolchild - a student, to be able to subordinate one’s desires to collective ones.

Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Pishichitai"

Goal: to form in children a desire and understanding of the need to study at school.

Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing children for school"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Looking at the painting

Goal: expand children's ideas about school.

“We are future schoolchildren”

Goal: to form attitudes towards responsible implementation of the rules of behavior of schoolchildren, mastered during the week.

Didactic and printed board games on school topics:

- “Syllable houses”

- “Number houses”

- “Logical Train”

- “Easy counting”, etc.

Meeting with students - kindergarten graduates. (Looking at a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

A joint event for children of senior preschool age and 1st grade students. KVN "Magic Sun"

Goal: improve the ability to play team games.

Used literature:

1. Burukhina A.F. “Cartoons in educational work with children” - magazine “Preschool Educator” 2012

2. Kachigina L.B. “Creating conditions for preparing older preschoolers for educational activities” - magazine “Preschool Education Teacher” No. 4/2013