Pisces zodiac sign is good love compatibility. Pisces man compatibility

Such a union as “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces” is quite remarkable. In general, we must admit, astrologers always pay great attention to studying the compatibility of those people who belong to the same zodiac sign. Well, “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces” is one of the most interesting and, oddly enough, promising unions.

Priorities in relationships

For these two, the most important thing is feelings. Moreover, they must be mutual, otherwise nothing will work out. So if a Pisces man and a Pisces woman get together, then you can be sure that this is not a spontaneous couple who just wanted to “try” a relationship, but an alliance with significant prerequisites for its occurrence.

Common interests are not that important to them. The main thing is that there is love. And then why it arose, how exactly it happened - are secondary questions. Without a doubt, sooner or later a boy and a girl will become interested in this topic, but certainly not at the beginning of their relationship.

Strong union

Marriage between people such as a Pisces man and a Pisces woman rests primarily on material well-being. In general, representatives of this zodiac sign are very rational individuals and think through everything in advance. In no case will they start a family if they have nothing for it. That is, a house that has everything you need for living, stable work and, of course, initial capital. So the guy and make every possible effort to ensure a happy future together.

If they have material well-being, then their life will be wonderful and amazing. If this does not happen, a hostile world awaits them. The balance of the union will be threatened. This is the specificity of the sign.

By the way, the union of two Pisces will also be based on their mutual kindness and condescension towards each other. These people know how to forgive, support and love like no other. They are very soft and sensual. Quarrels, of course, can happen (how could we live without them), but they are very light and do not drag on for long. Pisces don't hold grudges. They move away from them rather than fight.

He and she

Now it’s worth talking in more detail about such a fairly common union as “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces.” A girl belonging to this zodiac sign is a wonderful, sensual and talented person. The Pisces man, meeting this person, understands that this is what he has been striving for all his life. Just what I was looking for. And this, by the way, is mutual. The girl immediately falls in love with this gallant and moderately modest guy. They have a lot in common - a well-developed imagination, a witty, extraordinary approach to business, as well as character traits such as sensitivity, sensitivity and gentleness.

But, as often happens, everything has its downsides. Negative qualities they are also united. He is a Pisces, she is a Pisces - these are people who can be incredibly lazy. And dreamy. These two qualities can form a symbiosis, and then it will be even more difficult to fight them. Slowness, carelessness, neurosis, withdrawal from reality (which is why these people can sometimes write), causeless anxiety - this is what characterizes these people. And if suddenly the manifestation of these qualities is observed in one person from a couple, it’s okay, the other can maintain balance. But if suddenly it overtook each of them, it would be difficult. We just have to wait until one of them comes to his senses. Otherwise, a couple of lovers and a girl will turn into apathetic people who are carried away only by their thoughts and do not notice their other half at all.


As mentioned above, in the union of two Pisces, feelings come first. And all adults know in what form their manifestation is expressed. The physical intimacy of these two people is not characterized by passion, as, for example, in a pair of two Scorpios. However, they don't need this. But you shouldn’t think that coldness and indifference reign in their couple in this regard. On the contrary, their sexual experiences are very deep. They are romantics and their intimacy will be exactly the same. In addition, Pisces always listens to the desires of their partner and understands them perfectly, turning them into reality.

By the way, if one of the couple looks depressed and distant (this is not uncommon in the case of this zodiac sign), his partner should immediately pay attention to this. But there is no need to ask about what happened. You just need to listen to the silence on his part. Then you can help. Pisces are not those people who need to speak out as soon as they get home, to throw out a verbal stream of passions. Not at all. They will remain silent until the last moment. To help them ease their souls, a very delicate and subtle approach is needed. And who, if not Pisces, knows what to do in such situations?

Support and support

Pisces are people who are fickle in their emotions and experiences. Every day is different for them, they don’t feel the same every time. They always experience reality differently. And this is another difficulty. Pisces are not particularly goal-oriented. But if they want to achieve something, they try to do it.

However, if a person of this zodiac sign fails to achieve what he wants, disaster may happen. He falls into despair. And if you don’t help him in time and distract him from his problems, then it is likely that he will become addicted to alcohol or something worse. This is especially common among Pisces men. Such a person needs a girl who will understand such manifestations of emotions and distract with all her might, but only so that he does not perceive this as a condemnation for the passion of his soul. And this woman belongs to the same zodiac sign as the man. That’s why their compatibility is so successful. A Pisces woman and a man of the same sign will always understand each other and in no case will they make any reproaches or express their dissatisfaction. They respect the feelings and experiences of their significant other.

She is Scorpio, he is Pisces

Well, these two people can get together and form quite a strong union. What do they have in common? One element. It should also be noted that Scorpio has something that Pisces lacks (and vice versa). They are able to create, thus, a harmonious balance of emotions in relationships. Pisces is a delicate person with a rich inner world and experiences, who perfectly feels his partner in every sense of the word. For them, a confident Scorpio is spiritual guide. By the way, they have very similar views and worldviews. As, strictly speaking, interests. However, Pisces may not always open up to the passionate and expressive Scorpio. But this doesn’t particularly bother him, so the alliances turn out to be quite strong and durable.

Girl - Pisces, guy - Scorpio

Well, the specificity of the characters is clear, but a separate case of compatibility should be considered. He is Scorpio, she is Pisces. What will come of this combination of signs? First of all, I would like to note that the girl will definitely lose her head from her young man. She will admire him - his behavior, worldview, character, manners. Such unbridled love in most cases leads to marriages. Or to a strong friendship.

But don’t think that the guys remain some kind of liability in this couple. They, of course, are more reasonable and will not allow themselves to go into the deep end so quickly, but this is their advantage. If he is Scorpio, then he is conscious, thoughtful. And, accordingly, it will last for a long time.

Compatibility with Libra

I would like to pay special attention to such a couple as he is Pisces, she is Libra. Many people mistakenly believe that these are two incompatible elements. Against. They are united by such character traits as sensitivity, gentleness and love of beauty. However, if Pisces manifest themselves this way in life, then Libra can appear as such only to those closest to them. For those people to whom they do not consider it necessary to open up, these individuals can be cruel, arrogant, rude, and expressive. Or pleasant to talk to, simple, interesting. It all depends on Libra. But, in general, they make contact very easily and instantly sense the mood of their interlocutor. Pisces really like this trait. And if Libra loses their head over this person, then they will make every effort to become everything for him.

Although sometimes the desires and aspirations of these individuals contradict each other. Sometimes Libra withdraws into itself, while Pisces goes into their dreamy world. Rarely, but it happens. Reminds me of a couple “he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces.” The horoscope predicts positive compatibility, but for this it is necessary that both of them love each other. The feelings in their union will overcome any discord.

Undesirable alliances

And finally, a few words about which zodiac signs Pisces are clearly at odds with. And the first on this list is Aries. They are complete opposites. Interests, attitude to life, behavior in a couple, characters - all this is completely at odds with them. Taurus is also not the best choice. Harsh, expressive - to them the specific romantic behavior of Pisces will seem not only unusual, but empty and meaningless. And they won't hesitate to say it. This will hurt vulnerable Pisces. Not everything will be smooth with Leos either. Although Pisces admire such people, their potential partners do not always like it. Leos love difficulties in relationships and intrigue. And they don’t even have to woo Pisces.

Perhaps these are the three zodiac signs with which representatives should build relationships water element it will be the hardest. But everything happens in this life. Maybe you will have a happy marriage with one of the above, if you have crazy love and a desire to be together.

Pisces, by its characteristics, is the most emotional sign of the zodiac with developed intuition and a rich inner world. Such people choose a partner among dynamic signs in order to feel secure. Pisces prefer strong Aries, gentle Taurus, extraordinary Scorpio or tough Capricorn. Such unions sometimes harm the sensual nature. With patience and understanding, Pisces are able to interact with Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, and can also learn a lot from other zodiac signs and build strong friendships, partnerships or families.

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      Compatibility of Pisces with other signs: Aries

      Communication between these signs is not easy, and some call such a union mysterious and unpredictable. A couple's love relationship can end quickly or last a lifetime. It all depends on a sincere desire to be together and patience.

      • In this union there is mutual attraction, but the inconsistency of characters prevents the building of harmonious relationships. Aries takes the leading position, since Pisces are quite passive and lazy. They are able to support each other, but the slightest quarrel can destroy this idyll. Pisces tend to dramatize the situation and shift the blame to someone else. Aries will stubbornly stand their ground and defend personal interests. Lovers are prone to violent quarrels over trifles and all-consuming passion after reconciliation.

        Active Aries and sensual Pisces will become good friends. A representative of the fire element is ready to move towards his goal, overcoming physical and mental fatigue. Such determination attracts calm Pisces, who listen to the instructions of Aries. The fire sign finds in the water sign a pleasant interlocutor who can listen and console.

        Different temperaments allow such partners to enjoy each other in bed. A passive water sign allows Aries to dominate, which is why they are so comfortable together. Long-term abstinence from intimacy will negatively affect relationships. A lack of new sensations and loss of interest in a partner will ruin this union.

        In business, these horoscope signs do not agree at all. What attracts one person repels another. They not only have opposite characters, but also different interests. In fact, Pisces show passivity and aloofness, which prevents them from doing business on their own. When paired with Aries, the water sign can obey and carry out various assignments. Maximum dedication will be required from the fiery one, since he is a leader.


        Taurus and Pisces are an interesting and extraordinary couple. Taurus is down-to-earth and practical, while Pisces is calm and diligent. A love union combines reliability, constancy and stability. They prefer to spend time at home watching a movie. Their marriage is strong and harmonious. The reliable shoulders of Taurus hold the union together, and Pisces provides it with support. A tender and strong relationship binds this couple with high compatibility in love. The only problem may be the changeability and inconstancy of the water sign.

        Sensual partners will prefer to experiment and surprise in bed. Passionate and uninhibited Taurus will give satisfaction to a sensitive partner. The couple will be able to turn their wild fantasies into reality at any opportunity. There is extraordinary tenderness and warmth in their closeness. Partners know how to listen to the desires of the other and fulfill them in the best possible way.

        Friendship between zodiac signs begins slowly but surely. They can spend a lot of time together, visit cozy places and talk about everything. With Taurus, the beloved feels confident and relaxed. And Taurus feels calm and relaxed. Often the friendship between a man and a woman of these signs develops into a closer relationship. Representatives of the same sex become good friends.

        An alliance in business will be successful if the roles are distributed correctly. A representative of the earthly element is distinguished by business acumen and the ability to properly manage money. Pisces are a creative and emotional person who is characterized by hard work and punctuality. Their joint activities will become prosperous if Taurus takes on the material side of the project, and the water sign takes care of creative activity. The pair Taurus the leader and Pisces the subordinate is considered favorable in business.


        This is a difficult combination of two zodiac signs. They are completely different, but can learn qualities such as:

        • looseness;
        • romance;
        • compliance;
        • sensitivity.

        Pisces becomes more relaxed, and Gemini becomes more diligent. Their relationship develops quickly. The Water sign surprises with its ingenuity, and Gemini attracts with its down-to-earth and logic. Disagreements begin the moment love ends.

        The Water sign of the zodiac prefers calm and regularity, while Gemini needs stormy emotions and new sensations. In marriage, partners experience misunderstandings. Geminis do things based on their wits, while their partner lives by their dreams. Pisces' inability to maintain the interest of the chosen one leads to disappointment for both. If there is genuine feeling in a marriage, partners must listen to the needs of the other.

        In sex, the couple is united by ingenuity and emotionality. Showing sentimentality in bed will turn Gemini off. A water sign needs to feel a spiritual connection, while an air sign needs physical sensations. Partners do not understand each other's needs and for this reason they often disagree.

        Friendship between such people rarely arises. The representative of the water sign looks boring and naive to Gemini. And the water sign sees the partner as critical and sarcastic. Making acquaintances during the trip will bring them valuable experience. Gemini will help you have a fun and unforgettable evening. His faithful friend will listen and lend his shoulder. Friendship rarely develops into long-term communication.

        Zodiac signs behave differently in the business sphere. Pisces are too lazy, vulnerable and slow. These qualities are unacceptable for the hardworking and fast Gemini. They take their work seriously and responsibly. A water sign relies on intuition and their own emotions in work situations. Gemini and Pisces can become partners subject to temporary cooperation.


        There is understanding, care and responsiveness in their relationship. Creative people are endowed with changeable character and sentimentality. Cancer gets the missing romance, and Pisces gets security and financial stability. The romantic relationship of this couple is full of emotions, joint dreams and warmth. Partners understand each other's desires and try to satisfy them. It is easy for a loving couple to get along together. Their home is always cozy and warm. The only problem is the attitude towards money. The Water sign spends a lot of money, which does not suit thrifty Cancers. Their love and respect for each other's feelings will help overcome quarrels and conflicts.

        In bed, the zodiac signs are ideally combined. They have similar temperaments. Making love brings unusual sensations to partners. Cancers know how to properly treat gentle Pisces. The representative of the water sign, behind the detachment of the chosen one, is able to reveal sensuality.

        The friendship between Cancer and Pisces combines the entire spectrum of emotions and feelings. There is drama, sentimentality and heated arguments in these relationships. They often achieve mutual understanding from the first minutes of communication. Water signs connect good feeling humor, responsiveness and kindness.

        Business relationships are going well and bring many positive aspects. Creative individuals form a strong and well-coordinated team. The union is able to unleash the potential of each of the zodiac signs. Cancer will be able to control the situation, and inspired Pisces will be able to find ways to achieve their goals. Partners are able to develop their business in social sphere.


        Zodiac signs represent different elements. They have different goals, aspirations and temperaments. The couple's difficult relationship will bring positive results if Leo takes the lead. Then Pisces needs to smooth out conflicts and treat their partner with understanding. Only wisdom and the manifestation of the best qualities can keep a couple together. Married relationships will develop harmoniously if lovers show care and tenderness. Energetic Leos need independence, which will make Pisces indignant. IN family life the couple needs to adapt to each other.

        IN intimate relationships the union will experience pleasure and bliss. Sensual and gentle Pisces will love the extravagance and inventiveness of Leo. Representatives of the water element will admire the strong predator. In bed, Pisces feel an unusual attraction to fire sign. The chosen one will appreciate their rich world if he can find an approach to his subtle nature.

        The friendly union will turn out to be strong if the partners show their best qualities. Soulful and wise Pisces will enjoy communicating with the smart and reasonable Leo. It contains qualities of character that a water sign lacks. It is Leo who is able to become a faithful and reliable friend for the mysterious Pisces. The friendship of these signs is strong and long-lasting.

        Such people will have a hard time in the work sphere. Especially if one of them plays the role of a subordinate, and the other - a boss. Successful interaction will develop with temporary cooperation. The development of a common business will bring positive results if Leo and Pisces become equal partners. They will be able to manage general business, commercial affairs and creative projects.


        Such a union is considered ideal. A couple in love will announce their love to the whole world. They will open up to each other and show the best qualities of their character. Their combination will bring creativity, inspiration and new emotions. The romance will quickly develop into a long-term relationship. Marriage will be the best period in the life of both signs. The problem may arise due to the inconstancy of Pisces. Virgos need to diversify their leisure time and devote more time to their partner.

        There is mystery in the couple's bed. Their intimate relationship develops interestingly and rapidly. In addition to passion, there is warmth and tenderness. In this union, harmony is always present in everything.

        Friendship between the zodiac signs will be successful. In their relationship, everyone will give practical advice, help and help out in any situation. Couple talking on different topics, visiting interesting places and shares his impressions. Virgo conquers the sensitivity of Pisces, who look at what is happening like a child. Partnerships will eventually develop into strong friendships. They will always be interested and have fun together.

        Business success awaits partners. Pisces have good intuition and the ability to come up with brilliant ideas. A responsible Virgo will help you realize your plans and develop in this direction. Different elements show interest in working with creative initiative and attention to detail. If partners adopt the best qualities from each other, then we can expect high-quality and long-term cooperation.


        The couple will have a contradictory relationship. At first, Pisces will captivate with their love of art, and Libra with their responsiveness and friendliness. A gullible water sign risks falling into a trap and being deceived. After all, Libra will be able to deftly manipulate a representative of the water element. They are not prone to empathy, and Pisces are too mysterious. The signs of the zodiac are similar in the sophistication of their souls, but they do not understand each other at all.

        In intimate relationships, the connection between two signs is multifaceted. They have the same preferences, which form a strong desire to know and conquer the other. Libra strives to dominate, avoiding responsibility. The Water sign likes to obey and please their partner in order to bring true pleasure. If there is affection in a relationship, the bond will become stronger. Tenderness, romance and passion will appear in bed.

        In friendship, partners are ideal for each other. Zodiac signs are incapable of meanness and betrayal. They will always support and help in difficult times. Libra is calm and down to earth, while Pisces is dreamy and emotional. Everyone acquires the necessary qualities in this union.

        Representatives of different elements find it pleasant and comfortable to work together. Innate delicacy allows them to do without quarrels. Libra will choose a leadership position to manage and do the most difficult work. You can expect support and assistance in business from the water sign in this union. They are ready to carry out assigned tasks conscientiously. To reach the pinnacle of success, partners will have to make efforts and learn to take risks. Libra and Pisces prefer to engage in projects that involve forecasting and implementing new technologies.


        Representatives of the water elements have harmony in the union. These people are united by similar principles and aspirations in life. The couple is an example of a strong, reliable and permanent relationship. If they meet, separation is unlikely. Partners develop a mutual attraction that will build a strong family. The main thing is that they do not limit each other’s personal space.

        In marriage, Scorpio tries to provide for the family. And Pisces - create a cozy atmosphere at home.

        Connection on an intuitive level allows partners to feel each other in bed. They are gentle, attentive and charming. Pisces and Scorpio are attentive and caring in sex. Scorpio dominates, and Pisces does not resist the desires of their partner. In family life, sexual activity continues into old age.

        Friendship between representatives of the same element does not arise immediately. Female zodiac signs will find many common topics of conversation. Water people are able to open up completely and offer their help to their neighbors. Men will become best friends. In such a couple, Scorpio can look assertive and arrogant.

        Compatibility at work depends on the position held. Zodiac signs can be colleagues or partners. Scorpio will show leadership, and Pisces will be satisfied with this situation. In this tandem, everyone occupies a comfortable position. Scorpio the boss feels confident in a leadership position, and Pisces the subordinate is happy to carry out assigned tasks. A quarrel can occur if Scorpio begins to put pressure on an employee.


        Among the couples who fall in love at first sight are the sensual Pisces and Sagittarius. These lovers are attracted by the desire to be needed and loved. Otherwise, the couple faces many challenges. In a relationship, they are not able to understand each other because they have different aspirations. Open and friendly, Sagittarius is prone to constant change. Hidden Pisces are cautious in communication and prefer quiet life. Compatibility of a couple is called positive when it occurs true love. Then Sagittarius becomes tactful, and Pisces opens up to their partner.

        There is misunderstanding in the relationship between these signs. Everyone strives to prove that they are right, so it is difficult for them to be around for a long time. Sexually, partners have many contradictions. Pisces is gentle, sensitive and loyal, while Sagittarius is fickle and passionate. The latter prefers variety, so in the arms of the emotional water sign of the zodiac he feels limited. The couple has a hard time in bed.

        Friendship between Sagittarius and Pisces does not work out. They rarely find a common language because they have nothing in common. Pisces and Sagittarius can become comrades if they find common topics of conversation. In a friendship there is tension in communication. Energetic Sagittarius prefers to attract the attention of others, while reserved Pisces stays away. If Sagittarius stops pushing away their partner with selfish behavior, then communication will develop into friendship.

        Pisces and Sagittarius have good compatibility in work. It is important to distribute responsibilities correctly here. Sagittarius will be the main one in creating the project, due to the innate ability to generate ideas. The Water sign of the zodiac will promptly correct, direct and carry out orders of various kinds. If Sagittarius is subordinate to Pisces, then things are more complicated. Sagittarius may not understand the boss’s instructions and quit in a fit of anger. Only by putting aside personal ambitions will partners achieve success.


        A harmonious combination of two elements allows you to build strong relationships. Capricorn will provide the other half with stability and security, and Pisces will surround the chosen one with care and tenderness. In a love union, the water sign feels protected, so it trusts its partner. And Capricorn manages to correctly express his feelings towards his chosen one. Opposite personalities complement each other and show their best qualities. They will build a strong family that can cope with any troubles.

        Such people have good intimate compatibility. If there are real feelings, then the partners will experience real pleasure in bed. The couple is able to feel bliss physically and spiritually. Capricorn always takes the leading role, and the partner follows the instructions of the lover. There is passion and tenderness in the union. Such people complement each other perfectly, charging with energy and positive emotions.

        If personal relationships do not work out, then representatives of these signs can become good friends. Their best qualities are revealed, partners do not demand much from each other. Capricorn is reliable and faithful, so he will always help you out in difficult times. The water sign will help good advice and will listen. Water signs will be able to build strong friendships based on trust, understanding and respect.

        In the professional sphere, the couple’s compatibility is favorable. Capricorn and Pisces are able to plan, organize events, and prepare new projects. They work as one mechanism and listen to each other’s advice and wishes. Capricorn can take leadership position, and your partner will be happy to help you implement your plan. They are able to work in big company, but independent cooperation is more suitable for partners.


        Partners have different ideas about life and opposite temperaments. Such marriages are held together by the emotionality of the water sign and the intelligence of Aquarius. In a relationship, responsibilities are always distributed. The leader is the representative of the air element. His rationality attracts gentle Pisces. A caring and devoted companion will appreciate the independence of the chosen one, to whom she is ready to devote her life.

        Similar views on art bring partners together. The union of souls occurs on the intellectual and spiritual level. In most cases, relationships begin with strong friendship and develop into love. Partners are emotional and intellectually developed, so they are not bored together. The secrecy of a water sign negatively affects relationships. Pisces need to trust their partner and learn to open up.

        Intimate relationships are going well. Pisces are gentle and affectionate, although they often prefer to experiment. Aquarius pleases the chosen one with care and sensuality. In the first stages of a relationship, Aquarians show fiery passion.

        Close emotional contacts are not recommended in business. Representatives of the water element will have a bad influence on the activities of the team in a showdown. Partners can cooperate on equal terms when everyone feels their importance. This union is built on the technical rationalism and intuitiveness of Pisces. Their compatibility presupposes long-term and fruitful cooperation.


        The state of falling in love will give two dreamers incredible sensuality. The relationship between two Pisces contains unexpected surprises, romance and stability. They know how to empathize, support in difficult times and help. The couple has a passion for art and painting, so they have a lot in common.

        Representatives of the water element are not able to make decisions instantly. In marriage, a man must become the leader in order to avoid quarrels and disagreements.

        Pisces sense a partner instinctively. In bed, not only physical attraction arises between water signs, but also a spiritual connection. Two Pisces are ideally combined, so they feel confident and relaxed in bed. They dissolve in an atmosphere of tenderness and affection.

        There is complete mutual understanding between the signs. They form a good creative union with further development prospects. Only relationships based on equality will bring positive results. Partners can be involved in art, sales and improving the world. Each of them is realized as an individual and allows the other to develop.

        In friendship, Pisces are loyal and reliable. Representatives of the water element form a strong and long-lasting connection. They spend interesting time together attending cultural events. Pisces can talk for a long time, communicating on different topics. They like to consult with each other and share secrets. Friendships often develop into a romantic relationship. Representatives of the same sex become best friends.

Let's try to find out the compatibility of the signs Pisces and Pisces.

Pisces man and Pisces woman

Their union can be very harmonious and even full of happiness. It will be as bright as a rainbow, and this couple will live in a castle in the air.

They have very kind souls, they are both very careful. This means that they will rarely take risks and are unlikely to reach the top. But they will be able to do each other a huge service with their support, help, and ability to forgive. Thanks to mutual empathy, they will be able to maintain their relationship for a long time.

If there were on earth more people zodiac sign Pisces, then he would definitely become brighter, kinder and more romantic. They love music, poetry, books and art in general. But all this makes our life brighter.

In general, if two Pisces meet together, then they may have several options for how their relationship will develop.

First of all, they can work together very well. They are good at any subject from the humanities to architectural sciences.

They are naturally soft and calm, which can weaken many of their actions. All Pisces are very sensitive. Many people may have psychic abilities that they are not even aware of. Their life, like their mood, may largely depend on what they see in their dreams, what their intuition feels, or what insight descends on them.

If two Pisces decide to be together, they need to learn not to succumb to misconceptions, illusion, self-deception, and temptation from other people. Of course, they will not be able to avoid slight quarrels over trifles, insults, and irritability. But in general, they will understand their partner well, and will be able to avoid difficulties that would arise if they lived with someone else.

As a rule, acquaintance between Pisces occurs naturally and easily. They themselves do not notice how they are attracted to each other. Sex between them is unlikely to be passionate and ardent, but that suits them. Because at the same time they experience very deep and romantic feelings. Pisces and Pisces - compatibility in love is very good.

The Pisces man, deep down, dreams of being a traveler and following his dreams. But the materialistic world does not allow him to admit this. And for a Pisces woman, if her mood changes over time, tears flow, and she is silent for a long time, it means that it’s hard for her to live locked up. She wants to leave home and go free and have adventures.

Pisces and Pisces Horoscope

They understand each other perfectly in sex. If other problems fade into the background against this background, then they will be the best of all possible couples! But they need a strong and powerful partner who will control their emotions. They themselves are not able to fight them. The marriage will be built on sexual relationships.

Pisces are bestowed with magical qualities by the stars and can steal your hearts in an instant. They long to be loved, to belong, but also need their own space to escape to sometimes. If attraction arises, they are ready to devote themselves to their partner. Pisces is one of the most charming and cutest signs of the Zodiac. When it comes to compatibility in love and marriage, they are best paired with either Water signs or people with Earth signs, which give them the much-needed stability.

Pisces have the best compatibility in love and marriage with the signs Cancer (June 21 - July 22), Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) and Pisces (February 19 - March 20). They are well compatible with Taurus (April 21 - May 20) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 20).

Incompatible signs for them are Gemini (May 21 - June 21) and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21), although an alliance with Sagittarius can be useful for career, and with Gemini for emotional support. A relationship with Aries (March 21 - April 20) can give Pisces an advantage in financially. Regarding compatibility and harmony in marriage, one of the best selections is Virgo (August 24 - September 23). For spiritual development Partnership with Aquarius will be fruitful (January 21 - February 18).

Read more about the love compatibility of Pisces with all twelve signs of the Zodiac in the articles below:

Compatibility Horoscope for Pisces and Zodiac Signs

Pisces - Aries Pisces - Libra
Pisces - Taurus Pisces - Scorpio
Pisces - Gemini Pisces - Sagittarius
Pisces - Cancer Pisces - Capricorn
Pisces - Leo Pisces - Aquarius
Pisces - Virgo Pisces - Pisces

In love, Pisces are full of tenderness and compassion. They are peacemakers by nature, understand people well, and have a subtle sense of humor. They are very sensitive, and their partner’s harshness disgusts them. Loving is as natural to them as breathing. They are able to find a romantic side in everything, and especially in love relationships. Their ideal of love rises above the material world, so they would like to see next to their beloved, with whom they will unite not only the worldly, but also the spiritual. Many would call this a God-given union.

Pisces are incredibly attractive, charm is their main “weapon”. Next to them, some feel warmth, others softness and tenderness. To some they seem elusive, but this is only if they do not want to get closer. In love and marriage, Pisces need a certain level of freedom, so a tightly controlling partner is unlikely to be compatible with them. If Pisces feels that a relationship has outlived its usefulness, they do not always leave quickly due to the fact that they do not want to hurt anyone's feelings.

They are intriguing and changeable in love relationships; from the outside they can give the impression of chameleons. If the people Pisces spend time with exchanged opinions about them, they would be completely different. WITH different people representatives of this sign behave differently, but not because they have weak character. They simply perceive the needs of others and offer everyone to a certain person exactly what he would like to see. This is not difficult for them, because Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, embodying the traits of all other signs. Flexibility and receptivity make them great lovers and excellent spouses. When they love, they lose the boundaries of their own personality and dissolve in their loved one, ready to accept his needs as their own. But they are not always aware of what their own needs are.

Pisces have an amazing ability to understand people and forgive, but you cannot allow others to abuse this. Anyone who sees these traits as a sign of weakness is likely to profit from them. Truly loving person recognizes kindness as a sign of strength and values ​​such quality as a treasure.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Pisces woman captivates at first sight. She has an uncanny ability to conquer men. The softness, tenderness and innocence of the Pisces woman brings out their need to be strong and caring. This woman's chosen ones usually belong to one of two opposing categories. She is attracted to weak men, whom she can bestow with maternal care and participation. She also falls in love with representatives of the opposite type - strong, decisive, capable of protecting, nurturing, guiding and supporting her.

By Pisces woman compatibility- love for her is the basis, the meaning of life. If she is happy in love, everything else seems wonderful. If she suffers because of unhappy love, nothing else matters. Therefore, if you want to win her, prove that your feelings for her are strong and unchanging. Every man secretly dreams of someone like a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would have been much better for her to have been born in the century before last! The Pisces woman seems to have stepped out of the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at it, the word “emancipation” will immediately fly out of your head, but you will immediately understand what Tolstoy meant when he wrote about the “quiver of eyelashes,” “languid gaze” and other similar things that are incredible today.

Fish - visual illustration to the saying that a woman’s strength is in her weakness. And this power is truly enormous. Can any man remain indifferent to the fact that next to him is a charming defenseless creature who so needs his care and help? Of course not. His chest immediately expands, his fists clench, his height seems to become higher. The fragility of the Pisces woman awakens in him all his natural instincts, dormant since the times of the primitive hunter and seemingly completely asleep in our age of emancipation and equality of the sexes. For her sake, he is ready to kill a mammoth, build a cave, uproot a tree... However, looking around, he notices that there are much more knights like him around the princess than dragons.

Indeed, the charm of the Pisces woman is so great that she usually has many defenders, patrons and admirers. At the same time, each of them is convinced that it is on his powerful shoulder that she is about to lean. Pisces takes this state of affairs for granted. She cannot be called a coquette, but she, of course, knows very well that with her charms she keeps them all close to her. Her mystery, silence, helplessness, amazing look, which can be both radiant and unexpectedly stern - all this powerful arsenal of the Pisces woman is not a skillful trick, but part of her nature, and works on men flawlessly. She will not lift the glove herself or get out of the car first, allowing it to manifest itself. best qualities the gentleman next to her - his gallantry, intelligence, courage, education, nobility.

Men go crazy about her, but she carefully keeps all the secrets of her mysterious heart. Her choice may come as a complete surprise to those around her: neither her appearance, nor her influence and fat wallet, nor good manners can guarantee that a Pisces woman will become your wife. Remember that her decision can be influenced by many of the most incredible, even mystical, reasons, and her love for you influences her choice no more than the voice of her premonitions and intuition.

If compatible in love and marriage, the Pisces woman will happily allow you to take care of her, because that’s what you wanted, right? She is of little interest in where you get the money from and how you are going to manage it - the main thing is that it is enough to live on and at the same time, preferably, she does not have to work. Be prepared for the fact that you will make all the important decisions in the house alone. The Pisces woman will agree with you and will willingly support you in everything, but since she will not delve too deeply into the situation, responsibility for decision made will rest only on you.

Although Pisces cannot be called the owner of violent emotions, her mood can change like the weather in April. She was just smiling - and suddenly the smile is replaced by sadness, and a silent reproach appeared in her eyes against you. However, despite all this, you yourself will be surprised at how you will rush home from work to your mysterious, gentle creation. No gatherings with friends can compare with evenings spent alone with a Pisces woman. Who else will listen to you like that, with bated breath and bowing his head on your shoulder, who better than her will share with you both your successes and your sorrows?

The Pisces woman is like beautiful flower. Her love is not easy to achieve, but her charm, fragility, naivety and gentleness are worth any feats performed for her sake. And at sixty years old she will surprise you with her magic of femininity, read in her smooth movements and shining eyes. But the main thing is that next to the Pisces woman you will always feel like a brave defender and conqueror of dragons. Even if this dragon is the neighbor’s puppy barking at her.

Pisces Woman with Other Signs

Pisces woman and Aries man- The union in this case can be called more than promising. In it, a woman is femininity itself, and a man is truly a representative of the strong half of humanity. A woman will always console and understand a man and give him support.

Pisces woman and Taurus man- This union is quite favorable and allows you to bring out the best in both partners. Taurus man and Pisces woman may have different views and opinions and sometimes have a different outlook on life, but they both complement each other well.

Pisces woman and Gemini man- The Gemini man and the Pisces woman collectively have few points of contact, and therefore such a union is very rare. Gemini is a people of action and the realities of life, while Pisces are in the world of their own emotions, sensations and fantasies. In everything they are guided more by instinct than by logic.

Pisces woman and Cancer man- If such a couple is already formed, they are in full confidence that a happy fate brought them together. They are similar to each other, both in their lifestyle and in their understanding of the essence of the relationship. They have the same worldview.

Pisces woman and Leo man- Building such a relationship will require a lot of effort from both representatives of these signs. However, all efforts will not be in vain, the result will be quite successful. The Leo man strives to be the center of attention, and the Pisces woman is ready to disappear into her lover.

Pisces woman and Virgo man- The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Virgo man can only exist in one of two extremes. They are either harmonious or painful.

Pisces woman and Libra man- Astrologers estimate the compatibility of representatives of these signs at 68%. In family life, both really lack realism, this is especially obvious in making any decisions. This may be a reason that will prevent this marriage from lasting for a long period.

Pisces woman and Scorpio man- Their union may not be ideal, but it is definitely as close as possible to it. Such people, it would seem, by the will of fate must necessarily be together. And then they will be able to discover the great secret of Yin and Yang. In other words, their union is a clear demonstration of harmony and mutual complementarity.

Pisces woman and Sagittarius man- Such a couple will be brought together by mutual love and desires to explore their spiritual world. Pisces has an unusually interesting and multifaceted inner world. And Sagittarius will definitely want to explore this world. However, the same can be said about Pisces, who will begin to dive into the inner “I” of the Sagittarius man.

Pisces woman and Capricorn man- The success and, in general, the likelihood of the emergence of such a specific union depends only on the man. The fact is that even if a woman becomes interested in such a stern representative of the stronger sex, she will be able to conquer him only when he wishes. But if the initiative comes from him, then anyone will give in under the pressure of feelings and beautiful courtship.

Pisces woman and Aquarius man- Their relationship can be quite integral. Together they can be a very great force and even make the impossible possible. The loyalty, love and trust that an Aquarius man exudes towards a Pisces woman can make their relationship strong as she needs a man who will always take care of her.

Pisces woman and Pisces man- The Pisces woman combines all the talents and qualities that a man likes so much. Therefore, having met such a lady, it will seem to him that he has finally found what he needs and will completely plunge into a whirlpool of feelings. Love lived inside him, but only when he met this girl did it come to life.