There is no better vodka! Remembering Chernomyrdin. "(V.S. Chernomyrdin) There is no worse vodka than Chernomyrdin

I just really like this “great” saying of the main “Chrysostom” modern history Russia, that’s why I made it the title of this post, which, as those who read it in full will be convinced, is dedicated not only to vodka (but also to other bad habits -:).

When today we come to a normal store with the goal of purchasing alcohol for one purpose or another and see a huge variety there alcoholic products, we somehow forget that until relatively recently, such luxury was one of the signs of “decaying capitalism.”

Let me immediately note that here we are not talking about the price or quality of what is sold in our wine and vodka departments, although any reasonable person should understand that vodka, for example, if you do not want to play the lottery with an extremely unfavorable outcome, is simply cannot cost less than 300 rubles for a 0.5-liter bottle. And now, fortunately, finding high-quality alcohol without any problems is not difficult. Well, the fact that good wine is expensive, even two to three times more expensive than in the country of origin (Spain, Italy or France), is quite understandable (but you’re not going to drink a bottle of, for example, Rioja every day ", how can this be easily done on vacation in Spain, where even a liter of wonderful "Sherry" can be bought in a supermarket for some 5 - 6 euros?).

Do you remember, representatives of the generation that now falls into the socio-demographic segment" middle age", jokes from the "perestroika" times, like this:

“The bus driver announces the stop: “Wine and Vodka Store”, the next stop is “End of the Line”!

Or this joke:

"Little boy approaches his alcoholic father:
- Dad, they announced on TV that the price of vodka has been doubled! Now will you drink half as much?
“No, son, now you will eat half as much!”

Or how, as a result of the stupidest "anti-alcohol campaign" ancient vineyards were destroyed, it was possible to buy alcohol only with coupons or from speculators ("leftist" taxi drivers were especially popular, selling only vodka at double the price, and of very dubious quality)?

Or maybe you remember how moonshine and drug addiction flourished, how “Moment” glue, which was sniffed, and shoe polish, which was spread on black bread, became in high demand, this “sandwich” was placed on the radiator so that it was soaked in alcohol , and then they ate and poisoned themselves, sometimes to the point of death.

Has it always been like this in the USSR?
No, and no again!

Here are a couple of photos taken at the Museum modern history Russia (formerly the Museum of the Revolution), confirming that the range of alcoholic beverages in the Land of the Soviets before “perestroika” was not so bad:

Still, the great Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky was not completely wrong in his famous aphorism “History teaches nothing” (I hope you know the continuation of this aphorism). It really doesn't teach anyone anything. Was it really not known to E.K. Ligachev and M.S. Gorbachev, the authors of the “anti-alcohol” measures of the “perestroika” times, that bootlegging in the USA as a result of Prohibition was one of the main reasons for the flourishing of mafia groups in America?
And now the current government is again making the same mistake, but this time by adopting laws restricting smoking. Don’t you remember the “tobacco riots” of the early 90s, I would like to ask. But they already understand that the issue will go nowhere, because they do not remember and do not want to remember the lessons of history, living in the euphoria of today.

Yes, for the current composition of the State Duma (or is it still the State Duma?) the adoption of laws that contradict common sense is no longer news. And for them, Europe (from their point of view, entirely consisting of representatives of the LGBT community) is not an example. But still, it should be noted that in most European countries where the fight against smoking has been ongoing for a long time and consistently, the rights of smokers are respected, without prejudice to non-smokers.

It’s probably not worth citing the Czech Republic as an example, where everyone who wants to smokes wherever they want (which is not surprising, given that for Czechs beer is actually the second, if not the first bread; and how can you not smoke a cigarette under your own mug? wonderful Czech beer!).
Let me give examples of other EU countries that I was lucky enough to visit.
In Greece, Spain, and Italy, a pack of cigarettes costs on average 3 times more than here, but open verandas Smoking is allowed in every cafe and restaurant (ashtrays are on every table), and no one is outraged by this!

And we even went so far as to ban hookah smoking in hookah lounges!
How is that? Fine?

No, history teaches nothing to our “those in power” (or rather, those who hold on to their own parliamentary well-being)!!!

Perhaps it is long overdue to introduce a mandatory history exam instead of mathematics, and for everyone who applies for any significant position in the government apparatus (deputies of all levels, governors, presidents...) to make this exam public (in the presence of observers from the public , under video cameras, etc.)?

I am sure that this would be to the benefit of our entire society (including civil society, everyone has been talking about the need for formation for so long, but so far - Alas! - to no avail). I am ready to act as an examiner (this is already from the field of naive political science).

Thank you for your attention.
Sergey Vorobiev.

Former Prime Minister, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin was known as a truly people's politician. The “culprit” of this fame was partly his inimitable style of speech, which gave rise to many aphorisms.

So, for example, on November 27, 1997, Viktor Stepanovich, representing Mikhail Zadornov (NOT a satirist!) at a government meeting, uttered the catchphrase: “Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich - the new Minister of Finance. I ask you to love me and even love me very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love.”

This year the aphorism has a non-circular date - it turned 16 years old. And in honor of this event, we decided to make a small selection of famous “Chernomyrdinkas” from a short excursion in the history of their birth.

1. “My specialty and life passed in the atmosphere of oil and gas.” This is how Viktor Stepanovich characterized his young years and... did not sin at all against the truth. It is known for certain that after graduating from technical school in 1957, Chernomyrdin got a job as a mechanic at the Orki oil refinery named after V.P. Chkalova. Then the young worker was drafted into the army. Having served his required term as an airfield technician in the Air Force, he returned to the same plant, where he worked as a machinist and operator, and then was appointed head of the process plant.

“When I try to imagine that since childhood I dreamed of becoming an oil worker - but I didn’t know what oil was, much less gas,” recalled Viktor Stepanovich. - When I first came to the plant, I was amazed by the number of pipes, all the pipelines, and installations. Is it really possible to understand everything, where everything is going, and where it’s coming from, and what needs to be done?”

After studying at institutes (the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute and the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute), Chernomyrdin at one time headed the Orenburg gas processing plant, where one day a serious accident occurred. However, the new director was not at a loss. Thanks to competent management, the accident was resolved fairly quickly. The emergency became known in Moscow, but the Minister of Gas Industry did not scold Viktor Chernomyrdin, recognizing the actions of the young boss as effective and timely.

The phrase “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” has four versions of its origin.

2. “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” This is perhaps the most famous saying of Viktor Stepanovich, which immediately went down among the people. Now it is used by all and sundry - politicians, pensioners, students, doctors and teachers. This phrase describes most of the processes taking place in our country very well. However, initially the “Chernomyrdinka” was born in connection with a money issue.

The fact is that in 1993, money changed in Russia. No, the ruble remained a ruble, it’s just that its “clothes” changed radically. On July 24, the Central Bank called on the entire population of the country to urgently, before July 27, exchange Soviet rubles for banknotes of a new type. The exchange limit is 35 thousand non-denominated rubles per person.

The Russians, in response to such a proposal from the Central Bank, panicked, and literally two days later, Boris Yeltsin issued a decree extending the exchange period until the end of August 1993 and increasing the limit to 100 thousand rubles per person.

According to one version, Chernomyrdin said the phrase “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” in August 1993, talking about how the monetary reform was being prepared. The second version says that Viktor Stepanovich is the author of only the first part of the aphorism. “As always,” added one of the journalists. The third version generally attributes this phrase to the “reformer” Pavlov, who spoke about monetary reform, but already in 1991. Well, the fourth version “plays” with time. According to it, Chernomyrdin uttered the aphorism already in 1994 during a discussion of the budget for the next year.

3. “Russia is a continent.” Viktor Chernomyrdin shone with his knowledge of geography already as an ambassador Russian Federation in Ukraine. The full phrase, which appeared in the Itogi magazine in 2000, reads as follows: “Russia is a continent, and we cannot be blamed for anything here. Otherwise, they are excommunicating us from Europe, and so Europe unites and has some conversations there. The Russian-European part is many times larger than all of Europe combined! Why are they excommunicating us?! Europe is our home, by the way, and not those who are trying to create all this and are pushing it. It's useless."

Literally a few years later, in 2006, on international conference“Ukraine - Russia - EU” Viktor Stepanovich again repeated this aphorism, albeit with a different ending: “Russia is a continent. We work both with the East and the Southeast. Russia is not joining anywhere, it’s somehow inconvenient for us to join somewhere, because by joining, you can step on something. It’s just a matter of developing relationships to make it satisfying for everyone.”

4. “They scared the woman with high-heeled shoes.” Everyone loved aphorisms from Viktor Stepanovich. Well, almost everything. Some did not like Chernomyrdin's characteristics. Thus, on February 17, 2009, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry warned the Russian Ambassador that he could be included in the list of persona non grata. The reason for this warning was Viktor Chernomyrdin’s interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which he very vividly described not only the political situation in Ukraine, but also the top officials of the state.

In particular, speaking about Yushchenko, Viktor Stepanovich said: “He didn’t fall from the sky. He looks like a normal guy. He's that kind of guy - he draws and collects shards. He can walk around a tree stump for three hours, look at it, fantasize. At home he collected such things - mills, millstones, huge ones! Windmills in Kyiv he instructed... And this man suddenly showed himself like this. Doesn't look like him at all. Well, no way, kill me, he’s not capable of this. However he does. Someone is helping."

However, the Russian Ambassador ignored all the efforts of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the warning. As a result of this ignorance, an aphorism was born: “They scared the woman with high-heeled shoes... I don’t care, I’m not in the right rank to be scared. “I am sent to Kyiv by our state and am responsible for bilateral Russian-Ukrainian relations.”

5. “There’s nothing better than vodka.” When translating to any foreign language This paradox will baffle even a scientist. What's better than vodka - and suddenly there's nothing worse? In fact, this phrase is about moderation. Although Viktor Stepanovich could afford to drink a glass of white wine, however, as those who knew the politician quite closely assure, the former prime minister was not fond of alcoholic beverages.

History says that even at the birthday of singer Yuri Bogatikov, Chernomyrdin only raised a glass of wine for the health of the birthday boy. And when one of the guests asked why Viktor Stepanovich drinks wine, he heard a simple but original answer: “We need wine for our health in order to drink vodka.”

The very aphorism “Nothing is better than vodka” was born from a conversation between Chernomyrdin and Mstislav Rostropovich. However, the politician himself always complained that this phrase was taken out of context: “In fact, we were talking about something else. Why is there nothing better than vodka? Yes, because I drink a shot of good vodka. But it's vodka, and I'll still get sick. But I won’t drink bad vodka. This is exactly what I wanted to explain. We were then together with Mstislav Rostropovich, with whom we supported good relationship. Amazing personality! There is talent and everything... A bundle of energy! We were brought together by the fact that we were fellow countrymen.”


Let's start with the famous: We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.
(08/06/1993, at a press conference regarding the monetary reform of July-August 1993)

I can speak to everyone in any language, but with this instrument
I try not to use it.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place...

The government needs help. And we deal with him, everything is dealt with. We don’t strive yet
only on the hands, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.

The government is not a body where you can only use your tongue!

It's better to be the head of a fly than the butt of an elephant.

If your hands are itchy, scratch it somewhere else!

Mamai walked around the country without me.

This has never happened before, and again the same thing.

There's nothing better than vodka.

Never happened before, and here we go again!

You there there...

We can't join. As soon as we start joining, we will definitely do something
let's come.

We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.

Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government.

Beautiful women I only have time to notice. And nothing more.

We all need to fall for it and get what we should have.

We need wine for our health. And we need health to drink vodka.

Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know
than we sit.

We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then eggs
They pressed so hard that they too disappeared.

I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.

This is not the place for you.

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

Previously, half the country worked, and half did not work, but now mmmmmmm... it’s the other way around.

This ghost... wanders somewhere there, in Europe, but for some reason it stops here.
We've had enough of the strays.

This is not an organ that is ready for love.

This sobered up some people, including those there who also scared them; it was far from simple.

I also carry a heavy load. And my voice also died. And I didn’t even yesterday
drank And he didn’t do anything else. I would love to do this.

I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can't, excuse the expression, that's it
time in a hurry.

I am ready to invite everyone into the cabinet - white, red, and motley.
If only they had ideas. But they just stick out their tongues and something else.

I have about two sons.

Our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.

On Zyuganov's proposal to declare war on NATO: A smart one has been found! Declare war on him!
Bast shoes! His! Same! And this! Just like this! What does he even know? And who is he
such! It's still going somewhere else, I apologize.

Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

That I will be sneaking around in the dark. I haven’t moved away from light yet.

I can’t be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We don’t have such people
are offended.

I am not the kind of person to lead to a fight, I apologize for this word. AND
it wouldn’t be them again, it wouldn’t be them! If you hung them there, it would be with
with pleasure! Otherwise, there would be a fight, people would take part in the fight, people like

Our president - I think he hasn’t seen money in his eyes for five or ten years. He
doesn’t even know what kind of money we have.

We need to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that
everyone can have?

We'll stand on our feet and lie down on another

The entire theory of communism was invented by two Jews... I had Marx and Engels.

Even if you put you on your butt, or in another position, it still won’t do any good!

Who needs it? Whose hands are itching? If you're itchy, scratch somewhere else.

What we always have in Russia is not what we need.

Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, invented by Marx, this
a dreamer.

In general, this is strange, well, just strange. I can't do it again, I don't know and don't
I want this. This does not mean that no one is allowed. Well, probably someone, maybe
and you need to bring someone in, someone out.

About Luzhkov: All his statements, his kicking there... even
Somewhere, they say, he called me a pensioner. I didn't hear. But if I
pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was ordinary then.

Give it to everyone - the giver will break!

It's all so straight forward and perpendicular that I find it unpleasant.

It’s unlikely that the position defines or gives me any weight. Well, where's there even more?
needed by a person who has already gone through everything. Everyone knows a lot about this life. Much
I know. Maybe even too much.

All the questions that have been raised, we will collect them all in one place.

Yes, we have a lot of specialists to hit the table, there is someone to do it. Yes, it's just known
in history. How much is unknown? The ones who hit? They just flew apart
friend. And now they continue, only now it’s not like that anymore.

And here I am, in my prime minister’s saddle, with only the wind in my ears.

If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I'm really not a Jew.

And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it there

After all, people see who is rooting for fate, and who is simply practicing under the brand name. I
I know who here thinks that they have finally broken through. Chernomyrdin always knows when
who thinks because he went through all this from a locksmith until now. And I do it
voluntarily, since there is no other way, since there are such speculations that they want to make me
like a stumbling apple. This needs to be carefully looked at, who needs it,
to create an atmosphere around Chernomyrdin.

If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here! If you do it like this
in a big way!

About Primakov: His reaction, we will always see whether this one will happen or not. If not
there will be such a reaction. If there is, then there is no reaction.

Why should we join somewhere? We don't need to join anywhere! We usually do
If we start to step somewhere, we will definitely step somewhere!

There will be no changes to take your breath away. Otherwise, in order to do something for someone,
it will be necessary to take or take away from another.

Clinton was bullied all year for his Monica. We have one of these. We still give them
Let's applaud. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica -
don't go! And go - answer. If you don’t know how... And we will live! I mean

When the deputy minister suddenly, out of the blue, makes a statement that there should be 200
cut thousands of teachers and doctors. Or did something happen to his head?.. Here
what can happen if someone starts ruminating. I don't want another word

Whichever public organization no matter what we created, it turns out to be the CPSU.

People have a lot of money in their stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity.

My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas.

We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.

No one is stopping us from exceeding our laws.

The people have lived - and will live!

About Luzhkov: Well, what should we unite with him? He's wearing a cap, and I'm not wearing anything at all.

But I don’t want everything here like this, in a rush: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another,
then again - and off we go. Yes, it’s not far from the panel...

Accused of what? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why are they there all of a sudden?
woke up?

Deputy Prime Minister posts in a time like ours are like a pillar on
which says: If you get in, he’ll kill you!

We learned to pronounce words. Now I would like to learn how to count money.

Today nothing, tomorrow nothing, and then we realized - and yesterday, it turns out,

Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred something
there was. There was nothing! All this is a machination!

Tax surrealism must end.

I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but with his father, Mr.
I know Bush Sr. and his wife, and I also know Mr. Bush.

From a young age... I have always worked as the first person.

Did the ruble collapse under my watch? What are you guys? When did you manage to do all this? We've done it
It means that someone is doing something here, and now I’ve also brought down the ruble!

About Yeltsin: He fell ill, coughing again in every way. But the president is the president.

Well, God forbid we have someone else. Enough. These make everyone sick. Our people, I
I understand that. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you’re sick.

Look, we have everything, but we can’t live. Well, we can’t live! No way all of us
is drawn to experiments. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime,
arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation?! Why this one, how
they say that the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather.
I wandered and wandered, but they didn’t get caught anywhere! And with us - please! And now - already
how many years under the experiment.

In 2003, Chernomyrdin flew on the same plane with the writer Maurice Druon,
whose father is from Orenburg. Chernomyrdin ordered red French wine,
and Druon is a regular beer. “Maybe with vodka?” - Chernomyrdin asked seriously. "Beer
without vodka, it’s money down the drain.” When the phrase was translated to Druon, he laughed for a long time;
then, so as not to forget, he repeated it in French.

1) Perhaps his most famous saying was the famous words: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” They were pronounced in 1994, when the 1995 budget was discussed. Subsequently, they entered the golden fund of the Russian language.

2) About Yeltsin: “He got sick, coughing again in every way. But the president is the president."

3) About State Duma deputies: “And we are still arguing whether to test them for mental health or not. Check everyone!”

4) About the fact that Berezovsky is embarrassed that he is a Jew: “If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I’m really not a Jew.”

5) About Luzhkov: “All his statements, his kicking there... even somewhere, they say, he called me a pensioner. I didn't hear. But if I’m a pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was ordinary back then.”

6) About Zyuganov’s proposal to declare war on NATO: “A smart one has been found! Declare war on him! Bast shoes! His! Same! And this! Just like this! What does he even know? And who is he? It’s still going somewhere else, I apologize.”

7) In the State Duma: “The government is not a body where you can only use language!”

8) In an interview with Itogi magazine in 1999: “The principles that were fundamental were unprincipled.”

9) In another interview with the same publication: “I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.”

10) At the Energy Summit at the President Hotel: “The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place.”

11) At a meeting with journalists on May 7, 1999: “We need to help the government. And we deal with him, everything is dealt with. We also strive not only on the hands, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said."

12) At the same meeting: “In general, this is strange, well, just strange. I can’t do this again, I don’t know and I don’t want it. This does not mean that no one is allowed. Well, maybe someone is needed. To bring someone in, to take someone out.”

13) About Prime Minister Primakov: “His reaction, it will always be, we’ll see whether this one will happen or not. If it doesn’t, then that’s the reaction. If there is, there will be no reaction.”

14) “I’m not the kind of person to lead to a fight, I apologize for this word. And again it wouldn’t have been them, not theirs! If we could hang them there, it would be a pleasure! And those scuffles, people would have participated in the scuffles: the people are as always.”

15) “Look, we have everything, but we can’t live. Well, we can’t live! In no way does everything pull us towards experiments. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation?! Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. I wandered and wandered, but they didn’t get caught anywhere! And with us - please! And now I’ve been under experiment for so many years.”

16) About Primakov’s peacekeeping proposals: “So here you can’t understand it so perpendicularly: we won’t touch you, you don’t touch us.”

17) About the government’s plans: “We are continuing what we have already done a lot...”

18) When asked whether he will participate in the shadow cabinet: “That I will be involved in the dark. I haven’t moved away from light yet.”

19) About the crisis: “Today world system financial understands what is happening in Russia, and does not really want it to be here... well, I don’t want to use this word, which I usually use.”

21) About the government’s work plans in September 1998: “We’re squirming like blacks.”

22) About the 2000 presidential elections. “We will all survive. In what configuration? In good configuration."

23) On relations with Europe: “Russia should eventually become a European member.”

24) Regarding Bush Jr.’s statements about the corruption of Viktor Stepanovich: “I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and I know his wife, Mr. Bush too.”

25) Again about the accusations against Bush Jr.: “Now there are a lot of people who want to stir up something. Everything gets excited for them there. Suddenly they also woke up. We got excited. Let them get excited. As for loans - you understand, as for loans and distribution mechanisms - what are they talking about here? Where? Why? What and how can they know?

Read all the sayings of Viktor Chernomyrdin

1. This has never happened, and here it is again!
2. It’s better to be the head of a fly than the butt of an elephant.
3. The people have lived - and will live!
4. You have to think about what to understand.
5. If your hands are itchy, scratch them somewhere else!
6. You there there...
7. What we always have in Russia is not what we need.
8. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
9. We have completed all points: from A to B.
10. Some principles that were previously important were actually unprincipled.
11. Actually, there is little success. But the main thing: there is a government.
12. There is still time to save face. Then you will have to save other parts of the body.
13. I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing more...
14. The government is not a body where, as many people think, it is possible only with the tongue.
15. We all need to fall for this and get what we should have.

16. We need wine for health. And we need health to drink vodka.
17. Who says that the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know where we stand.
18. We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then they pressed the eggs so hard that they disappeared too.
19. I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.
20. We will live in such a way that our grandchildren will envy us.
21. For the first time in many years, there has been a reduction in livestock discharges.
22. You have to be born into charisma.
23. We will stand up for this to prevent this from happening.
24. And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!
25. The entire theory of communism was invented by two Jews. I had Marx and Engels...
26. If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here!
27. You don’t belong here!
28. And I know again how it is possible. And often, and as needed.
29. And who should I ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and still no one has ever...
30. Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.

31. As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.
32. Whatever social organization we create turns out to be the CPSU
33. Clinton was bullied for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We will applaud them again. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how.
34. When my country is in this state, I will do everything, I will say everything!
35. When I know it will help, I won’t keep it behind my back!
36. When it’s difficult, we will always hold out. Just what you need.
37. We have one course - the right one.
38. People have a lot of money in their stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity..
39. My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas..
40. We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands.
41. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
42. We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.
43. We continue what we have already done a lot.
44. I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.
45. Let’s stand on one foot and lie down on another.

46. ​​We all need to fall for this and get what we should have.
47. You have to think about what to understand.
48. No one is stopping us from exceeding our laws.
49. But we will count, and then everyone will know. And we come first. And if someone is too smart, let him think for himself, and then we will check. And we'll report anywhere.
50. Previously, half the country worked, and half did not work. And now it's the other way around.
51. Russia should eventually become a European member.
52. Now there are a lot of people there who want to excite something. Everything gets excited for them there. Suddenly they also woke up. And they got excited. Let them get excited.
53. Sex is also a form of movement.
54. The country doesn’t know what the government eats..
55. I have no questions about the Russian language.
56. I have about two sons.
57. Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!
58. This is not an organ that is ready for love..
59. This ghost is wandering somewhere in Europe, but for some reason it stops here. We've had enough of the strays.
60. I would not link these issues so perpendicularly.
61. I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and his wife Bush Sr. too.
62. I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can’t, excuse the expression, splay out all the time.
63. I am not the kind of person who lives by satisfaction.
64. I say without any doubt - the economic downturn has not yet fully recovered. Share this post with your friends!