How to connect gas cylinders to the boiler. Proper heating of the house with gas cylinders. Safe use of liquefied gas at home

Heating the house with bottled (liquefied) gas or gas-cylinder heating.

It is extremely troublesome to turn on, turn off and drain all systems every time you come to the dacha, especially if you come on the weekend. In terms of time, this turns out to be a little more than a day. And if you refuse to use them for winter period, then the dacha automatically turns into a house with “conveniences” on the street, and a lack of water supply, which also does not suit everyone. The question arises of how to maintain above-zero temperatures not only on weekends, but also during the week; simple calculations show that using electricity for these purposes is not the most cheap option, the search begins for an alternative solution at an affordable price, the following options are considered:
Main gas. Most often, the situation with main gas can be described by the following phrase: it was not, no, and will not be. So it immediately disappears as a source of fuel.
Electricity. Not everyone has the opportunity to connect 10 - 15 kW to heat their home. Also in winter, wires often break, and repair crews operate according to the following scheme. The villages where the administration and “respected” people live are the first to be repaired, then the villages, depending on their habitability and remoteness, and, as a rule, their hands reach the holiday villages last. So the prospect of losing electricity for two to three weeks, and, accordingly, all the benefits of civilization, is by no means a fantasy.
Installation of a special gas storage tank. First, this pleasure is not cheap and will cost at least 170,000 rubles. Second, often in holiday villages only the main street is cleaned, so if you don’t make a way for the gas station driver in the virgin snow with a shovel in your hands, it is unlikely that he will get to your site.
Pilet boiler. A comprehensive solution - boiler, boiler, automatic pill feeding system - will cost from 200,000 rubles.
Boiler for solid fuel, coal, wood, etc. In order for it to function normally, you will have to hire a fireman. Are you sure you have the opportunity to pay him a salary?
Diesel fuel boilers. Unfortunately, the cost of diesel fuel has already approached the cost of gasoline, and even then leave even the minimum 150 - 200 liters. diesel fuel for a week, unattended due to fear of theft.

And here the idea arises of using liquefied bottled gas as fuel, especially if the delivery of cylinders is organized to the nearest village or your settlement. The entire system of boiler, cylinders, reducers and combs, hoses will cost 40 - 60 rubles. Many people can already do this.

But the following questions arise: “How long will one cylinder last?”, “What will be the cost of heating for the entire season?”, “How can I reduce gas consumption?” and so on. Let's try to figure this out.

Almost all boilers designed to operate on mains gas can also operate on liquefied (cylindered) gas; to do this, you just need to change the burner, very often it comes included.

An important parameter in this case when choosing a boiler is the minimum gas pressure at which it can still continue to operate; the lower it is, the better, this will allow you to get the maximum amount of gas from the cylinder.

One gas cylinder, depending on the season and the honesty of the gas station, contains about 35 - 42 liters of gas, in liquid form it is 22 kg, refilling a liter of gas will cost 12 - 16 rubles, respectively, refilling a gas cylinder costs 470 - 630 rubles. A gas boiler consumes about 0.12 kg of gas per hour to generate 1 kW of thermal energy, that is, for a boiler with a capacity of 12 - 15 kW, gas consumption will be about 1.2 - 1.7 kg per hour. A boiler of this power is enough to heat a house of 120 - 140 m2.

We continue our calculations... If the boiler were constantly operating at maximum mode, the gas consumption would be 1.4 * 24 = 33.60 kg of gas, or 1.5 cylinders per day, in money this is 870 - 950 rubles. In general, One could forget about heating the house with bottled gas. Fortunately, a correctly selected and configured boiler operates or consumes gas in the mode of maintaining a comfortable temperature of 1 to 3, or 1 to 4, of course, provided that there are no heat leaks, and it has to heat the house, and not an iron hangar or a tarpaulin tent.

That is, in a well-insulated house 120 - 140 m2, without obvious drafts, quality windows, the temperature outside the window is 18 - 23, and the temperature in the house is + 21 - 23, gas consumption should be 10 - 12 kg per day, this is approximately 1 cylinder of 50 liters of liquefied gas for two days. This is confirmed by the experience of those who have a liquefied gas heating system installed, with + 21 - 23 g hot water supply in the house around the clock, the consumption is 3 - 4 cylinders per week, this is about 1,700-2,200 rubles in monetary terms.

If you are not satisfied with this amount, you can equip your boiler with automation to reduce the temperature (and, accordingly, the gas consumed) at night when you are sleeping. As practice shows, simply lowering the temperature to 12 - 15 g, from 23 pm to 7 - 9 am, can reduce gas consumption by 25 - 40%, respectively, one cylinder will be enough for 3 - 4 days, and a week for the heating system will require 1 .5 - 2 cylinders of liquefied gas, or 900 - 1,300 rubles, per month in this case the costs will be 5 - 7 tr.

When heating with liquefied gas, it is better to combine the cylinders into a group of 6 - 10 pieces.

As practice shows, if this is a permanent residence house, even with the installation of a programmer, lowering the temperature, and a correctly selected and configured boiler, rarely does anyone manage to consume less than 8 - 10 cylinders of gas per month.

One of the forums gives the following example:

"The house is framed, 135 sq.m., insulated with 15 cm lightbase, the windows are plastic, the outside is lined with brick (in general, brick was made for “solidity” since I can’t stand siding, I don’t know how it affects heat conservation). Boiler with programmer, at night We set the time to +14, on weekdays from 6 to 9 we set it to +21, during the day we are at work, my daughter is at school from 9 to 16 we set it to +12 (otherwise the wife says the flowers will freeze), by 17 the wife and daughter return, so they set it accordingly 16 to 23, at +23. If it’s a weekend, then from 23 to 8 we set it to +14 (you won’t freeze under the blanket, but you can save money), and during the day it’s +23. and it’s warm. But for the New Year holidays and holidays we are still catching up, so if you take it for the whole season, then a month, taking into account water and a stove, it costs 9 - 11 units, approximately 5,500 per month.

For now we are sitting on cylinders, since it seems they promise to connect gas in the next two years. They didn’t bury the gas tank, because in order to build a house they got into debt and worked like horses, but now it’s 400,000 rubles. spend, the toad is strangling something"

As we see on small house Permanent residence costs about 10 cylinders of liquefied gas per month. How much will it cost to heat a dacha of 120 - 140 m2? In the calculation, as with electricity, we take approximately 35 days of weekends and holidays of intensive use during the October - April season. This is about 14 - 16 cylinders at + 22 in the house, and without reducing the temperature at night. If you learn to live like a European, and program a timer from 23:00 to 9:00, when everyone wakes up, by + 12 you can reduce consumption to 9 - 11 units for the entire season.

But this is only the cost of operation on weekends and holidays (and we take days off from 11 - 13 o'clock on Saturday to 15 - 17 o'clock on Sunday), and it is necessary not to drain or turn off the systems, to maintain a positive temperature in the house throughout the week . To do this, we need to set the boiler to a minimum temperature of + 5 - 8, the windows do not open - that is, we have an almost closed volume. To maintain a minimum above-zero temperature, you need another 0.7 - 1 cylinder per week. In general, for heating a small country house you need about 3 - 5 cylinders of liquefied gas per month, taking into account the stove for cooking. In money it is 1,800 - 2,500 rubles. per month or about 14 - 17,000 rubles. for the entire season. When visiting on weekends and holidays, it turns out that one day at the dacha will cost you 390 - 440 rubles, this is the payment for the fact that your dacha will be ready to receive you at any time, and there will be heating, sewerage, and running water.

In what case should you not make a heating system using liquefied gas?

The area of ​​the house is more than 200 m2 (even with a house from 150 m2 it is already worth weighing everything carefully), if it has three or four bathrooms, and you are not ready to reduce the temperature at night, and if the thermometer drops below +25, you perceive it no differently like arctic cold. In practice this means gas consumption - one fifty liter cylinder per day.

Gas is not delivered, and you will have to fill the cylinders yourself. Think about whether you have this opportunity, how and what will you transport them with?

Also, traffic police inspectors are not allowed to transport more than three gas cylinders at a time, without special permission. So if your system will consume 10 - 12 cylinders per month, that means weekly visits to the gas station.

As you can see, a liquefied gas heating system, under certain conditions, has a fuller right to exist.

Article from the source

Paradoxical as it may seem, but in modern world There is not yet a central gas pipeline everywhere. And to heat their rooms, people have to use wood or electricity. But there is another way - heating the house gas cylinders. This good alternative solid fuel and electric heating if it is impossible to connect a private home to the central gas pipeline.

Although heating with liquefied petroleum gas propane or propane-butane is somewhat more expensive, in terms of its characteristics such fuel is practically no different from gas passing through the main line. A gas stove for heating a house from a cylinder is often used in a private house or country house, where the heated area does not exceed 100 sq.m. Let's consider the main features of balloon heating.

When Do you use liquefied gas for heating?

There are no direct prohibitions or restrictive measures on autonomous heating of a private home with gas cylinders. However, heating a home with liquefied gas from a cylinder is not always rational, since obtaining thermal energy in this way requires significant expenses.

Heating a house from a gas cylinder is beneficial only if:

  • heated room area up to 100 m2;
  • organizing good thermal insulation of the home;
  • minimizing heat loss.

The arrangement of heating a private house with gas is carried out using ordinary 50-liter cylinders with propane or butane, which are compressed to a liquid state.

In summer and winter, different mixtures of flammable substances are used:

  • SPBTL (flight combination);
  • SPBTZ (winter mixture).

In winter, the containers must be constantly monitored, as interruptions in the fuel supply are possible due to the difference in boiling temperatures of the mixture components (propane -40°C, butane 0°C). As a result, at a temperature of, for example, -10°C, the pressure in the vessel will drop below the level required for the normal functioning of the system. Then the cylinder will have to be heated to at least 0°C so that the butane begins to evaporate.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to heat cylinders that are located in a private house at subzero temperatures with heating elements or heating cables.

Advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating

Heating a private home with bottled gas has advantages over others heating option, and disadvantages.

First, we present the undeniable advantages of heating with liquefied gas:

  • high efficiency with significantly lower labor costs compared to solid fuel heating;
  • the ability to convert a gas boiler from a conventional cylinder to mainline equipment;
  • absolute autonomy and independence of the functioning of the balloon system;
  • long service life of equipment (15-25 years);
  • presence of demand for cylinders on the secondary market - containers are easy to sell if they are not needed.

In addition, cylinder heating allows you to heat water in a private house for domestic needs.

We also list the main disadvantages of such a heating system:

  • cylinders must be refilled regularly, approximately every 2-3 weeks, which is inconvenient and costly;
  • if the system is not organized correctly, gas consumption increases significantly;
  • the need to create suitable conditions for storing containers.

Thus, organizing a heating system on cylinders can be very dangerous if certain operating conditions of the equipment are not followed. Therefore, vessels can only be stored in a ventilated area without a basement. It is best to place the cylinders in a separate building.

How to connect the cylinder to the boiler?

To assemble a heating system on gas cylinders, the following equipment is required:

  • gas boiler with a special burner for liquefied fuel;
  • gas cylinders;
  • gearboxes;
  • ramp for connecting several containers;
  • shut-off valves;
  • pipes and hoses for connecting the system.

As a rule, a gas boiler with a water circuit is used as a heat generator. Moreover, a special boiler model is not required; you can simply replace the burner or nozzles. The power of the heating device is selected in accordance with the area of ​​the room, but the efficiency of the device should be as high as possible. Excellent choice will become a gas condensing boiler.

Attention! It is prohibited to install cylinders in a basement or basement. It is better to place them in a metal box with holes for ventilation.

Vessels can only be placed in a horizontal position. It is better to place a metal box on north side area in a shaded area.

For correct and effective functioning boiler it must be simultaneously connected to 4-5 cylinders. To equip a gas pipeline, you will need a pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm. At the place where it is installed, a sleeve is installed in the wall, the diameter of which is 20-30 mm larger than the cross-section of the tube. The space between the sleeve and the pipe is filled with polyurethane foam.

The cylinders are connected to the system through a reducer, which converts the liquid back into a gaseous state. This can be done in two ways: one reducer for all vessels or one pressure regulator for each cylinder. The second option ensures complete safety, although it is more expensive.

To increase the interval for refilling containers, it is better to connect several vessels to the boiler at once through a ramp, which divides the cylinders into a main bundle and a spare one. First, gas will come from the main group of tanks, and when the fuel runs out, the boiler will switch to the reserve group. When the main link is updated, the heater will reconnect to the main group.

Attention! Observe most important rule safety: it is prohibited to fill the cylinder more than 80% of the volume, since the mixture of propane and butane has a high percentage of expansion, and when the volume is filled to more than 85%, there is a high probability of the vessel exploding.

When assembling and installing equipment, pipes and hoses, all connections, connectors and fittings must be checked for gas leaks using normal soaping.

Can the cylinder be replaced with a gas holder?

Instead of conventional 50-liter cylinders, it is allowed to use a more capacious steel container for storing liquefied gas - a gas holder. The volume of some of these tanks is often enough for the entire heating season.

However, heating a home with liquid gas cylinders is considered more convenient, since delivering fuel to a more compact vessels much easier. In addition, for a gas tank it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work on digging the site, which will result in additional financial investments.

At the same time, the use of a gas holder eliminates the need to simultaneously connect several containers at once, since one cylinder cannot provide sufficient evaporation for normal operation boiler

Pressure control reducer

The pressure in the cylinders is constantly changing, and its value depends on many factors:

  • number of cylinders;
  • composition and temperature of the mixture;
  • remaining liquefied gas;
  • distance of a group of vessels to the boiler.

The reducer is used to convert and maintain stable gas pressure in the vapor state.

You need to select a gearbox for a heating system based on two main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • working pressure.

The rationality of heating a private house with gas cylinders depends on the fuel consumption of the boiler. Therefore, the performance of the gearbox should not be less than the pickup capacity of the heating device.

The operating pressure of the reducer is also selected in accordance with the characteristics of the boiler equipment. If the pressure produced by the reducer is too high, the operation of the heater will be disrupted. The pressure regulator is made for 20, 30, 37, 42, 50 and 60 mbar.

When connecting vessels using flexible hoses, you will need a reducer with a herringbone fitting. And when connecting cylinders using combs and rigid pipes, you will need fittings with threaded outlets.

In addition to their main purpose, automatic devices are equipped with protective elements that are triggered if the pressure rises to a critical level. Then the relief valve opens.

How much fuel is burned?

Heating a house whose area is approximately 100 m2 with liquefied gas can be done using a boiler with a power of 10 kW. In order to obtain 1 kW of thermal energy, it is necessary to consume 100-120 g/min of liquefied gas at 100% boiler load. If the cold period extends to 7 months, then the approximate estimated fuel consumption for the entire season will be about 5 tons.

But in reality, the volume of expenses will be almost 2 times less, thanks to the automation, which switches the equipment to economy mode when the air temperature in the premises has reached the set value or guided by the timer settings.

If we compare the costs of heating a summer house or private house from a main gas pipeline, then heating with liquefied gas is about 5-6 times more expensive. But nevertheless, in the long run, it is cheaper than heating from electricity.

If we take into account prices for liquefied gas, then heating country house or summer cottages using cylinders is not the worst alternative to electric and liquid fuel systems. Especially in cases where the region has problems with solid fuel or it is quite expensive.

Heating with liquefied gas is the most rational decision in the event that there are soon plans to gasify a populated area, due to the fact that then there is no need to purchase a boiler. In addition, there is an opportunity to practice using a gas boiler.

How to store gas cylinders in winter?

In the case where the cylinders are located outside the house, then winter time at negative temperature the liquefied gas pressure drops and the boiler may simply turn off. In order to avoid this, the cylinders must be installed in a special cabinet that is insulated with non-flammable materials and equipped with good ventilation.

Detached non-residential buildings with a minimum level of heating are also well suited for this purpose. When using cylinders, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • Gas containers must not be heated with open fire;
  • There should not be a cellar or basement near the cylinders, because during a leak, the liquefied gas sinks down, it has no odor and can accumulate to an explosive concentration;
  • It is highly recommended to install a gas leak detector;
  • storage of full cylinders is permitted at a distance of at least 10 meters from residential premises;
  • It is prohibited to store empty cylinders in the house;
  • Once every 4 years, cylinders must be checked for leaks and integrity.

Thus, heating a house with gas cylinders is not a profitable heating method. However this great solution as a temporary measure until it becomes possible to connect to the central gas main.

One of the most popular topics of discussion on various construction forums is heating in a private house with gas cylinders. This raises several important operational issues, self-installation and maintenance, as well as safety measures.

Is it possible to heat a house with a gas cylinder?

Individual gas heating in a private house with cylinders is a good alternative if there is no possibility of connecting to the central highway. The cost of heating with gas is much lower than what you have to pay when heating with electricity, solid and diesel fuel.

The heat output of the system is enough to warm up the house and heat a sufficient amount of water. It is possible to make autonomous gas-cylinder heating of a country house or cottage using bottled gas in a simple way.

Cylinders with liquefied gas Propane-Butane

Fundamentally, this scheme is no different from the operation of a gas tank. The propane-butane mixture has a high evaporation rate. Gas evaporating from the surface is suitable for work water heating equipment. For efficient work it is necessary to connect the gas cylinders together into a single fuel supply network to the boiler.

Depending on the time of year, a summer and winter gas mixture is used. In the first, the ratio of propane and butane is approximately 50 to 50%, the second is 85 to 15%. During the winter season, gas with a high butane ratio freezes, causing the system to stop operating.

Cylinders are filled under high pressure, which leads to the transformation of the gas into a liquid state. To ensure the reverse process and obtain a gaseous mixture, it is necessary to lower the pressure back. Continuity of gas supply is ensured by a special reducer.

The unit lowers and stabilizes pressure. Only a hot water boiler with a minimum operating pressure of 3-4 mbar can operate on liquefied gas. For convenience, autonomous gas heating at home operates from a bunch of several cylinders connected to a ramp, which automatically switches the flow rate from the main to a backup fuel source.

The disadvantage of using tanks with liquefied propane gas is the inability to heat the entire building. The systems are mainly used for heating tourist tents, country houses, construction cabins, etc.

Do I need a permit for heating from gas cylinders?

Gas heating systems from cylinders do not require official registration and registration with the gas service or fire inspection. But the legislation stipulates the norms and requirements necessary for safe operation requirements for both the connection and placement of gas cylinder installations, and the premises used as a boiler room and LPG warehouse.

The legality of using gas cylinders for heating is stipulated in the Federal Law. Subject to compliance with fire safety requirements, autonomous gasification of a private home using gas cylinder installations does not require registration. In practice, this means that the only possible claims may be from the fire inspector. During the next check, he may draw attention to errors, and in case of gross violations, he may seal the installation.

According to this, it is prohibited to install more than one fuel cylinder in a room. A heating system based on several individual cylinder units must be removed from the residential building.

How to calculate how many gas cylinders you need per month

On average, a cylinder lasts for 3-4 days of operation, provided that 100 m² are heated. It turns out that for continuous operation of the boiler for a week, it is necessary to empty two 50 liter containers. each. Further calculation of gas consumption for heating when using bottled gas is carried out in the following way:
  1. Using two 50l. cylinders can heat a house of 100 m² for a week.
  2. For a month, accordingly, about 10 cylinders are needed.

In order to accurately calculate heating using cylinders, you will need to determine the possible heat loss, as well as the additional number of distribution points that will be used in addition to the heating boiler. The approximate consumption of liters of bottled gas per month will be about 500 liters.

The exact number of cylinders required to maintain a comfortable temperature is calculated only after a thermal engineering examination of the building.

What type of cylinders should I choose?

Since at least 4 cylinders of gas are needed to heat a house, the consumer faces a difficult task: choosing the right container for storing LPG. You can understand the presented assortment if you conditionally classify the products into several classes according to the following criteria:

The weak point of all LPG storage tanks is the shut-off valve. To extend the service life, you will need to install another control valve on the pipeline for each cylinder separately.

How to make gas heating from cylinders yourself

It is better to entrust the installation of autonomous gasification to a private house to specialists, but it is possible to connect the system yourself. This requires strict adherence to existing standards fire safety and SNiP.

To carry out the work correctly, you will need to clarify several questions:

  1. Where to place and how to ensure storage of cylinders.
  2. How to properly connect several containers to a single network.
  3. Is it possible to heat the cylinder in the winter season?

Where is gas equipment located?

Strictly speaking, placing gas cylinders indoors is possible only if no more than two containers are connected simultaneously (standards may vary depending on the region). If the number of tanks exceeds the permissible limit, they are installed outdoors in a special cabinet. Additionally, the following rules apply:

It is prohibited to store empty containers together with filled ones. Every 4-5 years, the tanks are tested, after which they are allowed into operation again.

How to connect gas cylinders into a single system

The practice of heating from Propane cylinders shows that you can significantly reduce costs if you connect not 1-2 containers at the same time, but the whole system. For installation gas cylinder heating the following conditions will need to be met:

System diagram autonomous heating cottage or country house with gas equipment with a ramp, allows you to simultaneously connect from 1-10 LPG tanks. The actual need for the number of tanks is calculated based on the total heated area.

How to heat a gas cylinder in winter

Heating of cylinders in winter can be done in several ways:

Methods for heating gas cylinders in winter do not allow the use of open fire.

Safety precautions when using cylinders

To heat a private home you need from 4 to 10 gas cylinders, which in itself is potentially dangerous. For this reason, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of industrial safety:
  • Installation of portable cylinders is carried out strictly in accordance with SNIP. Installation of the gas pipeline and connection to gas consumption points is carried out along the external walls of the room.
  • The room used as a boiler room must have natural and forced ventilation.
  • The technical conditions for installing and connecting bottled Propane-Butane gas for heating a house allow for the installation of 1 LPG tank in residential premises. A system of several cylinders is installed exclusively on the street.
  • The warehouse for containers should not have pits or basements.
  • Not allowed direct hit sunlight on the tank. The cabinet for storing cylinders must be waterproof.

The use of liquefied gas in household cylinders for individual heating of residential buildings is permitted by SNiP and PB, but installation of the system is best left to professionals. Practice shows that when connecting independently, it is quite difficult to take into account all existing requirements and ensure safe operation.

In this article we will talk about what you need to know if you decide to heat your home with liquefied gas. Gas (an oil product) is liquefied under high pressure and delivered to the consumer in this state. This allows you to fill the cylinders with a larger volume. The cylinder is connected to heating boiler through a reducer (a device for reducing pressure in the system). The gas leaving the cylinder passes through the reducer and, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its original (gaseous) state. It is burned in the boiler, releasing a large amount of heat.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • gas is an environmentally friendly product and meets all regulations and standards;
  • autonomy, quite easy to connect and operate;
  • the pressure in the pipes is relatively stable;
  • gas consumption is minimal;
  • twice the price of diesel fuel.


  • at negative temperatures, if the cylinder is placed outside, the system may turn off, since condensate, freezing, prevents the gas from escaping;
  • Gas cylinders must be kept in a sufficiently warm place.

Types of fuel and basic rules

Cylinders can be refilled different brands fuel:

  • technical butane- denoted by the abbreviation - B
  • a mixture of propane and butane technical summer - SPBTL
  • a mixture of propane and butane technical winter - SPBTZ.

Following simple safety rules can save your life.

Heating system

The heating system itself consists of the following elements:

  1. Fuel, in our case, liquefied gas.
  2. Boiler, one or two circuit, with transition to liquefied gas.
  3. Radiator, heat transfer element.
  4. piping system, for distributing heated water to radiators.

Let's take a closer look at the components of the entire system:

With fuel (gas) everything is quite clear, you just need to purchase new ones, quality cylinders, preferably 50 liters, or a gas holder (five cubic capacity for storing liquefied gas, approximately 4250 liters). I advise you to purchase it in a specialized store.

To calculate the gas consumed by the system, you need to know:

  • room area, which you are going to heat;
  • boiler power and coefficient of performance (efficiency).

Calculation of the cost of cylinder heating

The heating season is approximately 6-7 months, multiply by 30 days and multiply 24 hours, then multiply by 0.5 (coefficient for calculating operating time gas burner in the boiler at maximum power, we take about 50% of the total time of the entire system) = 2520 hours.

To heat 100 sq. m. premises, you will need a boiler with a capacity of approximately 10 kW.

Calculation of gas fuel consumption required for heating a house: 10 kW. h*2520 h = 25,200 kW. h.

For a boiler with a power of 10 kW. and, with an efficiency of at least 90%, fuel consumption (liquefied gas) is 0.86 kg/h:

  • Calculation of gas consumption for heating a house will look like this: 0.86 kg/h * 2520 h = 2167.2 kg/year;
  • in a container for 27 liters of liquefied gas in total 11.5 kilograms;
  • The average cost of a liter of gas is approximately 14 rubles;

We calculate the cost of the required amount of liquefied gas for the heating season: (2167.2 kg/year * 27 l. / 11.5 kg.) * 14 rubles. = 71,860 rubles per year.

If containers (bolons) of 50 liters are used. in which approximately 21.2 kg of liquid gas is filled: (2167.2 kg/year * 50 l. / 21.2 kg.) * 14 rub. = 71,558 rubles per year.

This is of course approximate calculation, for a more accurate calculation it will take much more values(location of the house, area, degree of thermal insulation of the house, windows, doors and a number of other factors that can affect heat and energy consumption).

In principle, there is nothing complicated in choosing a boiler; its power is calculated based on the area of ​​the room, for example, a boiler with a capacity 10kW., fits the room in 100 sq. m. The main thing is that the boiler is from a good, well-known company specializing in this equipment. And there were spare parts on sale for it in wide range(nothing is eternal). You can put two-circuit boiler, and it will provide you not only with warmth in the house, but also hot water, but at the same time gas consumption will increase (depending on what the consumption will be hot water). And if you have a two or three-story house, then the boiler should be a little more powerful. This way it will work much longer.

Experts perform much more accurate calculations to calculate the thermal energy of heating radiators by power. Very important calculation by heating area radiators for their correct distribution.

When purchasing radiators, you will definitely need a simple calculation of heating power. In order to do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and its height, as well as the consumption of thermal energy (power) per 1 m2. Under standard conditions, for a typical room, approximately 41 W. power. And multiplying the volume of the room (room) by this indicator, we get the amount of heat that is necessary to supply the radiator when heating the room (room). For example, to heat one room with a total area 18 m. kV. and height 3 m. you will need a radiator with a decent amount of power at 2.5 kW.

Now you need to calculate the number of radiators to heat the room. Let's divide the power required to heat the room by the power of one battery section, then we can get required quantity radiator sections. If my memory serves me right, then one section bimetallic radiator heating, has a power of approximately 150 W. Before purchasing a radiator battery, on the packaging or in its passport, it is reported the magnitude of its thermal power. This is not a complicated concept that refers to the heat (in quantitative terms) that the battery will release when cooled with operating temperature heating, to a temperature of approximately 18−20 degrees Celsius.

Calculation of radiators and their quantity by specialists

Of course, the most correct way is to contact specialists. Their method is quite accurate and allows you to calculate the required number of radiator sections for each room of a residential building, and for any other room in a private house. Their method takes into account many parameters:

  • material, what the walls are made of and their thickness
  • window type, installed in every room of the house
  • area ratio walls and windows
  • climatic conditions in your area
  • is the area above your room heated?
  • how many walls your room faces the outside of the house
  • square rooms and ceiling heights.

Pipe system

The system itself consists of correctly selected and laid heating pipes, which connect your radiators and boiler to each other. There are two types of such pipeline laying systems: one-pipe and two-pipe.

When designing a heating system, then two-pipe scheme liner involves installing two pipes on each of the batteries, the so-called "supplies and returns". According to one of them (supply) the coolant (water), in heating device enters, through another (return), having already cooled, returns to the boiler. The use of such a wiring diagram makes it possible to achieve same degree of heating coolant in all radiators at home. Two-pipe type wiring is divided into two main types:

  1. Connecting radiators in parallel-series (one closed ring).
  2. Using a collector, to which all radiators are connected with separate hoses (pipes).

The second type of connecting radiators makes it possible regulate temperature each battery. But she also has a tangible financial disadvantage this is a need for installation large number metal-plastic or other pipes for heating to provide connections to radiators. Single-pipe heating circuit from metal-plastic pipes It functions like this: the heated coolant (water) simply flows through pipes from one radiator to another. Simply put, such a system is consistent, and this leads to a gradual cooling of the coolant along his route. This means that the last radiator in the chain will always be significantly cooler than the first battery. The main advantage of a single-pipe heating system made of metal-plastic pipes is it's cheap its arrangement.

Also, quite important, is degree of thermal insulation your home. If you have taken all measures and insulated the walls, ceilings, floors, installed new good windows, and you have a modern, high-quality, front door(doors). Then the heat loss of your heating system will be minimal and during the season, you will spend much less money than you planned.

City residents are actively constructing dachas and country houses, mastering the nearby locality territories. Areas near which there is no gas pipeline are no exception. In the absence of supply lines and a centralized supply of hot water, property owners decide to connect gas boilers for heating from a cylinder. The use of liquefied gas makes it possible to heat houses and heat water. Let's look at the connection features and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating.

Is it possible to connect gas boilers for heating from a cylinder?

When wondering whether it is permissible to use a gas boiler for heating from a cylinder, you need to know that the design features of most heating units provide the ability to operate on various types of gas:

  • main, which is supplied through centralized gas supply lines;
  • bottled propane, which can be pumped into containers of various sizes.

Due to the fact that in the delivery state the main part of the heating units is designed to operate on main fuel, it is necessary to perform one of the types of work related to conversion:

  • replace injectors;
  • dismantle the burner.

After the conversion, all types of heating devices will be able to operate on liquefied fuel, regardless of their heating capacity and combustion chamber design:

  • single-circuit and double-circuit;
  • wall-mounted and floor-mounted.

When choosing a gas boiler for heating from a gas cylinder, pay attention to the following points:

  • the feasibility of using units with reduced operating pressure, which will allow the use of liquefied bottled gas with the maximum degree of efficiency;
  • the use of devices with increased efficiency, ensuring efficient combustion of fuel at minimal cost.

Having answered the question in the affirmative about the possibility of connecting heating devices to tanks, we will dwell on them in more detail.

Bottled gas is the main power source

Metal containers intended for storing liquefied gas under pressure differ from other types of containers:

  • volume, which is 5, 12, 27 and 40 liters;
  • degree of filling, which should not exceed 85%;
  • design of the adapter fitting;
  • red, indicating explosive hazard.

Refueling possible various types gas:

  • propane;
  • butane;
  • a mixture of propane and butane.

When heating a dacha with gas cylinders, the latter option is used.

The gaseous fuel, which occupies an increased volume, is liquefied in a special way. When compression is carried out, the gaseous fraction becomes liquid, which makes it possible to fill the container with a gaseous substance in an increased volume. In order to prevent a fire hazard, it is prohibited to connect cylinders directly to consumers without using a special reducer.

To power the boiler with liquefied propane, you need to prepare:

  • a reducer designed to reduce pressure;
  • shut-off valves that allow you to shut off supply lines;
  • pipes connecting individual elements into a common system.

When using bottled gas, it is necessary to pay special attention to comply with fire safety rules.

The main advantages of bottled gas:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • autonomy;
  • ease of use;
  • constant pressure.

The main disadvantages of using household containers:

  • insufficient volume;
  • the need for periodic refueling.

Connecting a group of tanks with a common network will allow you to reduce the number of trips to update tanks. Let's look at this point in more detail.

Features of connecting reserve cylinders

During the operation of a gas heating system, situations arise when the gas supply is interrupted at night and heating stops. This causes a lot of inconvenience for residents, since it is necessary to regularly monitor the filling of containers.

It is possible to perform a group connection of a heating device using a special ramp. Design features ramps allow you to combine up to ten backup power tanks. Operating principle of the ramp:

  • containers are divided into separate groups, each of which is equipped with its own pressure regulator;
  • the working group of cylinders supplies gas to the main line that supplies the heating unit;
  • switching to backup power is carried out automatically after the end of gas in the main tanks with automatic signal generation;
  • automatic switching to operation from the main group is carried out after full refueling.

Using a group arrangement allows you to increase the time interval between refills. Possible various options connections:

  • a common reduction gearbox, which is mounted on the output line;
  • an individual device installed on each container.

Despite the increased costs, the second option is safer.

How to heat a gas boiler using a propane cylinder

It is important to correctly connect the heating system to the tank, while ensuring that safety requirements are met. It is necessary to use a gearbox that matches the performance:

  • a device designed for gas flow up to 2 m3/hour can be used to supply liquefied gas;
  • A gearbox with a capacity of up to 1 m3/hour, intended for stoves, cannot be used for heating.

Please note the following points:

  • availability of free access to liquefied gas containers for maintenance;
  • inadmissibility of gasification of premises located in the basement or basement of the building;
  • maintaining the distance from the tank to the boiler or stove, which should be more than 100 cm;
  • the maximum volume of tanks, which for residential premises should not exceed 55 liters;
  • vertical arrangement of containers that are prohibited from being used in an inclined position or lying down;
  • the metal box with tanks must be closed and located in a safe place;
  • diameter of corrugated hoses or copper tubes, which, with a size of more than 2 cm, will ensure gas supply at maximum unit performance;
  • the use of a purchased unit for connecting tanks, equipped with a pressure gauge, will allow you to control the pressure and check the presence of gas.

Carrying out activities to connect the heating system should be entrusted to professionals who have undergone special training and are licensed to perform explosive work.

Is it allowed to install refilled cylinders in the boiler room?

Current regulatory documents on fire safety regulate the rules for installing liquefied gas tanks. Regulations prohibit placing them in a common room with boilers.

Main requirements:

  • it is allowed to install tanks in a nearby room or outside the building in a special metal box;
  • Empty containers should be stored outdoors, but it is better to refill containers on time;
  • to prevent freezing of containers installed in a metal box, it is necessary to use thermal insulation materials, not subject to combustion;
  • heating containers with frozen gas using an open flame is prohibited;
  • storage of supplies is permitted only in a ventilated room without pits;
  • It is necessary to monitor the tightness of tanks at intervals of four years during the certification process.

Remember that compared to air, propane is a heavier gas, which, when leaked, concentrates in basements and pits. When a critical concentration is reached, an explosive situation is possible.

Is it necessary to reconfigure a gas boiler for heating from a gas cylinder?

There is no need to reconfigure the heating device if it is correctly converted and connected in compliance with all requirements. Prerequisites functioning:

  • installation additional elements designed to maintain constant gas pressure;
  • the possibility of stable operation of the heating unit when the gas pressure drops to 4 mbar.

You should read in detail technical description and the boiler operating manual, which indicates the possibility of operating on liquefied fuel and regulates the operating pressure.

How to provide gas heating for a dacha using cylinders

The process of switching the boiler to liquefied fuel involves performing the following operations:

  • installation of a gas burner and dismantling of metering nozzles. This will ensure the boiler operates at a reduced pressure that corresponds to the cylinder pressure;
  • installation of a reduction gearbox. The device allows you to reduce the output pressure of a substance when it transitions to a gaseous state;
  • checking the functionality of the gas valve. A number of heating devices need to replace the specified unit when switching to bottled gas.

Switching work is carried out only by representatives of specialized organizations.

Method for calculating the volume and need for cylinders for a boiler

  • the amount of gas contained in one tank allows heating a room of 50 square meters for a week. m;
  • The average consumption of “blue fuel” by the boiler, spent on generating 1 kW of heat, is 120 grams per hour.

Once you have specified the area of ​​the heated room, you can easily perform a simple calculation. For example, for a house with an area of ​​150 sq. m weekly you will need 3 propane tanks of 40 liters each. Multiplying the resulting value by 4 weeks, we get the monthly requirement - 12 pieces. For uninterrupted operation, you can simultaneously connect 6-8 tanks in two groups of 3-4 each.

Equipping the heating system with automatic elements will reduce gas consumption by regulating the temperature at night. For periodic stays, for example, only on weekends, a significantly smaller amount of fuel will be required, which will significantly reduce its consumption.

Heating with a gas boiler from a cylinder - pros and cons

The main advantages of an autonomous heating system connected to cylinder tanks:

  • accelerated and simplified connection;
  • no need to obtain a launch permit;
  • possibility of installation without design documentation;
  • independence from centralized systems fuel supply.

Along with the positive aspects, there are certain disadvantages:

  • the need to use a ramp to connect to the system;
  • the need for regular monitoring of the availability of “blue fuel”;
  • increased costs of maintaining a comfortable temperature;
  • additional costs for boiler conversion;
  • hiring specialists to connect the tanks into a network and replace the burner.

Despite a number of disadvantages, gas heating of a dacha with cylinders is alternative option in the absence of a centralized gas supply.


Individual heating systems powered by liquefied fuel allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature at any time of the year. When deciding to switch to bottled gas, it is necessary to carefully analyze the pros and cons of the specified heating system. Using the services of specialists, you can safely connect and quickly put the equipment into operation.