Rooftop box air conditioners. Roof fans and their application Roof ventilation units

Ductless rooftop air conditioners LM PRO ORION TOP are an advanced line of outdoor supply and exhaust recuperative units designed for installation on the roofs of buildings.
Rooftop ductless air conditioners are an innovative product on the market ventilation equipment. To create this series, modern technologies, the latest design solutions and many years of experience were used, which made it possible to obtain a whole range of advantages.

The vortex adjustable air distributor, depending on the operating mode, can change the shape of the air stream.

Heating mode

The supply air temperature is higher than the room air temperature. Consequently, the air, being distributed, rises. The greater the temperature difference between the supply air and the room air, the less swirling it should be to ensure optimal range and air supply directly to the work area

Isothermal mode

The supply air temperature is equal to the room air temperature.

Cooling mode

The supply air temperature is lower than the room air temperature. The air is distributed horizontally parallel to the ceiling. Having been distributed, the air falls down into the work area, without creating the feeling of drafts.

Designed for use in large facilities with large open spaces and high ceilings - industrial premises, warehouses, shopping centers, stadiums, etc. The units are installed in the roof of the building and prepare supply air and distribute it directly to the work area, as well as remove exhaust air with the possibility of partial or complete recirculation.

  • Dual fans with a “free” wheel provide minimal power consumption and noise, as well as 50% redundancy due to the parallel independent operation of two fans.
  • Built-in plate recuperator ensures heat recovery from exhaust air.
  • The adjustable swirl diffuser allows for optimal airflow structure depending on the supply air temperature and the required design solution.
  • Heated air valves (optional) allow the unit to be started and operated at outdoor temperatures down to -40 oC (without this option up to -25 oC).

Operating modes:

  1. supply and exhaust, without recirculation;
  2. independent supply or exhaust;
  3. supply and exhaust, with partial recirculation;
  4. recycling 100%.

Main technical characteristics

Elements indoor unit and climate control are options. The composition of these blocks must be selected depending on the operating conditions. The composition of the outdoor unit cannot be changed.

  • Included external module/OAT.E1 includes devices 1 to 8.
  • The indoor module without silencer /OAT.I1 includes devices 9, 11.
  • The indoor module with silencer /OAT.I2 includes devices 9, 10, 11.

Ductless rooftop air conditioners INTAKT PRO are an advanced line of outdoor supply and exhaust recuperative units designed for installation on the roofs of buildings. The placement category corresponds to U1 (regular and insulated valves) and UHL1 (north valves) according to GOST 15150-69.

The units are intended for rooms with high ceilings and large open spaces, for example:

  • production premises;
  • warehouses;
  • shopping centers;
  • gyms, etc.

Roof-mounted ductless air conditioners are an innovative product on the ventilation equipment market. To create this series we used modern technologies, the latest design solutions and many years of experience, which made it possible to obtain a whole range of advantages.

Advantages of using INTAKT PRO air conditioners:

  • Dual EC fans provide low level noise and energy consumption;
  • built-in plate recuperator ensures heat recovery from exhaust air and saves heater heat energy;
  • to increase the energy efficiency of the installation, it is equipped with a mixing chamber, which utilizes both sensible and latent heat;
  • there is no need to organize a ventilation chamber, which allows you to significantly increase the usable space of the building;
  • there is no need to design, purchase and install: air ducts, ventilation grilles and diffusers, insulating materials, consumables installation materials, which leads to a reduction in capital costs for the building’s engineering equipment;
  • It is enough to connect to this system: electrical wires, heating lines and pipelines of the refrigeration system;
  • You can solve the problem of the room air conditioning system simple division room area per processed area of ​​the selected INTAKT PRO standard size;
  • The vortex adjustable air distributor, depending on the operating mode, can change the shape of the air stream. The unique design allows air to be supplied to the working area of ​​the room at any time of the year without the risk of reducing the comfortable stay of people in the room.

Air jet formation modes

Heating mode. The supply air temperature is higher than the room air temperature. Consequently, the air, being distributed, rises. The greater the temperature difference between the supply air and the room air, the less swirling it should be to ensure optimal range and air supply directly to the work area.

Isothermal mode. The supply air temperature is equal to the room air temperature.

Cooling mode. The supply air temperature is lower than the room air temperature. The air is distributed horizontally parallel to the ceiling. Having been distributed, the air falls down into the work area, without creating the feeling of drafts.

When placing INTAKT PRO units, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of exhaust air from one unit getting into the intake of another unit. To do this, it is necessary to direct the exhaust grilles of the units towards each other. The exhaust grille must not be blocked by anything to ensure effective removal air from the room. To service the heat exchangers, it is necessary to leave free space on the side of the removable panels; the panels are completely removable and do not have hinges, so a minimum of space is required for maintenance. The supply air stream must be supplied to the working area completely unhindered, therefore, when locating the units, it is necessary to ensure that there are no obstacles in the direct air distribution zone. The units are supported on the mounting frame by their own weight. Silicone, polyurethane foam or a similar substance is required for sealing. The filter insert on the exhaust part is replaced through the external module (pulled up).

Main technical characteristics

ParameterUnitINTAKT 90INTAKT 60
Nominal air capacity m3/h 9000 6000
Nominal power consumption total kW 7 4
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Mounting height (minimum configuration - recovery only) m 5 25 4 25
Installation height (maximum configuration - recovery, noise reduction, heating, cooling) m 11 11
Distance from the center of the unit to the walls m 6,5 14 5,5 11
Distance between centers of units m 13 28 11 22
Maximum processed area m2 700 450
Basic swirl distributor /LSA.I80 /LSA.I63

Dimensional drawing and specification of roof-mounted ductless air conditioner INTAKT PRO, complete set

  1. Protective roof from precipitation.
  2. Protective cover on intake (with drip eliminator on request) and exhaust.
  3. Air valves on intake and exhaust. When the outside air temperature is below -25°C, it is recommended to install insulated valves. At temperatures below -45°C, it is recommended to install “north” valves.
  4. Pocket filter class G4 supply air.
  5. Plate recuperator with air valve bypass in case of freezing of the recuperator.
  6. Drop eliminator with tray and drainage system.
  7. Dual supply and exhaust fans with highly efficient EC motors.
  8. Air valve for recirculation system.
  9. Pocket filter class G4 extract air.
  10. A supply air silencer is available upon request.
  11. Drainage system (connected to drainage system external module) with a condensate drain pipe.
  12. Water heater /HW.
  13. Water cooler /CW. or freon/CF. with a drip eliminator, or a drip eliminator separately /AS.1.
  14. Adjustable vortex air distributor /LSA. (for heating / cooling modes), or nozzle /LCN.1 (for heating mode only).

Elements of the indoor unit and the climate unit are options. The composition of these blocks must be selected depending on the operating conditions. The composition of the outdoor unit cannot be changed.

  • The external module /OAT.E1 includes devices 1 to 8.
  • The indoor module without silencer /OAT.I1 includes devices 9, 11.
  • The indoor module with silencer /OAT.I2 includes devices 9, 10, 11.
Dimensional and weight characteristics INTAKT 90INTAKT 60
A, mm B, mm L, mm Weight, kg A, mm B, mm L, mm Weight, kg
External module
External module OAT.E1 1400 2000 1700 550 1200 1600 1400 420
Indoor module
Indoor module without silencer OAT.I1 1100 1100 1800 170 900 900 1800 145
Indoor module with silencer OAT.I2 1100 1100 1800 210 900 900 1800 175
Climate module
Water heater HW.2 1100 1100 300 46 900 900 300 35
Water heater HW.3 1100 1100 300 54 900 900 300 38
CW.3 1100 1100 550 64 900 900 550 49
Water cooler with drop eliminator CW.4 1100 1100 550 70 900 900 550 54
CF.3 1100 1100 550 64 900 900 550 49
Freon cooler with drop eliminator CF.4 1100 1100 550 70 900 900 550 54
Drop eliminator AS.1 1100 1100 400 41 900 900 400 32
Air distributor
Vortex adjustable LSA. 1300 1300 560 35 1100 1100 400 27
Nozzle LCN.1 1100 1100 300 18 900 900 300 14

Important note: clause 10.5 of SNiP 41-01-2003 “emissions into the atmosphere from ventilation systems of industrial premises should be placed according to calculation or at a distance from receiving devices for outside air of at least 10 m horizontally or 6 m vertically with a horizontal distance of less than 10 m" refers to production premises with harmful emissions, does not apply to non-production premises. The placement of INTAKT PRO units “supply to supply”, “exhaust to exhaust” prevents exhaust air from entering the supply air.

This equipment is part of ventilation systems. These units are mounted on roofs, and they are necessary for purifying the air in residential or industrial buildings. Ventilation and removal " bad air» from the premises is carried out using special technological channels. Roof fans and their use is optimal in rooms with fireplaces, poorly ventilated rooms and in other cases.

For residential buildings, ventilation problems have become relevant over the past 2 years. It was during this period of time that “European-quality renovations” came into fashion. They are often performed illiterately. As a result, the room is sealed as tightly as possible with double-glazed windows, which results in a shortage of fresh air. This leads to various fungal and other deposits on the walls of bathrooms, toilets and other rooms. This can sometimes lead to very severe consequences and even allergies.

That's all today more people take care of a good microclimate in apartments, houses, and production workshops. Therefore, the demand for climate control equipment and for ventilation systems. In addition, today there is consistently good demand for roof ventilation units for private households, multi-storey buildings, public or industrial facilities.

Application areas of roof fans

This ventilation equipment is widely used to organize ventilation air flows in any conditions. Often these systems are purchased for installation in residential buildings with a large number of apartments, industrial facilities, supermarkets, restaurants, office buildings, various warehouses, swimming pools and garage buildings. These devices are installed on roofs. This allows you to:

  • Significantly save useful volume in various types premises, which can then be successfully used for other purposes;
  • Minimize the length or completely get rid of air ducts.

Ventilation communications using this technique are simple and extremely convenient. From a huge number existing options various exhaust ventilation devices - fans for installation on the roof are the most economical.

Since these devices perform the functions of ventilation equipment, the tasks they solve are the same as those of typical ventilation systems.

Functional features of a roof fan

These units can be completely removed from the premises humid air, and also unpleasant odors, which accumulate in household and living rooms. Also this type equipment copes very successfully with odors from sewage systems, removes various fumes that are formed as a result of work geysers, stoves, fireplaces. This technique can easily cope with exhaust air that is generated as a result of the operation of household devices such as vacuum cleaners or hoods.

In addition to working with odors, the device prevents various fungal formations and mold on walls, corners, and utility rooms. If you need a constant flow of air from the street, then best device there simply isn't one for that.

In the event of fires in rooms with fireplaces, these devices will easily ventilate the room and remove smoke. Today there are special modifications of these devices to improve draft in fireplaces.

Differences in Roof Fan Impellers

Like other mechanisms, these units are able to create air flows. They do this using impellers. These parts are divided into the following types:

In the case of radial wheels, it is important that the impeller blades are made of corrosion-resistant material. So, aggressive influence external environment will not have a negative impact on the equipment.

Axial devices are characterized by low efficiency. They are used in general ventilation systems. Radial equipment has higher efficiency indicators. These are more powerful roof fans and their use is most relevant in exhaust systems, that is, where the aerodynamic resistance is very high.

Design features of roof fans

If we consider schematic diagram, then these devices consist of a motor, a casing, a base, and a confuser.

Asynchronous three-phase motors are used as electric motors. The casing performs the function of forming outgoing air flows. Wheels are also mounted in the casing. The base is used to mount the structure and firmly fix it on a concrete or brick site. It is worth noting that before installing this unit, the site must be prepared in advance.

The confuser is a special socket that collects and draws air from the room.

In addition to these main components, the design includes additional parts. This deflector. Its function is protection ventilation ducts from natural precipitation. It is mounted inside the model body.

There are also thermal sensors in the system housing. They are designed to monitor the temperature of the electric motor. This protects the unit from overheating.

Installation rules

Roof fans often have very large overall dimensions. Some models can reach up to 1.5 meters in diameter. That is why for the installation of these devices you must follow the basic rules.

It is best to install on a hard roof. To do this, you need to prepare special load-bearing structures on air ducts or shafts. Typically, these load-bearing parts are installed at the end of the air duct.

On soft roof Installation should be carried out according to individual capabilities and diagrams. Here the options vary depending on the situation.

If you have to install the system in a place adjacent to concrete or brick buildings, you must first waterproof the wall. To prevent the device from collecting snow build-up, special insulated deflectors must be installed at the exits.

Types of roof ventilation systems

Models are distinguished by overall dimensions, performance level, device power, sound pressure strength. Among the majority of roofing models, the following can be distinguished:

  • Axial devices for installation on industrial or administrative buildings;
  • BLOOD devices. They are used exclusively in residential buildings and in production;
  • Equipment of the VKRM and VKR series. These series are designed to remove volumes of air through air duct networks or from various rooms;
  • You can also highlight devices that are installed in buildings that use open fire for heating and cooking.

You should not install this equipment on fireplace or stove chimney systems.

How to choose roof fans

Selecting these devices is a complex process. In order to purchase the necessary roof fans and their use according to the task, you need to take into account the main points.

When choosing, it is important to consider the number of floors. For one-story buildings axial models can be used. In case the building has more than one floor, then only radial equipment.

Also, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the amount of heat load, for example, in case of fire. For residential premises it is about 300 degrees. For offices - up to 400 degrees. For industrial and warehouse buildings - the volume is up to 450 degrees.

The location where the system will be installed is also important. Smoke removal equipment will perform its functions perfectly in one-story houses, and in multi-storey buildings.

In order not to make mistakes when choosing and not to overpay for unnecessary functions, before purchasing, it is better to double-check all the points. It would be a good idea to get advice from an expert on this equipment. But the information provided is enough to select the required device.