Yellow cherry plum jam. Cherry plum jam for the winter: a recipe for making it at home. Delicious jam recipes

Jam, compote, and various sauces are made from this small plum. IN modern world there is a large amount of culinary different options what and how to cook from cherry plum. Today I want to please you with a recipe for seedless jam. It is very easy to prepare cherry plum jam for the winter. As sweet filling it is suitable for any baking, and it can also be used for soaking cakes, pies and making desserts.

Take the amount of water strictly according to the recipe, because it is needed only for the cherry plum to blanch a little and release its juice. In the future, the berries will be cooked exclusively in their own juice. Varieties of any color are suitable for jam.


  • cherry plum yellow– 1 kg (with bone);
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • water – 0.5 cups.

Cooking process:

Wash the cherry plum thoroughly under water. We use a pan for cooking jam in which it will not burn. Place the prepared fruits in it. Fill with water and place on the stove over medium heat. After everything boils, cook for another 25 minutes.

After twenty-five minutes, transfer the berry mass to a colander and grind, discard the seeds and cake.

We fill the cherry plum with sugar and put it on the gas again. Our task is to boil the berry mass until it becomes thick. Cook over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Banks need to be sterilized. Pour the finished cherry plum jam into jars, close the lid and leave for a day so that they cool completely, and only then move them to the cellar or pantry.

Thanks to Ksyusha for the recipe and photo.

Cherry plum jam has a pleasant consistency and taste, since these fruits do not contain much sugar and contain acids - malic and citric. This delicacy will please those with a sweet tooth, and if you like to bake, it will great addition for baking. Do you want to learn how to prepare tasty and aromatic jam from cherry plum fruits for future use? The seedless recipe will tell “Popular about health”, read and remember.

Cherry plum jam - subtleties and ideas for housewives

Making cherry plum jam is as easy as shelling pears, but extracting the seeds from the fruit is a troublesome task. Those who love these fruits know that the pulp is not so easily separated from the drupe, so we recommend, in order to save time, first boil the fruits to soften them, and then grind them. Many may argue that in this case the result will be jam, not jam. To ensure that the finished delicacy has a coarser structure than jam, we recommend grinding the fruit not through a sieve, but through a colander. Then the mass will contain pieces of skin, which, by the way, contains a lot of pectin fibers.

What fruits are suitable for making jam? Any, the main thing is that there are no signs of rot on them. You can use cherry plums that are overripe, have been lying around for a while, and have even fallen off the tree. We still have to turn it into pulp. But rotten fruits are not good - they have an unpleasant taste, which will certainly be transferred to the jam. Let's move on to the recipes.

Pitted cherry plum jam – recipe No. 1

Let's take 1 kilogram and 300 grams of fruit and 1 kilogram of granulated sugar. That's all the ingredients. We took a little more cherry plum because some of its weight will go away when we remove the seeds. Let's start cooking.

Soak the cherry plum in a bowl of water. What if there are worms in it, then they will come out of their hiding places, and we will wash them away. We rinse the fruits with water several times and place them in a bowl covered with enamel. Pour just a little water into it (50 ml), turn on the burner, and cover the dish with a lid. The liquid will boil, then the cherry plum will also release own juice. Stir the mixture so that all the fruits are scalded with steam. Now we need to drain the resulting liquid; we don’t need it. We take a clean dish - over it we will grind the fruit through a colander. As a result, only bones will remain in it, and all the pulp will go to the lower dish. Transfer the resulting fruit pulp into an enamel bowl again, add sugar and mix. We put it on fire.

As it boils, the contents must be stirred to prevent burning. In the process, remove the foam from the surface of the jam. Cooking time, on average, is 35-45 minutes. You can check for yourself whether the treat is ready. Just drop a little onto a clean plate and turn it over. If the droplet holds its shape well, it means that the product has already boiled down sufficiently and is ready to seal. Make sure that by the end of the process you have already sterilized the jars and lids. Pour the hot jam into the container and screw it in. Place the blanks under the blanket, turning the jars over.

Recipe for winter jam with apples and zucchini

This jam is thick and not quite ordinary - thanks to the zucchini it acquires a more delicate taste, and apples, containing a lot of pectin, contribute to better thickening. So, take the products in the indicated quantities - 400 grams of apples, the same amount of ripe cherry plum and 2 young zucchini (preferably without seeds). You will also need 1 kilogram of sugar.

Wash fruits and vegetables. Peel the skin from the zucchini and do the same with the apples. Remove the seed pods from the apples and pass the pulp through a meat grinder. Grind the zucchini in the same way. Mix the pulp immediately so that the apples do not darken. Now you need to put a small pan with cherry plum on the stove, add just a little water to it, cover with a lid and turn on the burner.

When the boiling process begins, stir the fruits and boil them for exactly three minutes. Drain the water and grind the cherry plum through a sieve, placing a bowl under it to collect the seedless fruit pulp. Combine the mixture of apples, zucchini and cherry plums, mix, transfer to a wide enamel bowl and cook, adding sugar. Do not leave the cherry plum jam for a long time; you need to stir it so that it does not burn. During the boiling process, a lush, sweet foam will form on the surface; remove it with a spoon or slotted spoon.

How long does it take to cook jam? Gradually the mass will begin to thicken. Boil it to the thickest possible consistency, but do not forget that after cooling the jam will become even thicker. On average, the cooking time is about an hour, because the squash pulp contains quite a lot of juice. As soon as you achieve the desired consistency, and the jam acquires a pleasant amber hue and shine, then it’s time to pour it into a sterilized container and seal it. Turn over the jars, twisted with a key, and leave them in this position under the blanket until they cool completely.

Do you see how easy it is to prepare a beautiful and tasty cherry plum jam for the winter? The recipe is no different from jam, only the technology is different. Jam has a mushy structure and is thicker than jam. You can combine cherry plums with other fruits, such as apricots, plums, pears and even citrus fruits. It all depends on your preferences and the fruits available.

Cherry plum jam

Jam can be made from either fresh or canned puree. To prepare the puree, the cherry plum is blanched in a steam juicer until completely softened, and then rubbed through a sieve. The puree is placed in an enamel basin, boiled for 15 minutes, and then, adding sugar in small portions, stirring continuously, cook until tender. Sugar is added at the rate of 1 kg per 1 kg of puree.

Pour the finished hot jam into heated dry jars, roll it up, turn it upside down and cool.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Cherry plum compote Ingredients: 1 kg of cherry plum, 500 g of sugar. Method of preparation: Prick the cherry plum with a pointed wooden stick and place tightly in sterilized jars up to the shoulders. To prepare the syrup, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add sugar, boil for 2 minutes.

Cherry plum jam Number of servings – 10 1 kg of ripe cherry plum fruits 1.5 kg of sugar 2 g of citric acid Preparation 10 min. Cooking time: 60 min. 1. Wash the cherry plum well. Prepare a syrup containing 75 g of sugar per 250 ml (1 glass) of water, bring to a boil. Then on

Cherry plum jam You will need: 1 kg of cherry plum, 1.5 kg of sugar, 750 ml of water Remove the stalks, rinse the cherry plum cold water, let the water drain. Place the cherry plum in a colander, immerse for 5 minutes in hot water(80 °C), then pierce. Pour hot syrup over the cherry plum and leave for 3–4 hours. After this

Cherry plum sauce Ingredients: 3 kg of cherry plum, 5–7 sprigs of dill, 5–7 sprigs of cilantro, 5–7 basil leaves, 4 pods of chili pepper, 2 heads of garlic, 4 tablespoons of 9% apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon khmeli-suneli, 1 tablespoon salt, 250 ml water. Method

Cherry plum jam Cherry plum jam is cooked without seeds. The prepared fruits are placed in an enamel basin, water is added (3/4 cup per 1 kg of fruits) and boiled for 10–15 minutes, add sugar syrup 75% concentration, prepared per 1 kg of cherry plum, 1.2 kg of sugar and 400 g

Cherry plum jam Jam can be made from either fresh puree or canned puree. It is placed in an enamel basin, boiled for 10–15 minutes, and then, adding sugar in small portions, boil until tender with continuous stirring. Sugar is added

Cherry plum puree To prepare cherry plum puree, use sour green fruits at the ripening stage. Sort the fruits, clean them of impurities and stalks, rinse thoroughly and pour into an enamel bowl. Pour boiling water, cover with a towel, close the lid and cook on high

Cherry plum jelly Ingredients: water – 800 g, cherry plum – 100 g, sugar – 4 tablespoons, potato starch – 3 teaspoons. Pour over the fruits hot water, cook until completely softened, puree, gradually pouring in the broth. Then add sugar, bring the mixture to a boil, pour in

Cherry plum jam 1 Prepare sugar syrup from 3 tablespoons of sugar and 1 glass of water. Bring the syrup to a boil, dip the cherry plum into it for 3 minutes, then remove. Add the rest of the sugar to the syrup, stir and bring to a boil. Put cherry plum into boiling syrup, bring to

Cherry plum jam 2 Blanch the fruits for 5 minutes, pierce them, pour in hot syrup (600 g of sugar, 600 ml of water), leave for 5-8 hours, then drain the syrup, boil, add half the remaining sugar and 120 ml of water, add berries and stand again for 5-8 hours, then process

Cherry plum jam 3 Cherry plum jam can be cooked without seeds and skin. To do this, the fruits must be immersed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then cooled, peeled and pitted. Dip the peeled cherry plum into a 1% solution of citric acid before cooking to prevent it from darkening, and then

Cherry plum jam 4 Dip thoroughly washed fruits into water heated to 80 °C for 2-3 minutes, then immediately cool with cold water and prick with a pointed match in 2-3 places. Put the cherry plum prepared in this way into a pan and pour boiling syrup over it (for this

Cherry plum jam Cook in small portions! Remove the seeds from well-ripened cherry plum fruits. Boil two thirds of the prepared fruits with a small amount of water, after 5 minutes add sugar (200 g per 1 kg of weight) mixed with pectin powder. Cook over high heat. Through

Cherry plum seasoning 1 Take ripe cherry plum fruits, lower them into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cool in cold water and remove the skin. Boil with a small amount of water (10%) and rub through a sieve. Also immerse the fleshy fruits of ripe tomatoes in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, immediately

Cherry plum juice Juice can be prepared using blue, yellow, dark red cherry plum, as well as other types of cherry plum. The juice turns out to be sour, so it is recommended to mix it with juices that taste sweeter, for example: apple, apricot, grape. Prepare cherry plum juice in

Cherry plum juice For 1 kg of cherry plum - 200 g of sugar. To prepare the juice, use a juicer. Place the prepared fruits in a juicer and evaporate for 60 minutes. At the end of evaporation, pour the finished juice into hot dry jars, cover with boiled lids, roll up,

Finally, at the age of 40, I learned how to cook jam correctly. By “correctly” I mean ease of preparation, cleanliness and accuracy of the process, and high-quality results at the end. I love jam even more than any jam. And I especially love plum jam. Previously, when I was preparing jam, both I and my kitchen suffered. The process was so tedious, the pots were burning, the stove was dirty, the jam did not want to evaporate, it splashed and shot at me and around the kitchen. And how easy it really is to cook it, if you know some tricks for making jam, which I discovered by accident when I was preparing marshmallows, and the first time it turned out to be jam (then I added too much sugar). Now I prepare any jam exclusively according to the marshmallow recipe. So, all we need for proper preparation cherry plum jam is: 2.5 kg of cherry plum (the weight is indicated with the pit), 2 kg of sugar, a thick-walled pan (cast iron or aluminum alloy) with a capacity of about 2.5 liters (you can take a very large frying pan or roasting pan). Using this recipe, you can also make jam from apricots, plums, apples and pears, but you will need less sugar for pears or apricots, these are sweet fruits. Povido is also often prepared from any combination of fruits and berries - plums with apples, pears with cherry plums, pears with apples, quinces with apples, and the like.

1. Wash the cherry plum and remove the seeds.

2. Boil the tin lids to remove contamination from them - residual coolant from technological process and destroy germs. Drain the water.

3. Sterilize the jars (I always sterilize jars with a reserve just in case, it’s better to have extra left over than not enough).

4. Place the cherry plum in the duck pot and pour in 0.5 cups of water. Put on fire.

5. First, I cover the cherry plum with a lid so that it steams well and releases a lot of liquid.

6. As soon as the cherry plum boils and flows, remove the lid, reduce the heat to low and continue to evaporate for several hours over low heat. At the same time, I don’t stir the mixture even once, otherwise it will start to burn. I just go up periodically, pierce it with a wooden spatula to see if there is enough liquid, and not miss the moment when the cherry plum begins to bake to the bottom of the pan. I didn’t even notice how many hours it took to evaporate, as I was busy with other things. Maybe an hour passed, maybe two, but somehow everything happened very quickly.

7. The cherry plum mass should evaporate by almost half, this can be seen from the level of the wall in the pan, it seems to settle and slightly change color to a darker one.

8. When you notice that the mass has almost halved, you can remove it from the heat and grind it with a blender directly in this pan without cooling. The consistency of cherry plum puree is similar to watery mashed potatoes from which the water has not been properly drained, or to the canned puree in mayonnaise baby food jars that we were fed as children.

9. And only now is it time to add sugar. By the way, if we had added it at the very beginning, the mass of cherry plum would have started to burn immediately, that’s the whole secret. When I told my mother about my recipe, even she didn’t know how to cook jam correctly, so she was very surprised and inspired to cook jam according to my recipe. It really turns out to be so simple! No wonder they say: “Live forever and learn, but you’ll still die a fool!” :-) Add sugar and put the pan back on the fire.

10. Now cook the jam, without leaving the pan, and constantly stirring with a wooden spatula so that it does not gurgle or splash, but heats up evenly and does not burn. With sugar, the mass becomes even darker; the color of hot cherry plum jam is very similar to boiled condensed milk. But then, after cooling, it brightens again and becomes, as it were, transparent. Our task is to bring the jam to a boil (gurgles appear if you stop stirring it) and dissolve the sugar. Therefore, you can try, periodically dripping jam onto the plate. It immediately thickens and hardens, but be careful not to burn your tongue - even frozen jam is unrealistically hot! Try it with your finger first. Sugar, in principle, dissolves quickly, so you will have to stand with a spoon near the pan for no more than 10 minutes.

11. All that remains is to put the hot jam into the jars and roll up the lids. I don’t turn the jars over, I just put them in a safe place where they can cool naturally, and put the cooled ones in the cupboard with canned goods.

12. Cherry plum jam is ready!

The cooled cherry plum jam becomes very thick! The taste, despite the large amount of sugar, in cherry plum jam still contains the sourness characteristic of all plums.

Cherry plum jam is incredibly bright and aromatic. It can be used not only for sandwiches, but as a decoration for desserts.

The only problem with making cherry plum jam is cleaning the seeds. In some varieties of cherry plum, it is almost impossible to separate the pit without losing a good half of the pulp. Therefore, most often cherry plum is cooked directly with the seeds. This somewhat lengthens the process of making jam, but alas, there is no other option.

Cherry plum is usually quite acidic, so sugar should be taken in a 1:1 ratio. But before adding sugar, you need to deal with the seeds.

Wash the cherry plum, put it in a saucepan, pour in water (about one glass).

Cover the pan with a lid and place on the stove, turning on the lowest gas. When the water in the pan boils, turn down the gas and let the cherry plum “languish” for 20 minutes.

This time is enough for the cherry plum to boil and the seeds to move away from the pulp.

Take a large sieve and grind the cherry plum, separating the skin and seeds.

Now you can add sugar and boil the jam until tender.

Since cherry plum is already sour, then citric acid It’s not worth adding here, but cinnamon goes well with the aroma of cherry plum.

Pour the hot jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Cherry plum jam can be stored in a kitchen cabinet for up to a year without worrying about its safety.

How to make cherry plum jam for the winter, watch the video: