American businessman Donald Trump: biography and achievements. Biography of Donald Trump: a tough path to the presidency

Most US residents are, one way or another, immigrants or their children. Donald Trump is no exception. new chapter American state. His parents, having arrived from Europe, managed to build a powerful business empire and provide their son with all the necessary resources for his famous achievements.

Donald is the son of European immigrants; Trump's parents have German roots from his father Frederick and Scottish roots from his mother Mary Ann McLeod. Let's study the most remarkable facts from the biography of the billionaire's parents - reflecting the circumstances of their life and career together.

1993, older parents at Donald and Marla's second wedding

Fred Trump

Frederick Christ Trump (10/11/1905 - 06/25/1999) - Donald's father. He was involved in the real estate business and was a philanthropist. Activities were carried out mainly in New York.

File photo of Fred

Frederick started doing business at the age of 15. Before that, he managed to try his hand at carpentry and drawing. In 1923, Frederick and his mother Elizabeth opened the family real estate business, Elizabeth Trump & Son.

Frederick Trump's parents are German immigrants Elisabeth Christ and Frederick (at German his first and last name sound like Friedrich Trumpf, Friedrich Trumpf). Friedrich Trumpf immigrated to the United States in 1885 from the small German city of Kallstadt. In the same city, Trumpf later, in 1902, married Elisabeth Crist, with whom he was neighbors.

In total, the Trumpfs had 3 children - Frederick, John and Elizabeth, who thus began to bear the anglicized version of the surname, Trump.

In 1923, Frederick, borrowing $800 from his mother, built his first house, which he was later able to sell for several times more - for 7,000 “bucks.” In the late 1920s, Frederick was engaged in the construction of houses for small families - the sale price of each property was $3,990.

During the Great Depression, Trump briefly worked retail business. During World War II, he built barracks for the American Navy on the Eastern Shore.

After the war, the entrepreneur began building real estate for the middle class. In the 60s, its capabilities made it possible to build the largest real estate complexes worth tens of millions of dollars. In 1968, his 22-year-old son Donald, the future President of the United States, joined his father’s business. Frederick gave him a loan of $1 million to run his business. In 1971, Donald headed the family corporation, and in 1980, he renamed it The Trump Organization.

Frederick Trump was married to Mary Ann McLeod. Donald's future parents met at a dance party. The couple got married in 1936.

Mary was born on the Scottish island of Lewis and Harris and immigrated to the United States in 1930. Frederick and Mary had five children - Maryann (who connected her profession with work in the federal judicial system); Frederic Christ (became a pilot civil aviation), Elizabeth (connected her career with the banking sector), Donald (became an entrepreneur, later President of the United States), Robert (began managing one of his father’s companies).

In June 1999, Donald's father fell ill with pneumonia. His body could not cope with the disease, and 93-year-old Frederick Trump passed away.

Mary Ann McLeod Trump

Mary Ann McLeod (05/10/1912 - 08/07/2000) - mother of Donald Trump. Is of Scottish origin. In principle, the nationalities of parents are not uncommon in the United States. Now in America there are about 25 million citizens of Scottish origin, and more than 46 million people who are descendants of Germans.

Mary was born in the village of Tongue, located on the Isle of Lewis and Harris. She became the 10th child in the family of Malcolm and Mary McLeod. Mary's father, Malcolm, farmed, fished, and worked in the field of supervising the discipline of school students.

In 1930, Mary emigrated to the United States, choosing New York as her city of residence. In the first years of her stay in America, she lived with her sister Christina Matheson and worked as a maid.

According to some evidence, Mary met Frederick Trump at one of the dance parties. In January 1936 they got married. In 1937, their first child, daughter Marianne, was born, in 1938 - son Frederick, in 1942 - daughter Elizabeth, in 1946 - son Donald, in 1948 - son Robert.

During the years when Frederick Trump was actively involved in business and philanthropy, Mary actively assisted him in the second line of activity. As the wife of a famous businessman, Mary helped him in family affairs. Donald Trump spoke with exceptional warmth and admiration about his mother.

Mary passed away in August 2000.

Greetings! Who is Donald Trump? President of the United States, billionaire businessman, writer, showman and connoisseur of young and beautiful women. Or maybe he is an adventurer who has simply had great luck all his life? After all, the surname “Trump” is translated from German as “trump card.” And Donald himself called himself “fate’s darling” a bunch of times.

He is one of the most controversial figures in US business and politics. And today I propose to get to know him better. So, Donald Trump: biography, interesting facts and secrets of success.

Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. The future billionaire and 45th President of the United States did not have a classic “difficult childhood.”

Donald's grandparents immigrated to the United States from Germany. His father was a successful entrepreneur and owner of a construction company. By the way, of the four children of the Trump couple, only Donald was able to continue his father’s construction business.

They say that when the future billionaire turned eight, he glued together a “skyscraper” from toy building blocks. The structure turned out to be so strong that it was never possible to dismantle it.

As a child, Trump was a restless and problematic child. Therefore, when the boy turned thirteen, he was sent to New York military academy. According to Donald himself, education under conditions of strict discipline taught him to survive among competitors. At the academy, Trump was remembered as the captain of the baseball team. And, by the way, he was considered one of its best players.

After graduating from the military academy, the future US president first entered Fordham College, but almost immediately changed it to the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania.

In his youth, Trump was sharply different from other students: he did not drink, did not smoke, and had little interest in girls. True, he didn’t show much zeal for studying either. From a young age, Donald had fantastic ambitions. He dreamed of starting his own business and changing the Manhattan skyline.

The path to big money

The success story of the future US president began with his participation in his father's construction projects. Fred Trump specialized in low-income housing. The government allocated good funding for such projects. In addition, "social" construction company could count on tax benefits.

But after participating in the Swifton Village project (a residential complex with 1,200 apartments in Ohio), Donald came to a different conclusion: truly big money can only be made from the rich.

He was attracted by New York - a city of fantastic opportunities and prospects. How to become a billionaire according to Trump? Rotate regularly among millionaires!

The ambitious guy's goal is membership in a closed club of the rich and friendship with prominent politicians and bankers. By hook or by crook, he gets the treasured membership card. It's finished! Finally, he is among famous models, oil kings and top managers.

Despite access to the “cream of society,” Trump’s career as a real estate developer did not work out at first. He suffers failure after failure. The situation changed in 1974 (at that time the future billionaire was only 28). Trump wins the bid to buy the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. And he undertakes to bring the building into divine shape. For this, the authorities give him an invaluable gift: they reduce taxes for the next 40 years.

In 1980, Trump managed to lease the hotel building to the Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Instead of the old Commodore, the prestigious Grand Hyatt appears in the center of New York. Hotel renovated by Donald Trump!

A successful deal turns him into a celebrity. Next project becomes the Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue. Trump is building a 68-story building opposite the Tiffany store. He expects that next to the store there are expensive jewelry Rich people will definitely come through. And once again he turns out to be right. In 2006, the unique Trump Tower building with jagged edges on the facade was valued at $300 million.

Expensive apartments and offices in Trump Tower are selling out instantly. Trump did not lower prices even when the real estate market in New York entered a downward trend. Donald is sure: for rich people, status is more important than money. And he guessed right again.

Trump managed to build a brand on his own name. The businessman assigns the name “Trump” to all his projects. Steaks, clothes, perfumes, magazines, restaurants bear the name of the US President. board game, vodka, chocolates, watches and dozens of other most unexpected things.

Soon the Trump brand will become a symbol of New York skyscrapers and luxury. In the 80s, Trump's projects brought him millions. Things are going so well that Donald thinks he's a demigod. He is increasingly accused of arrogance and delusions of grandeur.

Trump's photo appears on the covers of all magazines: from business publications to Cosmopolitan. Then she was born famous quote billionaire: “I can do anything! But the best thing I can do is build.”

Falling from heaven to earth

Success and popularity have gone to the head not only of Trump, but also of his creditors. The fact is that Donald took out bank loans to purchase all his projects. In a couple of years, he managed to buy a football team, a golf club, a giant yacht, airlines, a casino in Atlantic City and a bunch of other trinkets.

The billionaire lost his vigilance. And then another real estate crisis arrived. In general, in 1990, Trump’s company could no longer service its debt of almost $10 billion. The press added fuel to the fire with articles with malicious headlines “Donald’s luck has left him.”

At one point, Trump's empire was hanging by a thread. The situation worsened even more when Ivan's wife decided to file for divorce.

But Trump managed to overcome the financial (but not family) crisis. Three years later, he fully paid off his creditors thanks to income from casinos and real estate. Donald still owns many buildings in New York and three casinos in Atlantic City.

Soon the downward trend gives way to an uptrend. Trump has become more cautious. He works only with large investors, finally hires a competent financial director and listens to the advice of consultants.

In 2016, Forbes magazine estimated Donald Trump's wealth at $3.7 billion. In his declaration (the president published it in June 2017), he indicated that he received income from 565 corporations and companies. But most of his money still comes from investments in commercial real estate.

Other achievements of Donald Trump

A book in three volumes could be written about the “exploits” of the extravagant president. I will just briefly list the main ones.

In 2001, Trump and Daewoo built a 90-story skyscraper on First Avenue. He found himself 31 floors higher than the UN building located opposite.

In addition, Donald Trump officially owns the prestigious Miss Universe and Miss America pageants. About 2.5 billion people in 90 countries watch the battle of beauties every year! Beautiful women not only please the eye, but also bring good money to the billionaire.

He was nominated twice for an Emmy Award. Trump has played himself in hundreds of films and television series. For example, in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", "Home Alone 2" and "The Nanny".

In 2004, the current President of the United States hosted the most popular reality show in the United States, “The Apprentice.” The winner occupied leadership position in one of his companies with a salary of $250,000. The participants took turns being given the “steer” of one or the other enterprise. The worst “leader” dropped out of “The Candidate” as Trump shouted “You’re fired!”

Trump also served as a prototype negative character: billionaire Biff Tannen (film "Back to the Future 2").

Trump also wrote 16 autobiographical books. For example: “The Art of Survival”, “How to Get Rich”, “Think Big”, “Formula for Success” and “Trump Never Gives Up”. Main character each of them is himself. Secrets of success, aphorisms, intimate details of his personal life - Trump does not hide anything from his readers.

By the way, a book called “Why We Want You to Be Rich?” Donald co-wrote with the legendary Robert Kiyosaki.

Donald Trump - US President

On June 16, 2015, at his headquarters in Manhattan, Trump announced his intention to run for president of the United States as a Republican. The main slogan of his election campaign was the phrase: “Make America great again.” Opponents immediately replaced the word “great” with the word “white.”

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly made anti-Islamic statements. He proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States and introducing mandatory registration for American Muslims. And also build a wall on the border with Mexico and deport all illegal immigrants from the country.

Since becoming president, Trump has broken several records:

  • Firstly, became the oldest for the first time elected president USA.
  • Secondly, before taking office, Donald did not hold a single military or government post. This has never happened in American history.
  • Well, finally, Trump became the richest US president.

Secrets of success from Donald Trump

Looking ahead, I will say that Trump does not say anything “revolutionary” in his books and interviews. Perhaps because magic formulas Is there no such thing as success?

  1. If you have time to notice the mistakes of others, you are simply not busy enough with your own affairs.
  2. If you don't have information about every little detail in your work or business, expect unpleasant surprises.
  3. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, look at it from the other side. Every new day can give a new chance.
  4. Always dress appropriately for your environment.
  5. Sometimes the most best way investing money - not investing it anywhere at all. Invest only in assets that you understand. Or through people you completely trust.
  6. Before you enter into negotiations, write down your goals on paper.
  7. Bad times often present great opportunities.

What do you think of Donald Trump and his achievements?

Donald Trump is a billionaire, entrepreneur and, most recently, President of the United States of America. This personality is of interest to all journalists and politicians in the world. Almost everyone wants to know how they will build their political career Donald Trump. Biography of this extraordinary person filled with ups and downs in which his character was tempered. His rise to the political Olympus turned out to be rapid and unexpected, but, be that as it may, the fate of the American people now depends on him.

Donald Trump: biography briefly

The future president of the United States of America was born in June 1946. His family has German-Scottish roots, although Donald himself considers himself a native New Yorker. His father was a talented entrepreneur and already at the age of twenty-five owned his own construction company. Business was booming, and Fred Crist Trump's son lacked for nothing from early childhood.

The boy had an obnoxious character and at the age of thirteen was sent to a military academy. In 1968, Trump received a bachelor's degree in economics and joined his father's business. From the first days of work, he showed himself to be a talented entrepreneur and managed to complete several projects, bringing double profit to the company.

Donald Trump became interested in real estate and actively developed the family firm. Over the course of twenty years, he managed to increase the fortune received from his father several times. He won the tender to develop Manhattan and built luxury residential complexes and casinos.

But by the early nineties, Trump found himself on the verge of bankruptcy and was forced to save his company from final ruin for seven years. At the same time, the future US president built a career on television, was the owner of a beauty contest and took his first steps in politics. It is known that during the presidential race in 2000, Donald Trump was the main candidate from the Reform Party. Even then, the United States could have gotten a talented businessman for president, but unexpectedly he withdrew his candidacy from the elections and promised that he would return to this issue later.

And he kept his promise - on November 8 last year, Trump became the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. An interesting fact is that until now Donald Trump, whose biography is known to almost every American, does not hide his personal life from the media mass media. He was always ready to give interviews, shock the audience and led the lifestyle that he liked. This is exactly how people saw Donald Trump. The personal life of a businessman has always become public knowledge. And even now the US President is not trying to hide anything from journalists, although many politicians believe that this is absolutely unacceptable for the first person of the state. But, as usual, Trump pays absolutely no attention to these little things.

Donald Trump: family

Trump has always spoken of his family with great respect. His mother came to America in 1930 from Scotland. She was a modest girl from a poor family. Almost immediately she met Fred Trump, at that time he was twenty-five years old. He was the owner of a fairly successful construction company and planned to actively develop in the near future.

The couple dated for six years, and only after checking their feelings did they marry. Immediately, the Trump family bought a cozy cottage in an elite area of ​​New York, and Mary began to enthusiastically furnish it. The Trump couple had five children; Donald was the fourth child in the family.

Childhood and youth of the forty-fifth President of the United States of America

Many relatives noted that he was remarkably similar to his father. Donald was distinguished by toughness, determination and assertiveness. He always achieved his goal and was often ahead of his older brothers in many characteristics. Mary and Fred didn't have a naughtier child than Donald Trump. The family tried to cope with the boy, but by the age of thirteen he was completely out of control and practically abandoned his studies. The teenager's father accepted only the right decision- He sent his son to the New York Military Academy.

Studying unexpectedly benefited Donald. He began to please his parents with his successes, became addicted to baseball and constantly received various awards. Suddenly, from a tomboy, the young man turned into the pride of the family and an example for the other children. In 1964, Donald successfully completed his studies and faced a serious choice of his future life path.

University studies

Trump admitted to journalists more than once that he dreamed of working in films. But sober calculation did not allow him to enter the film academy, and he applied to Fordham University. It was then that Donald became interested in real estate and decided to make this industry his future life's work.

Trump studied at the university for only two years, which seemed quite enough for him to understand that he wanted to specialize in finance and investment. He quickly transferred to Wharton Business School, from which he graduated brilliantly in the early sixties of the last century.

First steps in business

By the time Trump joined his father’s company, it was already a leader in real estate in America. But Donald himself was confident that he could make his family even richer and more successful.

He immediately took on a project to build middle-class housing. The apartments were sold quite quickly, and Trump managed to get six million dollars net profit. This amount was twice the construction costs. Such a successful start inspired the young businessman.

He began to actively make connections. Trump believed that only communication with the powers that be could help him build a successful career. Around this period of time he developed small office in Manhattan, where he was located almost around the clock.

In the seventies of the last century, Trump managed to win a tender for the reconstruction of a large hotel in Manhattan, as well as the surrounding areas. In addition, the company received tax breaks for forty years. Trump took out a loan of several tens of millions of dollars for reconstruction. In six years, the obligations to the city were fully fulfilled, and the talented businessman replenished his fortune with more than a hundred million dollars.

The rise of Trump's career

In the seventies of the last century, Donald Trump's business took off by leaps and bounds. The entrepreneur bought a plot of land in a prestigious area of ​​New York and began construction of his most ambitious project at that time - the Trump Tower residential complex. Apartments on fifty-eight floors were sold out at lightning speed, and the businessman received two hundred million dollars in net profit.

At the same time, Trump became interested in the hotel business and casinos. One after another, the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, Trump's Castle and the Taj Mahal appeared. The latter complex became the world's largest hotel-casino.

In the early nineties, every American already knew who businessman Donald Trump was. The biography of a talented businessman has been supplemented with one very important event- His fortune reached the one billion dollar mark. The company grew to incredible proportions; Trump owned an airline, a football team and a host of small firms not related to construction. Over time, it was this fact that played a rather sad role in the life of the future president.

Balancing on the brink of bankruptcy

In the mid-nineties of the last century, Donald Trump found himself in a very difficult financial situation; he and his companies were on the verge of bankruptcy. This was primarily due to the sudden outbreak of the real estate crisis, and most of Trump’s new projects were financed with borrowed funds. As a result, his debts reached almost nine billion dollars.

Surprisingly, the entrepreneur did not give up, and literally paid off his huge debts in just six years. Already at the beginning of the year 2000, Donald Trump began implementing new projects with Asian investors.

In 2008, the entrepreneur’s business was hit by a new financial crisis, Trump had to declare himself bankrupt, and a year later he decided to leave the board of directors of his company in order to find himself in another field of activity.

Trump: career as a TV presenter

For Donald Trump, who has always loved large crowds and public appearances, a career as a TV presenter seemed very tempting. And he organized a program where, live, the candidates fought a battle of wits for the position of manager in the billionaire’s company. In just a few years, the show's ratings began to break all records, and the cost of one episode was measured in seven figures.

At the same time, Trump began organizing beauty pageants and even took part in the popular Larry King show. Ten years ago he received his star on the Walk of Fame, which he is still very proud of.

Political career: stages of a long journey

Trump has been eager to get into politics since the eighties of the last century. He even ran for the post of presidential candidate, but even before the main battle he withdrew his candidacy. The billionaire's main problem was the fact that he could not make a choice political party. But eight years ago the businessman joined the Republicans. It was from them that he ran for president during the last election race.

It is worth noting that to many Americans, Donald Trump as President of the United States did not seem the most the best option. But he was always open, confident and able to express himself in such a way that people understood him perfectly. They especially listened to Trump’s words in the area economic development country, he suggested during the election race good program, which would contribute to the country’s speedy recovery from the economic crisis.

Few believed that Trump would be able to beat his rival Hillary Clinton. As a result, the incredible happened - for the first time in American history, a person was appointed to the post of president who understands nothing about politics, but does excellent business.

Donald Trump is the forty-fifth President of America

Now the whole world is frozen in anticipation of how the new owner of the White House will build his policy. Many analysts believe that the president’s age plays an important role in this matter. How old is Donald Trump? Not a little at all - the head of the Oval Office is seventy years old, and he should have long ago moved away from risky decisions and spontaneous actions. But, unfortunately, no one has yet seen clarity in the external and domestic policy president. Most of all, journalists and politicians are worried about what Donald Trump says about Russia. After all, the foreign policy situation in the world depends on whether both powers are able to establish cooperation. So far, there has been no serious conversation between the Kremlin and the White House that would clarify the situation. But all political analysts hope that Trump will keep his promise and build a dialogue with Russia.

On January 20, Donald Trump was inaugurated. This solemn event was greeted ambiguously by the Americans. People took to the streets of major cities with slogans and protests; many did not accept Trump as their president. The unrest was accompanied by cries about the cancellation of the election results and recognition of the winner as Hillary Clinton, who was considered the main contender for the main post in the country. Until now, three months after the oath of office, not all Americans have accepted their president. It is worth noting that this is the first time this state of affairs has developed in America. Never before have presidential elections been so turbulent and unpredictable.

Personal life of Donald Trump

Many Russians, admiring the first lady, are interested in how old Donald Trump is. After all, the beauty Melania is an example of style and femininity. But do not forget that the current president of America was married three times, and each of his women is the quintessence of beauty, restraint and charm.

Donald Trump's first wife was a Czechoslovak skier. Ivana Zelnichkova married Trump back in 1977, their marriage lasted fifteen years. During this time, Ivana gave birth to her husband three children. Both Donald Trump's wife and children held important leadership positions in his company. And the favorite Ivanka is now right hand father in the White House.

Donald Trump's second wife, Marla Maples, was a successful producer and actress. During six years of marriage, Trump's wife gave birth to a daughter. However, she could hardly bear her husband's constant delays at work, and the couple decided to divorce by mutual consent.

In 2005, Donald married Melania Knaus, a former model who became the entrepreneur's muse and his main support. A year later, the Trump couple had a son, who became his father’s favorite.

All of Donald Trump's children maintain excellent relationships with their father and support him in everything. During the presidential race, the three eldest sons of the billionaire actually headed his election campaign, and even now they continue to stay close to their father in the White House. The press says that Trump gave many important positions in the government to members of his family; America has never seen such an approach to forming a government. Ivanka Trump is considered her father's most important adviser, and it is to her that Syria owes the attack on its cities. Many members of the president's family tell the press that Ivanka's influence on Trump is almost limitless. He is ready to do almost anything she asks him to do. So politicians fear that power in the country will fall into the tenacious hands of a charming blonde. After all, the first lady is often called not Melania Trump, but Ivanka. Whether this is so, only time will tell.

Of course, no one can yet say how successful Trump's presidency will be. His policy does not yet have a clear direction, and his first actions are a little chaotic. But many predict a sad fate for America, because at the helm of the country is a person who knows how to make money, and not weave intrigues and play the political game flexibly.

A tycoon aspiring to the presidency of the United States suffered humiliation at a military school.

So, Donald Trump - with a 99% probability. While analysts discuss his prospects in the presidential election on November 8 this year, it's time to remember Trump's past. We are publishing an excerpt from the book prepared for publication by Vladimir Solovyov and Elena Klepikova “Donald Trump. The Battle for the White House."

The search for the real, authentic, humanly defined Donald Trump has been around for a long time. I remember how at the beginning of the presidential race, when Trump, to the horror of the party leadership, was taking state after state, they decided to slow down his winning style with a series of negative advertising. A bright, effective piece of incriminating evidence against him was needed. Understanding Trump's zone of vulnerability. If you want to pinch more painfully, you need to know who you are pinching.

Suddenly - who is Trump?

The winner turned out to be a phantom. At best, Fantomas. Omnipresent and elusive. He wears different masks, but what is under the mask is unknown. The Trump phenomenon.

Now that Trump is winning victory after victory in the primary elections, it is obvious that this is serious, and maybe for a long time. That's why it's tempting to trace where this incredible, twisted, unique personality came from. Outline the dotted line of an extraordinary destiny, character, specialness, team spirit. In short, an event chronology with psychology and comments.

Donald in the family

Let's start with the fact that the paternal surname of the current presidential candidate was not Trump, but Drumpf. The billionaire's enemies had a lot of fun with the freak - they say Drumpf would never have become world famous famous brand. It’s good that Donald’s grandfather, a German immigrant (like his grandmother), not knowing about the future difficulties of a future grandson with such a clumsy surname, thought of replacing it with a more sonorous one.

The Trump (Drumpf) family has lived in the States since 1885. After the usual emigrant ordeals, wandering in search of work “from sea to sea” and heading east, the first generation of Trumps successfully settled in New York Queens, laying the foundation of the family construction business there.

Donald Trump with his father

Father Fred Christ Trump was a large and successful residential developer in Queens and Brooklyn. Patiently, economically, but without compromising the quality of the building, with daily work to exhaustion (no vacations or weekends), Fred gradually expanded his business until he became the owner of his own building empire. By the time Donald was born on June 14, 1946, Fred was a millionaire.

Mother, Mary Ann McLeod, is from Scotland. As an eighteen-year-old young lady, she went to New York for the holidays, where she met a local builder and stayed. The wedding took place in 1936.

Mary Ann, finding herself in the unromantic provincial Queens, was very homesick, often visited the island town where she was born in 1912, and a couple of times she took Donald, his two brothers and two sisters with her. The mother knew Gaelic and taught the children this mysterious language. Trips to Scotland, relatives there, snatches of Gaelic legends and songs that his mother still remembered - all this picturesque foreignness had a noticeable influence on the not very impressionable Donald, somehow shaping his personality. For most of his life, Trump was surrounded by immigrant women - from a Scottish woman - mothers to both wives: ex-wife Ivana and the current Melania were born outside the United States. Trump felt more comfortable with them than with independent Americans pumping up their feminist rights.

Donald was the fourth in a family of five children. The family was exemplary, the upbringing was strict, demanding, exacting. The children firmly knew their responsibilities, as well as the expectations of ambitious parents. A system of incentives, rewards and punishments was introduced. Thrift and respect for the dollar were cultivated.

The father refused the teenager Donald the coveted baseball glove - it was too expensive, you had to earn some money for it yourself. He didn’t allow me to practice on private golf courses: “What’s wrong with public parks?” His father's stinginess, and simply stinginess, oppressed Donald from childhood. He just loved to boast about family wealth, to show off in front of his neighbors, driving around with his father in a luxurious Cadillac.

Adult Donald Trump remembers himself as the darling of the family, the beloved son of a formidable father. In fact, the common favorite was the first-born - the charming, peace-loving Freddie, eight years older than Donald. It was on Freddie that all the family's hopes were pinned, but he resisted his father's imperious dictates, neglected his father's destiny, for which he was severely punished. It was later, after the fall of Freddie, that Donald would earn the title of “favorite son” and become the heir to his father’s business.

In the meantime, thirteen-year-old Donald is not only not a favorite, he is a malicious violator of statutory family decency. He experiences, but somehow too violently and unsightly for those around him, his prolonged stage of teenage rebellion against all sorts of authorities, laws and rules. He studies disgustingly at school, is rude, insolent and even spits. Completely uncontrollable. At the same time, he is arrogant, proud and self-confident beyond measure.

Seems like a typical impulsive unconscious manifestation a person who is not yet aware of his size and limits. And if teenage rebellion is especially stubborn, then here, psychologists say, an extraordinary, large-scale personality has emerged.

But Fred Trump had no time for psychological subtleties. Already puzzled by the willfulness of his eldest son, he does not intend to tolerate Donald’s rebellion. The presumptuous boy was a disgrace to an exemplary, respected family. His indomitability was considered by his father, and by the whole family, except for the kind-hearted Freddie, as a malicious hooliganism that must be eradicated.

The boy was removed from home, from a liberal school, where he was pedagogically tolerated, and transported to the north of the state, to military school- a remote branch of the New York Military Academy - where he was imprisoned without leaving for five whole years.

No family. Punishment of Donald Trump

Sometime in the nineties, Steve Wynn, a gambling magnate and longtime friend-enemy-rival of Donald Trump, observed the sadistic gusto with which Trump - verbally and preemptively - dealt with an imaginary enemy, exclaimed: “How deeply disturbed he is mentally! How badly and dramatically injured! In childhood or when he was growing up - who did what to him?”

The military school where Fred Trump sent his rebellious son was in those years something like a correctional colony for minors. Before the impudent boy had time to get used to the new place, he was subjected to forced processing. He was bullied - verbally and disciplinaryly, he was insulted, humiliated, morally trampled, and when he tried to protest, indignation, complaint - he was beaten.

A harsh reprisal against an arrogant newcomer was carried out with dashing variations, until they received finished product: unquestioningly obedient, an enthusiast of discipline, a zealous follower of any orders - in short, an exemplary ideal cadet. The system did not fail. There were no punctures - not a single one.

Donald's first year at military school is a shock, a nightmare, a disaster. In addition to the official punitive measures, amateur, secretly statutory bullying of the senior cadets towards the newcomer was also added. In English - “hazing”.

The young Trump seems to have had enough of this hazing. He carried other people's underwear to the wash, polished his shoes, received leftovers for lunch, and resignedly endured any insults and continuous beatings.

This is what Donald Trump writes about his severely traumatized adolescence, spent in a military school instead of his home. The only place in his autobiography, not painted in positive tones:

“It was called this: to knock this shitty arrogance out of you, all your damned arrogance - and without a trace. To be as good as new. Without any quirks there. Tough, rough guys. They came at you with a battle cry and - bang! - a blow, another blow and - off your feet! And you are already crawling to them for mercy, crushed, agreeing to everything in advance - “Yes, Sir!” If some guy did today what they did then, he'd get a quarter in the slammer!"

Yes, our Donald flew into this school colony in a big way! He perceived his misfortune as a father’s punishment-curse, but most importantly, undeserved. Punishment without crime. And when, five years later, he left this school, he realized that he had served his sentence in full.

At first, he internally resisted violence. And he even kept in his dormitory a photograph of his brother Freddie, a rebel and self-starter who chose the life and profession of a pilot - here he is standing next to an awesome plane.

But then Donald removed this photo. When I realized that self-preservation is not only fruitless, but also unprofitable.

And what to save? He did not perceive himself as his former self - a sasser and a brawler - and no longer remembered. That independent, brash boy was crushed and erased by his father's curse.

Another powerful incentive to survive in extremes was at work. Faint-hearted Freddie - if he got into such a mess - he would immediately break down. Donald was tough, assertive, thick-skinned enough to resist and recreate himself.

He became an exemplary, demonstrative cadet. He never left the honor roll, received academy awards, set sports records, and rose to the highest rank of battalion sergeant major among cadets. So - a little pictorially, virtually - already 18-year-old Donald Trump not only consoled his wounded pride, but - above all - tried to please his father, to justify his expectations.

When the brilliant cadet uniform was thrown off, a young man with a slightly twisted psyche emerged from the military school. There was fear in him. Fear of punishment for unknown reasons. A painful feeling of imminent danger and the constant hostility of the surrounding world. Awareness of the need for preventive self-defense: to be able to fight back in time and know your enemies.

Trump Education

After graduating from military school, 18-year-old Donald indulged his ambition a little with the illusion of free choice future profession. He entertained the idea of ​​going not into construction, but into show business, enrolling in a screenwriting and directing course in California, joining Hollywood... and now he is a Hollywood star.

Dreams are unrealistic and dangerous. The father did not know about them and should not have known. The choice of a field for Donald was made by Frederick Trump, just as finally and irrevocably as the previously cruel, traumatic ordeal of the young Donald, who was forcibly removed from his family by military school.

Donald resignedly submitted to the will of his father, who chose a career as a real estate developer for him, was recognized - instead of Freddie, who was excommunicated from his birthright - as the heir to the family business, and the tempting prospects of his own brilliant success, supported by his father’s millions, were already flashing in his cinematic imagination.

He enters Fordham University, but after studying for two years, dissatisfied (“as if he had not studied at all”) Trump makes a giant breakthrough in his education - he encroaches on the famous and prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Where it is difficult to enter, and even more difficult to graduate.

Trump graduated from Wharton in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a minor in finance. “Years of study have transformed me.” Prospects and ways to enter large-scale “big” business have emerged. “After Wharton, you can’t go back.”

But I had to return. To his father's old-fashioned construction company for an ambitious Wharton graduate. For five whole years.

Donald at the bottom of the well. Years of vegetation: 1968–1973

By that time, Fred Trump was the leading real estate developer in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. He specialized in the complex construction of multi-apartment residential buildings designed for the middle class. Fred built durable, strong, high-quality, extremely economical buildings (typical six-story buildings predominated), unremarkable, standard. But it was of a fairly high standard and a quality mark, catering to the needs and whims of wealthy renters. Fred was a successful entrepreneur and investor, and through patient, diligent, exhausting work and saving every penny, he slowly created and increased his construction empire.

In 1964, Fred carried out his most daring, enormous and, at the same time, proudly named project: the construction of Trump Village. This colossal (for those times and location) construction in Brooklyn included seven powerful buildings, each with 23 floors and its own shopping mall. Never before with such a scope and sweep did the cautious Trump, who barely finished high school, didn’t get involved! I have never taken on such formidable obligations before!

In this family village, his creative powers and his mobile enterprise dried up. He no longer built conglomerates

When Donald, excited by Wharton's progressive ideas, returned to his father's mansion in Queens and then went to his father's office in Brooklyn - tight-fisted Fred ran his entire bulky business from a room in one of his apartment buildings - so there was 22-year-old Donald, scrolling crazy plans for rapid enrichment in my head, I was shocked and depressed by the pettiness of my father’s daring on construction sites.

When Donald began working at his father's company, large construction projects were no longer being developed there. The son managed, under the leadership of his father, to modernize the large Swifton Village apartment complex in Ohio, spending $6 million on it and selling it for $12 million, thus making a 100% profit. This was Donald's first project, implemented during his student years.

But basically, Trump’s construction company specialized not in construction, but in renting houses, selling or renting finished apartments. I had to serve the entire Trump apartment empire, which had spread across three townships.

Inspecting their houses, and above all the colossal Trump Village, Fred and Donald were well aware of how they looked in the eyes of their thousands of renters - the first and second generations of typically German builders. And since a significant contingent in their buildings were Jews, the Trumps showed a certain delicacy and prudence, for many years assuring the press and all curious people that the family was from Sweden, not Germany. Which subsequently led to confusion and misunderstandings in determining Donald's nationality - many considered him to be a Swede.

Donald worked in his father's company, receiving a salary, for five years. Year after year, every month, he collected rent in Brooklyn, house to house, door to door, often accompanied by thugs to protect him from aggressive tenants. Wandering on the asphalt around construction sites did not suit the Wharton graduate, and Donald’s imagination instantly presented a saving option.

“My father intuitively knew how to build, and I learned this business mainly from him. But if there was one thing I was ahead of him in, it was in the concept of building. And also in scope...” More like in a swing, and Donald swung - for now in his imagination - to Manhattan, sensing that this area would become his gold mine.

The minimalism of Fred's claims, scanning the construction site with his eyes - where else to knock down, tearing out an extra nail from the ground: it will come in handy - offended the ambitious Donald. He wanted to sell apartments to billionaires who want to live on Fifth Avenue and are not used to saving.

I dreamed of conquering Manhattan. I dreamed to the point of mania. No clear plans, no business connections, no financial support. Depressed, visibly complex, confused, indelibly provincial (a guy from Queens with an accent - they will poke him at the zenith of wealth and fame). At 27 years old, he is a boy, his hair is disheveled, his personality is uncertain, mentally and emotionally clearly underdeveloped (he will remain like this for a long time, if not forever). It’s hard to believe that in five years the boy (while remaining a boy) will begin to galvanize Manhattan, which has decayed in the recession.

In the meantime, Donald Trump, having left the construction site and collected another rent from the residents of Trump Village, stands on the other side of the East River and looks at Manhattan. Day after day...

Donald John Trump - 45th President of the United States, a billionaire television personality and author of books on how to achieve success, whose career took an unexpected and dramatic leap with the election of Trump as the Republican President. Confident, contrary to all forecasts, Trump’s victory in the presidential election on November 8, 2016 caused shock waves in world markets and confronted the world with the eternal Russian question “what will happen now.”

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York, into a large family with German and Scottish roots. Donald has two brothers and two sisters. Donald's father, Frederick Trump (1905-1999), was a real estate developer, and Donald followed in his father's footsteps after graduating from university. Over the years, Trump's business acumen and drive have made him one of New York's most prominent developers. Forbes estimates Trump's wealth at more than two and a half billion dollars and ranks him about 324th in the world in terms of wealth.

Donald Trump spent his childhood in Queens in eastern New York. The boy grew up energetic and daring. At the age of 13, Donald’s parents sent him to a military academy to channel the child’s fighting energy in the right direction, but Trump never joined the army. In 1964, Trump entered Fordham University in New York, and two years later he transferred to the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1968 with a bachelor's degree in economics.

Donald Trump's career construction business began in 1971, when he took control of the family firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son. Under Donald's leadership family business grew to unprecedented proportions and became a colossal construction empire called “The Trump Organization.” The empire owns dozens of skyscrapers, hotels, casinos and residential buildings around the world.

Personal life of Donald Trump is typical for a billionaire: he is married for the third time and has five children and eight grandchildren. With his first wife, former Czech model Ivana Zelníková (1949), Trump has three children: Donald Trump Jr. (1977), Ivanka Trump (1981) and Eric Trump (1984). Trump's second wife is American actress Marla Maples. In this marriage, which lasted from 1993 to 1999, a daughter, Tiffany, was born - an Instagram star and almost a singer. Trump's third wife and first lady of the United States is Melania Trump (1970). The marriage took place in 2005 and Trump's youngest son, Barron, was born in 2006. It’s interesting that this is Melania’s first and so far only child.

Trump's election program is one of the most scandalous in US history: he promises to build a wall on the border with Mexico, make friends with and ban Muslims from entering the States. And although everyone understands that none of these promises will be fulfilled, the world is preparing for a fun and enjoyable four years of the Trump presidency, which began on January 20, 2017, after the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

Interesting facts about Donald Trump:

At the time of taking office (January 20, 2017), Trump was the oldest (age 70 and a half) and richest ($2.5 billion) US president.

Melania Trump became the first First Lady of the United States in history to English language is not native.