How to cook mackerel on a grill on a grill. How to marinate mackerel for barbecue

Mackerel is very tasty and healthy fish. It requires virtually no cleaning and does not contain many bones. Therefore, I advise you to cook mackerel kebab. This is incredible delicious dish, which is worth trying. After all, what could it be tastier than meat juicy fish, and a crispy, aromatic crust on the outside, cooked in nature.

The marinade plays a big role, the taste of the dish depends on it. Today I want to offer you a simple and delicious marinade for mackerel on the grill. It consists of mustard, mayonnaise, lemon juice and spices. All these simple ingredients will make the fish very spicy and tasty. Mustard will add a pleasant spicy tint, lemon juice will add aroma and sourness. It is enough to marinate the fish from an hour to 4 hours. This time is enough for it to absorb all the spices. You need to cook the fish on the grill for no longer than 10-15 minutes, and do not forget to turn it over. Mackerel is best served with fresh or baked vegetables.

Mackerel meat increases immunity, improves metabolism and contains many vitamins. This fish is especially useful for children.


  • Mackerel – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp
  • Mustard – 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 dessert. spoon
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Basil - a pinch
  • Champignons – 200 g.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower – 1 pc.
  • Marinade for vegetables:
  • Olive oil – 100 ml.
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Fresh basil – 4 leaves

How to cook mackerel kebab

First defrost the mackerel, remove the insides and rinse thoroughly under running water. Place in a bowl: mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, salt, basil, mix. Lubricate the fish with marinade inside and outside in a thick layer. I added a little more salt and dried basil on top. Wrap it in a bag and marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Place the mackerel on the grill grate. Add chopped vegetables and pre-marinated in vegetable oil, lemon juice, soy sauce, spices and squeezed garlic. Place the grill on the grill and fry for 3-5 minutes, then turn it over to the other side and fry about the same. We repeat this procedure 3 times. In general, the fish needs to be cooked for about 15 minutes, depending on its size. It’s easy to check the readiness of the fish: pierce it with a knife, near the head, and if no bloody juice flows out, then the fish is ready and can be served.

We serve the fish to the table. Bon appetit!


  1. The fish can be baked whole or the head removed, the back cut open, the spine removed and baked spread out. If you bake in halves, you need to take into account that the cooking time will be halved. Readiness will be visible immediately.
  2. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream or cream.
  3. You can choose any mustard: spicy, mild, grains.
  4. It is enough to marinate the fish from 30 minutes to 4 hours.
  5. You can take any spices, especially fish, like fresh herbs.
  6. The heat on the grill should not be strong and even. The fish meat is very tender and should not be overcooked. high temperature, otherwise it will be dry.
  7. Mackerel can be stuffed with onions, herbs, vegetables, and lemon.
  8. Be sure to turn the mackerel on the grill frequently, otherwise it will burn.
  9. The side dish is usually served with vegetables or pieces of fried bread.
  10. To ensure that vegetables cook quickly, especially cauliflower, do not cut them into large pieces, because fish cooks very quickly.
  11. Be sure to marinate grilled vegetables, otherwise they will turn out bland and dry. The main components of the marinade are vegetable oil, lemon juice, spices, and garlic.
  12. One large fish is enough for 4 people.

So, I shared with you my favorite picnic recipe: mackerel on the grill on the grill, I hope you like it, I look forward to your feedback!

Good morning!

Today I will share a way to save a lot of money. True, true, I'm not joking!

What do you usually barbecue with? Beef is a bit expensive and you have to choose. Lamb is even more expensive if you take good meat. The chicken somehow became boring, and I was tired of this mayonnaise. Salmon or trout are generally beyond the standard budget. What remains is the pork. Well, yes, that's an option. But again, it’s not always possible to make a good juicy kebab from some relatively inexpensive ham, and if you buy the neck, it won’t be much cheaper than beef.

In general, I recently wandered into the local market - there is meat and vegetables and fruits, but, more interestingly, there is a fish stall where they sell all sorts of smoked meats, live carp, fake halibut caviar (more on that next time) and other seafood and river fauna. We usually buy pink salmon here (for salting) and absolutely amazing hot smoked cod (just for fun). But this time my gaze caught the refrigerator in the corner and stopped at the price tag... tada-am... 138 rubles/kg. Stop - I thought - why do we have this here?

As it turned out, we had frozen mackerel here. In fact, we took it last year for smoking, but here I think I’ll fry it on the grill.

In general, we bought a couple of fish to try and after a long study of the world wide web for a recipe, we settled on the simplest thing that can be in the world of fish cooking.

Looking ahead, I will say that this dish now often replaces standard kebabs, which, as was said, saves a lot of money, and the taste is beyond words or words!

So, we only need three things:

  • Mackerel
  • Garlic

In principle, you can also add a fourth component - lemon juice. It neutralizes the salt and adds a slight sourness to the dish.

We clean and wash the fish. We send the entrails to the cats - let them choke!

Crush the garlic and mix with salt:

Now we make slits on the sides of the fish and simply rub it with the garlic-salt mixture inside and out.

Place belly up in a suitable container and leave for two to three hours:

Well, then to the bars and into battle. Fry it like this: wait 30 seconds, turn it over, moisten the sizzling side with the remaining marinade, wait again for 30 seconds, turn it over, moisten it, etc., until it’s ready.

Bon appetit!

Be sure to try it – it’s incredibly delicious!

Today, dear housewives, I continue to share with you recipes that can be cooked on the grill, coals and fire. And I chose a recipe for you - mackerel baked over a fire. The dish is very simple to prepare, but at the same time very tasty. The mackerel is so tender that it simply melts in your mouth.

Ingredients forbaked mackerel over the fire:

So let's see what products we need. I want to warn you right away that I had a large company of 20 people. I calculated one mackerel per person.

  • Frozen mackerel – 20 pcs.
  • Spices for fish - packaging
  • Mayonnaise – 400 gr.
  • Soy sauce – 4 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Freshly ground pepper mixture

Recipe for cooking mackerel over a fire:

Thaw the mackerel.

What I like is that there are no scales and there is no need to clean it. For me this is a big plus.

Now you need to fillet the mackerel. To do this, cut off the tail and head.

Then make a cut in the abdomen and gut all the insides.

Wash all fillets.

Marinade recipe for mackerel baked over a fire

Prepare the marinade. To do this, combine: fish spice, mayonnaise, soy sauce, salt, freshly ground black pepper, a mixture of freshly ground peppers and mix everything.

Take each fillet and coat with this marinade.

Place all the mackerel in a saucepan and leave to marinate for at least 1 hour.

Then place the mackerel on the grill and bake on the grill.

Fry until golden brown, turning the grill occasionally.

It's spring outside, beauty, the weather calls for nature... let's not deny it. 🙂 It’s time for the whole family or cheerful company gather for a picnic. And on fresh air everyone has a healthy appetite. Therefore, when going outdoors, take care of what to feed everyone.

The picnic menu usually includes barbecue. For example, I prefer chicken, and the most delicious and juicy chicken kebab comes from thighs. Last week I wrote about...

It’s also very tasty to bake vegetables and mushrooms outside. I also already wrote about how to make mushroom delicacy on the grill. But I have another picnic theme in stock - mackerel baked on a grill over coals. Believe me, this is something special!

Mackerel itself does not have small bones, and this is a strong argument for baking it in nature. And it is juicy, nutritious, full of vitamins and fatty acids Omega-3 in its natural form. And with the smoke it’s simply breathtaking!

You can marinate it in advance, you can stuff it with herbs and lemon, or rub it with seasonings... you can... In general, write it down!

In this recipe I bring to your attention the most delicious marinade for this fish for cooking on the grill. There is no need to marinate the fish the night before; just leave it in the spices for 1 hour. You can pour marinade over the mackerel just before going out into nature, or you can do it right on the spot while the coals are being prepared.

You can squeeze a little lemon juice onto the finished fish.

  • Mackerel – 4 pcs.
  • Olive oil – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Oregano, cumin, rosemary, thyme - 1 teaspoon each
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons

1. We do not defrost freshly frozen fish completely, so that it is convenient to remove the insides. Cut off the head, tail, fins.

2. Use a napkin to clean the inner black film in the belly, otherwise the fish will taste bitter.

3. Mix the prepared spices and salt. We rub the inside of each carcass with spices.

4. To ensure that the spices stick well to the outside of the fish, you need to rub it vegetable oil.

5. Now you can sprinkle the carcasses with spices on top, knowing that they will not drain from it and, moreover, thanks to the oil, the seasonings will better reveal their aroma.

6. Leave the fish to marinate for 1 hour.

7. Pre-lubricate the grill grate with vegetable oil so that the mackerel skin does not stick to it.

8. Fat will drip from the fish onto the coals and this will cause the fire to ignite. We'll need water to put it out.

9. Fry, turning over every 3 minutes. We make sure that the heat is not strong, because... The fish should not be burned, but fried inside. We bake the mackerel for about 20 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Grilled mackerel with soy sauce

Another great recipe for this fish for baking on a wire rack. We will marinate it in soy sauce with onions and green garlic. Soy sauce is an interesting thing. It came to us from the east along with sushi and gradually began to penetrate various dishes on our tables. This sauce is great for marinating meat, mushrooms and, of course, fish.

To prepare we will need:

  • Mackerel – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Young garlic - feathers
  • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Black pepper - a pinch

Below you can see detailed video cooking recipe.

Recipe with lemon and olive oil

A very simple recipe for making mackerel. The fish will be marinated in spices and lemon. We will stuff it with herbs.

Fish cooked on coals smells very tasty. It is better to eat it freshly prepared, hot, so you need to think about how to organize the entire feast so that the fish does not wait for the rest of the dishes to be prepared. Start making salads, sandwiches, and other dishes in advance and you will be happy :)

To prepare we will need:

  • Mackerel – 6 pcs.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Olive oil
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons

1. When buying frozen fish, choose a shiny, well-fed, beautiful carcass with intact skin.

2. We clean the not completely defrosted fish from the entrails, cut off the fins and heads.

3. Salt and pepper the fish inside, pour 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil into the belly.

4. Place 2 sprigs of parsley and a slice of lemon inside each carcass.

5. Spray the fish on top lemon juice. Leave to marinate for 3 hours.

6. Place the fish on the grill and place it on the grill. We make sure that the heat is not strong. Turn the grill over every 5 minutes.

7. Total cooking time – 20 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step video recipe for cooking mackerel on the grill

In this video you can see the process of preparing this fish on the grill step by step: from cutting to roasting it on coals. Thanks to this step by step instructions You can surprise your guests even if you are a novice cook. The video shows in detail how to remove the bone skeleton and get fish fillet, which will melt in your mouth, so after watching it you will immediately receive a master's degree in kitchen arts).

To prepare we will need:

  • Mackerel – 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
  • Salt – 1.5 teaspoons

Bon appetit!

Bake fish on the grill, marinated with lemon and onion

Do you know that mackerel cooked on coals tastes better than meat? It is softer, juicier and more appetizing. But the most important thing is that it is unusual and original, because in 90% of picnics, meat is fried on the grill.

You can cook any other fish, but it is mackerel that turns out delicious due to its fat content and the absence of small bones. And it is also available in any supermarket at an affordable price.

This is very useful variety fish! It is usually salted, baked in the oven or smoked. I don’t like salted fish, because it’s essentially raw, and I don’t eat smoked fish, because it’s not healthy :) Fish cooked on coals turns out tastier than in the oven due to the appetizing smoky smell. So don't miss the opportunity to cook outdoors. healthy food in an amazingly delicious way.

It is convenient to cook this fish on the grill. Cooking time is about 20 minutes.

To prepare we will need:

  • Mackerel – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Parsley - bunch
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Garlic – 3 cloves

1. We clean the fish from the insides, remove the black film in the abdomen. Wash and wipe dry inside and outside with a paper towel. Salt and pepper the carcass inside and out.

2. Cut the onion and lemon into rings. Chop the parsley finely.

3. Crush the lemon and onion with your hands so that they release the juice. Mix parsley, lemon, onion and rub the mackerel with this mixture inside and out.

4. We put the same mixture into the abdomen, like minced meat. Let the fish marinate for 40 minutes.

5. Make a sauce for basting the fish while grilling from vegetable oil and chopped garlic.

6. Grease the grill with vegetable oil to prevent the mackerel from sticking.

7. Before sending the mackerel to bake on the grill, it is better to remove any stuck greens from its surface so that it does not burn.

8. On coals, turn the grill over every 5 minutes and grease with garlic oil.

9. Cook the fish for 20 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Mackerel is one of the most popular varieties fish. The demand is explained not only by the enormous benefits for the body, but also by the unique taste. It is fried, boiled, salted, and also baked, and this can be done not only in a slow cooker, but also over a fire.

Be sure to use foil for this. It will help retain all the juice inside and make the fish more flavorful. Mackerel in foil over a fire cooks very quickly and goes well with red or white wine. You can serve with a salad of fresh vegetables, herbs and a delicate sour cream sauce.


      • 2 fish carcasses;
      • red dry wine-3 tbsp. spoons;
      • mustard beans - teaspoon;
      • a mixture of spices for fish (preferably it contains rosemary) - to taste;
      • ground sea salt – teaspoon;
      • a toothpick or something else that will be convenient to prick the fish with;
      • fresh dill - 2 bunches.

Mackerel in foil over the fire recipe:

Choose any fish. It makes absolutely no difference whether she has a head or without. Thaw and rinse well warm water.

Trim the fins, gut the belly, rinse and blot with a napkin. The head can be removed or left (if you leave it, be sure to remove the gills). Using a toothpick, prick the mackerel. This will help make the finished dish more juicy.

The mackerel is ready and it’s time to move on to marinating. Pour red wine over the carcasses, add salt and spices. Remember rosemary. If it is not included ready mixture, please buy separately. Thanks to it, the fish will acquire a unique aroma.

Sprinkle the mackerel with mustard seeds. If you suddenly can’t find it, use regular food grade food. The effect, of course, will be slightly different, but in any case it will turn out better than without it at all.

Thoroughly rub the spices into the fish outside and inside, wrap it in a bag or cover the container with the marinade. cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. It's even better if you can leave it overnight. When about half the time allotted for marinating has passed, remove the fish and put a bunch of greens in each belly, and then wrap it in a bag again.

When the coals are ready, carefully remove the fish so as not to lose the marinade and wrap it in foil. Wrap loosely but carefully so that the juice does not leak out during cooking.

Mackerel is cooked in foil over a fire using a barbecue. Fry on each side for 10 minutes, and when the coals have cooled a little, you can simmer the fish on different sides for another five minutes.

Open the foil carefully so as not to get burned by the hot steam. You can serve by cutting into portions or separating the meat from the bones and placing on a prepared dish.

Bon appetit!!!

We are sure that you will definitely like this dish, but do not think that this recipe for mackerel on the fire is suitable exclusively for this type of fish. Any other one will turn out great on it, the main thing is that it is juicy.

It is worth noting that neither adults nor children will refuse such a dish. It is possible and even necessary to give it to children. It has practically no bones, but has enormous benefits. Even a small piece provides the body with all the substances necessary for full development, helps improve immunity, improves memory and attention. Eat for your health!

Step-by-step recipe with photos especially for the Well-Fed Family website.
Sincerely, Alena Bondraenko.