Education and study in Switzerland. Elite education in Swiss schools for Russian and foreign students. Hospitality and culinary training in Switzerland. List of schools, prices, ratings

Capital: Absent, Bern (de facto)

Official language: German, French, Italian, Romansh (Swiss Romansh)

Main religion: Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism)

Population of the country: 8 236 600

Currency: Swiss franc (CHF)

Embassy address in Russia: Serpov Lane, 6, Moscow, 119121

Education system in Switzerland
Stage Age Type educational institution Peculiarities
Preschool education From 4 months Public and private kindergartens Preschool education is represented by kindergartens; public and private institutions are paid. A child can be sent there from the age of 4 months - to a nursery. Peculiarity to school education is that special attention is paid to the study of languages ​​and physical development, therefore, by the time the child enters school, he already speaks two languages.
Primary education From 6 to 12 years Primary school Primary education lasts from 6 to 12 years, although it is also not prohibited to send a child to school at 4 years old; his readiness for admission is determined by teachers, but these are not tests of knowledge level, but an assessment of psychological maturity. If the child is not yet ready for school, parents will be asked to wait. Primary education is compulsory and free.
Secondary education From 6 to 15 years High school Secondary education is divided into two parts - Secondaire I and Secondaire II. Each level takes 3-4 years, depending on the place of study, but the first is compulsory, and the second can be chosen at will if the student intends to complete secondary education. After completing the first stage, you can receive a certificate of secondary vocational education and enter a college where applied specialties are studied. Many schools have foreign departments where those who intend to pursue higher education abroad study.
Higher education From 19 years old University Vocational College Higher education is represented in two categories - academic and applied. The first is universities, and the second is the remaining institutions, vocational colleges, which provide the opportunity to obtain various working specialties. Students can receive a bachelor's degree in 3.5 years, a master's degree in 1-2, and also enroll in graduate school. Graduating from a vocational college is equivalent to a bachelor's degree, so if desired, such a student can receive higher education in the future if he wants.

Switzerland... What is this country most often associated with? Of course, with reliable banks, delicious cheeses, dark chocolate, and also an amazingly accurate watch.

What else pops up in our memory? A beautiful mountainous country, decorated with waterfalls, lakes, and alpine meadows. And each of us has probably heard about the famous ski resorts for which Switzerland is famous. Since the time of Prince Myshkin, Switzerland has become synonymous with the phrase “heaven on Earth” for many of us. To this day, the wealthiest people come here for recreation and treatment.

And where nature ends, urban and political life begins. Switzerland has always been famous for its pragmatism, peacefulness and understanding of the value of peaceful life. The headquarters of almost all international human rights organizations are concentrated here, as well as many of the world's intelligence services. Switzerland is very convenient for keeping your finger on the pulse.

Is it worth talking about the standard of living? Switzerland has long been associated with a fairy-tale country where milk rivers flow with jelly banks.

Actually, it’s time to talk about studying at school in Switzerland. The issue of education is not the last one in any developed country in the world, and Switzerland is no exception. Many politicians, including heads of many states, received their education here. Ordinary citizens of Switzerland are fluent in three European languages, this is not surprising, since there are four in the country itself. official languages. You can choose an Anglo-American, German, French or Italian program of study, and then continue to study at any university in Europe or the USA.

In addition to language practice, many educational institutions provide good opportunities for sports activities and various options active recreation.

The first Swiss university was opened in 1460 in Basel. Universities in the cities of Bern, Lucerne, Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne arose later. Today there are 12 public and several private universities in Switzerland. Foreigners wishing to study in Switzerland must take annual exams in the city of Friborg.

Study in Switzerland. Price

In matters of tuition fees, Switzerland provides exceptional equality for both citizens of its country and foreigners. Therefore, the cost of education is the same for everyone.

Private universities are quite expensive, but public higher education institutions have always been famous for their affordability. The average cost of training is from one to two thousand Swiss francs. But studying in Italian Switzerland is really expensive and costs approximately 4,000 Swiss francs per year, which is about 8,000 US dollars.

Among other things, you will also need to pay for rent, food, health insurance and use of public transport. The average cost will be from 20 to 30 thousand Swiss francs per year.

Study in Switzerland

Many are convinced that to enter a Swiss university you need to be fluent in French or German. But this is not so: many universities agree to accept foreigners, even if they do not speak languages. The language will be taught throughout the entire educational process. The program for preparing language learning is absolutely free. And if you speak English, you can choose the Anglo-American training program. You only need to know English as an international language. In any foreign countries, its knowledge is simply necessary.

If you choose training hotel business in Switzerland, then the best option for you would be the College named after Caesar Ritz, the founding father of the luxury Ritz hotel chain. At one time, the Ritz, striving for correctness and luxury, thanks to its hard work and professionalism, created high standards for all hotels in the world, which are still oriented to this day.

The Cesar Ritz College has three buildings in Le Bouveret, Lucerne and Brig in picturesque mountainous areas.

Studying in Switzerland for Russians is quite affordable, taking into account the requirements for admission: a certificate of secondary school education, the result of the Oxford English Test - at least 50 points.

After completing your bachelor's degree at Cesar Ritz College, you can collect the necessary documents and feel free to apply to continue your studies in the master's program.

The average cost of training is 17,250 Swiss francs per trimester.

Hotel management training services are provided by HIM (Hotel Institut Montreux) and SHMS (Swiss Hotel Management School) schools in Montreux. These educational institutions offer a multi-vector training program according to both Swiss and American standards, which will allow the graduate to easily find a job in their specialty both in Europe and in the USA. Among other things, school programs provide the opportunity to work at leadership positions. This opens up wide opportunities for any type of business, not just hotel business.

Schools are located directly in hotels, which allows you to combine theory with practice. The Hotel Institut Montreux is located in the center of Montreux, and the Swiss Hotel Management School is located in the mountains, a 20-minute drive from the center.

This city hosts an annual jazz festival - an invariable attribute of the cultural life of Montreux. This city is one of the many ski resorts on the Swiss Riviera, which will allow you to combine studying at a local university with active recreation and mastering alpine skiing.

The requirements for applicants here are the same as in other universities in Switzerland: a certificate of secondary education and a passing score according to the Oxford system - at least 50 points on the English language proficiency test. The program includes 6 trimesters, the cost of training is 17,000 Swiss francs per trimester.

Switzerland has an International School of Hotel Management based in the city of Neuchâtel on the shores of the lake of the same name. The programs provide training to the highest standards of hotel management and business, design and the global luxury industry.

Each student studies in small classes, which allows teachers to be individual approach to everyone. Thanks to the university’s cooperation with many leading organizations in the world, the student receives a unique opportunity to learn the highest requirements of world standards.

The applicant must provide a certificate of secondary school education, at least 50 points according to the Oxford Testing System, after which he is enrolled in undergraduate courses for three years, six terms in each. At the University of Neuchâtel, one trimester costs CHF 29,000. After training, you can submit the necessary documents to the master's program for further education. Everything depends only on the wishes of the student himself.

What would you like to say in conclusion? Studying in Switzerland is much more affordable than many of us think. However, the standards here are quite high pricing policy, and the educational process, which incurs certain costs. However, during an internship, the costs will easily pay off for you; it all depends only on you and your desire to study and work. And, of course, you would like to improve your knowledge foreign languages so you don't have to start from scratch.

Availability and quality higher education in Switzerland they are guaranteed and controlled by the state. Studying at Swiss universities is also available to foreign citizens, although with a number of restrictions. Foreigners are not accepted into medical programs, with rare exceptions.

Higher education institutions that train specialists in hotel and tourism management are very popular - and this is not surprising. After all, for many years Switzerland has been one of the world leaders in such a “capricious” field as tourism and hospitality.

Among UniWestMedia's offerings you will find several higher schools that specialize specifically in training managers of hotels and other hospitality industry enterprises. The programs are designed for both graduates and those who have already received higher education. Teaching is conducted in English.

Swiss higher education institutions and costs

How to enter a Swiss university

Universities accept foreign students starting from the age of 18 and with sufficient knowledge of the language in which teaching will be carried out at the chosen university. The level of language knowledge (not less than B1 or B2) is confirmed by an international certificate. In case of absence, the applicant takes a special language exam. Many universities offer .

In addition, the admissions committee requires:

  • Availability of a certificate of secondary education and an academic certificate of completion of 2 courses at a Russian university.
  • You need to write your biography.
  • Provide a cover letter with your desired areas of study.
  • Duplicates of diplomas and certificates from other educational institutions (if available).
  • Financial guarantee.
  • A statement written according to the sample.

It is better to send the papers before the beginning of May, since correspondence with admissions committee takes at least 2-3 months, then in case of refusal you will have time to send a package of documents to another university. You also need a residence permit of category B, valid for one year with the right of extension.

A residence permit is a special card with a built-in microchip, which contains a color photo of the owner and fingerprints. The UniWestMedia company will help you with the collection and preparation of the necessary documentation required for departure to Switzerland.

Tuition and living costs

Obtaining higher education in Switzerland is paid for both residents and foreign citizens. However, compared to the same, prices are surprisingly affordable - from 400 - 4100 euros in public universities. At popular private universities it will cost several tens of thousands of euros. Accommodation, excluding tuition fees, costs approximately 2,000 euros per calendar month, half of which will be spent on renting housing if you search on your own.

Sometimes the university can help with accommodation in a student residence on preferential terms. Students from other countries can legally work (fifteen hours a week) only six months after the start of the school year.

However, despite the high prices, obtaining higher education in Switzerland has advantages: the quality of education, the variety of languages ​​studied, obtaining a prestigious international diploma are a serious argument for employment in a Swiss or other international organization, and open up prospects for immigration to a European country.

Top Universities in Switzerland

The majority of Swiss universities are state-owned, except for a few pedagogical ones. In addition, there are many private higher education institutions, despite the small size of the territory with a population of eight million people. Particularly popular, the cost of training in which is quite high - up to several tens of thousands of euros.

A special feature of obtaining higher education in Switzerland is the opportunity to study in several languages: English, German (Zurich and Bern), Italian (Lugano), French (Geneva and). That is why about 30% of students in the country are foreigners. Training is based on the Bologna system, which includes training in the following programs:

  • Bachelor's degree (3 years - 180 cumulative credits),
  • Master's degrees (two years - 90-120),
  • Doctoral studies (from three to five years).

The academic year begins in September and ends in July. 2 semesters: autumn (September - February) and spring (April - July). In March there is usually a session, after which there is a short vacation.

Among cantonal universities, universities are especially popular:

On this page you can get acquainted with 66 universities in Switzerland, which are located in 21 cities. The cost of obtaining higher education for a Bachelor's program ranges from 0 USD to 24,874 USD, for a Master's program from 0 USD to 20,000 USD. Read detailed description and reviews from students who studied at universities in Switzerland.

Name Country City Bachelor (USD) Master (USD)
BFH Berner Fachhochschule Switzerland Berne 1545 1545
Business and Hotel Management School Switzerland Lucerne 0 0
Business School Geneva International University Switzerland Geneva 0 0
Business School Lausanne Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
Conservatoire de Lausanne Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
Conservatoire et Haute école de Musique de Genève Switzerland Geneva 0 0
Ecole de Management et de Communication Genève Switzerland Geneva 0 0
Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung Switzerland Zollikofen 0 0
European University Switzerland Geneva 5897 0
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Switzerland Windisch 10301 10301
Fachhochschule Ostschweiz Switzerland Rapperswil 0 0
Glion Institute of Higher Education Switzerland Montreux 0 0
Graduate Institute of International Studies Geneva Switzerland Geneva 8240 8240
Haute École d"Ingénierie et d"Architecture de Friborg Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
Haute École de Santé du Canton de Friborg Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Haute École Fribourgeoise de Travail Social Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Haute École Pedagogique Berne-Jura-Neuchatel Basel-Landschaft Switzerland Berne 0 0
Haute École Pédagogique Vaudoise Lausanne Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
Haute École Specialisée de la Suisse Occidentale Switzerland Delemont 2500 2500
Hautes Écoles Specialises Geneve (Haute École de Travail Social) Switzerland Geneva 0 0
Hochschule der Kuenste Bern Switzerland Berne 0 0
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Chur Switzerland Kur 0 0
Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich Switzerland Zurich 0 0
Hochschule Luzern Switzerland Lucerne 1648 1648
Institut Universitaire Kurt Bosch Switzerland Sion 0 0
Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich Switzerland Zurich 0 0
International Institute for Management Development Switzerland Lausanne 0 0
International Institute of Management in Technology University of Friborg Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Kalaidos Fachhochschule (Fachhochschule Private Hochschule Wirtschaft) Switzerland Zurich 7500 7500
KS Kaderschulen St Gallen Zürich Switzerland Zurich 0 0
Les Roches Gruyère, University of Applied Sciences Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Libera Universita degli Studi di Scienze Umane e Tecnologiche Switzerland Lugano 0 0
Lorange Institute of Business Zürich Switzerland Zurich 0 0
Musik Akademie der Stadt Basel Switzerland Basel 0 0
Padagogische Hochschule Bern Switzerland Berne 0 0
Padagogische Hochschule Freiburg Switzerland Friborg 0 0
Pädagogische Hochschule Graubunden Switzerland Kur 0 0
Padagogische Hochschule Luzern Switzerland Lucerne 0 0
Padagogische Hochschule Schaffhausen Switzerland Schaffhausen 0 0
Padagogische Hochschule Thurgau Ticino Switzerland Kreuzlingen 0 0

Switzerland is more famous for its cheeses than for its educational institutions, and by the way, the education system in Switzerland is worthy of maximum attention. Swiss higher education institutions have produced several laureates Nobel Prize.

Panoramic view of Geneva and Lake Geneva

Bern University building

Studying in Switzerland allows students to study not only the disciplines they need (diplomas in which will later be valued all over the world), but also generally master all the necessary professional qualities within the chosen area. It will be much easier for those who get a local education then.

School structures depend on the canton - almost every canton introduces something different for the education system, however, they are united by the high quality of education and great attention to the personal abilities of each student.

Preschool education

Switzerland is proud of its preschool education, which accepts children from the age of three. Attendance at kindergarten is determined by parents independently - some go for five days, others for half a day, some attend kindergarten more sporadically. For the most part local population supports the idea of ​​visiting kindergartens - from their point of view, it helps children develop properly, teaches them to build relationships and work in a team.

Classes in a Swiss kindergarten

Full-day kindergartens offer parents a full range of services - games and educational lessons, three meals a day (at least in some places the number of meals is increased to six times) meals, sleep, and sports activities. Almost everywhere there is a swimming pool or a specially equipped gym, this allows children to develop comprehensively.

There are also specialized kindergartens - these are institutions where children are raised who, for certain reasons, cannot attend a regular kindergarten. It should be noted that almost every level of Swiss education involves inclusive education for children with special needs.

It must be said that almost all specialized kindergartens are temporary - this means that the child goes to them only until he receives certain skills to attend a regular kindergarten.

Exterior of a Swiss kindergarten building

School education in Switzerland

There is no unified school system in Switzerland simply as a class. Each canton offers specialized training conditions. This is most often due to linguistic and cultural diversity. The Swiss reasonably believe that it is impossible to teach together those children who grew up in a German, Italian and French language environment; they need different systems training (including in different languages).

Each canton has an education department - the purpose of the existence of these organizations is quite simple, they are needed so that each educational institution graduates from its walls students who have high and approximately the same knowledge.

In addition to public schools, there are also many private schools, some of which operate on a full board and residential basis.

School building in Neuchâtel

Speaking about the cost of such a school, you can compare it with the annual income of a low-level bank employee. However, due to the highest level of training, such schools cannot boast of a large number of vacancies.

Many wealthy parents, both in Europe and in Russia, send their children to study in Switzerland - private schools for foreigners, as a rule, mean even more serious preparation.

You can enter a school based on exams; almost all schools monitor the level of development of their applicants, and it is impossible to enroll simply by paying for a semester. As a rule, children who studied in schools of this type have the opportunity to enter any university in the world.

Secondary education in Switzerland

Almost all schools, in addition to the Swiss educational program, also offer foreign programs:

Diagram of the educational system in Switzerland

  • British, level A;
  • French Baccalaureate;
  • American High School;
  • German Abitur;
  • Italian Maturite.

In addition, there is also an international educational program I.B.

Education in Switzerland has its advantages:

  • training in any known system education;
  • the opportunity to study according to the international system;
  • the opportunity to make connections during the learning process;
  • immersion in the cultural and linguistic environment.

Higher education in Switzerland

The oldest university in Switzerland, located in Basel, is more than five centuries old. The largest university is considered to be the University of Zurich - it accommodates approximately 25-27 thousand students, which represents the population small town. The University of Zurich is a large-scale educational institution.

There is a very serious philosophy department here, where approximately half of the total number of students study.
The University of Zurich also teaches in such areas as medicine, veterinary medicine, law, economics, exact and natural sciences. In addition to the glorified academic education, there is another aspect here - technical education. Since 1855, the Higher Technical School has been operating here. Future mathematicians and engineers, architects and sociologists, managers and others study here.

Among the teachers and students of this great educational institution are Einstein, Stern, Kuhn and many others. During the life of the Technical School, more than a hundred Nobel Prize laureates were associated with it. The difference between Swiss higher education is also that it involves providing students with everything they need - food, materials for studying, in extreme cases, even clothing. According to university authorities, no everyday trifles should distract students from science.

Education for people with developmental disabilities or increased needs

Switzerland has been promoting inclusive education for many years. Inclusive education implies a format where people with developmental disabilities or increased needs are involved in a real social environment. This is a special transformation of the usual educational process, which implies not only a new pedagogical approach and moral acceptance of people with disabilities in educational environment, but also the material equipment of educational buildings and classrooms for visits by persons with developmental disabilities or increased needs.

Inclusive educational institutions imply joint education of children with and without disabilities. This allows people with disabilities to develop their social skills and integrate them into their usual daily life, as well as significantly inform the population about how to communicate and treat people with disabilities.
Switzerland is one of the most enlightened countries in Europe, where they take great care of people with disabilities. Almost the entire social environment, including educational institutions, is accessible to people with disabilities.

Caring for persons with disabilities is also expressed in the fact that, depending on the degree of diseases and their characteristics, you can choose educational institution, where there will be specially equipped rehabilitation centers (for example, for those with autism spectrum disorder).

Primary and secondary schools specializing in inclusive education involve working with a speech therapist, and an occupational therapist is also present in classes to help parents and children. Various methods and technologies are used in the learning process.
For example, inclusive educational institutions are equipped with specially designed elevators, free sound field induction systems are being introduced, with the help of which hearing-impaired children can take part in learning, there is a snoezelen room - the so-called multisensory stimulation room, in which children learn to increase their sensory perception and can rest.

Quite often, the principles of co-education are used - in this case, children with disabilities accept all possible help from those children who do not have disabilities.

It is worth noting the fact that inclusive education allows children with developmental disabilities and limited mobility to continue their education and be fully involved in real social life.

University of Zurich building

It is also necessary to mention that in Switzerland there is no concept of benefits and allowances for small disabled people - the state simply does everything so that parents can work calmly, and children can study and develop no less calmly.

A high standard of living, a stable economy, excellent ecology and a European diploma - for all this you need to go to Switzerland, the country of chocolate, watches, alpine landscapes and reliable banks.


  1. Prestigious diploma. Swiss universities, and especially programs in hotel management, are very highly regarded in the world.
  2. Internationally oriented curriculum and the opportunity to study in English, as well as simultaneously master German, French or Italian.
  3. Excellent career opportunities for graduates (especially from hospitality schools) and job placement assistance: Top hotel schools collaborate with major players in the market (airlines, hotel chains, cruise operators) and constantly organize career fairs and internships for their students.


Cost of education and living: Switzerland is an expensive country. The high standard of living here has a corresponding price tag. However, if we are not talking about private boarding schools, private higher schools of hotel management and business education, but about bachelor’s or master’s degrees from state universities, the cost of such training will be one of the lowest in Europe at high quality and a prestigious diploma.

Education system

The Swiss education system has a high global reputation, but is not homogeneous. At the school level, it is due to regional differences, which depend on government system country, the presence of four official languages. The twenty-six cantons of Switzerland independently determine the programs, terms, and age of schooling, although general principles are the same for all regions.

According to the Swiss Constitution, free, public secondary education is mandatory for all Swiss citizens. Teachers in Switzerland most consistently apply in practice the principles of progressive Montessori pedagogy, which were largely developed by the famous pedagogical theorists Pestalozzi, Piaget, and Steiner who worked in the country.

The application of the fundamental principles - the development of the child’s individuality, creative knowledge of the world - begins at the stage of preschool education. It is designed for children from the age of three. Attendance at kindergarten becomes mandatory from the age of six - senior group kindergarten actually becomes a preparatory class primary school.

Most Swiss people are willing to send their children to preschool institutions, especially since they can independently choose a kindergarten and the time the child will spend there. Many parents choose the main type of kindergarten - full-time. Kindergartens receive significant assistance from the state. It is hardly possible to build sports complexes and swimming pools, which are not uncommon in Swiss kindergartens, using the income from parents' regular payments.

In addition to state kindergartens, Switzerland has a developed network of private kindergartens. These are family institutions with a dozen pupils, elite boarding-type kindergartens, for which a special selection of qualified, high-level teachers is carried out.

School education

The number of classes in primary school and the language of instruction are determined by the cantonal authorities, so there is no single system. However, the level and quality of education are standardized, and all students are given equal opportunities. Only the age of training is uniform (7 - 16 years).

Most cantons practice six years of primary education. There are no exams or entrance tests required for admission to primary school. A typical weekly curriculum in different grades takes from 23 to 32 lessons.

The multinationality of the country places high demands on language acquisition. Language learning begins in kindergarten, since upon graduation from school a young Swiss is required to speak two official languages ​​and know English. For elementary school, one of the main subjects is a foreign language.

Compulsory education includes basic secondary education "Secondaire I", which lasts 3-4 years (depending on the cantonal program). To complete the Secondaire II course, a student will need the same amount of time, that is, complete secondary education is completed by the age of 18-19.

Academic orientation occurs at the end of the Secondaire I program. An alternative to Secondaire II is vocational secondary education, which gives the right to the “Maturité professionnelle” certificate. With this diploma, it is possible to enter a polytechnic university or higher technical school. The "Maturité gymnasiale" certificate gives the right to university education.

Curricula in cantonal schools vary. They usually include 12 compulsory subjects. These always include three basic disciplines (native language, another state language, mathematics). Students (except for history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology) independently choose two major subjects.

Federal certificates “Maturité gymnasiale”, “Maturité professionnelle” are recognized in all regions of Switzerland (for enrollment in universities), recognized European countries, American, Australian, Asian higher schools (if you have a language certificate).

Private boarding schools, common in Switzerland, require special attention. On the one hand, private education is highly rated in the country, outside of Switzerland. Despite the high cost of education, entrance exams - private schools are 100% full. Wealthy parents willingly send their children to study in Switzerland. Schools are distinguished by strict rules and do not recognize divisions based on class, social, or racial characteristics. The best teachers in Europe work in private schools, so the quality of education is very high.

On the other hand, there is an obvious confrontation between public and private education. To enter a Swiss university, graduates of private schools must pass a federal exam. However, the knowledge provided by private schools allows graduates, based on the school base, to enter most universities in the world without additional preparation. Diplomas from private schools are recognized by almost all higher schools in the world.

Higher education

Switzerland belongs to oldest countries Europe on the development of university education. Higher education in the country is divided into university and technical. Federal authorities oversee higher education vocational education, under the jurisdiction of the cantonal authorities - university education.

This division is quite arbitrary, since money for financial support is allocated by the central government. The Swiss Ministry of Education unconditionally accepted the Bologna Agreement and is consistently implementing it. Majority state universities works according to the Bologna system.

Switzerland's global leadership in watchmaking, precision engineering, precision engineering, pharmaceuticals, and petrochemicals constantly requires an influx of qualified specialists into the main sectors of the export-oriented economy. Therefore, it is natural for the federal government to pay attention to the technical industries. Government spending is high (2.6% of GDP on science, more than 5% on education).

The university system includes ten cantonal universities. Technical education is provided by two federal institutes of technology and seven universities of applied sciences. The cantonal division does not affect the educational programs. As a rule, universities offer academic studies in any of four languages ​​(German, Italian, French, English).

The largest university in Switzerland is the University of Zurich. More than 25,000 students study at the faculties of law, veterinary medicine, medicine, economics, and mathematics. About half of them study at the Faculty of Philosophy, which is respected in scientific circles around the world.

In the same Zurich is located the oldest center of technological education - the Higher Technical School (since 1855). In addition to engineering disciplines, its students study architecture, mathematics, social sciences, and management. The success of Swiss research centers in the fields of atomic energy, space exploration, and the development of nanotechnology is due to the fact that the majority of teachers are actively engaged in scientific research, as well as the vast majority of talented students.

Foreign applicants must pass five entrance exams to be admitted to Switzerland. Three subjects are compulsory for everyone - mathematics, history, and the language of instruction. One exam is determined by the choice of a major discipline (physics, biology, chemistry, geography). At the applicant's choice, knowledge of a second foreign language is tested.

Universities in German-speaking cantons do not accept foreign school graduates; the minimum requirement is four semesters of study at a national university. The difficulties of admission do not end there. After the first and second courses, difficult exams are required, which eliminate up to 50% of students.

The cost of studying at Swiss universities is higher than the European average. But it includes more than just tuition. The tuition fee includes food costs, accommodation on campus, textbooks, and discounts for purchasing inexpensive clothing. Side earnings are not encouraged by university administrations.

For Russian applicants with good knowledge of relevant disciplines, the best route of admission is additional course training in a language school, which operate at most academic and polytechnic universities.

Useful links

  • Official portal about Switzerland
  • Education in Switzerland
  • Education system in Switzerland

One of the highest priority areas of higher education in Switzerland is hotel and tourism business, management, restaurant business and cooking. In terms of service level, Switzerland has long served as a standard for European and global corporations - therefore, it makes sense to receive training in these specialized specialties here.

An important advantage of studying the hotel, restaurant and tourism business in Switzerland is the integral, mandatory practical training and internships that students undergo during their studies. Thanks to cooperation with the best national and international companies, students have the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience in prestigious restaurants, hotels and tourist sites, see the entire “kitchen” from the inside, and learn to work in any position - from service personnel to top managers. Internships and production practices provide an opportunity to establish valuable business connections - many students receive lucrative job offers even before graduation and immediately after graduation occupy prestigious, well-paid positions.

Some Swiss schools of hospitality and hotel business are located directly in large hotels: this gives students the opportunity to test theoretical knowledge in practice almost every day, and receive the most useful and relevant knowledge that corresponds to modern business canons.

The cost of education in such schools and institutes, of course, is quite high: the prestige of the educational institutions and, in general, affects high cost education in Switzerland. In general, the cost of bachelor's programs ranges from 17,000CHF to 31,300CHF per semester (academic half-year). But the costs of training fully cover themselves already in the first few years after graduation: studying in the best specialized institutions in Switzerland is practically a pass to the largest and most prestigious companies in the world, and internships and practical training during training help you quickly find a job after university and qualify for a high , a well-paid position.

Education in Switzerland: where in the country do Russian and foreign students study, where should I send my child to study?

Studying in Switzerland for Russian students is possible at any level, from elementary to higher: each stage has its own characteristics, but in any case it will be highly effective, extremely comfortable and most interesting.

One of the most important features The Swiss education system is that it is equally controlled by federal and cantonal (regional) authorities. Thus, the administration of each region of the country is responsible for all institutions from preschool to the first stage of secondary education. But free education for the citizens of the country and compliance with quality indicators educational services– issues that are under the control of the state.

In addition, the cantonal authorities supervise upper secondary education, excluding vocational institutions, which are again under the patronage of the national government. Or, for example, regional authorities are responsible for all public institutions - colleges, gymnasiums and schools, but federal authorities are responsible for private schools. This is due to the fact that the boarding school program prepares its students to pass the unified federal exam. Thus, educational documents from public schools are valid only in Switzerland, and certificates from private institutions are valid both within the country and abroad. But higher education in Switzerland is equally subordinate to both levels of government. In addition, the higher education system in this country meets the requirements of the Bologna Agreement, that is, it includes two main levels - bachelor's and master's degrees.

Let us note that a child can begin education in Switzerland (both a local resident and a foreigner) from the age of 4-6 at the stage of preschool education. This level is not mandatory, but is well suited for better adaptation of young students. The lesson program is interactive repetition and memorization of various poems, as well as a lot of outdoor games, but not the lessons that we are used to in our country. Moreover, since at the preschool stage children do not even learn reading, writing or counting, their basic skills are slightly worse than their Russian peers.

In Switzerland, educational institutions have two main tasks - during the educational process, to maximize the individuality of each child, and also to help him express himself creatively, instill in him an interest in studying the world and learning new things.

The level of secondary education itself is divided into 2 levels Secondaire I and Secondaire II. The first part includes compulsory education, the completion of which takes 3-4 years - these are primary and secondary classes. The second part includes studying in high school, graduation from which will mean receiving a complete secondary education. At this stage, you can choose one of the options for training - vocational education or studying at a gymnasium. Regardless of the type of educational institution, educational services in Swiss institutions at all stages remain at top level and are of excellent quality.

In Swiss schools, a lot of attention is also paid to the sports activities of students, therefore, at any time of the year, the curriculum includes classes in various sports: in winter it is skiing or snowboarding, in summer time– mountain hikes, excursions, camping, etc. The academic season in educational institutions in Switzerland is divided into three parts or trimesters: autumn (September - mid-December), spring (mid-January - mid-April) and summer (late April - early June).

Studying in Switzerland at a prestigious boarding school is not cheap - the average price per year is 45,000 - 90,000 francs (price includes tuition, accommodation, meals). Preparation is often supported by trips to: in addition to studying, children and teenagers will enjoy a rich entertainment and excursion program (included in the price), which for a long time schoolchildren will remember.

Studying in Switzerland for Russian students does not differ in price from the cost for citizens of other countries - here all students have equal rights and equally have the opportunity to reduce costs through scholarships and grants.

Abroad, particularly in Switzerland, it is generally accepted that career planning should begin at a very young age. Thus, if by the time the student reaches adolescence he has decided what he wants, then he can continue his studies in vocational college, which provide their students with education in a narrow specialization. This targeted approach certainly has a great impact on the quality of studies. For example, the curriculum of the most popular specialties in Switzerland - tourism business and hotel management - includes disciplines such as accounting, several foreign languages, information technology, international finance and more.

School graduates can enter Swiss, this stage provides for obtaining a specialty - quite comprehensive and covers many subjects and disciplines. The choice of educational programs in Switzerland is, without exaggeration, huge - but they all have distinctive feature: are exclusively practice-oriented and include such areas as economics (for high school and middle school students), business, law, art, design, architecture, music, social sciences, biology, physics, chemistry, and many others. Universities in Switzerland are also divided into public and private, where even foreigners can receive free education. However, to get into them budgetary basis, the candidate needs to show a high level of language, and usually not even one, but at least two. Any educational program in Switzerland at the university level includes not just an internship, but full-time work in the specialty, and paid work.

Study in Switzerland: Creating an Inclusive Environment

Secondary educational institutions in Switzerland have been creating all the conditions for inclusive education for many years. That is, young people with developmental disabilities or increased needs can enter Swiss institutions on a competitive basis. A program was created especially for this category of students, the format of which is adapted to inclusive educational process, which implies not only a new approach from teachers, but also the involvement of students from this category in the social environment. Of course, in all schools in the country, buildings and classrooms have been equipped with the necessary equipment for students with special needs.

Switzerland is one of the most enlightened countries in Europe, so the closest attention is paid to the issue of caring for people with disabilities. In addition, if the student’s health condition requires a specialized educational institution, young people and their parents can choose an educational institution where only citizens from a special category study, or find an option that adheres to blended learning. In addition, schools always have specialists who help such children using advanced educational techniques. All these efforts help people with varying degrees of disability and other developmental disabilities to successfully adapt to society and be prepared for adult life.

Studying in Switzerland: availability of several different languages, photo

The study process in Switzerland is not only efficient, but also diverse. You can obtain your chosen specialty in the country as part of a program teaching in or languages. The education system in Switzerland, the advantages of which are high standards of educational organization, has absorbed the best from the systems of 4 European countries. Therefore, if preschool education is in some ways inferior to domestic education, then secondary education in Switzerland is at the highest level, because graduates of local schools are fluent in English, as well as one of the official languages. According to the international PISA program, the level of schoolchildren in Swiss secondary schools is above average relative to other European countries.

Since in Switzerland each canton has its own language, foreign students should take this point into account when applying and have a fairly high language level. However, if for some reason an applicant lacks communication skills, then he can always improve his level by enrolling in advanced language courses after school. Many Swiss educational institutions organize training in such programs.

The main feature of studying at universities in Switzerland is the large number of supporting theoretical foundations practical classes. Education in Switzerland for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, and other foreigners is much more expensive than domestic education, but subsequent prospects are much higher - when more than 50% of study time is devoted to practice, the results will be appropriate.

Studying at a university in Switzerland is a step towards a successful career, and students can start it during internships. University graduates, as a rule, receive lucrative offers from European and international companies.

Study in Switzerland: reviews from students and parents

Studying in Switzerland today is chosen by many modern wealthy parents. Investments in quality teaching return handsomely. Most of the positive reviews concern the quality of educational services and services, intensity, organization of internships, leisure; parents note the level of teaching conditions and the individuality of the approach, from campus infrastructure to the surrounding nature.

Educating a child in Switzerland is not a cheap project, but it is a huge chance for a young talent to realize self-realization in life. Children's impressions of their stay in the country (