The Kalanchoe flower is covered with a white coating, what should I do? Why do leaves curl? Possible causes of yellowing leaves and their solutions

If you grow Kalanchoe, you should be fully aware of what leaf and stem diseases exist and how to properly treat the flower. Now we will describe the main diseases of Kalanchoe and tell you how to cure your home flower.

Late blight

If you notice on Kalanchoe leaves brown spots- this is almost certainly late blight. This disease occurs due to proper ventilation or excess water in the soil (so do not overwater the plant when watering).

When a plant begins to hurt, brown spots first appear on almost every leaf, and gradually the leaves may bend upward and wither.

What to do and how to save the flower? An appropriate fungicide, which can be purchased at a specialty store, will help you here.

You should also pay attention to the conditions in which the flower is kept and provide the plant with proper care (correct watering and required quantity fertilizers).

Powdery mildew

White coating on Kalanchoe leaves may be a sign of a disease called powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is common fungal disease, which can occur due to excessive dryness of the indoor air.

Myself white coating, which can be found on Kalanchoe, at first resembles a layer of dust, but over time it thickens and becomes like flour (therefore, the white coating is called mealy).

Due to powdery mildew, the plant sheds its leaves and dies, so the disease must be treated immediately. The main danger of the disease is that it spreads quite quickly to other plants, so it is better to immediately isolate the diseased flower. Treatment is carried out using fungicides.

Gray rot

A dangerous disease due to which Kalanchoe becomes soft, its leaves begin to rot and turn into mush. Gray mold appears on the leaves, and the plant itself quickly begins to die.

The best remedy for this disease is fungicides. It is also worth thinking about how to reanimate Kalanchoe after the main danger has been eliminated: it is necessary to replace the soil and ensure proper temperature regime for your flower.

Stem rot

If you notice that the trunk of the plant has begun to darken and dry out, most likely you are faced with stem rot.

First, a small black dot appears on the stem, which then grows into a huge black spot.

Why does the trunk begin to turn black and the plant itself wither? A blackened stem can be detected when the temperature drops sharply - for example, in the winter, a flower can freeze and get sick.

How to revive a flower? Folk way, which you can use - wipe off the plaque on the stem, and then disinfect this place with potassium permanganate or ash.

Also try to normalize the temperature so that the plant receives enough heat.

Leaf ring spot

A disease from which it is impossible to save a flower. In this case, the stem also turns black, but this is accompanied by numerous round spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe. It is best to get rid of the infected plant immediately and not try to do anything.

“We save indoor flowers from pests”

From this video you will learn how to properly treat indoor plants and save them from pests.


In addition to diseases, Kalanchoe is also affected by a variety of pests. Now we will talk about the most common types of insects that can encroach on your flower garden. In addition, we will also briefly describe the main ways to deal with annoying bugs.


A dangerous pest that can destroy a flower in a very short time. This small insects gray, which can be difficult to detect.

They usually hide on the leaves and in the bud flowering plant, but in the case of Kalanchoe it is much easier to see small insects.

The main signs of the appearance of an insect are:

  • falling leaves;
  • waxy discharge on the stem and leaves;
  • the appearance of black mold.


The scale insect most often sits on the inside of the leaf or on the stem. These are fairly large brownish bugs that are easy to spot. The first sign of an attack by these pests is the rapidly drying leaves of the flower.


Mites settle on the underside of the leaf, and their appearance is caused by dry air in the room.

The leaves of the flower quickly turn yellow, in addition, the insects themselves weave a thin web, which can be seen on the leaves. Leaves also curl and fall off.

Therefore, if no measures are taken, the plant will simply die.

Get rid of nasty bugs using insecticides. You can also treat the flower with mineral oil or soap solution, and remove the pests themselves manually using napkins.


Aphids on Kalanchoe are a common problem that can be difficult to deal with. The cause is soil oversaturated with fertilizers, which these insects love.

They settle on stems and the inside of leaves, so sometimes aphids are quite difficult to notice.

Insects suck the juices from the Kalanchoe, secreting a sticky coating that prevents the flower from breathing.

If you see that the plant is beginning to smolder, you need to take immediate action. First of all, trim off the affected leaves. Then you can treat the flower with a soap solution. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, use insecticides.

"How to replant Kalanchoe"

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant Kalanchoe.


Popular Kalanchoe diseases and their treatment

One of the most dangerous pests Kalanchoe can rightly be called aphids. It develops vigorous activity in the spring.

If you don’t start helping the crop, aphids can move to nearby indoor flowers.

Even a beginner can visually determine the infestation of aphids - small insects painted black or green will be visible on the stems and leaves.

Aphids are very fond of plant sap, which poisons it by injecting poison. In addition, the foliage and stems are covered with a sticky mass. It is often possible to find aphids on young shoots or inflorescences.

But as the colony grows, it becomes clear that the culture urgently needs to be saved. After all, the plant becomes deformed, the leaves become yellow and fly off, the flowers too, and the buds simply do not bloom.

Aphids can carry more than 100 types of dangerous infections. It is best to burn the diseased parts and treat the surviving ones. insecticide. This procedure is performed once a week for a month.

A folk remedy known to many gardeners is green potassium soap. It treats the plant if 20 grams of the product are diluted in 1 liter of water. The soil should be wrapped before the procedure plastic film, then rinse the flower with the solution.

Alternatively, regular laundry soap will do.

False scale and scale insects

Scale insects are pests that belong to the group of coccids. Visually, these are insects with an oblong miniature body covered with a wax shield.

Due to the activity of pests, the plant stops developing normally, there is no flowering, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Scale insects, like aphids, are located on the underside of leaves. Adults usually sit motionless, and only young ones move.

To make it easier to remove insects from the surface, it is recommended to wipe the foliage with alcohol.

An infusion of garlic will also help. To prepare it, grind about 5 cloves and pour 1 glass of water over them. You need to leave for 2 hours dark place, then filter and you can spray.

Scale insects are removed from the surface with an unnecessary toothbrush.

“Treatment of indoor plants. Kalanchoe"

Why does Kalanchoe lose leaves?

Problems with leaves in your loved one indoor flower may arise for a number of reasons. One of them is a lack of lighting, as a result of which the plant will begin to stretch upward.

It can really help if you add some lighting or move the pot to a brighter place. Lack of light also leads to yellowing and drying of the lower leaves.

Stagnant air in the room can also lead to leaf fall. This is where regular ventilation comes to the rescue.

If the plants are exposed to direct sunlight or the pots are placed very close to each other, unpleasant spots may be found on the surface of the foliage.

You should arrange the containers and provide shade for the flowers. If your pet doesn't get enough nutrients, he may stop growing and start shedding leaves.

This is relevant after the end of the flowering period, and is usually treated by fertilizing or transplanting the crop into nutritious soil. An excess of nitrogen or peat in the soil will be signaled by the curling of the leaves. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the flower into another substrate.

If your Kalanchoe has become all yellow, this indicates a large amount of sunlight falling on it.

When the leaves become soft to the touch and begin to fly off, it is worth reducing watering and checking the roots for infection with root rot. They will definitely have to be treated.

The foliage still dies off in the cold season, due to its proximity to central heating. If the air is dry, it is recommended to move the flower to a room with a temperature of no more than 13 - 15 degrees. Then it will overwinter without loss of green mass.

But you need to make sure that the room is not excessively humid, otherwise you will need treatment for mold that appears in the form of brown or black spots.

Other diseases

Among other ailments of Kalanchoe, late blight rot should be mentioned. This unpleasant fungus appears in the form of brown spots at the branching point of the shoots.

As a result, culture lags behind in development. The causes of this disease are overwatering, elevated temperature, lack of regular ventilation, large amounts of nitrogen in the soil.

Late blight is treated with the use of fungicides. It is recommended to replace the soil with new soil and water the plant less often.

An excellent preventive measure would be disinfecting the soil before planting a flower, using clean tools, and constantly inspecting the crop.

When affected by gray mold, Kalanchoe becomes covered gray coating and weeping spots. Then the flower rots.

The disease spreads to other crops in the room - by air, by touching, by working with tools.

The appearance of gray mold is often associated with insufficient ventilation, poor lighting systems, excessively moist soil and air. The plant must be treated by treating it with a special fungicide.

If you find a powdery white coating on the surface of the leaves, then you are dealing with powdery mildew. With such a disease, the foliage will inevitably fall further. The disease develops due to elevated temperature and dry air in the room.

As in the case of gray mold, treatment with fungicidal preparations is considered effective. Ring leaf spot is also dangerous for your pet. When it appears, the culture stops normal growth. Then the leaves become discolored and become unnaturally shaped.

This disease cannot be cured, so the affected areas are simply destroyed.

Stem rot is characterized by the appearance of watery black spots on the stems and foliage. It spreads quickly if there is excessive humidity in the room. You can treat the crop with insecticides. If this does not help, the diseased plant must be destroyed.

The edges of the leaves bend and their growth stops. Culture tissues become coarser. Small glassy mites settle on your flowers if the room is damp and the air temperature is elevated.

They need to be washed off with a soap solution and the plant treated with insecticides. Mealybugs As a result of their vital activity, they cover the petioles and veins of the leaves with a waxy white coating.

Treatment with insecticidal preparations or mineral oils will help.

“Saving indoor plants from diseases”

To cure Kalanchoe or get rid of pests, we recommend watching the following video. In it you will find useful recommendations and tips for treating and preventing diseases of indoor plants.


Kalanchoe diseases and measures to combat them

Almost all diseases in Kalanchoe appear due to violation of maintenance conditions. It is worth noting that this plant loves diffused lighting and moderate watering. By giving him necessary care, you will achieve and proper development, and flowering.

But if the plant begins to hurt, its leaves become covered with spots, and you find small insects on the flowers and trunk, you need to take immediate action. Let's try together to save the “green doctor” from problems.

In this article we will tell you what pests can affect Kalanchoe and how you can fight them.

Aphids on Kalanchoe

Aphids are the most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. It appears mainly in the spring.

If you don't take immediate action to get rid of them, aphids can also invade neighboring plants, causing harm to all your flowers.

If you find small green or black insects on the leaves and trunk of Kalanchoe, you should know that your plant is suffering from aphids.

She takes the juice from the Kalanchoe and poisons it with constant injections of her own poison.

But that’s not all - the affected leaves and stem are covered with a sticky substance that prevents the flower from “breathing.” full breasts».

Most often, this insect can be found on young shoots or on inflorescences.

Signs of aphids

Frequent use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the appearance of aphids. It has already been noted that aphids reproduce very quickly on fed flowers.

Aphids can enter the house on newly purchased plants or even on cut bouquets.

Therefore, it is important to keep all newly arrived flowers in the so-called quarantine zone, in other words, in another room.

At the initial stage of infection, it is quite difficult to notice any signs of aphid damage. The insects themselves are quite small and, given that aphids settle on back side leaf, then quite invisible.

A colony can be detected as it grows - due to clearly unhealthy appearance plants. It becomes dirty and deformed. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the buds no longer open, and the existing flowers fall off.

The scary thing is that aphids carry more than 100 types of viruses, and their liquid sugary secretions become a breeding ground for fungi.

How to get rid of aphids?

The most radical way is to cut off the affected areas and burn them. The remaining plant is treated with an appropriate insecticide to indoor plants. Repeat the treatment once a week for a month.

It needs to be diluted in water (20 grams of soap is needed per 1 liter) and the plant should be washed with this solution, having previously wrapped the soil in polyethylene.

If it is difficult to obtain such a preparation, you can use laundry soap; it is also harmful to aphids, although to a lesser extent.

Scale insect and false scale insect

Scale insects belong to the suborder Coccidae and are insects with an oblong two-millimeter body, which is covered on top with a waxy shield.

Females are much larger than males and have neither wings nor legs. They sit motionless, covering their eggs.

A plant affected by scale insects is covered with a peculiar coating of insects.

The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the growth of Kalanchoe slows down, and flowering stops.

The condition of the plant worsens due to additional damage by sooty fungus, which multiplies in the sticky secretion secreted by scale insects.

Pests stay mainly on the underside of leaves. Only young larvae are capable of movement; adults are immobile.

To prevent this disease, the plant must be examined regularly and carefully. And at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, make sure that the Kalanchoe is in a well-ventilated area. If the air temperature allows, spray the plant with water more often - scale insects do not like a humid environment.

Ways to combat scale insects

Insects must be collected from the leaves, and then the flower must be washed with soapy water.

To make scale insects easier to remove, they are pre-treated with alcohol.

There are no special insecticides to combat scale insects, so you can use any preparation intended for indoor plants.

You can fight pests using folk remedies - regularly (3-4 times a week) wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in vodka or diluted alcohol. Remove scale insects using an old toothbrush.

You can also wash the plant with garlic infusion. Grind 5-6 cloves of garlic in a mortar and add a glass of water.

Infuse the resulting mixture in a dark place for several hours, filter it and spray the plant.

Why do leaves fall on Kalanchoe?

All gardeners want Kalanchoe to always please the eye with green leaves. But it happens that the stem of the plant becomes elongated, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

This behavior indicates proper lighting– he just doesn’t get enough sun rays. Sometimes this problem occurs after flowering: growth stops, the flower begins to lose leaves. All this happens when Kalanchoe is depleted.

He urgently needs a transplant or good feeding.

Leaves also die during the cold season. This happens due to the proximity to central heating. Most likely, the plant is on a windowsill near the radiator, and the air around it is too dry. Move the flower to a room with a lower temperature.

The optimal temperature at this time of year is about 13-15 degrees, then the Kalanchoe will overwinter without loss of green mass.

The main thing is that when low temperature there wasn't excess moisture, otherwise you will have to treat the plant for mold, which appears in the form of black or brown spots.

In general, when caring for Kalanchoe, it is important to trim old shoots in time, then it will delight you for a long time with its beautiful shape and abundant flowering.

Other diseases of Kalanchoe

Signs of this disease are dead brown spots in the branching areas of the Kalanchoe plant. Rot can be caused by many factors, such as overwatering or poor ventilation.

There may be excess fertilizer in the soil or the temperature may be too high. If this disease is detected, stop watering and provide the plant with a partial change of soil.

In the future, Kalanchoe must be watered with fungicides for some time.

Signs of the disease: specific spots with a white coating of fungus can be found on the leaves of the plant. Depending on the development of the disease, the leaves die.

The danger is that the fungus that causes powdery mildew is easily transmitted through the air and can infect neighboring plants. The disease develops in conditions of dry air and elevated temperatures.

Control requires regular watering (but not frequent!) and spraying with fungicides.

Accompanied by the formation of weeping gray spots on the above-ground parts of the plant. If no action is taken, the spots will grow, turning into a pasty mass, and the plant will die. The fungus that causes the disease remains in the soil for another two years.

To activate it, excess moisture, lack of lighting and poor ventilation are required. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to urgently change the conditions of detention and take care of sufficient lighting and replacement of soil. And also treat the plant with systemic fungicides.

As you can see, all diseases inherent in Kalanchoe are curable. The main thing is to detect them in time and take appropriate measures.


Kalanchoe: how to properly care for a flower

→ Houseplants → Kalanchoe: how to properly care for a flower

Kalanchoe is a very valuable plant, as it combines both decorative and medicinal components. Kalanchoe comes from Madagascar, but despite its exotic nature, it feels great in the home conditions of our climate.

With proper care, Kalanchoe will definitely please you beautiful flowering. The buds usually have a pink tint and perfectly decorate the interior of the room.

Kalanchoe is nicknamed the “indoor analogue of ginseng”, since it is difficult to list them all healing properties this plant.

After all, it has a healing effect, is actively used in cosmetology and even improves the energy background of the apartment.

How to choose the right plant when buying

Before buying, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the Kalanchoe, because it depends on how strong and beautiful plant will be able to grow in the future. In order to choose a healthy plant, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The stem of Kalanchoe should be smooth, without dry leaves or damage.
  • It is best to buy a plant during the flowering period; the number of buds will show how healthy the Kalanchoe is.
  • Considering this point, best time To buy a plant - the winter period, because Kalanchoes bloom in winter and are dormant in summer.
  • The foliage should not have spots.

Growing conditions

For the plant to be healthy and beautiful, it needs proper lighting, temperature, humidity and soil composition:

  • Kalanchoe cannot be called a whimsical plant. The plant can be placed in almost any convenient place. It is not afraid of direct sunlight, but it is best to choose a place for Kalanchoe where the light will be slightly diffused. From time to time it is useful to take it out into the sun in the afternoon. Too aggressive sunlight leaves burns on the leaves, and the plant begins to lag in growth. With proper lighting, Kalanchoe foliage will be framed with a brown border. If there is not enough light, the plant usually stretches out and the color of the leaves becomes dull.
  • Air temperature and humidity The most suitable temperature is in the range from 23 to 28 degrees. Kalanchoe will withstand hotter temperatures, but this means frequent watering of the plant, otherwise the Kalanchoe may dry out. If we talk about low temperatures, then the critical point is a temperature below ten degrees, at which the plant can freeze and die. It is important to protect Kalanchoe from frosty winds, as the foliage of the plant is prone to frostbite. Kalanchoe does not require spraying; on the contrary, excessive moisture can be harmful to it. Therefore, it is enough to wipe the foliage with a damp cloth.
  • Priming. Kalanchoe belongs to the succulent family, so you can safely take already ready mixture soil in the store. However, if we look at the composition of the soil in more detail, it consists of peat with the addition of coconut fiber. The structure of the soil is loose; it should not retain water and prevent the flow of oxygen to the root system of the plant. If you make the substrate yourself, you can take different proportions of humus, turf and coarse sand. It is important to disinfect the soil before planting the plant in order to avoid various infections of Kalanchoe.

Watering and fertilizing

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, overwatering can cause great harm to the plant.

Watering should be done as follows: completely spill the soil and drain the remainder through the holes in the pot to prevent stagnation of water.

IN winter time A couple of waterings per week is enough for the plant; in extreme heat, the frequency should be increased.

Excessive watering of a plant can be identified by the following signs:

  • Droopy foliage of dull color.
  • The appearance of dark spots with a yellow border.
  • The soil remains moist and does not dry out.

How to save a plant:

  1. It is necessary to remove the plant from the planting container and check root system. If it is not damaged by rotting, then the Kalanchoe does not need to be replanted.
  2. Blot the roots of the plant with a napkin.
  3. Place the Kalanchoe in a warm and dry place (but not near heaters).
  4. After the plant has dried, it can be returned to the planting container, updating the drainage if it is not good enough.

In case of damage to the root system, all rotten areas must be cut off and the cut areas treated with an antiseptic solution or ash. Next, the plant needs to be dried and you can begin replanting.

Kalanchoe does not require frequent feeding; it is enough to choose a fertilizer composition in the store that is intended for succulents and use it according to the instructions.

You should not feed Kalanchoe in winter, as this can harm the plant.

How to transplant correctly

Basic rules for transplanting Kalanchoe:

  • Kalanchoe grows quite intensively, so it may require annual replanting.
  • Each time the landing capacity is increased by at least three centimeters in volume.
  • You should not replant the plant during the flowering period, as there is a risk that the buds will fall off and adaptation will be extremely difficult.
  • Having previously moistened the soil well, the plant is taken out of the planting container along with clods of old soil, and then thoroughly shaken off.
  • Before transplanting, always inspect the root system for rotting and remove the affected areas.
  • The new pot is washed thoroughly hot water and rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Next, a layer of drainage (from 2 cm thick) is laid on the bottom of the planting container and sprinkled with prepared and disinfected soil up to half the pot.
  • The plant is placed vertically and sprinkled with the remaining soil, subsequently compacted.
  • You can add fertilizer to the soil for better adaptation of the plant.
  • Kalanchoe is spilled with water, waiting until the excess moisture drains from the holes of the planting container.

How to prune correctly

Pruning is very useful procedure for Kalanchoe. Thanks to timely pruning, the crown becomes richer and a lot of new shoots appear. Kalanchoe pruning is carried out after flowering. Dried inflorescences are cut off to the very base, after which the Kalanchoe produces new shoots.

In addition, you can pinch the Kalanchoe; this manipulation will allow you to form a crown and give it a neat appearance.

How to properly prune so that the Kalanchoe blooms again:

  • First, the plant must be placed in partial shade; light should reach the plant no more than six hours a day.
  • After this, it is necessary to prune the dried inflorescences; new buds should no longer form.
  • Watering is reduced to once every two weeks.
  • The plant is kept in a cool place, the temperature should not be more than 20 degrees.
  • Before in winter care is returned to normal.

After these simple procedures, the Kalanchoe begins to bloom soon.

Problems due to improper care

The consequences of improper care can negatively affect Kalanchoe, so it is very important to maintain a comfortable living environment and monitor the condition of the plant.

There are several main points that owners of this plant may encounter:

  • If Kalanchoe becomes elongated, while lower leaves If they dry up, they don't get enough sunlight.
  • If Kalanchoe sheds its leaves, this may be the reason for rare ventilation of the room.
  • Spots on Kalanchoe foliage may appear when sunburn, or excessive crowding of plants.
  • If Kalanchoe stops growing and drops its leaves, this may indicate a lack of nutrients in the ground.
  • Curled leaves of a plant may indicate too much peat in the soil.
  • If Kalanchoe foliage becomes soft and falls off, this is due to too frequent watering or rotting of the root system.
  • If the foliage of the plant dries out, then most likely the frequency of watering should be increased.

Main diseases of Kalanchoe

The most common diseases that you may encounter when growing Kalanchoe are:

  • Gray mold damage occurs due to excess moisture and improper lighting conditions. The foliage becomes covered with spots and a gray coating. The disease spreads very actively to nearby plants. Treatment occurs by treating the plant with a fungicide.
  • Powdery mildew is manifested by the formation of a whitish coating and loss of leaves. The disease occurs due to excessively dry air or heat. Treatment is carried out by treating the plant with a fungicide.
  • Rot appears as black and wet spots on the plant. It usually occurs due to high humidity and is treated with an insecticide. But if treatment does not help Kalanchoe, then the plant should be disposed of.
  • Ring spotting, which appears as characteristic circles on the foliage of the plant. The leaves become rough and lose their shape. This disease cannot be cured, so it is necessary to dispose of the plant as soon as possible.

Pests of Kalanchoe

The main pests of Kalanchoe that you may encounter:

  1. Multi-clawed mite. Its presence is manifested by brown crusts on the foliage of Kalanchoe, which stops growing and begins to curl inward. A mite is a white or transparent insect that lives directly on the plant. To combat the pest, wash with a soap solution and subsequent treatment with an insecticide.
  2. Aphid. When infested by aphids, the foliage becomes yellow and deformed with sticky coating. Fight aphids with a soap solution and a suitable insecticide. Aphids very actively spread to neighboring plants, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the Kalanchoe.
  3. Mealybug. The veins of Kalanchoe leaves are covered with a whitish coating. To combat the mealybug, it is necessary to remove all affected leaves, and then treat the plant with an insecticide.
  4. Shield. Kalanchoe foliage dries and falls off, the stem becomes covered with a sticky coating, and the plant stops growing. Pest control is carried out by manual collection pests and washing the plant. The dense shell of the scale insect protects it from most chemicals, so wiping the foliage with a swab moistened with alcohol is a good idea. However, you should be careful not to burn the plant.

Kalanchoe - pretty unpretentious plant. If you know the main points of proper care and maintain a comfortable living environment, then the Kalanchoe will become a real decoration of the house and will delight the owner with beautiful flowering.

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Almost all diseases in Kalanchoe appear due to violation of maintenance conditions. It is worth noting that this plant loves diffused lighting and moderate watering. By providing it with the necessary care, you will achieve both proper development and flowering. But if the plant begins to hurt, its leaves become covered with spots, and on the flowers and trunk you discovered small insects - urgent action must be taken. Let's try together to save the “green doctor” from problems. In this article we will tell you what pests can affect Kalanchoe and how you can fight them.

Aphids are the most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. It appears mainly in the spring. If you don't take immediate action to get rid of them, aphids can also invade neighboring plants, causing harm to all your flowers. If you find small green or black insects on the leaves and trunk of Kalanchoe, you should know that your plant is suffering from aphids.

She takes the juice from the Kalanchoe and poisons it with constant injections of her own poison. But that's not all - affected the leaves and stem are covered with a sticky substance, which prevents the flower from “breathing deeply.” Most often, this insect can be found on young shoots or on inflorescences.

Frequent use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the appearance of aphids. It has already been noted that aphids reproduce very quickly on fed flowers. Aphids can enter the house on newly purchased plants or even on cut bouquets. Therefore, all newly arrived flowers are important withstand in the so-called quarantine zone, in other words, in another room.

At the initial stage of infection, it is quite difficult to notice any signs of aphid damage. The insects themselves are quite small and, given that aphids settle on the back of the leaf, they are quite invisible. The colony can be detected as it grows - due to the clearly unhealthy appearance of the plant. It becomes dirty and deformed. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the buds no longer open, and the existing flowers fall off. The scary thing is that aphids carry more than 100 types of viruses, and their liquid sugary secretions become a breeding ground for fungi.

The most radical way is to cut off the affected areas and burn them. The remaining plant is treated with an appropriate insecticide for houseplants. Repeat the treatment once a week for a month.

Among the harmless preparations, we can recommend green potassium soap. It needs to be diluted in water (20 grams of soap is needed per 1 liter) and the plant should be washed with this solution, having previously wrapped the soil in polyethylene. If it is difficult to obtain such a preparation, you can use laundry soap; it is also harmful to aphids, although to a lesser extent.

Scale insects belong to the suborder Coccidae and are insects with an oblong two-millimeter body, which is covered on top with a waxy shield. Females are much larger than males and have neither wings nor legs. They sit motionless, covering their eggs. A plant affected by scale insects is covered with a peculiar coating of insects.

The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, the growth of Kalanchoe slows down, and flowering stops. The condition of the plant worsens due to additional damage by sooty fungus, which multiplies in a sticky secretion secreted by scale insects. Pests stay mainly on the underside of leaves. Only young larvae are capable of movement; adults are immobile.

To prevent this disease, the plant must be examined regularly and carefully. And at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, make sure that the Kalanchoe is in a well-ventilated area. If the air temperature allows, spray the plant with water more often - scale insects do not like a humid environment.

Insects must be collected from the leaves, and then the flower must be washed with soapy water. To make scale insects easier to remove, they are pre-treated with alcohol. Specially

There are no insecticides to combat scale insects, so you can use any preparation intended for indoor plants.

You can fight with pests and folk remedies - regularly (3-4 times a week) wipe the plant with cotton wool dipped in vodka or diluted alcohol. Remove scale insects using an old toothbrush. You can also wash the plant with garlic infusion. Grind 5-6 cloves of garlic in a mortar and add a glass of water. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for several hours, filter it and sprayed plant.

All gardeners want Kalanchoe to always please the eye with green leaves. But it happens that the stem of the plant becomes elongated, and the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This behavior indicates improper lighting - there is simply not enough sunlight for him. Sometimes this problem occurs after flowering: growth stops, the flower begins to lose leaves. All this happens when Kalanchoe is depleted. He urgently needs a transplant or good feeding.

Leaves also die during the cold season. This happens due to the proximity to central heating. Most likely, the plant is on a windowsill near the radiator, and the air around it is too dry. Move the flower to a room with a lower temperature. The optimal temperature at this time of year is about 13-15 degrees, then the Kalanchoe will overwinter without loss of green mass. The main thing is that at low temperatures there is no excess moisture, otherwise you will have to treat the plant for mold, which manifests itself in the form of black or brown spots.

In general, when caring for Kalanchoe, it is important to trim old shoots in time, then it will delight you for a long time with its beautiful shape and abundant flowering.

Signs of this disease are dead brown spots in the branching areas of the Kalanchoe plant. Rot can be caused by many factors, such as overwatering or poor ventilation. There may be excess fertilizer in the soil or the temperature may be too high. If this disease is detected, stop watering and provide the plant with a partial change of soil. In the future, Kalanchoe must be watered with fungicides for some time.

Signs of the disease: specific spots with a white coating of fungus can be found on the leaves of the plant. Depending on the development of the disease, the leaves die. The danger is that the fungus that causes powdery mildew is easily transmitted through the air and can infect neighboring plants. The disease develops in conditions of dry air and elevated temperatures. To fight you need regular watering (but not frequent!) and spraying with fungicides.

Accompanied by the formation of weeping gray spots on the above-ground parts of the plant. If no action is taken, the spots will grow, turning into a pasty mass, and the plant will die. Mushroom, defiant The disease persists in the soil for another two years. To activate it, excess moisture, lack of lighting and poor ventilation are required. If a disease is detected, conditions must be urgently changed content and take care of sufficient lighting and soil replacement. And also treat the plant with systemic fungicides.

As you can see, all diseases inherent in Kalanchoe are curable. The main thing is on time discover them and take appropriate measures.

It not only decorates the interior, but also acts as an effective cure for most ailments and injuries. However, this unusual plant is also sick, and therefore it needs care and proper care. If parasites appear on your pet, you need to take immediate action.

Main diseases of Kalanchoe, treatment at home

The main reason the appearance of the disease is improper care and poor conditions for the plant. Leaves and stems may develop spots, mold, plaque, small organisms, etc. You may not even be aware of why Kalanchoe leaves are falling off. What kind of Kalanchoe disease leaves and what else can cause improper care, let's look at it in more detail.

Insects love to breed in rich conditions. If you notice that your Kalanchoe is falling off, carefully inspect the stems and leaves. If you find scale insects, remove them with a paper towel and then throw them away. Also be sure to check the plant for larvae - they look like cotton balls. To prevent them from appearing, wipe the Kalanchoe with a delicate detergent.

Scale insects do not like moisture, so spray your favorite house plant several times a week. And if bugs do appear, remove them and wipe the surface of the leaves with alcohol. After this, carefully wash the plant with a solution of soap and treat it with a special one. Simple and regular procedures will be enough to smell.

Did you know?Kalanchoe leaves contain juice that can heal cuts and also eliminate burns. In addition, the plant cleanses well problematic skin, if you make a mask from Kalanchoe.


In addition, the leaves begin to harden, bend, and scabs form. brown.

Measures to combat ticks are quite simple: treat the flower with a soap solution or mineral oil. If the plant is neglected, the remedy "Akarin", "" or "Vertimek" is suitable.

These small insects are often found on Kalanchoe plants because they fly in from the street through a window. She is attracted to, oversaturated and. Small black or green aphids love inner side leaves, stem and trunk of a flower.

The bugs suck out the juice, covering the plant with a sticky substance, which prevents the Kalanchoe from breathing. At the same time, the aphid injects poison inside and poisons the plant.

How to deal with this? Using laundry or potassium soap, treating the entire flower once a week for at least a month. Also in an efficient way is

Violation of the conditions of maintenance and care of the plant is the main cause of flower disease. Unfavorable conditions for the plant cause diseases, for example: spots, plaque, powdery mildew and many others.

Important! Also, due to non-compliance with these conditions, pests may appear, which harm the plant no less than any disease.

You can read more about why Kalanchoe does not bloom.

Diseases and control methods

  1. Powdery mildew– the leaves have characteristic white spots with a mushroom coating. Reason: excessively dry and warm air. Water the plant more often and move it to a cool place. For treatment, spray with fungicides. If you react in time, the plant's health will be restored. Remember that powdery mildew spreads very quickly to other plants. Therefore, act immediately.
  2. Leaf ring spot– the stem of the plant rots and circular spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the flower begins to die and it is impossible to save it.
  3. Gray rotsticky leaves with a gray coating, which later turns into mush. Replace the soil, water regularly, and maintain proper ventilation. For treatment, use fungicides and good temperature conditions.
  4. Late blight or late blight rot– brown spots or brown coating on the plant. This occurs due to poor ventilation and excess water in the soil. You need to reduce watering, select the right fertilizers, carry out preventive procedures and treat the plant with fungicides.

Reference. The plant is also often subject to stem rot - the trunk or stem turns black. This happens because your plant is frozen. Optimal temperature for a plant in winter 15°C. It is important to calculate watering at this temperature.

Common Pests

  • Aphid- the most dangerous enemy of Kalanchoe. Appears mainly in spring. If measures are not taken in time, it will spread to neighboring plants. Aphids are small green or black insects that appear on leaves or stems. She takes the sap of the plant and infects it with her poison. Damaged areas are covered with a sticky substance that prevents the plant from breathing.

    At the initial stage, it is difficult to notice the infection, since the insects are very small and settle on the back of the leaf. It can only be detected due to the unhealthy appearance of the plant. It becomes dirty and deformed. To get rid of aphids, you need to trim off the affected areas and burn them. Treat the remaining plant with an insecticide. Repeat once a week for a month. You can also use green potash soap: dilute it in water and wash the plant with the solution. Can be replaced with laundry soap.

  • Multi-clawed mites- small glassy mites. When it appears, the leaves and petioles become covered with brown scabs, and the plant tissues harden and become distorted. Wash off the insects with soapy water and treat the plant with an insecticide.
  • Scale insects and false scale insects- insects with a two-millimeter body covered with wax on top. They form a coating (in which sooty fungus is formed) and an accumulation of insects on the plant. The leaves turn yellow, fall off, growth slows down, and flowering stops. For treatment, immediately remove all insects and wash the plant with soapy water. Before removing insects, treat them with alcohol. You can use folk remedies (wipe the plant with a cotton swab and alcohol, use garlic or an old toothbrush).
  • Mealybug - an insect that feeds on the sap of Kalanchoe. It propagates the fungus “black mold”. If measures are not taken, the plant will die. The appearance is determined by the appearance of white waxy discharge. For treatment use mineral oil for spraying leaves.

And this is how leaf diseases and flower pests look in the photo.

Preventive measures

  1. Avoid drafts.
  2. Beware of sudden changes in temperature.
  3. Avoid excess moisture and heat.
  4. Do not keep the plant in dry air.

Proper care

  • Proper watering is to water in small doses, avoiding excess water. Water no more than once every three days and after the soil dries out slightly.
  • Spraying is not recommended. The plant does not like high humidity.
  • The plant needs to be replanted at least once every two years (read about how to replant Kalanchoe in

Kalanchoe diseases mainly arise as a result of improper care and the creation of conditions under which the plant does not receive nutritional components and has a deficiency of light and moisture. It can also be caused by pests that deprive the flower of its juices and lead to the death of all tissues.

The problem manifests itself primarily on the leaves - they may fall off, turn yellow, curl, become covered with dark or yellow spots. If the disease is advanced, the roots and stems suffer, flowering and the appearance of children are absent.

Main diseases and control methods

Leaf diseases are the first thing you should pay attention to. The foliage of the flower is soft and juicy, so any disease on it is visible at an early stage. You should also be wary if you blooming kalanchoe there is no budding phase, there are no new shoots or leaves, in general the plant looks unhealthy, lifeless, its stems soften.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is a fungal disease that is caused by microscopic spores of the fungus Erysiphales. Mycelium appears on the leaves - whitish, small and thin fluff, which can also affect the lower ground parts of the plant: roots and trunk.

Externally it appears as a white coating. When the spores mature, droplets of moisture are visible instead of a thin web. Hence the name of the disease - powdery mildew.

The fungal spores are grouped into small spots, which over time can merge and affect petioles, shoots, leaves, fruits, buds and stalks. Most often the infection develops with lower leaves, since the humidity is higher on the soil surface, sunlight does not penetrate there.

The mycelium (mycelium) feeds on the juice of the flower. The spores, which look like small brown balls, quickly spread to all parts of the plant. If fungicides are not applied in time and the plaque is removed, it becomes like a dense dark brown film. It completely disrupts the nutrition of Kalanchoe, leading to tissue death and ultimately the death of the entire plant.

Conditions for development are dry air in the room, high temperature and fluctuations in humidity. Also, the cause may be an excess of nitrogen in the soil or recent pruning of the flower. The disease can spread to other indoor plants with water during watering, as well as with gusts of wind if the flowers are on the veranda or balcony. Houseplants of the same species can become infected from diseased specimens.

Treatment at home consists of using fungicides designed to destroy fungus on all parts of the plant:

  • But;
  • Tilit;
  • Topsin;
  • Fundazim;
  • Speed;
  • Fundazol;
  • Byleton;
  • Quadris.

Bio-fungicides are also used, containing live cultures of bacteria that suppress the reproduction of spores. Such preparations are safer in environmental terms; they can be used during the budding and flowering phase and when the plant is at rest. But they are less effective and require repeated use.

Towards natural fungicidal drugs include the following:

  • Planzir;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Pseudobacterin-2;
  • Gamair.

You can fight powdery mildew with folk remedies:

  • a mixture of soda ash and soap with soda, used for spraying;
  • wood ash mixed with boiling water and grated laundry soap;
  • fresh mullein and water;
  • grass fermented in water;
  • sour milk, kefir or yogurt.

A single spray is only used if a strong chemical fungicide is used. Natural means and organic matter, the leaves and trunks of Kalanchoe must be treated until all fungal spores are destroyed. This may require 2-3 or more treatments at intervals of 5-7 days.


There are several types of leaf spot:

  1. White. It appears as small round spots of a brown tint. Over time they grow. The central part is lighter, the edges become dark. At high humidity spots in the room rot, and when high temperature– dry out, forming holes on the surface of the leaves.
  2. Brown. It most often develops in late spring - early summer, manifesting itself as spots of a light olive hue, barely noticeable. Over time, they turn yellow or brown, and a grayish or brown coating with fungal spores forms on the underside of the foliage. Any wind or draft carries these spores to other indoor plants. Spotting covers the leaves, shoots, trunk, causing them to die, disrupting photosynthesis, due to which the flower lags in growth and does not bloom.
  3. Dry. Appears on the top of the leaves dark spots different shapes and sizes. Over time, the foliage falls off, turns yellow, and in advanced cases, the spots can acquire a black tint, and rot forms underneath them. The causative agent is the spores of the fungus Alternaria solani; the second name for this disease is Alternaria. Develops at high humidity and temperatures above +26 C°. It spreads by mycelium, which is carried by air currents. Infection can occur through planting material or soil.
  4. Black bacterial. It appears as spots on the leaves, the appearance of which is caused by the activity of bacteria. In general, this variety does not harm plants; the greatest danger is leaf fall, but in any case it is necessary to fight. It develops under the influence of the microorganism Xanthomonas vesicatoria. It most often affects immature flowers and planting material. Bacteria penetrate through microdamages on leaves and shoots, optimal conditions for reproduction are high air humidity and temperatures above +25 degrees.
  5. Fungal black. This type of spotting is caused by spores of several types of fungi. The main symptom is dark brown spots on the leaves with a lighter center or edge. The tissues swell. The disease covers the shoots, stems, the plant weakens, leaf fall begins, and budding is absent.

It is necessary to combat the disease with the help of comprehensive measures. There is no treatment for bacterial spot, only possible way help Kalanchoe is to remove dead parts of the plant and create favorable conditions growth. Fungal variants are combated with the help of fungicides, which are used to spray and treat the top layer of soil and the edges of the pot. In any case, all damaged parts must be removed; if the plant is severely affected by the disease, cut off apical stalk or a side shoot and propagate it by placing it in a new sterile pot and soil.


Such diseases develop at high soil and air humidity. They are caused by excessive watering, waterlogging of the earth, when the roots and bottom part The trunk, as well as the leaves in the lower part, are in conditions of constantly high humidity.

There are several types of rot:

  • root;
  • brown;
  • gray

They are caused by various pathogens and affect all the soft parts, which include the leaves of Kalanchoe. Symptoms – the leaves become soft, fall off, and wet, seemingly transparent spots appear on them. Root rot develops in the soil and affects the roots.

A gray or silvery fluffy coating may form on the surface of the spots, which dries over time and forms a dense crust. Rot quickly spreads to all parts of the plant.

For the purpose of treatment and prevention, complete disinfection of the soil, treatment with fungicides, mandatory thinning of foliage and removal of damaged parts are used. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, especially if the room is cool. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only when top layer the soil dries out, becomes light, and cracks appear on it.

Kalanchoe pests and getting rid of them

Kalanchoe pests are no less dangerous for the plant, causing irreparable damage. They not only deprive the flower of nutrition, drawing juices from its tissues, but can also cause complete death due to the death of leaves and roots.


Aphids on Kalanchoe lead to the development of the following symptoms:

  • leaf curling;
  • small growths;
  • small punctures on upper parts leaf blade;
  • presence of colonies.

Insect greenish or white It settles mainly on soft, fleshy leaves that can be easily bitten and sucked out the juice.

To get rid of the pest, various folk remedies are used - soda, hydrogen peroxide, herbal infusion, wood ash, tobacco, celandine. If there are a lot of insects and they cover most of the leaves, you can bathe the plant under water in which shavings are mixed laundry soap. The surface of the leaves can be lubricated vegetable oil, which will be a mechanical barrier for the pest to attach to their surface.


This pest is dangerous for indoor plants because it is covered with peculiar hard shields, which prevents its death during treatment with insecticides. Adults feed on plant juices, which stops the growth of Kalanchoe, causes yellowing of stems and leaves, and cessation of the formation of new shoots. Most often scale insects appear on horticultural crops, but sometimes they attack indoor flowers. A sticky, cloudy liquid remains on the surface of the leaves, which is the first symptom of infection.

To combat this pest, kerosene, alcohol, and an insecticide solution are used. Large individuals are removed manually using a cotton swab or other available item. After removing all insects, the plant is treated with a soap solution.


Externally, when a plant is affected by this pest, it looks sick, and in the places where the worm lives, cotton-like discharge remains. Kalanchoe does not grow, the shoots become deformed, the leaves fall off, and the branches dry out. In addition, female mealybugs can secrete sticky moisture, which is a breeding ground for the development of sooty fungus.

Chemical insecticides are used:

  • Aktellik;
  • Tsvetofos;
  • Decis;
  • Thiophos;
  • Fozalon.

The treatment is repeated 2 times with an interval of 7 days. In order for the drug to get inside the pest’s protective layer, you need to pour a few drops of dishwashing detergent into the solution.

Among folk remedies used: solution of green soap, garlic, olive oil, horsetail. It is also necessary to exclude the reasons why the pest appears - excess nitrogen in the soil, dry soil, lack of disinfection of the pot and soil. For new indoor plants, it is necessary to arrange a thorough inspection and quarantine if traces of pests are found on the leaves and other parts.

How to revive Kalanchoe

To revive Kalanchoe, be sure to remove all damaged leaves and spray with a modern insecticide or fungicide, depending on the cause.

If the plant is severely damaged, the lesion covers the stem, roots and most of the leaves, the only method of resuscitation is replanting. For this, an apical or lateral cutting is used, the new soil must be disinfected, it is advisable to use a sterile pot. Neighboring flowers must be treated.

Prevention measures

To prevent diseases and pests from harming your Kalanchoe, follow the following preventive measures:

  • strictly limit watering in winter and at low indoor temperatures;
  • inspect the leaves, especially on the back side;
  • monitor the concentration of nitrogen in the soil - it should be less than potassium and phosphorus;
  • do not place the plant in direct sunlight;
  • twice a year, preventive treatment with fungicides and insecticides can be carried out;
  • It is better to check any plant that you bring home for the absence of pests and diseases.

Kalanchoe is a fairly hardy crop, but it can also be affected by insects and diseases. The main thing is to help the flower heal in time.