What are the benefits of ice skating? Winter sports: health benefits. Stretching muscles and improving immunity

Now you can trace one very interesting trend- more and more more people spend their holidays not in cafes and bars, but on fresh air, and often also engage in active sports. Biking gives you the opportunity to have a good time, getting a dose of fun, adrenaline and subsequently a healthy sleep. After all, after an active trip, the body completely relaxes and gets the opportunity to fully relax - and this over time can develop into a habit, the benefits of which will be undoubted.

Why is this useful?

When roller skating, you not only get a feeling of freedom, but also a load on all muscle groups, develop coordination of movements, and improve your balancing skills. The muscles of the calves, thighs, feet and buttocks work especially actively. The muscles of the back and lower back are also subject to heavy load, but the abs and arms are much less involved. A pleasant addition is the development of plasticity and smoothness of movements, and the ability to transfer weight from foot to foot increases the ability to control your body.

Now it’s worth understanding in more detail what benefits a person can benefit from roller skating:

  1. The cardiovascular system and breathing are trained, even if you ride on flat surface. Increases overall endurance and maximum benefit will happen if, for example, you drive along hills and slopes, not to mention performing tricks - but this is only for professionals, because it is unsafe.
  2. Your body becomes more plastic and flexible. Don’t assume that just by starting to skate, you will acquire the grace of a cat. But over time, increasing the duration of the races and conducting them for longer high speeds, you will notice positive changes in your plastic.
  3. Your muscles will become stronger and excess weight will gradually disappear. A typical walk on roller skates for an hour burns approximately 500–600 calories. During an intense ride, they burn in greater quantities.

Don’t neglect the positive effects on your psyche that occur with this type of relaxation:

  1. Everyone knows that during physical activity, endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is released into the blood. Roller skating copes with this task perfectly, and literally an hour and a half will give you the opportunity to relax, throw off the burden of problems and look at any situation from a more positive angle.
  2. No one obliges you to do races alone. A walk with like-minded people will give an additional boost of positivity, increase self-esteem and sociability.
  3. An active weekend will have a positive impact on the work week, increasing your mood and productivity. And the quality of the work performed will be much higher.

Lose weight on roller skates

Few people start roller skating in order to lose weight - but everyone loses weight when they start roller skating. Moreover, this method of losing extra pounds works no worse than doing fitness or running. Hips, calves, and buttocks are actively developing. Moreover, they do not grow in volume, but lose their flabbiness and looseness, become denser and tighten. Therefore, those who actively and long-term engage in this sport are always in good physical shape.

Let's take the hips as an example - what are the benefits of skating for them? IN everyday life the muscles of the inner and outer thighs are practically not involved, but when skating they work very actively. The alternative to their development is many monotonous exercises in the gym.

And those who dream of a flat stomach should ride downhill more often. If you regularly repeat such races, you can get seductive six-pack abs without even performing additional exercises.

But you shouldn’t go too far with hard rides, otherwise it can be harmful. Muscles, especially in young people, recover quickly, but you should still listen carefully to pain. You need to be especially careful with your joints - cartilage and ligaments take quite a long time to adapt. This is especially true for older people, who should be extremely careful with this.

They say that roller skating is much more effective than any diet. And many scientists agree with this, as they have conducted a number of studies in this area. According to the data they received, to get rid of one extra kilos you need to burn 7000 calories. For a regular roller skate, whose weight does not exceed 70 kg, this amount of energy is burned during a 12-hour ride at a speed of 18 km/h. But it’s unlikely that anyone will devote half the day to this activity. Therefore, there are other estimates that in six months you can lose 9 kilograms by doing daily races in a gentle mode, which burns about 400 calories per day. And this takes into account respites and adaptation. There is no harm here, but the benefits are obvious.

Roller skating helps you stay fit

Those who doubt their abilities

Unfortunately, when many people think about roller skating, the first thing that comes to mind is falls and bruises. Yes, this happens and is not so rare, but the harm from these unpleasant moments can be reduced to a minimum if you wear protection and adhere to safety precautions when skating. After all, even on an ordinary walk, no one is safe from falling. Let's look at the main fears of people who are thinking about starting to ride:

  • Many people are afraid that they will not be able to maintain their balance. This is self-deception, you will learn this very quickly, because even if you are not very confident in your first races, this only indicates that your body has simply forgotten how to hold itself upright. Yes, there is a small percentage of people who, due to problems with the cerebellum and vestibular apparatus, really cannot maintain balance. But such cases are very rare.

It is worth remembering that the problem of falls may also be due to one mistake made by beginners - you do not need to ride on fully straightened legs. Bend your knees and hips - this will make balancing while skating much easier.

  • The second fear is the fear of breaking something. Riding on asphalt is fraught with unpleasant landings, injuries to the wrists, humerus and abrasions, which is caused by the reflex when a person falls - putting out the arm as additional support. But this problem can be solved by using protective equipment. First of all, these are gloves with fixation of wrists, knee pads and elbow pads. Thick clothing will also protect against abrasions.
  • Many people are very worried about head injuries. To avoid them, you should not forget about the main element of roller skater protection - a helmet, which is not neglected even by people who professionally engage in roller skating.

A few words in conclusion

Now you have an idea what is the benefit of this active type rest. As elsewhere, this activity has both positive (positive effects on health) and negative (abrasions and potential injury) sides. But if you are determined to take up roller skating, don’t skimp on quality skates and equipment.

Regardless of the goals you pursue when starting to ride, this choice is definitely the right one, since this activity will bring many useful changes to your rhythm of life. Even half an hour of skating a day will benefit not only the body, but also the psyche of the skater, because his gait will become graceful, his figure will be toned, which will definitely increase self-esteem and well-being. So, let go of your fears and regrets and enjoy fun and rewarding hours of roller skating.

There is an opinion in society that roller skates– this is a pleasure available only to the younger generation. However, according to doctors and scientists, roller skating is very good alternative I'm running. It should also be noted that in European countries this sport has long been successfully mastered by middle-aged people.

What health benefits can be achieved by roller skating? To begin with, we note that the positive effect on the body from roller skating will be equal in strength to sports such as running or cycling. And fitness is even somewhat inferior in its effectiveness to roller skating. This is explained by the fact that during roller skating the cardiovascular system is trained more effectively. The same cannot be said about step aerobics.

Here are the real health benefits that regular rollerblading can bring:

    • The muscles will become stronger;
    • The gait will become graceful and light;
    • The figure will be slim, and you can forget about excess fat;
    • The cardiovascular and respiratory systems will become more resilient;
    • Coordination of movements will become clearer and more perfect over time;
    • Consciousness will become clearer.

The main muscles that are used during roller skating are the inner thigh muscles and the gluteal adductors. It is important that the movements during roller skating are as close to natural as possible; of course, this gives positive results. This is why cycling and running are not as effective. Another important point that needs to be mentioned is that rollers do not put as much stress on the tendons, joints and ligaments as running. And this significantly reduces the risk of damage.

What is the result of roller skating?

      • Natural training of the gluteal muscles, the muscles of the lower leg and thighs, thanks to forward and backward movements;
      • The muscles of the lower back and abdomen will be strengthened while maintaining balance, which is necessary for skating;
      • The shoulder girdle will become strong due to working with the hands, but the load on the joints will be minimal;
      • The development of flexibility and coordination of movements is achieved through turning and balancing;
      • If you want to develop balance, you just need to do squats during roller training;
      • Speaking in terms of numbers, you can get rid of 285 calories in just 30 minutes of roller skating. But the surface must be smooth;
      • If roller skating is alternated with roller skating exercises, the number of calories that can be eliminated increases to 450;
      • From a psychological point of view, relaxing roller skating is a great way to strengthen nervous system and get rid of stress.

How to enhance the effect of roller skating:

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It depends greatly on how much pressure the nearby muscles put on them. Regular skating makes a huge contribution to the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that occurs due to age-related decreases in skeletal density. While moving on the skating rink, not only the muscles of the legs are used (although the load is greatest on them), but also the muscles of the arms and body. Accordingly, bone density in these places increases.

To reap the benefits of ice skating, you need to follow safety precautions, avoid falls, and dress appropriately—not too warm, but not too cold. If you haven’t gone to the skating rink before or are simply used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, get involved gradually. You can start with half an hour, and in some cases even with 20 minutes of skating, and then over 2-3 weeks increase the training time to about 1.5 hours.


An hour of active skiing burns 300-400 kcal. And during movement, all tissues of the body are enriched with oxygen, which promotes accelerated breakdown of fat and generally activates metabolism. Add to this the increased load on the muscles - and you will understand that with regular trips to the skating rink you can quickly become more fit.


Ice skating gives a lot of positive emotions and helps relieve psychological stress. It is especially useful to go skating on outdoor skating rinks. In a slight frost, the concentration of negative ions in the air increases, and this additionally gives vigor and tones the nervous system well.

Vestibular apparatus

The blade of a skate is an unstable support. When we try to stand on it and move, avoiding obstacles and turning on the ice, the ability to maintain balance is involuntarily trained. Thanks to this, movements become more coordinated, precise, and harmonious not only on the ice, but also in everyday life. Best effect in this regard it gives figure skating, but simple skating in circles on the skating rink is also useful.

Heart and blood vessels

Regular visits to the skating rink significantly increases heart endurance. Scientists have calculated that just 20-30 minutes on ice daily is enough to significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack in the future.

During active movement, small peripheral vessels located in the arms and legs open. Blood fills them, and thanks to this, blood pressure is reduced gently and naturally. If this happens often, this is an excellent way to prevent hypertension.


You need to skate with a straight back, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain your balance. Thanks to this, the muscles that support the spine are trained and posture improves. For teenagers, skating is a great way to reduce the risk of scoliosis. For adults - reduce the likelihood of early osteochondrosis.


Skating is allowed even for those diagnosed with arthrosis at an early stage - with this movement the nutrition of the interarticular cartilage improves. True, you need to not skate too fast, jumps and sharp turns are prohibited, and the ice surface must be good quality so that you don't accidentally fall. For healthy people, visiting the skating rink can help prevent joint problems.

– I really love skating, I know how to skate, but, unfortunately, I very rarely succeed. My favorite sport is still alpine skiing. Moreover, my wife and I came up with a program related to alpine skiing, which helps improve the health of people with a full range of neurological diseases.

The rollers seem to be specially invented to improve problem areas of the figure. And they are safer to ride, for example, step aerobics and even jogging.

Don't stand still!

Roller skating is a full-fledged aerobic workout, no worse than cycling or jogging. Of course, if you don’t stand and smoke, but move, constantly working with your legs. Then the pulse quickly ends up in the region of 135–160 beats per minute - optimal conditions, in which excess fat is burned.

At the same time, roller skating for 30-40 minutes 4-5 times a week develops cardio endurance and tightens not only the hips and buttocks, but also the waist. If you travel 1 kilometer in just 4.5 minutes (this is very slow for roller skates!), you will burn approximately 400 kcal in 1 hour. At the same time, almost all muscle groups work - legs, back, abs, as well as shoulders and arms. This is especially noticeable when the road goes up. Rollerblading uphill is a great way to flatten your entire stomach, even the most problematic lower part! And balancing on one leg perfectly works the deep muscles of the body.

At this time, the main load falls on the front of the thigh and buttocks. Another advantage of rollers is that they work the muscles of the inner and outer thighs. After all, we either move our leg to the side (for pushing off) or pull it up (for sliding). This is much more fun than doing the same thing in the gym on a special simulator.

About the sad

That is, about those to whom the videos are not available. If you have diseases of the vestibular system, you should not roller skate. Such a person has poor balance and constantly falls. And after a head injury, you can’t stand on roller skates for two months.

People with low vision definitely need contact lenses - the speed of roller skating is high, you need to have time to navigate, and glasses can easily break and injure yourself. For flat feet of the 1st or 2nd degree, it is necessary to insert a special insole-instep support into the rollers.

In general, be careful when roller skating! Do not neglect wristbands (on your hands), protection for your palms, knees and elbows (this will also save you from abrasions), and a helmet. Although in reality, falls on roller skates happen much less often than you think. If you do fall, try not to hit the floor, but to slide slightly along it. This will soften the impact on your joints and bones. Especially if you have protection on your palms and knees that can be used to scratch on the asphalt as much as you like.

In all other respects, rollers are even safer than running - after all, the load on the knees when sliding on them is 2 times less than when running! Therefore, those who have problems with joints, ankles, spine or too much weight should choose rollers for fitness.

Where to start?

From the purchase of recreation or fitness model rollers. The first ones are cheaper, as they are intended for complete beginners. They are no worse in quality, but they travel slower, which means they are easier to handle. The second ones are faster and more maneuverable, made according to modern technologies, which cannot but affect the price. You can recognize them by their elegant translucent polyurethane wheels. If you have never been on skates, then on such a model you risk getting knocked off your feet in the literal sense of the word. If you can easily skate or ski, the fitness model is quite suitable for you.

First, learn how to stand on roller skates correctly. Stand near a curb or fence so you have something to hold on to. Place your feet in the “heels together, toes apart” position, bend your knees and slightly tilt your body (not just your shoulders, but your whole body!) forward. To begin with, don’t ride, just walk around in this stance, maybe even on the lawn, where the wheels won’t roll.

Do not tilt your body back - the rollers will immediately move forward from under you and you will fall. Practice the correct fall: forward, on your knees and palms. At the same time, your arms must be bent; you cannot fall on straight arms! If you can’t fall forward, fall sideways, but never back.

Once you have learned to stand and walk in the correct stance, try riding a little at a time. Stand on one leg, turn the other skate with its nose slightly outward and push off with all four wheels. To begin with, you can stand with one leg and push with the other, then change legs. The main thing is to learn to glide on one leg for as long as possible, this will be the smooth, sweeping, beautiful movement that you admire from professionals. Remember that when moving forward, the main weight falls on the last two wheels of each skate, and when moving backwards, on the two front ones.

After just a couple of weeks, all these techniques will seem completely easy to you. You can fully enjoy roller fitness.

Master class

These simple exercises will help work out “problem” hips, buttocks and stomach.

1. Flashlights. From the “heels together, toes apart” position, push both legs so that they gradually move apart, describing a circle. To do this, you need to sit down a little, your body weight on your heels. In the widest part of the circle, use muscle force to force the skates to move together. To do this you will have to stand up a little. Then connect the “flashlights” in a series. Once you learn how to do the exercise forward, do the same backwards. To do this, you just need to transfer your body weight to the toes of the rollers and again squat and stand up.

2. Plow braking. Make a “flashlight”, at the end of it, forcefully bring your legs together so as to slow down the movement. Not suitable for high speed braking.

3. Snake. Similar to the previous one, but the skates are parallel. When squatting, keep your body weight on your heels, legs moving forward. Moving your body slightly to the right and left, make the skates describe a wavy line like a snake. Having mastered the “snake”, do it backwards. To do this, you need to transfer your body weight to your toes.

4. Monoline. You make a snake that has already been studied, but one skate stands in front of the other on the same line.

5. Eight. You make the already familiar lanterns, but one leg is slightly in front, so the trajectories of the legs always intersect, drawing an endless figure eight. Once you get the hang of it, try “drawing figure eights” around the tiles.

By the way

Beginners are afraid of fractures. Experts do not share this opinion: the notorious injuries are the fate of mainly those who do acrobatics on roller skates, and not those who have recently stood on them.

Personal opinion

Pelageya, singer:

– I used to roller skate very often and for a long time. I rode insanely long distances. It was mine favorite activity. I made sure to wear all the protection and even a helmet at first. But then, when I began to feel more confident, I left only the protection on my palm. Such special gloves. Because when you fall, your palms are the first to suffer and you can dislocate the joint. And gloves, they just stabilize the hand. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to skate lately, although I have several pairs of roller skates. But as soon as there was a break between tours and concerts, I decided to resume cycling. I think this, just like roller skating, is good for health and maintaining physical fitness. Besides, while riding, you can see a lot of beautiful places.

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Today, more and more people are choosing active recreation, preferring to roller skate and spend more time outdoors. And there is a completely logical explanation for this, the fact is that when a person expends maximum energy and at the same time receives pleasure from it, then his body is able to relax as much as possible during active sports.

Benefits of roller skating

After active exercise, a phase of complete relaxation of the body begins, which gives a person a strong night sleep, and this, accordingly, has a positive effect on his overall well-being. This creates a kind of useful habit that helps you relax, enjoy spending time with friends and has a positive effect on your figure.

As a pleasant and useful pastime you will certainly do right choice. And it doesn’t matter what goal you dream of achieving, just have a good time or strengthen your body through physical activity. But, one way or another, with the help of roller skating you can achieve pleasant results.

What are the benefits of roller skating from a sport and figure point of view:

Psychological relaxation and relief from fatigue when roller skating

  • To get distracted from work, writing coursework, problems or troubles at home, you can choose roller skates as an excellent antidepressant. Indeed, it has been proven that during active physical activity, in particular roller skating, joy hormones are released, which block fatigue and help the body to be distracted and tune in to a new attitude towards a particular important situation. Simply put, it helps you look at a situation from a different angle and reduces your apathetic attitude.
  • In addition, communication with like-minded people puts you in a positive mood, makes a person more friendly and approachable, which has a positive effect on his self-esteem and helps him make new friends and improve his leadership skills.
  • After a day spent outdoors with people who care about your hobby, you can charge positive attitude and move it to the entire work week. This will increase the efficiency and quality of the work performed.

How to dress to feel comfortable when roller skating?

You can roller skate at any time, in warm weather in the fresh air along the paths in the park, and in cloudy weather on a special roller skating rink. The main thing is that the clothes do not restrict movement, that you are warm and that you can protect yourself in case of a fall, but in this case special protection is useful, which is indispensable for beginners.

  • When riding outdoors in the hot season, it will be enough short shorts or leggings for girls and breeches or cropped trousers for men. The top can be anything, preferably T-shirt or turtleneck with short sleeves. For children, the uniform is almost the same, only for them it is still mandatory to have special protective equipment in the form of knee pads, arm guards and a special helmet. Adults also need protection, but as you gain experience, you can remove unnecessary elements.
  • During the cold season when skating on special platforms clothes should be as comfortable as possible, tight trousers and a light blouse or T-shirt are suitable, since during the ride a person experiences physical activity and if he starts to sweat a lot, he may suffer from dehydration. Therefore it is worth considering this important aspect when choosing clothing for roller skating.

The benefits of roller skating for women and the choice of quality rollers

Many women do not know that roller skating burns much more calories than jogging; they consider this sport for children and do not want to waste time on such “nonsense.” But this is only until the moment when they first stand on roller skates. Freedom of flight and evenly working muscles will give you an unforgettable feeling, and after just a few workouts, the muscles of your legs and buttocks will significantly tighten, and you will feel a feeling of lightness and self-confidence. And these are pretty good reasons to try this one. nice view sports

But the right clothes, protection and a pleasant training experience are not everything. The most important thing is to choose the right roller skates, focusing on size, quality and comfort. Which roller skates do you prefer, and what types are they?

Rollers can be used for fitness, for recreation (that is, for regular skating not on a professional basis), for hockey and for performing tricks or for speed skating. It is worth noting that if you have a goal, take care of your health, strengthen your body or lose excess weight. To do this, you need to not just sit on a bench, get up and slowly ride along the paths from time to time, but learn how to do special tricks or develop a fairly decent speed.

  • Rollers for rest. Such models are not so expensive, they have plastic frame and regular boots, wheels small size and, in general, the motto of such videos is “Convenience is the main thing”; they are great for beginners and for those who just want to relax and skate on the weekend.
  • Fitness rollers. Fitness rollers are lightweight and at the same time durable, have good high-speed bearings and quick lacing. It's easy for women ideal option rollers, they are comfortable and beautiful, in them you can master a set of simple tricks or even learn to dance, if that’s what you like, then these videos are for you.
  • Speed ​​roller skates. They perfectly train all muscles, make the body fit and strong, thanks to the loads that will have to be experienced during speed skating. They have hard boots and relatively light frames, fairly large wheels, of which there can be either four or five, comfortable bearings and quite attractive design. But they should only be used for professional training and racing, because as walking shoes they are quite stiff and uncomfortable. They are a little more expensive than regular skates, but for high-speed racing they are simply irreplaceable.
  • Aggressive or trick videos. These rollers are not as fast and require the necessary skating skills to perform various tricks. The boots are generally rigid and the wheels are quite small, making the skates maneuverable and comfortable. Maximum resistance to impacts makes these rollers simply irreplaceable when sliding down railings and slides, or when performing complex tricks on special springboards and staircases. Mastering the skills of “aggressives” will give you a well-trained body, flexibility and a pleasant time in good company.
  • Roller skates for hockey. Professional hockey requires special roller skates, because speed and agility are valued in hockey, so hockey rollers successfully combine the advantages of trick rollers and fitness rollers. They have small wheels and at the same time develop a fairly decent speed; the boots are not so rigid and therefore are comfortable.

In conclusion, we can say that if you have chosen roller skates as a recreational or professional sport, you have made the right choice. The most important thing is that feeling of freedom and lightness, self-confidence that roller skating training will give you, over time you will no longer be able to imagine good rest without your videos.

If you also do roller skating or have wanted to do it, but haven’t dared yet, we hope that our article will inspire you! Leave your comments, it is important for us to know your opinion!