What does Pluto mean in a horoscope? Pluto in the angular houses of a person's horoscope house. Positive Traits of Plutonians

“Everything that does not destroy me makes me stronger” (Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm)

It is believed that the main astrological event of 2008 is the transition of Pluto, the planet of global change and transformation, into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Pluto will be there for fifteen years. This is very important event. It is unlikely that the influence of Pluto in Capricorn will manifest itself with full force this year, but the beginning of all changes is being laid right now, and we are already feeling it.

For each of us, this transition is important, if only because ordinary person can only observe the passage of Pluto through Capricorn (and indeed through any other sign) once, since full cycle of this planet - the time during which it passes through 12 signs of the Zodiac - 247 years and 7 months. But Capricorn differs from others in that it reflects stability and restrictions, the boundaries that make it possible to maintain this stability, as well as the forms and hierarchy of society and life in general, including the forms of state and social structure, power structures.

In addition, Capricorn is a sign in which changes give rise to cardinal changes in material life in general. And in astrology, Pluto is associated with the most powerful energies that destroy and transform everything that does not correspond to the spirit of change. That is, Pluto, passing through a specific zodiac sign, directs concentrated energy there, for which this zodiac sign is symbolically responsible. At the same time, Pluto shows the places where the most conflicting collective and group interests are located.

There, as a rule, zones of increased tension, conflict, and crisis arise, leading to fundamental changes or the experience of extreme situations in which most of the inhabitants of the Earth may be involved. This happens because it is there that it is necessary to destroy outdated stereotypes, to get rid of everything that interferes with moving forward. And the more contradictions and problems accumulate, the more severe the conflict and crisis form the process takes. The experience gained in these areas of life often becomes a lesson for all mankind in the future. for a long time.

That is, while Pluto passes through Capricorn, we can expect important changes in the organization and structure of our lives at various levels, right down to the system of world order. The most conservative forms of power, management, and organization may undergo transformation. What seemed tough and unshakable may at one moment turn out to be fragile and unstable, be destroyed and remade. States, international unions and corporations may disintegrate and new ones may arise. Established norms and the existing order of life may undergo transformation. Naturally, this can also affect our everyday life.

Now let's talk about Pluto in more detail. It is the ninth solar system, which was discovered on January 21, 1933. In mythology, the kingdom of the first cause of Pluto, Hades, is surrounded by the kingdom of Neptune. Therefore, illusions and integrity, the universality of Neptune, have a solid foundation and shores in the world of the first cause.

Pluto is seen as the highest manifestation of Mars. If Mars is the embodiment of individual will, then Pluto is the clash or coincidence of individual will with the collective. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and rebirth. It symbolizes the most subconscious in us and, at the same time, our most powerful motives.

Of all the planets, Pluto is the least individualized (it stays in one sign for about 20 years). The planet in the map symbolizes the masses, the crowd, as well as powerful energies (nuclear, thermonuclear, etc.), shows the transformation of cosmic energy by man. Pluto reflects the Higher Will, a person’s ability to interact with the Cosmos. We find related energy in the sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto.

On the everyday plane, the planet shows how we accumulate the energy of the masses, the crowd: either a person influences the masses, or the masses subjugate and depersonalize a person. A person with a strong Pluto has super-concentrated energy; he is an undoubted leader, receiving enormous strength through Pluto for accomplishments. This is the impact on chaos, the elements and their transformation. Such a transformative action imparts superhuman power to one person, giving more strength than physically one person can have. Strong Pluto gives periods of advancement of a person in extreme situations, active participation in social processes and the destinies of humanity. Wars and natural disasters all happen when Pluto is active.

Let's consider what Pluto brought to humanity during its passage through the signs of the Zodiac.

The most severe and destructive in the history of the last century turned out to be transit of Pluto through the sign of Cancer in 1914-1939. During this era there were revolutions, internal unrest, civil wars. People changed their home, their homeland, traditions changed, an active remaking of the world took place, terrible totalitarian states appeared, the most brutal wars (the First World War and the beginning of the Second). All this destroyed all the foundations and foundations of the existence of society. Under Pluto in Cancer, the overwhelmingly aggressive energy of the populace was the clear expression of the times. Its manifestation was the well-known “dictatorship of the proletariat” in the Russian version and the dictatorship and assertion of the superiority of one nation, one people over all others in the German version.

In 1939, Pluto moved into Leo. At this time, totalitarian tendencies were fully manifested. The dictatorship of the leader, the personal power of one over all, the cult of personality. Totalitarian dictators Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco reached the peak of their careers and ended their existence at this time. The struggle for power, world domination, the creation and destruction of great empires. And all this in the most cruel and destructive form. Atomic energy was discovered and x-ray radiation(Marie Curie - Scorpio with Pluto in Leo). At the time of the bombing of Hiroshima, Pluto was in the heart of the Sun (in Leo). There was a redivision of the world, the Second world war, events in Czechoslovakia, Patriotic War, events in Korea. The struggle between capitalism and communism decided the fate of all mankind. At the same time, while Pluto was moving through Leo, the old colonial empires were destroyed one after another.

Transit of Pluto through Virgo (1957–1972) was realized as a computer-based revolution in science, as sensational discoveries in medicine, technical re-equipment and conditions of employment. People of this generation are potentially new alchemists, capable of reviving alchemy at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. They can use new celestial energies both in physics and in the field. With small means they can achieve great results.

In Libra (1971-1983) Pluto most clearly highlighted all the shortcomings of people in their interpersonal relationships, especially in marriage. At this time, the number of divorces increased, and many previously seemingly normal marriages broke up. Various forms of cohabitation without formal marriage, called civil marriage, have become common, and temporary guest marriage has appeared. Legal registration of property rights and obligations of spouses - a marriage contract - has become widespread. A generally strange form of group marriage arose - the “Swedish family”. Many began to advocate freedom of love and sexual relations between marriage partners. Under the influence of Pluto in Libra, art, music, and ballet changed. They became ponderous, full of drama, passions and destructive to the sense of inner harmony of contemplators and listeners.

In 1983-1995 Pluto was in the sign of Scorpio. In no other sign does this planet achieve such full expression. These years are given to humanity to completely renew itself. In this era, internal conflicts ripened, tensions grew, peoples were on the verge of difficult trials, there was a surge of mass energy, new sects appeared, the secret fanatical influence of which on the consciousness of the masses became obvious. During this period, various deviations in the sexual sphere came to the fore in the life of mankind. At the same time, knowledge about correct use sexual energy in the form and others.

Many secrets of the intelligence services were revealed, and global reforms began within them. In addition, representatives of criminal communities, who previously traditionally preferred to stay in the shadows, have come out. Excessive desire for money, greed, theft and robbery led to the emergence of a new class of owners of other people's property - oligarchs. There has been a polarization of the population by income. Theft military equipment, weapons became the norm among both military and civilian officials. The mortality rate has increased sharply and the birth rate has decreased. Another manifestation of Pluto in Scorpio was widespread occult sciences and previously closed martial arts (especially using internal energies). Both soft and hard drugs have become widespread.

Massive genetic research has led to the deciphering of the human genome and made it possible to clone animals and humans, which is a direct invasion into the sphere of the Creator. And this is not the entire list of consequences of Pluto’s passage through Scorpio.

In 1995, Pluto moved into the constellation Sagittarius. During this period, religious contradictions sharply intensified in the world, primarily between world religions: Islam, on the one hand, and Christianity and Buddhism, on the other hand, and they began to take on a mass character. Attempts by the United States, the only superpower after the collapse of the USSR, to spread and impose its simplified ideals met with sharp resistance in the East, especially in Muslim countries. This resistance resulted in all sorts of conflicts and led to the spread of terrorism and its entry into the international arena.

Since Sagittarius is also associated with justice, under the influence of Pluto in many countries the fact of corruption and the dependence of courts on the authorities has become obvious. Many countries have gained access to nuclear weapons. In the field of academic science and higher education global transformations and reforms began. The Internet has become widespread. A variety of religious, philosophical literature, and books of occult content began to be widely published. Pluto is now finishing its transit through Sagittarius. This sign is symbolically associated with ideology, dominant social and religious doctrines, moral values, legislation and morality. This also includes international relations. And most big problem this time turned out to be international terrorism.

Entering Capricorn, Pluto will continue the work begun in Sagittarius; having prepared the ideological ground and changed the highest ideals, he transforms the external forms of human interaction in accordance with them. In order to stand firmly on the ground in this difficult time, you need to clearly distinguish the main from the secondary, act strictly according to plan, not scatter, not be distracted, not fuss. No uncertainty, ambiguity or understatement. Fulfill obligations and be responsible. And in this case, all the changes and transformations of Pluto will be for our benefit.

Pluto personifies wars and mass disasters, it is a planet of enormous collective energy, the ruler of nuclear energy, magic, hypnosis, beyond the capabilities of the human will.

In astronomy, Pluto is considered the most distant planet in the solar system. The period of one revolution of Pluto around the Sun is 248 years.

Pluto in astrology is considered the highest manifestation of the planet Mars. Unlike the latter, Pluto is a collective planet, and influences the destinies of entire generations of people.

To properly use the energy of this planet, a person must have high level development.

People with strong influence Pluto, in the birth horoscope, are usually closely linked by their fate with the destinies of large human groups and communities (mafia, army, intelligence services, etc.).

Plutonians are leaders by nature, but in the usual calm way. everyday life their abilities remain unused because their full potential is revealed only in extreme situations.

These are leaders who emerge in eras of wars, revolutions, and various cataclysms. They can't live quiet life and subconsciously look for extreme situations.

In a calm environment, people with a strong Pluto are not very talkative, can be prickly and sarcastic in their communication, and often do not fit into social stereotypes of behavior. They have a rich inner world, passions boil and rage in them, but they know how to control them.

Usually Plutonians are closed and do not allow other people into their souls, but they are good at feeling the emotions and experiences of other people, and know how to play on other people’s feelings.

In an extreme situation, a Pluto person is transformed, when those around him are lost, he begins to act, often dragging other people along with him. He is confident in his abilities and charges those around him with this confidence.

Pluto gives great abilities in the field of magic and hypnosis (Kashpirovsky, Rasputin). Higher Plutonians develop enormous will, when a person cannot be broken by any tests, he goes to the goal without even considering his own life, becomes stronger than his instincts, surpasses himself.

Pluto is the patron of recycling and waste disposal. It is directly related to landfills and cemeteries. Homeless people are also often inferior Plutonians.

Pluto is considered the patron of the underworld, volcanoes, mines, caves, and catacombs.

Pluto's influence in the zodiac signs

Pluto has the greatest strength in the monastery in the sign of Scorpio, he is also strong in the monastery in the sign of Aries and in exaltation in the sign of Leo.

Pluto's last transit through Scorpio occurred between 1983 and 1995. A very dangerous time when a new world war could start. This period remained in history as a time of rapid flowering of the mafia and criminal gangs (Pluto is considered the ruler of the mafia and the underworld).

This period was marked by the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. On this day, the Sun became in opposition to Pluto. It is not customary to talk about this, but the radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl explosion was more than 100 times higher than the contamination from the explosion in Hiroshima.

The presence of Pluto in the sign of Leo from 1937 to 1957 most clearly demonstrated all of its qualities. This is the period of the Second World War.

On August 6 and 9, 1945, two were dropped nuclear bombs to the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Pluto and the Sun were in conjunction in the sign of Leo at this time. About 200 thousand people died, and in the next five years about 300 thousand more people died from wounds and radiation sickness.

The influence of Pluto in the sign of Aries falls on the period 1820 - 1850. This time of troubles revolutions and prosperity secret societies. In Russia, this is a time of tsarist reaction and unprecedented arbitrariness of people in power.

Pluto is in exile in the signs of Taurus and Libra, and in debilitation in the sign of Aquarius.

In Taurus and Libra, the destructive energy of Pluto comes into conflict with the creative essence of these signs. Among these people there are many revolutionaries (for example V.I. Lenin), they strive to make the world a better place, but they bring destruction and this often leads them to internal disharmony.

The last passage of Pluto through Aquarius is the time of the Great french revolution and the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

Plutonian Aquarians love to manipulate other people and enjoy power and destruction.

However, they are not lions, and sooner or later this leads to internal conflict, because their natural democracy does not go away and comes into conflict with the desire to subjugate others. They begin to rush from one extreme to another. A difficult situation, especially for sensitive people.

The positive aspects of Pluto in the birth horoscope give a person good physical strength, a steely will, the ability to act decisively, and often indicate powerful energy and the ability to influence people.

Negative aspects can lead to clashes and conflicts with others, increasing the risk of injury, the likelihood of accidents and catastrophes. Such people can come under pressure and pressure from outside, and can conflict with different groups of people. Practicing magic and hypnosis is dangerous for them.

Transit aspects of Pluto are very long, they can last up to three years.

The highest planet, Pluto, takes a person beyond the limits of consciousness. It gives super consciousness and super powers. The function of Pluto is the Highest collective will. The quality of Pluto is the principle of unity of will, the collective sweeps aside the individual.

Pluto is a planet that gives energy to humans.

Pluto in astrology is the planet of collective effort, governing great transformations and reforms. Pluto destroys in order to remake and improve, questions everything, replaces outdated skills and customs with new, more effective ones.

Pluto is the primary and invisible light, the hidden creator, the creative power of the Absolute, a powerful source of spiritual and transcendental power, the energy of Shambhala (responsible for Buddhism), lord, leader, commander, leader, idol and star.

IN physical world Pluto corresponds to the creative force of the vacuum, creating particles from nothing, virtual particles.

Substances - plutonium, plastic, strong steel, iron. Interaction and combinations of objects with bright scarlet, fiery red, with steel or with iron, plastic. Nanotechnology.

Key words:

Electronics industry, weapons industry, space communications, astronautics. New technologies and achievements, energy, special heating when using modern technology, super-powerful computers, microchips, digital cameras, everything related to image and video perception, worldwide global network(Internet). Television, qi energy, laser, source of new opportunities, guide to the second wind (new forces).

Military and sports sciences, space force, politics, television industry. Show business, responsible for crowds and large demonstrations, mass and carnival performances, pop culture, industry and metallurgy, mining of underground wealth, deep exploration, space exploration. Martial arts, boxing, various races, integral yoga.

International mafia and clans, groups, special forces, KGB, charismatic people, surgeons, hypnotists, plutocrats.

Banking clans, internet money and instant deposits of large sums of money, the biggest winnings are wealth.

Pluto protects Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign have enormous, irrepressible energy. This sign also knows how to use the energy of other people for their own purposes, both in work and in love. Scorpios are often phlegmatic, but under the seemingly impassive mask lies the enormous energy of dark Water. They value material things and easily part with things that are not useful. In an unfavorable situation, Scorpio energy can be destructive to others.

The presence of Pluto in the Zodiac sign makes secret affairs and hidden processes obvious. He grants psychic magical abilities. Levitation, healing, telekinesis and teleportation. Pluto in the houses of the horoscope gives a person strength and a desire for renewal. A person may manifest early hidden abilities. There is always the possibility of starting over in the sphere carved out by Pluto.

The planet Pluto in astrology is responsible for the subconscious, instinct, transformation, purification. Pluto rules the zodiac sign Scorpio and the eighth house.

Pluto is the smallest planet solar system. Astronomers revoked its planetary status in 2006, but in astrology it is still considered a planet. It is associated with the least conscious side of the personality, with the subconscious and unconscious impulses. It contains the ability to transform, giving rise to new forms, for example, like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar, which first cocoons itself and then sheds it to become a butterfly. In astrology, Pluto is associated with the dark, subconscious instincts, physical and spiritual birth, death and resurrection.

Properties of Pluto in astrology

Pluto destroys everything that is useless and that which interferes with development. These can be personality traits, for example, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred. It encourages us to come to terms with the dark, instinctive side of our nature. It creates change by destroying those aspects of personality from which we have already grown. If you resist this process, the consequences can be dramatic. Plutonic activity is dangerous to the soul, so many tend to suppress it. But the greater the resistance, the greater the devastation. What a person does not want to deal with will force him to look into his eyes.

In astrology, Pluto is also symbolically associated with the physical side of love and death. It may seem that there is nothing in common between them, but both of them make you lose control of the situation. Since it mainly operates on a subconscious level, a person may feel at the mercy of inexplicable obsessive desires, the origin of which he does not have the slightest understanding of. Therefore, you need to work with the depths of your subconscious and get rid of everything painful.

Pluto's purpose is to give strength to aspirations. It makes you realize the motives of your actions, explore hidden depths in order to come out of darkness to light, towards a new life. From an astrological point of view, It symbolizes the need to deal with what bothers you on an unconscious level, chains old patterns of behavior, and bring subconscious material into consciousness. Often this process coincides with a personal crisis.

Symbolism of Pluto

Planet's position in natal chart determines the ease with which a person gives up outdated emotions, relationships, attachments or acquisitions. It points to those areas of life where you can encounter crises and characterizes the reserve of strength to withstand them. The influence of this planet encourages you to explore your subconscious, face painful experiences and use these experiences to become wiser.

The ancient Roman god Pluto ruled the underworld and wore an invisibility helmet that allowed him to penetrate the human world undetected. In ancient Greek mythology, this god had the same name as the underworld - Hades. Therefore, in the external world, Pluto symbolizes the processes of death and rebirth. "Pluto" means abundance, and the god was associated with natural and agricultural abundance.

The discovery of the planet Pluto in 1930 by Percival Lowell at the Lowell Observatory marked one of the darkest periods of the twentieth century. There was a rise in fanaticism, political polarization and violence. Plutonium was used in the production of the atomic bomb, a weapon of mass destruction. By the time of the discovery of this planet, humanity began to show interest in studying the subconscious. Carl Jung was the main figure of this branch of psychology. The work of Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler had a great influence on the study of the subconscious, establishing a connection between Pluto and the personal unconscious and psychotherapy in general.

When faced with the influence of this planet, a person feels that he is losing control over his life, that he is deprived of something valuable. This could be a breakup, loss of a job, or moving to another place. Pluto forces us to give up what we couldn’t imagine life without before. Although this is undoubtedly a painful process, something gradually appears in the soul that gives hope for rebirth. It also has its positive influence: it reveals the sources of wisdom and opens access to the treasury life experience. Additionally, in astrology, it represents soul development, transformation, and symbolic death, which will ultimately lead to understanding, growth, and the ability to live life to the fullest.

Let's consider how the qualities of people and Pluto are connected in astrology.

Pluto's influence on people's qualities

What are they like, people under the sign of Pluto

Those who study radioactive radiation and atomic structures. Workers of nuclear power plants, ships, submarines. Virologists. Everyone associated with death: murderers, executioners, victims, butchers, pathologists, doctors, workers of funeral agencies, crematoria, cemeteries.

Everyone associated with birth: obstetricians, gynecologists, women in labor, newborns. Everyone who revives something: restorers, reformers. Leaders and members of large branched organizations, banks, criminal, terrorist structures.

Gray cardinals. Heads of mafia clans. Crime bosses. Secret leaders. Puppets and their masters. Bankers and bank depositors. Rich. Financial tycoons. Global politicians. Propagandists. People with strong influence on the masses.

Actors, speakers, hypnotists, illusionists. Everyone who uses the occult: magicians, alchemists. Everyone dealing with the hidden and the generally significant at the same time: intelligence agents, spies, informants, investigators on particularly important cases. Psychiatrists. Everyone who defends interests large groups people: prosecutors, elected officials, Nobel laureates. Those who act under duress and under threat of death. Terminally ill, dying, doomed to death.

What drives Plutonians

Everything is hidden. The underground world, minerals, treasures, treasures, remains (including civilizations), caves, sewers. Water treatment, water supply. Regime objects. Nuclear power plants. Nuclear energy. Everything related to death and survival. Morgues. Cemeteries. Operating rooms. Slaughterhouses. Places of mass death. Concentration camps.

Everything is massive. Crowds. Herds. Weapons of mass destruction. Herd feeling. Political parties totalitarian sense. Industrial concerns. Criminal, terrorist structures. Group psychotherapy. Collective Jung's unconscious. Unemployment.

Secret services and agencies. Crime. Incurable diseases (including those of unknown origin, cancer, viral diseases). Ministry of Emergency Situations. Seismology. Volcanology. Ambulance. Military industry.

Everything related to common resources - banks, exchanges, financial funds, deposits, Everything mysterious - occultism, magic, demonism, mutations, mysteries, secrets. Everything connected with power - dictators, totalitarianism, unpopular methods. Everything is inaccessible, but desired. Victims. Orgasm. Sex. Extreme old age, Irreversible processes.

Health under the sign of Pluto

  • Degeneration of tissues, neoplasms, benign and malignant tumors.
  • Warts, moles.
  • Scar tissue.
  • Tissue rejuvenation.
  • Regenerative functions of the body.
  • Reading hereditary information.
  • Gene replication.
  • Synthesis nucleic acids.
  • Endocrine glands, their hormones and enzymes.
  • Ovaries of women.
  • Testes of men.
  • Reproductive functions, genitals, genital area in general.
  • Ejaculation.
  • Fertilization.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Selection system.

The influence of Pluto on human character

Positive Traits of Plutonians

Obsessive, passionate, charismatic, fanatical confidence. Focus on one's passion, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility. Extreme independence, autonomy, fortitude, resistance to everything except the enslaving idea. Disdainfulness, courage, contempt for dangers, losses, losses. Willfulness, honesty, unceremoniousness, disregard for conventions. Courageous, strong, constantly reborn and striving for impossible things.

Negative Traits of Pluto

  • Dictatorial habits
  • jealousy,
  • hot temper,
  • attacks of anger,
  • rabies.
  • gloominess,
  • sarcasticity,
  • sharpness,
  • acrimony,
  • love of force and its use, demonstrations of disadvantage.
  • Excessiveness, aggravation of manifestations, actions.
  • Riskiness,
  • commitment to games and winning at any cost.
  • A man of fire, now smoldering, now flaring up, but never extinguished, tormented by his flame and tormenting those around him with this fire.

Goals and moods of people of the zodiac sign Pluto

Fear, doom, inevitability. Despair, grief, pain, sorrow, depression. A feeling of the meaninglessness of everything in general. Pleasure from possession, power, violence over others or over oneself. Sexuality. Danger. Deceit. Cruelty. Ruthlessness. Greed. Thirst for power. The pleasure of using other people and their resources.

Stealth, risk-taking, ability to keep and solve secrets. Submission to the will of other people. Fanaticism. Intrigue. Compulsion. Evil eye. Damage. Crowd control. Receiving other people's resources (money, energy). Ruthless directness and ruthless sincerity.

Plutonian abilities

To special conscious secrecy, risk, storage and unraveling of secrets. To intrigue, coercion, evil eye, damage. The ability to subjugate the will of other people. Influence the masses. Control the crowd. Receive other people's resources at your disposal (money, power, skills). To love strength, resistance, pushback, fighters, rebels, criminals.

Life events for people with Pluto according to the horoscope

Rebirths. Transformations and their study. Mutations. Restoration in a qualitatively different form. Periods of profound changes (personality, society, state of the earth). Regeneration. Revival. Destruction. Decomposition. Disappearance. Lost. Irreversible loss of people, plans, hopes, affairs, enterprises. Broken connections.

Loss of vision, hearing, health, organs. Mutilation. Murder. Death. Resuscitation. Rehabilitation. Conception. Fertilization. Start. Birth of the first child. Big social and financial changes. Emigration. Conscription into the army. Everything is massive - mass death, riots, genocide, wars. Mass suppression of citizens' consciousness.

Mass psychosis. Merger of financial and industrial groups. The struggle for power and spheres of influence. Suppression of some social groups others. Violence. Compulsion. Ruthless use of force. Contract murder. Murder willy-nilly. Hopeless situations. Renunciation. Overthrow. Crimes. Accidents. Epidemics. Earthquakes. Natural disasters.

Disasters. Geological processes. Reproduction processes: reproduction, replication. Dying. End. The desire for death. Burial and burial ritual. Insulation. Understanding the secrets. Investigation of secret circumstances and secret investigations. Opening. Distribution of the roles of giver and taker. Possession. Assignment. Absorption. Mastery.

Sexual relations. Sexual act. Usury. Benefit from using other people and their resources. Benefits from other people's failures, crashes, misfortunes. Invisible forces and power. Providence. Rock. Force majeure. Contact with the inexplicable. Unconscious forces and actions. Danger of loss of life or independence. Crises of all kinds. Excitation. Convulsions. Spasms.

Needs of the Plutonians

In merciless directness and merciless sincerity. Achieve glory by force, fight for your decisions, act in accordance with your choice, do not see the difference between your own and someone else's will, believe that the personal will of one person is no different from the will of others. Resist authorities. Fight commanders, dictators, tyrants, kings, famous people.