Furniture CNC. Making furniture on a CNC machine is easier than it seems! Preparing a model for a CNC machine

used machines for furniture production with computer numerical control (CNC) - equipment that allows you to automate work, even if it is carried out according to individual sketches. At the same time, its quality is much better than manual one.


Equipment advantages

Furniture CNC machine is designed for processing decorative elements furniture and interior in industrial scale. It is used when creating:

  • stair balusters;
  • facades
  • curved parts
  • door frames;
  • window frames;
  • cornices for the ceiling;
  • benches, etc.

Allows you to greatly speed up and simplify a process that was previously long and complex. This technique quickly pays for itself and soon begins to make a profit.

How can you save additional money?

We offer to buy furniture machines with computer numerical control (CNC) control units, the prices of which are significantly lower than for new analogues. We sell virtually unused models that have undergone thorough diagnostics. They are quite durable and of good quality, technically sound, and with a long working life - CNC machining centers can withstand serious loads. If used carefully they will last for a long time.

From the Tekhdrev company you can buy high-quality second-hand furniture machines in Moscow and the Moscow region on favorable terms. We have our own service department, showroom, repair area, and also sell spare parts for our used equipment. If problems arise, we will help solve them as quickly as possible.

Beautiful carved furniture has always been highly valued. After all, everyone admires furniture with carved elements, tables and chairs, mirrors, baguettes, carved wooden staircase And various elements home decor. The manual labor of a master takes a lot of time and is not cheap. Therefore, not everyone can afford such things in their interior.

The appearance of a CNC milling and engraving machine in production opens up enormous opportunities for modern market. The CNC machine can be used to make various wood products: furniture facade, tables, chairs, balusters, figured elements of stairs and gazebos, doors, carved mirrors and clocks, baguettes, borders, rosettes, picture frames, icons, 3 D paintings, other decorative items and furniture.

The advantages of working on a CNC milling and engraving machine are: high quality and high speed of execution, in comparison with manual labor, low price of products, following the execution of a given program, the machine does not allow errors and with its help it is easy to establish mass production.

In this article we post a collection of works by our users, among whom there are both furniture production professionals and beginners. Much is done on hobby-grade plywood machines. But this does not affect the quality of the products, because... The mechanics on hobby machines of the Modelist series, starting with the Modelist 3040, are the same as on expensive ones metal machines, the only difference is in performance.

Oleg K. Minsk. Machine Modelist4090:

Timofey, Vuktyl, Machine Modelist 4090

Albert G. Syktyvkar, machine Modelist 6090

Artistic carpentry workshop, Serpukhov, Modelist Machine 6090

Igor, Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya, Krasnodar region, Modeler 120250Al

Sergey, Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar region, Modelist machine 90120Al

On the Stankoff.RU website you can buy machines for the production of furniture from leading manufacturers: Beaver, Filato, Griggio, High-Point, LIGA, WoodTec, as well as Russian and Chinese manufacturers. In stock and on order, more than 364 models of machines for furniture production according to best prices. Only profitable offers from detailed descriptions and photo. Check prices with managers.

Types of machines for furniture production

To start a business in the field of furniture production, you need to equip an appropriate workshop. This activity involves the use of a variety of machines, units, and complex systems.

Choosing equipment in furniture workshop, it is necessary to take into account the planned volumes of production, the specifics of the activity, the size of the premises where the main activity will be carried out. All machines for furniture production presented in our catalog are divided into the following categories:

  • format-cutting units;
  • drilling and additive equipment;
  • milling machines;
  • presses, cladding systems;
  • inter-machine mechanization.

Format cutting machines come in vertical and horizontal types. Modern equipment Available with numerical control. The workshop worker needs to set the operating parameters of the machine. Cutting materials for the production of cabinets, tables, chairs, cabinets, shelves is carried out quickly, without significant physical effort on the part of workers.

Using milling machines, milling is created on the surface of materials. Drilling and attachment machines for furniture manufacturing are necessary to create through or blind holes for subsequent assembly of structures.

Modern furniture is made from chipboard and MDF. For finished parts, the end parts need to be processed. They are covered with a special plastic edge. It performs several functions. The designs look neat with edges. This element protects the structure from deformation due to moisture absorption. For processing the ends, specific equipment for furniture production is intended - edging and cladding systems.

Individual parts and cutting elements are distinguished by their impressive size and considerable weight. It is irrational to transfer them from one machine to another for subsequent processing. Therefore, inter-machine mechanization is of no small importance. Conveyor lines move workpieces around the workshop. It remains for specialists to monitor this process.

Where to buy equipment for furniture production

Reliable, high-quality equipment is offered by leading manufacturers and suppliers. Preference should be given to products from well-known companies. Employees of the supplier company will offer their equipment options to each client. After installation of all units and systems, it is necessary to carry out commissioning work.

Today you can buy machines for furniture production on leasing terms. For beginning entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient financial resources to purchase all types of machines and systems, this option is optimal.

A reliable machine tool supplier offers technical, service technology. High-quality equipment is used for a long time, periodically updated, modernized, because new units often appear on the market and are introduced innovative technologies. The cabinet furniture production business will be successful if you cooperate with reliable business partners and equipment suppliers.

CNC furniture – furniture products made on numerically controlled machines. Computer-aided design is used in production. The CNC system allows for autonomous or semi-autonomous three-dimensional processing of workpieces. With its help you can make various furniture elements. Allowed as processing simple products, and parts with complex shapes.


The most common devices for making furniture products are. Processing is performed after loading 3D models of the required workpiece. Most furniture is made from wood. Aggregates of this type are able to process wood with high quality, thanks to which they have gained wide popularity, both in industrial conditions, and in household ones.
If you decide to make furniture on an industrial scale, but have not yet acquired a room for materials, then you can agree on their storage in a warehouse.

The milling cutter allows you to:

  • carving on furniture fabric;
  • make individual elements (for example, legs);
  • get decorative details(for example, platbands, carved moldings, wood patterns).

Machine tools are most often used for the production of cabinet furniture. With its help it develops private business. This method is cost-effective because the machine can process different types of materials:

  • Chipboard.

Before production begins, a project is developed. Then the material is cut. There are special programs to perform these actions. The most used ones are PRO 100 and Cutting. At the next stage, the sockets intended for fastenings are drilled. After this, the edges are lined. The final stage is assembling the furniture.


Automated CNC machines are the best devices for the production of furniture products. On such machines, you can set a plan according to which sheets will be cut and holes drilled. Equipment of this type has high performance, so it is recommended to be used for mass production. If the device is needed for a small business, more the best option There will be a semi-automatic unit.

During production can be used various types machines:

  • format-cutting;
  • edgebanding;
  • drilling and filler.

Depending on the type and quality of the material used, it is used grinding machine. Thanks to the listed units, you can create cabinets, beds, chairs, tables, and much more. Before starting work, draw up detail drawing frame. The following systems are used for this:

  • AutoCAD;
  • Solid Works;
  • Compass chart.

Systems are utilities used by designers. They do not make it possible to make accurate calculations, but they allow you to see in advance what the future product will look like.

Numerical control

Before processing, a 3D model of the future furniture is loaded into the program. CNC models equipped with a laser beam function are capable of showing the route