Historical geography. Historical geography of Russia

The development of any country is closely related to its natural conditions. They influenced the settlement of people, the spread various types economic activity(cattle breeding, agriculture, trades, crafts, trade, industry, transport), the emergence of cities, the formation of administrative-territorial divisions. The interaction of natural conditions and society in the course of historical development is studied by a special discipline - historical geography.

She uses research methods of both history and geography. One of these methods is cartographic. By using symbols Data from historical sources is applied to the map, resulting in a picture of the processes that took place in the history of the country. Thus, the movement of tribes in the territory Eastern Europe(Great Migration of Peoples), in comparison with its natural conditions, helps to visualize where and how the Russian land came from, the configuration of its borders, the nature of the relationship between the forest and the steppe, and the features of the economic and political structure. Associated with the cartographic method is the toponymic method, i.e. the study geographical names(toponyms). If you look at a map of Russia, you can see that in the northern half of its European part, the names of many rivers end in “-va” or “-ma”, which means “water” in the language of a number of Finno-Ugric peoples. By tracing the geography of such names on a map, it is possible to clarify the territory of settlement of these peoples in the distant past. Geographical names of the Slavic root in the same territory help to imagine the settlement routes of the Slavs, who, under pressure from the steppe nomads, went north and brought with them the names of rivers, settlements, and cities familiar to them. Many of these cities are named after the Russian princes who founded them. The names of cities, settlements, settlements, and streets indicate the occupation of their inhabitants, for example, the names of many streets in Moscow - Myasnitskaya, Bronnaya, Karetnaya, etc.

The first historical maps are quite primitive and reflect the level of geographical ideas of their time. These include, for example, maps of Muscovy compiled by foreigners who visited it. Although they are striking in their inaccuracy and inconsistency of information, they nevertheless serve as an important aid in the study of the history of our homeland.

Knowledge historical geography has not only scientific, but also practical significance. Cultivation experience developed over centuries cultivated plants, construction of housing and other structures can be useful in modern economic activities. Meteorological observations, weather cycles, natural disasters, etc. contained in historical sources, also help in carrying out certain activities in the economy.

Modern historical geography pays great attention to the study of the role of the geographical factor in the history of our country, which makes it possible to establish patterns associated with the historical zoning of Russia. After all, each economic region is at the same time a historical concept, absorbing the influence of many factors related not only to the economy, but also to natural conditions, methods of settlement of people, social relations, political events, etc. The outlines of individual districts have changed in the course of historical development, but in general, a fairly stable system of districts has now emerged. The historical core of Russia became the Central District, later called Industrial. The beginning of its formation goes back to North-Eastern Rus', Grand Duchies of Vladimir and Moscow. In the Russian state of the 17th century. it was named Zamoskovny Krai. The totality of natural conditions determined the nature of the population’s occupation, mainly in various crafts. The development of the region was greatly influenced by Moscow, which was the center of crafts and trade, administrative, military and church functions, the main point where communications routes flocked, where the foundations were laid Russian statehood and culture.

The appearance of the Russian North began to take shape very early. Its specifics were determined by fur, forestry and fishing industries, as well as crafts and trade, which were less developed than in the Center.

To the south of the Central Industrial Region was the Agricultural Center (Tsentralno-Agricultural, Central Black Earth Region). Russian peasants escaping serfdom settled here. By the 18th century The agricultural center is the main supplier of agricultural products for the Industrial Center and all of Russia, a stronghold of landownership. This region, as well as the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia are considered in historical geography to be areas of old colonization.

The founding of St. Petersburg gave impetus to the development of a new district - the North-Western. Its appearance depended entirely on the new capital of the region, which became Russia’s gateway to Western Europe, the center of shipbuilding, engineering, textile production, the largest port. Significant territories of the old Russian North and partly the Center, as well as the Baltic states annexed by Peter I, gravitated towards St. Petersburg. The North-West embodied the most progressive model of the country's socio-economic development.

Under Catherine II, the development of the Black Sea steppes began, which took place especially intensively in the first half of the 19th century. This included lands conquered from Turkey, including Crimea and Bessarabia (see. Russo-Turkish wars XVII-XIX centuries). The area was named Novorossiya, and Odessa became its unofficial capital. “Free cultivators” (Russian and Ukrainian peasants) lived here, as well as Germans, Bulgarians, Greeks, etc. The fleet created on the Black Sea played an important role in strengthening the economic and military power of Russia, and the Black Sea ports played an important role in the development of Russian trade.

After the abolition of serfdom there were important changes in the geography of the country. Rapid railway construction contributed to the intensification of migration processes. A stream of immigrants rushed to the steppe spaces of New Russia, the Lower Volga, North Caucasus, to Siberia, the Kazakh steppes (especially after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway). These areas began to play a significant role in the Russian economy.

With the development of capitalism in Russia, the role of individual regions changed. The agricultural center and mining Urals faded into the background. But the areas of new colonization (Novorossiya, Lower Volga, Kuban) progressed quickly. They became the main breadbaskets of Russia, centers of the mining industry (Donbass - Krivoy Rog). IN late XIX- early 20th century in Russia, especially in the North-West, in the Industrial Center, in Novorossiya, the number of plants and factories is growing, the largest industrial centers are emerging, the number of workers is increasing, business organizations and unions are being created (see Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries).

On the eve of the October Revolution of 1917, the main outlines of the economic structure of Russia, its inherent division of labor between regions, the configuration of communication routes, internal and external relations took shape.

Research methods in a generalized view are ways of understanding phenomena and processes.

Methods of geographical research - methods for analyzing geographic information in order to identify regional features and spatiotemporal patterns of development of processes and phenomena in nature and society.

Methods geographical research can be divided into general scientific and subject-geographical, traditional and modern (Fig. 1.1).

The main methods of geographical research are listed below.

  • 1. Comparative geographical. This is a traditional and currently widespread method in geography. The well-known expression “Everything is known by comparison” directly relates to comparative geographical research. Geographers often have to identify similarities and differences between certain objects, conduct a comparative assessment of objects and phenomena in different territories, and explain the reasons for similarities and differences. Of course, such a comparison is carried out at the level of descriptions and is not strictly proven, which is why this method is often called comparative and descriptive. But with its help you can notice many of the most clearly expressed properties geographical objects. For example, a change in natural zones, a change in the agricultural development of territories, etc.
  • 2. Cartographic method- study of spatial objects and phenomena using geographical maps. This method is as widespread and traditional as the comparative geographical one. The cartographic method consists of using a variety of maps to describe, analyze and understand phenomena, to obtain new knowledge and characteristics, to study development processes, to establish relationships and

Rice. 1.1.

gnosis of phenomena. The cartographic method has two components: 1) analysis of published maps; 2) drawing up your own maps (maps) with their subsequent analysis. In all cases, the map is a unique source of information. Classic of Russian economic geography N.N. Baransky figuratively called maps the second language of geography. With the help of geographical maps presented in various atlases, educational and scientific publications on the Internet, you can get an idea of ​​the relative position of objects, their sizes, quality characteristics, about the degree of distribution of a particular phenomenon and much more.

IN modern geography actively used geographic information research method- use of geographic information systems for spatial analysis. Using the geoinformation method, you can quickly obtain new information and new knowledge about geographical phenomena.

  • 3. Regionalization method- one of the key ones in geography. The geographical study of a country or any territory involves identifying internal differences, for example, in population density, the proportion of urban residents, economic specialization, etc. The result of this, as a rule, is the zoning of the territory - its mental division into component parts according to one or more characteristics (indicators). This makes it possible not only to understand and evaluate regional differences in indicators and the degree of distribution of objects, but also to identify the reasons for these differences. For this, along with the zoning method, historical, statistical, cartographic and other methods of geographical research are used.
  • 4. Historical (historical-geographical) research method -

is the study of changes in geographical objects and phenomena over time. How and why did the political map of the world, the size and structure of the population change, how was the transport network formed, how did the structure of the economy change? The answers to these and other questions are provided by historical and geographical research. It allows us to understand and explain many modern features geographical picture of the world, identify many causes of modern geographical problems. In the course of historical research, each geographical object (phenomenon) is considered in connection with the political and socio-economic processes and events that took place in a given period. That is why, to study modern geography, knowledge of world and national history is necessary.

5. Statistical method- is not just about searching and using for illustration regional differences quantitative (numerical) information: for example, data on population, area, production volumes, etc. Statistics as a science has numerous methods that allow one to summarize and systematize quantitative information in order to characteristic features became easily noticeable. In relation to geography, statistical methods make it possible to classify (group) objects according to the size of indicators (countries by territory size, by GDP volume, etc.); calculate the average value of indicators (for example, middle age population) and the size of deviations from the average; obtain relative values ​​(in particular, population density - the number of people per sq. km of territory, the share of the urban population - the percentage of citizens of the total population); compare some indicators with others and identify the relationship between them (correlation and factor analyzes), etc.

Previous use statistical methods in geography was very labor-intensive; it was necessary to carry out complex calculations of large amounts of information manually or using special tables. With the spread of computer technology, the use of these methods has become very easy, in particular, the functions of the widely used programs MS Excel and SPSS make it possible to easily perform many statistical operations.

  • 6. Field research and observation method is traditional and has not lost its significance not only in physical, but also in socio-economic geography. Empirical information is not only the most valuable geographical information, but also an opportunity to correct and bring closer to reality the conclusions obtained as a result of cartographic, statistical and other studies. Field research and observations make it possible to understand and more clearly present many of the features of the regions being studied, to identify many of the unique features of the territory, and to form unique images of the regions. Impressions obtained as a result of field research and observations, documentary evidence in the form of photographs, sketches, films, recordings of conversations, travel notes are invaluable materials for geographers.
  • 7. Remote observation method. Modern aerial and especially space photography are significant aids in the study of geography. Currently, continuous space probing of the territory of our planet from satellites is being carried out, and this information is effectively used in various areas science and areas of economic activity. Space images are used in the creation and prompt updating of geographic maps, monitoring the natural environment (climate, geological processes, natural disasters), studying the characteristics of economic activities (agricultural development, crop yields, forest supply and reforestation), environmental studies (pollution environment and its sources). One of the difficult problems of using satellite images is a huge flow of information that requires processing and comprehension. For geographers, this is truly a treasure trove of information and effective method updating geographical knowledge.
  • 8. Geographic modeling method- creation of simplified, reduced, abstract models of geographical objects, processes, phenomena. The most famous geographical model is the globe.

According to their own the most important characteristics models replicate real objects. Among the main advantages of the models is the ability to represent a geographical object, usually significant in size, in its most characteristic features and from different sides, often inaccessible in reality; carry out measurements and calculations using a model (taking into account the scale of the object); conduct experiments to identify the consequences for geographical feature certain phenomena.

Examples of geographical models: maps, three-dimensional relief models, mathematical formulas and graphs expressing certain geographical patterns (population dynamics, relationship between indicators of socio-economic development, etc.).

9. Geographic forecast. Modern geographical science must not only describe the objects and phenomena being studied, but also predict the consequences that humanity may come to in the course of its development. It is geography, which is a complex science, possessing a holistic vision of the surrounding world, that is capable of reasonably foreseeing many changes occurring on Earth.

Geographic forecast helps to avoid many undesirable phenomena, reduce negative impact activities in nature, rational use of resources, solving global problems in the “nature-population-economy” system.

Historical geography- This historical discipline, studying history through the “prism” of geography; It is also the geography of a territory at a certain historical stage of its development. The most difficult part of the task of historical geography is showing the economic geography of the territory being studied - establishing the level of development of productive forces, their location.


In a broad sense, historical geography is a branch of history aimed at studying a geographical territory and its population. In a narrow sense, it studies the topographical side of events and phenomena: “determination of the boundaries of the state and its regions, populated areas, routes of communication, etc.”

Sources for Russian historical geography are:

  • historical acts (spiritual wills of grand dukes, statutory charters, land survey documents, etc.)
  • scribes, sentinels, census, audit books
  • Records of foreign travelers: Herberstein (Notes on Muscovy), Fletcher (), Olearius (Description of the trip of the Holstein embassy to Muscovy and Persia), Paul of Alleps (in 1654), Meyerberg (in 1661), Reitenfels (Tales to the Most Serene Duke Tuscan Kozma the Third about Muscovy)
  • archaeology, philology and geography.

At the moment, there are 8 sectors of historical geography:

  1. historical physical geography (historical geography) - the most conservative branch, studies landscape changes;
  2. historical political geography- studies changes political map, political system, routes of conquest;
  3. historical geography of population - studies ethnographic and geographical features of population distribution in territories;
  4. historical social geography - studies the relationships of society, the change of social strata;
  5. historical cultural geography - studies spiritual and material culture;
  6. historical geography of interaction between society and nature - direct (human influence on nature) and reverse (nature on human);
  7. historical economic geography - studies the development of production, industrial revolutions;
  8. historical and geographical regional studies.

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  • Spitsyn A. A. Russian historical geography: training course. - Petrograd: Type. Y. Bashmakov and Co., 1917. - 68 p.
  • Yatsunsky V.K. Historical geography: History of its origin and development in the XIV-XVIII centuries. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1955. - 336 p. - 4,000 copies.
  • Gumilyov L. N.// Bulletin of Leningrad University. No. 18, issue. 3. - L., 1965. - P. 112-120.
  • Historical geography of Russia: XII - early XX centuries. Collection of articles for the 70th anniversary of prof. L. G. Beskrovny / Rep. ed. acad. A. L. Narochnitsky. - M.: Nauka, 1975. - 348 p. - 5,550 copies.
  • Zhekulin V. S. Historical geography: Subject and methods. - L.: Nauka, 1982. - 224 p.
  • Maksakovsky V. P. Historical geography of the world: Tutorial: Recommended by the Ministry of General and vocational education Russian Federation for higher education students educational institutions/ Ed. E. M. Goncharova, T. V. Zinicheva. - M.: Ecopros, 1999. - 584 p. - ISBN 5-88621-051-2.
  • Historical geography of Russia 9th - early 20th centuries: Territory. Population. Economics: essays / Ya. E. Vodarsky, V. M. Kabuzan, A. V. Demkin, O. I. Eliseeva, E. G. Istomina, O. A. Shwatchenko; Rep. ed. K. A. Averyanov. - M.:, 2013. - 304, p. - 300 copies. - ISBN 978-5-8055-0238-6.


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An excerpt characterizing Historical Geography

He is needed for the place that awaits him, and therefore, almost independently of his will and despite his indecision, despite the lack of a plan, despite all the mistakes he makes, he is drawn into a conspiracy aimed at seizing power, and the conspiracy is crowned with success .
He is pushed into the meeting of the rulers. Frightened, he wants to run away, considering himself dead; pretends to faint; says meaningless things that should destroy him. But the rulers of France, previously smart and proud, now, feeling that their role has been played, are even more embarrassed than he is, and say the wrong words that they should have said in order to retain power and destroy him.
Chance, millions of coincidences give him power, and all people, as if by agreement, contribute to the establishment of this power. Accidents make the characters of the then rulers of France subservient to him; accidents make the character of Paul I recognizing his power; chance conspires against him, not only not harming him, but asserting his power. An accident sends Enghien into his hands and inadvertently forces him to kill, thereby, stronger than all other means, convincing the crowd that he has the right, since he has the power. What makes it an accident is that he strains all his strength on an expedition to England, which, obviously, would destroy him, and never fulfills this intention, but accidentally attacks Mack with the Austrians, who surrender without a battle. Chance and genius give him victory at Austerlitz, and by chance all people, not only the French, but all of Europe, with the exception of England, which will not take part in the events that are about to take place, all people, despite the previous horror and disgust for his crimes, now they recognize his power, the name he gave himself, and his ideal of greatness and glory, which seems to everyone to be something beautiful and reasonable.
As if trying on and preparing for the upcoming movement, the forces of the West several times in the years 1805, 6, 7, 9 rush to the east, growing stronger and stronger. In 1811, the group of people that had formed in France merged into one huge group with the middle peoples. Together with an increasing group of people, the power of justification of the person at the head of the movement further develops. In the ten-year preparatory period preceding the great movement, this man is brought together with all the crowned heads of Europe. The exposed rulers of the world cannot oppose the Napoleonic ideal of glory and greatness, which has no meaning, with any reasonable ideal. One in front of the other, they strive to show him their insignificance. The King of Prussia sends his wife to curry favor with the great man; the Emperor of Austria considers it a mercy that this man accepts the daughter of the Caesars into his bed; the pope, guardian of the sacred things of the people, serves with his religion the exaltation of a great man. It is not so much that Napoleon himself prepares himself to fulfill his role, but rather that everything around him prepares him to take upon himself the full responsibility of what is happening and is about to happen. There is no act, no crime or petty deception that he has committed that is not immediately reflected in the mouths of those around him in the form of a great deed. The best holiday that the Germans can come up with for him is the celebration of Jena and Auerstätt. Not only is he great, but his ancestors, his brothers, his stepsons, his sons-in-law are great. Everything is done in order to deprive him of the last power of reason and prepare him for his terrible role. And when he is ready, so are the forces.
The invasion is heading east, reaching its final goal - Moscow. The capital is taken; The Russian army is more destroyed than enemy troops were ever destroyed in previous wars from Austerlitz to Wagram. But suddenly, instead of those accidents and genius that had so consistently led him so far in an unbroken series of successes towards his intended goal, there appears a countless number of reverse accidents, from a runny nose in Borodino to frost and the spark that lit Moscow; and instead of genius there are stupidity and meanness, which have no examples.
The invasion runs, comes back, runs again, and all the coincidences are now no longer for, but against it.
There is a counter-movement from east to west with remarkable similarity to the previous movement from west to east. The same attempts at movement from east to west in 1805 - 1807 - 1809 precede the great movement; the same clutch and group of huge sizes; the same pestering of the middle peoples to the movement; the same hesitation in the middle of the path and the same speed as you approach the goal.
Paris - the ultimate goal has been achieved. Napoleonic government and troops are destroyed. Napoleon himself no longer makes sense; all his actions are obviously pathetic and disgusting; but again an inexplicable accident occurs: the allies hate Napoleon, in whom they see the cause of their disasters; deprived of strength and power, convicted of villainy and deceit, he would have to appear to them as he appeared to them ten years ago and a year after - an outlaw robber. But by some strange chance no one sees this. His role is not over yet. A man who ten years ago and a year after was considered an outlaw robber is sent on a two-day journey from France to an island given to him in possession with guards and millions who pay him for something.

The movement of peoples begins to settle into its shores. The waves of the great movement have subsided, and circles are formed on the calm sea, in which diplomats rush, imagining that they are the ones causing the lull in the movement.
But the calm sea suddenly rises. It seems to diplomats that they, their disagreements, are the reason for this new onslaught of forces; they expect war between their sovereigns; The situation seems insoluble to them. But the wave, the rise of which they feel, is not rushing from where they expect it. The same wave is rising, from the same starting point of movement - Paris. The last surge of movement from the west is taking place; a splash that should resolve the seemingly intractable diplomatic difficulties and put an end to the militant movement of this period.

Historical geography

Edited by the community: Story

Historical geography – an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the spatial localization of the historical process.

Historical geography is interdisciplinary in nature. In terms of its object of study, it is close to geographical science. The difference is that geography studies its object in its present state, but it also has a historical point of view. Historical geography studies an object in its historical development, and it is also interested in the present state of the object, since one of its tasks is to explain the formation of the object in its present state.

Confusing historical geography with the history of geography is also wrong. The history of geography studies the history of geographical discoveries and travel; the history of people's geographical ideas; the specific, socially created geography of states, population, economy, nature, in the conditions in which these people of the past lived.

    Sources of historical geography

    Methods of historical geography

    History of the emergence and development of historical geography

Sources of historical geography

Historical geography uses as a source base the entire set of historical sources: written, material, visual, as well as data from other sciences.

The most complete information on historical geography is provided by written sources, and above all historical and geographical descriptions, materials from expeditions, and maps. Information of a historical and geographical nature contains chronicles, scribes, customs, boundary census books, materials of audits and censuses, legislative and legislative monuments, office documentation of institutions in charge of industry, agriculture, etc. A special place among written sources is occupied by sources containing toponyms - names of geographical objects.

Material sources are important for historical geography, since accurate conclusions can be drawn by using information from written sources in conjunction with others, including materials from archaeological finds. With the help of tangible archaeological materials, it is possible to establish the location of a settlement that has not survived to this day, the boundaries of the settlement of ethnic groups, etc.

Methods of historical geography

Historical geography uses methods adopted in history, geography, archeology, toponymy, ethnology, etc. One of the main methods is the analytical-synthetic method, the use of which is advisable when studying the territorial growth of a country, its administrative structure, demographic problems, as well as political and economic geography. The comparative historical method, the method of retrospective analysis, statistical and cartographic methods are used. IN recent years they are increasingly talking about a new method of historical and geographical research - the method of relative space, i.e. determining the location of an object in space relative to landmarks established in science.

History of the emergence and development of historical geography

In Russia, historical geography as a special discipline dates back to the 18th century. Its founder was V.N. Tatishchev. He outlined tasks related to the study of natural factors of economic life, ancient geography of peoples and states, history settlements. In his “Proposals for the Composition of Russian History and Geography,” he pointed out that history without geography cannot provide “perfect pleasure in knowledge.” His “Lexicon of Russian Historical, Geographical, Political and Civil” clarified the tasks of historical geography, which is divided into ancient, middle and new, or real. In “Russian History,” the scientist laid the foundations for studying the migration of peoples in Eastern Europe, paying main attention to the Slavs.

In his views on the place of historical geography in general historical works, M.V. shares his views with Tatishchev. Lomonosov. In his work “On the Layers of the Earth,” the scientist spoke about the connection between historical historiography and modern geography: “Visible physical things on earth and the whole world were not in the same state from the beginning from creation as we now find... as history and ancient geography show, demolished with the present ..."

The theory about the role of climate in the development of human society is directly related to historical geography. The enlighteners Montesquieu and Herder had detailed judgments on this topic. Less detailed, but more harmonious statements on this topic belong to the Russian historian, who was undoubtedly under their influence - I.I. Boltin. He outlined his views on the role of climate in the history of human society in the first volume of his “Notes on the History of Ancient and Modern Russia by G. Leclerc.” According to I.N. Boltin, climate is the main reason that determines “human morals,” and other reasons either strengthen or restrain its effect. He considered climate “the primary cause in the structure and education of man.”

In general, in the 18th century. the content of historical geography was reduced to identifying places on the map historical events and geographical objects that have ceased to exist, the study of changes in political boundaries and the settlement of peoples.

In the first half of the 19th century. The most interesting historical and geographical studies were the works of N.I. Nadezhdina, Z.Ya. Khodakovsky, K.A. Nevolina.

In the second half of the 19th century. – early 20th century historical geography began to emerge as a branch of historical science. At the beginning of the 20th century. Several consolidated courses in historical geography appeared, given at the St. Petersburg and Moscow Archaeological Institutes. Their authors were S.M. Seredonin, A.A. Spitsyn, S.K. Kuznetsov, M.K. Lyubavsky. Seredonin believed that the task of historical geography is to study the problems of the relationship between man and nature in past historical periods. A.A. Spitsyn saw the main importance of historical geography in creating a background “for understanding current events and the development of historical phenomena.”

As common task In historical geography, scientists put forward the study of the relationship between man and nature in different historical periods. There are noticeable deterministic tendencies in the approach to this problem. In this regard, it is necessary to mention the concept of geographical determinism, the founders of which are considered to be Montesquieu and Ratzel. This naturalistic doctrine attributes a primary role in the development of society and peoples to their geographical location and natural conditions. The concept played a negative role, since according to it, exclusively natural and geographical features determine the history of a people.

The role of the geographical factor, due to the objective conditions of Russia, is much greater than in the West. Therefore, Russian historians paid great attention to this problem, but often exaggerated the role of the geographical factor. For the first time in Russia, the concept of geographical determinism was defended by representatives of the “state school” in the historiography of B.N. Chicherin and K.D. Kavelin. It was most fully brought to life by S.M. Soloviev. They were undoubtedly influenced by the concept of L.I. Mechnikov, who connected the main periods of development of world civilizations with the influence of rivers (Egypt - Nile, etc.).

Historical geography at this time became the most popular and dynamically developing historical discipline. Among other researchers, Yu.V. should be mentioned. Gautier. In the book “Zamoskovny region in the 17th century.” he emphasized the close connection between natural conditions and the economic life of the population. P.G. Lyubomirov was one of the first to try to outline the economic regions of Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries. The problem of economic-geographical zoning was posed by him, but was not solved (before him, they were limited to dividing into historical regions).

At the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. The problems of historical political geography and historical population geography were studied mainly. Historical and geographical research played a supporting role in relation to historical science: places of historical events were localized, trade routes were clarified, etc. Clearly insufficient attention was paid to the historical geography of the economy and the development of historical cartography. Historical maps were mainly educational and military and reflected the history of political boundaries and wars. Pre-revolutionary science did not create a consolidated outline of the historical geography of Russia. There was no unity in understanding the tasks of historical geography. There was a constant interest in the problem of the influence of the natural environment (geographical environment) on the development of society.

In the 1920-1930s. Historical geography as a science was forgotten, and for many years the term “historical geography” was not used.

The year 1941 became a turning point for the development of historical geography, when an article by V.K. Yatsunsky “The subject and tasks of historical geography”. Over the course of several years, there has been a breakthrough in the study of the main problems of science. The course has been resumed historical history in universities. By the second half of the 20th century. historical geography has taken its place among the auxiliary historical disciplines, but scientific work in the field of historical geography, “lone craftsmen” – M.N. – were engaged, as Yatsunsky put it. Tikhomirov, B.A. Rybakov, S.V. Bakhrushin, A.I. Andreev, A.N. Nasonov, I.A. Golubtsov, L.V. Cherepnin. Work in the field of historical cartography has intensified .

The development of Soviet historical geography proceeded in two main directions: the development of traditional topics continued, and the study of problems of the geography of production and economic relations began.

The greatest merit in the revival of historical geography, in its formation as a science belongs to V.K. Yatsunsky. His name is associated with the development of the theoretical foundations of historical geography and the study of historical and geographical sources. He attached great importance to the methodological basis of historical geography, to solving the issue of its position at the intersection of history and geography and to the use of information obtained by historians and geographers of science using the scientific methods of each science. The scientist not only developed the theory of science, but also conducted specific research of a historical and geographical nature, created a number of cartographic manuals on the history of the national economy of Russia with explanatory texts. His contribution to the study of the history of historical geography is significant.

V.K. Yatsunsky proposed the structure of historical geography. He identified four elements of the content of historical geography:

    historical physical geography;

    historical economic geography, or historical geography of the economy;

    historical geography of the population;

    historical political geography.

This structure is reflected in many reference and educational publications, although a number of researchers, while generally supporting the definition of “historical geography” given by Yatsunsky, did not agree with him in everything. For example, in 1970, a discussion took place about the definition of the concept of “historical geography”. During the discussion, it was proposed to exclude V.K. from the definition. Yatsunsky, for example, physical geography. In the 1970s Much attention was paid to the content of the historical geography course and its teaching. New teaching aids have appeared. Such a manual was “Historical Geography of the USSR”, published in 1973 by I.D. Kovalchenko, V.Z. Drobizhev and A.V. Muravyov. To this day, it remains the only benefit of such a high level. It was the first to provide a generalized description of the historical and geographical conditions of the development of Russia from ancient times to the present day. The authors defined historical geography in the same way as V.K. Yatsunsky. The material was presented in chronological order by historical periods.

V.S. spoke with many controversial provisions. Zhekulin, who dealt with theoretical problems and specific issues of historical geography. He, in particular, declared the existence of two scientific disciplines under the same name, which have nothing in common with each other: historical geography as a geographical science and historical geography, which belongs to the cycle of historical disciplines.

Interest in historical geography in recent decades has been promoted by L.N. Gumilyov, who developed the theory of ethnogenesis and passionary impulse and applied it in historical research. The theory linked together ideas about man as a biological species, Homo sapiens, and the driving force of history. According to L.N. Gumilyov, the ethnic group is “inscribed” into the landscape surrounding it, and natural forces are one of the engines of history.

In the last decade, a significant study revealing the influence of climate and soil on the Russian historical process was the monograph by L.V. Milov “The Great Russian Plowman and the Peculiarities of the Russian Historical Process” (1st ed.: M., 1998; 2nd ed.: 2001).

In general, historical geography was unable to develop as a purely independent science. A number of works created in the 20th century were of an auxiliary nature; they mainly studied local problems, more often on the medieval history of Russia. The merit of Russian historical geography must be recognized in the use of new sources, for example, geographical descriptions.

1. Averyanov K.A. On the subject of historical geography // Problems of historical geography and demography of Russia. Issue 1. M., 2007.

2. Goldenberg L.A. On the issue of cartographic source study

3. Drobizhev V.Z., Kovalchenko I.D., Muravyov A.V. Historical geography of the USSR

4. Kovalchenko I.D., Muravyov A.V. Works on the interaction of nature and society

5. Milov L.V. Natural-climatic factor and features of the Russian historical process // Issues of history. 1992. No. 4-5.

6. Petrova O.S. Problems of historical geography in the “Proceedings of Archaeological Congresses” (second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries) // Problems of methodology and source study. Materials of the III scientific readings in memory of academician I.D. Kovalchenko. M., 2006.

7. Shulgina O.V. Historical geography of Russia in the 20th century: socio-political aspects. M., 2003.

8. Yatsunsky V.K. Historical geography: the history of its origin and development in the XIV - XVIII centuries. M., 1955.

    Lomonosov M.V. Selected philosophical works. M., 1950. P.397. 1

Detailing concepts:

Geographical environment

Historical map; Toponym; .

Geography; Natural resources and environmental management;

Detailing concepts:

Historical map; Map; Economic-geographical zoning.

Historical geography is a special historical discipline, a complex historical and geographical field of knowledge that studies the spatial aspects of the historical process, as well as historical development individual countries, peoples, regions.

Historical geography is also a branch of knowledge on the border of history and geography; geography of any territory at a certain stage its development. She studies the changes that have taken place in the geographical shell of the Earth.

Since historical geography is a complex science, geographers and ethnologists have their own definitions of its subject.

Thus, it is generally accepted among geographers to define historical geography as a science that studies the last (after the appearance of man) stage in the development of nature.

The famous Russian scientist L. Gumilyov gave his definition of historical geography from a folk studies point of view. “Historical geography,” he wrote, “is the science of the post-glacial landscape in a dynamic state, for which ethnicity is an indicator.”

As a result, we will name the synthetic definition of historical geography given in the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. Historical geography is a branch of geographical knowledge that studies natural and socio-economic territorial systems in terms of spatial-chronological changes and relationships. Historical geography studies the physical, economic, political, ethnic geography of the past from the emergence of human society to the present, the relationship between nature and society, the influence of economic activity on the geographic environment at different historical stages, and the influence of geographical factors on politics, production and ethnogenesis.

The subject of historical geography was repeatedly clarified in the course of scientific discussions, as a result of which in 1932 the London School of Economics established four components of the subject, namely: the historical geography of political boundaries, the influence of nature on the course of the historical process, the influence of events on geographical phenomena; history of geographical discoveries.

In Russian historical and geographical science, a different point of view has developed regarding the subject. For example, the history of geographical discoveries belongs to another field of knowledge, namely: the history of geography. Components The subjects of historical geography are: historical physical geography, historical geography of population, historical ethnic geography, historical geography of cities and villages, historical topography of cities, historical political geography.

In general, there are six main directions in historical geography.

1. Historical geography as an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the location of settlements, the topography of cities, monuments of various historical events, communication routes and other issues of important but auxiliary importance.

2. Historical geography as a science that studies the economic geography of past historical periods. In this direction, it includes historical population geography and historical demography.

3. Historical political geography as a science that studies the borders of states, issues of administrative-territorial structure, popular movements, wars, etc..

4. Historical ethnic geography as a science that studies the history of peoples in connection with the characteristics of the geographical environment - this is the study of the economic and cultural types of peoples, historical and geographical zoning, etc.

5. Historical geography as a science that studies the history of development, development and changes in the geographical environment and landscape.

6. Historical geography as a unified discipline that studies the characteristics of nature, population, and economy of past eras, namely: Ancient world, Middle Ages, modern and contemporary times.