Plastering the foundation. Plastering the base as a way to protect, strengthen and decorate it. Plaster mortar - do it yourself

Plastering the base is not just decoration and completion of the architectural design of the house, it is mandatory protection of the foundation from atmospheric negativity, accidental impacts and other mechanical impacts. The lower level of the façade is more exposed to pollution; during rainfall, all the water flows down the wall to the base. To protect the upper part of the foundation, or base, not only canopies are used, but also special types protective facings and finishes, one of which is plaster. Requirements for a plastered plinth:

  • Moisture resistance and immunity to snow, rain and melt water. Foundations are exposed to moisture and water at least twice as much as facades;
  • Frost resistance. Plaster compositions for the plinth must withstand many freeze-thaw cycles without reducing quality and decorativeness;
  • Strength properties, resistance to impact and temperature changes;
  • Biological inertness, resistance to microflora, fungus, and so on;
  • Resistance to aggressive solutions, corrosion resistance;
  • UV resistance. The plaster should not fade or lose its decorative and strength properties when exposed to bright sun most of the day.

Do-it-yourself plinth plaster

When choosing mixtures for plinth plastering, immediately exclude gypsum plaster, as the most hygroscopic and low-strength. The polymer plaster mixture is both durable and decorative, and has all the necessary qualities, but when applied in a thick layer, this is common for concrete and brick plinth– will become a costly undertaking. Usually polymer compositions used on the base to decorate the top layer, with a small application thickness. Optimal composition plaster for the plinth - on a cement binder. These mixtures are affordable and create a durable protective layer when high-quality application. The dry mixture includes Portland cement, fine sand, mineral additives for strengthening and decoration (marble and quartz chips), a plasticizer and special additives - antifungal, antiseptic and hydrophobic. The purpose of the mixtures is universal - both protection and decoration.

Methods for decorating plinth plaster

Carefully executed plinth plaster, even without decoration and in gray concrete shades, will look good on the facade, but more often individual builders prefer decorative finishes to the plinth. Decoration methods are different:

The main types of compounds for the base:

  • Acrylic compounds are elastic, do not fade or crack. Resistant to mechanical stress, moisture-resistant and vapor-tight. Consumption from 1.5 to 4.0 kg/m2, depending on the thickness of application and type of base;
  • Mineral compositions based white cement– not elastic; when deformed, the bases crack and quickly become dirty, but have vapor-permeable properties. Mixture consumption from 1.5 to 4.5 kg/m2;
  • Silicate mixtures, base – liquid potassium glass. Resistant and durable, inert to biofactors, do not mold and are not affected by fungus. The colors are very wide range. Provides vapor permeability. Very difficult to apply liquid glass in the composition reduces the lifetime of the solution. The composition is alkaline and requires protective measures during operation. Consumption from 2.0 to 4.0 kg/m2;
  • Silicone based on silicone resin. They create very durable coatings and withstand shock loads, while the layer is vapor permeable. Dirt deposits and dust do not linger on the surface, and self-cleaning occurs in the rain. The silicone coating is easy to wash and clean – just spray it with water from a hose. There is a choice of colors. Consumption for high-quality preparation of the base is up to 1.8 kg/m2;
  • Combined silicate-polysilicon mixtures. They are elastic and do not crack due to deformation and precipitation, durable and impact-resistant. UV resistant, easy to apply and safe. The main disadvantage is that there is no biological inertness; with constant humidity, mold and mildew are possible. Consumption as for most mixtures is from 2.0 to 4.0 kg/m2.

Types of basement plasters

It is possible to create decorative coatings in various ways. Types of basement plasters:

  • Spraying can provide excellent thermal and waterproofing. One of the simplest and most accessible plastering technologies, the mortar is thrown forcefully onto the base in small portions;
  • Terrasite plasters. Available by skilled craftsmen, the resulting surfaces are very smooth and attractive. Consists of a preparatory and cover layer. The first layer, after complete drying, is moistened and covered with a thin top layer, which is carefully leveled with special plaster floats;
  • Stone-like plasters are a popular finish for both experienced and novice craftsmen. Cement-sand plasters they are made with a stencil made of tiles imitating torn stone, or special embossed rollers are used. It is also possible to create the decor manually: the surface is marked into individual stones, imitating rubble masonry or hewn stone; other designs with slots and pressing of a living, unhardened plaster mixture are also possible.

Stone imitations have many options. The most common and simple ones:

  • Under Roman masonry;
  • Under the rock layer, a limestone or other sedimentary layer is copied;
  • Looks like crushed rubble stone, with imitation of uneven masonry;
  • Under hewn stones, using a stencil from clinker bricks, facing tiles under a wild stone;
  • Under laying of round pebble stones or finishing with river pebbles. A mosaic of colored pebbles is also possible.

The listed works are not complex in technology, but require understanding and artistic taste. You can’t go overboard with the showiness of the drawing; you need precision, accuracy and a sense of proportion. The drawing should be harmonious, not conspicuous, believable and natural. Coloring is usually in calm tones of gray and brown.

Independent plastering of the base consists of several stages, the first of which is preparation. Old foundations are always inspected before repair, checked for through cracks, deformations and subsidence using beacons and methods non-destructive testing. All defects in the form of unevenness, non-dangerous cracks and cavities are repaired repair mixtures. Before filling, cracks and potholes are repaired to a durable material, and all old flaking finish is scraped off. In this case, it would be good to level the base under the plaster as much as possible - to knock down old mortar build-ups in the seams. Surfaces to be plastered must be absolutely stable, otherwise even finishing with elastic mixtures makes no sense. After cleaning, the basement walls are dusted off and cleaned again with hard brushes, in old brick walls special attention pay attention to the seams. Very smooth concrete surfaces need to be scored. Old lime and clay plasters and layers of whitewash must be removed to the base, with stripping and priming. Before plastering, new plinths are moistened with water, dusted and primed to improve adhesion.

In the second stage, the surface of the base is primed using compounds deep penetration with antifungal and hydrophobic additives. Uneven and weak surfaces are reinforced with fine-mesh reinforcement plaster nets, metal and fiberglass. Fasteners are on special dowels with wide heads.

Solutions are applied using the chosen technology, creating a pattern or a smooth surface. Usually two layers are made - spray and cover. For spraying, inexpensive cement-sand mixtures based on Portland cement are used. The second layer is usually the finishing layer. The texture is created using a live solution or painted after complete drying facade paints. You need to dry the plinth plaster according to concrete care technology - protecting it from storm water and direct sunlight. Plaster in warm weather, cover surfaces in hot weather plastic film so that the decorative layer does not crack if it sets unevenly and too quickly.

The work of plasterers in terms of the energy they expend is equal to the work of miners, this will be confirmed by any standard builder. If you add designer’s imagination to the labor costs, then plastering the foundation with your own hands will not seem like a simple task. This type of work requires a serious approach and thorough preparation.

Preparation stage

Before starting work directly on applying to the foundation plaster composition, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities.

  1. The surface of the foundation is cleaned of dust, dirt and oil stains. If the foundation stood without protective coating more than a year or traces of erosion of the stone or concrete from which the foundation was built are visually observed, a diagonal notch is applied to it.
  2. When applying a cutting mesh, the areas most susceptible to erosion are cleaned down to a solid base of the material. In a foundation made of blocks, stones or bricks, the old mortar, which crumbles, is removed from the seams. Remove the solution with a spatula.
  3. After cleaning the surface, it must be primed with a composition that has the property of deep internal impregnation.
  4. Before applying the main layer of plaster, all cracks, dents, chips and other damage, as well as cleaned seams, are rubbed with cement-sand mortar to obtain a smooth surface.
  5. A metal or fiberglass mesh for reinforcing plaster. Drive-in dowels are used to secure the mesh.
  6. If necessary, install beacons.

On this preparatory stage completed. You can start making a solution for plastering the foundation.


Plastering the foundation is done with a solution, the binding component of which is cement, and the filler is sand. Stages technological process The preparation of the solution is as follows:

  • For mortar for plastering, only quarry sand is needed. river sand in plaster mortar will lead to delamination and slipping of the plaster layers. The sand must be sifted through a mesh with 2 x 2 mm cells.
  • If a concrete mixer is used to produce the solution, it must be thoroughly washed.
  • The concrete mixer is turned on and with the drum running, 4 buckets of sifted sand are first thrown into it, and then 1 bucket of cement. Cement for plastering the foundation is taken at least grade M-400. If M-500 grade cement is used, the amount of sand in the solution must be increased by 1 bucket.
  • Without adding water, the concrete mixer should combine cement and sand into a homogeneous composition in color and concentration.
  • Water is added from the bucket in small portions. It is not recommended to use a pump with a hose for supply, as there is a high probability of overflow. However, this is not scary; you will need to add sand and cement in the above proportions to obtain the required consistency.
  • To impart viscosity, plasticity, water resistance and adhesion to the foundation surface to the solution, plasticizing and antihygrophobic additives are added to it. The most common additive to the solution is PVA glue.

Primer layer

The plaster of the foundation of the house is applied in at least two layers. The first, mandatory layer plays the role of a primer, while subsequent layers can be the basis for further facing work, or be finishing and perform a decorative function.

The primer layer of plaster is applied with a thickness of no more than 10 mm. This layer must be applied in the following sequence:

  1. The surface of the foundation is moistened with water before applying the primer layer, with the exception of places that have been treated with cement-sand mortar.
  2. It is best to apply the primer coat using a “falcon” and a trowel using the spray method.
  3. The layer can be leveled using a notched trowel using wave-like movements along the horizontal line of the foundation. The resulting “waves” will contribute to the strong adhesion of the next layer of plaster.

Before plastering the foundation under the base of the future cladding or applying the finishing layer, it is necessary to wait time for the primer to dry throughout the entire depth of the layer. Optimal time for the primer to dry and set – 5-7 days. Like any cement-based mortar, the primer is regularly moistened with water several times a day and covered with cardboard or burlap to protect it from direct sunlight, as well as from precipitation in the form of rain.

The primer layer should dry under natural conditions without the use of additional drying equipment in the form of industrial fans or heat guns.

Finish plaster

Decorative finishing of the foundation with plaster, depending on the specified texture, is done in a layer of 5-10 mm. Antihydrophobic additives must be mixed into the solution for the finishing layer to create a waterproofing surface of the plaster. Before applying the finishing layer, the primer surface must be moistened with a small amount of water to better bond the two layers.

To complete the foundation architectural style, for the decorative layer, a certain texture of appearance and surface relief is selected. Currently, the following types of textures are common, which are reproduced without the use of special technical means or technologies and can be reproduced by the developer independently.

  • Plaster with a “travertine” texture. Travertine - artificial stone, which is used for cladding foundations, ground floors and fences. To recreate its texture, the plaster is applied in separate fragments, rather than rubbed in a continuous layer. The edges of the fragments are rubbed with a steel float until smooth surfaces and contours.
  • Type of texture – “under a fur coat”. The simplest and therefore most common type finishing plaster. Application method: spraying. To recreate this texture, a solution is prepared, which, on the one hand, should not be liquid, so that it does not slide off after contact with the primer, and on the other hand, should not be too thick, so as not to form lumps. It is best to test the thickness of the working solution on the rough surface before starting finishing work. You can spray the solution with a trowel or a broom; in each specific case, the plasterer chooses the tool with which it is more convenient for him to work. For texture uniformity, use additional device in the form of a grid with cells 10 by 10 mm and limiting rails around the perimeter with a height of 200-250 mm. The mesh has overall size 1000 by 1000 mm and fastened around the perimeter wooden frame. Restrictive bars allow you to keep the grid at an equal distance from the foundation throughout the entire plane of the work being performed.
  • Plastering the foundation under a stone gives it the appearance of solidity and stability. The method consists of dividing the surface into shapes that appearance resemble rubble stone masonry. To reproduce the texture, an even layer of plaster at least 10 mm thick is applied to the primer. A pattern is applied to the freshly smoothed surface, repeating the geometry of the stone. It is best to imitate seams using a rounded rod, or make a special device with a protrusion to evenly remove the plaster solution from the imitation seams.
  • Invoice under natural stone. For this type decorative finishing foundation, it is necessary to prepare a special solution with the addition of filler in the form of crumbs of the stone whose color is planned to be reproduced, for example granite or marble. After applying the plaster, the layer is carefully leveled, and after drying for a week, it is sanded.

Plastering the foundation with your own hands video:

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Plastering the base as a way of decoration and protection

Plastering the plinth helps to quickly and inexpensively equip the foundation. Let's consider materials for plastering, methods of application and rules for performing the work.

What kind of plaster should be used for the plinth?

Plaster is exterior decoration, protecting the foundation from atmospheric and mechanical influences. The durability of the coating depends on the composition of the material and the skill of the craftsman.

The plastered plinth must meet several requirements:

Photo Description

Moisture resistance

The foundation, compared to wall facades, is 60% more exposed to moisture: snow, melt water, rain.

The coating must be impervious to them and serve as a barrier to the penetration of water to the base of the structure.

Frost resistance

The composition of the plaster, with repeated thawing and freezing, should not change its original properties and remain in impeccable condition.


The main function of the coating is to protect the foundation from mechanical influences.

Accordingly, the finish is made resistant to impacts and destructive climatic influences.

Resistance to microorganisms

Immunity to attacks from biological organisms, fungi and bacteria.

UV resistance

To the aggression of UV rays, corrosion, chemicals.

Selection of materials for finishing the base

Excluded gypsum mixtures- they are fragile and afraid of moisture. Polymer plasters meet the requirements, but are not available to everyone due to their high price. More often they are used for thin-layer decoration.

To plaster the foundation, you need to take cement compounds. They are available, inexpensive, will last a long time and will protect the base as much as possible.

There are domestic and imported varieties on sale cement plaster, intended for the base. In addition to cement and sand fractions, they contain plasticizers and special additives that improve the quality of the coating.

The most popular brands are:

  • Sockelputz Knauf;
  • Ilmax 6820;
  • Volma-base;
  • Eunice Silin.

Some mixtures have universal application: protect and decorate at the same time. They contain mineral/quartz chips. These mineral additives increase strength and make the surface of the base beautiful.

Surface decoration

The gray monotony of concrete will please few people with its appearance, so they use different ways design.

  1. A two-layer coating is used: the bottom layer is cement, the top layer is decorative made of polymer mixtures.
  2. Acrylic decorative plasters are sold for the base. For example, using Ticiana, you can achieve the look of raw granite. In terms of reliability and quality, Laex is the leader, has wide range colors and creates different textures (Classic, Aurora, Velor, Marble, etc.)

  1. There are options for applying a relief pattern. Special rollers, brushes, and stencils are used to create a specific pattern/relief; the work is done on wet cement.
  2. You can change the color by adding a pigment of the desired color to the solution or paint the finished surface.
  3. Mosaic plaster is made from a purchased mixture consisting of colored chips and acrylic resin. Refers to the most resistant coatings.

Types of base mixtures

Plastering various materials helps to obtain an interesting and high-quality surface:

Type of mixture Characteristics Consumption (kg/sq.m.)
Acrylic is made on the basis of acrylic resin. It has good elasticity and eliminates the possibility of cracking.

Resistant to mechanical stress, does not fade in the sun.

There is no vapor permeability.

Mineral, made on the basis of white cement. Lacks elastic properties and is prone to cracking.

It gets dirty easily and has good vapor permeability properties.

Silicon/silicate. It is made on liquid potassium glass. High resistance to damage, mold, fungi.

Has a rich spectrum color palette, provides vapor transmission.

It is difficult to apply; the presence of alkali is unsafe for humans.

Silicone - based on silicone resins Withstands strong mechanical stress, creates a breathable coating.

Does not absorb dirt, is easy to clean, and has a wide range of colors.

Polysilicon/semi-silicate contains resinous silicone substances Forms an elastic surface of the plaster layer, resistant to UV rays.

Does not crack, is not afraid of impacts, is easy to apply, and is safe for health.

One drawback: afraid of mold.


Types of basement plastering

Create decorative coating possible in several ways:

  1. Spray method- considered the easiest to create, provides excellent hydro- and thermal insulation.
  2. Terrasite plaster- a labor-intensive process, justified by obtaining a smooth and attractive surface. It is created from two layers: preparatory and top. After the first one has dried, it is moistened, a second layer is applied and smoothed with a special trowel.
  3. Stone-like plaster- the most popular finish. There are no special difficulties during creation. Cement mixture is leveled on the surface of the base and special devices the selected pattern is applied (pressed, cut through).

Many types of stone imitations are performed. The most accessible for repetition are:

  • Roman masonry;
  • plastushka - copying limestone;
  • torn rubble - an uneven large stone is formed;
  • cut stone;
  • bricks;
  • medium limestone/sandstone;
  • pebble - round small stones.

When performing any imitation of masonry, it is important to achieve harmony, believability, and avoid distortions in the design or too precise a fit.

Self-plastering technology

The process of applying plaster with your own hands is simple and accessible. The work is carried out sequentially and consists of three stages.

Base preparation

The old foundation requires attention; it may have cracks, unevenness, and flaws. Conduct an inspection and make repairs in the right places.

Fill cracks, potholes (more than 1.5–2 cm), remove peeling coating. Try to level the vertical, knock down the sagging of the solution. If fragments (stone/brick) are missing, replenish the masonry.

Clean the wall from dirt with a stiff brush. IN brickwork go along the seams, make notches on smooth walls.

The new base does not need preparation - before work it is moistened with water and, if desired, primed.

Unreliable coating will be on walls covered with lime plasters, clay, whitewash. Everything needs to be cleaned and primed. The surface must be hard and clean.


Apply primer with a water-repellent deep penetration effect to the prepared base. Quartz, silicone ( good compositions under the brand name Cerisit). The primer will strengthen adhesion and prevent the new plaster from falling off.

On uneven surfaces, fine mesh reinforcement is used. It is attached to the wall with special dowels, leaving a distance of 2 cm, and the solution is applied over the mesh.

Applying the mixture

This layer does the leveling. The second layer is applied with a trowel or plaster ladle, then leveled off using the rule.

After drying, a texture (drawing, pattern) is created or applied decorative composition. Painting with façade compounds is possible.

Drying is best done at moderate humidity. The side facing the sun is covered with polyethylene. This will prevent cracking.


Plastering the base makes it possible to quickly, inexpensively and efficiently equip the foundation. Self finishing has no complications and allows you to save money. Experts calculate the price for square meter, number of slopes, right angles and condition of the old base.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. In the comments, share your skills and tell us about the materials used.

Over time, any foundation begins to collapse, especially if it is made of bricks or blocks. Chips and cracks appear on them, cement mortar It is washed away from the rain and dries out. Therefore, every owner strives to protect the foundation of his home so that it lasts as long as possible. The main assistant in this situation is foundation plaster.

This coating is always easy to update or repair. However, between plastering works There is a significant difference between indoors and outdoors. To properly apply the covering composition, you should know the rules of operation and preparation of the mixture. In addition to its protective function, plaster also has an aesthetic function. The base with a decorative relief coating looks presentable. You can add colored pigment to the cement composition and thereby significantly decorate the building.

How to prepare the foundation for applying plaster?

  • If the base is made of blocks or bricks, the seams should be cleaned. Using a narrow spatula or other suitable tool, remove the dried cement-sand mortar from each recess. After this, use a brush with stiff bristles to carefully “sweep out” the fragments, sand and dust;
  • if the house stands on a concrete strip, then during its operation small and quite deep cracks. Here, the preparation for applying plaster is somewhat different: all the gaps should be grooved, that is, the edges of the cracks should be destroyed as much as the concrete can be done. In this way, all weak points will be eliminated and a strong foundation will remain. Next, the cracks are carefully “swept out” with a dry brush;
  • Preparation of any foundation requires mandatory priming with a deep penetration compound. These liquids are available in containers of various sizes and are inexpensive. But if it is not possible to buy a primer to treat the entire foundation, it will be enough to apply the composition to the cracks and chipped areas. This must be done, since the plaster solution will “grab” more reliably on the surface of the base;
  • if over time the foundation has deformed and protrusions have appeared (small ones that do not require radical measures - tightening and installing concrete frames), then the tape can be leveled using plaster. But first you need to remove the protrusions as much as possible.

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What solution is needed for plastering the foundation?

While compositions containing gypsum, lime or clay can be used indoors, this is unacceptable for external work.

The base needs to be plastered only with a cement-based mixture.

It is permissible to introduce only waterproofing components or plasticizers into the solution. The retail chain offers many compounds for outdoor use. For example, the manufacturer Knauf has several options for foundation mixtures. By and large, they differ little from each other: only in the percentage of components and the additives introduced.

However, there is a point in this: with a more plastic composition it is much easier to plaster the base for subsequent cutting it “to look like stone” or apply a decorative layer. Dry mixtures with a waterproofing effect are optimal in regions with a humid climate and in conditions of frequent flooding of the site. If you decide to prepare the solution yourself, then you can use “Latex Pro” as a water-repellent component. This aqueous dispersion of synthetic polymer is highly compatible with cementitious compositions. This liquid is produced in 11 liter canisters weighing 10 kg and is added to water when mixing the solution.

There is an opinion that 1:5 is enough for plastering a plinth, but it is wrong. This composition will quickly crumble. Optimal proportion for cement compositions the ratio remains 1:3. The sand must be sifted and certainly from a quarry, and not from a river. The amount of water is selected during the work process. For the primer layer, you can use a more liquid solution than for the covering layer. The latter should have a consistency similar to sour cream and be just as plastic, not runny.

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Preparation of cement mortar

  • sand is sifted through a large sieve or metal mesh with a fine mesh, freeing it from stones, clay and dirt;
  • if M400 grade cement is used, then the percentage ratio with sand is 1:3, if M500 grade is used, then 1:4;
  • First, put the dry ingredients into the concrete mixer (or the container in which the solution will be mixed) and mix them;
  • add to the water prepared for kneading liquid formulations: waterproofing and plasticizing. Not so long ago it became especially popular for external plaster I used PVA glue. It was added in small quantities to water, and the cement mortar acquired plasticity and better adhesion.
  • water is added gradually, constantly monitoring the thickness of the mixture. If necessary, add colored pigment.

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Stages of foundation plastering work

  • throughout the entire area concrete plinth(this is not required on bricks) sharp metal object(with a strong screwdriver) notches are made;
  • the surface is leveled and primed;
  • cracks (masonry joints) and recesses are moistened with water and filled cement-sand mortar;
  • using dowels or staples, the chain-link mesh with a fine mesh is “targeted”;
  • beacons are installed. To do this, the following work is performed in each corner of the foundation and 1.5-2 m between them:

Scheme various forms base

  1. Using a hydraulic level, an even strip is found and drawn along the ground along the wall. It should go almost close to the foundation, simultaneously leveling it, but no closer than 2-3 cm to its most protruding part.
  2. At the intersection of the corner (wall) and the strip, a peg with a length equal to the height of the base is installed vertically.
  3. The distance (gap) between the peg and the foundation is “filled” with mortar so that a vertical mound is formed, to which a building level is applied to level it. At the same time, the vertical is verified. There should be several such beacons along the wall.
  4. 3 nails are driven into the pegs at the corner beacons, and a string is pulled between them. It will serve as a guide for the plaster. There should be 3 lines of laces: at the bottom of the base, at the top and in the middle. There should be a gap of 1 mm between the cords and the beacons.
  • After the cement mounds-beacons have dried, the foundation is sprayed. First, the surface is moistened with water, then a creamy cement mortar is sprayed onto it with a ladle, trowel, or brush with long bristles. Layer thickness – 5-9 mm;
  • A primer is applied to the dried (but not dried) “spray”. It is the same cement mortar, but more liquid;
  • After the primer “sets”, proceed to the next stage of plaster and apply a covering layer. It is made with a thicker and more flexible mixture. Waterproofing ingredients are added to this composition;
  • the final work is rubbing the surface in order to give it optimal evenness and smoothness. For this purpose, graters with a fine mesh installed in them, special graters for concrete with a relief surface, and ordinary polystyrene foam are used. It is important to choose the right moment for rubbing: it should already “set”, but its surface should still be sufficiently wet.

You can do it in different ways: embroider it “like a brick or stone”, make the surface embossed (decorative), leave it smooth. By concrete surface You can lay tiles or porcelain tiles. All these technologies are worthy of attention and are selected depending on the aesthetic compatibility of the facade. But each of them is able to give the house individuality and decorate it.

Plastering the base and foundation of a house performs several functions at once: practical - protects the base from a harmful, aggressive environment, extending its service life, aesthetic - decorates the exterior of the house, collecting architectural ensemble into a single, complete picture.

In the article we will tell you about the main methods of plastering the foundation and plinth, which solution is better to use, how to decorate load-bearing elements knowledge with your own hands.

Features of plinth and foundation plastering

Base – protruding above the ground surface, load-bearing structure, responsible for redistributing loads on the foundation. It is subject to harmful atmospheric, chemical and biological, mechanical influences, experiences significant temperature deltas, and therefore needs strong protection. There are several cladding options: tiles, siding, stone, but the most affordable in terms of cost, quality, durability, maintainability and practicality is, of course, finishing the base with plaster.

Before plastering, it is better to insulate the foundation and plinth

Important stages of plastering a plinth

The base for plaster should be prepared with special care: beat off convex layers, bubbles, etc. with a hammer. Remove dirt and dust; it is recommended to rinse with a stiff brush.

  • Block or brick base– scrape out weak layers of mortar, sweep and clean the seams with a brush.
  • We will inspect the monolithic concrete foundation. We identify cracks, groove gaps, knock down protrusions, and clean them.

We apply deep penetration primer.

Requirements for mortar for foundation plaster

Plaster mortar for the foundation is prepared exclusively with cement, M400 and higher. Additives can be added to the mixture to improve waterproofing characteristics, and plasticizers. The ratio for the foundation is cement: sand – 1:3, sandstone must be washed, without clay impurities.

Advice: You can buy ready-made plaster mixture marked “for foundation”. The proportions of all components are correctly maintained in it.

Foundation plastering process

We make notches along the entire plane of the foundation with a hammer or chisel. We seal the cracks with cement-sand mortar, using pegs, fasten the reinforcing frame, and wet the surface. We spray the foundation, a layer of up to 10 mm. Apply primer again to the dried layer. Apply a covering layer of plaster to the foundation using a thick mixture. We rub the surface. It is applied to visible areas, as in the technology with a base.

More detailed process watch the video how it's done decorative plaster do-it-yourself foundation, video from detailed technology will help you avoid making fatal mistakes.