What does the year of the fire monkey promise for Ulyanovsk residents? What does the Year of the Horse promise? Astrological forecast

It's only November, but talk about the approaching New Year can be heard more and more often. And, of course, we all want to know what the coming 2018 will bring us. Astrologers and fortune tellers, Chinese and other eastern calendars declare it the year of the Yellow Earth Dogs. On February 16, the arrogant Rooster will wave his wings goodbye to us, and the yellow Dog will come running to replace him, wagging his tail.

This inspires a certain optimism - it is no coincidence that since ancient times a dog has been considered a person’s friend, his protector, saved him from loneliness, entertained, amused, made him happy, worked and lived nearby. All negative emotions, fatigue, troubles, all negativity disappear instantly, you just have to look into the devoted dog’s eyes or shake a furry paw. Everyone who is closely acquainted with this animal will not let you lie.

The only drawback (or advantage?) of a four-legged friend is that he cannot speak! But recent discoveries by scientists indicate that over 30 thousand years of co-evolution with humans, during domestication, these animals have learned to distinguish what exactly people like and how to get what they want from them.

At different times of the year, Dogs were born very extraordinary people, for example, Voltaire, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Karamzin, Lermontov, Victor Hugo, Hemingway, Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas (father), Stevenson, Stephen King, Elvis Presley, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, famous travelers Jean Yves Cousteau and Thaddeus Bellingshausen, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and many others.

Astrologers' predictions for 2018 vary: some look into the future with a great deal of optimism, promising resolution of accumulated problems and prosperity, while others say that crises in the economy and other areas will not end, but will get worse. But all experts agree on one thing - the Year of the Dog will be difficult and turning point.

Despite the desire of the inhabitants of the earth for a healthy lifestyle and safety environment, very unpleasant surprises await them. Soothsayers predict the emergence of new infections and viruses, the cure for which will be difficult to find, a meteorite fall, flooding in the coastal regions of America and eastern Asia, severe drought in the summer, numerous fires and volcanic eruptions, and even the appearance of UFOs. On the other hand, astrological forecasts promise us peace and balance in all areas of life, honesty and goodwill, positivity and a surge of energy, and good luck in financial matters.

There is positive news regarding tourism as well. For example, they say that in 2018 it will be possible to travel around the world without fear. The Yellow Dog is not averse to seeing the world, making acquaintances and adding fresh experiences to his life. Dogs feel especially great in nature: such walks and recreation will become especially popular in 2018.

The Year of the Dog is great for making friends with new people. Do not swear, do not growl, do not get angry, do not shout, do not rush, do not “bite” and do not take risks over trifles. In any matter you need to be a diplomat, although you “bark” at all sorts of troubles, obstacles, stupidities, enemies and bad people(and dogs have a special instinct for them!) is quite acceptable. Astrologers have outlined travel routes for all zodiac signs.

For example, Aries In terms of travel, Germany, England and Italy are suitable.
Taurus(and I’m a Taurus!) they recommend going to Australia (a pipe dream!), Ireland (I’d really like to go there too!), Poland (well, it’s easy!) and Afghanistan (hardly!).
Gemini you should focus your attention on Egypt, Canada and Belgium.
Cancer nothing will stop you from visiting Africa, Australia or Holland.
Lions will travel to Italy, Morocco or France.
Virgo will go on a trip along the Golden Circle or go to Greece and Israel.
Libra recommend traveling to China, Japan, Siberia or Thailand.
Algeria, Sweden and Norway are countries that will bring good luck and a lot of pleasant emotions Scorpios.
Sagittarius will go to Latin America, Spain or Portugal.
Capricorns Countries such as Mexico and India should be selected on the world globe.
Aquarius will go to Canada, Denmark or Italy.
Fish in 2018 they will definitely visit Italy and Asia Minor, especially if they seriously think about the trip in early January.

Believing the forecasts or not is everyone’s right. But, in my opinion, a dog is such a cute animal that we are certainly lucky with the main symbol of the year. And everything else depends only on ourselves: let’s be honest, people are often much worse than dogs!


The bear is a hard worker, protector of the weak. He gets into trouble, he often lacks diplomacy and gentleness in communicating with others. The bear is always ready to tell the truth in person. This is precisely the biggest problem of the Potapych. If he can find a compromise, first of all with himself, everything will work out!

The Bear has no end to representatives of the opposite sex. They respect him for his strength and will. This year he will also not be offended by attention.


Despite his tendency to slack off last year, Wolverine has managed to reap dividends. She has an excellent instinct for good places! It will continue to be the same. Without applying special effort, Wolverine will nevertheless manage to win. But only if he doesn’t decide to start a family. If this happens, she will have to really work!


The wise Raven seems to know everything in advance. He is lucky in business, he has worthy friends. He will retain the ability to be in the right place at the right time. He will be able to earn decent food for himself and his loved ones.

In my personal life, no drastic changes. For some, this means that the “everything is complicated” status will remain relevant for at least another 365 days!


Stoats are active, fast, light. They just make difficult decisions. Ready for any job. They don’t force you to communicate. In a word, very worthy workers. Their bosses will probably appreciate them with a promotion.

Your personal life will also be bright. It's rare that Ermine can resist having a couple of romances.


Toads are good family men. If they start “croaking” with one partner, then, as a rule, they will continue to sing a duet until the grave.

This year the Toads are likely to have an addition to their family. But no special victories are expected at work. But also defeats. And this is already a reason for joy!


Jump-jump, jump-jump! The grasshopper sets grandiose plans for itself and, as a rule, embodies them. Energetic people, they crave a bright life and know how to color it with all the colors.

Responsible, efficient, but, alas, not always kind to their superiors.

Grasshoppers will find a second wind in marriage, and those without a soul mate will probably still decide to take a serious step.


Khomyak's word does not differ from his deeds. As a rule, he is taciturn, scrupulous and careful. A creative personality, Hamster is able to solve any problem with brilliance.

In his work, he will remain at the forefront, and new ideas will add authority among his colleagues.

As for personal life, a new addition to the family is possible.


The snail prefers " clean water" She literally withers away if she lives in an atmosphere of omissions and mistrust. Do you want to know the climate in your work team? Ask the Snail. She won't lie. Because of this, conflicts occur with superiors and colleagues.

This year the Snail should not expect any special changes on the personal front. But those who have spent the last months in a shell, hiding from previous relationships, will finally come out into the light of day and begin to enjoy life.


Ant - perpetuum mobile. He is ready to generate ideas and offer wonderful engineering solutions, take on someone else’s work, and also help comrades cope with love experiences. For this he will receive universal adoration.

This year, Ant himself is in for a rollercoaster in his personal relationships. And, there is a high probability that the loving Ant will not limit himself to one novel.


Khrushch is a beetle, knowledgeable in receiving all the benefits and pleasures from life. This year he will decide to devote himself to his career and will achieve considerable success.

The same will happen in your personal life. And in order not to be torn between home and work, Khrushch himself will choose what is more important to him. And, as always, you can’t go wrong!


Last year, Beaver devoted a lot of time to his career and work. He was a shock worker on the labor front. This year, some Beavers will have a desire to somehow change their lives. Become a sybarite. But internal discipline will take its toll.

The beaver is a person who is used to planning everything. If his life calendar includes a wedding, then so be it! And no fallen trees will make him turn off the path.

The dog learned not to trust at first sight. Now he is a grated roll! The Dog will have to make serious decisions and enter into a new unknown and sometimes frightening reality.

But, most likely, our Dog’s instincts and intuition will not let us down. Thanks to hard work, he will be able to achieve success.

Changes are possible on the personal front. Unmarried/unmarried Dogs are highly likely to no longer howl at the moon in anguish. And they will acquire a warm family nest.

The Chinese live according to a lunisolar calendar, which is different from ours.

He became the 4716th in the Eastern tradition.
The dog is a totem animal, and its time period is from 19.00 to 21.00. In the East, this time is considered a stage of well-deserved rest, reflection, and making plans.
In Chinese manuscripts, the Dog is depicted thoughtfully looking up, lying on the grass in a relaxed position.
Asians consider the dog to be a wise pet. Therefore, the coming 2018 promises to be peaceful, and people will feel at peace. But you should remember that before you rest, you need to work hard and finish all your planned tasks.

Aleksey Maslov, an expert in the field of spiritual and cultural traditions of Chinese civilization, will talk about signs, horoscopes and features of the celebration of the Chinese New Year.

The eastern calendar, which is commonly called the Chinese calendar, was created at a time when the word “dog” or “rooster” did not mean real animals, but a concentration of certain Space Force. Therefore, today's predictions may seem funny, but in general they are associated with the presence of certain forces in nature.

A dog is, if you look for advantages, good luck for large financial projects, you can build new home or start saving money for serious purchases; in general, this is a year of prosperity. The belief is simple: a dog is fed when there is something to feed a person - that is, when everything is good in the house.

The topic of earning and placing capital in a safe place will be perhaps the main topic of the year. The most obvious example of such storage is real estate, which is why people will tend to invest their money in real estate.
Many people will want, if not to buy or change housing, then at least to make repairs, update, improve or add something to their property.

It's time to feng shui your home. And finally find out what is really good about your apartment, and how best to use it.
Another option for placing earnings is banks, investment and mutual funds. However, anyone can act as a “cash vault” successful business. The main thing is to determine that it is successful.

On the negative side, this year it is not recommended to make promises, especially on financial topics, or to take on such obligations. After all, the Dog is a tight-fisted animal; it always pulls the bone towards itself.
This year is not very favorable for health, and it is also very mediocre for love.

- For people born in what years is the Dog friendly, and with whom does it conflict?

The Year of the Dog is good for those born directly in its year, then in the year of the Dragon, Tiger or Snake. However, what is confusing to many is the fact that dogs are “funeral” animals in China; During excavations we often find clay figurines in graves. This is where the belief came from that the Year of the Dog brings losses of loved ones...

For the Cat (Rabbit), Pig and Ox, this year does not promise to be the best.

- What other stereotypes are there?

It is believed that the Year of the Dog is a time of dramatic change in the status of a country or region. The same applies to the Year of the Dragon. Moreover, a “sharp” change can go in both directions: both economic prosperity and sudden decline are possible.

It sounds intriguing: presidential elections await us in March of this year, and in 2000, the Year of the Dragon, the head of state was elected for the first time...

Yes, I think this is not easy. Here it is appropriate to recall a warning: making any promises, especially economic or financial, should be done with extreme caution - and this also applies to election campaigns; for politicians this is a big risk. In addition, it is worth remembering that the Year of the Dog often appears either after or before some serious shock.

For example, 1946 is a post-war year, and 1934 is the last calm year on the eve of repression. The dog often accompanies serious unrest.

- Does this apply to the whole year?

Every year has its own lucky numbers, which the Chinese rely on in many ways. For the Year of the Dog, for example, the numbers 3, 4 and 9 are nice. Let’s say, in honor of the New Year, you can give four cups or four jars of jam. The same applies to months - let's say the fifth and eighth (May and August) months this year will be unlucky, and the sixth, tenth and twelfth (June, October and December) will be happy.

If we are already talking about politics, then March, the third month, will be a month of transition - from less happiness to more. So there will definitely be changes.

- How to celebrate the Year of the Dog?

Since this is an earthly year, it is better to celebrate it in a serious company, for example, in a business one. Or with your family, but then it’s worth talking about important, serious topics. Among the colors, you should choose pink or orchid color (also called sand), both for clothing and for interior decoration.
You need to serve meat on the bones - for example, wings, ribs or osso buco - to please the Dog.

Also, each year in Eastern astrology has its own stones. A dog is a down-to-earth creature. Symbols of the earth are embodied in: amber, beryl, carnelian, citrine, hyacinth, jasper, tiger's eye, zircon.

- If there is a dog at home, do you need to specially pamper it and congratulate it?

By the word “dog” we mean the generalization of a number of forces. The actual dog may not have anything to do with this, so it's not necessary.

On the table - "yay"!

In addition to meat dishes with bones, it is worth serving traditional dishes Chinese feast - as obligatory as Olivier and jellied meat are for us.

Among the favorites are bright ones similar to Christmas balls, with an exquisite nut filling, tan yuan balls are a traditional Chinese New Year dessert. It is customary to sculpt it with the whole family, experimenting with dyes. Sometimes the family spends time leisurely making Chinese jiaozi dumplings. By the way, both of these dishes are associated with money: the word “jiao” was once the name for traditional Chinese coins, while “yuan” is a modern monetary unit. So the more you eat, the richer you will be!

Baked carp also owes its New Year's popularity to money. In Chinese, fish is called “yu”, which is similar to the words “prosperity” or “abundance”. Some families prepare a salad that includes raw fish, pomelo or lime, pepper, butter, carrots, radishes, ground peanuts and sesame seeds, and some people simply bake this “yuy”.

How to make fortune cookies

There is an opinion that the Chinese tradition of putting fortune papers in cookies actually comes... from Russia! Allegedly, Chinese emigrants who settled in the United States got the idea from Russian emigrants to make “lucky dumplings” with a surprise.
Whether this is true or not is now difficult to figure out. It’s better not to bother yourself, but to try making Chinese fortune cookies yourself.


  • 3 egg whites;
  • 125 grams of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of corn starch;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla and cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

Grind the egg whites with powdered sugar to form a light, soft foam.
Combine flour with starch and sift through a sieve.
Add dry ingredients to egg whites, pour in vegetable oil and stir with a mixer. The consistency of the dough should be similar to that for pancakes.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly grease it. Place the dough with a spoon so that you get smooth circles diameter with the bottom of a glass.
Bake for 5-7 minutes until the rounds are light golden brown.

In the middle of the still hot circle, place a pre-cut piece of paper with a prediction (preferably no more than two lines). Fold the cookies in half, pinching in the center, and then in half again. It should look like an “ear” of sorts.
You need to act quickly and wear gloves to avoid getting burned.

I would like to note that the “forecasts” for 2018 set out in this material are somewhat different from the horoscopes for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog that I have seen on the Internet. That's why I posted this information, for your information, so to speak :)
In general, trust people, work on yourself, go straight to achieving your goals, because for a whole year you will be accompanied and protected by a kind and affectionate, brave and devoted Dog.

Published: January 27, 2017 at 11:55 am

On January 28, residents of many countries around the world will celebrate Chinese New Year. Tomorrow, according to eastern calendar, The Fire Monkey will transfer its powers to the Rooster.

It is noteworthy that Chinese New Year is always celebrated on different dates. For example, last year it came on February 8, and in 2017 it begins January 28.

This holiday is unofficially called the “Lunar New Year”, since it is timed to coincide with the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle, which took place after the winter solstice. The exact date of the holiday is determined based on lunar phases. New Year is celebrated in China more than 2000 years, and in the CIS for only a few decades.

Chinese New Year in Eastern countries is always fun, bright and extraordinary. On the eve of the holiday in Chinese houses begins general cleaning and home decoration. Moreover, they decorate not only the inside of the house, but also the yard and garden. The main decor is lanterns made of rice paper.

On the night before the holiday, which is called "the night of meeting before parting", the Chinese gather at one table and discuss the most important events per year.

Delicious traditional dishes are sure to be on the table. Chinese dishes: fish, soy cheese, dumplings (jiaozi).

Photo: http://www.globalsourcingblog.org/

On New Year's Day it is customary to launch glowing lanterns, perform the dragon dance, set off firecrackers, salutes, fireworks, give relatives and friends money invested in a “Chinese” red envelope.

In China, on New Year's Day there are mass fairs, exhibitions and entertainment events similar to the celebration of our Maslenitsa. By the way, the peak of fun often coincides with the Slavic farewell to winter.

The celebration lasts 15 days. For the first five days, the Chinese meet and visit each other. Festive clothing is a must be bright colors : red, gold, pink, green.

According to the Chinese calendar, the patron saint of 2017 will be Red Fire Rooster. The tenth sign of the Chinese twelve-year horoscope is almost the most interesting animal in the entire eastern calendar.

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. In his affairs, the Rooster strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He simply loves attention, basks in compliments and praise. The Rooster is also stubborn and arrogant, selfish. However, despite his callousness, he is extremely lucky in love.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the element of Fire personifies continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vitality. The red color is closely intertwined with the fire element and promises complete harmony in all matters.

Red color is color of love, ardor, passion. So 2017 promises strong couples a possible wedding, married people will revive their former love passion, and single people will find their soul mates.

Photo: http://verxsite.ru/

The famous astrologer Pavel Globa also agrees with the ancient sages. In his opinion, 2017 will be successful, both on the personal front and in all other areas. Everything will work out for everyone - you just have to want it.


In the year of the Rooster, it is best for Rats to abandon significant innovations in life. Morally you are unlikely to be ready for them. Any decision, even a small one, can radically change your life. So, in 2017, Rats are advised to treat this or that action with special caution and be sure to weigh the pros and cons.

The career field promises to become one of the most favorable in 2017 for people belonging to the eastern sign Rat. Luck will accompany you at almost every step professional activity. During this period, you will earn authority and start projects that will take off in the near future.

Mars will have a special influence on the personal life of representatives of the Rat sign at this time, which means that it will be filled with unusual bright colors and will be filled with real passion. There is a high probability of betrayal (moreover, on your part).


People born in the year of the Ox will have to go through many life trials and various vicissitudes in the year of the Rooster. But don’t be alarmed, the events that take place will not only be of a negative nature. The forecast for 2017 promises you many pleasant moments. The main thing is not to get lost in the whirlpool of what is happening and have time to switch from one wave to another.

The stars do not recommend that most Bulls expect significant changes in their professional sphere in the year of the Red Rooster. More likely, the real reason This lies in the fact that you yourself are satisfied with the state of affairs in your career, even if it is not the most rosy, and you do not want to change anything.

Previously insecure representatives of this “stubborn” sign of the eastern horoscope will now feel an unprecedented increase in self-esteem, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of potential partners to you. So single Bulls have every chance to change the current state of affairs and find a worthy couple.


Many people born in the year of the Tiger will be incredibly lucky in 2017. There is a high probability of changes in better side many areas of your life. But so that luck does not elude you (which is also possible), you should not sit idly by. If you see a potential opportunity, take action. Don't be afraid to show your positive qualities and be bolder.

Many Tigers will become authorities for others and will significantly strengthen their position in society. The problem can be poor time management. Try to highlight the most important priorities and solve them first, otherwise you risk simply not getting anything done.

Tests and difficult tasks In the professional sphere, representatives of the Tiger sign may have a lot of problems in 2017. But you will be able to cope with all of them, you will not lack strength and confidence now.

Astrologers advise Tigers in relationships to devote more time to their chosen one. It is possible that at work and in other areas of life there will be many things to do that require a lot of personal time. But if you forget about your loved one and deprive him of your attention, even the strongest relationship can crack.


It is difficult to say that 2017 of the Red Rooster will be absolutely successful for representatives of the Rabbit sign. Alas, many representatives of this sign will begin to be overcome by depressive and apathetic thoughts at the beginning of the year. The reason for this may lie in a basic lack of vital energy. Think about when you fully rested and disconnected from problems as much as possible.

2017 Year of the Rooster – great time in career terms, to start your own business or try to realize yourself in a new position. But in this case, it is extremely important not to act at random, but to carefully weigh your plans before implementing them.

Lonely representatives of the Rabbit sign will not strive to take an active position in the love sphere. Yes, in general, this is of no use to you. Representatives of the opposite sex will themselves be drawn to you and demonstrate their attention in every possible way. All you have to do is make a choice among potential suitors for your heart.

In the middle of the year, Rabbits have every chance to radically change their personal lives and enter into a legal marriage. This is a good time for deciding on procreation and for the actual birth of a child.


According to the astrological forecast, 2017 the Year of the Rooster will be a time of interesting discoveries for many people born in the Year of the Dragon. Moreover, it is worth noting that most of them will happen directly in your inner world. It is possible that you will discover some new qualities in yourself, feel new desires and begin to explore a previously unknown field of activity.

Regarding career growth and professional realization, the year of the Red Fire Rooster promises to bring considerable success to the Dragons. It is likely that at this time you will finally be able to complete a significant task that you started earlier or complete work on an important project.

There is a high probability that in the spring of 2017, Cupid’s arrow will pierce the hearts of the currently lonely representatives of the Dragon sign. The only catch is that the object of your affection may already be in a relationship. However, this does not mean that he will not want to break off the existing connection and plunge into the pool of love with you. But in order for this to happen, you will need to show considerable pressure and even audacity at times.


Many people who were born under the sign of the Snake will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy in 2017. Confidence in own strength will increase the likelihood of realizing many of your plans - what you dreamed of earlier, but for which you did not have enough time, or your self-confidence let you down. The Year of the Rooster will be a particularly favorable period for creative representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope.

Professionally, working representatives of the Snake sign will establish or strengthen favorable relationships with both colleagues and senior management. You will earn respect and increase your authority in the eyes of others. In general, in terms of career, the Year of the Rooster will be quite successful for you.

The heavenly bodies predict a small disagreement for the Snakes in a relationship. But do not be alarmed, the discord with your loved one will not last long, and the complaints expressed (if any) will only help to better understand the beloved. Representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope will not spare affection and warmth towards the person dear to them, and these “expenses” will be repaid a hundredfold.


The detachment and apathy with which many of the Horse sign may greet the New Year 2017 will be replaced by optimism and self-confidence already at the beginning of this period. It is likely that you will begin to use charm and other "tricks" that you know help you succeed.

Many people born in the year of the Horse will carry out their professional duties without much zeal and enthusiasm, and sometimes, perhaps even “squint” at some things at work. However, thanks to the previously earned authority, your career position is unlikely to be significantly shaken.

In the sphere of personal life, most representatives of the Horse sign will now be especially active. Those who are still single will make attempts to start a relationship with a person who interests them. And there is a high probability that they will be crowned with success.

Horses in a relationship will begin to arrange surprises for their beloved partner and bring pleasant variety to their personal life, which the other half will only rejoice at. It’s especially good if you manage to travel with dear person, and better to those places where neither you nor he have been before. New emotions, shared in half, will further strengthen your union.


With the advent of the Year of the Rooster, most representatives of the Goat (Sheep) sign will feel greater confidence in their own abilities than before. You will begin to openly express your opinion and will be able to get rid of many complexes. In place of uncertainty will come charm and emancipation (in in a good way words).

Many creative, extraordinary personalities will now appear in your life, who will be happy to consult with you on various issues and will be able to teach you a lot. Throughout 2017, you will lead a fairly active lifestyle, feel in demand and attention from others.

Despite a good professional situation, most people in 2017 will not be satisfied with their financial situation. In this regard, it is possible that such unpleasant qualities as greed and greed will appear in you, even in relation to close people.

Goats who are in a relationship, according to the astrological forecast, will begin to show especially great demands on their chosen one. Because of this, not only can serious misunderstandings arise, but there is even a risk of separation. Therefore, if the person next to you is really dear to you, the stars advise you to moderate your ardor and learn to find compromises.


For many who were born in the year of the Monkey in 2017, the Fiery Red Rooster faces many not the most pleasant and even downright offensive situations. Nevertheless, you will be able to maintain steadfastness of spirit and character and will confidently control your own destiny, not allowing anyone to disturb the harmony that reigns within you.

In the first half of the year, those born in the year of the Monkey sign will be able to demonstrate excellent diplomacy skills in the professional sphere. This will help you negotiate with even the most demanding people and conclude a lucrative contract, which will have a positive impact on your career. But you won’t want to follow the boss’s lead, which could result in you missing out on the chance to take a higher position. So the choice is yours.

In their personal lives, lonely representatives of the Monkey sign will not be brave enough. For example, few people will be able to make an appointment with a nice person or express their feelings openly. The stars recommend that you be more confident in yourself and not be afraid to take initiative towards the person you are interested in.

You can't name quiet life in the year of the Rooster of Monkeys who are in a relationship or married. Perhaps you (or your partner) will go on a spree. In any case, the safety of the connection will depend on you.


The patron of the year, the Red Rooster, will be happy to help people born under his own sign. You will be able to achieve the goals that you have dreamed of for so long. Moreover, these achievements can have completely different manifestations and be expressed in personal, professional and other areas of life.

In 2017, those born under the sign of the Rooster will feel a special harmony between their internal state and the world around you, which will allow you to open up to your new talents. If you want to master an unknown area, you can easily do it.

Just an explosion good value) will happen in the minds of creative representatives of this eastern horoscope sign. Almost every day you will be illuminated by new ideas. All you have to do is implement them.

The currently single representatives of the Rooster sign may well begin a new relationship. But a relationship can only become serious if, from the very beginning of your acquaintance, you do not control every step of a nice person and, at least at first, give him more freedom and show that you trust him.


In 2017, people born in the year of the Dog may face a considerable number of life challenges. In order to resolve various life problems as productively as possible, in the year of the Red Rooster you will need to show clarity of thought, speed of reaction, and sometimes harshness.

The professional sphere of Dogs will be quite tense. Due to your heavy workload, you can try to shift some of the responsibilities onto the shoulders of your colleagues. But the heavenly bodies strongly advise you to seek help only from trusted and reliable people, otherwise you may be let down.

Many people born in the year of the Dog will already understand at the beginning of 2017 that in order to find personal happiness and harmony, you need not only to meet a person, but also to work hard on relationships. However, if you are confident in your choice, you can do almost everything for the benefit of the love affair, which your partner will undoubtedly appreciate.


There will be many significant changes in the lives of people born under the Pig sign in 2017. Already at the beginning of a new period, you will feel that you have become more confident and decisive and are ready for new achievements that will not keep you waiting. But some successes may remain without, in your opinion, the attention they deserve. Don't be upset. You just reach so many heights that those around you don’t have time to follow it. But they see that you are... successful person, and even look up to you in many ways.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there may be ill-wishers nearby. Take a closer look at your surroundings, especially at new people appearing in your life.

To implement some professional ideas, astrologers advise Pigs to turn to influential people for help. Surely they can help, as valuable advice, and, possibly, finances.

For lonely Pigs, the stars predict a fateful acquaintance in the spring of 2017. What starts out as a little interest or light flirting can develop into something much more significant and even end in marriage. Moreover, the wedding can happen at the end of the Year of the Rooster, or even earlier.

website, when using materials from the sites: http://www.ap22.ru/, http://god2017.com/, http://globainstitut.ru/

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On the night from 2014 to 2015 according to the ancient Chinese horoscope A meeting with a wooden Sheep/Goat is expected. The color of this cute and soft animal is blue; by the way, the outgoing year has the same color. To attract wealth and financial well-being We recommend doing it before the New Year.

Upon further comparison of these representatives of the Eastern horoscope, the Sheep (like the Goat) seems a little softer, kinder and less obstinate in character, in comparison with the Horse. Therefore, the year under her auspices will be calmer and more moderate in all respects. The sheep is a friendly animal with all zodiac signs in peace and harmony.

For many people, this year will be a year of soul-searching.

    For air signs, it promises a lot of creativity.
    For fire signs - a change in work or lifestyle.
    Earth signs will strengthen their financial condition.
    And the water signs will find themselves.

In general, for all elements the year of the Sheep/Goat is eastern horoscope brings with it positive changes and prosperity, and for those who are engaged agriculture it will be a symbol of fertility.

Since the element of the Sheep/Goat is Wood, 2015 is one of the best years for those who are getting married.

Of course, no fur, only light fabrics. In the year of the blue Sheep/Goat, everything blue, dark blue, and turquoise are welcomed in clothes and interiors. She also loves white, gray and soft pink.

Both the Sheep and the Goat are somewhat timid and very modest, so large companies, going to restaurants and baths are not for them. A warm family circle, closest relatives and watching TV shows is the right celebration scenario.

How to cover New Year's table in 2015

When setting the table, first of all, do not forget about your preferred color palette patroness of the year, which was described above.

The Sheep/Goat is a slightly frivolous animal, loves everything elegant and beautiful, so the table should be set in the same style and with taste.

As for the dishes, the main thing to remember in this matter is that she is a vegetarian and will not tolerate any meat delicacies at the table. More vegetables, fruits and, of course, greens. Bunches of parsley and dill can be cut into salads and placed next to each dish; the hostess of the holiday will be pleased. Of course, all products are served fresh. As a tribute of respect, you should definitely put sheep's cheese or feta cheese on the table.

For active meat eaters, you can serve fish cooked in the oven.

Gifts for the New Year 2015

Sheep/Goat will be happy if people give each other knitted woolen sweaters, socks, hats or mittens. She really loves jewelry, light, bright and shiny. As a souvenir, you can give bells and figurines with the symbol of the year.


An old, tried and true saying goes that New Year you have to meet it the way you want to spend it, and that’s true. Do not forget to respect the hostess of the celebration, the patroness of 2015, and please yourself pleasant little things and if you believe in