Riser trim dimensions. Dimensions of stair steps according to GOST. Clear distance between steps

Stair steps are parts of a flight of stairs. Stair steps are parts of a flight of stairs that have vertical and horizontal plane. To the staircase step step when going up or down. Distinguish between straight and winder steps(the stage at which inner side already external. Winder steps are used when turning a flight of stairs).

Flight of stairs

Flight of stairs - an inclined part of the stairs, consisting of load-bearing beams (string or stringer - prefabricated flight of stairs, including a load-bearing beam and steps, made entirely of reinforced concrete.) and a row steps. A flight of stairs connects the platforms. The part of the floor adjacent to the flight of stairs can serve as a platform.

Riser, riser width and height

Riser - a vertical or slightly sloping element steps; vertical distance between the top planes of two alternating steps. Width steps— the horizontal distance (along the centerline) from the leading edge of one step to the leading edge of the next step. With steps- vertical distance from one tread steps until the next tread.


Lezhen — horizontal element, connecting the top of the supporting steps stairs

Protrusion size

Protrusion size is the horizontal distance that the leading edge of one steps protrudes (hangs) over the tread of another steps.
Tread size = difference between actual and estimated tread width.


Tread - horizontal element steps; upper, working plane steps.


Slope, in construction, is the ratio of the height of the riser to the width of the tread. The slope allows you to judge the steepness of the stairs.

Frieze steps

Frieze steps are the top and bottom steps of each flight of stairs. The shape of frieze steps may differ from the rest of the main ones steps.

Clearance between steps

Clearance between steps— distance between the upper plane of the lower steps and the lower plane of the upper steps.

Clear distance between steps

The gap between the stairs and the wall is the clear distance from the flight of stairs or landing to the surface of the wall or adjacent structural elements.

Length and width of flight of stairs

The length of a flight of stairs is the distance from the front edge of the lower frieze step to the front edge of the upper frieze step, measured horizontally (in plan) along the midline of the flight of stairs. The width of a flight of stairs is the distance between parallel railings or between the railing and the wall.

Useful width of a flight of stairs

The usable width of a flight of stairs is the distance between the inner surfaces of two stair handrails, measured at the height of the finished staircase handrails.

If the stairs have only one handrail, then the distance is measured between:
− (plastered, tiled) wall surface or central post ( spiral staircase); And
inner surface handrail

Floor and facade slabs,
Window sills,
skirting boards,
Curb stones,

as well as
Steps for spiral staircases,
Rounded steps
Flower girl elements,
Individual orders according to your project

clinker steps

Added: 01/20/2015 11:37:41

More articles on this topic:

What are risers and what are they for?

Risers is a strange and incomprehensible word for many that needs to be deciphered. There is a lot of debate in the world of private construction as to whether risers are needed under the stairs or not. In this article we will dot the i's to talk about what risers are and in what cases they should be used.

What are risers?

Strictly speaking, the name directly refers us to the definition. Risers are small boards under the steps that are installed vertically and cover the space between the steps, making it impossible to see what is going on under the stairs.

Almost all classic wooden stairs were performed with risers, since previously servants usually lived under the stairs and noble people should not have seen them. Today, there are no more servants; she no longer lives under the stairs, but gets to work by public or private transport. Beauty standards have changed. Light, airy, open interiors. As a result, the need for risers as an element of staircase design has largely disappeared.

When do risers serve you well?

If you have a classic marching staircase, under which you plan to place a small storage room, then risers will become an excellent decorative element that closes the storage room from prying eyes. The same can be said about personal account or a small library under the stairs. The risers will help your child go down the stairs safely. Thanks to them, he will not stick his feet and hands under the steps, trying to figure out what the unknown world hiding there.

When are risers not needed?

Stair steps complete dictionary of terms

If your interior is made in an avant-garde style or a tough high-tech style, risers will be an unnecessary decorative element, a relic of the past. Any modern interior With a spiral staircase it works perfectly without risers.

Sometimes, however, recently risers have been made of glass to create a feeling of large space and, at the same time, increase the safety of the stairs. Such elements, for example, are installed on glass stairs, which look completely transparent.

It turns out that traditional risers appear before us in a completely different appearance - new, bright and modern. In some cases, risers are also an element of room decor; for example, they can be designed like black piano keys in contrast to the white “keys” of the steps. So interesting design solutions make risers a sought-after element of home decor.

Steps are one of the main components of any staircase. They are made from various materials, can be either a separate element or part of a monolithic flight of stairs. The relevant regulatory documents determine the minimum and maximum size of steps for stairs , on which the safety of the entire structure directly depends.

Flights of reinforced concrete stairs: dialogues at a construction site

Standard stairs and steps have long been calculated by designers, and for rooms with non-standard dimensions and dimensions stairwells Calculations have to be done individually each time.

Types and features of steps

Depending on the shape, the steps are divided into:

  • straight, having the same dimensions and located on the flight of stairs;
  • winder, produced in a wedge shape. They are installed on rotary or screw staircase structures.

The steps consist of a horizontal part (tread) and a vertical part (riser). The standards allow the manufacture of stairs with open risers, as well as with one tread overhanging the other, which is called undercut, or overhang. The size of the steps for stairs is calculated based on the slope of the flight and the number of treads in it.

Depending on their location, the steps are:

  • frieze lower ones. They are located at the very bottom of the flight of stairs at the level of the floor or landing, rising above it to the height of the riser;
  • upper frieze, which are the last steps in the march. They are located at the floor level of the upper floor, or below it, at a distance corresponding to the size of the riser;
  • ordinary, located between the frieze steps. There can be from 1 to 16 of them in a march.

Allowable step sizes

The dimensions of the steps are calculated according to the requirements and recommendations of the relevant regulatory documents, which clearly define their dimensions. First of all, SNiP 2.08.01-89* “Residential Buildings” determines that the width of the internal flight of stairs, and therefore the steps, must be at least 0.90 meters with its greatest slope of 1: 1.25. And the number of ascents in one flight is allowed from 3 to 18. These parameters are fundamental in the calculations.

To make climbing the stairs convenient and comfortable, when determining the dimensions of the steps, the size of the step of the average person is taken into account. It is 0.60-0.64 meters. The tread width (a) and riser height (b) are selected depending on the following ratio:

a + 2b = 60-64 (cm), or

a + b = 43-47 (cm).

This formula was invented back in the 18th century by the French architect Blondel, but to this day it has not lost its relevance.

It should be noted that the most optimal ratio of the width to height of the step is 300:150 mm. Standard dimensions of steps made of different materials, are somewhat different from each other. Their dimensions also depend on the main purpose of the stairs. But general parameters can be given.

The size of the tread should allow the entire foot to stand on the surface. It is recommended to make its depth no less than 235-250 mm and no more than 355 mm for straight steps. Winder steps in their narrow part should not be less than 100 mm, along the stroke line - 250 mm, and at the wide end - more than 400 mm. For utility stairs (to the basement, attic or attic), the tread may be reduced to 200 mm. Street steps can be made up to 400 mm deep.

Quite often, the design of a staircase involves one step overhanging another. It should not exceed 50 mm, and for wooden structures– 30 mm. An overhang is made if it is impossible to install treads optimal depth, and this technique allows you to increase them slightly. But before you cut out the deprivation of millimeters, it is worth thinking about the design of steps called “duck step”. Here you can find a full, comfortable size for each leg.

The height of the step should be in the range of 120-200 mm. Lower or higher risers are too inconvenient and will make it difficult to climb up or down them.

In conclusion, the following can be noted. The steps in one flight must be the same height and depth along the line of travel. Smooth ascent or descent will make movement easier and prevent the possibility of injury.

05/02/2014 at 02:05

Closing the seam between tiles and laminate
Materials for making thresholds
Classification by threshold configuration
Types of connection types
The process of laying a threshold between tiles and laminate

Today, combining two floor coverings in one room at once is not difficult. The article will discuss how to select and install a threshold between tiles and laminate with your own hands, thereby obtaining original finish floor.

Closing the seam between tiles and laminate

Modern fashion trends are disposed to finishing floors with division of the room into functional areas. This is accomplished through the use of several facing materials. The most interesting is the combination ceramic tiles and laminate.

To harmoniously combine these two coatings, you will need to use a threshold for laminate and tiles so that the joint between the two zones does not stand out. In the photo and upon inspection, this cladding element will not stand out, but rather will complement the originality of the coating.

The joint between two materials is a line and not always perfectly straight. If you do not close it, it will be quite difficult to make the seam invisible. A special decorative threshold will allow you to hide it, as well as compensate for possible height differences between neighboring areas floor coverings.

Materials for making thresholds

Today, three main types of thresholds are known, depending on the materials used in their manufacture:

  • aluminum– high strength characteristics and wear resistance, low degree of abrasion during operation and good resistance to mechanical loads;
  • plastic– mounted together with a rubber backing, which ensures the tightest possible fit of the threshold to the mating surfaces;
  • wooden– have less flexibility and are prone to drying out, therefore they are less popular, but sometimes their design is ideal for combined coatings.

Classification by threshold configuration

As for the parameters, the threshold between tiles and laminate can be of two types: flexible or straight. If the first is the simplest plate for eliminating the visible straight gap between two floorings, then the curved one is a real accessory for people with design talent, which helps bring the most non-standard ideas to life.

Existing flexible thresholds for laminate and tiles can change their laying trajectory along a small radius.

Today, thresholds are supplied for sale in disassembled form. If earlier it was possible to purchase a threshold and first cut it and insert it into the gap, now you will need to first use a backing, and then attach the decorative strip itself to it.

It is worth remembering the low elasticity of wooden thresholds, so it is worth understanding that a flexible threshold for laminate and tiles can only be made of plastic or aluminum.

Types of connection types

There are several basic modifications that thresholds for laminate and tiles can take, depending on how the plank is connected to the coating. Read also: “How to make a threshold between laminate and laminate - methods.”

It is worth highlighting the following options:

  1. A metal threshold with a through installation method is a strip laid at the joint and clamped using self-tapping screws screwed directly through the element and the coating. The advantage of such an element is its ease of installation and reliable fastening to any surface. Also, using such a plank, you can eliminate significant differences in heights between adjacent floorings. The effect of adhering to the surface can be enhanced by sealant applied previously to the seam between the tile and the laminate.
  2. A special connecting strip in cross-section is represented by the shape of the letter “H”. Installing such an element is quite difficult (read also: “How to properly make a joint between tiles and laminate - methods”).

The H-shaped threshold for the joint between laminate and tiles is laid in the following sequence:

  • The plank is turned on its side and inserted under adjacent floorings so that laminate is inserted into one groove of the threshold and ceramic tiles into the other.
  • The seam formed on the side of the tile is sealed with grout, and a sealant is used under the laminate. Thus, it turns out that one side of the letter “H” is held by a hook from the bottom of the covering, and the top is laid on top of the flooring like a simple metal threshold.

There is also a type of separate H-shaped threshold, which was created to facilitate the installation process. The separation occurs at the jumper level. Bottom part is laid under adjacent floorings in the same way as described above for a solid element, and the top one is simply inserted into it.

The process of laying a threshold between tiles and laminate

As for laying the simplest metal threshold, the owner can do the work himself.

To do this, he will have to do the following:

  • measure the thickness of the seam at the junction of tiles and laminate;
  • mark the plank to be laid taking into account the previously obtained dimensions;
  • attach the threshold and mark the proposed fastening points with self-tapping screws;
  • drill holes for fasteners, taking into account the seal, which must first be driven into them;
  • screw the screws through the strip into the seals.

If it is not possible to use a hammer drill with a drill and a thickening to take into account the dimensions of the seal, then you can process the joining threshold for laminate and tiles using a larger drill.

As for screwed-in screws, it is necessary to recess them below the surface of the strip so that they do not cause discomfort during operation. Errors made during installation can lead to injury if residents start bumping into protruding fastener or an insecurely secured threshold.

It would be more aesthetically pleasing to use hidden fasteners to secure the plank.

You can use liquid nails for this. Apply like this adhesive composition under the threshold for laminate and tiles, a multi-level installation method will not be a problem. In the photo and with visual inspection such a mount will not be noticeable, which makes decorative element more original.

Bottom line

You can do without thresholds to combine different floor coverings, if you consider that the price of such decorative strips high, but not recommended, since without them the work of laying the flooring itself becomes much more complicated (read: “How to make a joint between tiles and laminate without a threshold - options”). A correctly selected threshold will fit perfectly into the interior of the room and will complete the idea that the designer had in mind.

Frieze step

Naturally, when working with construction companies The owner can also order the service of laying the threshold in combination with the installation of floors in the room. Specialists will take responsibility for selecting planks, installing them, and will even provide a guarantee for all services provided.

The construction of private houses often involves the installation of staircase structures. The abundance of materials and elements allows you to easily create a staircase to suit the most sophisticated taste. But when designing, all requirements and instructions should be applied. An important criterion in this process is the height of the riser.

Any type of finishing and construction work is regulated by norms and rules. The safety of users depends on compliance with these indicators, so you should not neglect them. A staircase is a complex architectural structure. Therefore, convenience for users must be included at the building design stage. The established requirements can be adjusted for specific building layouts. The tilt angle ranges from 27 to 45 degrees.

Important! The optimal standard for the width of steps is in the range of 270-320 mm, which corresponds to the average size of a person’s foot.

The flight of stairs should not be narrower than 700 mm. This width is the most optimal for unhindered movement. The most common value is 1000 mm.

Too steep metal, concrete and wooden stairwells can be equipped with overhanging steps. At the same time, the size of the overhang should not exceed thirty millimeters, and metal structures- fifty. This technique allows you to slightly widen the treads. Sanitary Standards and Rules (SNiP) stipulate quantitative indicators for calculating the design of stairs. The height of the risers is calculated depending on the category of use of the building or structure:

  1. The first category is residential (intra-house). Risers are made with a height of 150-220 mm. Tread – 245-300 mm.
  2. Second category – buildings and structures public use. The height of the risers is 13-18 cm. The depth of the treads is 28-34 cm.
  3. The third category includes other structures. Riser size 15-19 cm. Step depth 25-32 cm.

Important! When designing stairs for people with limited mobility, some deviations from the given standards are acceptable.

When lifting, a person spends 2 times more energy than when walking. Therefore, a formula for creating ideal parameters for a staircase structure was experimentally derived.


The most common formula is as follows: c + h = 450 ± 20 mm, where c is the tread width; h – riser height. The maximum tread width of 300mm, despite the fact that not all feet fit on the step, is the most comfortable. The graphic image greatly simplifies the design of the entire building, so design sketches are initially considered, and then the dimensions are transferred to the drawing plans.

Formula for designing a staircase structure and calculating steps, riser

Possible design errors

The dimensions of the steps must be clearly verified during production. Different size treads most common mistake when constructing a staircase structure.

Violation standard sizes leads to inconvenience in operation. High steps are inconvenient for use by children and the elderly.

The second design mistake is the unequal sizes of the risers. A person's muscle memory lowers his foot to the next step, knowing the distance of the first tread. Different heights can cause a lot of inconvenience when moving along a staircase structure.


SNiP regulates the tilt angle up to 42 degrees. This option applies only to the indoor staircase category. When designing structures for other categories, the following dimensions should be adhered to:

  • 33 degrees for public institutions;
  • 38 degrees for other structures.

If area interfloor ceilings less than 100 square meters, then the tread can be reduced to 250 mm. In this case, the tilt angle will change to 36 degrees.

Stair risers of all categories must comply with the design formula. The angle of inclination is not provided for by the standards. Therefore, the suggested dimensions of treads and risers should be observed.

Flight of stairs

SNiP regulates the use of from 3 to 18 treads in one flight of stairs. But in practice it has been proven that the use of more than ten steps makes it difficult for a person to move. This length of the march is especially inconvenient for children and the elderly. Recommended maximum number There are up to 15 steps in the march.

Advice! It is better to make the number of steps in a flight of stairs odd. This technique allows a person to start and finish walking up stairs with one foot.

When designing a staircase in your home, you need to carefully consider the design, slope, width and height of the staircase opening. These parameters are laid down during the design of the building. Risers and treads must be calculated and the exact quantity ordered. The entire staircase structure should appear as a single space in the room and fit well into the interior design.

The Importance of Precision in Construction

Precision in architecture and design plays a key role. Therefore, in order to avoid traumatic situations, the following rules for designing staircase structures should be adhered to:

  • The width of the march should not be narrower than 1000mm.
  • Flights of stairs must consist of the same number of steps.
  • 900mm.
  • In children's institutions, open staircases are designed with dimensions of 120 mm - riser height, the distance between balusters should not exceed 100 mm.
  • The load on the staircase structure is 180 – 220 kg.
  • The risers must be the same height.
  • The radius of curvature of winder structures must exceed 300mm.
  • The level of the last tread must coincide with the level of the platform.
  • The passage height must exceed 2000mm.
  • The passage to the stairs must be at least 1 meter wide and have 24-hour lighting.

By applying in practice all the rules and regulations for designing structures, you can achieve safe, comfortable and functional architectural structures. Do-it-yourself installation of steps and risers

The construction of any residential or public premises always begins with detailed consideration each structure that will be included in the project. One such structure is a staircase. It can be indoors, outdoors, attics, basements, etc. But its detailed component always remains unchanged, on the basis of which there are parameters according to GOST and SNiP, which any constructed staircase must comply with. At detailed analysis staircase design special attention It is worth paying attention to the march, which is a continuous series of steps consisting of a tread (horizontal part) and a riser (vertical part).

Please note: presented in one of our previous articles.

What do GOST and SNiP prescribe for us?

The construction of such objects has certain standards that should be relied upon when constructing stairs:

  1. One flight of stairs should consist of 3-18 steps;
  2. In public and residential premises, the riser corresponds to a height of 14.8 cm, and the tread is 30 cm wide;
  3. In attics and basements 17.1 cm and 26 cm respectively.

But practical experience shows that slightly different sizes can provide safety and convenience.

It is better to make the number of steps in a flight odd, so that a person’s movement along the stairs begins and ends with one foot. In addition, climbing 18 steps is a very energy-intensive activity, and 11 or 15 is the most best option, after which the person will not suffer from shortness of breath. As for the height of the step, its value ranges from 15 to 18 cm, and the double value of the height combined with the width of the step results in the approximate value of the length of a human step - 6064 cm.

Dimensions of the width of a flight of stairs

The width of the steps also has certain building standard norms (GOST), which requires mandatory compliance with the maximum and minimum values:

  1. For street, apartment, straight, basement and fire escapes, the width is 80 cm;
  2. For the stairs leading to the attic 60 cm;
  3. Spiral staircase in the apartment from 80 cm to 1 m.

Minimum and maximum step sizes

Referring to SNiP, you can see:

  1. The tread corresponds to a width of 25 cm, if the staircase is attic or basement, then from 20 cm;
  2. The riser corresponds to a height of 15 - 20 cm, however, errors of no more than 5 mm are allowed.

As was said above, convenient step sizes are those that are in relation to the average human step. Therefore, it is advisable to present such calculations in the form of Blondel’s formula:

2h + b = S (60-66 cm)

Optimal inclination

When considering the angle of inclination when constructing a staircase, it is worth noting that the recommendations of the norms building standards not established in this matter. However, the slope of the staircase is determined by the ratio of the tread and riser, and focusing on the maximum and minimum height and depth of the step, the angle of inclination ranges from 33 to 45 degrees. For flat (internal) stairs, a value of up to 38 degrees is considered optimal, and for steep stairs (utility, attic) - up to 45 degrees.

What is the essence of precision in constructing a structure?

The parameters of each step used in the construction of the stairs must be extremely accurate and identical. This allows a person to use it when walking without special care, both day and night, relying on the muscle memory of the legs. And if this rule is not followed, a person experiences inconvenience when using the stairs, trying to feel each step with his foot. And going down such stairs is quite dangerous.

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How to replace a stair tread with a new one?

A tread is the facing flat part of the steps of a staircase, the replacement of which involves the manufacture of new ones or the use of ready-made elements.

They are made from parts of a window sill board, sanded. If the treads of the steps are rounded, then replacement is carried out by removing the lower support post of the railing after the latter have been disassembled.

It is necessary to design a spiral staircase, taking into account optimal step tread width, which in the middle of the march should not be less than 200 mm. When the central post is located at a distance of 15 cm, the tread must have a width along the line of movement of at least 10 cm. Using this as the main one requires a flat element length of at least 80 cm. The diameter of the ceiling opening should be about 2 m or more.

To ensure maximum compactness, if the staircase plays an additional role, you can use an opening of up to 1.4 m, and the tread length is from 55 to 60 cm. The passage height of the additional staircase must be at least 2 m.

Read also:


Features of construction.

Read about the complete porch construction process.

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You can make treads for stairs from durable wood with a thickness of about 50 mm. Labor-intensive structures are those that have flat elements with a thickness that decreases as they move away from the central post of the spiral staircase.

  1. To replace the tread, it is better to remove the old flat elements of the steps from above.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the wedge in the bowstring groove does not move if there is no access from below.
  3. When wedge is lost new element rest on a block having a cross-section of 25x50 mm. It must be attached to the string with screws so that the lower plane of the tread and the upper edge of the block are located in the same plane.
  4. Arrange the flat elements of the stairs to overlap correctly. They will partially overlap each other when viewed from above, their width may be unequal in places that serve to support the right and left legs.
  5. Support brackets can be installed between the lower and upper wide parts of the step elements, that is, their rear and front edges, respectively. This will give the design the greatest reliability.
  6. It is necessary to drill holes at the wide ends to install the guards.
  7. The assembly of the spiral staircase is carried out in a certain sequence. The installation of bushings and treads, interspersed with metal washers, is carried out after the central post has been mounted and securely fastened.
  8. When all the flat elements have already been strung on the stand, they are fanned out, arranged in a circle, each in its place, taking into account the step and direction of lifting - clockwise or counterclockwise.
  9. The first and last steps must be particularly correctly positioned.
  10. Installation of support brackets is carried out between the wider parts of the treads.
  11. The end of the central post at the top, which is equipped with a thread, is tightened with a nut, having first put on the last bushing.
  12. The nut is complemented by a decorative head.
  13. The last step is fixed using fasteners.

At the end, handrails and railing posts are installed, which may look like a curved line. At correct device the design of the staircase as a whole, it will correctly fulfill its purpose.

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How to build a tread drawing correctly?

Designing a spiral staircase is associated with the main difficulty, which lies in the correct determination of the shape of the treads and their sizes. Rectangular treads of straight stairs, having equal widths, are the easiest to design. The spiral staircase project involves the device winder steps. Their width should increase towards the outer contour from the central pillar.

Before making the tread, determine the dimensions of the floor opening, on which its length depends. The number of steps depends on the distance between the floors where the staircase is located. The angle of rotation of the steps of the stairs should be outlined in advance. If it is 360°, then the march should end parallel to its beginning. Then the length of the treads will be 1 m, and they will overlap.

The circle in the plan of a spiral staircase is divided into the corresponding number of radii, commensurate with the number of steps. The step between them is taken into account. The selected tread widths will be less than 200 mm. They will be determined in accordance with the drawing (Fig. 1), starting from one radius and ending with another - the neighboring one. Radii are the axes of symmetry of the projection.

The tread begins to be built in projection from one of the axes. Then the line is divided into 2 parts, designated as point A and a perpendicular line is drawn through it. A segment with a center at point A is the designation of the middle of a flat element, which must have a width of at least 200 mm, and the optimal value is taken to be 220 mm. The designation of the ends of the segment of the middle of the tread is A1 and A2, and its length on a scale corresponds to its required width.

From the center of the circle, a distance of 150 mm is laid on segment A1A2, which is designated by the letter B. The tread in this place should not have a width of less than 100 mm. A perpendicular line is drawn through point B; its ends are designated B1, B2. On a scale, the width of the tread and the length of the segment of the drawn line must correspond. Two straight lines are drawn through points A1 and B1, A2 and B2.

If straight stairs have high angle tilt, then the configuration of the treads of this staircase structure is called “duck step”. The use of this option is associated with an ingenious design solution when all steps are winders. By another name original design The staircase is “samba”, eliminating the problem of small tread width, which is not convenient.

Thus, the tread is a flat surface of the step, which serves to step on it with your feet.

The stairs take important place in the house, it is its decoration and is usually located in the center of the living room or opposite front door. There are several types of these structures, but they all have common components that unite them. To such common elements includes march, tread, bowstring, riser and stringer.

What is a stair tread

The tread is the part of the step that you step on. It comes in certain sizes, which are calculated based on several ergonomic indicators. If you make it narrower, people will fall down the stairs. If the tread is too large, it is inconvenient to walk on it; you have to take a long step. Most optimal size this part is 25-40 cm. An adult man’s leg can easily fit on a surface of this width.

What is a riser

The riser is the second part of the step, it is located vertically below it. These elements have not only constructive, but also decorative significance. Often, in order to make them stand out from the general background, they are painted in a color several tones brighter than other details. Their height should not exceed 18 cm, otherwise when walking you will need to raise your leg too high. Smaller parts will also not make the structure comfortable; it is easy to trip on it. Tread and riser are important parts of the staircase, on which not only its appearance, but also safety during operation. The most comfortable riser-tread ratio is 15-30 cm.

The craftsmen of the PK BLK company create only stairs for cottages that are comfortable to use. Reliability and durability are guaranteed by the manufacturer. The design is developed using latest technologies finishing, so all products are unique and luxurious. You can get acquainted with the range of manufactured products at http://www.pk-blk.ru/lestnicy-dlya-kottedzhej/.

What is a flight of stairs

All staircase structures consist of flights of different lengths. If there are platforms, then there will be several of them, otherwise there is only one march. Then they consider the entire staircase from the entrance to the descent. This term refers to a certain sequence of steps along with a stringer or bowstring. In other words, a march is one flight of stairs. Most structures of this type are single-flight or double-flight. There are also multi-march ascents. They are installed in spacious houses with high ceilings. With the correct construction of such a structure, the length of its platform is equal to the size of one flight. A person, going down or up such a staircase, will be able to rest between flights and take a breath.

What is a ladder string

The string is the load-bearing part of the staircase; it consists of two inclined long beams, in the grooves of which the steps are fixed. The advantage of these parts is that they cover the side of the steps, giving it greater safety. These beams provide high strength to the entire system as a whole due to the additional tightening of the bowstring beams among themselves. Small children and pets can safely play on the stairs without the risk of falling or dropping a toy. But not all staircase structures have a bowstring; there are also simpler, but no less interesting, ascents with stringers.

What is a staircase stringer?

Stringers are load-bearing beams, the top edge of which follows the shape of the steps. The treads are fixed precisely on these parts. Such staircase structures look lighter and more elegant. They are even installed in small rooms, since they do not take up much space. Distinctive feature of these stairs - the balusters holding the railings are mounted directly into the steps. Stringers are often made from several parts and fastened together with strong fasteners. This gives them additional reliability and allows you to implement various design solutions.

The shape of stairs with a bowstring or stringer can be different. Screw products are widely popular; they save space and have an original and unusual appearance. Also in demand are straight and curvilinear (rotary) models, which are more monumental and tend to classic style. Which one to choose depends on your imagination and aesthetic taste.