The simplest homemade plywood boat. DIY wooden boat Homemade plywood rowing boats

I have long wanted to create a record marking the main points in the manufacture of a boat, but it never worked out! Dad is getting older every year, but there are still no cheat sheets, although he and I have put together more than one pair of boats... And this year there was a need to expand our fleet, because the children are growing up and boats are required that are more stable and load-bearing, for reliability movement. I myself used to swim to the surface, but with my sons I have to be careful about this! The time has come to take out the previously stored boards, edge them, plan them, prepare nails, and one weekend we get down to business! (It’s better to use spruce boards, without knots, but you don’t always have what you need)

First of all, Dad sketched out a small drawing with dimensions, based on the requirements and previous construction projects

Then they laid out the boards for the bottom, drew a contour on them according to the dimensions, cut out the main parts with a jigsaw, leaving only the edges, this can be seen in the photographs.

When adjusting the boards to one another, we leave gaps in the stern and in the bow, but in the middle we fit more or less tightly

When all the parts are prepared, we begin assembling the bottom, first tightly assembling the boards, sewing them with nails in the middle with a cross member, then using a rope and two crowbars we pull together the stern, sew them together with nails, and do the same with the bow

Due to the fact that the crossbars are rounded, and gaps were left between the boards in the bow and stern, when screeding and assembling, the bottom turns out to be a bit of a sphere both across and lengthwise. In the future, this gives the boat stability on the water. It is not necessary to adjust and tighten the bottom boards to microns, small cracks are quite acceptable, this will make it easier to caulk the bottom.

When the bottom is assembled, we line out the edges according to the planned dimensions and markings so that the edges are smooth, otherwise it will not be possible to bend the side boards clearly

The most interesting thing is ahead, you need to bend the sides on both sides at the same time, if bending one by one can warp and the boat will turn out to be skewed. We apply the side board to the bow on one side and sew it on, then do the same on the other side, then one presses it, bending the boards, the second pierces it with nails towards the stern.

The boards were tied together in the same way as the bottom - with a rope. As a result, some kind of shape was drawn, then it’s easier. We bend the second row of side boards in the same way. We don’t hit a lot of nails when stitching because we still have to caulk! Next, we saw off the excess ends of the boards, both the side boards and the bow and stern. Then you adjust the front bow board.

After completing the assembly, you work with a plane, rounding where necessary, leveling it, going through the entire longboat, cutting out the frames beautifully. After making it beautiful, we caulk it, add nails in places, screw the rowlocks, resin the bottom, nail the strips to the bottom, resin them, then paint. We also make seats and paint them as you like. Our oars are transferable, we change boats, but the oars are the same. The oarlocks on all our boats are the same, so there are no problems.

In principle, I tried to take into account all the stages and subtleties in the photograph, so that it was clear. Two boats have now been put together, one for the opening, the second just recently. The boats were made identically, one was tested, the second was at the stage of completion of work.

If anyone has any questions, please ask, I’ll be sure to clarify! Truth questions usually arise when self-production, suddenly someone will take it and make a piece of wood. For those who live near the lake, a piece of wood is irreplaceable!

Thank you for your attention!

Drawings and photos

A fishing boat is a small boat that allows you to fish in a quiet, cozy place remote from the shore, store and transport fishing gear and equipment, and, if necessary, transport cargo. Many fans of fishing prefer products made from natural material, for example from wood. They are bought in finished form, order or do it yourself.

Brief instructions on how to make a wooden boat will help a fisherman who knows how to use carpentry tools to make it himself.

Wooden boats have the following advantages:

  • made from environmentally friendly pure materials(usually from softwood logs);
  • light weight;
  • durability and reliability afloat;
  • maneuverability;
  • buoyancy;
  • noiselessness;
  • possibility of installing an outboard or stationary motor, sails, use with oars;
  • long service life if properly stored;
  • low cost compared to other devices.

There are 2 types of wooden boats:

  • oblique, or keeled;
  • flat-bottomed.

Punts are in great demand among fishing fans. They are convenient and comfortable; gear and accessories are located near the fisherman. The boats are highly stable and safe, they turn freely on the pond and do not capsize.

Skewed boats with a keel bottom have better maneuverability in difficult places, are fast and practical. In order not to scoop up water over the side, you need to learn how to correctly distribute the center of gravity.

Buy or make it yourself

Wooden boats are rare on the domestic market. More often they are made to order by craftsmen. The work is completed within 4-5 days, sometimes faster. Price vehicle will be determined depending on what length and width you want the boat to be: it can be made single or multi-seat. Before ordering a vessel self made receive information about the artist, look at previous products, and communicate with other clients.

If the process of manufacturing wooden boats is carried out on your own, it is possible to reduce financial costs. In addition, you can get great pleasure from the work done.

Manufacturing process

The construction of a fishing boat consists of 5 stages, these are:

  1. Structural design.
  2. Preparation necessary materials(boards, tools).
  3. Manufacturing and assembly.
  4. Boat tarring or caulking.
  5. Conducting tests.


When starting to make your own, it is better to purchase special literature on the topic of how to build a wooden boat, study the main components, design diagrams and drawings. Experts recommend making patterns on sheets of paper or using 3D modeling programs. The structure is divided into subassemblies and units. Details from the drawings must be readable, designations and dimensions must be shown, and the scale must be maintained.

Based on the parameters of the main parts of the boat, the amount of material required is calculated.

Materials and tools

To work, you will need to purchase wide and long spruce or pine boards. Cracks, burrs, and knots are not allowed.

Some craftsmen advise purchasing logs earlier, then laying them on a dry flat surface under pressure for a while to avoid deformation


List of required tools:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Square.
  4. Plane.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Fastening elements (self-tapping screws, screws, nails or screws).
  7. Hammer.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Jigsaw.
  10. Hammer.
  11. Bulgarian.
  12. Clamping vice.

List of materials that will be required for work:

  1. Putty.
  2. Oil paints.
  3. Oil varnish or drying oil.
  4. Antiseptic.
  5. Glue.

Do not forget about safety measures during the manufacture of the structure. For this purpose, use protective plastic glasses and comfortable, well-fitting gloves.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Wooden boat consists of the following parts:

  1. Rear side.

To make the nose part, the following operations are performed:

  1. Take boards without defects and measure the length according to the calculated dimensions.
  2. The edge is sawed off at 45° and planed.
  3. A chamfer is removed near the sawn edges. When pressing the boards, there should be no gap between them.
  4. The ends are coated with a protective antiseptic substance.
  5. The base of the bow is made of triangular timber, taking into account that the length should be 1.5 times the height of the vessel. The timber is planed and treated with an antiseptic.
  6. 2 sides and a base are assembled, lubricated with wood glue and fastened with nails or screws.
  7. All excess protrusions are cut off.

Algorithm of actions for building a tailgate:

  1. Choose a board 5 cm thick.
  2. The sides are made from boards. A margin is left at the top and bottom for subsequent processing.
  3. Stiffening ribs are inserted between the structures according to the boat diagram with your own hands. Their length is equal to the width of the craft, the height is similar to the height of the sides, otherwise the side elements will burst when bent.
  4. To bend the sides you will need 2 assistants. The edges of the side boards are attached to the stern; at this time, assistants carefully bend the side parts using a rope. Marks are made where the chamfer needs to be removed so that there are no gaps. Then they chamfer the marks, try them on and adjust them.
  5. The joints are treated with an antiseptic and connected with glue, screws or self-tapping screws.
  6. Excess material in the lower part of the stern is sawed off and the top is formed.
  7. In wooden boats, holes are made with a drill for the engine on the rear side, seats and permanent spacers in the sides. Then the jumpers and seats are installed. The engine is attached after assembling the entire structure.

To create a bottom in a wooden boat, use a galvanized sheet fits better everything. The frame is placed on it with the bottom down, traced with a pencil with a margin of 1.5 cm and cut out special tool. Then the craft is turned over, chamfered from the side parts and spacers adjacent to the bottom, and treated with an antiseptic.

After the impregnation has dried, apply from below silicone sealant, lay tow or wire threads on it in 2 rows to prevent leakage.

After leveling the metal workpiece, the bottom is attached with self-tapping screws to the press washer; you can use nails, moving from the center of the vessel to the edges. In areas with metal protrusions of more than 5 cm, trim and bend the sheet to the sides, tapping with a hammer along the entire perimeter. Mounted to the bow sheet metal for protection against corrosion.

A mooring beam is glued along the sides along the upper edge, protecting it from damage when mooring to berths and other vessels. The keel, which ensures safety when turning, especially in devices with motors, is mounted to the bottom and placed along the centerline. It can be made from several slats.

After complete assembly the structure must be tarred or caulked, then painted. Resin treatment occurs only inside the vessel. This requires heated resin. To improve the viscosity, add a little machine oil. The resin is poured into all cracks, previously cleaned of dirt, and left to dry for 12 hours. Then it is treated with drying oil. Painting is done after the product is completely dry.

Final testing of the boat

The final step is to conduct leak tests. Testing is carried out both at home and in the pond. If it is possible to install a boat on a support on the territory of a private house, it is turned over, filled with a large amount of water from a hose, then set in its original position and checked for leaks.

When testing on a river or pond, you should not swim to great depths for about 1 hour. After a control check and there is no water in the fishing boat, it is ready for operation.

The punt-type boat is made of planks and plywood. No scarce materials are required for its manufacture. For the hull of a homemade boat, select dry boards 25 mm thick and plywood 6 mm thick. The boards for the sides and stern should have a width of 305 mm. All parts located inside the boat (stern seat, middle seat and struts) are made of 25 mm thick boards and have the same length - 864 mm. It should be noted that the dimensions of these parts must be maintained very accurately, since they are attached to the body only with screws.

The parts of a homemade plywood boat have the simplest geometric shape, and their manufacture is unlikely to cause any difficulties for anyone. Special attention Pay attention to precise fitting of mating surfaces and assembly and painting of the boat. The joining edges must be carefully adjusted and have minimum clearances along the entire length. To fasten all parts, it is advisable to use galvanized or tinned screws. The casing should be fastened with short screws 3x18 and 3x26, other parts (for example, sides with stern, seats, etc.) with screws 4x60 and 5x64.

The bottom of a homemade boat is made of 6 mm thick plywood. To ensure the water resistance of the boat, the joints of the hull with the bottom should be made with preliminary application of VIAM-B/3 type glue and secured with screws along the entire perimeter with a pitch of 40 mm. If purchasing VIAM-B/3 glue turns out to be difficult for you, then using thickly grated oil paint for these purposes can give quite satisfactory results. Although the paint has very weak adhesive properties, when reinforced with additional fasteners, it provides a fairly strong and waterproof connection. It is advisable to glue the seams on the outside with percale or canvas using AK-20 glue.

A grid of slats with a cross-section of 50x20 mm should be laid on the bottom of the plywood boat between the spacers so as not to press the bottom with your feet.

Specification of parts for a homemade plywood boat

Part designation Part name Quantity Dimensions in mm
Length Width Thickness
A Board 2 1800 305 25
B Stern 1 864 205 25
IN Spacer 3 864 100 25
G Seat 2 864 254 25
D Deck 1 914 305 6
E Bars under the seat 4 254 25 25
AND Grill rail 8 1200 50 20
Z Bar under deck 2 200 25 25
AND Oar (blank) 1 1200 140 35
TO Pen 1 120 - 30

The final and, perhaps, the most important operation is painting a homemade plywood boat. The boat must be primed before painting. The primer is made with natural drying oil. For better absorption into the wood, the drying oil should be heated until it begins to boil. Apply drying oil with a thick brush both outside and inside the boat. After the primer has completely dried, the boat is painted. To make the boat look elegant, best combination They will give red color up to the waterline and the rest will be white. The inside can be painted light green.

To obtain a red color, use red lead, and white will give lead or zinc white. The paint should be diluted very thinly on clean drying oil in such a way as to paint the boat 2-3 times. Liquid paint spreads better, gives a more even and durable coating. Painting should be done with wide, soft brushes.

For a homemade plywood boat, you can use any suitable oar or make it according to the dimensions given in Fig. 3.

The oar is made from birch boards 35 mm thick. File a spike at the end of the oar spindle and attach a handle (K) to it. Edge the edge of the oar blade with a brass plate.

To prevent water from draining, put a rubber ring on the oar spindle.

The oar of a homemade plywood boat also needs to be soaked in drying oil and painted.

Many in childhood dreamed of building a boat with their own hands: they watched videos and TV shows on this topic, and most men, even in adulthood, do not give up their dream. Building a boat is not only a pleasant pastime, but also the acquisition of a useful thing as a result, especially for those who have summer cottage plot or a private residential building near a pond.

Preparatory work

Like any construction, making a boat requires drawings. In order for a homemade vessel to be stable on the water and not capsize, accurate calculations must be made and the carrying capacity, bow shape, capacity, and other nuances must be taken into account. If special skills and knowledge are not enough to create a boat project, then you can use ready-made drawings.

The design of the vessel shown in the drawing is within the capabilities of a novice builder, and the materials spent on its manufacture will not be expensive at all. You can install a motor on this boat low power or a sail, in addition, it is easy to use for sailing in shallow waters.

There are also significant advantages of this vessel model:

  1. The speed of movement on oars will be about 5 km/h, and thanks to the small fin, the trajectory will be straight.
  2. The boat can accommodate 2 adults, one child and enough equipment for hunting and fishing.
  3. The vessel can be used for movement in thickets.

The vessel allows for 4 people on board at the same time. After installing a motor with a power of up to 8 liters. With. you get a mini-boat, and if you run out of fuel, you can use the oars. You can put an awning on the boat in bad weather. Despite the fact that the hull length is 4.2 m, the weight of the vessel does not exceed 60 kg.

This is a large-sized model, which provides an engine with a power of 50 hp. With. Length – 5.2 m, width – 2.08 m allows the vessel to accommodate up to 7 people. Very comfortable and practical option boats, but it requires serious labor and capital investments - it is better for experienced craftsmen to build it.

After the drawing is ready, you should take care of the availability of materials. To make a ship you need moisture resistant plywood And wooden boards. Don't skimp on materials. The tree must have natural humidity, no blue, knots or cracks. When choosing plywood, it is recommended to give preference Russian manufacturers, because it is of higher quality, unlike the Chinese one, which quickly becomes unusable and often has inaccurate geometry.

Boat making process

Once you have the design and materials, you can begin work on the manufacture of the vessel. The initial stage is cutting out parts based on the drawings. It is very important to maintain the accuracy of the dimensions, otherwise when connecting the elements it will be very difficult to fit them. To cut out parts efficiently, you should use a jigsaw.

Once the parts are ready, you can proceed to assembling the vessel, while following a certain sequence:

  1. Installation of heavy parts - connecting the rear side with the transverse ribs of the vessel (frames).
  2. Attaching the flat stern to the sides of the boat.
  3. The ship is covered with glue.

When the structure is assembled, care should be taken to seal the seams. To do this, use a special mixture of aerosil and epoxy resin, mixing these two substances in a 1:1 ratio.

Important! The resulting sealing composition is toxic, so it is recommended to carry out seam processing work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, using gloves and a respirator.

The internal seams of the boat are sealed with fiberglass; to do this, you must first cut out strips slightly thicker than the width of the slots.

Next are installed internal elements ships: luggage compartments, seats. When all the main parts are mounted and processed, the structure should dry completely. Next, the final sealing and sanding begins.

In order to further protect the boat from water and give it a beautiful appearance, it needs to be painted:

  1. You can degrease the surface using regular alcohol, although there is a huge range of products for treating wooden surfaces on sale.
  2. Apply at least 2 coats of impregnation and allow time to dry completely.
  3. Mask all existing defects using putty.
  4. Prime with boiled drying oil.
  5. Apply any waterproof wood paint.

With proper care and respect, a boat made of plywood will last a long time.

Important! For safety reasons, you should check the tightness of the seams before each launch and do not use homemade vessels for going out to sea or on mountain rivers.

Motor installation

If you decide to equip a homemade boat with a motor, then when making the transom you should take into account the dimensions of the engine. It must be securely fastened, although many boat owners ignore this rule, which leads to disastrous consequences. An insecurely secured engine can fall not only into the river, but also into the ship itself, which is very dangerous when the propeller is rotating. Therefore, when attaching the motor, you should use not only the clamps that are usually included in the kit, but also additionally bolt it to the transom.

The motor power must correspond to the size and carrying capacity of the boat. An engine with too little power will not move the boat or the speed will not differ from manual rowing. If the power is very high, the transom can be damaged. When choosing a motor, you should proceed from the weight of the boat and its design features. To calculate engine power you can do this: maximum length vessel multiplied by the maximum width. The result will be the bottom area. This value indicated in the instructions for the motor, therefore, knowing it, you can easily determine the right engine.

The basic process of making a boat with your own hands can be seen in the video:

People decide to build a watercraft with their own hands for various reasons: some are simply out of curiosity - whether it will work out or not; Some people take pride in showing off a boat they made themselves; someone simply doesn’t have any free ones cash to buy a boat made by specialists. There may be many reasons, but sooner or later they all force you to take up a pencil to draw up your own drawings motor boat.

From what materials?

What can you use to make a motor boat? Let's take a closer look at what materials are used in the construction of motor boats.

  1. Fiberglass boats. Fairly light, durable and cheap material for ship construction. The work usually does not cause much difficulty even for a novice shipbuilder.
  2. Plywood boat. Available material, relatively cheap, it is quite easy to process: you do not need to purchase expensive tools or have any special knowledge and skills.
  3. Inflatable pvc boats. You can also make your own PVC watercraft for the motor. The downside is that the material is more expensive; making such a boat requires a lot of free space. The cost of a homemade PVC boat may be higher than that bought in a store.


Before we consider how to make a fiberglass motor boat with our own hands, let's study all the pros and cons of this material.

  • Reliable.
  • Durable.
  • Waterproof.
  • Presentable in appearance.
  • Affordable.

A fiberglass boat can be either a keelboat or a punt, since fiberglass is a fairly durable material that is not afraid of sandy and rocky bottoms. A fiberglass boat will be shock-resistant, and you can easily navigate through shallow water without fear that the bottom of the boat will rub against the rocks. In addition, this material can easily withstand temperature changes, so there are usually no problems with storing the boat: it can be left for the winter even in an unheated garage. The repair is also quite simple: you only need epoxy resin and fiberglass. Since such boats do not require air inflation, they cannot be punctured or torn. These watercraft are practically unsinkable.

The main disadvantage of such a boat is that they have enough large sizes, so transporting the vessel is usually difficult. Typically, a trailer is required for transportation.

Making a fiberglass boat

As always, first you need to prepare a drawing and make a matrix for the future vessel. This should be done before you start building a boat with a motor with your own hands. You can develop a drawing yourself or take a ready-made one. When drawing up a boat design, it is imperative to take into account both the rigidity of the fiberglass and the fact that all sides are perfectly aligned, since this will subsequently affect the stability of the vessel.

Making a matrix, that is, a mold for a future boat, is perhaps the most expensive and complex process in making boats yourself. It is important that all dimensions are perfectly adjusted, the shape of the vessel is carefully worked out and all markings are made. To ensure that subsequently there are no difficulties with squeezing the boat out of the matrix, and that the boat itself can continue to serve in the future, it is important not to forget to build nipples into it.

In order to build an easily and freely made boat with a motor, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials in advance:

  • Boat gelcoat.
  • Hardener.
  • Polyester resin.
  • Glass mat.
  • Scissors.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Oarlocks and rowlocks.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Coat the matrix in four layers with release wax.
  2. Apply gelcoat to the outer layer of the vessel
  3. Install fiberglass seats parallel to the sides of the boat.
  4. Roll the glass mat in five to six layers to give rigidity and strength to the entire structure.
  5. Cut off the excess “fringe” and glue the seats using special glue.
  6. Screw on the oarlocks.
  7. Sand the sides of the boat using sandpaper.
  8. Gel coat both the inside and outside of the boat.

It is better to make the bottom on such boats double and sealed, which will make the boat practically unsinkable even in cases where it capsizes. You can strengthen the body by laying wooden blocks along the mold and cover them with two layers of fiberglass.

The main cost when building a boat with your own hands for a fiberglass motor is precisely in the manufacture of the matrix. Its production for just one boat will be unreasonably expensive, so before construction, think about how you can pay for the matrix itself.


This material for building a boat with your own hands for a motor is usually chosen because it is publicly available; you can buy it in almost any hardware store at a relatively low price. In addition, the plywood sheets are thin, easy to bend, and the plywood can be processed using simple hand tools without large material costs. But let's figure out what are the pros and cons of building a plywood boat with your own hands for a motor.

They have already been listed above. One can only add that plywood boats relatively light weight and good capacity.

These, perhaps, include the fact that a sheet of plywood is difficult to bend at a large angle, since it can easily crack, therefore, although thin sheets and bend quite well, when building a vessel they try not to take unnecessary risks and build boats predominantly triangular or rectangular shape, avoiding too much bending of the material.

Making a boat from plywood

As with the construction of any other boat, when making plywood analogues, work should begin with a drawing. We will not repeat ourselves and remind you that you can either make drawings of a motor boat with your own hands or purchase ready-made ones.

To build a watercraft, you will need standard woodworking tools: a hacksaw, a jigsaw, a plane, a screwdriver, an axe, a hammer, a chisel, a screwdriver, and so on.

In addition, you will need to purchase:

  • waterproof plywood standard size;
  • pine or oak board;
  • the fabric with which you will cover the body;
  • putty;
  • waterproof glue;
  • drying oil or other water-repellent impregnation for wood;
  • oil paint;
  • nails, screws, metal for making oarlocks.

A boat with a motor is practically no different from one intended for oars. The only difference is that when building a boat for a motor with your own hands, the stern is slightly modified: a transom is installed on it, which is made of multi-layer plywood. It is important that it can withstand the engine mount, so you should not skimp on it.

After making the drawing, you need to transfer all the elements onto thick cardboard on a scale of 1:1, that is, make life-size patterns of parts on it. From such a cardboard template it is much easier to transfer all the elements directly onto the plywood. When transferring the pattern, make sure that the plywood fibers run along the part.

After this, you will need to cut out all the parts from plywood, assemble the ship, carefully adjusting all the parts and structural elements.

In order to better protect the plywood from moisture, after completing the work, you can sheathe the finished boat with fiberglass. Glue such fabric in the direction from the keel to the sides, carefully ensuring that there are no folds or bubbles. After it is completely dry, it is necessary to putty the surfaces, prime them and then paint them.

PVC boat

Inflatable boats made of PVC for a motor are perhaps the most difficult boats to manufacture. The advantages of the latter include the fact that they are quite light, they can be taken on hiking trips, and they will fit into a regular backpack.

But such boats have a lot of disadvantages:

  • Fragile, prone to punctures: it is quite easy to tear such a boat if it gets caught on a bush or sharp stone.
  • Expensive: the manufacturing cost is quite high, since special material for boats is quite expensive.
  • You need to have certain skills: know at least the principles of cutting material. Even if you find ready-made patterns, ignorance of the basic rules of cutters can lead to damage to expensive material.
  • When gluing, mistakes are also unacceptable, since you will not always be able to peel the parts back, and, accordingly, this again leads to additional material costs.

Making a PVC boat

It is clear that building a boat with a PVC motor with your own hands, like all others, begins with a drawing. But, in addition to it, you will need to find patterns or patterns of all design elements to scale, so that you can then create life-size parts yourself.


  • PVC glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Tassels.

And most importantly, you will need a place with sufficient ventilation to make the boat.

Before building a life-size boat, we recommend gluing together the same model from at least ordinary polyethylene. This way you can: firstly, check the patterns themselves (unfortunately, they often suffer from the fact that there are gross mistakes made there), and, secondly, you will know the entire process and order of assembly, which will subsequently make it easier for you to work on a large vessel . At first glance, this work may seem pointless, but it can save you expensive PVC in case of mistakes.

Once you are sure that all the patterns are made correctly, you can begin making a PVC boat. Carefully adjust all structural elements and glue the seams well. After making the boat itself, it will be necessary to glue in the seats, transom and all the fittings. All this can be purchased in a store, or, if you have some experience, you can make it yourself.


With enough imagination, you can make your own boat with a motor from absolutely any material. And it cannot be said that this requires too much additional knowledge and skills. All difficulties that arise during the manufacturing process are quite easily solvable, since there is a lot of information on the Internet on making boats with your own hands.


In addition to all of the above, we add that registration of boats weighing less than two hundred kilograms and with engine power up to 10.88 hp. With. no longer required since May 2012. Therefore, when starting to build a boat with your own hands for a motor, be sure to take these parameters into account.