Soap dish made from plastic bottles. Budget gifts. Making a soap dish Soap dishes from scrap materials

How to make a soap dish with your own hands from scrap materials that can always be found in household clutter.

When designing such a product, and then subsequently manufacturing it, you should always be guided by the following requirements:

Minimum number of parts
ease of manufacture
use of moisture-resistant material
protecting soap from exposure external environment, or in other words, provide a lid in the design of the soap dish
matching appearance

The isometric figure shows the box assembly diagram and its detailing.

1. Side wall.
2. Rear wall.
3. Front wall.
4. Bottom.
5. Cylindrical metal pin 3 x 20 (mm).

Cylindrical metal pins can be made from ordinary construction nails of the appropriate diameter.



Specification of materials dimensions (length, width, thickness):

Rear wall 130 x 40 x 10 (mm)
front wall 150 x 50 x 10 (mm)
bottom 130 x 90 x 10 (mm)

Material used to make washbasin soap dish – moisture resistant plywood thickness 10 (mm).

How to make a soap dish with your own hands for or manufacturing technology:

1. Cut out blanks from plywood, strictly observing their dimensions, parallelism and perpendicularity of the edges.
2. Mark the center of the holes for the pins.
3. Drill holes to the desired depth.

The centers of the holes in the parts to be joined must match exactly. The holes are drilled strictly perpendicular to the edges, otherwise difficulties may arise during assembly. When drilling, it is best to use a metal jig that you can make yourself.

4. Insert the glue pins into the holes in the side walls of the soap dish box.
5. Connect the back and front walls, the bottom with the side walls with glue pins.
6. Use clamps to compress the assembled box and allow the glue to dry.
7. Smooth the rough edges of the box and finish the least visible parts and finish with the front surfaces.
8. Surface finishing. Apply with a brush thin layer varnish After drying, treat the surface with fine sandpaper, then wax the surface.
9. Install the cover on the pins 3 x 20...30 (mm)

There is half a day left before the holiday, and trips to the store looking for gifts take a lot of time. But we know the way to our favorite craft store very well. This is what we need now. And you don’t need to search for long and we’ll get ready quickly.

Maybe the idea is not mine, and I didn’t come up with anything new, but just to remind you. I suggest making small gifts for friends and girlfriends.

So, we buy baked plastic at a craft store. Any. I bought Sonnet and Premol. I’ll say right away: the first one is harder, it’s more difficult to knead, but after baking it’s not as stone-like as the second one.

Required materials:

Baking plastic, a file, scissors, a rolling pin, a drinking straw, a vinyl napkin, metal baking dishes - we will place soap dishes on them for “baking”.

We knead the plastic. Roll into a ball. Place on a file moistened with water. This will make it easier for the plastic to detach from the film. If you know how to mix colors beautifully, you can mix them.

Flatten the lump with your palm.

Cover the top with a file sprinkled with water and roll it out with a rolling pin to the desired thickness and size. I got 2-3 millimeters.

We remove the top file, place the vinyl napkin on the cake with the voluminous side so that the motif is clearly imprinted, and roll it with a rolling pin, pressing the napkin into the clay.

Carefully remove the napkin. We get a beautiful print.

You can cut out a beautiful piece with cookie cutters. I left it like that and didn’t find a suitable one.

Usually the soap dish has holes for draining water. Take a tube and make holes.

Then carefully remove the workpiece from the backing file and place it on a metal mold. I had cocotte makers and an ashtray. We arrange the shuttlecocks beautifully, the clay is pliable.

Place in the oven and bake according to instructions. Leave to cool in the oven.

After cooling, we take it out, pack it and give it away.

I've already installed mine.

These are the little gifts.

Comfort in a home consists of many little things: beautiful curtains, soft rug, candles, figurines and much more. An ordinary soap dish is no exception. She is cute and useful accessory. In addition, a soap dish does not have to be a boring piece of plastic. Everyone is capable of making their own stylish and beautiful accessory without spending extra money, effort and time on it. To start creating, we suggest getting acquainted with a few simple, but original options creating a soap box.

Manufacturing rules

Before we begin creating such an item, let’s name the universal parameters that must be followed.

The simpler the better

You should not choose a model that is too difficult to manufacture. After all, even the most trivial design will perfectly cope with its intended purpose. It is worth using your time and energy rationally to create a beautiful and unique product.

Minimum details

Compliance with this rule will help facilitate the process of producing a soap dish and caring for it. In addition, a laconic accessory looks more stylish and neat.

Moisture resistant material type

From constant contact with water, some materials can quickly break down and become deformed. The selection of material must be especially careful. The service life of the finished product depends on this.

Suitable design

Should be taken into account general style design of the room for which the product is intended. Taking this into account, select its color, size and shape. The accessory should complement the interior, and not stand out from it.

Availability of cover

If you are going to place the soap dish in an open space, for example in the garden, you should ensure that the soap is protected from external factors. To do this, be sure to make a lid for the product.


Today you can make a soap dish from different materials.

  • wall;
  • magnetic,
  • classical;
  • decorative.

Let's consider different options making a soap dish with your own hands, depending on the type of material used.

Made of plastic

This material is lightweight, durable, easy to use and easy to maintain.

For production you will need:

  • metal baking dishes;
  • straw for drinks;
  • baked plastic;
  • office file;
  • vinyl napkin;
  • scissors;
  • rolling pin

Choose plastic of the desired color or mix several shades, knead it and form a ball. Then place the resulting mass on a file or polyethylene. Pre-wet the cellophane with water to make it easier to remove the plastic. Now you need to press on the ball so that it takes the shape of a pancake, then cover it with another layer of polyethylene moistened with water. Roll out the plastic with a rolling pin to the desired thickness, for example 3 mm.

Filming top layer polyethylene, replace it with a vinyl napkin with a three-dimensional pattern. They pass over the material with a rolling pin so that the pattern of the napkin is clearly imprinted on the plastic. You can do it another way: use a metal cookie cutter instead of a napkin. Carefully remove the napkin or mold and remove any remaining polyethylene.

It is necessary to give the product its final appearance. You can leave the existing shape and make beautiful flounces using the shape of an ashtray or other utensils. Don't forget to make holes in the bottom of the soap dish so that water always drains out. You can use a straw for this. Place the product in the oven and bake according to the instructions included with the plastic.

Wait until the product has completely hardened before removing it from the oven.

From scrap materials

Often required material for the soap dish is at hand. Let's look at the most interesting implementation techniques.

From the bottle

To make a beautiful and practical soap dish, all you need is an ordinary plastic bottle. Cut the bottom of two containers so that their height is at least 5 cm. Sew these two parts together using a regular zipper. The resulting product can be used in the bathroom or sauna, or taken with you on the road. Fast, practical and inexpensive.

It's easy to make a flower soap dish from the bottom of a small plastic bottle. Cut the bottom to any height, heat the edges with a candle or lighter to give them an asymmetrical shape. All that's left to do is paint it finished product in the desired color.

To do this, choose moisture-resistant paint in cans.

From wine corks

If you have wine corks lying around the house, you shouldn’t throw them away. We offer simple and quick option soap dishes. Prepare 19 corks and a tube regular glue. Make the bottom of the product by connecting the elements with a 3x3 cm square. Then create the sides of the soap dish by gluing the remaining plugs along the edges just above the base.

From popsicle sticks

Another option for a simple budget soap dish. Get your scissors ready hot water, glue, wooden sticks. Soak the sticks in water and give them a slightly curved shape. This is necessary so that you can place the soap as conveniently as possible.

Dry the parts, then make a lattice of 6 more elements on the base of two sticks. Carefully glue them together using a waterproof product. Duplicate the result obtained, connect the two lattice bases to each other with sticks from the sides.

For convenience, you can add a sponge backing to the soap dish.

From polymer clay

This material opens up limitless scope for creativity. By using polymer clay or epoxy resin You can create any shape of the product. For example, a funny octopus. To do this you will need some colored clay, as well as foil.

Make a ball of foil with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Then create a cake of polymer clay and cover the ball with it. This will create the head of the future octopus. Next, prepare 8 balls different diameters and form them into sticks that will serve as tentacles. Now secure them to the base of the octopus head.

The three front tentacles need to be slightly bent upward. They will serve as a soap stand. Twist one of the longest tentacles into a spiral using a marker. This will be the brush holder. All that's left to do is small details. From the remaining clay, form the eyes and mouth of the octopus.

You can decorate it additional accessories, for example, a hat.

To learn how to make a soap dish from Polymorphus superplastic, see the following video.

If you urgently need to add a touch of piquancy to your kitchen, then try quickly making a soap dish with your own hands. This is a creative process, with its own approaches, so quickly wake up the cockroaches in your head and get down to business.

What materials may be needed?

  • plastic bottle;
  • gypsum powder or polymer clay;
  • glue "Moment";
  • paints for plastic and plaster.

You can’t quickly make a soap dish with your own hands!

If you want to invent the wheel, then don’t: it’s already been invented before you, but the soap stand - please invent it! Below is a photo of what the craftswomen came up with. Learn from your experience or try to design something special, different from what you saw. True, you won’t make such a masterpiece in 5 minutes, but in 15 – real time for creativity, if you have it at hand necessary tool and the patterns are ready.

Soap dispenser made from a plastic bottle

In addition to stands for a solid piece, you can also, for example, at the dacha, build a dispenser for liquid washing consistency. Do you like this option? Then decide where you will start working.

By the way, such a dispenser may well carry 2 more loads: act as a holder for toothbrushes and be a stand for toothpaste or mouth rinse.


When you urgently need to get your husband ready for a trip late at night, and as luck would have it, there is no soap dish, then 2 bottoms from a plastic bottle come in handy.

  1. Cut the bottom so that the soft walls protrude 5 cm upward.
  2. Find an unnecessary zipper for clothes around the house.
  3. Using wide stitches, sew the zipper to the edges of both plastic bowls.
  4. You get a nice swallowable soap dish.

DIY soap dish from the bottom of small bottles

You can make a flower soap box from plastic day bottles, but you just have to paint the cut out item in the color you want. Pick up the paint in the store, just make sure that it is not afraid of water: it is best to choose enamels in spray cans for your car.

Soap dish made of plaster

The most delicate soap dish is a soap dish made of plaster, but it can only be used for decorative purposes, since gypsum is afraid of water and is quickly destroyed by it.

A soap dish is an essential attribute of any bathroom. Nowadays people are increasingly moving away from classic soap bars in favor of more convenient liquid soap, which can be poured into the dispenser. However, progress does not stand still, and now you can find on sale such a miracle of technology as a contactless soap dish. Just imagine - you put your hand up, and soap and magic immediately pour on it, and that’s all, isn’t it?

Magic is magic, and a contactless soap dish is a very real device that you can assemble yourself without much difficulty. By decorating such a soap dish in a beautiful case and replacing the old manual dispenser, you can make the process of washing your hands fun and enjoyable even for the most dirty person. So, go ahead, get to work, or rather, get your soldering iron!

First, let's look at the diagram and try to understand how it all works. The whole circuit consists of two pieces - an IR signal transmitter and a receiver of the same IR signal. More precisely, these are two different schemes that are designed to work together. Those. then, when nothing prevents the transmitter from illuminating the receiver with a signal, the relay is turned off, the soap does not flow.

As soon as we bring our hand, which needs to be washed, the visible connection between them is broken, the receiver loses the signal, the relay opens, the pump starts, the soap flows. This is the magic. Regarding the pump - I used a simple diaphragm pump bought on Aliexpress, you can use any one that is capable of pumping thick soap and is suitable in size.

Transmitter circuit

A few words about the IR signal transmitter. It is based on the NE556 chip, which is essentially a milked 555 timer. If a regular timer continuously generates pulses, this one creates bursts of pulses. For some time there are impulses, for some time they are not, and all this happens very, very quickly, you won’t have time to blink an eye. The frequency of the pulses themselves is 36 kHz. Electric current is converted into infrared light thanks to IR LEDs HL1 and HL2, which can be easily found in remote controls remote control. For our purposes, one LED is enough, so the second one can be safely removed, but resistor R2 should definitely be changed to a higher resistance one, for example, 1 kOhm. The power of the emitted signal will depend on its rating. Because The distance from the receiver to the transmitter in our case is not at all great, excess power will only do harm.

Receiver circuit

So, we've sorted out the transmitter, now let's move on to the receiver. Its key link is the TSOP 1736 IR receiver. You can use any other similar receivers, the main thing is that they are designed for a signal frequency of 36 or 38 kHz; the easiest way to pick them out is from a dead TV. When the LED transmitting the signal shines on this same TSOP receiver, the voltage at its output is zero (log. 0), accordingly, the field-effect transistor VT1 is closed, the relay is de-energized, the pump is de-energized, and the soap dish is in standby mode. As soon as someone's palm gets in the way of the light transmitted by the transmitter, the TSOP receiver stops receiving bursts of pulses, the voltage at its output rises (logic 1), the transistor opens, supplies voltage to the relay, which, in turn, starts the pump. To stop the flow of soap, simply remove your hand. The HL1 LED signals the supply of soap. The operating principle is clearly shown in the following picture:

The supply voltage for both the receiver and transmitter is 12 volts. The good thing about the scheme is that it operates clearly, without any delays. You can substitute and then remove your hand without fear that a stray drop of soap will fall past. Photo of the device I assembled:

Happy assembly to everyone!