Classification of machines for washing fruits and vegetables. Description of the washing machine. A9-KMI - Conveyor washing machine

The process of processing vegetables consists of the following operations: sorting, washing, cleaning, finishing, sulfitation (for potatoes), grinding. All of the above operations are performed in vegetable procurement shops. High-capacity sorting and washing machines are practically not used in catering establishments.

Vegetable peeling machines

Peeling root vegetables and tubers involves removing the peel from their surface. There are several cleaning methods: mechanical, fire, steam and chemical, of which fire and mechanical are currently used. The thermal (fire) method is based on roasting the outer surface of vegetables in special thermal units, where the temperature reaches 1200-1400 ° C, followed by removing the burnt peel in washing and cleaning machines. Such thermal units are installed on vegetable processing production lines in kitchen factories and procurement workshops.

However, the most widespread mechanical method, based on the friction force of tubers on the working rough surfaces of machines.

Currently, mechanical batch potato peelers (MOK-125, MOK-250, MOK-350) are predominantly used.

Potato peeler type MOK- 125 (Fig. 6.1) consists of a base 2, on which the processing chamber is mounted in the upper part, and the engine room in the lower part. Cylindrical working chamber 9 covered inside with abrasive segments 10. The chamber is equipped with a hinged lid on top for loading products. 8, and for unloading peeled vegetables there is an unloading tray on the front panel 6, closed by a door with eccentric locking 16. At the bottom of the chamber there is a plate-shaped grating disk 11, covered with abrasive segment 5. Inside the chamber at the top there is a sprinkler,

Rice. 6.1. Potato peeler MOK-125: A And b- in section; V - general view

hose connected to the water supply. An electric motor is installed vertically in the engine room 14, which using a single-stage gear reducer 13 transmits rotation to the grater disk. There is a waste chamber at the bottom of the front panel 3, equipped with a retractable pulp collector 15, and in the upper part there is a control panel 7.

Operating principle. When you turn on the machine, the grating disc begins to rotate. The tubers arriving from above fall on the surface of the rotating grating disk and also begin to rotate. In this case, the tubers rub against the abrasive surface of the grating disk and the walls of the chamber. Under the influence of friction, the peel is removed from the tubers, and the water coming from the sprinkler washes the pulp to the bottom 12 chambers, from where it comes through a rubber drain pipe 4 ends up in the waste chamber. Water is drained through the perforated bottom of the pulp collector into the sewer through a pipe 1, and the pulp remains in the collection. The pulp is subsequently used for processing into starch or pig feed.

Rice. 6.2.

To unload peeled vegetables, without turning off the engine, open the door of the unloading tray and, under the influence of centrifugal force, the tubers fall into the placed container.

Machine productivity - 125 kg/h.

Potato peelers of the MOK-150 and MOK-ZOO types (Fig. 6.2) are similar in design and principle of operation to the MOK-125 type machine.

Potato peeler type MOK-ZOOA model"Typhoon" from ATESI (Fig. 6.2) is made of stainless steel. 10 kg of vegetables are loaded at a time through a convenient funnel. The electrical wiring in the machine is reliably protected from water penetration, which allows it to be washed under strong water pressure. The processing chamber is lined with special discs with removable friction linings made of high-strength plastic materials that imitate the structure of an abrasive material. The noise intensity does not exceed 70 dB, which corresponds to European standards.

At the bottom of the engine room there is a retractable mesh tank for collecting pulp. On the side surface of the machine body there is a control panel on which the switching equipment is located.

General information.

At enterprises, there are several methods for peeling vegetables: alkaline, steam, combined, thermal and mechanical. With the alkaline method, potatoes and other vegetables are preheated in water and then treated with an alkaline solution heated to 100 0C, which softens the surface layer of the tubers. Then, in a drum washing machine, the tubers are peeled from the outer layer and washed from alkali. At steam method The potatoes are treated with steam under a pressure of 0.6 ¸ 0.7 MPa for 1–2 minutes, then they enter a roller washing and cleaning machine, where the softened layer is removed from the tubers. With the combined method, potatoes are first treated with a 10% solution caustic soda at a temperature of 75–80 0C for 5–6 minutes, then steam for 1–2 minutes. After this, the potatoes go into washing machines, usually of the drum type.

With the thermal method, vegetables are roasted in a cylindrical oven with a rotating cylindrical rotor and reach a depth of penetration of no more than 1.5 mm. The vegetables are then cleaned in a washing machine. Duration heat treatment for onions 3-4 seconds, for carrots 5-7 seconds, for potatoes 10-12 seconds. Another cleaning method is mechanical.

Equipment for chopping and slicing vegetables.

Vegetable cutting machines are: disc, rotary, punch and combined.

The MPO-200 desktop machine is used for cutting raw vegetables into circles, slices, strips, and cubes. The machine drive consists of an electric motor and a V-belt transmission. The working chamber is made in the form of a cylinder with windows for loading vegetables. The machine kit includes a circular knife, two grating discs and two combination knives. A circular knife is used for cutting vegetables into slices and shredding cabbage, combined - vegetables into cubes with a cross section of 3 x 3 and 10 x 10 mm.


Machines for grinding raw materials can be divided into two groups: machines that provide coarse grinding of raw materials and machines that provide fine grinding. Modern machines for coarse grinding are: roller, knife, hammer, crushers - destemmers for grapes, crushers - seed separators for tomatoes. Machines for cutting raw materials exist with fixed knives, with rotating circular knives; combined machines for cutting vegetables into cubes. For fine grinding of raw materials and separation of seeds, grinding machines are used, as well as homogenizers, colloid mills, disintegrators, micronors, cutters, etc.

Vegetable cutter

Has two horizontal shafts rotating in opposite directions. Shaft 1 rotates the drum, into the internal cavity of which raw materials enter. Shaft 2 rotates the disc knives, the number of revolutions of which is five times more number drum revolutions. The raw material entering the drum, under the action of centrifugal force, is thrown by the blade to a stationary cylindrical body and is brought under the influence of circular knives and a stationary flat knife. The shape of the blade ensures that the product is jammed during cutting. Therefore, the raw material is cut in two planes into bars and removed from the machine through a chute. In the same root cutter after modernization, the main improvement is the use of a device that reports flat knife oscillatory motion in a plane perpendicular to cutting edge, improving cutting quality.

The performance of the machine can be determined by the formula:

where n is the number of drum revolutions per minute; D is the diameter of the casing in which the drum is located, in m; h is the height of the product cut with a horizontal knife; ℓ - drum blade width, m; p - volumetric mass of the product, kg/m3; c - utilization factor cutting tool(c = 0.3 c = 0.4).

The machine for cutting eggplants and zucchini into circles cuts off the ends of the fruit along with the stalk and inflorescence and cuts them into circles with a set of circular knives; the thickness of the circles is determined by the spacer washers, .

Wiping machines

Rubbing is not only a process of grinding, but also of separation, i.e. separating the mass of fruit and vegetable raw materials from seeds, seeds and peels on sieves with a cell diameter of 0.8–5.0 mm. Finishing is the additional grinding of the pureed mass by passing it through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.4–0.6 mm.

The main designs of wiping machines differ in the interaction of the sieve and the whip devices. It is based on the following features: the mesh drum is stationary, the whips move, “inverse” rubbing machines in which the sieve moves, and the whips are stationary, and without whips. In them, the sieve performs a complex rotational movement around its own axis and planetarily. By number of stages: single-stage, two-stage, three-stage, two dual machines. According to the design of the sieves: conical and cylindrical; sectional and according to hole diameters. According to the design of the whip devices: flat; wire, etc. By loading devices: screw, in combination with a paddle device, loading through a pipe.

A single-stage wiping machine consists of a frame, a drive shaft mounted in 2 bearings with an auger, a blade and a whip device, a loading hopper and a drive with a V-belt drive.

The operation of the machine is based on the force of the whips on the product being processed, pushing it through the sieve and due to centrifugal force. The working machine is also regulated by changing the angle between the shaft axis and the whips, changing the gap between the sieve and the whips and the diameter of the sieve holes. The pureed mass is discharged through trays, and waste from the cylinder is discharged through a tray.

Vegetable washing machines

At catering establishments, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, tableware and kitchen utensils, cutlery, equipment, returnable and functional containers are washed. The washing process is carried out in two ways - hydraulic or hydromechanical. The hydraulic method is characterized by the interaction of water on a contaminated surface, the hydromechanical method is characterized by the simultaneous action of water and the working parts of the washing machine (washing brushes, rollers, blades, etc.).

The washing machines currently in use can be divided into two types: vegetable washing machines and dishwashers.

Equipment for washing vegetables.

  1. Vibrating machines.

The machine body is attached to the frame with the help of shock absorbers, which allow the machine body to perform oscillatory movements, which are caused by de-centering of the shaft; thanks to the auger, each tuber in the working chamber moves along a helical path. Having passed through screw channels along the entire working chamber, the vegetables are poured out through the unloading tray for further processing.

At enterprises, production lines use a vibration washing machine MMKV-2000.

  1. Blade machines.

The working chamber is a stationary semi-cylinder, in the center of which there is a rotating shaft with blades that mix the tubers and move them along the chamber, from the loading to the unloading hatch. For better processing product, the working chamber consists of three compartments: primary washing and rinsing.

Rice. 1. vibration washing machine MMKV-2000

1 - loading hopper; 2 - working chamber; 3 - auger; 4 - drive shaft; 5 - loads - unbalances; 6 - box; 7 collection

An example of a paddle machine is the A9-KLA/1, designed for washing root crops.

Rice. 2. Scheme for washing vegetables in a machine with mixing blades.

3. Drum vegetable washing machines

In these machines, the housing itself rotates, into which water is loaded through special devices. The movement of vegetables is carried out by tilting the drum. The rotation frequency of the drum is chosen such that each tuber, having climbed up the wall of the drum, then rolls down - i.e. making the maximum number of movements.

The A9-KM-2 washing machine works on this principle.

Rice. 3. Scheme for washing vegetables in a drum vegetable washing machine

IR heating devices

The physical essence of the mechanism for heating food products with infrared rays is as follows.

Most food products contain a significant amount of free water, which intensively absorbs IR radiation at wavelengths λ = 0.77....3 μm, and at λ = 1.4 μm the absorption reaches 100%. At the same time, moisture in the porous structure of food products is distributed unevenly over the volume, so IR radiation can penetrate into them to a considerable depth, which, with an appropriate choice of the thickness of the layer of the processed product, determines the volumetric nature of its heating. The maximum temperature of a product during IR heating is usually achieved at a certain depth, depending on the structure and moisture retention of the product, as well as the wavelength of the radiation.

Thus, IR radiation with a wavelength λ = 0.77....3 µm is used in technological processes associated with good absorption of this radiation by water, for example, defrosting the product, drying.

Due to the volumetric penetrating power of IR radiation at λ = 0.77....3 µm, it is also used for preparing foods. For example, this radiation penetrates meat to a depth of up to 4 mm, and wavelengths from 1.04 to 2.9 microns account for over 80% of the energy of the radiant flux.

The permeability of the products decreases rapidly with increasing PCL wavelength. Therefore, radiation with λ = 3...6 µm is absorbed by the surface of the product, i.e. The process of frying the product practically takes place. Positive attribute IR radiation is used to obtain a uniform browning crust in color and thickness. Disadvantages of this method: not all products can be subjected to IR heating; At high radiation densities, the product may be “burned.”

Devices with IR heating are classified according to the following criteria: the principle of operation (periodic or continuous) and the type of emitters used (light or dark).

The common elements of devices with IR heating are: working chambers, IR emitters, a transporting body that ensures constant (or stepwise) movement of the product in the working chamber, regulating devices temperature regime in the cell.

Technical characteristics infrared heating devices of periodic action


Unit of measurement

Heater power

Motor power

Number of heaters

Number of skewers



Technical characteristics of continuous IR devices


Unit of measurement

Productivity (by steaks)

Productivity (for baked potatoes and vegetables)

Power consumption

Motor power

Power of one generator

Number of generators

Conveyor speed

Drum speed

Mains voltage


In the table: PShSM-14, ShR-2 - kebab ovens, GE-3, GE-4 - electric grills, ZHA - frying unit, PKZH - conveyor frying oven.

Rice. 1. General view of the GE-4 grill

Rice. 2. Barbecue oven PShSM-14:

1 - stand with two inventory cabinets; 2 - cabinet doors; 3 - working chamber; 4 - slots for installing skewers; 5 - hole for attaching a skewer; 6 - exhaust device; 7 - forge; 8 - switch; 9 - ash pan; 10 - welded frame; 11 - adjusting legs

The PKZH conveyor oven is designed for continuous frying of meat products (cutlets, rump steaks, entrecotes) without turning them over. The main components of the furnace are a frying chamber, infrared heating elements (in quartz tubes), a device for filtering vapors, a chain conveyor, transporting trays, and electrical equipment.

The operating mode of the conveyor, depending on the type of processed products, is set using a time relay. The processed products are placed on pre-greased baking sheets and fed onto the conveyor. The corresponding buttons on the control panel activate the movement of the conveyor and heating blocks according to a predetermined program. Heating elements are unevenly distributed along the entire length of the furnace, which, in combination with the stepwise movement of the conveyor, provides a pulsating heat flow directed at the product. When leaving the frying chamber, baking trays with finished products removed from the conveyor and placed on the distribution table. When the last baking sheet comes out of the chamber, the heating is turned off using the button on the remote control.


Determine the main characteristics of technological machines for mechanical processing of products:


Technological power.

Device type




Option 35

Vegetable cutting mechanism

Square blade

Crank speed

Single knife length

Number of knives

Number of pusher fingers

Knife thickness

Knife height

We determine the speed at which the tubers move through the knife grid.

υ = h n = 0.04 ∙ 0.41 = 0.00164 m/s,

where h = 40 mm - medium size(diameter) of the processed product.

Mechanism performance.

Q = F φ υ ρ ∙ 3600;

where F = 0.03 m² - area of ​​the knife grid,

φ = 0.4 - 0.6 - coefficient of utilization of the knife grid area,

ρ = 700 kg/mі - product density.

Q = 0.03 ∙ 0.5 ∙ 0.00164 ∙ 700 ∙ 3600 = 62.00 kg/h

The total length of the blades of all knives.

∑l = l ∙ Z = 0.06 ∙ 6 = 0.36 m

Power required to cut the product

N1 = qв υ ∑l K

K = 0.7 - blade length utilization factor.

qв = 700 N/m - resistivity cutting the product (potatoes)

N1 = 700 ∙ 0.00164 ∙ 0.36 ∙ 0.7 = 0.29 W

The power required to push the cubes of product into the cells between the knives of the grid.

N2 = 4 Z f E δ h υ.

where Z = 35 is the number of pusher fingers,

f = 0.5 - coefficient of friction of the product on the knives,

E = 2400 ∙ 10і N/mІ - elastic modulus of the product (potato),

δ = 0.001 m - knife thickness,

h = 0.011 m - height (width) of the knife blade.

N2 = 4 ∙ 35 ∙ 0.5 ∙ 2400 ∙ 10і ∙ 0.001 ∙ 0.011 ∙ 0.00164 = 3.031 W

Technological power of the mechanism.

Nt = N1 + N2 = 0.29 + 3.031 = 3.4 W

Rice. 3. Conveyor oven PKZH:

A- general view; b- scheme; V- IR generator block; G- cross-sectional diagram of the working chamber: 1 - switchboard with electrical equipment; 2 - unloading table; 3 - side doors of the frying chamber; 4 - ventilation duct; 5 - conveyor; 6 - loading table; 7 - time relay; 8-electric motor; 9 - worm gearbox; 10 - drive shaft of the chain conveyor; 11 - frying chamber; 12 - slide valve; 13 - blocks of upper heaters; 14 - blocks of lower heaters; 15 - plug sockets; 16 - IR generators; 17 - metal mesh; 18 - reflector; 19 - functional capacity; 20 - limit stops

machine vegetable product processing

List of sources used

1. Elkhina V.D. Equipment for public catering establishments T.1. Mechanical equipment. - M.: “Economy”, 1987.

2. Kirpichnikov V.P., Leenson G.H. Mechanic's Handbook. Catering. - M.: “Economy”, 1990.

3. Belyaev M.I. Equipment for public catering establishments. Volume 3. Thermal equipment. - M.: “Economy”, 1990.

4. Bylinskaya N.A., Leenson G.H. Mechanical equipment for public catering and retail establishments. - M.: “Economy”, 1980.

Linear washing machines KUM-1, KUV-1, KUM(Fig. 6.8) are intended for washing various vegetables and fruits (except for root vegetables, which require preliminary soaking).

The KUM-1 and KUV-1 machines are equipped with an air blower, which allows you to wash vegetables and fruits with both soft and hard shells. The KUM machine, which does not have an air blower, is used for the primary washing of lightly soiled vegetables and fruits with a soft structure.

In all three machines, conveyor chains, sprockets, bearings, tensioning devices, and in washing machines KUM-1 and KUV-1 and the air blower are unified.

Each washing machine consists of a bath 1 , conveyor belt 2 , shower device 3 and drive 4 . On the bath frame 1 All components of the washing machines have been installed.

The conveyor belt on the KUV-1 machine is made of duralumin rollers with a diameter of 75 mm.

The KUM-1 and KUM machines are equipped with roller and plate conveyor belts for working on small products. Any of them can be installed on the car.

When the machines are operating, fruits enter the washing space of the bath continuously. For more intensive washing of contaminated product, bubbling is created in the washing bath of the KUM-1 and KUV-1 machines by means of compressed air supplied from the supercharger.

The washed product from the washing area is moved by an inclined conveyor, in the upper part of which (before unloading) the product is rinsed with water from a shower device. The product is unloaded through a height-adjustable tray. The size of the product layer entering the conveyor belt in the KUM-1 and KUM machines is regulated by a damper.

To initially fill the bath with water, a pipe with a valve is provided on its side wall. The water entering the bathtub through the rinsing shower is removed through the drain slot.

During the operation of the machines, the water in the bath can be periodically updated by draining dirty water through the drain valve. The bathtub is cleaned through the dirt hatch and side windows. When processing heavily contaminated vegetables and fruits, you can increase the time they remain in the washing zone by periodically stopping the conveyor.

Rice. 6.8. Linear washing machine

The technical characteristics of linear washing machines are given in table. 6.1.

Drum washers . Washing in drum washing machines is carried out by rotating the drum due to intensive mixing of the raw materials and the impact of the falling raw materials on the surface of the water. The efficiency of the washing process is determined by the ratio of forces acting on the raw materials in the drum. At low drum speeds, the raw material is located in its lower part. With an increase in the number of drum revolutions, the angle of rise of the raw material increases (in smooth drums), and the higher the number of revolutions, the higher the rise, separation and fall height of the raw material. As the lift angle increases, the efficiency of the washing process increases as a result of better mixing and a higher drop height of the raw materials. However, at a significant number of drum revolutions, a moment may come when the centrifugal force exceeds the force of gravity and the raw material will be pressed against the walls of the drum during the entire revolution, i.e. the washing process will be disrupted.

The drum can be cylindrical, conical, horizontal or inclined. Continuous machines are manufactured with an inclined or horizontal drum. In the first case, the raw material moves along the drum due to the inclination, in the second - using a spiral or special nozzles welded to inner surface drum, if it is cylindrical, or due to taper.

Drum washing machine A9-KM-2(Fig. 6.9) is intended for washing hard fruits and vegetables (root vegetables, pears, apples, etc.). It consists of a frame 11 with a bath mounted on it 12 , which is divided by a partition into two parts. There is a drum in each part of the bath 2 And 3 , which are the same in length and diameter. Behind the drum 3 the third reel is located 4 . All three drums are driven into rotation by a common shaft 7 .

Rice. 6.9. Drum washing machine A9-KM-2

The first two drums are designed for soaking and separating contaminants. There are cracks on the surface of these drums through which contaminants pass and settle at the bottom of the bath. Contaminants are removed from the car through the hatch 10 . The third drum is intended for final rinsing with water, for which it is equipped with a shower device, and its surface is perforated. The machine is driven by a gear motor 5 through chain transmission 6 . Water is supplied to the shower device through a magnetic shut-off valve 8 , interlocked with a drive electric motor. Raw materials are fed into the machine through a receiving tray 1 , from it enters the drum 2 , then the blades are thrown first into the drum 3 , and from it with a special ladle - into the drum 4 . Washed raw materials are unloaded from the machine through a tray 9 .

The technical characteristics of the A9-KM-2 drum washing machine are given in table. 6.1.

Vibration machine MMKV-2000 Designed to remove contaminants from the surface of tubers and root crops.

The machine (Fig. 6.10) consists of a frame 1 , housing 8 , shower device 14 and drive. On the frame by means of vertical 6 and lateral 5 springs are fixed to the machine body. It is a cylindrical drum, closed at the ends, inside which runs a pipe with a screw. A shaft is installed inside the pipe on two spherical bearings 9 with imbalances 10 .

In the upper part of the drum, in the area of ​​the first turn of the auger, there is a loading hopper 7 , and in the front part, on the side, there is an unloading tray 4 . A collector is welded to the bottom along the entire length of the drum 11 with drain hole for draining dirty water into the sewer. A grid is inserted into the collection 13 , which is pressed to the turns of the auger with screws. For periodic cleaning of the machine, a hatch is provided in the collection 12 .

An electric motor is mounted on the frame bracket 3 , the shaft of which is connected to the machine shaft by a rubber coupling 2 . A shower device is installed above the machine body, which is attached to the frame.

Rice. 6.10. Vibration machine MMKV-2000

The center of gravity of the shaft located in the washing drum is shifted relative to the axis of rotation by means of four unbalances, due to which, when the shaft rotates, vibration is transmitted to the washing drum. The vibrations of the drum are circular in nature, their direction coincides with the direction of rotation of the shaft. The amplitude of oscillations is determined by the mass of imbalances. Since the direction of rotation of the shaft is opposite to the direction of the auger screws in the washing drum, and potatoes are continuously loaded into the machine, creating some support in the washing drum, the tubers in it gradually move along it. As they move, the tubers rub against each other and against the walls of the drum, and are also intensively washed with water supplied to the machine from a shower device. The washed tubers are removed from the washing machine through the unloading hatch and sent for further processing. The technical characteristics of the MMKV-2000 vibration washing machine are given in table. 6.1.

Machine A9-KLA/1(Fig. 6.11) is intended for pre-washing root vegetables.

The machine consists of a bed 1 , blade shaft 2 , drum 3 and drive 4 .

The frame includes a loading hopper and three compartments: primary washing, main washing and rinsing. In the frame support on the loading side there is a chute with a hatch for draining water and removing dirt when washing the machine. The water is first drained through valves into the sewer system, and then the drain hatch is opened using a lever system. In the main washing compartment there are two hatches and a valve for sanitizing the machine.

The blade shaft passes through all three compartments of the frame, mixing and moving the product from one compartment to another and unloading it through the loading window.

The drum is a shell perforated in the lower part, installed in supports on the blade shaft of the machine. It is located in the main sink compartment. Through holes in the bottom of the drum, sand and dirt particles settle to the bottom of the bath. The drum is secured with two latches, which must be released during sanitization to allow the drum to rotate.

The blade shaft is driven by a gear motor and a chain transmission with a gear ratio of 1.6. The chain is tensioned by lifting the gear plate, one end of which has hinges, and the other is pressed out with a special bolt. Water is supplied to the machine through a manifold with a diaphragm shut-off valve, which automatically turns off the water when the machine is stopped. The water supply to the primary washing compartment and rinsing compartment is regulated by valves. The water level in the bath is maintained by an overflow pipe.

Rice. 6.11. Paddle washing machine A9-KLA/1

The product is loaded into a hopper, and from there it is transferred by blades into the primary washing compartment. Here it is mixed by blades and cleaned of dirt through mutual friction. Dirt particles settle to the bottom and are periodically removed from the machine through the drain hatch. The design of the machine provides the possibility of dry cleaning of root crops from dirt. To do this, the drain hatch should be opened completely, and the water supply to the primary washing compartment should be limited to 0.2 m3. The need for dry cleaning of root vegetables is dictated by the degree of their contamination.

The product is then transferred to the central compartment (drum), in which the main washing is carried out. Impurities, having passed through the mesh part of the drum, settle in the frame bath and are compacted during sanitary processing. The product is then transferred to the rinsing compartment, and from there it is unloaded.

Technical characteristics of the A9-KLA/1 paddle washing machine are given in table. 6.1.

Machine T1-KUN designed for washing parsley, dill, celery, horseradish leaves, mint. The machine (Fig. 6.12) consists of a bed 1 , ejector 2 , remote conveyor 3 and drive 4 .

The frame is a welded structure made of sheet steel. Upper part The frame forms a bathtub consisting of two compartments for preliminary and final washing. Between the compartments there is an ejector consisting of two perforated plates mounted on a rotating shaft.

An external conveyor is located in the final washing compartment.

At the bottom of the frame there is a drive consisting of an electric motor and a gearbox, which rotates the ejector and the remote conveyor through a chain transmission.

Before starting work, the machine bath is filled with water. Through the window, greens are loaded in small portions into the bath, where a stream of water moves to the ejector, which transfers it to the second compartment, and then to an external conveyor. Here the greens are rinsed and removed from the machine.

The technical characteristics of the T1-KUN washing machine are given in table. 6.1.

Washing machines type A9-KMB(Fig. 6.13) are intended for washing tomatoes and other raw materials with a soft consistency.

Currently, three types of machines of this brand are used in industry (A9-KMB-4, A9-KMB-8, A9-KMB-16), which differ only in the width and speed of the roller conveyor.

The basis of the machine is a bathtub 1 , which is attached to two paired stands - the front 14 and back 10 , made from rolled angle steel. The bathtub is equipped with a hatch 16 for removing contaminants from the bath when sanitizing the machine and valve 15 for periodic removal of contaminants without stopping the machine. An inclined grid and a roller conveyor are installed in the bath 3 and an air bubbler. Roller conveyor 3 driven by a gear motor 8 via chain transmission 6 .

At the end of the bath on an inclined area above the roller conveyor 3 the syringe device is located 4 with nozzles 2 for clean rinsing of raw materials.

Rice. 6.12. Washing machine T1-KUN

Water into the syringe device 4 supplied through a magnetic shut-off valve 5 , interlocked with the machine drive and stopping the supply of water to the syringe device 4 when stopping the car.

When sanitizing the machine, as well as during repairs, the roller conveyor 3 using a lift 9 rotates around the axis of the upper stars and is removed from the bath. The lift drive is manual. To supply air to the bubbler on the rear stand 10 fan installed 12 high pressure with individual electric motor 11 . Air is supplied to the air bubbler through an air duct 13 .

The raw material is fed into the bath onto an inclined grid, under which a bubbler is located. Rising air currents move the raw materials in the bath, intensifying the soaking and separation of contaminants.

From the inclined grid the raw material falls onto the roller conveyor 3 , where the process of destruction and separation of contaminants from raw materials continues due to the friction of the fruits when they are rotated by the rotating rollers of the conveyor. Raw materials leaving the bath before entering the tray 7 rinses with jets clean water supplied from nozzles 2 syringe manifolds.

The technical characteristics of the A9-KMB washing machine are given in table. 6.1.

Vibrating washing machine KMC(Fig. 6.14) is intended for washing vegetables and fruits, as well as for cooling them after heat treatment. It consists of a frame 1 , shower manifold 6 , baths 3 and drive 2 .

The frame has four posts with support plates. A sieve is attached to the frame on four hinged suspensions at an angle of 5° to the horizontal 4 , performing a reciprocating motion that is transmitted from the crankshaft.

Rice. 6.13. Washing machine type A9-KMB

Rice. 6.14. Vibrating washing machine KMC

Above the sieve 4 bunker installed 5 with a gate to regulate the amount of product supplied. There is also a shower manifold above the sieve. 6 with nozzles, and underneath there is a bath with a hole for draining waste water.

The technical characteristics of the KMC vibration washing machine are given in table. 6.1.




With 01.07.86

This CMEA standard applies to washing and washing-sorting machines, consisting of separate unified assembly units and intended for washing and manual sorting of fruits and vegetables in the production of canned fruit and vegetables.

This CMEA standard does not apply to sorting machines and machines for calibrating product color and size.


1.1. Washing and washing-sorting machines must be manufactured of the following types:

type I - with roller conveyor;

type II - with belt conveyor.


2.1. The main parameters and dimensions of washing and washing-sorting machines must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1.

2.2. Dimensions and the weight of washing and sorting machines must correspond to those indicated in the drawing. 1 - 4 and in table. 2.

2.3. The overall dimensions of washing machines must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 5.

The weight of type I washing machines should not exceed 1400 kg, type II machines - 1300 kg.

Table 1

IIversion 1

Washing and sorting machines of types I and II version 2

Washing and sorting machines of types I and IIperformance 3

Washing and sorting machines of types I and IIperformance 4

Table 2

Dimensions, mm

Machine weight, kg, no more

Versions 1 and 3

Versions 2 and 4

Versions 1 and 2

Versions 3 and 4



3.1. Design requirements

3.1.1. Washing and sorting machines must be manufactured in climatic version UHL category 4 according to ST SEV 460-77.

3.1.2. Types I and II washing machines must be manufactured with a tray for loading from a box tray.

3.1.3. Types I and II washing and sorting machines must perform locking, active washing, sorting and rinsing operations.

3.1.4. The machine drive must provide stepwise regulation of conveyor speeds.

3.1.5. The movement of roller and belt conveyors should be smooth, without shocks.

3.1.6. The design of roller conveyors must allow the replacement of rollers without dismantling the chains.

3.1.7. The rollers should rotate easily around their axes and rotate periodically when moving along the guides.

3.1.8. All internal and external surfaces that do not come into contact with products must, if necessary, have an anti-corrosion coating.

3.1.9. The shower system must provide the ability to monitor its operation.

3.1.10. The nozzles of shower systems for rinsing products must be replaceable and made of corrosion-resistant materials.

3.1.11. Water leakage through welds, valve seals and pipe connections is not allowed.

3.1.12. The design of the machines must ensure the possibility of mechanized removal of sorted raw materials and waste.

3.2. Reliability requirements

Reliability indicators should have the following values:

availability factor, not less................................... 0.95

coefficient technical use, not less..... 0.92

mean time between failures, h, not less................................. 400

average service life of machines, years, not less................... 10

3.3. Security requirements

3.3.1. The degree of protection of electrical equipment in machines must be no worse than IP44 according to ST SEV 592-77.

3.3.3. All moving and rotating parts of machines that pose a danger to operating personnel must be covered with safety covers in accordance with ST SEV 2696-80.

3.3.4. The machine drive must be turned off when the working parts are overloaded.

Machines must have the required number of emergency shutdown devices.

3.3.5. Workplaces must comply with the requirements of ST SEV 2695-80.

3.3.6. The design of the protective conductor connection points must comply with the requirements of ST SEV 2308-80.

3.4. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

3.4.1. Do not allow lubricants to come into contact with products or parts in contact with them.

3.4.2. The design of washing-sorting and washing machines must ensure that the contamination of raw materials by microorganisms is reduced by at least 10 times during a single wash.

3.4.3. The noise level during operation of machines should not exceed 85 dB on scale A in accordance with ST SEV 1930-79.

3.4.4. The vibration level during machine operation should not exceed the values ​​specified in ST SEV 1932-79.

2. Topic - 17.141.12-82.

3. The CMEA standard was approved at the 55th meeting of the PCC.

4. Dates for the start of application of the CMEA standard:

5. Verification period - 1992

2. Main parameters and dimensions.. 2

3. Technical requirements. 3