Neftekamsk Petroleum College admissions committee. Neftekamsk Oil College: the prospects of the chosen profile. History of changes in USRUL

Schoolchildren who have chosen a profile such as oil production and the oil industry can say with confidence that with such a profile they will not be lost in modern life, since these are the most highly paid professions not only within the framework of one’s native country, but also far beyond its borders.

In this regard, in Neftekamsk petroleum college There are huge queues for admission and, of course, not everyone who wants to be accepted can be accepted, so the selection takes place according to the strictest rules; it is necessary to achieve a very high score on the entrance exam. However, if you didn’t succeed in enrolling in one specialty, you can try yourself in another, since there are many directions, you just need to familiarize yourself with all the offers.

Among the college's specialties, various areas can be distinguished, for example, drilling oil wells and gas wells, banking, Maintenance transport and many others, it all depends on what form of training the student will take, as well as what class the applicant came from.

If you enroll in full-time study after the ninth grade, then, of course, the choice will be greatest, which will allow you to try yourself in every profile. If desired, a student can undergo parallel training in several directions, for one profile by correspondence, and in the second chosen profile, undergo full-time training, which is very often practiced within the boundaries of the college.

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Already existing specialists have the opportunity to improve their qualifications in their profile; for this, Neftekamsk Petroleum College allocates a separate department and staff of teachers, since in this situation there is a completely different approach. All students undergo mandatory practical training, not only using visual material and mock-ups, but also on existing equipment, if this process is included in the curriculum. After graduating from college, in addition to the diploma, the graduate may be provided with a vacancy, but on the condition that as a student throughout the entire educational process he showed himself only in the best way.

Highlighting a profession is not uncommon in college, which becomes an effective motivation for every student. With a diploma, you can comprehend promising professions and over the years, return to the boundaries of their native college to improve their skills. Petroleum engineering is a profession for life, since as long as oil and gas pulsate in the bowels of the earth, every graduate will have the opportunity to continue his favorite business.

1 A student is a citizen .
In 10-15 years, your generation will rule the state. Prepare yourself for this role. Cultivate a sense of responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the group, college, and country. Be interested in events in the city, in the country, in the world, discuss them, develop your own views, your beliefs. Learn to defend your opinion. Be to the right people. If not you, then who?

2 The student is the future leader .
Be active in a group, in a lesson, in a class hour. Get involved public organizations. Gain communication experience, business qualities, and management skills. Take the initiative creativity. Be a leader, be able to find a solution in a difficult situation, convince others that you are right. Learn to anticipate the consequences of your actions.

3 A student is a future specialist.
Love yours future profession, be proud of her. Try to find out as much as possible about her. Participate in the work of technical clubs and the student design bureau. Persistently acquire practical skills. A true specialist is a professional in his field.

4 A student is a carrier of culture.
Watch your behavior, speech, manners. Maintain good customs, morals, and traditions. Know and love your language, don’t let it be polluted. Be polite and attentive to people, do not allow yourself to be rude or tactless towards others. Be neat, smart, friendly. Avoid bad habits. Live so that those around you feel good about you.

5 A student is an organized and disciplined person
Treasure every minute of lesson time - this is your main wealth. Don't skip or be late. Prepare for every lesson. Start doing it educational task on the day you received it, and not the night before it was due - then you will have time to correct mistakes. Free time give to your hobbies, development creativity, art.

6 Studying is a matter of honor
I went to study - don't be a hack. Studying is great! Force yourself to do everything that is required - it is a matter of your honor. Read textbooks - no Internet can replace them. Contact your teachers more often - no one else will help you. Remember: the teacher is equally interested in your success.

7 Take care of your health!
To study well, you need to be healthy. Your health is a public property. And you are responsible for him. Take care of it, strengthen it, strengthen your body, exercise regularly, attend sports clubs and sections. Say no to tobacco, alcohol, drugs. Don't sit in front of the TV, don't dry out at the computer, communicate with nature more often, live life to the fullest!