Soldering polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron. How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places. Tips for choosing and using a pipe soldering iron

Due to their affordable cost and ease of connection, plastic pipes have taken a leading position in the installation of water supply and even heating networks. Despite the fact that these structures are less strong and durable than metal ones, many prefer them when planning to change engineering communications in their houses and apartments. The quick installation of products is especially attractive, since soldering polypropylene pipes allows you to create a durable and reliable connection literally in a few minutes.

Classification of polypropylene pipes

Particularly durable plastic used for the production of pipes is not subject to corrosion, resists salt deposits and the appearance of limescale. Polypropylene structures are designed for long-term operation. The manufacturer guarantees 50 summer term facilities services.

This is indeed possible provided that the pipelines are operated under the pressure and temperature conditions specified in the instructions. Parts are designed for prolonged exposure to high pressure at low temperature of the transported liquid and vice versa - high temperature liquids at low pressure.

All polypropylene pipes can be divided into four categories

Polypropylene pipes are available in four colors, which does not mean any restrictions in use, with the exception of black, which are produced to be the most protected from UV radiation. The structures are used in water supply and heating systems; they can be connected to metal structures. Can be used in all types of pipelines: open, closed and wall. Polypropylene pipes are divided into categories:

  • PN 10 – version with thin walls. Applicable for heated floors, whose temperature is not higher than 45C or for distributing cold water.
  • PN 16 – used for organizing cold water supply in systems with high pressure or in heating pipes with low pressure.
  • PN 20 is a universal pipe, it can be used for both hot and cold water supply, where the temperature is not higher than 80C.
  • PN 25 – the structure is reinforced with aluminum foil. Used for central heating and summing up hot water temperature not higher than 95C. Can be used to connect a metal pipeline to a plastic one.

Preparation for welding + nuances of the process

The manuals that describe soldering technology indicate that structures with a diameter of less than 63 mm are usually connected using socket welding. At the joints of pipes, fittings are used, special connecting parts to which elements are welded. Larger diameter pipes are connected without fittings using butt welding. This method is considered the most reliable for them.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes is carried out using a manual welding machine, which is popularly called an iron. For parts with a diameter greater than 40 mm, experts recommend using devices with centering devices, which are somewhat more difficult to operate. Welding machines are equipped with special removable nozzles for pipes. They are heating elements made in the form of a sleeve for melting the outer part of the pipe or a mandrel for heating inner surface details.

Manual machine for welding polypropylene pipes

The diameters of the nozzles vary from 14 to 63 mm. The heating elements are coated with Teflon, a non-stick material. During the welding process, be sure to keep the nozzles clean and wipe them after each use with special wooden scrapers or tarpaulin rags. This must be done while the elements are still hot; cleaning cold parts is unacceptable.

Work order

Stage #1 - preparing the welding machine

The device must be installed on flat surface so that it is easily accessible. Before starting work, you need to determine what diameter pipes will be soldered and prepare the necessary heating elements. Design features The device allows you to use several attachments at once.

It is recommended that you install everything you need before warming up the device. The device heats up evenly, so the location of the heating element does not affect the temperature of the nozzle. They are fixed in the way that will be most convenient for work. To install attachments, use special keys. The desired temperature is set on the control panel of the device; for polypropylene pipes this is 260°. The device turns on and warms up, which takes about 10-15 minutes.

At negative temperatures, welding is prohibited. In addition, the time for soldering polypropylene pipes depends on the temperature in the room: in hot weather it is reduced, in cold weather it increases.

Stage #2 - pipe preparation

Using a pipe cutter or special scissors, the part is cut at a right angle. The cut area is cleaned and, together with the fitting, degreased using a soap or alcohol solution. The parts dry well. If work is carried out with pipes of grade PN 10-20, welding can be performed. If with PN 25, you need to additionally clean the top layers of aluminum and polypropylene. The work is performed using a shaver accurately but to the welding depth, which can be determined by the size of the welding machine nozzle.

You only need to cut a polypropylene pipe at a right angle

Stage #3 - heating the parts

The elements are put on the device nozzles of the required diameter. The pipe is inserted into the sleeve up to the limiter indicating the welding depth, and the fitting is installed on the mandrel. The heating time of the parts is strictly maintained. It is different for each type of pipe; the values ​​can be found in a special table.

Stage #4 - welding elements

The heated parts are removed from the apparatus and connected to each other with a confident, quick movement while maintaining the alignment of the elements. When connecting parts, they must not be rotated axially or bent. You also need to strictly ensure that the pipe enters to the depth determined by the inner boundary of the fitting socket.

The parts are heated for a strictly defined time

Stage #5 - cooling the connection

Heated parts must be allowed to cool, this is especially important for thin-walled pipes. Any deformation of parts at this time is unacceptable; they can lead to sealing of the internal lumen of the pipe. After the parts have completely cooled, it is necessary to blow or pass water through them to ensure that they pass through.

Video example of soldering work

Also, this whole process can be observed in this video instruction:

Recommendations on how to solder polypropylene pipes are quite simple. You can handle this work yourself. Experienced welders suggest that beginners solder the first part, cool it and cut it to make sure everything is done correctly. If there are errors, they will be immediately noticeable. In this way, you can quickly learn how to make reliable connections of polypropylene pipes, which will certainly come in handy during the installation or repair of pipelines.

It is advantageous to install an autonomous heating system from plastic materials. This is what most individual developers do. Modern pipes and fittings made of polypropylene can withstand loads well; they can be inexpensively purchased and installed independently.

However, in order for the work to be of high quality and the communications to work properly, it is necessary to choose the right material, as well as know how to solder heating pipes and follow the safety instructions.

Traditional heating systems are suitable for installation metal pipes and polymer, with some reservations regarding the conditions of their operation.

Types of pipes for heating systems:

  • Steel. Steel pipe without special protective coating in heating systems used throughout apartment buildings. Steel can withstand heat loads and high pressure in the pipeline well. The disadvantage is their susceptibility to corrosion. In conditions of aggressive additives used in industrial heating systems, their service life is significantly reduced. For individual developers, steel materials present difficulties in terms of self-installation.
  • Galvanized steel communications. Galvanized materials are more durable than untreated steel. But their cost is also higher.
  • Copper. These materials can be called aristocrats in the construction of heating systems. Copper pipes and fittings are durable but expensive. Their installation requires special skills.
  • Stainless steel. Stainless steel pipes are expensive materials. They are durable, reliable in operation, and require special skills for pipeline installation.
  • Metal-plastic. These are lightweight materials that are easy to install. They are rarely used in heating systems, since under such operating conditions they have a short service life.
  • Polymer materials. For heating, polypropylene pipes are used. These are inexpensive communications that can be installed by a non-professional if desired. Pipes are not subject to corrosion. With high-quality assembly, communications made of polypropylene last for decades. Their disadvantage is the limitation of the permissible coolant temperature and pressure in the system. However, polypropylene pipes are ideal for domestic, autonomous heating systems.

After listening to numerous pieces of advice, you decided not to hire craftsmen to install the heating system and make all the connections of polypropylene pipes yourself. If you are confident of success and are good at working independently, then feel free to start preparing and producing work.

We, for our part, will tell you what tools and equipment will be required for installation and how to properly solder polypropylene pipes. By default, we will assume that all the materials have already been purchased, all that remains is to assemble everything according to the scheme.

Welding machines for polypropylene pipes

Let's start with preparation installation tool. Since all connections of PPR pipes and fittings are made by soldering, you will need a special soldering iron for this purpose.

Note. The joining of PPR parts is sometimes called welding. In order not to get confused, remember that when it comes to polypropylene pipes, there is only one connection method - soldering, but it is often called welding. Using press or threaded fittings such as metal-plastic pipes, these systems are not mounted.

Used for work welding machine for polypropylene pipes there are two types available on the market:

  • with a round heater;
  • flat heating element.

The latter was popularly nicknamed “iron” due to some external resemblance to this household appliance. Different welding machines do not have fundamental differences, only constructive. In the first case, nozzles for Teflon pipes are put on and attached to the heater like clamps, and in the second case they are screwed to it on both sides. Otherwise, there is not much difference, and the device has one function - soldering polypropylene.

Soldering machines are usually sold complete with attachments. The cheapest and most minimal set made in China– this is a soldering iron with a power of up to 800 W, a stand for it and nozzles for 3 standard sizes of the most common pipes – 20, 25 and 32 mm. If your heating scheme contains only such diameters and you do not plan to solder polypropylene pipes anywhere other than your home, or do it professionally, then a budget set will be quite enough.

If, in accordance with the calculation and diagram, you need to join pipes of sizes 40, 50 and 63 mm, then you will have to spend money and purchase another soldering kit, which contains the corresponding parts. Well, the most expensive kits are produced in European countries, are distinguished by reliable operation and durability. Similar kits include the following tools:

  • soldering iron with stand;
  • Teflon nozzles for soldering iron of all the above diameters;
  • scissors for cutting pipes at a precise angle of 90º;
  • hex wrench;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • gloves.

Important! Since soldering polypropylene pipes involves working with heated equipment, it is strongly recommended to always use gloves, regardless of whether they are included or not. This is especially true for beginners, who in 99 cases out of 100 accidentally touch the heating element.

The working part of a soldering iron (heater) of any design is designed in such a way that 2-3 nozzles for small-diameter pipes can be installed on it. This allows you to save a lot of time when working with lines ranging in size from 20 to 40 mm.

A little about the power of the soldering machine. High power is necessary for quick and uniform heating of large diameter parts, which are considered to be sizes 63 mm or more. For home purposes, it is enough to have an iron with a power of 0.7-1 kW. Soldering irons with heaters above 1 kW are considered professional, and accordingly, they are more expensive than regular ones.

In addition to the iron, you should prepare another tool for soldering polypropylene pipes; its composition is given above in the list. If you don’t have scissors for cutting the pipe at an angle of 90º, then for this purpose you can use a hacksaw and a carpenter’s miter box, or make it yourself, guided by the drawing:

Note. When there are no scissors for polypropylene pipes and they are cut with a hacksaw, then the end must be cleaned of burrs outside and inside the product.

Before cutting a section of the required length, it must be accurately marked. The fact is that when connecting, part of the pipe fits into a tee or any other fitting; this is called soldering depth. Therefore, to the required size of the area, determined using a tape measure, you need to add the value of this depth, measuring its value from the end and putting a mark with a pencil. Since soldering technology provides for different immersion depths for different diameters pipelines, then its values ​​can be taken from the table:

Note. The table shows soldering depth ranges because different manufacturers PPR pipes it varies within these limits. The value can be determined by measuring several fittings with a depth gauge.

When installing heating systems, reinforced polypropylene pipes are soldered; they differ from conventional pipes by the presence of a layer of aluminum foil, fiberglass or basalt fiber. Moreover, this layer can be made differently in products from different manufacturers. When the reinforcement is not located in the center of the wall thickness, but near the outer edge, then stripping will be required before soldering the polypropylene pipes. There is a special device for this:

Welding process

Before you start working, you need to put attachments on the soldering iron that match the size of the pipes, and then turn it on and configure it. Here you need to know at what temperature to solder polypropylene pipes. Most manufacturers indicate operating temperature 260-270 ºС, you should not raise it higher, otherwise overheating cannot be avoided. Underheating is also fraught with poor-quality and leaky connections, where a leak will then quickly form.

It must be understood that heating time, product diameter and welding temperature are interconnected. In the table we indicate the welding time intervals at a standard temperature of 260 ºС.

Note. The duration of welding is the time until the plastic completely hardens, when the joint gains maximum strength.

When setting up the iron is completed, we proceed to welding, following the instructions for soldering polypropylene pipes:

  1. Taking the pipe in one hand and the fitting in the other, we put them on the nozzle of a heated soldering iron on both sides simultaneously, without turning them around their axis.
  2. We maintain the allotted time.
  3. Carefully remove both parts to be connected from the Teflon nozzle, again, without rotating.
  4. Smoothly insert the pipe into the fitting up to the mark without turning and fix it for the time indicated in the table, at this point the joint is ready. The operation is shown in more detail in the video:

It is more convenient to use the soldering iron correctly when it is installed on the table, so it is recommended to solder several practice joints first. After this, you can assemble all possible nodes with short sections in a convenient position. Next comes the laying of highways with the connection of tees locally; here it will be more difficult. A heated iron for soldering will need to be put on one side of the laid pipe, and the tee will need to be pulled on the other side, holding the device suspended. Then the soldering iron is removed from both parts and they are joined.

When laying main pipelines, follow the order of installation of sections and elements. Start assembling the system from the heat source and go to the end, and to connect two polypropylene pipes, try to use only tees, from which branches will go to the batteries. Use couplings for this purpose when it is impossible to do otherwise. Avoid joints in hard to reach places, otherwise to complete them you will have to work with two soldering irons at once in order to simultaneously heat the parts being connected.

Advice. Many manufacturers polypropylene systems are developing own instructions for installation of your products. You can get a lot from there useful information, take advantage of this.

How to connect a metal-plastic pipe with a polypropylene pipe

Due to various circumstances, it happens that it is necessary to connect various types pipes, for example, PPR and steel, metal-plastic with polypropylene and so on. Such situations happen in apartments where it is difficult to change a section of a common water supply or heating riser laid with a steel or metal-plastic pipe, but you need to connect to it. This is not big problem, you just need to take into account that all such connections are made through threaded fittings.

Since metal-plastic pipes can be connected using press and dismountable fittings, for joining with polypropylene it is more convenient to take a detachable fitting with external thread. In turn, a fitting with an external thread is soldered to the end of the polypropylene pipe, after which the connection is twisted in the traditional way, with flax or fum tape wound up.

When you need to cut into metal-plastic pipes, it is most convenient to install a tee with a threaded outlet, where you can subsequently screw the fitting, and then solder the polypropylene pipe to it. True, you will have to tinker with the installation of the tee: you need to turn off the water or empty the heating system, and then cut the metal-plastic and carry out the installation.


It should be noted that working with polypropylene pipes is not the most difficult task, although it requires concentration, attention and patience. Even if you spend three times as much time on the process as skilled craftsmen, you will do everything for yourself with high quality, and most importantly, for free.

Welding polypropylene pipes provides the fastest and most reliable connection compared to other types of plastic pipes. The connection process is the same for any PP pipes, with the exception of reinforced ones, which have their own installation characteristics. The simplicity and accessibility of this type of work allows you to carry it out independently at home, subject to the right technology welding and with the appropriate tools.

When installing polypropylene pipes, you can use one of three main types of connection:

  1. diffusion soldering;
  2. soldering with electrical fittings;
  3. cold welding.

Let's take a closer look at all three types of PP pipe connections: their features, main advantages and disadvantages.

In this article:

Diffusion welding using an electric soldering iron

At this method For connecting pipes, a variety of additional fittings and a special electric heating apparatus (soldering iron) are used.

It comes with a set of removable paired attachments, the dimensions of which correspond to the outer diameters of the pipes and the inner diameters of the connecting elements.

Read about the most popular pipe diameter and other characteristics of polypropylene products.

A pair of nozzles is attached to the thermal heating element of the electric soldering iron and is heated with its help. up to a temperature of 260°C. The connecting parts are inserted into the heated nozzles for a few seconds. Due to this, heating and partial melting of the surfaces of polypropylene elements in contact with the nozzles occurs.

After this, the pipe and the additional element are quickly removed from the nozzles and inserted into each other. As a result, interpenetration (diffusion) of the molten surfaces of the parts occurs.

After cooling, they form a completely monolithic compound.

Advantages of this method:

  • easy soldering process;
  • low cost of additional elements;
  • low cost of an electric soldering iron.


  • inconvenience of using an electrical appliance in hard-to-reach places.

Diffusion welding of polypropylene pipes is the most common at self-installation at home.

Connecting pipes using electrical fittings

Electric fittings are various connecting elements of a special design, inside of which there are built-in electric heaters with contacts extending outward.

During installation, the pipes are inserted and firmly fixed in the electrical fitting. A welding machine is connected to the external contacts of the electrical fitting using wires, supplying it with power in a preset automatic mode for a certain time.

As a result of the operation of the built-in electric heater, the inner surface of the electrical fitting is partially melted and the PP pipe is soldered to the connecting element.

Advantages of this method:

  • fast and technologically simple pipe welding process.


  • high cost of connecting fittings and welding unit.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes with electrical fittings is used construction companies when performing large volumes of work. At home, this method is practically not used.

Cold welding of pipes is carried out using special glue. It has a special composition that softens the outer surfaces of the elements being connected.

To do this, the joints are first degreased, then a layer of glue is applied to them. After this, the parts are connected to each other, fixed in the desired position and held for a certain time.

Learned how to connect pipes using the cold welding method is not inferior in strength to diffusion thermal soldering.


  • a simple technology that does not require the purchase of electric heating equipment.


  • This method of connecting polypropylene pipes can only be used for cold water supply systems.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Considering that almost no one uses electrical fittings and cold welding at home, further instructions will be devoted to self-welding polypropylene pipes using an electric soldering iron.

Tools and materials

To work you need to prepare:

  • a special electric soldering iron with a set of nozzles of the appropriate diameter;
  • special roller cutter (pipe shears) or saw;
  • a file or sharp knife for removing burrs at the ends of pipes;
  • measuring tape or ruler;
  • marker or chalk for marking the parts to be joined;
  • mounting device for soldering pipes with a diameter of more than 40 mm.

In addition to the PP pipes and connecting fittings themselves, you will also need cotton rags and liquid for degreasing the surfaces of heating nozzles (acetone, alcohol, etc.).

Table of welding parameters and times

To provide best quality connections, certain rules must be followed. The values ​​of the parameters indicated in the table depend on the diameter of the products and the ambient temperature.

Pipe soldering temperature: 260 degrees.

Outer diameter, mmPlanting depth, mmHeating time, sec.Fixation time, sec.Cooling time, min
16 12 5 4 2
20 14 6 4 2
25 16 7 4 3
32 18 8 6 4
40 20 12 6 4
50 23 18 6 4
63 26 24 8 6
75 28 30 10 8
90 30 40 11 8
110 33 50 12 8

The heating duration of the connected parts indicated in the table is given for an ambient temperature of 20°C. At lower temperatures, the heating time may need to be slightly longer.

Watch the video: how to weld PP pipes

Step by step instructions

The DIY diffuse welding process is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Step #1

Pipe cutter

Using a tape measure, a marker and a special pipe cutter or saw, measure and cut a piece of pipe of the required size. Before doing this, it is advisable to do a test cutting of the pipe to ensure the sharpness of the tool.

The end chamfer is removed from the end of the pipe section and all burrs are removed.

If the pipe diameter is more than 40 mm, its end must be cut at an angle of 35-45° to prevent the formation of scoring during soldering. Then the connecting fitting element of the required configuration is selected.

  • Step #2

The parts being connected are checked for the absence of any external defects. In this case, the pipe must fit tightly and completely into connecting element without backlash or distortion. If there is a large gap, another additional element is selected.

The surfaces to be joined are treated with a degreasing liquid.

At the end of the pipe, a marker marks the depth of the entrance to the connecting element, taking into account a gap of about 1 mm, which is necessary to prevent narrowing of the internal diameter of the pipe due to squeezing its end edge inward during soldering.

Also noted relative position details in relation to each other.

  • Step #3

Select the appropriate pair of heating tips of the required diameter, included in the electric soldering iron kit.

Their surfaces are cleaned with a degreasing liquid using a rag and the connecting parts are checked to fit freely into them without much play.

  • Step #4

The electric soldering iron is being prepared for use. To do this, the selected nozzles are attached to its heating element, the soldering iron is installed on a stand and connected to the mains.

The thermostat of the soldering iron must be set to the required heating temperature.

  • Step #5

Inserting pipes into soldering iron nozzles

After heating the soldering iron to the desired temperature, as evidenced by its automatic shutdown thermostat, the polypropylene parts to be connected are inserted into the nozzles for a few seconds.

If the parts are difficult to fit into the nozzles, then a slight axial rotation is allowed. In this case, first a connecting element is put on the inner nozzle, and then the end of the pipe is inserted into the outer nozzle.

After heating, they are removed in the reverse order. This is done because the connecting part has thick walls and requires longer heating.

  • Step #6

Smoothly insert the parts into each other

After the necessary heating, the parts are removed from the soldering iron nozzles and smoothly inserted into each other until the marks previously made with a marker match. Axial rotation of the parts relative to each other is not allowed.

It is necessary to monitor the alignment of the resulting connection.

  • Step #7

After joining, the parts must be kept in a fixed position for several seconds according to the above table of soldering parameters.

The pipeline can be used after 50-60 minutes after soldering.

If any defects occur in the connection, this section of the pipe is cut off and the parts are soldered again.

Soldering of reinforced pipes

Sweeper for cleaning pipe edges

PP pipes reinforced with an inner layer of aluminum or fiberglass have improved technical characteristics according to operating pressure and temperature, therefore they are most often used for heating and hot water systems.

When welding a pipe reinforced with an aluminum layer, before inserting it into the heating nozzle of an electric soldering iron, it is necessary to remove the outer polypropylene layer from the end of the pipe and aluminum shell to the required length of connection of parts.

This is done using special cutter for pipes or a sharp knife.

For soldering pipes, fiberglass reinforced, such an operation is not necessary.

Video: how to solder reinforced polypropylene pipes

When choosing a heating system, it is necessary to take into account both the efficiency of heating the premises and the current and planned costs of installation and further maintenance of the equipment system. Comparison for a private house.

About ways to regulate the temperature of heating radiators.

Polypropylene pipes entered our lives as a cheap and universal building material. There are many ways to connect them, but one of the most reliable, practical and convenient is soldering. To perform quality work you need to know some subtleties and tricks, which will be discussed in the article.

Many people miss this moment, but in vain. The quality and possibility of connecting pipes by soldering directly depends on their type. Here are a few of the most important points:

    Pipe diameter.

    Wall thickness. The heating time of the pipe depends on it. The thicker the wall, the longer it will take to heat the pipe or set a higher temperature.

    External or internal reinforcement. This is extremely important stage, which many are silent about. Some pipes are reinforced with metal to increase strength. This protection can be located both inside the pipe and outside. When working with such pipes, there are subtleties that should be taken into account.

Also see the table of markings corresponding to the scope of application.

Pipes of the latter type are used to connect plastic pipelines to metal ones.

Types of connection of polypropylene pipes

When polypropylene is heated, mutual diffusion occurs - mixing of particles. What is characteristic is that when it cools, the reverse reaction does not occur; the part becomes monolithic. This quality is used when connecting two pipes. Let's consider how the result is achieved.

Socket welding

This principle is most popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. To connect pipes of the same diameter, a special part is used - a coupling. Its internal diameter is slightly smaller than the external diameter of the pipes being welded.

Welding occurs due to heating and melting of the outer surface of the pipe and the inner surface of the coupling. Then the pipe is inserted into the coupling, the operation is repeated with the other part, and the connection is complete.

Butt welding

This principle is applied in production. To connect pipes of the same diameter, their sides are melted and then joined into a joint. The method is complicated in that it is necessary to ensure perfect, precise alignment, which is impossible at home.

Another disadvantage is the low strength of the resulting connection, therefore butt welding did not gain much popularity among masters.

Cold welding

Cold welding (using glue) is another type of connection. A special glue containing a strong solvent is applied to the pipe. It softens the surfaces of the pipes and they can be inserted into each other.

Big disadvantage this method is the low strength and tightness of the resulting connection. Another disadvantage is the drying time - a day or more. This is where cold welding loses to thermal welding.

At home, it is advisable to use connections using couplings. We will consider this method in more detail.

Required Tools

Before starting work, it is important to prepare all the necessary tools. Here's what you'll need:

Welding machine- is a heating element with nozzles for different pipe diameters. Some models have a thermostat to maintain set temperature, working with the same devices is much easier.

Pay attention to the number of holes for nozzles. Optimally - 2-3 pcs. This will speed up the process of welding pipes of different diameters.

If you do not plan to use this device in the future, then there are many services where you can rent a welding machine for the duration of the repair. So you don't have to buy it.

Scissors. You can cut the pipe with a hacksaw, saw or even a grinder, but the quality of the resulting surface will be unsatisfactory. It is much more convenient and practical to purchase special scissors for these purposes.

Gloves to protect your hands, choose thick ones that do not conduct heat well. This will protect you from getting burned.

Shaver. The device removes the outer aluminum layer when working with reinforced pipes. The tool may not be useful, depending on the type of material

Trimmer. The device is designed to remove part of the internal reinforcement. This is necessary to avoid water getting between the layers of the pipe.

Degreasing agent. Necessary for cleaning the pipe from dirt and grease. You can use ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. It is not recommended to use acetone; it can soften polyvinyl chloride.

Carrying out work

Before carrying out work, you must prepare work surface- measure and cut the pipes, remove the foil reinforcement, clean the pipe from dirt and degrease. Next, follow our instructions.

    Assemble the soldering iron, heat it up up to 270 0 C.

    Place the pipe onto the metal coupling and the connecting piece onto the soldering iron mandrel. The plastic will heat up and become soft.

    Remove the connecting piece and pipe from the heater.

    Without wasting time, connect the elements to each other using little force.

    Make sure that alignment is maintained and do not allow bending.

In most cases, the diameter of the pipe is larger than the diameter of the coupling or fitting. When heated and then joined, a bead of molten polypropylene is formed, which closes the seams.

Try not to overexpose the parts to the heating elements of the soldering iron. Optimal time for various stages of installation is indicated in the table.

When working, consider the following points:

    If the part cannot be placed on the nozzle, increase the temperature by 5-15 0 C.

    When working on outdoors In cold weather, increase the heating time.

    Do not allow the parts to rotate relative to each other.

A correct and high-quality seam will not melt inward; if this happens to you, reduce the heating time. If the parts don’t fit on top of each other, it means you haven’t heated them enough. It is necessary to increase the heating time.

Here are a few useful tips that will help you in your work:

    Carry out work only in ventilated areas. Heating the plastic releases substances that, if you breathe in them, can give you a headache.

    Draw a plan for the future structure, this will make further work easier.

    Remember to thoroughly clean the surfaces to be welded.

    Completely remove metal reinforcement from the soldering area. Even a small piece at the seam site can cause damage.

    After the welding machine heats up to the desired temperature, turn off one spiral. This simple measure will help extend the life of the device.

Try not to solder polypropylene pipes in a hurry. Four to six seconds is enough to calmly remove parts from heating elements and combine them according to the instructions.