Kalash made of paper. How to make a machine gun out of paper? Briefly about the types of models

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Verkhovskaya secondary school No. 1" Oryol region, Verkhovye village Making a model - a copy of the Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle Completed by: 9th grade student. Ivan Andriyanov Head: technology teacher Oleg Ivanovich Martynov, Verkhovye village, 2015

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Selection and justification of the project idea I am in the 9th grade, I am interested in technology, the history of weapons, and I love tinkering. I really enjoy the technology classes. I decided to prepare creative project and take part in the Technology Olympiad. The teacher advised me that the topic for the project should be the development of a product suitable for production by students in technology lessons and in the circle “ Skillful hands" The product must be easy to manufacture, technologically advanced, made from available materials, cheap to produce. When working on it, as many different wood and metal processing operations as possible should be used hand tools and on machines. During lessons we usually made pointers, mallets, boxes, benches. mops, but that wasn't very interesting. I thought that usually guys like to play war, are interested in weapons, and decided to develop and make a model of some small arms. In addition, it will be useful for the school Youth Army team. 1

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Goals and objectives Goal: To create an original, technologically advanced, cheap product, suitable for production by schoolchildren in technology lessons and in a circle, needed for school. Objectives: 1. Learn to mentally imagine an object and graphically express it in the form of a technical drawing and drawing, work with design and technological documentation. 2.Know and correctly perform various technological operations for processing wood and metals. 3. Really evaluate your knowledge and skills. 2

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Selection of product options Having considered several models of the AK assault rifle, I chose option No. 4 of the AK-74 model with a wooden butt, deciding that the model of this assault rifle made of wood would look more impressive. 1 2 3 4 3

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Brief history creating a machine gun “Weapons don’t kill, people kill.” M.T.Kalashnikov During the Great Patriotic War There was a need to convert the main small arms of the Red Army to the 7.62 mm cartridge. The main advantage of such a cartridge is sufficient destructive power at medium distances in comparison with pistol cartridges, and the lighter weight of the intermediate cartridge in comparison with a rifle cartridge allows the fighter to carry more ammunition. After creating an intermediate cartridge of 7.62 mm caliber. in 1943, active development of small arms began, in which the most famous designers of the USSR took part. Kalashnikov also took part in the competition. Its development showed good results, which allowed it 4

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move on to the second stage of the competition. In 1947, Kalashnikov presented a modified version of the assault rifle he had developed, which was subsequently adopted in 1949. The first Kalashnikov assault rifles had two modifications: with a wooden non-folding stock (AK-47) and with a metal folding stock (AKS-47). Kalashnikov created a practical and reliable weapon. The merit of the developer is the optimal arrangement of time-tested technologies into a single sample that met all the requirements. Despite the fact that the Kalashnikov assault rifle entered service with the SA back in 1949, due to Soviet secrecy, the weapon was introduced only in 1956. In the 50s, models of medium small arms began to be replaced by Kalashnikov assault rifles. It soon became the main type of small arms in the allied countries of the USSR, as well as in Finland and some other countries. Such a rapidly growing popularity of the machine was associated with the simplicity and reliability of the design. as well as the low cost of weapons. In the early 70s, the USSR began developing a new automatic cartridge of 5.45x39 caliber. In 1974 chambered for 5.45 cartridge into service Soviet army a new AK-74 assault rifle is being adopted. More than 60 years have passed since the creation of the first version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The famous developer managed to achieve his goal: “to develop a weapon that would be understandable to a common soldier.” Indeed, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is very popular 5

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on all continents. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is one of the most popular weapons in the world. It is in service with the armies of 106 countries. Recognized as the invention of the century and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most common weapon in the world. For his assault rifle, Kalashnikov received the Stalin Prize of the first degree. 6

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Selection of materials To make my product, I used the most accessible and cheapest material - wood, metal scraps, wire. For the receiver, magazine horn and handle, it is advisable to use birch, since its wood is dense, hard and does not have pronounced annual layers, but it is suitable and pine, spruce. For turning the barrel and gas tube, only birch should be used. Birch. It has a very uniform structure, light color, closer to white, sometimes with a yellowish tint. Used for making plywood, tool handles, furniture, etc. Spruce. The wood is white with a yellowish tint, knotty. Used for the manufacture of musical instruments and in construction. Pine. The wood is reddish-yellow and has a small number of knots. Used in the construction of bridges, carriages, flooring, etc. Tin. Galvanized sheet metal, 0.2 mm thick, bends well, is cut with scissors, and processed with a file. Used to make a trigger bracket, a translator lever, and a front sight. sighting bar. For finishing finished product I took black enamel, and for the buttstock the wood texture was walnut. 8

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Selecting Tools and Equipment When making my product, I used the following tools and equipment: Pencil Ruler Scratcher Caliper Square Carpentry workbench Mechanic's workbench Drilling machine Lathe STD-120 Lathe TV-6 Electric drill Hacksaw Bench scissors Rasp Planer Chisel Mallet Obzor Milling cutter Shaping sandpaper Brush 9

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Preparation of technological documentation I carefully studied the design and types of the Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle. Having removed all dimensions from a full-size metal model of a machine gun available in the life safety class, I, with the help of the teacher, developed the technology and procedure for manufacturing individual parts, drew and cut out of cardboard templates for the body with the butt, magazine, and handle. Completed drawings and technological maps for the manufacture of the main parts of the machine. The templates will later be used by other students to make a machine model. 10

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Specification Receiver with butt. Gas tube with overlay. Front sight. Sighting bar. Shutter lever. Translator flag. Barrel with compensator. Ramrod. Cleaning rod brackets. Shop. Trigger bracket. Pen. Trigger. 12

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Technological maps for manufacturing the main parts of the Kalashnikov assault rifle AK - 74 13

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Technological map No. 1 Making a receiver with a butt 14 No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Receiver 1 1:1 Birch

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece required sizes. Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Template, pencil 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece along the lines. Carpenter's workbench, jigsaw, clamp 4. Mill the ribs in the upper part of the receiver. Carpentry workbench, router, clamp 5. Process the stock according to the sample. Carpenter's workbench, plane, rasp, knife 15

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 6. Drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm to install the barrel. Drill, drill bit 7. Drill holes with a diameter of 20 mm. Drill, drill bit 8. Drill out the sockets for installing the magazine and handle. Carpentry workbench, chisel, chisel, mallet 9. Finish the finished product Sandpaper 16

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required size. 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Ruler, hacksaw Template, pencil 3. Cut out the magazine horn along the lines from the blank. Jigsaw, carpenter's workbench, clamp 4. Mill the ribs of the front edge of the part. Carpenter's workbench, router, clamp 5. Apply marks on the sides of the front edge of the magazine with a burner. Carpenter's workbench, pencil, electric burner Technological map No. 2 Manufacturing of a machine gun barrel No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Barrel 1 1:1 Birch 17

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment Select a workpiece of the required size. Ruler, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and mark the centers. Planer, center punch, hammer 3. Fix the workpiece in a lathe and turn it to a diameter of 26 mm STD-120 lathe, chisels, calipers 4. Perform further turning according to the drawing STD-120 lathe, chisels, calipers 5. Perform finishing work finished product. Lathe STD-120, sandpaper 18

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Technological map No. 3 Manufacturing of a gas tube with an overlay No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Gas tube 1 1:1 Birch 19

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required size Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and mark the centers. Carpenter's workbench, plane, center punch, hammer 3. Fasten the workpiece in the lathe and grind to a diameter of 39 mm. STD-120 lathe, chisels, calipers 4. Carry out further turning of the part according to the drawing. Lathe STD-120, chisels, calipers 5. Cut bottom part parts by 5 mm and perform finishing. Carpenter's workbench, plane, sandpaper 20

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Technological map No. 4 Manufacturing of the machine handle No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Handle 1 1:1 Birch 21

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required size. Pencil, ruler, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. template, pencil 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece along the marking lines and round the edges of the side faces. Carpenter's workbench, clamp, jigsaw, rasp 4. Apply a pattern on the burner side surfaces pens. Carpentry workbench, pencil, ruler, electric burner. 5.Produce final finishing details. Sandpaper 22

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Technological map No. 5 Manufacturing of magazine horn No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Magazine horn 1 1: 1 Birch 23

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Sequence of technological operations Graphic representation Tools, equipment 1. Select a workpiece of the required size Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece using a template. Pencil, template 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece. Carpenter's workbench, clamp, jigsaw 4. Mill the ribs of the front edge of the part. Carpenter's workbench, clamp, router 5. Apply marks to the front edge with a burner and complete the final processing of the part. electric burner, sandpaper 24

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Safety precautions when working with tools and machines When manufacturing a product, you must know and strictly follow the rules for the safe operation of all technological operations performed, use work clothing and protective equipment. 25

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Stages of manufacturing the product The sequence and main stages of manufacturing the machine are presented in the figures. The following technological operations were performed: Marking Sawing Planing Drilling Chiselling Sawing Metal cutting Metal chopping Filing Metal bending Turning Soldering Wood burning milling Finishing 26

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Weapons fascinate any boy. The young master will be very interested in learning how to make a machine gun out of paper. The process is also very interesting because it is possible to find out what main parts this type of weapon consists of.

Master class: how to make a paper machine

In order to make a machine out of paper, we will need several A4 sheets, scissors, tape and a little patience. Roll two sheets of paper, placed on top of each other, into a tube with a diameter of about 8 cm. To prevent it from unfolding, secure it with tape.

From this pipe we will make the body of the machine gun. Let's make corner folds along the length and give the pipe a rectangular shape. Using scissors, we make a bevel in the upper left part and cut out a window on the side for the shutter lever.

From a sheet folded in half lengthwise, we roll up a tube with a diameter slightly larger than the thickness of the body and flatten it so that these dimensions are equal. We will make oblique cuts in one direction at both ends of the tube. The result is a pistol grip. From a strip of paper folded several times we will make a safety bracket and a trigger, as shown in the figure. We secure all three parts to the body using tape.

Let's make a shutter. Roll a sheet of paper lengthwise into a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. In the center, onto the tube we will glue a small piece of sheet folded in half, the height equal to the height of the machine body, and the length such that when applied it covers the cut-out window in the side of the body. We attach a short strip bent at a right angle to this bar with tape. This is the shutter lever. Let's place the shutter inside the body, as shown in the figure. The lever should be exposed to the window. Cover the back of the case with a strip of paper and secure it with tape.

Let's roll a tube from the sheet with a diameter slightly larger than the shutter. This will be the trunk. Divide another similarly rolled tube in half. Let's stack the short tubes one on top of the other and attach both with tape to the back of the barrel. Let's make a handguard so you can hold on to it when shooting without fear of getting burned on the hot barrel. To do this, we roll up a pipe of such a diameter that three fastened tubes fit tightly into it. We will make slots on the sides to cool the barrel.

Once again we will roll up a tube with a diameter of 2 cm. Cut off a small part from it with oblique cuts. From these parts we will make a gas outlet tube, allowing the machine gun to fire bursts. We put the forend on three fastened tubes, and attach the gas tube to the barrel with tape.

We will make a front sight from a sheet rolled into a cone and attach it to the end of the barrel with tape. Let's connect the two main parts together. To do this, we put the barrel on the bolt, and insert the forend into the body and secure it in a circle with tape. To load the machine gun, you need to pull the bolt back by the lever and return it to its original position.

Let's make a magazine for cartridges. We fold the sheet along the width and give it folds rectangular shape. Cut it crosswise into several pieces. We put each part with its upper corner into the previous one. We will fasten all parts with tape.

We attach the magazine with tape to the body. So the machine was made using simple origami techniques.

Boldly go into battle!

Today I would like to highlight a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. This is a paper model. Surely, someone you know is or has been involved in modeling - aircraft/ship modeling, wood modeling, assembling plastic models (tanks, airplanes), etc. In a word, it’s an interesting business, and the results successful work They delight even more, and especially delight your guests.

But while almost everyone knows about the above, not many people know about the craftsmen who assemble voluminous and beautiful models from paper. Although you will hardly find a material more accessible and easier to process than paper. Another obvious advantage this direction What can be highlighted is that the entire process of creating a model can be carried out at home, because No special tools/machines are required here.

Briefly about the types of models

And the paper modeling itself is also different. The same direction also applies to various types origami, and this is already a whole warehouse of directions. In this article I would like to show three-dimensional (3D, 3D) paper modeling. I still doubt the correctness of the formulation of this direction, but oh well. In general, you will see and understand everything.

Models vary in size and complexity. The main factor here is the number of sheets of drawings in A4. What you need to start with is paper (you can use “snow maiden”, sometimes you need something thicker - cardboard), scissors, a ruler (preferably two), a pencil, glue (different ones are suitable, but the PVA moment turned out to be more familiar to me). Perhaps that's all. We search on the Internet using the query “ paper models download" sites, download models, print and get to work. For starters, I would recommend the Canon Creative Park website. There, the models are presented with clear instructions “for dummies” and other beginners. Actually, this is where I started, here are a couple of my endeavors:

Games can be used not only for entertainment, but also for development. It is for this purpose that very often parents and children make toys and various crafts with your own hands - panels, paintings, airplanes, weapons, doll houses and much more. This helps develop imagination, fine motor skills and visual-figurative thinking in children. They treat such toys more carefully.

Paper is universal material, you can make almost any craft from it, even a machine gun, and you will find out exactly how in our article.

How to make a machine from paper?

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch.

Work progress:

  1. We make 5 tubes with a diameter of 1-2 cm from paper different colors. To prevent them from unfolding, we seal their ends with glue.
  2. We attach one more to two of them in continuation. We shorten the blue one by 5-7 cm.
  3. We take a sheet of blue paper, wrap it around three tubes folded side by side, so that they move smoothly, and secure it.
  4. We cut off the excess paper and make a rectangle out of it.
  5. On the upper side of the resulting box, cut a rectangular hole to the middle.
  6. And on the brown part of one of the tubes we make a hole so that it is located in the second half of the box. We connect the double parts together with tape.
  7. On the side where the hole is made in the box, glue a small (up to 5 cm) lever to the middle tube located inside it.
  8. We make the following tubular parts from colored paper.
  9. We attach the long parts to the outer tubes located in the box.
  10. From the rest we make a stock and a sight, connecting them with transparent tape.
  11. We make a rectangular box with an open top out of blue paper and attach it to the lower tube of the butt.
  12. We attach a long one to the middle tube, and then a small funnel to it.
  13. Cut out a rectangle from brown paper and twist it as follows. These will be bullets.
  14. The machine gun and shells are ready.

But the question immediately arises: how to shoot from it? It’s simple: we put the cartridge into the hole made in the middle tube, closes the gap by pushing it forward by the lever. Then we blow with all our might into a funnel made near the butt.