Hand wave is a signaling device used by river vessels. Fire detection systems on ships and ship fire alarms. Visual communication and signaling devices

Thousands of people around the world do repairs every day. When performing it, everyone begins to think about the subtleties that accompany the renovation: what color scheme to choose wallpaper in, how to choose curtains to match the color of the wallpaper, how to arrange furniture correctly to achieve a unified style of the room. But rarely does anyone think about the most important thing, and this main thing is replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment. After all, if with old wiring something happens, the apartment will lose all its attractiveness and become completely unsuitable for living.

Any electrician knows how to replace the wiring in an apartment, but any ordinary citizen can do this, however, when performing this type of work, he should choose quality materials to get a safe electrical network indoors.

The first action to be performed is plan future wiring. On at this stage you need to determine exactly where the wires will be laid. Also at this stage, you can make any adjustments to the existing network, which will allow you to arrange lamps and lamps as comfortably as possible in accordance with the needs of the owners.


Narrow-industry devices of the knitting sub-industry and their maintenance

To determine the stretchability of hosiery, a device is used, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 1.

The design of the device is based on the principle of automatic balancing of the rocker arm by the elastic forces of the product being tested, acting at a constant speed.

The weight rocker is an equal-armed round steel rod 6, having an axis of rotation 7. At its right end, the legs or the sliding form of the trace 9 are attached using a bayonet lock, on which the product is put on. A suspension for loads 4 is hinged on the left shoulder, and its end ends with an arrow 5, showing the equilibrium state of the rocker arm. Before testing the product, the rocker arm is brought into balance using a movable weight 8.

Rice. 1. Diagram of a device for measuring the tensile strength of hosiery: 1 - guide, 2 - left ruler, 3 - slider, 4 - hanger for loads; 5, 10 - arrows, 6 - rod, 7 - axis of rotation, 8 - weight, 9 - trace shape, 11 - stretch lever,

12— carriage, 13—lead screw, 14—right ruler; 15, 16 - helical gears, 17 - worm gear, 18 - coupling, 19 - electric motor

To move the carriage 12 with the stretching lever 11, a lead screw 13 is used, at the lower end of which a helical gear 15 is fixed; through it the rotational motion is transmitted to the lead screw. Changing the direction of rotation of the screw depends on the change in rotation of 19, which is connected to the worm gear 17 by means of a coupling 18. A helical gear 16 is mounted on the gear shaft, which directly imparts movement to gear 15.


In pneumatic actuators, the adjustment force is created by the action of compressed air on a membrane, or piston. Accordingly, there are membrane, piston and bellows mechanisms. They are designed to install and move the control valve in accordance with the pneumatic command signal. The full working stroke of the output element of the mechanisms is carried out when the command signal changes from 0.02 MPa (0.2 kg/cm 2) to 0.1 MPa (1 kg/cm 2). The maximum pressure of compressed air in the working cavity is 0.25 MPa (2.5 kg/cm2).

In linear diaphragm mechanisms, the rod performs a reciprocating movement. Depending on the direction of movement of the output element, they are divided into mechanisms direct action(with increasing membrane pressure) and reverse action.

Rice. 1. Design of a direct-acting membrane actuator: 1, 3 - covers, 2 - membrane, 4 - support disk, 5 - bracket, 6 - spring, 7 - rod, 8 - support ring, 9 - adjusting nut, 10 - connecting nut

Main structural elements The membrane actuator consists of a membrane pneumatic chamber with a bracket and a moving part.

The membrane pneumatic chamber of the direct action mechanism (Fig. 1) consists of covers 3 and 1 and membrane 2. Cover 3 and membrane 2 form a sealed working cavity, cover 1 is attached to bracket 5. The moving part includes support disk 4, to which the membrane is attached 2, a rod 7 with a connecting nut 10 and a spring 6. One end of the spring rests against the support disk 4, and the other through the support ring 8 into the adjusting nut 9, which serves to change the initial tension of the spring and the direction of movement of the rod.


Today there are several types of lamps for. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Let's consider the types of lamps that are most often used for lighting in a residential building or apartment.

The first type of lamps is incandescent lamp. This is the most cheap look lamps The advantages of such lamps include their cost and simplicity of the device. The light from such lamps is the best for the eyes. The disadvantages of such lamps include a short service life and a large amount of electricity consumed.

The next type of lamps is energy saving lamps. Such lamps can be found for absolutely any type of base. They are an elongated tube containing a special gas. It is the gas that creates the visible glow. For modern energy-saving lamps, the tube can have a wide variety of shapes. The advantages of such lamps: low energy consumption compared to incandescent lamps, daylight glow, large selection plinths. The disadvantages of such lamps include the complexity of the design and flickering. Flicker is usually not noticeable, but the eyes will get tired from the light.


Cable assembly- variety assembly unit. The cable assembly consists of several local ones, terminated on both sides in the electrical installation shop and tied into a bundle. Installation of the cable route is carried out by placing the cable assembly in the cable route fastening devices (Fig. 1).

Ship cable route- an electrical line mounted on a ship from cables (cable bundles), cable route fastening devices, sealing devices, etc. (Fig. 2).

On a ship, the cable route is located in hard to reach places(on the sides, ceiling and bulkheads); they have up to six turns in three planes (Fig. 3). On large ships, the longest cable length reaches 300 m, and the maximum cross-sectional area of ​​the cable route is 780 cm2. On individual ships with a total cable length of over 400 km, cable corridors are provided to accommodate the cable route.

Cable routes and cables passing through them are divided into local and main, depending on the absence (presence) of compaction devices.

Trunk cable routes are divided into routes with end and feed-through boxes, depending on the type of application of the cable box. This makes sense for the selection of technological equipment and cable route installation technology.


In the field of development and production of instrumentation and automation devices American company Fluke Corporation occupies one of the leading positions in the world. It was founded in 1948 and since that time has been constantly developing and improving technologies in the field of diagnostics, testing, and analysis.

Innovations from an American developer

Professional measuring equipment from a multinational corporation is used to service heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems, refrigeration units, check air quality, and calibrate electrical parameters. The Fluke brand store offers the purchase of certified equipment from an American developer. The full range includes:
  • thermal imagers, insulation resistance testers;
  • digital multimeters;
  • electrical energy quality analyzers;
  • rangefinders, vibration meters, oscilloscopes;
  • temperature, pressure calibrators and multifunctional devices;
  • visual pyrometers and thermometers.


A level gauge is used to determine the level of different types of liquids in open and closed storage facilities and vessels. It is used to measure the level of a substance or the distance to it.
To measure liquid levels, sensors are used that differ in type: radar level gauge, microwave (or waveguide), radiation, electrical (or capacitive), mechanical, hydrostatic, acoustic.

Principles and features of operation of radar level meters

Standard instruments cannot determine the level of chemically aggressive liquids. Only a radar level gauge is capable of measuring it, since it does not come into contact with the liquid during operation. In addition, radar level gauges are more accurate compared to, for example, ultrasonic or capacitive ones.

Light pyrotechnics Alarms are used to provide distress signals and to attract attention. These include flares, flares, self-igniting fires and self-activating smoke bombs for lifebuoys, as well as floating smoke bombs.

Pyrotechnic signaling devices must be moisture-resistant, safe to handle and store, operate in any marine hydrometeorological conditions and retain their properties for at least 3 years. They should go out when descending at a height of at least 50m from the sea surface.

According to the Rules of the Register of the Russian Federation, pyrotechnic means are subject to periodic certification by external inspection once every 2 years. Pyrotechnics on passenger ships are subject to inspection annually.

Marking of pyrotechnic means is carried out with indelible paint. The marking includes the release date, the period for the pyrotechnic itself, and for its packaging.

Sonic rocket, or grenade, exploding at a height, imitates a cannon shot. In the rocket tube under the ignition device there is an explosive cartridge in an aluminum shell, consisting of 2 charges. The upper one is thrown out of the rocket body by the lower one. The sound rocket is launched from launch tubes mounted on the gunwale or railing on both wings of the bridge. Having removed the cap from the tail of the rocket, pass the cord with the ring along the groove in the side of the glass to its bottom hole and pull it out with a strong tug.

Geographic coordinates. Latitude difference and longitude difference

Geographic latitude is the angle at the center of the Earth, the angle between the plane of the equator and a plumb line drawn through the observer’s point

Latitude is measured from the equator to the parallel of a given point from 0 to 90 degrees

Geographic longitude– dihedral angle between the plane of the Greenwich meridian and the plane of the observer’s meridian

Measured from a given point from 0 to 180 degrees

РШ = Fi2 – Fi1

RD = lambda2 – lambda1

If phi N , then the sign is + if phi S , then the sign is –

If lambda E, then the sign is +; if lambda is W, then the sign is –

RS and RD should not exceed 180 degrees

Shirata2=shirata1+ RS; Longitude2= longitude1+ taxiway

The use of these formulas ensures the calculation of RS and RD corrections with errors not exceeding a few meters, which satisfies the requirements for the accuracy of navigation map solutions.

Changes in precipitation with changes in water salinity

When a ship moves from one water basin to another, the salinity (density) of the sea water changes. When sailing in water with densities ρ and ρ 1, the vessel’s displacement will be, respectively: D = ρ × V and D = ρ 1 × V 1, where V is the volumetric displacement of the vessel before moving into water of a different density; V 1 - volumetric displacement of the vessel after the transition. Equating the right-hand sides of the equalities, we obtain: ρ×V = ρ 1 ×V 1 or V/V 1 = ρ 1 /ρ.

Volumetric displacement can be expressed through the main dimensions L, B, T and the coefficient of overall completeness (δ - the ratio of displacement to the volume of the described parallelepiped): V = δ × L × B × T and V 1 = δ 1 × L 1 × B 1 × T 1

With small changes in volumetric displacement, that is, with changes in water salinity, the length, width and overall fullness coefficient practically do not change. In this case, the change in displacement occurs due to a change in draft. Thus: ρ×T = ρ1×T1or T/T 1 = ρ 1 /ρ. Consequently, when a ship moves from water of one salinity to water of another, the salinity of its sediment changes approximately in inverse proportion to the density of the water.

The change in volumetric displacement is determined using the expression:

ΔV = V 1 - V = D/ ρ 1 - D/ ρ = D(ρ - ρ 1)/(ρ×ρ 1) or ΔV = V×(ρ - ρ1)/ρ1.

But V = S×ΔT. Then: S×ΔТ = V×(ρ - ρ 1)/ρ 1 => ΔТ = V/S × (ρ - ρ 1)/ρ 1 or

ΔТ = D/(S×ρ) × (ρ - ρ 1)/ρ 1

When the ship is passing from fresh water(ρ = 1.0 t/m 3) into the sea (ρ = 1.025 t/m 3) the ship will float, i.e. the vessel's draft will decrease. When a ship moves from sea water to fresh water, the change in draft will be positive, the ship will submerge in water, i.e. its draft will increase.

Tasks of visual observation on a ship and the form of reporting a detected target to the lookout

Maintaining continuous visual and auditory surveillance is the most important task of a navigational watch.

The main requirement for organizing surveillance: it must be continuous in time and space. There must be constant monitoring of the entire situation around the ship (including not only the water surface, but also monitoring of coastal and air objects and even celestial bodies). For example, there are known cases when the movement of a ship on the wrong course, due to a compass error, was detected by the “wrong” location of the constellations. Observation is such an important task that STCW 78/95 prohibits the assignment of any duties to the observer that may interfere with or impede observation.

It is specially stipulated that the helmsman and the lookout have different responsibilities and the helmsman cannot be considered an observer. An exception is made for small vessels, where an all-round unobstructed view is provided from the helmsman's position.

Depending on the situation, surveillance on the ship is carried out by:

· watch officer (officer of the watch);

· additionally one of the navigators located on the bridge to strengthen the navigational watch (most often the captain (CM) or the chief mate (SPKM));

· watch sailor observer (lookout);

· crew members assigned as alarm observers.

The officer in charge of the watch may be the only observer in daytime, if the situation is undoubtedly safe and the weather, visibility, traffic density and navigation conditions allow it. In this case, the sailor on watch may be released from the bridge to perform any other work or duties, provided that he is immediately available to report to the bridge. The watchman's call to the bridge is carried out either via his portable VHF radio station, or by giving one short call with loud bells intended to sound an alarm. Upon hearing such a signal, the sailor on watch must immediately arrive on the bridge.

Because observation is watch , then the lookout's taking over the watch, keeping the watch and turning it over must be carried out in accordance with all the requirements for a running watch:

· when taking over the watch, you should ask permission from the watch officer to change the lookout, accept the situation from him (where and what is visible, what was the last report, what special instructions and orders were there), report on taking over the watch;

· keep a vigilant watch, continuously being on duty and showing increased attention;

· when a replacement appears, obtain permission to take over the watch, convey to him information about the surrounding situation, the latest report, special instructions and orders, report on the end of the watch, and obtain permission to leave the post.

Observation tasks.

According to STCW 78/95, proper supervision is one that allows:

· fully assess the situation and the risk of collision, grounding, and other navigational hazards;

· detect ships, planes or people in distress, remains and traces of shipwrecks.

It should be remembered that in observation no small details. The initial small floating object that is not identifiable may be a float marking a net, a floating mine, or the head of a person for whom being seen by a ship's observer is the only chance of escape.

To properly perform these surveillance tasks you must be able to:

· detect objects in a timely manner;

· quickly identify them;

· determine directions and distances by eye;

· control the movements of observed objects.

Report forms

There are three main requirements for the lookout's report: timeliness, accuracy and reliability.

Immediately after the object is discovered, the first report should follow, even if the object has not yet been identified. There is no need to wait for further approach to identify the object. It is better to report in a timely manner, using the words “unknown object”, “incomprehensible sound”, and in subsequent reports clarify the characteristics of the object.

The report must be as accurate as possible both in the characteristics of the object and in the direction and distance to it. It is necessary to constantly train in visually determining directions and distances, especially in the conditions of the bridge, where it is possible to clarify the positions of targets using radar.

The report must be reliable. You never have to think of anything on your own or assume anything. Main principle report: “What I see (hear), that’s what I report.”

As a rule, the officer of the watch (VPKM) reports to the captain (CM) about detected objects in the following sequence: what, where, how. For example: “Fishing boat on starboard 30, range 5 miles, bearing changing to bow.”

However, the lookout more often reports to the VPKM in a different sequence: direction, what, distance. The direction is indicated:

· heading angle from 0 to 180 degrees (rounded to 5 - 10 degrees);

· approximate direction using the words: abeam, ahead of the beam, behind the beam, along the bow, along the stern.

If a flying object is detected, it is additionally reported elevation angle from 0 to 90 degrees (from the horizon up).

As a characteristic of an object, its most characteristic or most important feature for navigation is indicated.

The distance is reported in cable lengths and determined by eye.

Below are examples of typical reports.

“On the right is 20 white constant light.”

“On the left 45 two white constant lights in solution to the left.”

“There is a 50 red flashing light on the left, a distance of 5 cables.”

“On the right ahead of the beam I hear four strokes of the bell.”

“The silhouette of a ship is directly ahead.”

“Something is getting dark right ahead.”

“On the right abeam, elevation angle 5, helicopter.”

“There is 5 floating object on the left.”

Lecture 4

On-ship electrical signaling and communications. The effect of electric current on a person. Fire extinguishing in electrical installations.

Types of communication on ships. Ship telephony and telegraphy

On ships there are wire and wireless communications. Wireless communication installations include radio equipment for communication between ships and with the shore and broadcast ship radio broadcasting installations. Wire communication and signaling devices on ships include:

a) different types of telephones;

b) electric telegraph and electric indicators for various purposes(for example, axiometers - steering wheel indicators, tachometers - main engine speed indicators, etc.);

c) bell and light alarms: emergency, fire, bilge, temperature, etc.


The body of the ship-type telephone set TAK 36/A used on ships, shown in Fig. 1 and 2, is a cast box 2 made of light aluminum alloy - silumin with a lid 1 attached to it on hinges 3. An electric bell mechanism is placed inside the case, consisting of a square 4 with iron cores 5, on which coils 6 are placed. inside the cover houses the springs 12 of the lever switch mechanism and the ringing light bulb. On the bottom side of the case, two glands 7 are secured with screws for inserting flexible wires of the microtelephone handset 8, the additional auditory tube 9, as well as holders 10 for the handset and 11 for the additional auditory tube; The bell cup is fixed on top of the body. The gland for entering the linear cable is located on the left side of the device body.

Rice. 1. Telephone

Rice. 2. Handset

Handset (or microtelephone), shown in Fig. 2, has a body 13 cast from silumin with two cups: the upper 14 for the telephone and the lower 15 for the microphone.

Microphone serves for transmission, and telephone- to receive speech, the microphone of one telephone set is electrically connected to the telephone of another device.

Microphone cup (or microphone), which serves to convert sound vibrations into electrical ones, has a microphone capsule 17, contact springs 16 and a cover with a sound-collecting cap 18. On the outside of the microphone capsule there is an elastic metal plate- a membrane, and inside the capsule there is carbon powder, included in the conversational electrical circuit by two springy insulated contacts. The amount of resistance of the powder, and therefore the circuit in which both the microphone and the telephone are connected, changes with the pressure on the powder of the metal membrane, which vibrates when one speaks into the microphone. As a result, fluctuations in the electric current occur in the circuit, which includes the telephone and microphone.

Phone cup (or phone), which serves to convert oscillations of electric current into sound, has an electromagnet 20 mounted on stands 19 (a rectangular core with two coils mounted on it), the armature of which is an elastic metal membrane 21. Oscillations of the electric current coming from the microphone of another device and passing through the winding an electromagnet, cause this membrane to vibrate and reproduce sounds spoken into the microphone of another device.

In ship's telephones, it is possible to adjust the audibility by moving the electromagnet closer or further from the membrane using the screw 22 shown in the figure, located outside the telephone cup.

The sources of electricity for ship telephone communications are usually batteries.

Ship telephone installations differ from coastal ones in the following features:

a) to reduce the harmful effect of noise on a conversation (and the noise in certain rooms of the ship can be very strong), the microphone of the person transmitting speech is turned on only to the telephone of the person listening to this speech and vice versa, for which it is necessary to resort to three- and four-wire systems instead of a two-wire system, used for onshore installations;

b) taking into account the demagnetization of permanent magnets due to increased temperature, shaking, etc., electromagnets are always used in ship phones instead of permanent magnets used in shore phones; the use of electromagnets also makes it possible to improve audibility by amplifying sound by increasing the voltage of the battery that powers the telephone circuit;

c) the more difficult operating conditions of telephone installations on ships, compared to the shore, force special attention on the mechanical and electrical strength of telephone sets. The latter are usually made more massive and waterproof (cast housings, hermetic fastening of covers, sealing glands for cable entry).

The following telephony systems are used on ships: 1) with separate switchboards, 2) with a command switchboard and 3) automatic telephone exchanges.

In a system of individual switches, any subscriber can communicate with any other subscriber in this circuit. Each subscriber kit contains a separate switch for the full number of subscriber lines and a telephone set included in it. There may be other options for individual switches depending on the number of connected subscribers.

A command switch system, in which one transmitting telephone set and several receiving devices are connected to each other using a special device - a command switch - serves: a) for two-way communication of the transmitting device with any of the receiving devices and b) for transmitting orders from the command post (transmitting device) to all or several points at once (receiving devices). The command switch is placed next to the transmitting device. This system does not provide for communication between reception points. These two systems are used for team communication. For household communications, telephone exchanges with automatic connection of subscribers are used.

Telegraph and signs

Electric telegraph serves on ships for transfer conventional signs brief orders from the command post to the engine or boiler room of the ship (engine or boiler telegraphs). Electrical signs are remote electrical devices that allow you to control the operating mode and position of parts of the ship’s mechanisms (for example, engine speed, rudder position, etc.).

Ship electrical telegraphs and indicators, operating on both direct and alternating current, have a variety of operating principles and designs.

Telegraphs and indicators use synchronous angle transmission to transmit a signal or indication. Two electrical devices (transmitting and receiving) operate synchronously, that is, their moving parts, which at any given moment occupy exactly the same position in relation to the stationary parts (cases), change this position simultaneously (synchronously). The transmitting apparatus of the transmission system is called a transmitter, or sensor, and the receiving apparatus is called a receiver.

Synchronous angle transmission is characterized, therefore, by the fact that by turning the sensor lever by a certain angle, the receiver lever or arrow, installed at a distance from the sensor and connected to it by wires, is rotated by exactly the same angle. Each turn of the sensor lever is accompanied by the sending of current through the wires to the receiver; These current sends cause each time the corresponding turns of the receiver's arrow.

Fig.3. Diagram of a synchronous angle transmission system using direct current

In Fig. Figure 3 shows a diagram of one of the systems for synchronous angle transmission on direct current. The main elements of this system are the transmitter-key and the receiver- electromagnetic mechanism, connected to each other by wires. The key consists of a commutator (shaped like a drum) and four brushes. One of the brushes is used to connect the system to the positive pole of the ship's network, and the other three, located on the cylindrical surface of the commutator, are used to send current to the coils of the receiver's electromagnets. On a switch made from insulating material, the contact part is located. When we rotate the commutator, the brushes alternately touch the contact part connected to the positive pole of the network, consequently connecting the ends of the receiver coils to this pole in turn. The second ends of the electromagnet coils are interconnected and connected to the negative pole of the network.

Receiver electromagnetic mechanism consists of three electromagnets with a pair of coils on each. The electromagnets, as well as the sensor brushes, are located at an angle of 120° relative to each other. Iron anchors are placed opposite the poles of each pair of coils. When the circuit of each pair of coils is sequentially closed by the transmitter commutator, the iron armatures are attracted by the cores of the electromagnets. These alternating attractions exert an influence on the pointer with the help of a rod and a crank.

The movement of the receiver arrow will correspond to the angle at which the transmitter switch was turned, or, as they say, the arrow will show the transmitted angle.

When installing engine and boiler telegraphs based on this principle, a sensor for transmitting orders and a receiver for receiving a signal about accepting an order are installed at the command post, and a receiver for receiving an order and a sensor for sending a signal about accepting an order are placed in the engine and boiler room.

Thus, both at the command post and in the engine-boiler room, two devices are installed (sensor and receiver), and the command post sensor is connected by wires to the receiver of the engine-boiler room, and the engine-boiler room sensor is connected to the command post receiver. The machine telegraph circuit usually provides, in addition to a visual signal (turning the receiver's arrow), also certain sound signals (howlers, rattles). This increases the reliability of transmitting orders and monitoring their execution.

When designing based on this principle steering direction indicators (axiometers) The sensor is connected to the steering gear using rods. Receivers (rudder position indicators) connected to the sensor by wires are installed in the wheelhouse and on the bridge of the vessel.

DC powered Main engine speed indicators (electric tachometers) They have a sensor - a direct current generator with permanent magnets and a receiver - a direct current voltmeter of a magneto-electric system with a scale calibrated not in volts, but directly in revolutions per minute.

The armature of the magnetic machine (sensor) is connected by a Hall chain (roller chain) to the shaft of the motor whose speed is to be measured. Therefore, when the motor shaft rotates, the magnetic machine will create an electric current, the voltage of which at any given moment corresponds to the engine speed: how larger number rpm, the greater the voltage. Reaching the receiver (voltmeter) through the wires, this current will deflect the needle by an angle, the greater the current voltage, i.e., the greater the engine speed.

Of the pointers operating on alternating current, we will consider those whose design is based on principle of self-synchronizing synchronous transmission. These indicators are very reliable in operation and can be used to monitor the condition of the most critical ship mechanisms, in particular, to indicate the position of flooding clinkers on floating docks. With this synchronous transmission, the sensor and receiver are two induction motors powered by alternating current and connected to each other and to the network as shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. Two induction motors in synchronous transmission

The armatures of these motors have a three-phase winding, and the magnets have a single-phase winding. The motor magnet windings are connected to an alternating current network, and the armature windings are interconnected in such a way that the electromotive forces induced in them by the alternating fields of the magnets are directed towards each other. Due to this balance of electromotive forces, the current does not pass through the windings of the armatures, and the armatures therefore remain motionless. If, by some external force, the sensor armature is rotated at a certain angle, then the electromotive force in its winding will change in magnitude, and the balance that existed between the oppositely directed electromotive forces of the sensor and receiver armatures will be disrupted. Due to the resulting difference in the voltages of the armature windings, an equalizing current arises between them. Interacting with the magnetic field of the receiver, this current will cause its armature to rotate through the same angle to which the sensor's armature was rotated. Thus, the disturbed balance of electromotive forces will be restored, the motor armatures will again be in exactly the same position in relation to the magnets, and the installation will again be ready for a new transmission of the angle of rotation of the armature.

A diagram of the installation of such indicators on floating docks to control the degree of opening or closing of the flood gate valves (i.e., valves that allow water to enter the ballast compartments of the dock) is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig.5. The principle of synchronous transmission of indicators on floating docks to control the degree of opening or closing of flood clinker valves

The sensor and receiver here are induction electric motors, the so-called selsyn machines (selsyns). The sensor is mechanically connected to the blade drive, and the receiver is equipped with a corresponding scale and arrow. When the blade opens or closes, the sensor armature, mechanically connected to it, rotates through a certain angle. This leads to the appearance of an equalizing current in the circuit of interconnected electrical armatures of the sensor and receiver. Under the influence of the interaction of this current with the magnetic field of the receiver, the armature of the latter will rotate at the same angle as the armature of the sensor. The arrow mounted on the end of the receiver armature shaft will also deviate by the same angle. This way the degree of opening of the wedge will be visible

Ship's alarm system. Ship alarm systems

Ship alarm is an integral part of many systems: power plant, auxiliary mechanisms, general ship systems, navigation systems, etc. The main function of the alarm is to warn operating personnel about reaching the limit values ​​of certain parameters.

Types of ship alarm systems, layout and location depending on the type of vessel are regulated by the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea Vessels of the Register of the Russian Federation.
The following alarm systems are distinguished:

- Emergency alarm. It is equipped on ships where the emergency announcement by voice or loudspeaker cannot be heard simultaneously in all places where there may be people. Sound devices are installed in machinery spaces, in public places with an area of ​​more than 150 sq.m., in the corridors of residential and public premises, on open decks in production premises. Sound devices are also equipped with light alarms, and the tone of the emergency alarm differs from the tone of sound devices of other alarm systems.

The system is powered by a battery located above the deck bulkheads and outside the engine rooms. The operation of the emergency alarm is checked at least once every 7 days, and before each departure.

- Fire alarm. A fire alarm station with a mimic diagram is installed in the wheelhouse, with the help of which the location of the fire is quickly determined. The system is equipped with sensors - manual and automatic detectors.
Automatic detectors are installed in all residential and office premises, in storerooms of explosive, flammable and combustible materials, at control posts, in rooms for dry cargo. In machine and boiler rooms with automated control in the absence of a permanent watch.
Manual call points are installed in the corridors of residential, service and public premises, in lobbies, in public premises with an area of ​​more than 150 sq.m., in industrial premises, on open decks in the area where cargo hatches are located.
The system must provide two types of power: the main one from the ship’s network and the backup one from batteries. System fire safety must be constantly in action. Taking the system out of service to troubleshoot or perform maintenance permitted with the permission of the captain and with prior notification of the officer of the watch. Once a month, one emitter in each beam is checked.

- Warning alarm volumetric fire extinguishing. It is equipped in engine and boiler rooms, holds with dry cargo, in which people are or may be located. With the help of sound and light signals, personnel are warned about the activation of the volumetric fire extinguishing system. Signals are sent during manual and remote start of the system. The system is powered by the same battery as fire alarm. The system must be in operation at all times.
- Emergency warning system (APS). It is equipped on all self-propelled vessels and is designed to indicate the state of the power plant and the operation of auxiliary mechanisms. It is configured depending on the type of vessel, level of automation, etc. On automated ships, a generalized emergency warning system (GASA) is used, which gives signals not only in the engine room and in the central control room, but also at external objects - the wheelhouse, mechanics' cabin, etc. It is checked before each departure of the vessel and periodically during the shift.

Alarm about the presence of water in bilges and drainage wells of holds. It is equipped on various ships and is mandatory on electrodes for signaling the water level under propeller electric motors. Constantly in use and checked at least once per shift.

Alarm for closing watertight doors. Installed on those ships that provide for the division of the ship's premises into watertight compartments and have watertight doors. The alarm system is checked along with the doors at least once a week, and before each departure.
- Household alarm (cabin, medical). Installed on those ships where it is needed, most often passenger ones. Checked at least once a month.

Minimum Inventory
Requirements for the placement of visual signaling signs on ships
Visibility range of ship lights
Sound signals


95. Vessels of supervisory authorities may, without violating the signaling requirements of other provisions of these Rules, display a flashing blue light at night and during the day.

96. When a ship in distress requires assistance, it may indicate:

  • a flag with a ball or similar object above or below it;
  • frequent flashing of all-round light, spotlight, vertical movement fire;
  • red rockets;
  • slow, repeated raising and lowering with arms extended to the side.

97. A dredging projectile of any design and purpose when working on a ship's course must carry one green all-round light on the mast; when working on the right side of the navigation channel - two red all-round lights (canopy), located on the bow and stern parts at the height of the awning on the navigation side; when working on the left side - two green all-round lights, respectively; when working across the shipping channel (development of trenches for underwater passages, etc.), the two above-mentioned awning lights must be located on the bow or stern of the dredgers, respectively, on the edge.

98. When working on a ship's channel, a refuller projectile must carry, in addition to the signals specified in paragraph 97, all-round lights on the floating soil pipeline of the refuler projectile every 50 m (red when the soil is dumped beyond the right edge of the vessel channel, white - to the left).

99. Bottom cleaning equipment and vessels engaged in underwater work (lifting vessels, laying pipes, cables, etc. without diving work) must carry one green all-round light on the mast, and during the day - signal flag “A”.

100. Floating cranes, extracting soil on or off the ship's channel, and dredging equipment when working only outside the ship's channel must carry the same lights as non-self-propelled vessels of the corresponding size when anchored.

101. A vessel engaged in diving operations must carry two green all-round lights located vertically at night, and two signal flags “A” during the day.

102. When collecting soil while moving, a self-propelled dredging equipment with a dragging soil receiver must carry:

  • during the day - three signs located vertically: two black balls and a black diamond between them;
  • at night, in addition to the signaling provided for by these Rules, two green all-round lights located horizontally on the yard of the aft mast at a distance of at least 2.0 m from each other.

103. Dredging and bottom-cleaning equipment, diving vessels and vessels intended for underwater work that are not engaged in their main operations must carry the same lights and signs while moving and stationary as self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels. In this case, white all-round lights should be placed on the dirt pipeline every 50 m.

104. A vessel engaged in trawling a shipping channel and when working near floating navigational equipment signs must carry one signal flag “A” (shield) on the mast during the day, and one green all-round light at night.

105. A vessel engaged in hauling trawl nets or other fishing gear must, in addition to the signaling prescribed by other provisions of these Rules, carry:

  • at night – two all-round lights located vertically (upper – green, lower – white, at a distance of at least 1 m in front and below the masthead light);
  • during the day - two black cones connected by their tops, located one above the other.

106. A fishing vessel underway or stationary, not engaged in fishing, must carry the same lights as self-propelled and non-self-propelled vessels.

107. Vessels engaged in eliminating deviations carry a two-flag signal consisting of the letters “O” and “Q” of the international code of signals (“O” is a two-color flag of red and yellow, divided diagonally and raised above the signal “Q”, “Q” " - yellow cloth). Vessels are required to give way to them.

Electrical alarm systems include emergency, service bell, fire and emergency warning alarms.
Emergency alarm. Provided on all ships and dredgers served by crews to notify crew members about emergency work or an emergency situation. This type of ship alarm includes bells and loud bells installed indoors and on open decks, as well as light alarms with intermittent operation, which, along with an audible signal, are used at high noise levels.
The emergency alarm is activated from the wheelhouse or control room using a contactor or button. It is also possible to activate an emergency alarm based on signals from other systems.
To ensure constant readiness for operation, the circuit is powered by rechargeable batteries.
Service bell alarm. It is used as a backup means of communication between the wheelhouse and the engine room or other areas of the ship and serves to call personnel or issue commands, as well. also for transmitting a response to the command post about the execution of the command and limited information.
The message is transmitted in the form of conditioned signals with different numbers and different durations of sound sections and pauses.
Fire alarm. The automatic fire alarm system is designed to promptly notify the watch service about the occurrence of a fire on the ship. It also allows you to automatically turn on the emergency alarm, turn off artificial ventilation and activate fire extinguishing means.
The electrical circuit of a fire alarm usually includes automatic and manual fire detectors, a receiving device, sound and light remote signals, and communication lines between the receiving device and fire detectors.
Fire alarm systems are distinguished by the connection diagram of the detectors and their connection to the receiving device (beam and loop), by the type of fire detectors (manual, thermal, smoke, fire and combined) and by the operating mode (continuous and periodic monitoring).
In beam systems, detectors of one beam monitor the condition of the premises of a certain fire zone. Each beam is connected to a beam set of the receiving station, which monitors the status of all beam detectors and communication lines, receives information about line faults, and generates “Fire” and “Fault” signals. General device station includes a generalized signaling.
In loop systems, detectors located in various rooms, and therefore they do not report the location of the fire. As a rule, the number of loops does not exceed two. Otherwise, the operation of loop systems is no different from beam systems.

Dredgers usually use loop-type fire alarm systems with thermal automatic fire detectors; Continuous monitoring of the integrity of connections is also provided.
Thermal maximum differential detectors are used as automatic fire detectors. They react both to temperature and to the rate of its increase.
The detector is installed in the engine room, inside the main switchboard, in the room of electricity converters, near heating boilers and in other fire hazardous places. Alarm receiving devices are located in the wheelhouse.
When the contact of any fire detector VK1-VK4 opens (due to the influence of temperature), the coil of relay K1 is de-energized and its opening contacts close and turn on the alarm devices: a signal lamp and, through relay K2, a howler (see Fig. 133). A break in communication lines also triggers an alarm, which provides continuous monitoring of the integrity of the beam connections.
To manually check the circuit circuits, use the 5/ button. Capacitor C prevents false triggering of the circuit during short-term opening of the detector contacts (for example, from vibration), discharging onto relay coil K1. The howler is switched on through the opening contact of relay K2. The call is turned off with button 82.
The circuit receives power from 24 V batteries via two feeders. Diodes Ъ1-У04 provide galvanic isolation of power circuits.
Emergency warning alarm. To monitor the condition of equal and auxiliary mechanisms of systems and devices, as well as the parameters of various environments, emergency warning systems (ALS) are used on ships, sending light and sound signals to the control posts of the power plant and the ship when the controlled parameters reach values ​​unacceptable for normal operation. .
Alarm parameters include: temperature, pressure and level of water, oil and fuel, level in fecal and waste tanks, insulation resistance electrical networks, rotation speed of mechanisms, compressed air pressure, etc.
For self-propelled vessels, a list of controlled parameters for the main mechanisms and systems is given in the Rules of the River Register of the RSFSR.
Electrical systems APS differ in purpose (individual mechanisms and systems, centralized), in element base (on contact and non-contact elements), in the method of receiving signals (without storing, with storing), in information characteristics (with separate, with generalized signals).
The emergency warning and switchable protection system (SPASZO) of the main ship engines ensures the following functions:
submission of individual warning light signals on the local switchboard and a generalized signal on the remote control when the controlled parameters reach the warning value;
submission of individual emergency light signals and a generalized signal on the remote control when the controlled parameters reach an emergency value;
delivery of generalized sound signals when controlled parameters reach warning and emergency values;
preparing the sound signal for operation after it is turned off;
protection (stop) of the engine simultaneously with the appearance of the alarm value of the signals;
delayed response of minimum oil pressure sensors to prevent false alarms when the engine is stopped, as well as during its start and reversal.
Warning alarms are provided for the following parameters: maximum cooling water temperature, minimum water level
V expansion tank internal circuit of the cooling system, maximum lube oil temperature, minimum oil pressure in the reverse gearbox or gearbox, maximum thrust bearing oil temperature.
An alarm with simultaneous engine shutdown is provided according to the following parameters: maximum cooling water temperature, maximum lubricating oil temperature, minimum lubricating oil pressure, maximum engine speed.
Separate sensors are usually used to supply warning and emergency level signals. The settings for their operation are set by the diesel engine manufacturer; the number of controlled parameters depends on the type of engine.
On electrical diagram The SPAZZO system (Fig. 134) shows warning and alarm circuits for lubricating oil pressure.
For warning and emergency signaling, the same signal panels are used, which light up continuously when a warning signal appears, and intermittently in the event of an emergency signal.
The oil pressure APS circuits are switched on through the contact of the electromagnetic relay K2, which is included in the electronic time relay KT, shown in a simplified form. The time delay of the CT relay is determined by the discharge time of the pre-charged capacitor C4. When starting the engine, the capacitor charging circuit is broken by the contact of the limit switch 82, which is mechanically connected to the engine starting device. This prevents false alarms when the engine is stopped and during its startup, while the oil pressure in the line has not yet reached the nominal value.
The intermittent mode of light signaling is achieved using a multivibrator (rectangular pulse generator) C/2, assembled using transistors and capacitors. The contacts of the output relay /C4 of the multivibrator are periodically turned on and off in the circuit of signal lamps H12, Sh4, which operate with a certain frequency and duration.
When the contact of the sensor BP1 of the warning value of the parameter is closed, the signal lamp Hb2 of the SPASZO panel receives power and, through the diode Uy1, the lamp Ш4 of the generalized light signal on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse or control room receives power. At the same time, a charging current of capacitor C1 flows through diode U02, resistor K3 and the control electrode of thyristor U5, opening the thyristor. The strength of the thyristor control current is determined by the resistance of the short-circuit resistor, and the flow time of this current is determined by the capacitance of the capacitor C/.
The short-circuit relay coil receives power, the relay is activated, and with its contacts it turns on the bells IA1, NA2, located in the Engine Room and in the wheelhouse.
Capacitor SZ prevents the passage of current pulses through the thyristor control circuit caused by fluctuations in the supply voltage, and thus prevents false ringing. Resistor R1 is designed to discharge capacitor C/ after opening the sensor contacts. Through resistor R4, capacitors C/ and SZ are discharged.
The bell can be turned off by pressing buttons 53, 56 on the SPASZO panel and the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. The button contacts open, interrupting the flow of current through the thyristor, which leads to its locking and disconnection of the short-circuit relay. After this, the ringer circuit is automatically ready to receive the next signal.
After eliminating the reason for the activation of sensor BP1, its contact opens, lamps Hb2, H14 go out, capacitors C1, S3 are discharged. When the controlled parameter reaches an emergency value, the BP2 sensor is triggered, through the contact of which a signal is received to turn on the sound and light signal circuits.
Sound signals HA1, HA2 are turned on in the same way as when sensor BP1 is triggered, but in this case, in addition to capacitor C/, capacitor C2 is charged (through contact BP2, diodes Uy6, Uy3 and resistors KZ, R4).
Through the contact of sensor BP2, relay coil K1 receives power. The relay is activated, closing contacts in the self-locking circuits, starting the multivibrator 1-2, relay coil Ko and opening the contact in the H12 lamp circuit.
Relay K4 of multivibrator 1)2 periodically turns on and off, which leads to intermittent operation of the signal lamps Ш2, Н1-4, connected through the contacts of relay K4.
The relay contact Ko closes in the power supply circuit of the electromagnet UA of the stop device, which stops the engine. Relay Ko can be turned off using switches 54, 55 on the SPASZO panel and on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. At the same time, the warning lights H13 and Y1d light up.
After eliminating the malfunction, the contact of sensor BP2 opens, and the light alarm continues to work, since relay contact K1 is connected in parallel with the sensor contact. To remove the self-locking of relay K1, you must press button 57 on the engine control panel or briefly de-energize the circuit using switch “51 on the SPASZO panel. Relay K1 is switched off, its normally open contacts are opened in the self-locking circuits, the start of the multivibrator C/2, the power supply of the protection relay K5, and the normally open contact is closed in the circuit of the lamp Hb2. As a result, the signal lamps go out and capacitor C/ and capacitor C2 are discharged through diode U04, lamp H12, relay contact K1, resistors #4, KZ and K2.
When other sensors not shown in Fig. are triggered. 134, the circuit works in a similar way.
The serviceability of the alarm circuits is checked by turning switch 5/ on the SPASZO panel to the “Check” position or by pressing button 58 on the engine control panel in the wheelhouse. In this case, the sound and light signaling circuits receive power through the U05 diode, and the C72 multivibrator through the Uy7 diode.
The Hb1 signal lamp on the SPAZZO panel signals the presence of power, protect! and P1-P4 protect the stop device electromagnet coil and the alarm circuit from short circuits. The circuit is powered by 24 V batteries.
Security questions
1. What business telephone systems are used on ships?
2. Name the signaling and ringing devices of telephone sets and switchboards.
3. What is the difference between the operating modes of a microphone and a telephone for electromagnetic converters with a differential magnetic system?
4. Name the main parts of a ship's battery-free telephone.
5. Explain the operation of the functional diagram of the telephone exchange.
6. What alarm systems are used on river vessels?
7. Name the components of fire alarm systems and the difference between beam systems and loop systems.
8. Explain the operation of the circuit for switching on the bell of the SPASZO emergency warning system.