Boards on a concrete floor in a garage. Wooden floor in garage. Pouring a concrete floor

Outbuildings are usually built after the construction of a dwelling. Therefore, the question of how to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands is asked by individual developers who have leftover flooring edged board. Lumber absorbs odors and fuels and lubricants, wears out intensively, even on non-studded car wheels, and requires regular renewal of the protective and decorative layer paint coating. Therefore, plank flooring in the garage is not the best option.

According to the standards for the design of parking lots/garages for passenger cars of TsNIIPROMZDANIY, a uniformly distributed load of 400 kg/m 2 is assumed for the floor. Therefore, the following values ​​for the cross-section of lumber and the distances between them are recommended:

  • the floor in the garage is made of boards 2 cm thick - the pitch of the beams is 0.3 m, made of boards 5 x 15 cm;
  • board 3.5 - 4 cm - beam pitch 0.5 m, you can use a board 5 cm thick per edge or a block 10 x 10 cm.

Dependence of the cross-section of beams on loads and spans.

Important! Do-it-yourself wooden floors in the garage are made only from boards. Chipboard, OSB or plywood are suitable only for subfloors.

Main operational nuances factors affecting the design of wood flooring in a garage are:

  • the presence of an inspection pit and a cellar - the beams are cut off at the locations of these structures;
  • the dimensions of the building are the classic version of 4 x 6 m, so a solid board is enough for each first and last row;
  • hygiene - when cleaning, it is more convenient to sweep dirt out through the gate, so the boards are placed along the long side, and the beams under them are placed across them, which makes it possible to reduce the cross-section of the lumber;
  • absence of load-bearing walls - a garage is not always built from bricks and timber, there are metal and panel buildings on a columnar foundation, therefore, for the floor that serves as a ceiling, bricks/blocks are laid out and free-standing pedestals are cast into the formwork to support the joists.

Important! Since the garage is not heated in 90% of cases, the floors do not need to be insulated and soundproofed. But you will need high-quality impregnation with antiseptics and fire retardants, painting with acrylic, oil, and acrylate paints.

There are several designs for a wooden garage floor:

Important! The beams can be rigidly connected to the lower wall frame of the building, the foundation, or used as a floating floor supported only by the pedestals inside the garage.

Manufacturing technology

Laying a wooden floor in a garage is easier and faster than in a cottage, since there is no insulation or sound insulation. The cutting of lumber is carried out with a hand or circular hacksaw or jigsaw. The logs are fixed to the foundation elements, brick pedestals or framing walls with anchors, screws or nails, respectively.

If edged boards without locking joints are used, each row must be secured. Impregnate with fire retardants/antiseptics flooring Before installation and after cutting, the cut area should be additionally treated with the same compounds.

Horizontal level tapping

To facilitate dry and semi-wet cleaning, it is recommended to make the board floor in the garage with a slight slope towards the gate. The flooring should be flush with the threshold to facilitate entry of vehicles. Horizontal cutting is done as follows:

If home handyman not strong in masonry, instead of pegs you can install cast-offs, pull two cords along them for each row of brick columns to ensure the transverse level of each pedestal by default.

If you have a laser plane builder, there is no need for cords; just install the device in the center of the garage and turn it on while laying the columnar foundation for the floor.

Using the Plane Builder.


A wooden deck in a garage is cheaper than concreting a slab, but an individual developer needs to take into account the following factors:

Therefore, this guide discusses the option of how to make a floor in a floating garage on pedestals, as the most complex design from the following:

Columnar foundations (pedestals) can be made from different structural materials:

  • reinforced concrete - making a pit 0.6 m deep, measuring 0.6 x 0.6 m, filling 20 cm of crushed stone or sand with compaction with a tamper, installing formwork, reinforcing with a wire frame, laying concrete;
  • concrete - masonry wall block 2 x 2 x 4 dm with ligation of seams (0.4 x 0.4 m)
  • brick - ceramic masonry solid brick(0.25 x 0.25 m)

The choice depends on the prices in the region for the specified building materials, the availability of their remains after the construction of the cottage from the developer. You can use a combined technique, pouring part of the cabinet into earthen formwork, laying out the ground part from blocks or bricks.

Advice! The upper edge of the pedestals must be waterproofed with two layers of roofing material or PVC film. When using a combined technology, the waterproofing is laid twice - first on concrete, then on top of the masonry.

Impregnation of lumber

Since garage floor construction is made from lumber, it must be protected from fire and rot. To do this, it is enough to impregnate the beams and boards with fire protection, which includes both an antiseptic and a fire retardant. It is better to choose a liquid with a color that allows you to avoid unpainted areas.


To lay a wooden floor in a garage, the beams are mounted on brick/concrete pedestals along the short wall of the outbuilding, and secured with anchors and corners. The use of embedded products in this case is not economically feasible.

When using timber, there is no need to additionally secure the elements from tipping over. If the developer uses a 5 x 15 cm or 5 x 20 cm board per edge, horizontal or diagonal beam/board connections are additionally installed between the beams.

Fastening beams from boards is possible in several ways.

To ensure maximum service life, the developer must provide his subfloor with natural ventilation:

Important! The hatches are decorated with gratings, the vents are protected from the penetration of rodents by gratings or mesh.


The boardwalk is made using standard technology:

Junction nodes

Making wood flooring in a garage with inspection hole or a cellar, you should take into account the location of beams and boards near these structures:

Thus, the flooring in the garage can be a boardwalk made from lumber left over from the cottage. Due to the low performance characteristics of the cladding in aggressive environments and the application of serious loads, in other cases wood is not recommended for this outbuilding.

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Car owners are very particular about the arrangement of their garage. This is due to the fact that the room is used not only to protect the car from external threats, but also for other related purposes. For example, repair work or hanging out with your friends. There are many available in the market. However, not all of them can boast such an obviously comfortable advantage as having good thermal conductivity properties. And in this regard, the wooden floor in the garage is admirable. Next, we will describe why wooden flooring is so good and how to make it with your own hands.

Specific gravity of wooden floors in total mass garage flooring products are growing steadily every year. This is due to the undeniable advantages of wood, which are worth listing:

  • The thermal conductivity of the material makes inspecting or repairing a car much more comfortable, especially if it needs to be carried out in a lying position;
  • The durability of wood will be significantly higher if the material is pre-treated with protective mastic or special means that protect it from moisture and fire;

Important. Modern wood impregnations allow wood to absorb excess moisture into the room, protecting it from dampness and while maintaining the physical characteristics of the floor covering.

  • Ease and speed of replacing damaged floor covering elements;
  • A competent approach to choosing the thickness of the floorboard will provide the required strength, which is in no way inferior in this regard to other types of coating;
  • Easy to install wooden planks allows you to get by on our own, without the involvement of experienced professionals;
  • Wooden garage floors do not generate dust;
  • The budget price will pleasantly please car owners.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Attractiveness of wood to insects and some types of rodents;
  • The material is susceptible to odors and stains, which are very difficult to get rid of later;
  • Susceptibility to the harmful effects of moisture, if the wood has not previously been treated with moisture-resistant agents;
  • Depending on the type of wood, the price of the finished coating may vary greatly.

Wood floor protection

Since most of the disadvantages of wooden flooring can be negated if certain rules are followed, it is worth paying special attention to them. We are talking about the use of special varnishes or impregnations, which can significantly increase the service life of wood, making it better performance characteristics. In particular, such as resisting moisture, increasing wear resistance, improving fire safety and many others. All these special means can be classified into the following types:

  1. Antiseptics are substances that penetrate deep into the wood and protect it from destruction. They are also excellent protection against small rodents and rotting processes. Gives wood coating fire retardant properties;
  2. Wood varnishes - forming protective coating on outside wooden boards and preventing it from abrasion and physical damage;
  3. Paints serve more of a decorative role, however, they also protect the surface of the coating.

The order of protective work must follow a certain sequence of stages. So, first of all, the wood is thoroughly dried, then treated with antiseptics, and only after that can you proceed to applying varnish or paint.

Procedure for laying a wooden floor, surface preparation

Installation work must be carried out on solid foundation so that you don’t have to regret the money spent later. That is, first of all, installing a wooden floor in a garage involves preparing the surface. Order preparatory work in this case it should look like this:

  1. Purchase required material in the required quantity;
  2. Cleaning the surface from dirt and unnecessary objects;
  3. Laying concrete screed with reinforcing mesh;
  4. Laying a waterproofing film;
  5. A layer of thermal insulation materials;
  6. Installation of transverse joists;
  7. Installation of wood flooring;
  8. Applying special protective agents to the plank floors in the garage.

To carry out such work you will need the following materials:

  • Medium-sized crushed stone for the base of a concrete screed;
  • Cement with river sand for mortar;
  • Metal mesh with wire for reinforcement;
  • Roofing material or a special film can act as waterproofing;
  • Mineral wool or expanded clay as a heat insulator;
  • Wooden beam for installation of transverse joists;
  • Wooden boards for flooring.

Please note. On the market you can find already tongue-and-groove boards with special grooves provided. Their purchase will help seal the joints.

Wood selection

It is not recommended to use red wood or beautiful walnut for arranging a wooden floor; it is better to use them for other purposes. Strong oak or durable species are most suitable coniferous trees, also known for their abrasion resistance. The material of the boards should be free of cracks and taken with some reserve.

Sand-cement screed

Before laying the floor screed, you should remove a half-meter layer of soil and level the surface using a level. Next, you should compact the surface of the subfloor, if it is loose, pour a layer of sand, and on top of the same - crushed stone. A reinforcing mesh of metal rods is installed on the resulting “cushion”. They must be tied evenly with wire to form square cells. The resulting mesh is installed at a certain elevation from the top layer of crushed stone and then the concrete solution is poured. The thickness of the liquid layer should be about 10 cm. While possible, carefully level the surface of the solution, and then wait for it to dry.

The degree of humidity is determined by placing a piece of film on the surface and securing it with tape. If after a few days there is still condensation or large drops on the back of the film, then some more time is needed for drying. Next, you should clean the surface and lay waterproofing materials with a slight overlap on the walls. Roofing felt should prevent the penetration of moisture, for which its seams are covered with bitumen mastic.

Cross joists

Bearing beams with an average cross-section are installed at a half-meter distance across the garage space and connected with dowels to the screed. For strong fixation, it is possible to use metal corners with small pitches. It is imperative to leave a gap between the walls and the ends of the joists, since wood tends to become wider or narrower depending on the level of humidity. The beams are connected to each other by boards, and the places of all fastenings are lubricated with bitumen mastic. It is also useful to have a gap between the surface of the screed and the joists, which will ensure free air circulation. Through wooden spacers You can also eliminate unevenness in the cement screed.

Pay attention! Do not forget that depending on the width of the beams and the thickness of the boards, the floor level will rise slightly. This should be provided so that the resulting difference near the entrance to the garage does not come as a surprise.

Thermal insulation

Since the garage is planned to be used during the cold season, the required level of comfort cannot be achieved without this procedure. In order to preserve heat, mineral wool or expanded clay is usually used. Thermal insulation is placed as tightly as possible in the cells between installed logs so that there is no free space left. The situation is similar with expanded clay, which should be compacted before laying on top of it. transparent film.

Laying boards

Direct laying of tongue and groove products is much simpler than all previous work. It starts from the far corner and is carried out in a checkerboard pattern so that the ends next to each other do not overlap. The key point here is the density of the seams, to achieve which they are treated with silicone sealant.

Finishing the floor covering

After all work is completed, the dirty wooden floor in the garage should be thoroughly cleaned and treated. To do this, construction debris and dust are removed, then the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic. Then it becomes possible to apply protective paint and varnish materials onto the surface of the boards.

Advice. To increase the service life of the floor covering, it is recommended to additionally lay the rubberized coating (floorboards) in the tracks of the wheels, that is, in the direction of movement of the car. They will be fastened with self-tapping screws in pre-drilled holes.


These recommendations are a universal answer to the question of how to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands and are applicable as instructions for laying this flooring. Let installation work and do not look the easiest, however, a competent approach to their implementation will provide a warm and durable floor covering. An environmentally friendly floor will become the best friend of a car owner who loves to tinker with the structure of his car. The material has both its advantages and disadvantages, but knowing about them, they can be leveled out. Or maybe choose?

Some garage owners don't pay much attention to the flooring in their garage, preferring to leave compacted soil or clay. This approach will eliminate the hassle associated with arranging the coating and its repair. However, the earthen floor is not particularly durable, so it is easily deformed under the influence of constant loads. It also absorbs gasoline and other substances, the smell of which is very difficult to remove from the box.

Most best option for a garage - a floor made of concrete or wood. Such coatings are characterized by high mechanical strength, wear resistance and attractive appearance. Let us dwell in more detail on the creation of wooden floors, since they look more interesting and have the ability to retain heat, unlike concrete surface, which almost always remains cold.

Before you begin directly arranging the flooring, you need to choose the right wood to create it. It’s definitely worth abandoning the idea of ​​using mahogany and walnut in boxing. Not a bad option - conifers, which are characterized by excellent strength and wear resistance. But it is best to opt for oak, since an oak floor will last much longer than coverings made from other wood.

When choosing a material, you must adhere to a few simple rules.

Before arranging the floor, the wood must be treated with fire retardants - means to increase the fire resistance of the material, as well as substances that prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes.

Fire retardants increase wood's resistance to fire

Installing a wooden floor in a garage

As a rule, in car boxes floor structures are installed on joists, which allow the load to be evenly distributed over the entire flooring. Using floors on joists, you can hide some foundation defects, as well as communication systems, for example electrical cable. However, this design “raises” the floor by 6-10 cm, so it is not entirely suitable for very low garages. The technology for installing a wooden floor in a garage depends on the existing base, which can be concrete or dirt.

Installing a wooden floor on a concrete base

The concrete base does not need preliminary preparation, so you can immediately begin installing the wooden floor. Experts give several basic recommendations for this process:

  • You can only lay material whose moisture content is no more than 10%;
  • installation of logs is carried out with a certain step distance, which often varies from 40 to 50 cm;
  • lighthouse logs are installed first on the concrete base, the step between them is approximately 2 m;
  • The lags are fixed using dowels, the distance between them is 50 cm;
  • intermediate logs are laid according to the same pattern as lighthouse logs. Only after their installation do they begin laying the flooring.
  • floor boards are placed perpendicular to the joists and fixed with screws or nails.

In fact, if you have a concrete base, it is not at all necessary to opt for a joist structure. If the subfloor does not have significant differences in height and does not have large-scale defects, then thick floor boards are quite suitable for arranging the covering. Before installation, the blocks are treated with drying oil and painted, after which they are laid on a clean concrete base. Laying is carried out along the entire length of the garage, the boards are fixed with screws or nails.

Even a person without professional training can handle installing a wooden floor on a concrete base in a garage; the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and adhere to the technology.

Installing a wooden floor on a subgrade

If the base in the garage is not concrete, but is ordinary soil, then installing a wooden floor becomes a somewhat more complex process, which will require patience and a certain skill. In this case, preparation of the base is necessary, and the installation itself will be carried out in several stages:

  1. The ground surface is leveled; for this you can use a rake, as well as an ordinary garden hoe.
  2. A sand and gravel cushion is created: first there is a 3-4 cm layer of sand, then a gravel or expanded clay layer of the same thickness. In principle, the second layer can be somewhat thicker, since it is created from materials whose fraction is several times larger than the size of grains of sand.
  3. The laid sand and gravel cushion is watered and then compacted well. This can be done with your hands and feet, although it will be much more effective to use a specialized device - an electric rammer (or a vibrating plate, hand roller, manual tamping).
  4. Logs are installed, which represent wooden blocks holding the entire floor structure. Since the base is not durable and is easily deformed, the logs are installed on pre-laid, even boards, and they must be thick enough so as not to sag during operation.

    Bases for laying logs on the ground (holes for posts, if necessary, are dug before backfilling with crushed stone and sand)

All wood used should be impregnated with special compounds to give the material better moisture resistance, because the fact that it is not resistant to moisture and is susceptible to putrefactive processes is no secret. It is better not to neglect this recommendation!

It is not at all necessary to use only boards as support for the future floor; they can be replaced with pillars made of brick or concrete - they will cope with the task perfectly. Such supports are mounted in rows, the distance between which is 80 cm. The step between the columns themselves should be 30 cm.

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Ground logs

Among other subtleties of installing a wooden floor on a soil base in a garage, the following points can be highlighted:

  • It is advisable to place the logs perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle, and the floor boards themselves - in the direction of movement. Compliance with this rule will help make the structure more durable, and the floor will become much stronger;
  • floor boards should have the same thickness - approximately 50-60 cm. Thinner boards should not be used, otherwise the floor will simply sag under the weight of the car and quickly fail;
  • Before installation, the boards must be dried and coated with antifungal agents. Their reverse side, which will come into contact with the sand and gravel cushion, must be treated with waterproofing compounds.

After installing a wooden floor covering, many garage owners leave it in its original form, which is very in vain, because wood is a material that needs to be treated with care. The floor should be covered with drying oil and painted, because this is the only way to protect the flooring from oil and gasoline stains, which are almost impossible to remove.

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 1

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Montage, part 2

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 3

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 4

Video - Wooden floor in the garage. Installation, part 5

Chipboard and plywood garage floor

There is another way to create a wooden garage floor, which involves using plywood or chipboard. These materials will serve as the basis for the leveling layer; the thicker it is, the larger the pitch the logs will be laid. Having finished installing the beacons, you can proceed to installing the logs, securing them to the base with glue or self-tapping screws.

Plywood pieces treated with glue are placed in the fixation areas. Placed on top of the resulting mesh sheet material, which levels the floor. It is attached to the joists with self-tapping screws; there are approximately 9 pieces per sheet. A moisture-proof film is laid on the leveling layer, and then insulation boards. All this is covered with floor boards. Thus, the floor in the garage becomes perfectly flat and very durable.

Deciding to create a wooden floor covering in your car box is not an obstacle to arranging an inspection pit. It can be organized in several stages:

  1. A pit of the required depth is created, the bottom of which is laid flat with laid bricks placed perpendicular to the wall surfaces.
  2. The walls of the inspection pit are lined with brick, which is placed edgewise.
  3. The space between brickwork and filled with soil concrete mixture, this is done as the height of the walls increases.
  4. Brick laying is carried out until it reaches the level of the log. Thus, the blocks will partially lie on the masonry. A frame is mounted into the remaining space, into which boards are placed to cover the pit.

    Metal corner laid on the walls of the inspection pit

Setting up an inspection pit in a garage with a wooden floor is quite simple; you just need to put in a little effort and follow the recommendations received.

Video - Inspection pit in a garage with a wooden floor

Features of a wooden floor in a garage

Wooden floor in the garage - this is an environmentally friendly coating that, when correct installation and care will please the owner of the box for many years. However, the decision to create a wood floor in the garage cannot be called unequivocally correct, in any case, this is the opinion of some car enthusiasts who are categorically against the use of this material. Accept the right decision An analysis of the pros and cons of this coating will help.

The advantages of choosing wood for garage flooring include the following factors:

  • wood has a long service life, especially after impregnation protective equipment. Wooden floors can last about 10 years without deforming or collapsing;
  • if part of the covering has been damaged, it can be relatively easily replaced without dismantling the entire flooring;
  • wood is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture from the air, which helps maintain optimal humidity levels in the garage, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vehicle;
  • a wooden floor, unlike a concrete floor, retains heat well, so working on it is safer for health. Wood is often chosen as a flooring by people who repair their cars themselves;
  • the strength of a thick floorboard is not inferior to a concrete screed, so it can even be used in boxes for small trucks;
  • on concrete floor dust is generated with wood covering such a problem will not arise.

Wooden garage floors also have their drawbacks, which include the ability to absorb odors, susceptibility to putrefactive processes, and low fire resistance. However, all these disadvantages can be easily mitigated by using special impregnations that make the performance characteristics of wood much better.

Wooden floor after painting

To summarize, it should be noted that wooden flooring in the garage is a rather controversial decision, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Whether to give preference to it or not depends on the needs of the car owner. If he often has to work in a box, then it is better to opt for wood rather than risk his health by lying on a cold concrete screed. And to preserve the appearance of the coating, you can use special rubber strips or roofing felt strips along which the car will drive in and out.

The garage serves not only to protect the iron horse from car thieves or weather conditions, but also acts as a kind of storage for “very necessary” things. One way or another, quite a lot of time is spent in it, and therefore car enthusiasts approach its arrangement with special care. Owners select material for the construction of walls and roofs based on two main criteria: taste preferences and financial side question. Unfortunately, less attention is paid to the organization of floors. The article will talk about how to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands.

Types of flooring

The most common types of flooring are earthen and cement; wood flooring is less common. The first two options are ideal if this room is used under intensive load for its intended purpose. Floorboards are relevant when the vehicle is operated in warm time year or on weekends.

Below is brief description the most popular types of material used for garage flooring.


  • Such floors are made with strict adherence to technology, otherwise after a short time cracks will appear on the surface, which will render it completely unusable. Well, if you follow all the rules, then such a floor will last at least 20 years.

  • Among the disadvantages of a concrete base, one can note the low resistance to abrasive wear, which leads to the formation of dust. In addition, spilled liquid penetrates deeply into the pores and remains there forever. A polyurethane coating can act as a savior, but its cost cancels out the affordability of a concrete floor.


  • Ceramic or porcelain tiles are distinguished by both aesthetics and practicality. Their surface is simply unable to absorb liquid substances, and top layer The glaze is easy to clean even without the use of special cleaning compounds.

  • Porcelain tiles are quite an expensive option for furnishing a garage. Preparation of the base, and the installation itself, requires labor-intensive work. It is recommended to lay the material 2-3 years after the completion of the garage, that is, when the structure shrinks.
  • Ceramic products also have a significant disadvantage - low resistance to mechanical shock. And, as you know, falling of various pieces of iron, especially in such premises, is not at all uncommon.

Wooden floor in garage

  • The lowest price is for a wooden floor in a garage, and besides, such a floor is considered warm. Therefore, it is much more pleasant to repair a car or inspect it while lying on your back.

Wooden floor in garage photo

  • Among the disadvantages, high absorbent properties can be noted. Do not forget that wood is classified according to its resistance to decay and is divided into fire hazard classes. But treatment with modern protective agents will extend the life of the flooring and protect it from exposure to fire.
  • Of course, the floors can also be covered with special rubber tiles, which are certainly not afraid of any loads. As already mentioned, the choice of coverage depends on material capabilities.

  • In any case, if you carry out the arrangement of floors on your own, you can save quite a decent amount on the purchase of, for example, tools, spare parts for a car, hanging shelves or racks for storing various equipment.

How to Install a Wooden Garage Floor on an Existing Subfloor

Installation of the material must be carried out on a solid foundation so that the work done and the funds invested are not in vain.

Laying on a concrete base

  • A smooth surface with minor defects, such as surface cracks and chips, allows for installation floorboard on top of it. Lumber is fastened using screws and plastic dowels or anchor bolts.
  • If the floor has large unevenness, then it is recommended to pour a screed, which will ensure not only the same level over the entire surface, but also strengthen the base.

  • Before work, make sure that the cement coating is completely dry. To do this, you do not need to have a special-purpose device. You can also determine the humidity using a handy method; to do this, attach a small square of plastic or a piece of film to the surface hermetically with tape.
  • After a few days the material is removed, if inside If many large drops are found, then the board cannot be laid yet. In this case, it is necessary to give the base more time to dry or take additional measures to reduce humidity. Minor condensation allows scheduled work to be carried out.
  • In any case, polyethylene or roofing felt is first laid out, which will prevent moisture from entering the base. Laying is carried out with spades on the walls and the width of the overlap of the material must be at least 10 cm. The seams are taped with tape or moisture-resistant mastic.

Laying on joists

  • If the surface is relatively flat, then the boards can be mounted on pre-installed logs. Here, small cross-section bars (50x50 or 40x50 mm) are fixed to a concrete base around the perimeter of the room. The same lumber is used as cross members. For more reliable fixation the logs are attached to the beams using metal corners. They are installed parallel to the entrance/exit of the garage in increments of no more than 50 cm.

  • It should be remembered here that the floor level will rise by 70-80 mm, depending on the width of the selected lumber, for example, 50 mm timber and 25-30 mm floorboard. Thus, a difference is formed, a step between the floor and the entrance to the room.

Laying on a wooden surface

  • Strengthening an existing plank floor by attaching new floorboards is only possible if you are completely confident that the structure can withstand heavy loads. If there is even the slightest doubt, then the old coating must be dismantled.
  • Here, logs and other wooden elements are inspected, damaged parts of the frame are replaced. At capital works a layer of waterproofing material is laid. It is advisable to fill the space between the joists with expanded clay or dry sand, the floors will become warmer.

  • The satisfactory condition of the old coating allows the boards to be fastened, but only in a perpendicular direction.

Wood processing

It would not be superfluous to mention that wooden elements need to be treated with protective agents. Preparations are selected individually, since some are responsible for uniform shrinkage, reduce cracking, others guarantee protection against rotting, and others prevent ignition.

It is worth noting that it is not advisable to purchase miraculous “5 in 1” solutions, since one product cannot simultaneously protect against all “misfortunes”. Therefore, when going to the store, it is better to have at least basic knowledge about their classification, their purposes, and the best manufacturers.

Protective compounds are divided into 3 types:

  • Lucky after drying, they form a transparent film that has bioprotective properties, that is, it protects the surface from premature rotting and woodworm damage. Such coatings prevent cracking of the material and do not lose their original qualities under the influence of temperature changes.

  • Paints not only give a decorative appearance, but also protect the painted elements from the short-term influence of moisture (periodically formed condensation). For processing, it is better to select paint based on organic solvents.
  • Antiseptics- these are multifunctional products that can protect wood from biodegradation (mold formation, the appearance and spread of house fungus). Combined option antiseptics and has fire-fighting properties.

The lags are coated with water-repellent agents, which are characterized by a deeper degree of penetration, or with solvent-based antiseptic impregnations, which form a thick layer. protective film. Preparations based on borates and fluorides are ideal.

You can use an oil analogue, only here you need to make sure that the lumber being processed is absolutely dry, otherwise the damp inner part of the material will contribute to the development of fungal spores, which in turn will lead to its complete destruction.

Floorboards are treated with preparations that provide effective fire protection and contain copper hydroxide.

The best manufacturers

The top three included companies that produce the most effective means for the protection of wooden surfaces:

  • from domestic producers - "Wood healer", "Bioks", "Biosept";

  • foreign brands represent - “ TIKKURILA" (Finland), "Dulux" (England), "ALLICATOR" (Germany).

Folk recipes

Since ancient times, wood has played an important role in national culture, so people have always been concerned about how to protect buildings from harmful effects unfavorable conditions. Over such a long period of time, many effective methods have accumulated:

  • silicate glue diluted with water, about 1 liter of water takes 400 grams of glue;
  • copper sulfate is also known for its bactericidal properties (100 grams of copper sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water);
  • boric acid is a popular "preservative". The solution is prepared as follows: take 50 grams for 5 liters of boiling water boric acid and 1 kg of salt.

Installing a wooden floor in a garage from scratch

Wooden flooring in a built garage can be done with your own hands in a matter of hours, since logs are usually laid at the stage of constructing the foundation. But, if the construction was carried out in a lightweight version, then more time and effort will have to be put in.

  • The zero level of the future floor is determined. As a rule, the “threshold” of the garage is taken as a basis. The soil is selected to a depth of approximately 50 cm, more accurate calculations are made as follows: 10-15 cm will “go” to the sand cushion, 10-15 cm - crushed stone layer, 10 cm - cross-section of the timber (joists) and plus the thickness of the floorboard 2.5- 3 cm.
  • Each layer is moistened and compacted. To do this, it is not at all necessary to use special equipment. Suitable here homemade instrument, where a square piece of board, which will be used as a sole, is attached to the end of a block with a cross-section of 50x50 mm with nails or screws.

  • Must be lined waterproofing material with an overlap on the walls slightly exceeding the zero mark. The joints of the material for sealing are glued with construction tape or coated with mastic.
  • All wooden elements are treated with antiseptic and fire retardant preparations.
  • A 100x100 mm beam is installed around the perimeter; this section will help distribute the load of both the flooring itself and the weight of the car. In the corners, lumber is fastened with metal corners. A level is used to check the horizontal position; if necessary, trim plywood or boards are placed.

  • Parallel to the entrance, logs from the same timber are installed. The distance between them is maintained within 50 cm, but no more. Fixation is carried out with self-tapping screws and L-shaped metal products.
  • Expanded clay or dry sand can be poured into the resulting cells.
  • Floorboards are laid on top, located according to the movement of the car. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws in two places to each joist.

Wooden floor in the garage step by step video

Material calculation

To install a wooden flooring in a garage of standard size 3x6 m, you will need:

  • timber 100x100 mm - 32 m;
  • metal corner - 32 pieces;
  • floorboards 25x150x6000 mm - 20 pieces;
  • wood screws 4.2x65 mm - 570 pieces or 2 kg.
  • For a tighter and more reliable fit of the floorboards to the joists, it is recommended to drill holes for hardware using a drill whose diameter is 0.5-1 mm larger than the thickness of the screw. The same applies to corner metal fasteners.
  • Before you begin laying the floors, glue or secure to the edges on both sides of each board. construction stapler strips of rolled roofing felt.

Compliance with all the rules and technology for arranging a wooden floor in the garage will allow you to repair your car in a timely manner. comfortable conditions even in winter.

Many car owners are interested in how to create a wooden floor in the garage with their own hands.

Typically, a garage is needed for cars, storing things and winter preparations.

If you decide to furnish this room with your own hands, then use simple materials, which do not require complex installation.

The best floor for a garage is wood. This material is reliable and resistant to machine chemicals.

Don’t forget that before you start creating the flooring, you should cover the room with plastic film.

Features of creating a wooden floor

The question of how to make a wooden floor in a garage is relevant for many. Anyone who has an understanding of construction can cover the floor with their own hands.

To pick up quality material for the floor, you need to strictly follow the instructions below to select it.

Then creating a wooden floor in the garage with your own hands will not be difficult, and it will serve you for a long time.

The wooden covering must be placed on brick or concrete pillars or on a concrete base.

The last option is most suitable for making a coating with your own hands, since when replacing it you can use boards or tiles.

Installing posts is only suitable if you decide to cover the floor with wood.

In order for a wooden floor in your garage, created by yourself, to serve you for many years, you need to make a choice in favor of high-quality material.

The wood should not be too dry or damp as this will affect its performance.

When choosing wood to create your own garage flooring, pay attention to whether it has any defects. These include knots, blue, etc.

The thickness of the board should be at least 3 cm, but it is better to have some margin.

If the boards are of decent thickness, then there should be a minimum distance between the logs.

The best option for DIY garage flooring is tongue and groove boards.

Thanks to the protrusions and grooves along the length of the board, the formation of cracks is eliminated during the installation process and they are very easy to process and paint.

If you repair a car yourself, there will always be harmful substances present in the garage.

During repairs, abrasive particles remain and machine substances will leave an unpleasant odor.

Therefore, before creating a wooden floor in the garage, it is necessary to consider all the nuances.

Laying a wooden floor on concrete

To make the floor you will need additional materials, for example, one of them will be a beam with a cross-section of 10×10 cm; it is good to use as a log.

Before work, coat the wood with fire retardant and antiseptic.

Thanks to this, the floor will be protected from instant fire and rotting.

The impregnation should be used outdoors and applied with a brush or roller.

Then you need to dry the prepared boards. The ideal board moisture content for this type of work is 23%.

It is important to note that a wooden floor for a garage must be laid, always using joists, even on an initially concrete surface.

Floor made of tongue and groove planks

If you have a concrete base, you will first need to lay waterproofing.

To do this, you can spread ordinary roofing material, overlapping stripes. In this case, the distance between the logs should be 0.4-0.5 m.

Otherwise, the floor will be deformed under the wheels of the vehicle.

When creating a floor with your own hands, do not forget to use a building level to ensure it is level.

If the base itself is uneven, then you can put wooden wedges between it and the joists.

Place the logs at opposite walls at the same distance, and stretch the thread between the logs. You will install intermediate logs along it.

Fix the logs placed according to the level to concrete base using long dowels.

Now lay the floorboard. If you have a standard garage, you will need 6-meter boards.

They must have the same thickness in order to withstand future loads without problems.

Lay the floorboards tightly and end to end, avoiding gaps.

Mount the floor lath using wedges as spacers, this will ensure that the boards fit together tightly. Secure the slats with joists using nails or self-tapping screws.

Chipboard or plywood floor

You can also create a wooden garage floor with your own hands from chipboard or plywood.

To do this, you first need to pour a leveling concrete layer. The wear resistance and durability of the flooring in the garage depends on its thickness.

If a small layer of concrete is expected, then the base should be reinforced metal mesh. The suitable diameter of its rods is 1 cm.

To create a long-lasting wood garage floor, choose the thickest plywood that will resist moisture.

Do not use chipboards as the main covering: they do not tolerate temperature changes, so they quickly collapse.

When the plywood or boards are laid, the joints between the floor and the walls should be covered with plinths, and the floor should be painted.

Before this, the wood should be treated with drying oil. Many people do not pay attention to this recommendation and leave the flooring in its original condition.

However, the tree natural material which requires some care.

It will be difficult to remove engine oils or gasoline from the surface if it is not covered with solutions that meet all the requirements.

Laying the floor on the ground

The second option is to lay a wooden floor in the garage on the ground. To do this, remove from the inside of the foundation fertile layer soil.

Then prepare the sand-gravel mixture and clay and compact the mound well.

The sides of the foundation will support the edges of the wood beams. Brick pillars will be placed between them as supports.

To install them, you need to dig holes 40x40 cm, the depth of which should coincide with the recess of the main foundation.

Install the first row of supports from the wall in increments of 50 cm, the next row of supports should be at a distance of 100 cm. There should be at least 55 cm between the beams.

At the bottom of each hole, pour a layer of coarse gravel, 20 cm deep. To fill the hole, use concrete with a fine fraction, up to ground level.

After it hardens, lay out the brick columns in 3 rows, and they should be the same in height.

Between the brick and concrete, on top of the supports, lay a waterproofing roofing felt layer. To prevent floor deformation - open area cover the clay with roofing felt waterproofing.

To install the beams, use a beam 20 cm thick. Laying with an edge will help increase rigidity.

Install the logs perpendicular to the entrance, leave a gap of 3 cm between them and the wall, and place the flooring along the movement. Secure them firmly and level.

Place the beams on posts and leave space under them for air circulation.

Floor insulation

It would not be a bad idea to insulate the future floor, because this is a completely simple process, but in winter it will be much more comfortable to work in the garage.

First, you need to lay the subfloor on the beams. The second layer will be waterproofing made of polyethylene film.

For insulation, it is better to take sheet, roll or backfill material.

Extruded polystyrene foam is considered the most effective. Cover it with waterproofing and cover the distance between the joists with a floorboard.

Once the flooring has been installed, be sure to clean it detergents from construction dust and dirt.