Ceiling in a frame house with an attic. Frame-beam ceiling in a private house. Some ways to strengthen the floors of a frame house

Ceilings and floors in frame house are elements that delimit space. They are mounted on floors, which are also part of the building’s load-bearing frame. That is why their role is very important. The ceiling in a frame house gives rigidity to the floors and ceilings, and also acts as thermal insulation for the entire structure.

Floor structure

The ceiling and the materials used for its construction depend on the location in the house and the purpose of the structure. In frame houses, three types of floors are used - attic, floor and interfloor.

Floor coverings are needed to ensure the rigidity and reliability of the floor covering. Ceilings in the attic are designed to hold layers of finishing and thermal insulation. The ceiling between the floors serves as both a floor and an attic, being the floor of the second floor in a frame house and the ceiling of the first.

The greatest loads on the floors are carried out vertically. That is why the base for the floor is designed taking into account the reduction of deflections in the vertical part.

Materials from which floors are made

Wood is usually used for floors coniferous species: pine, larch, spruce.

The basis of the attic floors are ceiling beams; in the case of floors, these are logs.

Most of the load in frame-type houses falls on them, which is then transferred to the internal partitions, frame and foundation of the building.

As floor beams, timber processed into two edges or boards secured at the end are used. You can use either a board with a large cross-section or a thin one, but fasten the boards together. A more difficult option is to install boards that have a box-like structure, but they can provide the necessary rigidity and are inexpensive.

The type and cross-section for load-bearing beams are selected based on loads, span and deflection. Since the design frame houses often coincides, then the standard load calculation can be used, so the average values ​​are also suitable for determining the section of the floor beam.

Load calculation

The load on the floors in a frame house comes from its own weight and variable loads that appear during the operation of the house.

The weight of a square meter of flooring or interfloor depends on design features, sound and thermal insulation used. The average is about 220-240 kilograms.

Attic floors weigh more because they contain a variety of insulation materials. Weight is about 250-300 kilograms. However, the variable load is much less and its maximum is 100 kg per square meter, while this indicator for interfloor ceilings is 200 kilograms per square meter.

To determine the total load on the floors, you need to add the variable and constant values. It is also necessary to take into account the length of the floor beams and their profile by calculating the cross-sectional area. Based on this, the installation step of the beams is determined, which is usually 50-100 cm.

The attic floor beams are attached to the frame and fixed to metal corners, or cut directly into the timber. Attic and interfloor beams must be mounted above vertical posts building frame.

Sheeting and flooring

After installing and fastening the ceiling beams, the flooring is mounted on them, and under them - the filing. Interfloor ceiling in a frame house, it requires a lining, the task of which is to hold its mass, finish the ceiling, and also sound insulation.

Does not extend to load-bearing capacity special requirements. For filing, any sheet material can be used, for example, plasterboard, which will increase the fire resistance of the building. The ceiling and floor lining must support the weight of the insulation and the floor structure elements. This is why most often a tongue and groove board is used.

Rewind device

Skull blocks are packed along the bottom of the ceiling beams. This must be done along the entire length from the sides. For this, slats measuring 30 by 50 millimeters are used. Rolling boards are laid on them: sheet material or boards that hold the insulation.

Then the entire weight of the internal part of the structure acts on the roll. The purpose of the underlayment is to support the weight of the ceiling trim.

Floorings come in rough and running types. The chassis can be used in the attic to move along its surface. Running flooring refers to finished floors made of boards. Both options are mounted by attaching boards to beams or using elastic spacers. However, the installation is still slightly different.

Boards for the subfloor must have ventilation gap, providing air movement with reverse side floors In the case of running flooring, the boards are nailed together. If you do not plan to use the attic as a living space, then there is no need to equip the flooring on top. It is better to install boards around the perimeter of the emergency passage.

Cover pie

The ceiling of any house has a similar design. First, roofing felt, glassine or polyethylene film for filing or rolling. Insulation is attached to the surface.

For insulation, you can use bulk materials: expanded clay, furnace slag, perlite. In addition, you can use roll insulation - mineral wool, glass wool. Foam plastic is also used.

It is worth noting that only the basement, ceiling and floor coverings are insulated frame house, and interior floors are protected from noise using acoustic wool. After backfilling thermal insulation material needs to be filled sand-cement mortar. This will help protect the insulation.

Operating conditions

In order for the floors of a house to work out the entire period allotted to them, it is necessary to create acceptable operating conditions for them. Factors that negatively affect wooden structures are dampness and moisture.

Ceilings do not allow air to circulate freely throughout the house. In addition, during temperature changes, condensation may form on wooden surfaces.

Due to the lack of ventilation, the wood remains damp and wet for a long time, which entails negative consequences, one of which is the appearance of mold.

In addition, having absorbed moisture, the tree swells, changing in size. Such a situation will create tension in the structure, which will lead to breakage of the ceiling fasteners, making it further exploitation impossible.

Besides this, high humidity allows fungus and mold to develop. Dampness can destroy the floors of a house in just a few years.

Most noticeable this problem for covering floors and, to a lesser extent, ceilings. Partitions between rooms are least susceptible to destruction due to dampness.

For bath, kitchen and toilet floors, it is necessary to create a layer of waterproofing. It is also not necessary to mount the bottom lining. Thanks to this, air exchange will improve, and it will also be possible to check the condition of the elements and parts of the ceiling.

Installing the floor of a frame house is a feasible task. It is only important to carry out all work in the correct order and in compliance with technology. And then this element of the structure will not cause you trouble for the entire life of the house.

The foundation of a house consists not only of walls and roof, but also includesceilings in a frame house. It must meet special requirements and take into account many features. At first glance, it may seem that all ceilings are the same and should also be performed using the same technology - but this is a misconception. For example, the structure of basement floors is constantly subject to sharp changes not only in temperature, but also in humidity, as well as weather conditions. Accordingly, this ceiling must be erected taking into account all influencing factors in order to reduce possible damage as much as possible. The ceilings between floors must be durable and have proper sound insulation to ensure as much as possible comfortable accommodation. At the same time, the attic ceiling serves as thermal insulation to keep the most optimal temperature. In connection with all these points, the requirements for the construction technique of each floor vary somewhat.

Types of floors:

  • basement
  • interfloor
  • attic

interfloor ceiling in a frame house

When installing an atticceilings in a frame house, be sure to take into account the correct cross-section of the beams and the distance between them. It must be sufficient to support the roof, its own weight and any additional load. A mandatory vapor barrier is laid on top of the standing insulation to prevent moisture from entering. On top of them, a thin board flooring of sufficient thickness is reinforced so that you can easily move when installing the roof and roofing.

An expert talks about wooden flooring:

A reliable ceiling in a frame house allows you to expand the architectural possibilities when designing it. By choosing a certain type of wooden beams, you can perform with large halls and panoramic windows. ArtStroy usually draws up an individual housing project if the customer requires unsupported covering of areas of significant size. In this video, the head of the company, Andrei Ignatov, talks about one of these objects.

An example of a layout that requires reinforcement of the floor

The 10x10 m frame discussed in the video was erected in the resort area of ​​the Leningrad region, in the village. Sandy. This one was built according to individual project. Its peculiarity is the presence of a living room measuring 6x10 m, in which it is planned to install pool table. This did not allow the use of retaining pillars to cover a large area.

Layout of the first floor of a house with a dedicated billiard room

At first, it was planned to cover the first floor of a frame house using glued beams with a section of 150X250 mm. But, when the designer made a detailed calculation of the entire structure, it was decided to use a different material, because... glued would not be able to withstand a load of 400 kg/m2. The function of supports began to be performed by the structures shown in the photo below. They cost the customer more than regular boards, but allowed us to make a reliable ceiling for a room with an area of ​​60 m2.

For the described object, the following structures were used to reinforce the overlap

Floors in a frame house and ways to strengthen them

The wooden floor of a frame house is constructed from beams capable of accepting and evenly distributing the load from the overlying floor and roof over all supports. Correct location beams relative to other frame elements and proper calculation of their dimensions guarantee the strength of the entire structure.

They are two-story and have floors that differ only in beams that can withstand different loads.

Reinforced floor design option

Types of structures and calculation of the load on them

Depending on the purpose of the overlap, there are:

  • Basement.
  • Interfloor.
  • Attic.

Basement and attic structures that will be affected by temperature changes require enhanced thermal protection. And the interfloor ceiling in a frame house structurally consists of the following mandatory elements:

  • Beams.
  • Binder.
  • Insulation.
  • Roll up.

During the design process, we discuss with the customer what the ceiling should be like in a frame house; the pie can be more “layered.”

Multilayer “pie” of interfloor covering

No matter how many floors they have, when calculating loads on floors, the following are taken into account:

  • The weight of the dividing structure itself (lumber, insulation, flooring etc.).
  • Constant and periodic operational loads (weight of furniture, number of residents and possible guests, etc.)

Calculated according to SNiP 2.01.07-85, wooden beams of constructed structures must withstand the following loads:

  • Attic - 150 kg/m2.
  • Interfloor - 350-400 kg/m2.

If attic space will be used for storing materials and things, then the load for the ceiling of the upper floor is increased to 250 kg/m2

Some ways to strengthen the floors of a frame house

If the ceiling of the second floor in a frame house requires beams 3-4 m long, then the choice of material is not difficult. And with a larger span, the unsupported structure must be very carefully calculated and selected best option. If you need to cover a room longer than 6 m, lumber of common sizes (50X150, 50X200, etc.) cannot be used. It should also be remembered that the type of material also affects the load-bearing capacity of beams. According to GOST 8486-86, grade 3 can only be used for the construction of small spans.

Let's consider two solutions for the construction of long floors:

1. Use of beams having different cross sections

You can make beams of different types:

  • Rectangular.
  • I-beams.
  • Box-shaped.

One of the most reliable materials for the construction of frame houses is an I-beam. It is lightweight and has excellent strength. With its help, the installation of reliable floors is carried out quite quickly.

The ceiling in a frame house is the basis for the strength and reliability of the entire structure. It is this that divides the building into floors and provides it with sufficient stability and durability. The interfloor ceiling in a frame house is layer cake, consisting of load-bearing structures, insulating and insulation materials. Considering that interfloor covering in a residential building is the floor and ceiling at the same time, then this pie includes finishing materials. Many novice builders do not know exactly how to make a high-quality ceiling of the second floor in a frame house. Indeed, this is a rather responsible process that requires compliance with certain construction technologies.

A construction cake in the form of a floor slab will only serve for a long time and with high quality if all the rules for its installation are followed.

These rules are as follows:

  1. High load-bearing capacity of the structure. The calculation should be made for the maximum load on the slab. It must withstand the weight of people and furniture and withstand strong gusts of wind without damage or deformation.
  2. Sufficient rigidity. The floor slab of a frame house should not sag when walking on it or carrying even very heavy loads. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the length, width and thickness ceiling beams, methods of attaching them to the harness and walls.
  3. Sufficient level of sound insulation. This is necessary to ensure that the inhabitants of the first floor do not experience discomfort from noise on the second level.
  4. Fire resistance. When creating a floor slab cake, you should choose materials that do not support combustion and prevent the spread of fire across floors.
  5. Low thermal conductivity. This quality is necessary when one floor is not used for living. A well-thought-out design of the interfloor floor in a frame house will protect the living level from heat in summer and cold in winter.
  6. Ease. Frame houses have limited strength. The basement floor can simply collapse under the pressure of the walls and the massive slab. For its construction you need to choose high-quality and lightweight materials.

During construction, you should not make excessively thick floor slabs between levels. Their insulating qualities must correspond to this parameter panel walls.

The heaviest load is carried by the beams, which are attached to a horizontal frame installed on top of the first tier. Attach the first floor piping frame structure better with nails. They are much stronger than self-tapping screws and can withstand strong horizontal loads. Over time, the tree shrinks and decreases in volume. The nails ensure that the timber slides down to the bottom layer. In the case of self-tapping screws, they remain large gaps that require constant caulking.

As for insulation, it is recommended to use basalt wool. This is a lightweight and elastic material with incredibly low thermal conductivity and fire resistance. The pie in which it is placed mineral wool, has low weight and excellent sound insulation characteristics. Despite the fact that this insulation has low hygroscopicity, it is recommended to insulate it with a membrane film to protect it from dampness.

The bottom of the floor slab is sheathed sheet material. The simplest and in an inexpensive way to make the ceiling is considered to be the use of plasterboard. It is easy to process and lightweight material. Floor beams can be sheathed with plywood or OSB. The lining and block house look beautiful. Stretch ceilings They look impressive, but these products are impractical. Access to the space between them and the floor slab is extremely difficult. If rodents or insects settle in this space, then property owners will be serious problems and expenses. The most effective in terms of cost, ease of installation and maintenance are plastic panels. This structure can be installed, dismantled and put back in a matter of hours.

On beam floor the second floor can be laid floorboard, OSB, laminate and thick plywood. The choice should be made in favor of a material that has the best performance characteristics and moisture resistance.

Installation sequence

To build a high-quality and durable floor, you need to know how to calculate the thickness and frequency of beams. After this, it remains to calculate the total need for building materials and get to work. When making calculations, you should be guided by SNiP. If doubts arise, they should be interpreted in the direction of increasing hardness and strength.

Arrangement of interfloor floor slab according to frame walls carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cross beams are screwed onto the harness. If the purlins are longer than 400 cm, then glued boards should be used. When making long runs, the boards are fastened together with an overlay of 75-80 cm.
  2. Logs are attached to the beams and to the frame. Fixation is carried out with long nails and metal corners. The interval between the lags is 50-58 cm, depending on what material is chosen as insulation.
  3. The lower part of the frame is covered with membrane film. Sheets of plywood, OSB or untreated are nailed to the boards wooden surface. This will be the basis for insulation and finishing of the ceiling.
  4. The frame contains insulation. All cracks are carefully sealed. The recommended thickness of thermal insulation is 10 cm. On top of the insulation construction stapler a vapor barrier film is fixed.
  5. The frame filled with insulation is covered with boards or wood boards- they will be the subfloor of the second floor.

The final stage is fine finishing floor. The choice of material is determined by the purpose and style of decoration of the entire room, the taste and financial capabilities of its owners.

Good afternoon, dear frame builders!

I couldn’t find a similar topic by searching, so I decided to create it myself.
Often the question flashes on the forum, how to do, how to block the span some kind of length. Sometimes the questioner simply does not have enough experience, sometimes some kind of hint or fresh thought is enough for him, sometimes he needs help choosing from several options, sometimes he needs to do an educational program and warn the person against dangerous mistakes. All this is scattered on different topics, and finding a problem similar to yours is quite difficult.
Let's help each other here on roofing issues, then you can look at some knowledge base in one place and ask your question about covering a frame house.
Minimum information to ask a question:
1) House plan.
2) Span dimensions
3) What will happen at the top - what is the load on the floor
4) What is the difficulty with this overlap, what would you like and why it doesn’t work out.

I need help optimizing the flooring in a frame house.

Here is the main topic about my construction:
On at this stage made by USP, I draw a frame design in SketchUp.

Here's the layout:

So far the frame of the 1st floor has been pre-rendered:

The pitch of the studs is 500 (optimized for OSB, since the insulation is ecowool, inside there will be plasterboard along the horizontal lathing). Yes, and the pitch of 600 seems a bit too much to me for a 1.5-story building. I want it to be strong)
Racks external walls- 150x40, internal - 100x40. I plan to sheathe OSB, so no miters.

Here is the design of a typical wall:

Maybe someone catches your eye, write.

The plan shows that there is one problem area in the house - the living room, span 4900 mm. There is also an opening for the stairs in this room, size 1100x2350 mm.

Task: To make a ceiling for the first floor, taking into account that it will be higher residential attic, and there will be 40mm screeds on the floor.

Due to my limited experience in designing such structures, I was unable to solve this problem quickly. More precisely, it turned out, and most likely it will work, but I feel that this is a very suboptimal option with a huge waste of material:

In the sketch, red lines indicate the walls, blue lines indicate the beams, and the yellow square is the supporting pillar that holds the staircase landing and supports the ceiling.

Beam pitch 400 mm, beam size 50x250.
This step and size (according to the calculator) is needed for overlapping long span in the living room.
But it is redundant on other spans.
And, although a supply might not be out of place, it is difficult to find logs of this size to cut 50x250 boards in such quantities (at least in our region). And I didn’t want to throw money away if I could do it cheaper and the result would be good.

What exits do I see:
1) Reformat the entire floor, radically changing the direction of the beams, their sections and pitch, possibly adding additional load-bearing elements. Here I need your help, because I don’t have a good option in my head yet.
2) Change the pitch of the beams, adjusting it to the spans. Then the ends of the beams will not meet so beautifully in the middle of the house, they will overlap and burst apart with breeches.
3) Change the height of the beams. Then it is not clear how to make the floor on the second floor the same height. In principle, you can replace some of the beams with 200-th beams, and place a 50 mm thick board flat in the places of support in order to reach the same height as the 250-th beams. Then the breeches will be sewn up beautifully.
4) maybe there is another option?

Thanks in advance to everyone who cares