Preschool education student portfolio sample. Student portfolio. Rules for compilation and design

Are you a student. Active, successful, considers himself to be keeping up with the times. And you definitely dream of a stunning future career! Well, in this matter, diligence and professionalism alone are clearly not enough. You still need to make a favorable impression on the employer.

Let's get down to business

How to do it? A win-win option is to collect carefully thought out and filtered information about your own achievements, skills and abilities. This is precisely why a student portfolio exists, and they begin to form it already in the first years of their native educational institution.

A college or university student’s portfolio is a kind of advertising, the meaning of which is to demonstrate the most striking, interesting, in a word, key points educational, professional and even personal life of the future young specialist. The goal is to present yourself to a potential employer from the most advantageous angle and convince the latter that you have the skills necessary for employment and successful career advancement that are so in demand in today’s society in general and are valued in the eyes of a particular boss in particular.

What can you boast about?

The student’s portfolio reflects the entire range of scientific, creative, sports and personal achievements that a future young specialist can boast of. Confirmation is provided by visual evidence in the form of beautifully designed diplomas, certificates, photographs and other documents relevant to the case.

The future owner should start creating a student portfolio in the first year of student life. Among other things, this activity perfectly increases motivation for planning. career prospects and mastering the skills of discipline and self-organization.

If the freshman took the matter lightly and did not rush to record the beginning of student life by creating a “piggy bank of achievements,” then it is required of the graduate without fail. After all, by the time he graduates from an educational institution, he should hurry up with self-determination in professional and personal terms.

What does a portfolio give?

Anyone who thinks about the formation of such a document is inevitably forced to “conduct an audit” of their individual educational, work and personal biography, to evaluate their importance in the eyes of themselves and those around them.

The portfolio will become an assistant in solving the problem of objective assessment of creative and other competencies and successes, planning directions future activities, mastering self-control skills, increasing the value of oneself as a specialist.

How to make a student portfolio yourself?

Making it with your own hands is not so difficult, but you should show some responsibility in this matter. We must not forget that this document is drawn up in accordance with certain canons; amateur activities are inappropriate here.

Its sections must have a clear structure and be logically arranged. Must be observed necessary sequence presentation and observe the relationship between adjacent parts or chapters.

The content itself should not contradict existing standards educational in nature. In no case are gross errors allowed - from stylistic to punctuation and spelling. Their presence immediately indicates the low level of literacy of the applicant and can repel those who are ready to pay favorable attention to the professional and other advantages of the future employee. Presentation of such a low-quality document will have the opposite effect than expected - it will more likely alienate than attract possible colleagues and superiors.

What does it look like

There is no single universal student portfolio. Each university has its own specifics, and the requirements for the sections and composition of this document are different everywhere. Templates for a student’s portfolio exist in huge quantities, both in printed form and on the Internet. Finding a suitable one is not difficult. Having decided to approach the matter competently, look through several options and decide on the choice of the student’s portfolio, the example of which suits you best.

What types are there mainly? As a rule, there are several of them. There are purely documentary ones, which are collections of all kinds of certificates, diplomas, certificates, etc.

If you are a humanitarian

Representatives of creative (as well as scientific) professions most often during their student years are busy creating a package own works, clearly demonstrating the areas of research, scientific, creative or other specific activity.

A portfolio can be a collection of reviews - from managers, teachers, and other interested parties.

All of the above types can be combined into a single document, and also converted into electronic format. Storing data in digital form is practical and convenient; such a portfolio on a compact medium is always at hand and can be demonstrated to the employer at any necessary time.

What you need to know

Formatting a student’s portfolio in an “advanced” electronic form requires basic skills in Word (or another text editor), as well as PowerPoint, a tool for creating presentations. Among modern students, it has become popular to post such an electronic portfolio on the Internet (for example, in cloud storage), where it is almost always at hand.

Moreover, special online services have already appeared that allow you to create presentations directly on the Internet, equipped with a collection of samples and templates.

Student portfolio - sample design

What exactly does this document consist of? Let's look at the standard structure of a student's portfolio.

A document of any type has a title page with the name of the university, the student’s data in the form of full name. and sometimes - dates of birth. Most often, the title page of a graduate or student’s portfolio contains an indication of qualifications and specialty. The form of training and the time period to which the submitted documents relate are also mentioned here.

In addition, the portfolio title page usually contains all the necessary contact information (number mobile phone, Skype addresses and Email). There is a photograph in its corner.

What's on the next sheets?

As a rule, the main and most carefully designed first pages are devoted to the student’s educational activities. They are usually filled with examples of academic work, extracts from transcripts indicating the average score, and teacher reviews.

The following is information regarding the professional side of the matter - a description of existing experience, data on the completion of various types industrial practice, about the presence of an additional profession (which can be confirmed by attaching relevant certificates, diplomas and qualification certificates). Feedback received in production during internship is also placed here. If the student took part in any master classes, this should be mentioned and supplemented with available evidence and photographs.

Science is prestigious

A separate section of a university student’s portfolio is usually reserved for scientific work and various studies. Participation in the different types competitions and olympiads, visits to scientific circles and associations, magazine and newspaper publications, reports and speeches (if any) at various conferences. This section is usually filled with samples of publications, certificates, newspaper articles, texts of speeches, etc.

The next section most often contains information about extracurricular activities student, that is, about those sporting events and creative competitions, where he could express himself, as well as about military-patriotic activities.

Finally, data on additional education is provided - studios, sections, clubs, etc.

In what cases will your portfolio be useful to you?

This does not happen to everyone and not always. It will help an active, enterprising student who knows well what he wants to achieve in life and in his profession. Such a graduate is automatically included in the list of promising ones.

Majority large companies I’m not against collaborating with young specialists, so yesterday’s student can get a very promising job overnight. This is where a well-designed portfolio can provide its owner with an invaluable service.

As mentioned above, it is most convenient to have a digital version of this document. You can prepare a not too long electronic presentation, in which you present in the form of expressively designed slides brief information about yourself, interesting precisely from the point of view of the future employer.

What else can be affected by the presence or absence of a portfolio?

Sometimes even the student’s receipt of a scholarship depends on it. In some universities, it is customary to award the most successful students a reward in the form of additional academic scholarship. Applicants for it are selected from among the most successful, and those who study best and demonstrate high social and public activity are always considered as such.

There is also a presidential scholarship, and a portfolio will also not hurt those applying for it.


The design should use the same colors and tones, a certain font, and sometimes include the emblem or logo of the school. The sequence of design of the portfolio pages should be the same.

For example, initially there must be a student’s personal page - personal photo, general shot. Next is an autobiography, which should be a kind of resume. That is, there must be not only the data studied, but the skills that the child has mastered at a certain life stage. Achievements are also shown - participation in competitions and olympiads.

The official part of the portfolio must include recommendations from the student’s class teacher and indicators of the child’s academic performance.

Lastly, the presentation includes the student’s decision regarding his own self-determination - goals, views on the future. It will be useful if at this stage high school students decide on their own.

Thus, a portfolio is a record of the learning process. Fixed accumulation of information about a student’s individual achievements, including all periods of his educational activities.

For graduate a complete, well-designed portfolio is effective method own development in the labor market, good prospects for business and creative interaction with a future employer.

Using the Photoshop editor you can improve not entirely Good photo, removing circles under the eyes, glare and skin imperfections. It is worth retouching a photo intended for a resume only if you are fluent in the tools of a graphic editor and are able to perform processing, the traces of which will not be obvious.

To add a photo to a resume saved as a document text editor, open the text file in a program that has an option to insert images. Place the cursor on the fragment where the photo will be inserted and use the “Insert” option in the main menu. If you are editing a resume in one of the versions of Word, click on the picture added to the text and reduce its size by dragging the corner marker. To make the photo fit into the text, adjust the wrapping options.

How to create a portfolio

It is important to offer the employer your best professional quality, skills and abilities. For example, if you want to work as a photographer, you should select your best pictures. The same goes for models. If you want to become a journalist, show the customer your best texts or videos.

The optimal amount of demonstration material is 10-20 pieces, depending on your professional specialization. This will be enough for the employer to form an idea of ​​your professionalism. You can determine the order of the works yourself - it can be chronological, thematic or genre.

Work on designing your portfolio as well. Even by saving your materials in a doc file, you can present them in an original way. Consider color or font accents. If you plan to work with the customer in several areas, try playing with dividing the presentation material into blocks. For example, first photographs, then texts, then - commercial offers. The presentation should not be too colorful.

If you are presenting your portfolio remotely, separate it into different documents so you don't mix your materials (if you are talking about different areas of potential activity) within the same file. Combine everything into one archive or folder, most importantly, check that the format of your materials is universal (doc, jpeg, pdf).

How to create a portfolio online

With the opportunities that the network space provides, it would be a sin to ignore virtual self-presentation. There are specialized sites where you can post not only your resume, but also attach a portfolio. There are numerous job search resources available to you almost anywhere in the world. They often ask you to fill out a pre-prepared form. Some systems allow you to create your own portfolio online in this way.

When working on this type of presentation, remember the following: attach to each direction at least one and no more than six projects, which should be not only the best, but also fresh, attach screenshots (if we are talking about working with texts), and also correctly describe your projects and proposals. Don't forget to choose yours best photo for the avatar.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science for the first time published a list of Moscow universities whose graduates receive the highest salaries. As it turned out, the prestigious Higher School of Economics and the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not at all in first place. The leader of the list surprised everyone.

Leader in the ranking compiled by the Ministry of Education and Science, RANEPA ( Russian Academy national economy and civil service). Average graduates of the Faculty of Sociology and social work" is 114,930 rubles per month. A ranking of Moscow universities was prepared based on data Pension Fund, based on the salaries of university graduates in 2013.

In second place on the list of “Best Universities in Moscow” is the Moscow Higher School of Social and economic sciences. Graduating from a university with a degree in Economics and Management gives hope for an average salary of 110,390 rubles per month. Graduates of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences will find work in both government organizations and commercial holdings.

The Academic Law Institute closes the top three in the list of “Best Universities in Moscow”. In particular, the highest paid jobs are for graduates with a degree in Law. Graduating from a university with a law degree implies an average salary of 108,560 rubles.

In fourth and fifth places, respectively, are very popular Moscow universities - the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Higher School of Economics. Graduating from a university with a specialty in “Economics and Management” in the first case and “Computer and Information Sciences” in the second, gives hope for graduates’ employment in positions with an average salary of 97,500 rubles.

In sixth place on the list of "Best Universities in Moscow" is again RANEPA with the faculty " Political science and regional studies." Work for graduates in this specialty is paid at the rate of 92,840 rubles per month on average.

Seventh place - Moscow State University. Lomonosov and the Faculty of Computer and information Technology". Graduating from a university with a diploma in this specialty helps you count on an average salary of 92,980 rubles.

Eighth place is occupied by the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Work for graduates of the Faculty of Education and Pedagogical Sciences is estimated at an average of 91,980 rubles.

In ninth place is the Institute of Restoration Art. Employment of graduates with a degree in Architecture currently does not present any difficulties. The average salary is also encouraging - 90,030 rubles.

The ranking of Moscow universities was compiled based on data from the Pension Fund. The leaders in terms of salaries were lawyers, economists and IT specialists. However, personnel market experts do not entirely agree with the information provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. They confirm that the leading professions are indicated correctly, but, according to their information, the average salary of graduates is overstated by at least a third.

Video on the topic

At the present stage, education should become more individualized, differentiated, focused on creating conditions of choice to meet the educational needs of students. The implementation of these ideas is aimed at changing the goals, content, and technology of organizing approaches to assessing the educational results of students.

Portfolio refers to a range of genuine individualized assessments and focuses not only on the assessment process, but also on self-assessment.

Portfolio a kind of inventory of the student’s private results, which add up to the overall picture of his educational success in the chosen specialty:

Pedagogical objectives of the portfolio:

Monitor the progress of the learning process and, based on current achievements, adjust this process for each student;

Maintain high educational motivation, suggest ways to improve the level of education;

Form and organize educational skills: set goals, draw up and implement a personal plan for academic achievements;

Ensure the adequacy of students’ self-esteem;

Evaluate the effectiveness of algorithmic learning tools, presented in the form of results of state final certification, administrative tests, level of awareness on certain issues, specific skills (for example, text analysis);

Receive regular reports on significant educational results;

Maintain the line of practical orientation of school education.

Portfolio structure.

A portfolio is represented by a file folder.

1. Title page.

3. Autobiography.

4.Block A., with supporting documents.

5.Block B., with supporting documents.

6.Blok S., with supporting documents.

7. Bank of ranked documents of portfolio materials.

8. Portfolio assessment.

Portfolio. The sequence of work on compiling a portfolio for students of the Crimean Agro-Industrial College

During the academic year, a cumulative portfolio is compiled. It is represented by a file folder. The number of files is determined as follows: number of portfolio materials

Explains to students the goals and objectives of compiling a portfolio: the main meaning is “to show everything you are capable of”;

Instructs students on the rules for compiling a portfolio;

Gives the task to prepare a title page, write an autobiography, resume;

It is advisable for students, together with their parents, to prepare the above materials throughout the week, and also submit a personal plan for academic year. (preferably)

Throughout the school year, the portfolio is stored in the class teacher's office.

At the end of each semester, the class teacher helps students select materials for a subject file and rank them.

At the end of the academic year, in accordance with separate instructions, the rating amount for each subject is determined and a success scale is built, an indicative portfolio is formed, which is presented to students at a parent-teacher meeting, group meeting, etc.

Until November 10, students fill out forms for ranked types of portfolio materials (subsequently completed at least once a month).


1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law Russian Federation“On Education” (with amendments and additions), with Model Regulations on educational institution average vocational education(secondary specialized educational institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2008, and within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State educational standard(FSES) of secondary and primary vocational education.

1.2. The Regulations determine the structure and approximate content of the Portfolio of Achievements of a GBOU SPO TOTFiP student.

1.3. Portfolio technology is being implemented with the aim of individualizing and differentiating the learning process, testing the mastery of general and professional competencies, and creating motivation to achieve certain results in mastering the main professional program.

1.4. A GBOU SPO TOTFiP student’s portfolio is a set of documents (letters, diplomas, certificates, copies of orders, photographic documents, etc.), reviews and products various types activities: educational (diagnostic work, assessment sheets, research, design work, abstracts, results independent work etc.) and extracurricular (creative work, presentations, photographic materials).

1.5. The portfolio may contain material from external sources (reviews or certificates, extracts from orders from practice, from military training, etc.), providing additional assessment of the development of general and professional competencies.

1.6. The portfolio complements the main control and assessment tools adopted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education and Training, and allows you to assess the development of general and professional competencies.

1.7. The portfolio is created throughout the entire period of study at the technical school. Its formation ends with the completion of training.

1.8. The portfolio can later serve as the basis for compiling a graduate’s resume when looking for a job, continuing education, etc.

2. Portfolio goals and objectives

2.1. The main purpose of a portfolio is analysis and presentation significant results processes of professional and personal development of the future specialist, ensuring monitoring of the cultural and educational growth of the student.

2.2. The portfolio allows you to solve the following problems:

Track the individual progress of the student/student achieved in the process of receiving education, without direct comparison with the achievements of others;

Assess educational achievements and supplement the results of testing and other traditional forms of control;

Maintain and stimulate motivation of trainees/students;

Encourage activity and independence of trainees/students, expand learning and self-study opportunities;

Develop skills in reflective and evaluative (self-evaluation) activities,

Develop the ability to set goals, plan and organize one’s own activities;

Promote individualization (personalization) of the student’s education;

Lay down additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful socialization.

2.3. The formation of a portfolio should be carried out taking into account the following principles:

Self-assessment of the results (intermediate, final) of mastering certain types of educational, scientific and creative activity;

The student/student systematically monitors the results of his activities in his chosen field, selects the most interesting works in his “dossier”, organizes them into the prescribed structure;

Structuring and consistency of materials presented in the “Portfolio”;

Neatness and aesthetics of the “Portfolio” design;

Integrity, thematic completeness of materials;

The clarity and validity of the “Student’s Portfolio” presentation.

3. Procedure for maintaining a portfolio.

3.1. The student's portfolio is formed from the first year of study.

3.2. The responsible person (class teacher, industrial training master, group leader) brings to the attention of students/students information about the structure, content of the portfolio, and the requirements for its design.

3.3. The student/student, together with the responsible person, determines the purpose of creating a portfolio, its type of structure and content, plans a system of actions for organizing work on the portfolio, determines auxiliary materials, the final form for providing portfolio protection.

3.4. The student systematically monitors the results of his activities, selects works and includes them in the portfolio.

3.5. Heads of departments are required to take into account the presence of a portfolio when admitting them to state (final) certification.

3.7. The electronic portfolio can be posted on the website of the educational institution.

4. Portfolio structure

4.1. The portfolio is compiled in an individual folder with files in which the student’s personal achievements in various types of activities (educational, industrial, scientific, creative, social, sports, etc.) during the period of study at college are recorded, accumulated and assessed.

4.2 The portfolio consists of title page, portfolio of achievements, portfolio of documents, portfolio of works, portfolio of reviews (see Appendix 1, 2).

On the title page, in the resume the student independently records or draws up on a computer general information about yourself in accordance with the sample.

In the portfolio of achievements the student independently records information about participation in educational and production activities, events, scientific activities, receiving additional education, etc.

Portfolio of documents may contain originals and (or) copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates, certifications certified by the head of the department, as well as photo (video) materials.

Portfolio of works includes creative works, research papers, reports at scientific and practical conferences, competitions, abstracts, printed works, etc.

Reviews portfolio- these are testimonials from internship sites, letters of recommendation, reviews of the student’s achievements, Thanksgiving letters and etc.

4.3 When registering a portfolio, the following conditions must be met:

Systematic and regular management;

Reliability of the information provided;

Neatness and aesthetics of design;

Legibility in record keeping.

5. Portfolio submission procedure

5.1. The student/student presents his portfolio at professional competitions, scientific and practical conferences (regardless of their level), at the exam (qualification) for the professional module, as well as at the certification commission at the State final certification

5.2. The portfolio presented at the exam (qualification) for the professional module and at the State final certification must have a specific focus and correspond to the profile of activity chosen by the student.

Annex 1




Student group_________




Saint Petersburg



Full Name_____________________________________________

Date of Birth:_____________________________________________________

Education (what school, PU graduated from, year of graduation)_________________


Specialty obtained in college________________________________



Information about additional education (music, art, sports, school foreign languages or another school)_________________


Work experience in the specialty (where and in what position)________________


Contact number________________________________________________


Appendix 2


2.1. Educational and professional activities

Name of professional modules

Place of internship, duration of internship

Job title


2.2. Courses, additional education(name of courses and document received (certificate, certificate))______________________________



2.3. Information about participation in events

Type of event

Academic year

Venue, level (All-Russian, regional, city, college)

Participation form (speech, team work, presentation, etc.)

Result (diploma, certificate, gratitude, etc.)

Scientific conferences

Professional competitions



Competitions (intellectual, creative)

2.4. Olympiads by discipline (by specialty)

(academic year, name of discipline, result)_________________________


2.5. Sports achivments

(academic year, type of competition, level (all-Russian, regional, city, college), type of sport, result)________________________


2.6. Scientific activity

(participation in scientific and practical conferences, level (all-Russian, regional, city, college), research topics, results) ___________


2.7. Participation in public life: student government bodies, in events: regional, city, college, dormitory, etc. (name of event, form of participation, assignment performed) ____________________________________________________________



Attached are diplomas, certificates, certificates, photographs, etc. (copies or originals)


Creative works, research works, reports at scientific and practical conferences, competitions, abstracts, printed works are included (all works must be original, free of plagiarism).


Characteristics from internship sites, letters of recommendation, letters of gratitude, reviews of the student’s achievements, characteristics of the supervisor.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Student portfolio structure [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The student’s portfolio has a certain structure, the foundations of which are enshrined in methodological recommendations university However, the peculiarity of a portfolio is that the structure can be changed at your discretion. This does not apply to the title page and explanatory note.

Why do you need a student portfolio?

Student portfolio is becoming very popular in Russian universities and institutions of secondary vocational education. The need to create a portfolio during the study process undoubtedly encourages the student to take a more responsible approach to the learning process. In addition, it is the need for a portfolio that can force a number of talented, but “hard-to-get-up” students to participate in the social life of the educational institution, not skip physical education, and develop their creative potential.

Why do you need a portfolio? First of all, student portfolio needed by the student himself as a motivating element. A portfolio increases self-esteem and increases responsibility towards yourself and your future. During the learning process, the student must carefully document everything he has achieved. This is very motivating. The awareness that every step shapes your future leaves a serious imprint on making certain decisions in the learning process. Once again you will have to think about the consequences of skipping seminars and missing lectures.

Student portfolio created throughout the entire period of study. It can serve as the basis for compiling a graduate’s resume for employment.

Student portfolio necessary in order to clearly demonstrate the level of development of the student’s professional competencies in different stages studying at a university or secondary vocational education institution.

How to structure a student's portfolio

Nowadays, any portfolio has a structure. Universities have developed different approaches to methods of collecting information for a portfolio. depends on the goals that the student sets for himself. Study of the portfolio structure presented today in theory and practice higher education

, shows that a holistic approach to it has not yet been found. electronic version and reflects certain achievements of the student.

The basic structure of a student's portfolio is as follows:

  1. Title page
  2. Explanatory note
  3. List of student works included in the portfolio
  4. Portfolio of works
  5. List of student achievements included in the “portfolio of achievements” section
  6. Student portfolio self-assessment

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the student's portfolio. You should start with the title page. The portfolio title page includes the following elements:

  1. Full name of the university
  2. Name of specialty
  3. Group number
  4. Full name of the student
  5. Student photo
  6. Year of portfolio defense

Below is a picture that shows a sample title page for a student's portfolio.

Sample title page of a student's portfolio

Explanatory note of the student's portfolio contains information for students about what a portfolio is, what it is for, what its structure is, how to maintain it, how it will be assessed, etc. This is the motivating section of the portfolio. In addition to the above, the portfolio may consider the conceptual framework within the student’s specialty.

After the explanatory note has been drawn up, you should begin to create a list of works that will be in the portfolio. The list of works is best presented in the form of a table.

Then you should make portfolio of student's work.

Student's portfolio of works represents a portfolio of results of individual educational tasks completed by the student and assessed by teachers or other entities educational process. Information about each work must be presented fully and concisely.

After everything term papers, abstracts and reports on practice have been added to the portfolio, we proceed to creating portfolio of achievements. In this section, the student places all received documents on achievements in studies, research, sports, creative work, social life, etc. After the list of achievements is entered into the table, all documents (certificates, commendations, reviews, etc.) are placed in a folder.

List of student achievements included in the portfolio

After all achievements are documented, the student reviews his portfolio and writes independently about how he evaluates it.

Now a little more about portfolio self-assessment. After all the collected documents have been carefully analyzed, the student must evaluate his activities, his development as a student and a person, giving himself a grade. The assessment can be motivated by certain facts that occur in the portfolio. At the same time, we must not forget that the process of creating a portfolio is a reflection of real opportunities and results, but a deliberate work on self-development as a specialist and an individual.