A simple recipe for delicious water pancakes. How to cook pancakes with water. Fluffy pancakes with mineral water

Incredibly aromatic tea rose liqueur will become an elegant and memorable drink for festive table.
If you get a thrill from the smell of roses, then you are on the right track with me.
Tea rose jam already available. Now let's prepare homemade liqueur!

Let's get to work by preparing all the ingredients!

Separate the petals from the flower buds.

We immerse the entire batch of petals in a suitable container.
At this stage I use a 2 liter saucepan.

Boil 500 ml of filtered clean water with 2 teaspoons of citric acid.

Pour rose petals with this hot solution. Thus, we will be able to remove all the pigment from the petals into the liquid. The finished liqueur will have a beautiful, rich pink color.

Add another 500 ml of chilled boiled water and leave to steep under the lid for 10-12 hours.
Better at night, in a cool place.

Overnight, the rose petals gave off all their color and aroma as much as possible. Strain the tincture. Carefully squeeze out the flower mass.

To prepare sugar syrup, mix 1 liter of water and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Bring to a boil and the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool.

Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the rose petal tincture.
P.S. The resulting flower syrup can be stored in this form in the refrigerator for 3 months to 1 year. You can top it up with alcohol at any time when the opportunity arises))

Add 1 liter of vodka or alcohol.
Liqueur infused with alcohol will be more viscous, languid, and viscous. With vodka, there will be no such effect. The finished drink will be aromatic, light and pleasant to drink, like an expensive cocktail in a luxurious restaurant.
P.S. Homemade "degree" - like moonshine, I recommend not using it. It may have a pungent odor that will overpower the delicate floral aroma.

Mix the liquids thoroughly.
Moving content to glass containers.
Liqueur from rose petals must ripen and infuse dark place for 2 weeks or more.
The longer it sits, the better it will taste.

Rose petal liqueur. Since time immemorial, the rose has been considered the queen of flowers. Her beautiful flowers enchant, the subtle divine aroma excites. Rose is the flower of summer, the sun. In winter, sitting by a window covered with frosty patterns, you really want to return to a warm summer day! Immerse yourself in an amazing cascade enveloping rose bushes. A sip of rose liqueur will instantly fulfill our dreams.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that drinks from rose petals have been made since ancient times. IN ancient Rome rose water was mixed with honey and treated to the most honored guests. IN medieval monasteries Various elixirs were made based on rose water. Enjoying great recognition. It is unknown whether he combined the pink elixir with honey. but the drink obtained in this way became the progenitor of rose liqueurs.

Its popularity increased thanks to its famous favorite Madame de Pompadour, who adored roses. Things were getting better in France industrial production drinks made from rose petals. It is unknown who came up with the idea of ​​combining the pink elixir with honey. But the drink obtained in this way became the ancestor of rose liqueurs. This was done by numerous manufactories in Aquitaine and Provence. TO end of the 19th century century, two countries stand out that produced drinks from rose petals: France, Italy and Bulgaria.

Countries producing rose petal liqueurs

In France, starting in 1889, rose liqueurs were produced by the Pagès company, founded by Victor Pagès. Since 1984, the descendants of Pagès have been selling shares of their company to the Renaud Cointreau concern, with the condition that the Pagès brand remains in the name of the liqueurs. Today, the Pagès brand is the first in the production of liqueurs, strictly maintaining the technology of making drinks. Excellent quality is ensured only by natural raw materials.

Rose Pagès liqueur has an amazingly pure pink color. The taste is of morning freshness, filled with floral and honey shades, with a slight sour aftertaste. The aroma is of natural rose oil, at first rich, and then, like a trail, elusive and carrying away the aroma of Provencal roses. The liqueur is combined with champagne, served with desserts or used as a digestif.

Another producer of liqueurs based on rose petals is Trading house Lafragette. The family business was organized in 1814. Specialized in the production of excellent cognac. But the Mediterranean roses surrounding the family nest of Chateau Loden at the mouth of the Gironde River gave impetus to the production of so-called “rosé” drinks, including liqueur. A whole line of liqueurs was created under the Alize brand.

“Alize Rose” - has an unusually beautiful matte color, reminiscent of soft pink pearls. The taste is delicate passion fruit, complemented by lychee, with delicate strawberry notes. The aroma is rich in a delicate combination of passion fruit and Gallic rose. Serve as a digestif.

Italy has long produced the extraordinary liqueur Rosolio. Its main components are rose petals. Every home has a recipe for this drink. The famous Cinzano family made their fortune by producing this particular liqueur.

The main region producing Rosolio is Piedmont.

- tea rose petals - 80g;
- sugar - 1 kg;
- water - 1600 ml;
- strong alcohol (alcohol, vodka) - 2l;
- vanilla - 2 pods.

Cooking method
Collect rose petals in the morning when the dew has subsided. Bottom part Trim off the petal (it produces bitterness). Rose petals and vanilla are placed in a large glass bottle and filled with alcohol. Leave for 14 days. After settling, the liquid must be filtered. Boil syrup from water and sugar and add petals to the tincture. Leave for 2 weeks. Filter again. Bottle. The liquor is strong. By diluting it with aromatic wine, you can get various “light” versions of the drink.

“Rosolio with pepper” is very popular

The combination of roses and red hot pepper makes an amazing combination. Color - dark red. The taste is slightly burning, sweet. After the “burning” first sip, there is a sweet aftertaste of rose. The aroma is of a sultry Italian summer afternoon.

The rose in Bulgaria is revered as the national flower. The state receives more than half of its income from the production of goods, the basis of which is rose oil. In the Kazanlak Valley, a place of huge “rose” plantations, a rose festival is held annually.

The largest producer of rose petal liqueur is the Lemma company from the city of Kazanlak.

“Liqueur “Rose”” in gift packaging

Usually this is the liqueur that tourists choose as a souvenir. The taste is sweet, rose oil with a vanilla aftertaste. Produced in the city of Kazanlak. This is one copy from the gift collection. It features an elegantly designed bottle in the form of an elongated decanter.

"Holy Rose" liqueur (24%)

One of the most fragrant roses of the Kazanlak Valley. Color - amber. Very pleasant taste - sweet, “pink”. Produced in the city of Bugaska.

"Mominskaya Cream Rose Liqueur"

It has a thicker, slightly “stringy” consistency. The aroma is richer than other liqueurs due to the larger number of petals in the recipe. The taste is honey-pink. Produced in Kazanlak.

The production of rose liqueur is carried out by the Vom Fass Barcelona campaign.

"Liqueur Rose (8%)"

It has a pearl pink color. Very aromatic, soaked in the sun of the Basque country. Sweet. Serve with champagne.

The liqueur is produced by A. Van Wees Distillery. The A.van Wees de Ooievaar distillery in Amsterdam is the last authentic distillery. The company was founded in 1782. In the production of liqueurs, exclusively natural raw materials are used.

Liqueur "Rose without thorns"

Has a delicate pink color. The taste is refined, seductive, with a vanilla aftertaste. The scent is old roses. Served as a digestif and with desserts.

Home production

Recipe 1 (Bulgarian)

- 40 pieces of rose petals;
- white wine (water) - 200 ml;
- rakia (alcohol) - 2 l;
- sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method
Wash the petals, dry them, put them in a glass bottle, add brandy or alcohol, leave for 14 - 20 days. Filter. Fill sugar syrup, from white wine (water) and sugar. Stir and bottle. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 2

- rose petals - 400-600 gr.;
- citric acid - 4 tbsp. (you can juice 2 lemons);
- sugar - 8 tbsp;
- water - 6 tbsp.;
- vodka - 1 l.
Cooking method
“Mash” the petals with sugar, add acid. Pour into jars, close and refrigerate for 3 days. Then prepare the syrup, cool, pour into a jar. Refrigerate for 10 days. Filter, add vodka and bottle.

Recipe 3

- rose petals - 400 g;
- cognac - 1 l;
- water - 1 l;
- cinnamon - 1 tsp;
- sugar - 500 g.

Cooking method
Pour hot boiling water over the petals and leave for 2 - 3 days. Filter, pour in cognac. Add sugar, cinnamon, stir, leave for 14 days. Filter and bottle. Store in a cool, dark place


"Crimean Rose"
- liqueur “Rose” - 20 ml;
- “Muscat” - 20 ml;
- Champagne (sweet) - 80ml;
- cherry - 3 berries;
- ice - 5 cubes.

Cooking method
Put ice in a glass, pour Muscat and liqueur. Mix. Pour into a tall glass, the edges of which are covered with a “sugar” rim. Pour champagne without stirring and garnish with cherries.

"Kiss of a Rose"

- wine “Flirtini” - 75 ml
- “Rose” syrup - 10 ml
- ginger - 3-5 g
- frozen cranberries - 2 tsp.

Cooking method
Mix the ingredients in a shaker, pour into a glass (small glass), garnish with a rose petal and a ribbon of orange peel.

"Ju julep"

- cognac - 40ml;
- liqueur “Peach”;
- liqueur “Rose”;
- ice - 5-6 cubes;
- mint - 4 sprigs;
- lemon juice- 2 tsp.

Cooking method
Place mint and ice in a copper glass. Pour in Rose, Peach and cognac liqueur. Squeeze lemon juice and stir. Sprinkle some rose water over the cocktail. Garnish with a rose petal and a sprig of mint.

Homemade tea rose petal liqueur - recipe:

To prevent the subtle aroma of tea roses from disappearing, cut buds should not be kept in the refrigerator. Processing begins as soon as the flowers are removed from the stems.

Roses are washed cold water. Various insects like to hide inside the buds. If a flower has become a home for bugs, it is thrown away so as not to spoil the drink.

Tear off the petals and place them in a deep bowl. If you are using the variety pink color, then there is no need to cut off the bases of the petals, since they are quite soft and do not contain bitterness. If the roses are burgundy, then you will have to get rid of the white parts of the petals.

Pour 1 cup of sugar into a bowl and add the entire amount of citric acid indicated in the recipe.

Tea rose petals are ground wooden spoon. You can do this with your hands, wearing thin rubber gloves. Grind the petals until a pink syrup appears. The color of the liquid will be bright, as the citric acid will take care of this.

Place the pink petals in a glass screw-on jar and place in the refrigerator for 2 days. During this time, the amount of syrup will increase.

The prepared, aged petals are transferred to a two-liter jar.

Boil the syrup by combining 3 cups of sugar and three cups of water.

When the syrup has cooled, pour it into a jar with tea rose petals and stir.

Cover the jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 10 days.

Strain the liquor base by placing two layers of gauze on a sieve. The petals are squeezed out and thrown away.

Rose syrup is mixed with vodka and poured into a bottle.

The chilled drink can be poured into glasses. Store tea rose petal liqueur in the refrigerator. glass bottles with tight lids. Shelf life - 4 months, aging time does not affect the taste of the liqueur.