What is the name of the international language of science of the 18th century? International language

Types of libraries

"...2. In accordance with the order of establishment and forms of ownership, the following main types of libraries are distinguished:

1) state libraries established by authorities state power, including:

federal libraries;

libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

libraries of ministries and other federal executive bodies;

2) municipal libraries established by local governments;

3) libraries Russian Academy sciences, other academies,

research institutes, educational institutions;

4) libraries of enterprises, institutions, organizations;

5) libraries of public associations;

6) private libraries;

7) libraries established by foreign legal and individuals, as well as international organizations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation..."


Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009) “On Librarianship”

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

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  • Methodology and methods of conducting scientific work on physical culture and sports, Evdokimov Vladimir Ivanovich, Churganov O. A., The manual presents the methodological characteristics of science. The types, forms, types of scientific research and methods of their implementation are considered. General scientific and applied methods are briefly outlined... Category: Textbooks for universities Publisher: Soviet Sport, Manufacturer:

One of distinctive features The German library system is diverse in the types of libraries. They often originate in a certain historical era, that is, they are closely related to the history of Germany, the development of its territories, culture, religion and other factors. Library institutions differ from each other in their volume and composition of collections, and the range of readers. Libraries can be classified into types based on the tasks and functions they perform. In reality, different tasks may overlap here, especially in libraries with a dual function (for example, a university and a state library). The main function of the library with such a combination should become a defining feature.

Central specialized libraries

Three central specialized libraries in Hannover, Cologne and Kiel serve for the interregional supply of literature in the field of applied sciences. By creating extensive collections in their fields, they complement the German National Library and the two central universal libraries in Berlin and Munich in fulfilling national tasks.

The University Library and Library of Technical Information (Hanover, Universitatsbibliothek Hannover und Technische Informat ionsbibliothek), founded in 1959, is a specialized library with collections in all branches of technology, engineering, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. The library is also part of the national research infrastructure. Its tasks include the most complete collection and archival storage of scientific and technical literature from all over the world.

Founded in 1969, the German Central Library for Medicine (Cologne, Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fiir Medizir.. ZB MED) is the main specialized library on medicine, health care, nutrition, the environment, scientific agriculture, as well as their fundamental areas and related industries. In addition to traditional services (online catalog and database of journal tables of contents on German medical periodicals), the library offers its users

German Central Library no economic sciences-- Information Center for Economics named after. Leibniz (Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fiir Wirtschaft -- Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft), divided into two institutions in Hamburg and Kiel. Currently it is the largest scientific and economic library in the world. The library's collection totals 4.3 million items. storage The ECONIS database is maintained on the basis of library collections (http://www.econis.eu/). It also contains about 140 thousand links to full-text resources on the Internet. The library is a member of the Nerius project (http://www.nereus4economics.info/), a European research network of institutions providing economic information.

Community public libraries

About 4,000 community-funded libraries with full-time management and about 2,500 with freelance staff, sometimes called city and community libraries, but usually city libraries, undertake the basic provision of literature and other media to all segments of the population. They form a very dense, heterogeneous library network in rural areas, which, due to the financial problems of the sponsoring organizations, is shrinking over time: since communities maintain libraries on a voluntary basis, only less than half of German communities have their own library. Government subsidies Some federal states provide funds for the organization and maintenance of a city or community library or for expanding its fund of information, but in most states funding is almost exclusively the responsibility of the communities.

Public libraries, regardless of their source of funding, make an important contribution to the constitutional fundamental right of citizens to “freely receive information from publicly available sources” (Basic Law, Article 5, paragraph 1). By doing this, they open the way for citizens to participate in cultural and public life and implement in this regard the demand that the international library organization IFLA expressed in the "Manifesto for Public Libraries" in 1994. By offering its services and media, the public library fulfills a basic task in the education system.

And at the same time, it contributes to the implementation of the idea of ​​equality of opportunity for everyone.

Figure 1 - Structure of the development of the library system of a large city

In addition to information and general education public libraries serve vocational education, its continuation and improvement, as well as the reasonable use of leisure time and especially the development of interest in reading. In the information society, the transfer of knowledge in the field of mass media is becoming increasingly important. In addition, the public library became a place for meetings and communication, that is, it gradually turned into a cultural center for holding various kinds of events.

Public libraries contain popular science books in their collections, scientific works in all areas of knowledge, special books for vocational education, various reference publications, magazines and newspapers, fiction and literature for leisure, literature for children and teenagers, as well as other collections designed for special groups of readers, such as, for example, books in the languages ​​of large groups of immigrants living in Germany (Turkish, Modern Greek, Russian, etc.). Since the 70s, the number of printed works has continuously expanded due to audiovisual media (video, cassettes with musical and literary recordings) and games. In the 90s, electronic and digital media (CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs) and personal computers with Internet access were added to them; in many cases, libraries of large and medium-sized cities also have works in their collections fine arts(art library, graph library), sheet music and books on music (music library).

The size of the collections in different federal states varies and ranges from 2,000 items in small community libraries with mainly freelance staff to 1-3 million in individual library structures of large cities (Berlin, Bremen, Duisburg, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Hannover, Cologne , Lubeck, Munich, etc.). Most libraries in large cities (with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants) can offer their readers from 150,000 to 1 million information items. However, the indicative figure of 2 information units per inhabitant recommended by library plans is achieved only by a small part of libraries. In 2005, funders spent an average of €1.09 per capita on purchasing new books and other media for public libraries (the average was €1.20 back in 2001).

Figure 2 - Summary statistics for public libraries for 2005 (community and church, with staff and freelancers): Overview for the federal states (only data included in German library statistics)

Libraries are open only 4-8 hours, divided into 2 days a week, in libraries of small and medium-sized cities (10,000 - 50,000 inhabitants) with full-time librarians, the opening hours are already 10-25 hours, usually divided into 3-4 days a week . Most libraries in large cities are open daily from Monday to Saturday, and their opening hours average 40 hours per week. Community public libraries, except for many church libraries, are closed on Sundays.

Public libraries are characterized by a mixed arrangement of collections: thematic, focused on specific target groups and systematically freely available. Today, the public library makes its extensive book and non-book collections available for use by all groups of readers and is demand-driven. True, in recent years importance is attached to the consistent expansion of the selection of literature for special target groups, in particular for information purposes. When purchasing books, most libraries focus on current demand and sort out titles that are less in demand, in particular doublet copies. Only some libraries in big cities, as well as scientific city libraries, perform archival functions for old and special collections and have storage rooms for this purpose.

Public libraries in large cities usually form a system of a central library and many branches in different parts of the city. The latter may include special, independently located or integrated institutions, such as children's and youth, combined branches school libraries, music, media libraries, art libraries and mobile libraries; in some cities - a library for patients at a hospital or a prison library at justice institutions.

Mobile libraries, that is, “book buses” with 3,000-6,000 information units that make regular tours, are found not only in the peripheral areas of large cities, but also in sparsely populated rural districts. A total of 91 mobile libraries and 110 vehicles ply today throughout Germany as a replacement or addition to stationary libraries. The number of their users has remained consistently high over the years, while the number of vehicles has been constantly decreasing (back in 1995 there were 150 buses). Just like stationary libraries, mobile libraries are actively used to develop interest in reading, while they offer introductory lectures about the library, reading lessons in addition to school classes and thematic projects for groups kindergarten and school classes. On the bus, which stops at the appointed time in front of a school or kindergarten, they study, but most importantly, they read aloud and play, tell stories and draw in order to awaken children and adolescents’ interest in reading, searching for information and libraries.

In parallel with the 4,000 city and community libraries (including branches) headed by full-time librarians, there are 7,300 libraries with freelance and volunteer librarians, of which 2,500 are community-funded and approximately 4,800 are church-funded. Library unions estimate that small community and church libraries employ 25,000 voluntary staff, compared with 11,725 ​​in staffed libraries and 14,000 contract or government employees. Of the 125 million information units of collections, 80% are in libraries with full-time management; per year they issue 295 million information media, which is 83% of 355 million in Germany as a whole. In 2005, according to German library statistics, 89 million euros were spent (in 2001 it was 92 million) on the purchase of books and information resources, while the share of libraries with freelance management was 15%. In total, all organizations financing public libraries spent 791 million euros, of which about 500 million were spent on staff. There are 1.6 information units per resident of Germany, the total fund of 15 million storage units is covered 1.8 times. The total number of media issued (355 million) means that each resident received an average of 3.3 media in 2005.

Land and regional libraries

Over 37 land and other libraries provide library and information services to the region - a federal land, its part, an administrative district, a city with its suburban area. Regional libraries are a heterogeneous group due to historical reasons, the size and composition of funds, financing channels and, especially, purpose. With a few exceptions, regional libraries have the characteristic task of acquiring universal collections, even if in many libraries the central place is occupied by literature in the humanities and social sciences.

Most land libraries grew out of the collections of court libraries; some emerged to serve as large repositories for secularized property (Amberg, Bamberg, Passau, Regensburg); the funds of others are historically associated with the libraries of gymnasiums (Coburg, Gotha); only a few were educated in the 20th century. state or territorial corporations (Aurich. Koblenz, Speyer). According to statistics, city research libraries emerged from town hall libraries or historical city libraries (Lübeck, Nuremberg, Ulm); some arose only in the 20th century. (Berlin. Dortmund): individual libraries originate from closed university libraries (Mainz, Trier).

Libraries of higher educational institutions

Most university libraries can provide their readers with from 1.5 to 2.5 million volumes. Many old university libraries (Freiburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Tübingen), as well as the city library founded in 1479, and now the State and University Library of Hamburg (Staats-und Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg), again formed in 1919. library of Cologne (Universitdts- and Stadtbibliothek, Koln) and, finally, separately emerged in the 1960s. libraries (Bremen, Dusseldorf, Regensburg) have in their collections from 2.5 to 3.5 million volumes.

Libraries of art and music schools are considered small in terms of collection volume. The absolute exception here is the library of the University of the Arts in Berlin (Universitatsbibliothek der Universitdt der Kiinste, Berlin) (over 300 thousand volumes). Detailed diagram can be viewed on the application.

Special and specialized libraries

Among the large number of special libraries are over 500 libraries of parliaments, departments and courts. These institutions, created only after 1945, serve power and justice and therefore specialize in compiling legal and political literature.

Along with the libraries of the German Bundestag in Berlin, parliaments and state governments, one can name the libraries of ministries and higher federal departments. In some cases, they can have a significant amount of funds, for example, the Senate Library in Berlin (Senats-bibliothek Berlin) with a fund of 495 thousand volumes, which today has become part of the Berlin Central and State Library, as well as the Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin (Bibliothek des Ministeriums fiir auswcirtige und europdische Angelegenheiten

Specialized libraries include libraries of research institutes of the federation and lands, scientific societies, archives, museums and clinics, as well as church associations and organizations (including monasteries), as well as firms, unions, associations and societies.

Public libraries

Public libraries are the most common type of library in Germany. The German Library Statistics database lists 807 research libraries (national/central, university and regional libraries) and 9,898 public libraries various types financing, including branches. German cities, communities and districts maintain and finance approximately 2,600 school libraries/mediatheques.

We would like to note that community libraries play the most important role in the development of the library system, because they have the greatest contact with the population and society. Every citizen first of all starts with the community library in search of the necessary book. It’s rare that a person can say that he has never had contact with this type of library, unlike others. It is here, as a rule, that a person tries to satisfy all his needs in literature, be it science fiction or some kind of scientific work.

Thus, the country's library system has a very large hierarchical structure: it includes national libraries, specialized libraries, state and regional libraries, higher educational institutions and others. This suggests that the library system is widely developed and covers a large level of interaction with society. Each level plays its role and allows certain segments of society to find suitable literature. This typology allows us to reach all users who need literature and give them what they want, while fully satisfying their reading needs.

Lecture 8.

Type-forming functions: are distinguished from among derived functions in accordance with the information needs of users of a particular library. In accordance with the information needs of users, public, universal scientific and special libraries can be distinguished; in each of these types of libraries, one social function will be dominant, which will be the type-forming one for this library.

For example, in educational libraries the dominant functions are educational and upbringing, therefore, they are typical for educational libraries.

For a special library, the type-forming function will be information support professional and production activities.

Additional features: These functions are performed only by some libraries that have the ability to do this. For example:

o The function of methodological assistance is performed only by libraries - methodological centers that have a methodological department in their structure.

o The research function is performed only by large libraries that have their own research centers.

1. Technological functions of libraries (independently).

Topic: Typology of libraries.


  1. Evolution of views of librarians on the typology of libraries.

Classification and typology are the leading problems of any science, because allow you to organize and systematize objects and phenomena that constitute the object of study of any science.

The problem of library typology is one of the most complex and has not yet been completely resolved.

The first attempt in Russia to typology of libraries was Gennadi, in 1864, when compiling an index of the library of Russia. The basis by which libraries were divided into types was geographical.

Later, attempts at typology were returned only at the beginning of the 20th century. Libraries were classified in the 20-40s according to geography.

In 1924, the Belgians Tarquier and Budersten proposed to classify libraries into 4 positions:

o By purpose - scientific and non-scientific libraries.

o According to the nature of the fund, general and special were distinguished.

o The range of activities includes community and municipal libraries.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Chubaryan proposed classifying libraries according to their intended use. I identified 2 classes:

o Mass libraries.

o Scientific and special libraries.

This theory lasted until the 80s of the 20th century.

In the 60-70s, a discussion about the typology of libraries developed on the pages of the NTB magazine. Karatygina, Dubauskass, Valyanas, Fromin, Chernyak and others offered their options.

Stolyarov, Motulsky - proposed their own types of classification, and also proposed their ideas about classification and typologization. Motulsky, based on social role libraries proposed to distinguish 3 types:

o A general library is a library that satisfies the information needs of the entire society, based on the universal content of the collection. The types of shared libraries are:

§ National libraries.

§ Regional universal.

§ Public libraries.

o Special libraries are libraries that satisfy special information needs caused by different areas of reader activity. These libraries have an industry-specific collection of documents in content and a universal (specialized) collection of documents.

o Personal libraries are libraries that satisfy the needs of one individual.

  1. Features of the typology of libraries in the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Public libraries.
    2. Special libraries.

The typology of libraries is the division of libraries into groups or types, which are characterized by the following common features:

· Composition of the fund.

· Contingent of readers.

· Place of the library in the overall republican network of libraries.

Library type is the main division of libraries into groups according to the main characteristics.

The type and subtype of a library is a further, more detailed typology of libraries based on other characteristics.

The typology is needed to differentiate tasks and functions, to purposefully form the composition and structure of collections, to create an integrated network of libraries in the republic, to better meet the information needs of users, and to effectively manage librarianship.

In the Republic of Belarus, Article 9 of the “Law on Librarianship of the Republic of Belarus” enshrines the typology of the republic’s libraries by reader’s purpose. Based on this feature, there are 2 types of libraries:

· Public libraries.

· Special libraries.

The library type is determined by 3 parameters:

· According to the composition of library collections.

· Based on the principle of placing a network of libraries.

Public libraries: typological features of public libraries:

· The universal nature of the funds - these funds contain both fiction and industry literature on all branches of knowledge. Industry literature can be both scientific and popular science.

· The contingent of readers is everyone who lives in the library’s service area.

· The location of the library network is carried out according to administrative-territorial division (at the place of residence).

Public libraries are focused on meeting the self-educational, educational, professional and leisure information needs of the user.

Types of public libraries:

o Universal Scientific Libraries (UNL):

Typological features of UNB:

§ Universal funds, which are completed mainly with universal literature.

§ Readers are mainly specialists from various industries and scientists (but also serve everyone).

§ The library network is located according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of UNB:

§ National NSA.

§ Regional (territorial) UNB.

o Mass public libraries (public libraries at the grassroots level of the BCH).

Typological features of MPB:

§ The universal nature of the funds, which are completed by 50-60% of fiction, the rest is industry literature of a popular scientific nature.

§ Readers are everyone living in the library’s service area. In addition, mass libraries satisfy the professional information needs of specialists who do not have their own network of special libraries (workers of mass professions, employees of the consumer and trade spheres).

§ The library network is located at the place of residence or according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of MPB:

§ MPB state network, which are funded and subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. These include city, district, rural, and children's libraries.

§ MPB public organizations, which includes libraries of trade unions, parties, national and cultural partnerships, religious communities, private or commercial libraries.

§ MPB of other departments, which include public libraries in hospitals for patients (but not medical libraries), libraries in military units for soldiers, libraries in prisons.

Special libraries: typological characteristics of libraries:

· The special nature of the funds is that they are completed only with specialized industry literature.

· The readership consists of specialists from various industries.

· The location of the network is based on departmental or place of work.

Special libraries satisfy the needs of users caused by the scope of their professional or educational activities. The activities of special libraries are aimed at specialists, employees of ministries, departments, organizations and enterprises within which they are organized and operate.

Special libraries are united into branch networks, which are headed by large republican branch libraries.

Types of special libraries:

· Scientific special libraries (NSL).

o Libraries of the Academy of Sciences (Central Scientific Library named after Y. Kolas of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and a network of academic libraries subordinate to it; state and republican large branch libraries (RSTL, RNMB, BelSHB, NPB).

o Libraries of research institutes and design bureaus.

Main task libraries of this type are to meet the scientific needs of users and promote research activities.

· Industrial special libraries (PSB).

This group includes special libraries with sectoral collections at the regional and grassroots levels. These include:

o Technical libraries (regional scientific and technical libraries (STB), head or “base” STB, technical libraries at enterprises, institutions and organizations).

o Medical libraries (regional medical libraries, medical libraries at clinics and hospitals for employees, medical libraries of treatment and preventive institutions).

o Agricultural libraries (agricultural libraries at agricultural research institutes and agricultural educational institutions; also agricultural libraries of experimental stations).

o Military libraries (for command personnel).

The main task of industrial special libraries is to meet the needs associated with the production activities of readers.

· Educational special libraries (USL):

o Libraries of universities and other higher educational institutions.

o Libraries of colleges and lyceums.

o Libraries of gymnasiums and schools.

o Libraries of out-of-school institutions.

o Libraries of institutions for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

The main social purpose of educational social libraries is to support the educational process. In addition to requests related to the educational activities of readers, such libraries satisfy production requests related to industrial practice; scientific inquiries of teachers, students and staff. Libraries of cultural institutes and pedagogical universities also satisfy requests for thin. literature.

· Special libraries of government and management bodies (SBOViU):

o Libraries of local councils of deputies - “libraries of legislative authorities”.

o Libraries executive bodies authorities - libraries of executive committees.

o Libraries of the prosecutor's office and courts

These libraries satisfy the needs associated with the legislative and leadership activities of readers. Their funds contain complete sets of laws, decrees, regulations, orders of authorities at various levels.

The largest among them is the Presidential Library.
Topic: Library systems and networks of the Republic of Belarus.


  1. The concepts of “library system” and “library network”. Principles of forming library networks.

The organization and functioning of librarianship is based on the principle of consistency (or “ systematic approach"). He assumes that libraries form a variety of associations at the local, regional or national levels, which are designated by the terms “library systems” or “library networks”.

A library system is a set of interacting libraries, united under certain contractual conditions, in order to better satisfy user requests and effectively use library resources.

A library network is a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational solutions and a number of common characteristics: belonging to a certain territory, institution, industry, etc.

All these library systems and networks operate on certain principles:

· The principle of interaction – i.e. interaction is a set of certain connections that are aimed at the most complete satisfaction of information needs, rational formation and efficient use library resources. These connections also predetermine the acquisition of new properties by the library system, ensuring complementarity and mutual assistance between libraries.

Types of library interaction:

o Coordination.

o Cooperation.

o Association into library consortia.

o Specialization.

o Centralization ( highest form interaction).

· The principle of integrity of the library system is when all elements of the system are mutually consistent with each other; their effects are consistent with the interests of others.

· A certain organizational structure - at the organizational level, various library associations are distinguished, which cover interconnected libraries of one or different departments.

Based on the scale of the territory, the number of libraries, the volume and nature of library resources, primary, local, regional and regional library associations can be distinguished.

The primary level of association is the central library, which includes libraries of the same type and one department in a certain territory.

· Dynamics of integrated systems.

  1. Central library of public libraries: types, goals, objectives, structure.

In the Republic of Belarus, all public libraries operate on the basis of centralization, i.e. integrated into centralized library systems.

Centralization involves the unification of previously independent libraries into a single system, with a single book collection, centralized acquisition and processing of documents, a single staff and management.

Central library = this is a single library institution that unites state and public libraries, operating on the basis of a single administrative and methodological leadership, common staff and funds, centralization of the processes of formation and use of funds. All libraries are subject to the same leadership.

The merger of libraries into the Central Library was due to a number of reasons:

· The rapid development of science, economics, and culture in the 70s.

· Strengthening the integration of sciences, the emergence of complex problems that caused changes and significant complications in the information needs of users.

· The need to unify the processes of formation and cataloging of funds to serve readers.

Before the centralization process, each library worked separately, not paying attention to the libraries that were nearby.

The centralization of public libraries took place in 3 stages:

· Experimental stage (1966-1972).

· Transitional stage (1973-1975).

· Mass (frontal) integration of mass libraries into the Central Library (1976-1988).

In the Republic of Belarus, centralization was carried out in 1980.

Centralization was carried out on the basis of the following documents:

· Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on increasing the role of libraries in the communist education of workers and scientific and technological progress (published in 1974).

· Regulations “On the centralization of state public libraries”, 1975.

The typical structure of a central bank includes:

· Central library (CB), for example Central City Library, Central City Library.

· Support branch libraries.

· Libraries branches.

· Non-stationary forms of service.

The structure of the central library depends on the composition and number of readers, and the number of branch libraries included in the system.

The Central Library is the head division of the Central Library, managing branch libraries, providing centralized acquisition, document processing, reference, bibliographic and information services on the basis of a single reference and bibliographic apparatus. The Central Library is responsible for serving readers, attracting as many more people from the service area, manages the activities of branch libraries

Functions of the central library in the Central Library:

· The Central Library is a legally responsible entity that has its own seal and can enter into agreements with various institutions and organizations.

· The Central Bank is the main book depository of the entire Central Library. Forms its funds taking into account the needs of readers throughout the service area.

· The Central Bank centrally collects and processes the library collections of all branches. The Central Bank also forms its own fund; employees of its acquisition and processing department redistribute the literature received by the Central Bank and determine where to send special or scientific literature received in one copy.

· The Central Library maintains the summary and individual accounting of all documents received by the Central Library System, excludes literature from the single fund of the Central Library System and writes it off the balance sheet.

· The Central Bank reflects the unified fund of the Central Bank through a system of catalogs and card files. Creates central catalogs and card indexes, with the expectation that they will be used by readers throughout the Central Library, and maintains a consolidated catalog reflecting the holdings of all branch libraries.

· Unifies and generalizes the experience of branch libraries, disseminates and controls the implementation of best practices, and promotes the improvement of the qualifications of library personnel in the system.

· The central library is responsible for the administrative and economic activities of the entire system. Responsible for the equipment of all branch libraries and the distribution of all financial resources.

· The Central Library carries out planning and reporting throughout the Central Library and in established deadlines provides documents to the reporting authority.

· The Central Library coordinates the main activities of all branch libraries, and also coordinates the activities of the entire Central Library with other libraries.

Structure of the central library.

The Central Library has the following departments:

· Administrative and economic department.

· Department of acquisition and processing of a single fund.

· Information and bibliographic department.

· Service department:

o Subscription department.

o Reading room department.

· Department of non-inpatient services.

· Marketing department (methodological department).

· Musical notes department.

Support branch libraries: these are city, central rural, and children's libraries, which act as a support in their administrative area. They can stand out if the central library has a large number of libraries.

These supporting branch libraries assist the central library in carrying out the following functions:

· Provide methodological assistance to branch libraries in their area of ​​activity.

· Partially perform administrative and economic functions in relation to branch libraries.

Structure of the core library-branch:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

Branch libraries: these are city, rural or children's libraries that are part of the Central Library. They are responsible for library and bibliographic services and attracting the population of their service area to reading, as well as for the use and preservation of their collection.

The main task of these libraries is to improve the forms and methods of serving the readers of their area. The branch library is involved in completing its collection (by requests), systematically selects and transfers unused literature to the central library, and issues publications from its collection requested by other libraries; receives from the central library (central children's library and other branch libraries) through interlibrary loan the publications necessary for readers and ensures their safety.

The branch library has the right to participate in collegial resolution of issues related to the activities of the Central Library and the branch library. It also maintains technological connections with departments of the central library and the central children's library. Coordinates work with libraries of other departments in his area (support branch libraries also perform the same functions).

Branch library structure:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

· A multimedia department is possible.

Non-stationary forms of service: this is the lower level of the Central Bank. If necessary, any stationary library can organize a central library in small towns, or in remote microdistricts of the city, at city enterprises, organizations, house managements various shapes non-stationary service:

· Library points.

This is when a librarian, or a reader of a stationary library, brings books from there (from the library) to the required place, at a certain time, and issues them.

· Book reading.

When a librarian carries books to readers at their place of residence or work.

· Library brigade subscription.

When, using one reader's form, an employee of a production team can receive books for the entire team.

· Absentee subscription.

Books by mail.

· Mobile libraries.

Bibliobuses. This is a specially equipped bus that serves readers in remote areas of the city or remote populated areas. The first one appeared in the 40s of the 20th century. The library bus is organized by the central library service department. It has broader functions than other non-stationary forms of service:

o Library bus employees fulfill requests for documents from the library system’s unified fund.

o Library bus employees hold public events for readers (bibliographic reviews of new literature, book exhibitions).

o Library bus employees provide methodological assistance to employees of other non-stationary forms of service.

A stationary library is a library with a permanent location, has its own premises, its own collection, its own equipment and employees.

Non-stationary library - does not have permanent premises, funds, equipment and employees. All this is organized by the stationary library.

Non-stationary forms of service are organized with the aim of bringing documents closer to the place of residence, study or work.

Options for centralizing public mass libraries:

The regulation “On the centralization of state public libraries” provides for the following options for merging libraries in a city or rural area:

· City Central Bank.

o The central library of this central library is the Central City Library (CHB).

o Support branch libraries are the largest libraries in the city's microdistricts.

o Branch libraries – city and children's libraries in the city.

If the population is less than 1 million. person – one centralized book center is organized. In cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. centralization can be carried out as follows:

o By creating a single central library, which will include all the city's libraries. This system is very large and the efficiency of management decisions of the central library in it is low.

o Organization of independent, parallel working, citywide systems: a library system for adults, and a library system for children.

o By regional centralization, i.e. unification of public and children's libraries within one administrative district of the city (disadvantage: lack of a citywide policy for the acquisition and use of the collection).

· Rural Central Bank.

Centralization is carried out within the administrative region.

o The central library of this central library is the Central District Library (CRB).

o Supporting branch libraries are central rural libraries.

o Branch libraries are rural libraries located in villages.

· Mixed CBS.

The central library of this system:

o CRB is the central regional library.

o Branch libraries – rural libraries, city and rural libraries of the district center.

· If there are more than 8 children's libraries in the city, then a Special Central Library for Children's Libraries is created, it unites all the children's libraries in the city. This network is headed by the Central City Children's Hospital. In this case, city libraries for adults do not serve children. This is the central bank in Minsk.

· If there are less than 8 children's libraries, they are included in the city or mixed central library as separate specialized branches. In this case, libraries for adults also serve children. In this central library, the central city children's library is a department of the central library.

Specialization of public mass libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, there is a process of specialization of public mass libraries, in which a number of public mass libraries, based on universal collections, specialize their activities in a certain area of ​​library services, or are focused on serving one category of readers.

Options for specialization of public libraries:

· By types of documents: music libraries, art libraries, video libraries, electronic libraries.

· In areas of library services:

o Family reading libraries.

They focus on the demographic situation, study families, maintain close contact with schools, and focus on the interests of the family when compiling and distributing collections, determining the topics and forms of library events. The library staff includes teachers, psychologists, and organizers of mass cultural work. In Minsk, in the Central Library for adults there are 3 family reading libraries.

o Libraries are cultural complexes and social and leisure centers, libraries are clubs.

They provide leisure time, therefore they work closely with cultural institutions and focus on local history topics. Types of these libraries:

§ Youth cultural centers.

§ Libraries clubs for children.

§ Libraries museums.

§ Libraries information and educational centers.

o Business libraries.

In addition to the universal fund, a “business fund” is being formed - literature on economics, management, marketing, etc. Services of such libraries:

§ They provide documents from both the universal fund and the business fund.

§ Carry out information and bibliographic searches for information.

§ They organize the study of foreign languages, computer work, and courses on the basics of business relations.

§ They create business clubs.

§ Provide consulting services.

§ Provide services.

§ They create special book stalls.

Previously, such a library existed in Minsk at the Central City Hospital named after Y. Kupala, but its activities were considered inappropriate.

Depository libraries.

According to the results of scientific research, about 40% of the collections of universal scientific libraries and special libraries are either almost not used by readers or are used to a limited extent. In order to clear library collections of little-used literature, collection depository departments were created at certain scientific libraries, and such libraries became known as depository libraries.

Depository libraries are special and universal scientific libraries that preserve little-used documents, create a reference and bibliographic apparatus for these documents and serve them to their readers and readers of other libraries.

Little-used documents include scientific documents used in professional and scientific fields that were published 10-15 years ago and for which there have been no reader requests over the past 3-5 years, and which are not part of the library’s core collection. However, these documents have not lost their scientific significance and are occasionally needed by specialists.

Functions of depository libraries:

· Depository libraries accept from all libraries little-used documents that are not in their collections.

· Libraries constantly store these documents in 1-2 copies.

· They issue these documents both to their readers and to readers of other libraries.

· They create a reference and bibliographic apparatus, which reflects depositary funds.

· Provide methodological assistance to libraries and the NTI body in identifying and transferring little-used documents to the depository.

Levels of libraries and depositories:

· Republican: represented by the national library and republican branch scientific libraries. Each of these libraries has its own depository profile.

o The NLB is a universal and diversified depository that stores documents on social sciences, intersectoral and complex problems, reference and encyclopedic literature of universal content.

o The Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is a depository of documents on natural and exact sciences.

o RNTB is a depository of regulatory technical documents and industrial catalogs.

o RNMB is a depository of documents on medicine and healthcare.

o BelSHB is a depository of documents on agricultural topics.

· Regional (regional): these are regional universal scientific libraries. In the Republic of Belarus there are 6 regional UNBs that are depositories of local history literature.

  1. Public library networks.

All libraries (both public and specialized) and based on administrative affiliation are divided into:

· Network of state public libraries.

· Network of libraries of departments and institutions.

· Network of libraries of public organizations.

Library network analysis :

· Network structure.

· The central library of the network, its characteristics and functions.

· Options for centralization in this network.

· Typological characteristics of all libraries included in the network at different levels.

Network of state public libraries of the Republic of Belarus:

This network is created and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

· Republican level: NBB

· Regional (regional) level: regional universal scientific libraries.

· Grassroots level: libraries included in the Central Library: all central libraries (Central City Library, Central District Hospital, Central City Children's Library), city, rural children's and youth libraries, branches of urban, rural and mixed Central Library.

Options for centralization: see the lecture on Central Banks, urban, mixed and rural Central Banks.

National Library of Belarus. Typological features (see materials in room 312 and excursion materials).

Regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Belarus. Their typological basis and functions. See excursion materials in room 312.

The central library in the Central Library, its functions (see the corresponding lecture).

  1. Networks of special libraries of the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Network of libraries of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

This network unites academic libraries at various levels.

An academic library is a library that is a structural unit of an academic research institution and institute, and organizes library services for its staff.

The collections of academic libraries contain scientific, reference publications, and a wide range of periodicals in Russian and foreign languages.

Academic libraries are subordinate to and financed by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, which exercises general management and control over their activities through the library council under the presidium and the library councils of the National Research University.

Structure of the network of academic libraries:

o Republican level - Central Scientific Library named after. Y. Kolas NAS RB. Functions of the Central National Library:

§ The fund contains the most complete collection of works on the sciences.

§ Academic Library Leadership Center.

§ NBA industry center by network profile.

§ Center for coordination with republican and regional libraries in areas of activity.

o Regional level – libraries of research institutes, research centers and branches of the Academy of Sciences. Libraries at this level are special libraries with highly specialized collections. They work at research institutions and ensure that the scientific needs of the employees of these institutions are met. For example, the following industry-specific libraries at this level exist:

§ For technical sciences: library of the Institute of Technology and Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On philological sciences: library of the Institute of Belarusian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On natural and exact sciences: library of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences.

Centralization of academic libraries: the Y. Kolas Central Library unites into a single central library 25 libraries of research institutions that are part of its network as branches. 15 branch libraries located in Minsk are included in this central library on the basis of complete centralization, i.e. – they are structural divisions of the Central Scientific Library and the Central Scientific Bureau carries out a series for them technological processes(acquisition and processing of funds, organization of reference, information and exhibition work, servicing NBA subscribers, implementing ABIS). Libraries that are located in regional centers at research institutes are included in this Central Library System on the basis of partial centralization, i.e. – they retain their affiliation with their scientific institutions, and the Y. Kolas Central Library provides only methodological assistance to these branch libraries.

    1. Network of scientific and technical libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

o Republican level – Republican scientific and technical library. It reports to the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. It was founded in 1977, on the basis of the scientific and technical library of the Institute of Information. It provides library, reference and bibliographic services to enterprises, institutions and specialists of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. The structure of this library has 2 specialized departments that distinguish it from other libraries:

§ Department of scientific and technical documentation and industrial catalogues. Employees of this department make changes to regulatory and technical documentation, maintain a reference and search engine for new materials, and advise readers on issues of working with industrial catalogs and regulatory and technical documentation.

§ Patent Documentation Department.

Functions of RLST:

§ The main repository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, patent and regulatory technical literature.

§ Methodological center for scientific and technical libraries of the republic, for standardization services, information and patent services for other institutions.

§ NBA industry center for these documents.

§ Center for coordination with large universal and special libraries of the republican level in the main areas of activity.

o Regional level – this includes regional scientific and technical libraries. There are 5 such libraries in the Republic of Belarus.

o The third level is the head or base scientific and technical libraries of production and research and production associations. Functions of head NTBs:

§ Provide library and information services to management, scientific, engineering and technical work nicks and workers of the serviced complex of enterprises and organizations.

§ Provide methodological assistance to technical libraries of enterprises or institutions that are part of production associations.

§ The funds of technical associations are centrally completed, large funds are organized and intra-system redistribution of scientific and technical literature and documentation is organized.

§ They provide non-stationary services to enterprises and institutions that are members of this association, but do not have their own technical libraries.

o Technical libraries of enterprises, design bureaus, design organizations and research institutes. These technical libraries are structural divisions of the enterprise or institution within which they operate. They serve the staff of their enterprise with documents. The collections of these libraries are formed in accordance with plans for production, scientific, design, engineering and technical work for the purpose of providing information services to employees of a given enterprise.

Centralization of technical libraries: there are 2 options for centralization of scientific and technical libraries:

o Organizational (full) centralization - when the head scientific library centralizes within one association all technical libraries that become its branches. In this case, the head scientific library performs the same functions for the branch libraries as the central library of the central library of public libraries. In the Republic of Belarus, only the libraries of the Belarusian railway are centralized in this way. The central library in this network is the library of the Belarusian Railways Design Technology Center. The network includes 16 branches, 6 of them are regional branch libraries, and 10,000 are technical library branches in regional centers.

o Functional (partial) centralization – which provides for the centralization of only individual library and bibliographic processes. For example: acquisition, planning. This option is feasible when there is no territorial unity of libraries.

Provide comprehensive services to the population based on concentration various types cultural and educational institutions.

Features of a single set of libraries:

o Public accessibility of libraries that are organized at the place of work or study.

o Systematic placement of libraries taking into account national and regional features, socio-economic and cultural tasks.

o A differentiated approach to the organization of library services to the population, by opening libraries for specific groups of readers, according to relevant branches of knowledge or types of literature.

o Consolidation of libraries into departmental and industry networks and subordination of libraries within each network.

o Centralization of the main processes of library work, creation of departmental and interdepartmental central library systems.

o Functioning of libraries - methodological centers providing methodological guidance and assistance to other libraries.

o Development of interaction between libraries and library networks in the main areas of activity. Interaction can be carried out:

§ Through specialization of libraries (public, mass libraries).

§ By centralizing library processes (creating a central library).

§ Through cooperation and coordination of the main areas of activity, the creation of library consortia.

The total network of libraries includes:

o Libraries of the Ministry of Culture system.

o Special libraries of other systems and departments based on state property.

Fundamentals of organizing and creating a unified library system in the Republic of Belarus.

The unified library network operates on the following basis:

· Based on the unification of libraries into departmental (industry) interdepartmental (interindustry) central library and territorial library associations, library consortia.

· Based on the centralization within the Republic of Belarus of the following library processes:

o Centralized acquisition of library collections in the Republic of Belarus through a system of library collectors (a library collector is a book trading organization that communicates between publishing houses and libraries).

o Centralized scientific and technical processing of documents entering library collections also through library collectors.

o Creation, together with NTI bodies, of unified reference and information funds.

· The library network operates on the basis of coordination and cooperation of libraries in the main areas of activity.

· Based on the interaction of libraries with others social institutions: publishing houses, NTI bodies, media, museums, archives, etc.

The interaction of libraries and library systems with each other is the most important basis for organizing the functioning of a unified library system.

Lecture 8.

Type-forming functions: are distinguished from among derived functions in accordance with the information needs of users of a particular library. In accordance with the information needs of users, public, universal scientific and special libraries can be distinguished; in each of these types of libraries, one social function will be dominant, which will be the type-forming one for this library.

For example, in educational libraries the dominant functions are educational and upbringing, therefore, they are typical for educational libraries.

For a special library, the type-forming function will be the function of information support for professional and production activities.

Additional functions: These functions are performed only by some libraries that have the ability to do so. For example:

o The function of methodological assistance is performed only by libraries - methodological centers that have a methodological department in their structure.

o The research function is performed only by large libraries that have their own research centers.

1. Technological functions of libraries (independently).

Topic: Typology of libraries.


  1. Evolution of views of librarians on the typology of libraries.

Classification and typology are the leading problems of any science, because allow you to organize and systematize objects and phenomena that constitute the object of study of any science.

The problem of library typology is one of the most complex and has not yet been completely resolved.

The first attempt in Russia to typology of libraries was Gennadi, in 1864, when compiling an index of the library of Russia. The basis by which libraries were divided into types was geographical.

Later, attempts at typology were returned only at the beginning of the 20th century. Libraries were classified in the 20-40s according to geography.

In 1924, the Belgians Tarquier and Budersten proposed to classify libraries into 4 positions:

o By purpose - scientific and non-scientific libraries.

o According to the nature of the fund, general and special were distinguished.

o The range of activities includes community and municipal libraries.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Chubaryan proposed classifying libraries according to their intended use. I identified 2 classes:

o Mass libraries.

o Scientific and special libraries.

This theory lasted until the 80s of the 20th century.

In the 60-70s, a discussion about the typology of libraries developed on the pages of the NTB magazine. Karatygina, Dubauskass, Valyanas, Fromin, Chernyak and others offered their options.

Stolyarov, Motulsky - proposed their own types of classification, and also proposed their ideas about classification and typologization. Motulsky, based on the social role of libraries, proposed to distinguish 3 types:

o A general library is a library that satisfies the information needs of the entire society, based on the universal content of the collection. The types of shared libraries are:

§ National libraries.

§ Regional universal.

§ Public libraries.

o Special libraries are libraries that satisfy special information needs caused by different areas of reader activity. These libraries have an industry-specific collection of documents in content and a universal (specialized) collection of documents.

o Personal libraries are libraries that satisfy the needs of one individual.

  1. Features of the typology of libraries in the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Public libraries.
    2. Special libraries.

The typology of libraries is the division of libraries into groups or types, which are characterized by the following common features:

· Composition of the fund.

· Contingent of readers.

· Place of the library in the overall republican network of libraries.

Library type is the main division of libraries into groups according to the main characteristics.

The type and subtype of a library is a further, more detailed typology of libraries based on other characteristics.

The typology is needed to differentiate tasks and functions, to purposefully form the composition and structure of collections, to create an integrated network of libraries in the republic, to better meet the information needs of users, and to effectively manage librarianship.

In the Republic of Belarus, Article 9 of the “Law on Librarianship of the Republic of Belarus” enshrines the typology of the republic’s libraries by reader’s purpose. Based on this feature, there are 2 types of libraries:

· Public libraries.

· Special libraries.

The library type is determined by 3 parameters:

· According to the composition of library collections.

· Based on the principle of placing a network of libraries.

Public libraries: typological features of public libraries:

· The universal nature of the funds - these funds contain both fiction and industry literature on all branches of knowledge. Industry literature can be both scientific and popular science.

· The contingent of readers is everyone who lives in the library’s service area.

· The location of the library network is carried out according to administrative-territorial division (at the place of residence).

Public libraries are focused on meeting the self-educational, educational, professional and leisure information needs of the user.

Types of public libraries:

o Universal Scientific Libraries (UNL):

Typological features of UNB:

§ Universal funds, which are completed mainly with universal literature.

§ Readers are mainly specialists from various industries and scientists (but also serve everyone).

§ The library network is located according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of UNB:

§ National NSA.

§ Regional (territorial) UNB.

o Mass public libraries (public libraries at the grassroots level of the BCH).

Typological features of MPB:

§ The universal nature of the funds, which are completed by 50-60% of fiction, the rest is industry literature of a popular science nature.

§ Readers are everyone living in the library’s service area. In addition, mass libraries satisfy the professional information needs of specialists who do not have their own network of special libraries (workers of mass professions, employees of the consumer and trade spheres).

§ The library network is located at the place of residence or according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of MPB:

§ MPB state network, which are funded and subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. These include city, district, rural, and children's libraries.

§ MPB of public organizations, which includes libraries of trade unions, parties, national and cultural partnerships, religious communities, private or commercial libraries.

§ MPB of other departments, which include public libraries in hospitals for patients (but not medical libraries), libraries in military units for soldiers, libraries in prisons.

Special libraries: typological characteristics of libraries:

· The special nature of the funds is that they are completed only with specialized industry literature.

· The readership consists of specialists from various industries.

· The location of the network is based on departmental or place of work.

Special libraries satisfy the needs of users caused by the scope of their professional or educational activities. The activities of special libraries are aimed at specialists, employees of ministries, departments, organizations and enterprises within which they are organized and operate.

Special libraries are united into branch networks, which are headed by large republican branch libraries.

Types of special libraries:

· Scientific special libraries (NSL).

o Libraries of the Academy of Sciences (Central Scientific Library named after Y. Kolas of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and a network of academic libraries subordinate to it; state and republican large branch libraries (RSTL, RNMB, BelSHB, NPB).

o Libraries of research institutes and design bureaus.

The main task of libraries of this type is to satisfy the scientific needs of users and promote research activities.

· Industrial special libraries (PSB).

This group includes special libraries with sectoral collections at the regional and grassroots levels. These include:

o Technical libraries (regional scientific and technical libraries (STB), head or “base” STB, technical libraries at enterprises, institutions and organizations).

o Medical libraries (regional medical libraries, medical libraries at clinics and hospitals for employees, medical libraries of treatment and preventive institutions).

o Agricultural libraries (agricultural libraries at agricultural research institutes and agricultural educational institutions; also agricultural libraries of experimental stations).

o Military libraries (for command personnel).

The main task of industrial special libraries is to meet the needs associated with the production activities of readers.

· Educational special libraries (USL):

o Libraries of universities and other higher educational institutions.

o Libraries of colleges and lyceums.

o Libraries of gymnasiums and schools.

o Libraries of out-of-school institutions.

o Libraries of institutions for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

The main social purpose of educational social libraries is to support the educational process. In addition to requests related to the educational activities of readers, such libraries satisfy production requests related to industrial practice; scientific inquiries of teachers, students and staff. Libraries of cultural institutes and pedagogical universities also satisfy requests for thin. literature.

· Special libraries of government and management bodies (SBOViU):

o Libraries of local councils of deputies - “libraries of legislative authorities”.

o Libraries of executive authorities – libraries of executive committees.

o Libraries of the prosecutor's office and courts

These libraries satisfy the needs associated with the legislative and leadership activities of readers. Their funds contain complete sets of laws, decrees, regulations, orders of authorities at various levels.

The largest among them is the Presidential Library.
Topic: Library systems and networks of the Republic of Belarus.


  1. The concepts of “library system” and “library network”. Principles of forming library networks.

The organization and functioning of librarianship is based on the principle of consistency (or “systems approach”). He assumes that libraries form a variety of associations at the local, regional or national levels, which are designated by the terms “library systems” or “library networks”.

A library system is a set of interacting libraries, united under certain contractual conditions, in order to better satisfy user requests and effectively use library resources.

A library network is a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational solutions and a number of common characteristics: belonging to a certain territory, institution, industry, etc.

All these library systems and networks operate on certain principles:

· The principle of interaction – i.e. interaction is a set of certain connections that are aimed at the most complete satisfaction of information needs, rational formation and effective use of library resources. These connections also predetermine the acquisition of new properties by the library system, ensuring complementarity and mutual assistance between libraries.

Types of library interaction:

o Coordination.

o Cooperation.

o Association into library consortia.

o Specialization.

o Centralization (the highest form of interaction).

· The principle of integrity of the library system is when all elements of the system are mutually consistent with each other; their effects are consistent with the interests of others.

· A certain organizational structure - at the organizational level, various library associations are distinguished, which cover interconnected libraries of one or different departments.

Based on the scale of the territory, the number of libraries, the volume and nature of library resources, primary, local, regional and regional library associations can be distinguished.

The primary level of association is the central library, which includes libraries of the same type and one department in a certain territory.

· Dynamics of integrated systems.

  1. Central library of public libraries: types, goals, objectives, structure.

In the Republic of Belarus, all public libraries operate on the basis of centralization, i.e. integrated into centralized library systems.

Centralization involves the unification of previously independent libraries into a single system, with a single book collection, centralized acquisition and processing of documents, a single staff and management.

Central library = this is a single library institution that unites state and public libraries, operating on the basis of a single administrative and methodological leadership, common staff and funds, centralization of the processes of formation and use of funds. All libraries are subject to the same leadership.

The merger of libraries into the Central Library was due to a number of reasons:

· The rapid development of science, economics, and culture in the 70s.

· Strengthening the integration of sciences, the emergence of complex problems that caused changes and significant complications in the information needs of users.

· The need to unify the processes of formation and cataloging of funds to serve readers.

Before the centralization process, each library worked separately, not paying attention to the libraries that were nearby.

The centralization of public libraries took place in 3 stages:

· Experimental stage (1966-1972).

· Transitional stage (1973-1975).

· Mass (frontal) integration of mass libraries into the Central Library (1976-1988).

In the Republic of Belarus, centralization was carried out in 1980.

Centralization was carried out on the basis of the following documents:

· Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on increasing the role of libraries in the communist education of workers and scientific and technological progress (published in 1974).

· Regulations “On the centralization of state public libraries”, 1975.

The typical structure of a central bank includes:

· Central library (CB), for example Central City Library, Central City Library.

· Support branch libraries.

· Libraries branches.

· Non-stationary forms of service.

The structure of the central library depends on the composition and number of readers, and the number of branch libraries included in the system.

The Central Library is the head division of the Central Library, managing branch libraries, providing centralized acquisition, document processing, reference, bibliographic and information services on the basis of a single reference and bibliographic apparatus. The Central Library is responsible for serving readers, attracting as many people as possible from the service area to the libraries, and manages the activities of branch libraries

Functions of the central library in the Central Library:

· The Central Library is a legally responsible entity that has its own seal and can enter into agreements with various institutions and organizations.

· The Central Bank is the main book depository of the entire Central Library. Forms its funds taking into account the needs of readers throughout the service area.

· The Central Bank centrally collects and processes the library collections of all branches. The Central Bank also forms its own fund; employees of its acquisition and processing department redistribute the literature received by the Central Bank and determine where to send special or scientific literature received in one copy.

· The Central Library maintains a summary and individual record of all documents received by the Central Library, excludes literature from the central library's unified collection and writes it off the balance sheet.

· The Central Bank reflects the unified fund of the Central Bank through a system of catalogs and card files. Creates central catalogs and card indexes, with the expectation that they will be used by readers throughout the Central Library, and maintains a consolidated catalog reflecting the holdings of all branch libraries.

· Unifies and generalizes the experience of branch libraries, disseminates and controls the implementation of best practices, and promotes the improvement of the qualifications of library personnel in the system.

· The central library is responsible for the administrative and economic activities of the entire system. Responsible for the equipment of all branch libraries and the distribution of all financial resources.

· The Central Library carries out planning and reporting within the entire Central Library and submits documents to the reporting authority in a timely manner.

· The Central Library coordinates the main activities of all branch libraries, and also coordinates the activities of the entire Central Library with other libraries.

Structure of the central library.

The Central Library has the following departments:

· Administrative and economic department.

· Department of acquisition and processing of a single fund.

· Information and bibliographic department.

· Service department:

o Subscription department.

o Reading room department.

· Department of non-inpatient services.

· Marketing department (methodological department).

· Musical notes department.

Support branch libraries: these are city, central rural, and children's libraries, which act as a support in their administrative area. They can stand out if the central library has a large number of libraries.

These supporting branch libraries assist the central library in carrying out the following functions:

· Provide methodological assistance to branch libraries in their area of ​​activity.

· Partially perform administrative and economic functions in relation to branch libraries.

Structure of the core library-branch:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

Branch libraries: these are city, rural or children's libraries that are part of the Central Library. They are responsible for library and bibliographic services and attracting the population of their service area to reading, as well as for the use and preservation of their collection.

The main task of these libraries is to improve the forms and methods of serving the readers of their area. The branch library is involved in completing its collection (by requests), systematically selects and transfers unused literature to the central library, and issues publications from its collection requested by other libraries; receives from the central library (central children's library and other branch libraries) through interlibrary loan the publications necessary for readers and ensures their safety.

The branch library has the right to participate in collegial resolution of issues related to the activities of the Central Library and the branch library. It also maintains technological connections with departments of the central library and the central children's library. Coordinates work with libraries of other departments in his area (support branch libraries also perform the same functions).

Branch library structure:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

· A multimedia department is possible.

Non-stationary forms of service: this is the lower level of the Central Bank. If necessary, any stationary library of the Central Library can organize various forms of non-stationary service in small settlements, or in remote microdistricts of the city, at city enterprises, organizations, and house managements:

· Library points.

This is when a librarian, or a reader of a stationary library, brings books from there (from the library) to the required place, at a certain time, and issues them.

· Book reading.

When a librarian carries books to readers at their place of residence or work.

· Library brigade subscription.

When, using one reader's form, an employee of a production team can receive books for the entire team.

· Absentee subscription.

Books by mail.

· Mobile libraries.

Bibliobuses. This is a specially equipped bus that serves readers in remote neighborhoods of the city or remote settlements. The first one appeared in the 40s of the 20th century. The library bus is organized by the central library service department. It has broader functions than other non-stationary forms of service:

o Library bus employees fulfill requests for documents from the library system’s unified fund.

o Library bus employees hold public events for readers (bibliographic reviews of new literature, book exhibitions).

o Library bus employees provide methodological assistance to employees of other non-stationary forms of service.

A stationary library is a library with a permanent location, has its own premises, its own collection, its own equipment and employees.

Non-stationary library - does not have permanent premises, funds, equipment and employees. All this is organized by the stationary library.

Non-stationary forms of service are organized with the aim of bringing documents closer to the place of residence, study or work.

Options for centralizing public mass libraries:

The regulation “On the centralization of state public libraries” provides for the following options for merging libraries in a city or rural area:

· City Central Bank.

o The central library of this central library is the Central City Library (CHB).

o Support branch libraries are the largest libraries in the city's microdistricts.

o Branch libraries – city and children's libraries in the city.

If the population is less than 1 million. person – one centralized book center is organized. In cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. centralization can be carried out as follows:

o By creating a single central library, which will include all the city's libraries. This system is very large and the efficiency of management decisions of the central library in it is low.

o Organization of independent, parallel working, citywide systems: a library system for adults, and a library system for children.

o By regional centralization, i.e. unification of public and children's libraries within one administrative district of the city (disadvantage: lack of a citywide policy for the acquisition and use of the collection).

· Rural Central Bank.

Centralization is carried out within the administrative region.

o The central library of this central library is the Central District Library (CRB).

o Supporting branch libraries are central rural libraries.

o Branch libraries are rural libraries located in villages.

· Mixed CBS.

The central library of this system:

o CRB is the central regional library.

o Branch libraries – rural libraries, city and rural libraries of the district center.

· If there are more than 8 children's libraries in the city, then a Special Central Library for Children's Libraries is created, it unites all the children's libraries in the city. This network is headed by the Central City Children's Hospital. In this case, city libraries for adults do not serve children. This is the central bank in Minsk.

· If there are less than 8 children's libraries, they are included in the city or mixed central library as separate specialized branches. In this case, libraries for adults also serve children. In this central library, the central city children's library is a department of the central library.

Specialization of public mass libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, there is a process of specialization of public mass libraries, in which a number of public mass libraries, based on universal collections, specialize their activities in a certain area of ​​library services, or are focused on serving one category of readers.

Options for specialization of public libraries:

· By types of documents: music libraries, art libraries, video libraries, electronic libraries.

· In areas of library services:

o Family reading libraries.

They focus on the demographic situation, study families, maintain close contact with schools, and focus on the interests of the family when compiling and distributing collections, determining the topics and forms of library events. The library staff includes teachers, psychologists, and organizers of mass cultural work. In Minsk, in the Central Library for adults there are 3 family reading libraries.

o Libraries are cultural complexes and social and leisure centers, libraries are clubs.

They provide leisure time, therefore they work closely with cultural institutions and focus on local history topics. Types of these libraries:

§ Youth cultural centers.

§ Libraries clubs for children.

§ Libraries museums.

§ Libraries information and educational centers.

o Business libraries.

In addition to the universal fund, a “business fund” is being formed - literature on economics, management, marketing, etc. Services of such libraries:

§ They provide documents from both the universal fund and the business fund.

§ Carry out information and bibliographic searches for information.

§ They organize the study of foreign languages, computer work, and courses on the basics of business relations.

§ They create business clubs.

§ Provide consulting services.

§ Provide services.

§ They create special book stalls.

Previously, such a library existed in Minsk at the Central City Hospital named after Y. Kupala, but its activities were considered inappropriate.

Depository libraries.

According to the results of scientific research, about 40% of the collections of universal scientific libraries and special libraries are either almost not used by readers or are used to a limited extent. In order to clear library collections of little-used literature, collection depository departments were created at certain scientific libraries, and such libraries became known as depository libraries.

Depository libraries are special and universal scientific libraries that preserve little-used documents, create a reference and bibliographic apparatus for these documents and serve them to their readers and readers of other libraries.

Little-used documents include scientific documents used in professional and scientific fields that were published 10-15 years ago and for which there have been no reader requests over the past 3-5 years, and which are not part of the library’s core collection. However, these documents have not lost their scientific significance and are occasionally needed by specialists.

Functions of depository libraries:

· Depository libraries accept from all libraries little-used documents that are not in their collections.

· Libraries constantly store these documents in 1-2 copies.

· They issue these documents both to their readers and to readers of other libraries.

· They create a reference and bibliographic apparatus, which reflects depositary funds.

· Provide methodological assistance to libraries and the NTI body in identifying and transferring little-used documents to the depository.

Levels of libraries and depositories:

· Republican: represented by the national library and republican branch scientific libraries. Each of these libraries has its own depository profile.

o The NLB is a universal and diversified depository that stores documents on social sciences, intersectoral and complex problems, reference and encyclopedic literature of universal content.

o The Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is a depository of documents on natural and exact sciences.

o RNTB is a depository of regulatory technical documents and industrial catalogs.

o RNMB is a depository of documents on medicine and healthcare.

o BelSHB is a depository of documents on agricultural topics.

· Regional (regional): these are regional universal scientific libraries. In the Republic of Belarus there are 6 regional UNBs that are depositories of local history literature.

  1. Public library networks.

All libraries (both public and specialized) and based on administrative affiliation are divided into:

· Network of state public libraries.

· Network of libraries of departments and institutions.

· Network of libraries of public organizations.

Library network analysis :

· Network structure.

· The central library of the network, its characteristics and functions.

· Options for centralization in this network.

· Typological characteristics of all libraries included in the network at different levels.

Network of state public libraries of the Republic of Belarus:

This network is created and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

· Republican level: NBB

· Regional (regional) level: regional universal scientific libraries.

· Grassroots level: libraries included in the Central Library: all central libraries (Central City Library, Central District Hospital, Central City Children's Library), city, rural children's and youth libraries, branches of urban, rural and mixed Central Library.

Options for centralization: see the lecture on Central Banks, urban, mixed and rural Central Banks.

National Library of Belarus. Typological features (see materials in room 312 and excursion materials).

Regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Belarus. Their typological basis and functions. See excursion materials in room 312.

The central library in the Central Library, its functions (see the corresponding lecture).

  1. Networks of special libraries of the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Network of libraries of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

This network unites academic libraries at various levels.

An academic library is a library that is a structural unit of an academic research institution and institute, and organizes library services for its staff.

The collections of academic libraries contain scientific, reference publications, and a wide range of periodicals in Russian and foreign languages.

Academic libraries are subordinate to and financed by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, which exercises general management and control over their activities through the library council under the presidium and the library councils of the National Research University.

Structure of the network of academic libraries:

o Republican level - Central Scientific Library named after. Y. Kolas NAS RB. Functions of the Central National Library:

§ The fund contains the most complete collection of works on the sciences.

§ Academic Library Leadership Center.

§ NBA industry center by network profile.

§ Center for coordination with republican and regional libraries in areas of activity.

o Regional level – libraries of research institutes, research centers and branches of the Academy of Sciences. Libraries at this level are special libraries with highly specialized collections. They work at research institutions and ensure that the scientific needs of the employees of these institutions are met. For example, the following industry-specific libraries at this level exist:

§ For technical sciences: library of the Institute of Technology and Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On philological sciences: library of the Institute of Belarusian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On natural and exact sciences: library of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences.

Centralization of academic libraries: the Y. Kolas Central Library unites into a single central library 25 libraries of research institutions that are part of its network as branches. 15 branch libraries located in Minsk are included in this central library on the basis of complete centralization, i.e. – they are structural divisions of the Central Scientific Library and the Central Scientific Library performs a series of technological processes for them (acquisition and processing of funds, organization of reference, information and exhibition work, servicing subscribers across the NBA, implementing ABIS). Libraries that are located in regional centers at research institutes are included in this Central Library System on the basis of partial centralization, i.e. – they retain their affiliation with their scientific institutions, and the Y. Kolas Central Library provides only methodological assistance to these branch libraries.

    1. Network of scientific and technical libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

o Republican level – Republican scientific and technical library. It reports to the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. It was founded in 1977, on the basis of the scientific and technical library of the Institute of Information. It provides library, reference and bibliographic services to enterprises, institutions and specialists of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. The structure of this library has 2 specialized departments that distinguish it from other libraries:

§ Department of scientific and technical documentation and industrial catalogues. Employees of this department make changes to regulatory and technical documentation, maintain a reference and search engine for new materials, and advise readers on issues of working with industrial catalogs and regulatory and technical documentation.

§ Patent Documentation Department.

Functions of RLST:

§ The main repository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, patent and regulatory technical literature.

§ Methodological center for scientific and technical libraries of the republic, for standardization services, information and patent services for other institutions.

§ NBA industry center for these documents.

§ Center for coordination with large universal and special libraries of the republican level in the main areas of activity.

o Regional level – this includes regional scientific and technical libraries. There are 5 such libraries in the Republic of Belarus.

o The third level is the head or base scientific and technical libraries of production and research and production associations. Functions of head NTBs:

§ Provide library and information services to management, scientific, engineering and technical workers, and workers of the serviced complex of enterprises and organizations.

§ Provide methodological assistance to technical libraries of enterprises or institutions that are part of production associations.

§ The funds of technical associations are centrally completed, large funds are organized and intra-system redistribution of scientific and technical literature and documentation is organized.

§ They provide non-stationary services to enterprises and institutions that are members of this association, but do not have their own technical libraries.

o Technical libraries of enterprises, design bureaus, design organizations and research institutes. These technical libraries are structural divisions of the enterprise or institution within which they operate. They serve the staff of their enterprise with documents. The collections of these libraries are formed in accordance with plans for production, scientific, design, engineering and technical work for the purpose of providing information services to employees of a given enterprise.

Centralization of technical libraries: there are 2 options for centralization of scientific and technical libraries:

o Organizational (full) centralization - when the head scientific library centralizes within one association all technical libraries that become its branches. In this case, the head scientific library performs the same functions for the branch libraries as the central library of the central library of public libraries. In the Republic of Belarus, only the libraries of the Belarusian railway are centralized in this way. The central library in this network is the library of the Belarusian Railways Design Technology Center. The network includes 16 branches, 6 of them are regional branch libraries, and 10,000 are technical library branches in regional centers.

o Functional (partial) centralization – which provides for the centralization of only individual library and bibliographic processes. For example: acquisition, planning. This option is feasible when there is no territorial unity of libraries.

Provide comprehensive services to the population through a concentration of various types of cultural and educational institutions.

Features of a single set of libraries:

o Public accessibility of libraries that are organized at the place of work or study.

o Systematic placement of libraries taking into account national and regional characteristics, socio-economic and cultural objectives.

o A differentiated approach to the organization of library services to the population, by opening libraries for specific groups of readers, according to relevant branches of knowledge or types of literature.

o Consolidation of libraries into departmental and industry networks and subordination of libraries within each network.

o Centralization of the main processes of library work, creation of departmental and interdepartmental central library systems.

o Functioning of libraries - methodological centers providing methodological guidance and assistance to other libraries.

o Development of interaction between libraries and library networks in the main areas of activity. Interaction can be carried out:

§ Through specialization of libraries (public, mass libraries).

§ By centralizing library processes (creating a central library).

§ Through cooperation and coordination of the main areas of activity, the creation of library consortia.

The total network of libraries includes:

o Libraries of the Ministry of Culture system.

o Special libraries of other systems and departments based on state property.

Fundamentals of organizing and creating a unified library system in the Republic of Belarus.

The unified library network operates on the following basis:

· Based on the unification of libraries into departmental (industry) interdepartmental (interindustry) central library and territorial library associations, library consortia.

· Based on the centralization within the Republic of Belarus of the following library processes:

o Centralized acquisition of library collections in the Republic of Belarus through a system of library collectors (a library collector is a book trading organization that communicates between publishing houses and libraries).

o Centralized scientific and technical processing of documents entering library collections also through library collectors.

o Creation, together with NTI bodies, of unified reference and information funds.

· The library network operates on the basis of coordination and cooperation of libraries in the main areas of activity.

· Based on the interaction of libraries with other social institutions: publishing houses, NTI bodies, media, museums, archives, etc.

The interaction of libraries and library systems with each other is the most important basis for organizing the functioning of a unified library system.