A terrible prediction of messing for the year. Messing - predictions. Met with Stalin

He believed that it is better for a person not to know the future; his prophecies are very popular, because everyone wants to plan their life and take into account the difficulties encountered along the way. As history has shown, Messing’s predictions for 2017 for Ukraine cannot be considered accurate, but are ideally suited to what is happening on its territory.


Many people endowed with the gift said that Russia's neighbor would suddenly begin to rebel, inventing non-existent reasons to act in its own interests under cover. This is what happened a couple of years ago, when unrest in Ukraine suddenly turned into a tragedy that affected the whole world. Messing did not rule out the fact big conflict next to Russia and noted that the end of a great war does not mean the onset of peace. In 2017, if the country’s leadership again allows such rallies as took place on the Maidan and does not promptly resolve the issue before it turns into a full-fledged conflict, clashes may begin again in the southeast of Ukraine.


Messing's forecast for 2017 for Ukraine regarding the governance of the country says that the time has come for new strong personalities who are truly tired of the all-consuming corruption and are ready to restore order so that the country is reborn. Whether this will be possible to do in 2017 is an open question, but people’s dissatisfaction with the current government suggests that they will be able to support the new leader if he guarantees the fulfillment of all conditions and wants to take on enormous responsibility.

Ukraine can once again become a peaceful country, as well as carry out the planned transition to the category of European territory. Perhaps new rulers will come to the country from Europe or will develop with the support of America. This will not be the best for the country. bad option, if people openly express their dissatisfaction in case of wrong steps by management.

People's lives

Messing said the following about Ukraine in 2017: people who have experienced serious upheavals and the horrors of war should not look far into the future; it is much more important for them to focus on the present and try to make it better. In the new year, Ukrainians will be able to recover from the shock caused by recent events and begin to make plans for the future. The wave of negativity directed towards Russia will decrease, everything more people will begin to understand that residents of neighboring countries have no reason to spoil relations, because each side wants to live happily and come to visit their neighbors.

The influence of Ukrainian culture will increase, in which all countries will show interest. Possibly “conciliatory” festivals, at which Russian and Ukrainian artists will perform, cannot be ruled out. In 2017, the role of public people will increase - artists and actors, showmen who will tell the two sides why it is important to quickly prevent all conflicts.

Until now, no one has been able to determine how this man could see the distant future. Who is he - a hypnotist, a seer, a magician? Messing himself always said that there is no magic or miracles around. His predictions are the result of a lot of painstaking work of a brilliant person. None of them can boast of such outstanding forecasting abilities. We already know a little about this person, but there is still so much unknown, closed to the general public, that remains to be understood and realized. After all, quite recently from personal archives we managed to find out . And this is only a small part of what we will become aware of in the near future.

The highest ranks of the Soviet state believed in him and tried to achieve his favor. They tried to make him their personal seer Adolf Hitler, Mussolini. He was not “tame” and therefore did not live an easy life, overcoming constant obstacles on his way.

It was in a state of trance that he communicated two irrefutable truths. The first is the date of the end of the war. Great Patriotic War. It was on May 8 that he predicted the surrender of Nazi Germany. And so it happened. Therefore, if the first prediction has become a reality, then we will really hope that the second will certainly come true. Messing constantly insisted that there would never be a Third World War. Let's believe the great man's predictions. Because everyone really wants to live on a peaceful planet.

What otherfor 2017known, except that the year will be peaceful?

Europe and USA according to Messing
The second Great Migration of Peoples will begin in Europe. Residents of northern Africa and southwest Asia will begin to migrate to Europe, gradually shaking its economic power. Some confrontation will begin between the indigenous inhabitants of the Old World. No matter how hard the European Union tries to stay afloat, it will become increasingly difficult to do so.

New diseases incomprehensible to science will migrate from Africa along with refugees. The countries of southern Europe will not be able to overcome the economic crisis on their own, and the European Union will have to make new injections into the economies of these countries this year. But the commonwealth will not disintegrate.

In the United States, the first African-American president will be replaced by the first female president, who will continue the foreign policy of her predecessor. So the countries of southwest Asia will not have to dream of peacetime. The confrontation between the two superpowers will continue there. And it will gradually destroy their power, since huge amounts of money will be spent on the arms race. In the United States there will be clashes between African Americans and the police.

This is interesting:

  • Astrological forecast for 2018 for Ukraine and…

Great Britain will gradually close itself off from the rest of the world, but China will confidently enter the top ten countries in terms of gross income in per capita terms.

North Korea will continue to keep the world in the dark about whether it has nuclear weapons or whether it is just a propaganda scare for the rest of the world.

The leadership will change in Venezuela, Cuba, Mongolia, Colombia. These countries will begin a new path in their economic development.

Nature will also show itself in all its beauty. Two powerful volcanoes will begin their dangerous activity in Europe. Several events will occur in the Andes and Himalayas strong earthquakes. The young mountains of the Alps, Carpathians, and Apennines will also show their tempers. A small earthquake should also be expected in the Crimean Mountains. So the world will only dream of peace.

The Great Magician about Russia


More than one soothsayer has said that this year will not be easy for the country’s economy. Messing is no exception. Resource prices will continue to be unstable. Because for the Gulf countries, Syria and Iraq, this is one of the most important sources of foreign currency filling the budget. Nominal salaries will differ greatly from real ones, as the inflation rate will increase significantly in the first quarter of this year.

Some improvement in the situation is expected in agriculture, as large investments will help agricultural enterprises to increase their pace with each subsequent year. Russia will not only provide itself with food products this year own production, but this will still become an important export item, bringing profit to the country’s budget.

In foreign policy good stability. Friendship with China is growing stronger. Cuba, Venezuela. In the second half of the year, there will be an opportunity to strengthen comprehensive ties with the countries of the European Union. But with the United States of America it will continue cold war, which will end only by 2021, when a new president will take the helm of the country. Eatand in terms of connections with immediate neighbors. There will be some disagreements with Belarus and Kazakhstan, but three smart leaders will be able to reach a consensus.

This psychic also speaks about the unstable state of nature. Abnormally hot summer in Siberia, cold winter in the east, heavy spring rains in central Russia and a completely dry second half of summer. The latter will lead to fires in peatlands and the appearance of smog. You should also expect low water levels in the rivers central Siberia and the fire of the taiga in its southern part.

But, Messing predicts, it is from this year that gradual but confident economic growth will begin. Russia will gradually abandon gas exports, switching to exports of mechanical engineering products, light industry and timber processing industries. Also, as a result of the re-equipment of metallurgy and chemical industry enterprises, the products of these industries will gradually conquer the markets of Central and Eastern Europe.

Messing's prediction for Ukraine
Ukraine will also not be able to boast of intensive economic development. Relying on constant subsidies from the West, the country will use this money not to strengthen the economy, but to further arm itself. Therefore, the inflation rate will significantly lower the level of life support for the population. Thisprediction Wolf Messing for 2017 for Ukraine surprised the soothsayer himself. The great magician said this while in a trance, and then could not understand what he saw. Why is Ukraine arming itself and who is its enemy? Who is she up against?

This is a difficult year for the country. And he won't be the last. Moreover, there will be no peace in the east yet, although the situation will stabilize somewhat thanks to the intervention of third countries.

Messing also felt some of the vagaries of nature in this area. So, we should expect several small earthquakes in the Carpathians, mainly in Romania, but a wave of tremors will slightly disturb the western part of the country. A very hot summer and harsh January will lead to a decrease in the harvest of winter crops.

Allpredictions 2017 from Wolf Messing we still have many years to find out. It hasn't been decrypted personal diaries and documentation in which the great soothsayer made his predictions for the country in which he lived. It is difficult to say what the great magician knew or guessed. Should I believe him or not? Probably possible. At least only for the good.

Now the times have come when any sane person constantly thinks: what will happen tomorrow, where will fate take him, when will this nightmare end? In years of development and stability this is not a concern. Shopping for expensive things, the absence of acute financial problems, foreign resorts - all this is a great distraction from anxious thoughts. But when the exchange rate of the ruble, yuan or hryvnia collapses every day, when the world is shaken by terrorist attacks and natural disasters, people increasingly begin to turn to sources telling about the future. These are not the best times for Russia.

Having seen through time, he began to voice terrible predictions back in early childhood. This shocked his family and neighbors. To this we should also add his sleepwalking, which added fuel to the fire. In addition to the gift of a seer, he was an ideal telepath, he could read thoughts and completely suppress the will of people. This helped him escape from Gestapo captivity and enter the Kremlin without a pass in front of strict guards. And Stalin’s test for his gift was to receive 100 thousand rubles from the State Bank on a blank piece of paper!

On whose side? Some considered him a genius, others a good man, others a charlatan, and still others a servant of the devil. That he submitted to the devil can easily be disputed. He was a noble, generous and conscientious man. He did not use his talents and abilities for the sake of personal enrichment and deception of people. Messing was constantly tormented, worried and ashamed of his talent and skills. The seer experienced a great sense of guilt before society. The ability to read the thoughts of others clearly weighed on him and was a terrible burden. After all, how hard it is to live for someone who knows everything that is thought about him.

Genius or deceiver?

He calculated many of his predictions skillfully using numbers and dates. The death of the hockey team near Sverdlovsk is connected with the death of Pakhtakor football players and hockey players near Yaroslavl in 2011. The same numbers clearly intersect there. And he advised his only student to be wary of the number “6”. And she turned out to be right: many of her relatives passed away with this figure. On the day of his death, employees of the KGB and other secret intelligence services removed all his notes and diaries from the apartment. He kept a lot of things in encrypted form, afraid of mortally frightening anyone.

Perhaps over the past 42 years, codebreakers were able to reveal his secret messages and observations. But such information is not made available for public reading; it contradicts public safety considerations. Messing was able to literally predict the crash of a plane carrying a hockey team. The strict father of nations specially removed his son from the flight, leaving the athletes on the ill-fated board of the plane. A big argument in the truth of Wolf’s words can be considered the fact that there are still people who communicated with him at concerts and performances. He skillfully guessed names, events, actions right in the hall, communicating with a large number adequate people.

Wolf Messing can be considered a very brave man. He was able to partially discourage Stalin, who wooed him to the position of palace seer. The number of his meetings with Dzhugashvili was limited to 3. And he was not afraid to tell Joseph Vissarionovich to his face that he would outlive him. But before Beria was exposed, he had to lie low

What awaits Russia and Ukraine in 2017?

Wolf Messing did not clearly describe this year, nor the next. But even without detailed predictions, it is known for sure that our countries have had and will continue to influence the international situation and the entire course of history. The end of the world is definitely not coming. Even if some saints and seers give such a forecast for 2017, Messing denied the end of days in our usual understanding! There will be floods and fires: there is plenty to burn in Russia!

His predictions about numerous natural disasters and local wars are already coming true. Let's remember the fires that took over Far East, Siberia. Fires in Buryatia and the Amur region are not just fires. This is the homeland of most of the soldiers who fight in Ukraine.

Having escaped from German captivity, he deliberately chose the USSR as his homeland. He went with concerts all over the country. He understood that wars and strife, both within the country and between countries, threaten collapse - great troubles, not only for individual countries, but for the entire planet.

Messing understood the reasons for these dangers. The confrontation between Western and Eastern mentality, way of life, attempts to find a way to steal fairly and with impunity will be in the center of attention of the world community for a long time.

Wolf Messing predicted the collapse of the USSR. Living alone, depressed after the death of his beloved wife, he watched the demonstration on Red Square with the leaders in the stands. Thousands Soviet people, who walked in the column, forced him to say, barely audibly: “In twenty years, not a trace will remain of this country.” He even predicted the day and hour of his death while being treated in the hospital.

Wolf Messing saw that the greed of the rulers of our countries would be the cause of all our troubles. He foresaw that it was the top of the government, driven by their own fears and ghosts, that would set two friendly peoples against each other and spark a war. This will be a war by agreement between the leadership of our countries. And innocent ordinary people... children will die in this war... It will be a deceitful and vile war, about which neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians will know the whole truth and will fiercely hate each other.

Messing was a peace-loving person and this vision resonated with pain in him. But what could he do? Nothing…

Messing predicted that only wisdom ordinary people who want to live in peace and friendship will help change the situation between countries for the better. He saw that the time would come when people in our countries would be in power who would care about the well-being of the people, and not about their own. People who understand that only mutual respect and cooperation between countries are the key to the prosperity of countries.

This is the only way - because Unity, Cooperation, Friendship is the One Universal Law, according to which Messing himself lived

Based on the political and economic situation in Russia, of course I want to know more about what awaits its residents next. Find the answer to the main question - will we live peacefully or will war await us? And since there is no definite answer at the moment, we can turn to Wolf Messing’s predictions for 2017. This, of course, does not mean that you need to completely surrender to the will of his gift of foresight. But still, more than once what he prophesied came true, which means that there may also be some truth in what awaits us next. And in order to better understand whether to believe or not in his predictions, you need to learn more about the clairvoyant himself.

Wolf Messing - clairvoyant or charlatan

According to the chronicles of Messing’s life, it is known that his talent, which would ultimately bring him colossal success, manifested itself in childhood. His relatives noticed that he had some telepathic abilities, and he himself very often spoke about his visions that accompanied him all his life.

However, the little seer himself did not see anything special in his talent, and even moreover, he argued that everyone living on Earth has a special power, and he was simply able to take control of it.

His life and gift are a mystery of the 20th century, which is fraught with many mysteries. He was born into a family Polish Jews. At a young age he ran away from home and went to Berlin. He had no money, and when the conductor asked to see a ticket, the boy handed him a blank piece of paper and, as the story goes, hypnotized the inspector - the conductor punched the piece of paper.

While in Berlin, Wolf Messing ate very poorly and one day, when he fainted from hunger, the doctors decided that he was dead. However, he later woke up. So it became known that in addition to the gift of foresight, the seer can also slow down his heartbeat.

One of his main foresights almost killed him. In 1937, at the Warsaw Theater, Messing spoke about when the Second World War would begin. World War and how exactly it will end - fascism will fall and Hitler will die. It was after this prediction that Hitler hated Messing and ordered his death, after which he had to flee to the USSR.

At this time in the Soviet Union, everything magical and mystical was denied by the people and the government. However, the seer greatly impressed I. Stalin, who, convinced of the authenticity of his gift, became his patron - he did not forbid him to tour, but even encouraged his performances.

This happened after he passed the test that Stalin arranged for him:

  1. He entered the Kremlin unnoticed by the guards.
  2. I took 100,000 rubles from the bank without documents.
  3. He took a gold bar from the state treasury.

Prophecies that came true in the 20th century

During the Second World War, in 1943, performing at a concert that was organized in support of Soviet army, the predictor gave an answer to the question that worried every person at that time: when will the end of the war come? Messing named only the day and month - May 8. Later, Stalin himself sent a telegram to the predictor with gratitude for such an accurate prediction.

However, one day Messing came to Stalin and asked to stop the persecution of Jews on the territory of the USSR. But the leader did not want to listen to the seer. Subsequently, Wolf predicted the exact death of Stalin - he would die on the Jewish holiday of Purim and what was said came true, he died on March 5, 1953.

Touring the USSR, the seer treated his audience, spoke about their mental state only by touching a person. Wolf Messing was awarded the title of People's Artist Soviet Union Joseph Stalin himself.

If we talk about what the seer predicted about the next year, then we can say that it is about the three dominant powers that can break out a war in the world or change everything in better side. Messing's forecasts are related to Russia, the United States of America and China, which are currently moving towards changes in all areas of life. From the prophecy it becomes clear that he considers the resolution of the conflict in the world possible and that after this peace will come and countries will begin to move towards prosperity.

He made his last predictions almost on his deathbed. Before he went into surgery, which he knew he would not survive, he made one last prediction that many rely on to this day. He knew that there would be no Third World War, but the year would be full of changes for the whole world. According to Messing's prediction, man will move to a new stage of evolution and let this year be turbulent, full of experiences, trials and diseases previously unknown to humanity, but we will be able to overcome everything and move on to a renewed world with new strength. World politics will take the path of prosperity.

Messing's predictions about Russia and other countries

After the death of Wolf Messing, prophecies remained for some countries in particular.

The prophecy of what will happen in Russia tells about the situation in the country as a whole and in its individual areas:

  • Russia, as before, will have a great influence on the course of history in the World. The country's economy will develop rapidly due to the fact that oil prices will rise, but the country will not bet on this particular industry.
  • Many in Russia and beyond its borders will be against the country developing and moving towards prosperity. Many attempts will be made to stop her. However, in the end, the people will unite, which will help prevent destruction, and the country will only get stronger from this. In the cities of the country in 2017 there will be many natural and natural disasters. In October 2017, according to the soothsayer, there will be a flood in Siberia. And at the end of 2017, something terrible may happen to the president.
  • As for Ukraine, it will find itself without funding from other countries this year. Europe and the United States literally will not care about what is happening in Ukraine.
  • Belarus will change the regime to a less harsh one. There will be changes in the economic sphere of the country.
  • For Europe, 2017 will be full of turmoil. There will be a lot of aggression and crime that will make its inhabitants feel unsafe.
  • The United States will be involved in a conflict in the East. State economies will collapse. The dollar will lose its value and a crisis will occur. There will be many terrorist attacks and natural phenomena that will destroy the USA.
  • The war in the East will reach its climax in 2017 and many countries will be drawn into it. And Israel will be on the verge of extinction. His people will be forced to seek refuge throughout the Earth.
  • For a while, China will lead the world economy, taking the place of the United States. But according to prophecy, a renewed and prosperous Russia will assert itself, relegating China to the background.

These were Messing's predictions on next year. You cannot be completely sure which of this is true and which is false. But those prophecies that were destined to come true in the 20th century suggest that one should at least think about his words.

Now the times have come when any sane person constantly thinks: what will happen tomorrow, where will fate take him, when will this nightmare end? In years of development and stability this is not a concern. Shopping for expensive things, the absence of acute financial problems, foreign resorts - all this is a great distraction from anxious thoughts. But when the exchange rate of the ruble, yuan or hryvnia collapses every day, when the world is shaken by terrorist attacks and natural disasters, people increasingly begin to turn to sources telling about the future. These are not the best times for Russia.

Having seen through time, he began to voice terrible predictions in early childhood. This shocked his family and neighbors. To this we should also add his sleepwalking, which added fuel to the fire. In addition to the gift of a seer, he was an ideal telepath, he could read thoughts and completely suppress the will of people. This helped him escape from Gestapo captivity and enter the Kremlin without a pass in front of strict guards. And Stalin’s test for his gift was to receive 100 thousand rubles from the State Bank on a blank piece of paper!

On whose side? Some considered him a genius, others a good man, others a charlatan, and still others a servant of the devil. That he submitted to the devil can easily be disputed. He was a noble, generous and conscientious man. He did not use his talents and abilities for the sake of personal enrichment and deception of people. Messing was constantly tormented, worried and ashamed of his talent and skills. The seer experienced a great sense of guilt before society. The ability to read the thoughts of others clearly weighed on him and was a terrible burden. After all, how hard it is to live for someone who knows everything that is thought about him.

Genius or deceiver?

He calculated many of his predictions skillfully using numbers and dates. The death of the hockey team near Sverdlovsk is connected with the death of Pakhtakor football players and hockey players near Yaroslavl in 2011. The same numbers clearly intersect there. And he advised his only student to be wary of the number “6”. And she turned out to be right: many of her relatives passed away with this figure. On the day of his death, employees of the KGB and other secret intelligence services removed all his notes and diaries from the apartment. He kept a lot of things in encrypted form, afraid of mortally frightening anyone.

Perhaps over the past 42 years, codebreakers were able to reveal his secret messages and observations. But such information is not made available for public reading; it contradicts public safety considerations. Messing was able to literally predict the crash of a plane carrying a hockey team. The strict father of nations specially removed his son from the flight, leaving the athletes on the ill-fated board of the plane. A big argument in the truth of Wolf’s words can be considered the fact that there are still people who communicated with him at concerts and performances. He skillfully guessed names, events, actions right in the hall, communicating with a large number of adequate people.

Wolf Messing can be considered a very brave man. He was able to partially discourage Stalin, who wooed him to the position of palace seer. The number of his meetings with Dzhugashvili was limited to 3. And he was not afraid to tell Joseph Vissarionovich to his face that he would outlive him. But before Beria was exposed, he had to lie low

What awaits Russia and Ukraine in 2017?

Wolf Messing did not clearly describe this year, nor the next. But even without detailed predictions, it is known for sure that our countries have had and will continue to influence the international situation and the entire course of history. The end of the world is definitely not coming. Even if some saints and seers give such a forecast for 2017, Messing denied the end of days in our usual understanding! There will be floods and fires: there is plenty to burn in Russia!

His predictions about numerous natural disasters and local wars are already coming true. Let us remember the fires that engulfed the Far East and Siberia. Fires in Buryatia and the Amur region are not just fires. This is the homeland of most of the soldiers who fight in Ukraine.

Having escaped from German captivity, he deliberately chose the USSR as his homeland. He went with concerts all over the country. He understood that wars and strife, both within the country and between countries, threaten collapse - great troubles, not only for individual countries, but for the entire planet.

Messing understood the reasons for these dangers. The confrontation between Western and Eastern mentality, way of life, attempts to find a way to steal fairly and with impunity will be in the center of attention of the world community for a long time.

Wolf Messing predicted the collapse of the USSR. Living alone, depressed after the death of his beloved wife, he watched the demonstration on Red Square with the leaders in the stands. Thousands of Soviet people who walked in a column forced him to say, barely audibly: “In twenty years, not a trace will remain of this country.” He even predicted the day and hour of his death while being treated in the hospital.

Wolf Messing saw that the greed of the rulers of our countries would be the cause of all our troubles. He foresaw that it was the top of the government, driven by their own fears and ghosts, that would set two friendly peoples against each other and spark a war. This will be a war by agreement between the leadership of our countries. And innocent ordinary people... children will die in this war... It will be a deceitful and vile war, about which neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians will know the whole truth and will fiercely hate each other.

Messing was a peace-loving person and this vision resonated with pain in him. But what could he do? Nothing…

Messing predicted that only the wisdom of ordinary people who want to live in peace and friendship will help change the situation between countries for the better. He saw that the time would come when people in our countries would be in power who would care about the well-being of the people, and not about their own. People who understand that only mutual respect and cooperation between countries are the key to the prosperity of countries.

This is the only way - because Unity, Cooperation, Friendship is the One Universal Law by which Messing himself lived.