How to distinguish medicinal plants from their counterparts. Types of juniper, features of care and cultivation Archa - a life-saving tree

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​8. Thuja Western - Thuja occidentalis ‘Brabant’​

  • ​Conifer lovers will certainly be interested in an interesting composition called “Collection of dwarf conifers.” It contains a large number of different coniferous plants located in a small area.​
  • ​Juniper medium "Hetzii" (Juniperus x media "Hetzii")​
  • ​mountain pine trees
  • ​etc.). Cubes and parallelepipeds are the same fence, but divided into parts, which means the same assortment. The same thing with cones, balls, hemispheres and other simple geometric shapes. Even spirals and multi-tiered pyramids strung on a standard can be obtained, for example, from such dense varieties

​not only in large areas, but also in small ones. In central Russia, in a good ecological situation and subject to agrotechnical rules, spruce (common, prickly, Canadian blue), pine (common, mountain, low, Siberian cedar), fir (Korean, plain, balsam), larch, cedar can grow. Coniferous shrubs are also popular: yew (berry, pointed, medium), juniper (Cossack, Chinese, ordinary, horizontal, scaly), thuja (western, folded), cypress.​

​Create a unique microclimate around the house​

  • ​A lawn and an alpine slide serve as the base for the flower bed;​
  • ​Coniferous plants are used as landscaping for alleys, backstage areas, and garden plots. Conifers have a number of advantages over other plants.​
  • ​9. Blue Molinia - Molinia coerulea
  • ​The plants in this composition are selected in such a way that all the main existing forms of the crown and especially pronounced types of crown color are present in it. Placement on a scree of gray gravel allows you to fully demonstrate the decorative qualities of plants in full. Using some ground cover plants is the connecting link of the entire composition and only emphasizes the individuality of the conifers. The main criterion for creating groups was the color of the needles, and in groups they are placed in accordance with the shape of the crown.​
  • ​Juniperus squamata "Holger")​

​thuja occidentalis​

  • ​fir​
  • ​Assortment of conifers​
  • ​Humidify the air and fill it with pine aroma​
  • ​Addition coniferous flower bed stones protrude;
  • ​Advantages of a flower bed made of coniferous plants:​

​10. Hosta fortunei - Hosta fortunei​

​Collection of dwarf conifers: / - Lawson cypress “Minima Glauka”; 2 - common juniper Hibernika; 3 - rocky juniper “Springbank”; 4 - mountain pine “Hampi”; 5 -* Norway spruce “Little Jam”; 6 - pea-bearing cypress “Filifera Nana”; 7 - thuja occidentalis “Globoza”; 8 - thuja occidentalis “Danika”; 9 - thuja occidentalis “Globoza Nana”; 10 - black spruce “Nana”; 11 ~ thuja occidentalis “Ericoides”; 12 - common spruce “Re-pens”; 13 - horizontal juniper “Adpressa”; 14 - horizontal juniper “Prince of Wales”; 15 - horizontal juniper “Viltoni”; 16 - mountain pine “Mugus”; 17 - mountain pine “Mini Pug”; 18 - pea-bearing cypress “Nana”; 19 - common spruce “Maxwelly”; 20 ~ microbiota; 21 - scaly juniper “Blue Carpet”; 22 - scaly juniper “Meyeri”; 23 - Chinese juniper “Plumosa Aurea”; 24 - juniper scaly “Blue Star”; 25 - Weymouth pine “Pumila”​

​Low-growing junipers:​

Junipers (Juniperus) are old-timers of the earth's flora; they appeared about 50 million years ago. They belong to the cypress family. The types of junipers are very diverse. Among them there are giants up to 30 m tall and bizarre elfin trees that rise from the ground barely 10-15 cm. Now over 60 species and 150 decorative forms of junipers are known, of which 22 species and 25 cultivars are cultivated in Russia. Soft (in most species) needles of various colors, delicate aroma, undemanding to growing conditions - these are the reasons why gardeners and designers are attracted to junipers. Junipers are planted in alleys, grown on alpine hills and in rockeries. At any time of the year they are good in garden compositions with other conifers: spruce, pine, thuja, fir, hemlock. And in spring and summer, their dark greenery emphasizes and sets off the beauty of rhododendrons and hydrangeas, mahonias and heathers and numerous bulbous plants: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths... Despite its unpretentiousness, juniper from the forest does not take root well in the garden; if it has taken root, it means you have light hand and gardening happiness. But it’s better not to tempt fate, but to immediately plant a seedling of an already cultivated species. Moreover, there are a great many of them.​

​, like "Smaragd". But the idea is to make conifers yourself chess pieces or a team of horses will end in disaster. Alas, we do not have suitable plants for this, especially evergreens. You can, of course, buy a ready-made version, but open ground he will freeze.​

  1. ​. In all cases, regular shaping is required. You also need to keep in mind that if the plant is not shade-tolerant enough, then in low light, sooner or later the “ball” turns into an “umbrella”, which also looks good. Perfect for molding on a standard Part 15 - Phytodesign (garden, private house, Moscow)​
  2. ​increases every year, so it is possible to choose plants for any garden. An ensemble of coniferous trees and shrubs can be very picturesque, harmonious and varied. Yew, cypress, various types of thuja, juniper, combined with Erica, heather and white rose, create a fabulous landscape from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. Pyramid shapes look great. Slender and striving upward, they inevitably attract the eye and disrupt the monochromatic structure of flower beds. The pyramidal shapes of evergreens will decorate even flower beds. They can form a strict colonnade along driveways or become part of hedges. Conifers complement rock gardens very effectively. In order for coniferous compositions to harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site, you need to follow certain rules for planting them. You can save a decent amount of money for the services of a specialist and plant the plants yourself, observing some important points:​
  3. ​The bark is chosen as decor for a flowerbed of coniferous trees.​​The main advantage of a flower bed with conifers is its evergreen species at any time of the year. Just look at the photo of a flower bed of coniferous plants to be convinced of the correctness of this postulate;​
  4. ​Source​​Source​

Video: coniferous plants for alpine slides

​Juniper virginiana "Kobold" (J. virginiana "Kobold") Juniper virginiana "Nana Compacta" (J. virginiana "Nana Compacta") Dwarf forms of juniper: Juniper horizontalis "Blue Pygmea" (J. horizontalis "Blue Pygmea") Juniper horizontalis "Wiltonii" (J. h. "Wiltonii") Horizontal juniper "Glauca" (J. h. "Glauca") Horizontal juniper "Hughes" (J. h. "Hughes")​

  • Juniper: planting and care
  • ​Hard verticals​
  • ​larch​
  • ​...​
  • ​Throughout the year, coniferous trees will delight you with their beauty, clean air and the tart smell of resin. The human eye discerns the most color nuances in the green spectrum, so in winter they do not lose their attractiveness; against the backdrop of snow cover, coniferous plants look especially impressive, striking with a variety of shades. But they are good not only for their color and beauty - they also cleanse the atmosphere of dust and harmful gases, releasing phytoncides, and stop the proliferation of bacteria, viruses, and some insects. In addition, they are extremely durable. Their fallen needles rot slowly and serve as a good “blanket” for the roots, forming a fertile layer. A walk in such a corner of nature will bring no less pleasure than a walk in a real coniferous forest. Landscape designers carefully select varieties of coniferous plants not only for compatibility with the environment, crown shape, color of needles, but also for maximum height. Not only the appearance of the site, but also the decorative effect of the plants themselves depends on how they are selected.​

Distribution of conifers in the composition

​Against the backdrop of a neat lawn, conifers look best.​

  • ​By following these principles, you can avoid many common mistakes made by amateur gardeners. For example, plants are planted without taking into account their ability to grow further and at too close a distance from each other. In the future, this leads to the fact that some of them grow quite quickly, blocking access sunlight other plants and even yourself residential building. As a result, disharmony in the size of plants becomes noticeable, and general view flower beds lose their original charm.​
  • ​Availability of developing a flowerbed design and subsequent preparation for planting;​
  • ​1. Serbian spruce ‘Nana’​
  • ​1. Black pine - Pinusmugo‘Mops’ (below, near No. 10)​

​With golden needles:​

Combination of coniferous plants with others

​Soft (in most species) needles of various colors, delicate aroma, undemanding to growing conditions - these are the reasons why gardeners and designers are attracted to junipers. Junipers are planted in sunny places. In the shade they can grow shapeless and loose and lose all their decorative advantages. Only common juniper can tolerate some shading. The distance between plants should be from 0.5 m for medium-sized and short ones to 1.5 - 2 m for tall forms. Before planting, all container plants must be soaked in water by keeping the earthen ball in a container of water for about 2 hours. The depth of the planting hole depends on the size of the earthen ball and the root system of the plant. Usually junipers are planted in a hole, the size of which is 2-3 times larger than the coma. For large bushes - 70 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole you definitely need to make a drainage layer from broken bricks and sand 15-20 cm thick. And cover the roots with a soil mixture consisting of peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. Large plants are planted so that the root collar is 5-10 cm above the edges of the planting hole. In young plants it should be at ground level. The optimal soil acidity is from 4.5 to 7 pH, depending on the type and variety. Liming is useful for Cossack juniper - before planting on heavy soils, add dolomite flour or fluff lime (80-100 g per hole measuring 50 x 50 x 60 cm). Junipers are undemanding to soil. All they need is the application of nitroammophoska (30-40 g/m2) or “Kemiry-universal” (20 g per 10 liters of water) in April-May. Junipers are watered only in dry summers, and then infrequently - 2-3 times per season. Watering rate - 10-30 l per mature plant. Once a week it can be sprayed, certainly in the evening. Common and Chinese junipers do not tolerate dry air. Juniperus virginiana is drought-resistant, but grows better in soils of average moisture. Young plantings of junipers require loosening - shallow, after watering and weeding. Immediately after planting, the soil is mulched with peat, wood chips, pine bark or pine nut shells, the thickness of the mulch layer is 5-8 cm. Heat-loving cultivars are mulched for the winter, and early spring The mulch must be raked away, as it can cause rotting of the root collar. Due to their slow growth, junipers are pruned very carefully. Dry branches are mainly removed at any time of the year. Only young plants are covered for the winter, and then only in the first year after planting. Juniper can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

  • ​cypress​
  • , and of any kind. But this plant is not evergreen, although it is a conifer.
  • ​Part 17 - Design (garden, private house in the Moscow region)​
  • ​​

​The distance to the composition of coniferous trees and shrubs from the most visible area of ​​the site should be approximately two times its height. In this case, the composition will look correct, aesthetically pleasing and will not disturb the proportions.​

Rules for planting coniferous plants in the ground

​Pine, spruce, fir or juniper are chosen as the basis of a conifer flower bed. Shrubs combined with conifers are rhododendrons, barberries, heather, spirea, erica, and boxwood. Perennial herbaceous plants such as cereals and ferns are also suitable for the composition. Phlox, thyme, bryozoan, creeping tenacious, and sedum are chosen as ground cover plants that form the background of the flower bed. Photos illustrate the combination of plants in flower beds with conifers better than any descriptions.​

​Ease and simplicity in caring for a flower bed with conifers;​

Compositions from coniferous plants

​2. Serbian spruce ‘Pendula’​ ​2. Juniper medium “Gold Star” - Juniperus pfitzeriana ‘GoldStar’​​Juniper virginiana "Aureospicata" (J. virginiana "Aureospicata")​ Diseases and pests of juniper​organize the space of Italian gardens, and they are also stable accents. In central Russia they can be partially replaced by some narrow-vertical forms of conifers:

Skeptics will say that you cannot walk on coniferous surfaces. But even among herbaceous groundcovers, not all tolerate trampling. Meanwhile​ ​Part 18 - How to make a florarium with your own hands?​

​Series of messages “everything for the garden”:​

​Coniferous compositions look good up close garden ponds. Most often they are combined with various deciduous trees to obtain an original ensemble.​

​When preparing the soil for a flower bed, it should be taken into account that the peculiarity of coniferous plants is their unpretentiousness and ability to take root in any soil. Still, it would be wiser to take care of the soil in advance and mix the leaf or soil turf, adding peat and sand. Special mixtures for coniferous trees, sold in gardening stores, are also useful.​
Possibility of preserving plantings in a flower bed for several years. Coniferous plants are predominantly perennial plants and do not require annual updating;​
​3. Acer maple ‘Flamingo’
​3. Thuja occidentalis “Teddy” - Thujaoccidentalis ‘Teddy’​
​Juniper medium "Gold Coast" (J. x. media "Gold Coast") (on the edge)​
The most common disease of junipers is rust. Among the pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, juniper leaf miners, aphids and juniper scale insects. Against aphids, spray twice with Fitoverm (2 g per 1 liter of water) with an interval of 10-14 days. Mining moths are afraid of “Decis” (2.5 g per 10 l), with which the plant is also sprayed twice and also after 10-14 days. Against spider mite use the drug "Karate" (50 g per 10 l), against scale insects - karbofos (70 g per 10 l of water). To stop rust, the plant will have to be sprayed four times at an interval of 10 days with a solution of arceride (50 g per 10 liters of water).​
​common juniper
​cross-paired microbiota
​Part 19 - Tuberous begonias in pots. Design examples.​
​Part 1 - Grass roof​
​It is best to place coniferous compositions along the western or eastern part of the site.​
​Pits for plants are dug approximately 60-70 cm deep and lined with prepared soil mixtures. Pebbles are used as drainage. After planting coniferous plants, it is necessary to compact the soil and mulch. If necessary, you can add an additional layer of soil.​
​Saving material costs for creating a flower bed and caring for it;​
​4. Common juniper 'Hibernica'
​4. Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Nana’
​Juniper medium "Old Gold" (J. x. media "Old Gold")​
​Juniper varieties​
​tolerates shade, forms good mats that turn green immediately after the snow melts. It looks especially impressive on a slightly textured surface. Weeping forms are also suitable
​Text: Alexander Sapelin​
​The correct distribution of coniferous plants is the key to harmony and aesthetics in the composition.​

How to use conifers in the garden

​The design of a flower bed of coniferous plants usually involves 12 design options. Every gardener, whether amateur or professional, can develop his own composition. But before starting this, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their main types.​

​Saving time on maintaining the appearance of a flower bed of conifers at the proper level.​

​5. Common juniper

Coniferous arches

​5. Five-leafed maiden grape - Parthenocissusquinquefolia(L.)​ ​With gray or blue needles:​ Over 60 species and 150 decorative forms of juniper are now known, of which 22 species and 25 cultivars are cultivated in Russia. Cultivar is a term adopted by the International Code of Nomenclature for cultivated plants, meaning “decorative form of woody plants.”​

Conifers on a trunk

​juniper virginiana​ ​common spruce​Conifers, garden composition​ ​...​ ​Many types of conifers are used in the design of a garden plot - thuja, juniper, spruce, cypress, pine, cedar. The conifers themselves, as mentioned above, are quite unpretentious plants. But when planting, you should pay attention to the trees and plants growing nearby, as there are some that do not fit well with conifers. For example, if a bird cherry bush or a birch tree grows nearby, then this combination will not be very successful. In order for all plants to feel comfortable, the following rules of the neighborhood must be observed: ​Compact​​The choice has been made, it’s time to start forming a flowerbed of conifers. This process consists of several stages.​ ​6. Chinese lilac​6. J. scopulorum "Blue Arrow" J. x. media "Blaauw" Juniper "Blue Carpet" (J. squamata) "Blue Carpet") Scaly juniper "Blue Star" (J. squamata "Blue Star") Tall junipers with a pyramidal and columnar crown: "Skyrocket" or "Blue Arow", etc. Even from insufficiently "slender" conifers You can get narrow columns by regularly shaping them - it is important to do this from the very beginning, cutting the needles further from the trunk from year to year. Rigid molding of an adult plant will produce a trunk with half-bare branches, which will take a long time to be overgrown, and in the worst case, will remain bare forever. For such operations, varieties ("Virgata", "Inversa", "Reflexa", etc.) grafted into the root collar or on a very low trunk, and its prostrate forms (Repens, etc.) are suitable. may resemble scattered spruce branches, but many people like it. With conifers with a raised crown above the ground that tolerates cutting, you can do phytoplasty: cut their upper edge, creating the desired relief. Creeping varieties are suitable for these purposes.

Conifers as ground cover

​So much has been written about the types and varieties of conifers, their combinations with other plants, and agricultural technology that it’s time to talk about the details. In particular, about the use of conifers in the garden. Try to take a broader look at seemingly simple things, and you will definitely discover something new.​ ​Part 11 - Cozy and beautiful courtyard.​​you need to take into account climatic features: cypress will not grow in cold climates;​​. In this scheme, coastal juniper is planted in the foreground, and mountain pine and western thuja are placed in the middle of the flowerbed. The peculiarity of this composition is small size, allowing you to arrange along the fences, and thereby decorate them. Arranging a flower bed of coniferous plants: ​7. Mock orange Lemoine​7. Great plantain “Rubra” - Plantagomajor ‘Rubra’​ ​Juniper cuttings.​​Virginian juniper "Glauca" (Juniperus virginiana "Glauca") Virginian juniper "Skyrocket" (Juniperus virginiana "Skyrocket") Common juniper "Columnaris" (Juniperus communis "Columnaris") spruce forest Chinese "Kaizuka" (Juniperus chinensis "Kaizuka") source​

Conifers as hanging plants

​thuja occidentalis​

Coniferous hedges and topiary

​common juniper​​This is a very expressive technique, common in Europe and America. In our conditions, it is also possible to make a coniferous arch, but it will not look as strict. It is necessary to build a stable metal or wooden arched design and plant weeping forms of conifers on both sides. In our case, these can be forms of common spruce ("Inversa", "Reflexa", etc.), Serbian spruce ("Pendula", "Pendula Bruns", etc.). While the top is young and flexible, it is tied to a support. Over time, it will become lignified and remain in this position. Falling side branches need to be trimmed if necessary. Theoretically, weeping varieties could also be used. Part 12 - Glass in garden design Almost all conifers cannot tolerate proximity to larch;​Big​ ​Design of a flower bed with conifers;​​Source​ ​8. Early thyme - Thymus praecox​ It is almost impossible to obtain decorative forms of juniper from seeds, so they are propagated vegetatively - by cuttings.

Coniferous verticals

​Coniferous shrub with a spiral shape.​ ​with a vertical crown shape,​​("Repanda", "Hornibrookii" etc.) etc. ​common juniper​Part 13 - Compositions from coniferous plants​ ​Thuja “loves” to grow next to spruce;​​. The flower bed is ideal for large spaces and is usually located in areas adjacent to fences. In this composition, 2 varieties of common juniper are planted along the fence, and in front of them is a western thuja, on its sides there are junipers, in the middle there is mountain pine, barberry and again juniper, but now scaly, and then along the edge - horizontal juniper of 2 species;​ ​Selection of coniferous plants;​​Juniper​ ​9. Phlox subulata​​1​The crown is dense, the shoots are branched and twisting. Height up to 4-5 m. Diameter up to 1.5 m.​​prickly spruce

Conifers a la bonsai

​cossack juniper ​("Horstmann", etc.), but it does not always and not everywhere reach the size of a standard arch.​​Part 14 - Landscape design 4​ ​It is undesirable to plant cedars and pines, fir and spruce trees nearby.​​Horizontal​ ​Design of a flowerbed of coniferous plants;​​Decorative garden compositions​

​10.Evergreen sheep - Helicototrichon sempevirens​​Use scissors, carefully trim the narrow end of the “heel”, as if rounding it and removing the exfoliated bark on the handle.​ ​The needles are bright green.​ ​,​ ​.​​Abroad, entrances to a house or garden are often flanked standard forms- often these are coniferous and deciduous evergreen “balls on a stick”. For these purposes, we can use only conifers - Part 15 - Tuberous begonias in pots. Design examples.​ ​The right combination of species is the key to the health and long-term beauty of plants.​​. Its feature is mandatory requirement flat, flat surface for planting. In its creation, 3-4 types of junipers are used, for example, molded Virginia, Prince of Wales, Andorra Compact;​​common juniper​

​At first glance this may seem fantastic. But those weeping forms of conifers, from which arches can be made, could well become hanging plants. Often their shoots grow significantly longer than the trunk and spread along the ground if they are not pruned by the garden owners. It is this circumstance that suggests the idea of ​​using them as hanging plants. The types and varieties of conifers can be the same, but the grafting must be done either on a very low trunk or in the root collar. Then the plant is planted, for example, on a terrace, and its branches hang from the retaining wall. In this case, you need to take into account how much this retaining wall freezes. If it is severe, then the assortment is reduced (for example, among spruce trees we will give preference to the common one rather than the Serbian one), and the plant itself is planted as far as possible from the edge.​

​thuja occidentalis​​Design series:​
​It is best to start planting conifers in late spring, from the third ten days of April to the first ten days of May. The plant is still “sleeping”, active growth has not yet begun, and this means that the plant will tolerate transportation and planting to a new location well. You should dig a hole of a suitable size for the root system of the plant, then pour a layer fertile soil and compact it well. Next, you need to place the seedling no deeper than the root and cover it with earth. After this, you need to ensure a regular and thorough watering regime, preventing the soil from drying out.​ ​Forest-style flowerbed​
​Planting of coniferous plants themselves.​ ​1.​ ​2. Thuja occidentalis ‘Golden Glob’​ ​At the bottom of the cutting, cut off the needles, exposing the cutting by 2-2.5 cm.​​Very decorative, used in single plantings, in Japanese gardens.​
​. The latter can “burn” in the sun after cutting especially strongly - growing young shoots are more vulnerable.​
It is clear that in our gardens there are also trimmed coniferous walls and figures. But still they are not the same as in Europe. The question is the degree of detail of the cropped figure. A simple hedge? No problem, and quite a large assortment of plants (​ ​and dwarf forms​​Part 1 - "Environmentally friendly" lamps​ Thujas ready for planting in the ground​. Allows you to create the impression of a natural landscape. Ideal for such a natural flower bed rock juniper and mountain pine, as well as Canadian and common spruce.​ ​Despite the rich selection of coniferous plants, in landscape design there are common principles for forming a flower bed from conifers.​ ​2.​ ​3. Cossack juniper - Juniperus sabina ‘Variegata’​​3​​Rock juniper "Springbank" (Juniperus scopulorum "Springbank") Cossack juniper "Erecta" (Juniperus sabina "Erecta")​ They have little to do with the classics of the genre - they are more like bonsai haircuts. There are many of them on the market, they are not cheap, and not all of them have performed well. Even species that winter tolerably in our country, clipped as bonsai, begin to suffer: with

​thuja​​common spruce

​Part 2 - Do you want an oriental style lamp?​

​If you want to have a beautiful and well-kept garden, good way out -​

​Ephedra in summer cottages are very popular because of their unique features: they are unpretentious to various types soil, tolerate different weather and climatic conditions well, look great in single groups and are practically not susceptible to diseases as part of compositions. In addition to the chic appearance, coniferous decorations also have the following advantages:

​Among the cypress trees there is a truly unique plant - cross-paired microbiota. It alone represents a genus of microbiota, found only in the highlands of Sikhote-Alin on Far East. This exclusivity and reduction in range became the reason for its inclusion in the Red Book of Russia. The plant, discovered less than a century ago, is the focus of gardeners' attention. The microbiota grows on rocky soils; the upward growth rate is slow, but it spreads well in breadth. It forms a dense pillow on which you can lie down as an experiment. Microbiota is found in rock gardens and is convenient as a ground cover plant. In winter it darkens, acquiring shades of bronze and copper.​

​Lusitanian or Mexican - famous for its many shapes and color palette;​

When to buy and plant seedlings?

​In the front area there is a columnar thuja, in the recreation area there is juniper.​

​IMHO thuja.​

​Blanks for new soap made from thuja and juniper...​

  • ​Well, what could be simpler. Thuja's microstrobilae are oval. And it has 4 microsporangia. And the juniper has round microstrobilae and 2-6 microsporangia. And the cones of the thuja are ovoid-oblong, and those of the juniper are round (they are also called juniper berries). but in general they are closest relatives.​

​02:46 But if you need to secure a slope or slope on your site, if you need to decorate an alpine hill, then you obviously won’t find anything better than creeping forms or ground cover, better than junipers.​

How to choose the right rose seedlings?

“Thuja” translated means “sacrifice” or “incense”. It was named so because during ancient rituals there was a pleasant smell when the fragrant wood of the tree was burned.​

​When purchasing seedlings, you must carefully examine the samples offered. A plant with a dry, wrinkled stem and spotted leaves cannot be called healthy. In addition, a high-quality sample should be free of mold and cracks. Normally, rose seedlings have at least three shoots of uniform green color (grafted samples) or sufficiently developed roots white(rooted). It is advisable for the buds on the seedlings to be at rest.​

  • ​Seedlings​​Thuja​
  • Cypress trees combine the evergreen beauty of conifers and enrich it with their diversity.​McNab cypress is a tall, wide-pyramidal tree with an unusual pine-lemon aroma.​
  • ​And I am for juniper, it grows for me, but the thujas die.​

​We planted it 10 years ago in a cemetery, and every 2 years we prune it only with pruning shears.​

  • ​How similar they are!...I only recently began to distinguish what grows where

Thuja is an evergreen plant


​02:58 Now let’s compare these plants according to their growing conditions. Thuja perfectly tolerates the smoky, polluted, dusty air of our city streets. Junipers, on the contrary, suffer from dusty, polluted air. At the same time, juniper plants are frost-resistant, drought-resistant and not demanding on soil conditions.​

Arborvitae are slow-growing coniferous trees with a very dense crown. The color of the bark depends on age: young plant– red bark, gray-brown with age. The wood is strong and soft at the same time; the crown can take different shapes. Thuja needles are dense, scale-like and lying crosswise (however, there are varieties that have soft needles). All varieties have a characteristic pleasant aroma. Inconspicuous cones and flowers may form on the thuja. It contains 5 species, which are located in North America and East Asia.​

​The seedlings are distinguished:​

In order to quickly enjoy the beauty of various flowers on your site, you should buy seedlings. After all, growing them from seeds is a long and labor-intensive process. Such plants do not always have time to please their owners with flowers due to insufficient light, heat and inconsistency of other climatic factors.​

Which is better: juniper or thuja?

​The PozitivProekt company offers landscaping and landscaping services - we have high quality and reasonable prices.​
​If you delve into history in search of the first conifer to conquer the plots and gardens of Russians, then it will be juniper. The forest dweller has caught the hearts of gardeners not only of the PositiveProject company: it is fantastically unpretentious, over 50 of its species are known. This native of the temperate zones of America and Europe is universal, distributed in the Caucasus, Siberia, and mixed forests of Russia.​
Cypress trees have been admired for centuries; legends and poems have been written about them. Plants of this family are dense shrubs and sky-rising trees. They are called evergreens, although junipers and thujas and other colors have taken root in gardens and parks: blue, silver and even yellow. The name of the whole family was given by cypress - a slender tree of a pyramidal shape. Other large trees are not inferior to the sacred and very expensive tree. Among them, sequoia, metasequoia, Fitzroya, callitris, cryptomeria, and taxodium are quite exotic for our latitudes.
​And so it grows normally)))​
​...Alyoshenka planted all the evergreens in the yard (thank you!:)...Dug up young plants in the forests and planted them in the yard:)...Once upon a time there was a juniper grove next to us, but it was barbarically cut down and built there mansions...But the coniferous descendants of this grove grow here;))..​
​What does thuja look like? Maybe this is just some local name for mozheelnik?​
​03:39 The thing is that root system junipers go tens of meters deep into the soil and obtain themselves from great depths nutrients and the necessary moisture. Thuja is considered unpretentious and light-loving plant, but unlike juniper it can grow even in the shade.​
At the beginning of the 16th century, the king of France gave the thuja the name “tree of life.” To this day, this remains her middle name.​
There are many classifications of seedlings. Depending on the time of cultivation, it can be early, middle and late.​
​This is thuja. Juniper "soft".​
​This is thuja. Juniper has very prickly needles, thuja does not.​

What is the difference between thuja and juniper (or how to distinguish them)?

Oksana M

​Plant juniper shrubs in groups scattered throughout the garden to fill the space with fresh green accents even in the off-season. A favorite technique of landscape designers is to plant these plants as a background near walls, fences and beyond. Symmetrical junipers are spectacular at the entrance to a house or gazebo, along paths. Using junipers and repeating their groups, a connecting rhythm is set in the garden composition.​

Cypress trees are conifers with their own characteristics. Their needle-like needles are replaced by scales or linear-lanceolate leaves. The plants are predominantly dioecious, with a variety of male and female cones. There are species that reproduce by cone berries (juniper). Almost all cypress trees adapted to gardens easily tolerate pruning, maintaining their given shape for a long time.​


​and I personally like pine needles better. It has a healing effect on me. When I get sick of allergies, I go to a coniferous forest and it goes away immediately.​


​In the first photo I have Thuja orientalis in my hands..​
​Juniper grows in our area, and thuja is a southerner (at least you won’t find it in our forests).​

Miss Sixty

​03:59 Thuja is more demanding when it comes to soil. It requires rich soils. If you grow it on poor sandy soils, you will, of course, need regular feeding.​


​Thujas also tolerate pruning and replanting well, which is why they are often used in landscape design and the creation of various architectural forms. This plant has high gas resistance, which allows them to be used in landscaping modern cities, as well as various industrial facilities. Green construction uses thuja not only in group but also in single plantings, as well as in the formation of alleys, green walls and hedges. Their branching density and dense crown compare favorably with the trees of our flora and can often be perceived as plants alien to it. And this adds even more mystery and charm.​


- represented by rosehip root with scion of cultivated rose. They are equipped with a stronger root, thanks to which they are more stable and develop very actively in the first years of life.​

Thuja and juniper..

​They also include potted seedlings (grown in organic pots, with which they can be planted immediately), as well as seedlings of carpet (short, densely growing), perennial (live 2 years or more) and annual (living for a year) plants.​

​This is thuja. Juniper berries are round and blue when ripe.​

​Juniper​ ​In Central Asia, another representative of junipers is revered - juniper (Turkestan, Zeravshan). Almost all conifers are called this way, but it is the junipers that are able to stay on steep mountain slopes, holding together the crumbling layer of fertile soil with their roots. The higher the mountain belt, the more squat the juniper species become; they creep along the ground.​

Cypress was called the tree of the gods, different nations it symbolized either life, or eternal sorrow and peace. The Romans planted it when a child was born. In ancient times, conquerors ordered buildings to be dismantled for valuable wood. And from the conquered countries they brought home plundered wealth and precious wood as trophies. Cypress trees were planted near temples and alleys were laid out from them in cities. This species can easily take root in urban environments. The strict and noble silhouette of the tree is associated with Greece, Italy and the embankments of Crimea.​

Both are capricious. what to plant is a matter of taste.​

​Juniper has needles that look like needles, while thuja has needles that seem to be flattened.​

​04:17 In the same way, it should be taken into account that the thuja plant is a moisture-loving plant and can even grow on soils where groundwater is high. Although in adulthood, when the tree has been growing for several years, it is, in principle, also drought-resistant.​

What is better to plant - tall juniper or thuja?


​If you decide to buy a thuja to decorate your landscape, then you will not regret having grown an original beautiful tree with oriental flavor!​


It is advisable to purchase seedlings immediately before planting in the ground. The most optimal timing is indicated in gardening manuals, and sometimes on the packaging of the plant. If you decide to buy seedlings in advance, take care first of a sufficiently lit place to store them. Also, do not forget to provide the plants with sufficient watering.​
​It's definitely thuja!​
​This is thuja.​


​Century trees serve as objects of worship; historical and religious events are associated with them. These old-timers have intricately intertwined trunks, spreading crowns and a rich past. Archa for local residents is not just salvation from landslides, but also a guarantee of the continuation of life and natural balance. Vast tracts of juniper (juniper forests) are protected by law and are protected areas. The biggest tragedy is considered to be forest fires that burn trees and all chances for restoration of the natural environment.​
How are cypress trees planted? Those who are put off by their cost successfully germinate seeds from cones. Their germination rate is good; you should monitor the optimal moisture content of the earthen clod. Some gardeners select pots for small seedlings and bring them into the greenhouse or home for the first wintering. Larger specimens are rooted into the ground. The main rule when landscaping with cypress: cypress trees must gradually get used to the sun; out of habit, it burns young shoots. The use of awnings and sun screens during the establishment period of a young plant is justified. Cypress trees prefer shaded areas, timely watering, sprinkling.​


​for health - juniper.​


​And this is the Cossack juniper.​


Thuja blooms, but juniper does not.

Irina Vladimirovna


​In this video, our expert will tell you which plant is better: juniper or thuja? You can select coniferous plants at the link​

Cypress plants in your garden - thuja, juniper, juniper. PositiveProject - landscape design

- have a personal root system. Their roots are weaker, but over the years, such roses become much more productive than grafted ones.​

​When choosing seedlings, do not be lazy to carefully examine them. Never agree to purchase plants that are unhealthy in appearance, damaged or wilted. After all, such plants will be sick for a long time before they reach normal size and bloom.​

Cypress - the tree of eternity

​The differences are in appearance, “foliage”, structure of “foliage”, shapes, fruits.​

​This is thuja.​

Archa is healing, which is typical for most junipers. Essential oils, rich in vitamin C, tannins and phytoncides are described in the recipes of ancient healers. The strongest biostimulant should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor.​

  • Cypress has many decorative and at the same time unpretentious varieties. The Kashmiri cypress is recognized as the most capricious: due to intolerance to frost, it is cultivated indoors. In open ground, the following types of cypress adapt well and quickly rush upward:
  • I like juniper more, it smells like pine needles
  • ​The easiest way to distinguish them is that juniper is prickly, but thuja is not :).. And of course they have different berries :)​
  • Juniper is widely used in medicine, but thuja is not, recommended for hedges.

Juniper - the northern cousin of cypress

​04:45 Especially if you have harsh winters, so that they don’t simply freeze. And some varieties are worth shading at the end of winter, early spring. Because they have the ability to burn.​

​00:54 Similar forms can be found in both plants. For example, the popular thuja variety Columna is smooth, really like a column. Blue arrow juniper looks exactly the same. The same smooth, clear silhouette.​

Archa - a tree that saves lives

​What else should you know about rose seedlings?​

​The optimal conditions for planting seedlings are cloudy weather (or evening), which allows you to create gentle conditions for the plants necessary for their high-quality adaptation.​

​It is very difficult to distinguish between thuja, cypress, cypress, and junipers with very short needles, but you can look at the cones; junipers generally have cone berries.​

Thuja - a favorite of gardeners


​Another guest from America and East Asia, who has become a favorite of many landscape designers and connoisseurs of beautiful gardens. The scientific literature describes five types of thuja: eastern, western, folded (giant), Japanese, Korean. And there are many more bred varieties with certain parameters. The most popular are shrubby and medium-sized forms of western and eastern thuja with classic crowns in the form of a pyramid, column, ball or umbrella specimens (Aurea and its hybrids, Lutescens, Pyramidalis Douglasii, Fastigiata). The color of the thuja is not very intense; it mainly has yellowish tones in color.

Microbiota is one of a kind

​evergreen (aka ordinary);​

​Thuja, in my opinion, is less whimsical, and can grow in partial shade... But juniper needs sun. But of course the smell comes from pine needles, especially in rainy or hot weather awesome from him)​

​I ground the twigs and berries in a blender with water...The result was a thick, oily mass..I already made soap with it..​

Please tell me is this thuja or juniper?


The easiest way to distinguish it is by touch - prickly juniper.


​05:02 Now let's talk about the benefits. As a matter of fact, like all coniferous plants, both thuja and juniper are certainly useful. But juniper is perhaps the champion in this area.​


​01:41 Now let’s compare these plants by color factor. In addition to their natural green color, juniper and thuja can now be pampered with literally any color: green, blue, yellow.​

Olga Bezrukova

​Read more about the most favorable time of purchase, about watering and fertilizing, as well as about propagating rose seedlings.”​

Your Baby*

​Rose seedlings​


Cypress and thuja, I don’t have juniper

Olga Usatova


​Thuja – ideal option for filling hedges or landscape design in general. In the group it is customary to combine it with fir, yellow pine, cypress, and hemlock. It is easy to care for, tolerates pruning well, and delights with its freshness and special pine aroma. The plant has a reputation for being long-lived and needs watering and protection from the sun in hot weather, and shelter in severe frosts.​

Differences between common juniper and other types of juniper

Name of the plant. Life form Leaves (needles) Fruit
Common juniper. Shrub or small tree up to 3 m high Linear-lanceolate, strongly spiny, 4-16 mm long, arranged in whorls of 3, deviated from the branches Globular, bluish-black, 6-9 mm in diameter, formed from 3 fertile scales, with a 3-ray groove at the apex, have 3 (less often 1-2) seeds
Siberian juniper. Squat or creeping shrub 30-50 cm high Linear, short-pointed, 3-4 mm long, almost not spiny, on top with a white stripe in the middle, located in close whorls, pressed to the branches Globular, black with a bluish coating, on short stalks, 6-8 mm in diameter, 2-3 seeds
Cossack juniper. Creeping shrub up to 1.5 m high Scaly, rhombic, blunt or sharp, 1-2 mm long, arranged in opposite pairs, tightly pressed to the branches, with a pungent unpleasant odor Round-oval, brown-black, 6-8 mm long, 5-6 mm wide, formed from 4-6 scales, usually 2 seeds.

Juniper fruits have a diuretic effect, increasing filtration in the renal glomeruli due to their local irritating effect. Increase bile formation and bile secretion, enhance secretion gastric juice, have a bactericidal effect. They enhance the secretion of bronchial glands, help thin mucus and facilitate its discharge due to increased activity of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Used as a diuretic for edema associated with renal failure and circulatory disorders. The infusion is used as a disinfectant for chronic pyelitis, cystitis and urolithiasis.

In combination with other herbal remedies, juniper fruits are prescribed for chronic diseases of the respiratory tract (tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis) to thin mucus and improve its expectoration. Juniper fruits are included in diuretic preparations.

Juniper fruits are contraindicated in acute inflammatory kidney diseases (nephrosis, nephrosonephritis). They should not be prescribed for a long period of time, as they irritate the renal parenchyma.

Juniper oil. Included in the preparation “Olesan oil” (Olesan oil).

Pine buds (Gemmae Pini). Scots pine (Pinus silvestris). Pine (Pinaceae). A coniferous evergreen tree, widespread in the forest zone of the European part of Russia and Siberia.

The raw material contains ascorbic acid, essential oil (which includes the terpenoids pinene and limonene), resins, bitter and tannins.

Buds are harvested in winter or early spring (February-March), before intensive growth begins.

Dry in attics or under sheds with good ventilation. You cannot dry pine buds in attics under an iron roof or in dryers, since when heated, the bud resin melts and evaporates, and the scales move apart, which reduces the quality of the raw material.

Pine buds have an expectorant effect, stimulate the secretory activity of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and stimulate the activity of the ciliated epithelium. Pine buds have a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microflora of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

Used as an expectorant and disinfectant for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.). Kidneys are included in the collection for inhalation.

Due to the high content of resinous substances, pine buds are contraindicated for nephritis and nephrosis.

The substance used to obtain the drug.

Pine buds. Included in “Breast collection No. 3” (Species pectoralis No. 3).

Differences between common juniper and other types of juniper - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Differences between common juniper and other types of juniper” 2017, 2018.

Hello. Recently, a friend boasted that she had planted a large number of thujas and junipers, as well as other ornamental plants. Thus, she ennobled her summer cottage plot. After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t hurt me to do in the same way. But the trouble is, I don’t understand this kind of plants at all. In my opinion, there is no difference between them. Or am I wrong? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Indeed, thujas and junipers are so similar to each other that an ordinary person who does not have any special knowledge may well confuse them. The external similarity of the plants is primarily manifested in the presence of scale-like needles. It resembles the needles of pine, fir, and spruce. Thus, it is impossible to distinguish both of these plants from each other at first glance.

However, it should be taken into account that young shrubs and trees have needle-shaped needles. In some species of juniper it persists throughout its existence. However, trees can be distinguished by the size and shape of the cones. Tree juniper can reach a height of approximately 15 m. This height is comparable to the height of a residential building, which has 5 floors. At the same time, certain types of thuja can grow up to 70 m, the trunk diameter can be 6 m. However, trees of this size are quite rare.

As for the cones, thuja’s cones are oblong or oval. Juniper has a predominant spherical shape of cones. Thuja, like juniper, belongs to the cypress family, which is included in the class of conifers. Moreover, the thuja genus includes only 5 species, while the juniper genus includes 67 species.

There are also differences in the places where plants grow. Wild thuja can be found mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, temperate zone regions. Juniper is also found in the Northern Hemisphere, but, unlike thuja, in vast areas from subarctic regions to the tropics. It should be noted that both plants are unpretentious to the soil. That is why they can often be found both in suburban areas and in city parks. These plants are famous for their ability to purify the air from pathogenic microbes.

In addition, juniper fruits are widely used in food industry. For example, in the form of spices, which are used during the preparation of individual dishes and alcoholic beverages. It is curious that at one time even specialists in the field of botany could not really understand which plants could be called thuja and which could not. Some species that were previously classified in this genus of coniferous plants have recently been considered an independent genus of the cypress family. A clear example The oriental flatflower (Platycladus orientalis) serves this purpose.