Download install new spider man. The Amazing Spider-Man download torrent. New superhero adventures

A large metropolis is choking from the power of robbers, murderers and thieves. There is a real war going on on the streets of the city, and now only Spider-Man can clear his native New York of criminals. Now Peter Parker puts on his iconic costume again and goes on the warpath. However, from the shadows that have thickened over Manhattan, something sinister and terrible is watching the flight of the web... and it is thirsty for blood. Inspired by the latest Hollywood blockbuster, this incredible action spectacle will allow you to use the most impressive fighting techniques in Spider-Man's arsenal. You will soar above the legendary city, jump on skyscrapers, descend underground and fight legendary villains from classic Marvel comics. The events in the game take place where the events of the film end. Do you want to know what awaits the heroes? Then hurry up to download The Amazing Spider-Man torrent on our wonderful video game site.


The New Spider-Man is developed in the action-adventure genre with great open world. The plot of the game project takes place in the world that was described in the film The New Spider-Man. Here you don't need to relive the events of the movie because several months have passed since the incident with the lizard. The game begins with the infiltration of Oscorp, as Gwen realizes that Dr. Connorm's experiments did not stop with him alone. As a result, the most terrible guess turned out to be true, and tens and hundreds of hybrid victims of the experiment are now breaking into the city, infecting all residents of Manhattan. This time, the main character Peter faces an almost impossible task of protecting hometown from the invasion of infected creatures. Are you ready to help the main character of the game project? Then we recommend that you download the game The Amazing Spider-Man via torrent on our gaming portal. We wish you good luck!

Features of The Amazing Spider-Man

  • This time, new opportunities open up for you, implemented in a large open game world. You should be prepared for the fact that new opportunities will appear not only for your main character, but also for his opponents, who will become much more difficult to catch, and you will have to resort to various tricks in order to achieve it.
  • In order to catch criminals, you have to do your tactical training and find out as much information as possible about your enemy, his plans and further actions.
  • Now in the game The Amazing Spider-Man you need to fight in a completely different way. At your personal disposal you will have not only the usual web, but also other objects that will be at your fingertips at this moment.
  • In the game you can try yourself as a journalist and become a hero. To do this, you just have to switch to another character.
  • It is worth noting that the changes also affected pumping. In order to use new types of weapons, your main character will have to defeat as many enemies as possible and increase his level. Moreover, the further you advance in the presented game, the more difficult the process of passing will be for you, and for this reason, you will need weapons.
  • In the game you can also change the appearance of your character. You can dress him in a suit of any color, or decorate him to your taste.
  • The special features of The Amazing Spider-Man include the fact that you can modify the graphics. You can change the resolution at your discretion and begin exciting adventures.
  • Excellent musical accompaniment and sound effects will not leave you indifferent in this game.

On this page, using the button below, you can download The Amazing Spider-Man via torrent for free.

Get ready for exciting adventures with Spider-Man! Help him defeat the villains and destroy their evil plans.

Game process

It's no secret that superheroes, especially important ones like Spider-Man, are constantly busy with something. There is absolutely nothing surprising in this, because evil, as they say, does not sleep. In this arcade game you will confront him with a guy who has been bitten by a mutated insect.

Spider-Man boasts extraordinary agility and high speed movement. The sticky web allows him to quickly move from one building to another.

It also comes in very handy during battles. The superhero's combat arsenal includes a huge variety of tricks and incredible pirouettes. The most powerful combos will allow you to cope with absolutely any enemies. In addition to endless fights with villains, you can spend time simply moving around the open city.

In addition, you will have to deal with such pressing matters as photographing Spider-Man for the editorial office.


  • Exciting gameplay.
  • A gripping plot borrowed from the original film.
  • A huge number of interesting missions.
  • A large city divided into districts.
  • High-quality graphics with improved shaders and special effects.
  • All sorts of improvements that allow you to literally customize your fighting style.
  • The ability to freely move around locations using webs and climbing walls.

Here you can download the hacked game The Amazing Spider-Man on Android for free.

An exciting android action game, The Amazing Spider-Man, based on events from the world-famous comic books and the most popular film series. Now every gadget owner will be able to experience the power of supernatural abilities and try to stop the onslaught of evil forces.


Finding himself in the shoes of a superhero, the player will have to fight the evil Lizard and a gang of his accomplices. It depends only on your successful actions whether their insidious plans will be realized. After all, the lives of all New Yorkers are at risk. By correctly using your unique abilities and the capabilities of the magic web, you will surely stop the villain.

Without your participation, the residents of the metropolis can only live in constant fear. The Evil Lizard's assistants include the most daring bandits, mad geniuses, as well as hordes of the most dangerous monsters. The ending of the Lizard's plans is terrible. He needs absolute power over the world.

To successfully complete the risky mission, the player will have to prevail in a series of 25 challenges. Moreover, each task is based on events from the original film. Spider-Man, or rather the player himself, will have to continuously climb the steep walls of skyscrapers. However, you will only be able to admire the view during short breaks between battles. 5 city districts at once will become the field for future battles. If you want to gain the upper hand in all episodes without exception, you should definitely master a series of super blows for hand-to-hand combat. Thanks to the constant improvement of modern mobile devices, gamers can appreciate the benefits of 3D graphics not only on home PCs, but also on Android.

The game attracts the user for several reasons:

  • Its creators implemented a plot that repeats the sequence of events from the famous comic book;
  • The player can test his strength both in the main story missions and in many secondary ones;
  • Amazing graphics will allow you to appreciate the spectacularity of strikes and movements;
  • Special thanks to the authors of the scenes of hand-to-hand combat, mesmerizing long-range attacks and powerful blows;
  • Thanks to the use of improvements, the player will be able to customize his fighting style.
Download (6.97 GB)
*quickly via uBar

Here are the latest adventures of a super hero, and in ordinary life quiet and modest journalist Peter Parker, better known to millions of players under the name Spider-Man. On our portal you can download the new Spider-Man 2 game to your computer in a few minutes and at any time. The famous hero has begun a new round of his story and here is a game created based on the second film telling about this story. According to the laws of the genre, New York is facing a new danger. Only Spider-Man can stop her.

Of the features of the game, the first thing I would like to note is, of course, its amazing graphics. Sometimes you get the impression that you are really rushing through the city streets and not sitting behind a computer screen. The game graphics are so realistic and spectacular. The number of games about Spiderman is already more than a dozen. And finally, for the first time in the series, you will have the opportunity to play as Peter Parker (namely Peter and not Spider-Man). You can download the game new Spider-Man 2 from a torrent from us at any time convenient for you. Install the new product and immerse yourself in its amazing plot. New adventures and hero abilities await you.

Screenshots of the game The Amazing Spider Man 2

Video review of The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man- I present to you a dizzying action game based on the legendary comic book “Spider-Man”. In the game you will have the opportunity to fly over a huge city, make dizzying jumps over the roofs of skyscrapers, and also descend into the most dangerous places of the city to fight the villains!

And once again, Peter Parker will have to defend the city of Newerk so that the bandits don’t start a house in the city! The game offers excellent graphics, with a huge number of missions!

How to install (ROOT required):

Install APK
Copy the folder "" to "/sdcard/Android/Obb"

Copy 3 backup files to the TitaniuBackup folder. Recover data only!
Launch the game.
Tested by me on XPERIA ray 4.0.3.

Instructions for those who DO NOT HAVE ROOT (method from chathu_ac)
1. Install apk.
2. Upload the .obb file from the cache archive to sd/android/data/
3. Reboot the phone
4. Launch the game.

Instruction 2 for those who DO NOT HAVE ROOT:
1) Download this Cache (unpacked - 1.3 GB) along the path sd\gameloft\games\, it turned out like this: sd\gameloft\games\GloftAMHM.
2) Install apk.
3) reboot the phone
4) Launch the game.

Attention! The game itself does not download the Cache, you need to download it from the site and you need the Internet to start the game!

Go to the folder of the second additional cache /sd-card/Android/data/ and find the file there config_android.xml, these are the most advanced graphics settings, our tablet uses configs config_android_lowtablet.xml or config_android_medtablet.xml. We make backup copies of these two configs (you can move them to another folder). Next, make two copies of the config config_android.xml, rename one of the copies to config_android_lowtablet.xml, second in config_android_medtablet.xml. reboot the tablet and launch the game. There are lags, but you can play

Cache Features:
- Cut files for “powerful” devices and tablets;
- Cut out videos and soundtrack (music, voices, sounds);
- Removed unnecessary config files;

Cache path: sd-card\gameloft\games\GloftAMHM
Cache weight after unpacking: 753 MB!