Do I need an employee's personnel number? How a personnel number is assigned to employees of an organization. Why is a personnel number assigned?

Not every employee comes across such a concept as “employee personnel number”. Often those who work in a large or medium-sized enterprise know about this. The accounting department of a small-scale LLC usually does not notify employees. Large factories always tell employees their personnel numbers. Whether employees know about it or not, the assignment of a serial number is carried out by the personnel department or accounting department. This is regulated by current legislation, and the absence of this clause is a violation.

Personnel number - what is it?

In principle, from the name itself it becomes clear what a personnel number is. This is a kind of numerical value that is assigned to a specific employee. This is a code that identifies an employee.

The peculiarities of personnel numbers include the fact that they are individual. That is, there are no workers whose code would completely match. At the same time, the personnel number is retained for the dismissed employee. If he subsequently continues his employment relationship with this employer, then he is assigned his old number.

It is also worth noting that the employee’s personnel number is assigned to him upon employment; it does not change in the future. That is, registration for a job assigns a certain code, which in the future remains the same, regardless of a change of position or salary increase.

The need for personnel numbers. What are they for?

Still, it’s better to figure out why the employer needs personnel numbers. The employee gets nothing from this. As mentioned above, the employee may not be aware of the existence of such a code. However, why was the employee’s personnel number initially introduced? How is this cipher assigned and what does it mean?

Personnel numbers help the accounting department of an LLC or enterprise. Thanks to them, electronic document management becomes easier. Although it is worth noting that personnel numbers in large factories have been used for quite a long time, even before the advent of the 1C program.

What are the main points that allow you to use this cipher? This is, first of all:

  • Facilitating the work of HR specialists. This is due to the fact that tracking a personnel number helps not to “lose” an employee when he changes positions.
  • Assisting the accounting department in working with the calculation and issuance of wages. Personnel numbers in 1C are directly related here. It is this program that helps you select an employee not by name or position, but by personnel number.
  • Tracking an employee's presence at work. Relevant for enterprises that are equipped with an electronic pass system.

Specific examples. Why do you need a personnel number?

To understand who and how assigns a personnel number to an employee, you need to fully understand why this parameter is needed.

First of all, it helps to avoid unnecessary gossip. So, if, when calculating wages, an accountant or a specialist in standardization and remuneration sees only personnel numbers. He cannot understand exactly what amount Ivanov received and what amount Petrov received. That is, this allows us to further enhance secrecy.

The personnel number also helps you avoid mistakes. This is another parameter that allows you to check the correctness of the document. This is especially true when there are namesakes or full namesakes. Of course, you can also check parameters by position or date of hire. However, personnel numbers should not be discounted.

Who can appropriate?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a HR specialist. However, it is worth noting that the legislation does not regulate the position of the employee involved in assigning ciphers. However, when applying for a job, it is the HR engineers who are directly present.

This can also be done by the heads of structural divisions or even by the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a personnel employee, an accountant may take his place in this matter.

Who can be assigned a personnel number

Can all employees be assigned a code? Personnel numbers are usually kept for all employees of an enterprise. Namely:

  • For employees working on a permanent basis.
  • Temporary or seasonal workers.
  • External part-time workers.
  • For those who work part-time.

In fact, each employee has his own personnel number, regardless of how long he is employed. It is noteworthy that even students who apply for internships in any department receive their own code.

It is worth noting that if an employee has any combination of jobs or professions within one enterprise, he still receives one personnel number. An employee who works part-time in two companies has his own individual code in each of them.

How is an employee's personnel number assigned? What does the law say?

It’s worth noting right away that the legislation is quite vague about assigning a personnel number at an enterprise. In fact, there are no specific articles in the Labor Code or federal laws regulating how personnel numbers are assigned to employees. Each employer develops for himself a system that helps him maintain competent and convenient records of these ciphers. Here, the internal documents of the organization play an important role. In them, for example, you can determine the position of the employee involved in assigning numbers.

It is generally accepted that a personnel number is assigned to each employee, and one should start with the first number. In fact, it becomes identical to the concept of “ordinal number”.

Such accounting can be carried out in two ways:

  • Using special programs.
  • Manually by an employee.

The latter method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that the most popular 1C program allows you to automatically assign numbers to each newly hired employee of the enterprise.

Assigning a personnel number may seem like a time-consuming process. However, this is not true. Just follow a few simple rules and this action will be carried out automatically.

First of all, the internal documents of the organization must assign this obligation to a specific employee. This will help avoid arguments in the future. This will also eliminate the situation when no one is responsible for this operation.

Secondly, the direct assignment of a number to an employee should be carried out on the employee’s first working day, and ideally at the time of concluding an employment contract. In this case, the numbering will be correct and without gaps.

A specific numeric code must be communicated to employees, as this not only increases their importance in their eyes, but also helps to avoid errors when calculating wages. This is due to the fact that when writing any applications for financial assistance or for taking leave, the employee will indicate, among other things, his personnel number.

This parameter must also be indicated in the employment order. It can be typed in the program or handwritten by a HR representative.

Logbook. Recording personnel numbers

Enterprises that are forced to use personnel numbers for their employees often use a document such as a personnel number register.

This internal document of the enterprise may indicate the following parameters:

  • The employee’s passport data, including his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the number and series of the document.
  • The date the employee was hired at his main workplace.
  • The number of the employment contract, as well as the date of its preparation.
  • Specialist position.
  • The department in which the employee will work.
  • Direct personnel number.

A personnel number is mandatory for large enterprises. However, small companies also use this method to make life easier for employees of the HR department or accounting department. In a general sense, this is the numbering of employees. Since each number is unique, it helps ensure that funds are credited to the right person. This is especially true when employing namesakes or namesakes. Keeping records of personnel numbers itself is not a complex or time-consuming procedure. Basically, it is entrusted to the HR specialist. However, the law allows you to assign this mission to another employee. This fact is stated in the documents of the organization itself.

Not every employee comes across such a concept as “employee personnel number”. Often those who work in a large or medium-sized enterprise know about this. The accounting department of a small-scale LLC usually does not notify employees. Large factories always tell employees their personnel numbers. Whether employees know about it or not, the assignment of a serial number is carried out by the personnel department or accounting department. This is regulated by current legislation, and the absence of this clause is a violation.

Personnel number - what is it?

In principle, from the name itself it becomes clear what a personnel number is. This is a kind of numerical value that is assigned to a specific employee. This is a code that identifies an employee.

The peculiarities of personnel numbers include the fact that they are individual. That is, there are no workers whose code would completely match. At the same time, the personnel number is retained for the dismissed employee. If he subsequently continues his employment relationship with this employer, then he is assigned his old number.

It is also worth noting that the employee’s personnel number is assigned to him upon employment; it does not change in the future. That is, registration for a job assigns a certain code, which in the future remains the same, regardless of a change of position or salary increase.

The need for personnel numbers. What are they for?

Still, it’s better to figure out why the employer needs personnel numbers. The employee gets nothing from this. As mentioned above, the employee may not be aware of the existence of such a code. However, why was the employee’s personnel number initially introduced? How is this cipher assigned and what does it mean?

Personnel numbers help the accounting department of an LLC or enterprise. Thanks to them, electronic document management becomes easier. Although it is worth noting that personnel numbers in large factories have been used for quite a long time, even before the advent of the 1C program.

What are the main points that allow you to use this cipher? This is, first of all:

  • Facilitating the work of HR specialists. This is due to the fact that tracking a personnel number helps not to “lose” an employee when he changes positions.
  • Assisting the accounting department in working with the calculation and issuance of wages. Personnel numbers in 1C are directly related here. It is this program that helps you select an employee not by name or position, but by personnel number.
  • Tracking an employee's presence at work. Relevant for enterprises that are equipped with an electronic pass system.

Specific examples. Why do you need a personnel number?

To understand who and how assigns a personnel number to an employee, you need to fully understand why this parameter is needed.

First of all, it helps to avoid unnecessary gossip. So, if, when calculating wages, an accountant or a specialist in standardization and remuneration sees only personnel numbers. He cannot understand exactly what amount Ivanov received and what amount Petrov received. That is, this allows us to further enhance secrecy.

The personnel number also helps you avoid mistakes. This is another parameter that allows you to check the correctness of the document. This is especially true when there are namesakes or full namesakes. Of course, you can also check parameters by position or date of hire. However, personnel numbers should not be discounted.

Who can appropriate?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a HR specialist. However, it is worth noting that the legislation does not regulate the position of the employee involved in assigning ciphers. However, when applying for a job, it is the HR engineers who are directly present.

This can also be done by the heads of structural divisions or even by the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a personnel employee, an accountant may take his place in this matter.

Who can be assigned a personnel number

Can all employees be assigned a code? Personnel numbers are usually kept for all employees of an enterprise. Namely:

  • For employees working on a permanent basis.
  • Temporary or seasonal workers.
  • External part-time workers.
  • For those who work part-time.

In fact, each employee has his own personnel number, regardless of how long he is employed. It is noteworthy that even students who apply for internships in any department receive their own code.

It is worth noting that if an employee has any combination of jobs or professions within one enterprise, he still receives one personnel number. An employee who works part-time in two companies has his own individual code in each of them.

How is an employee's personnel number assigned? What does the law say?

It’s worth noting right away that the legislation is quite vague about assigning a personnel number at an enterprise. In fact, there are no specific articles in the Labor Code or federal laws regulating how personnel numbers are assigned to employees. Each employer develops for himself a system that helps him maintain competent and convenient records of these ciphers. Here, the internal documents of the organization play an important role. In them, for example, you can determine the position of the employee involved in assigning numbers.

It is generally accepted that a personnel number is assigned to each employee, and one should start with the first number. In fact, it becomes identical to the concept of “ordinal number”.

Such accounting can be carried out in two ways:

  • Using special programs.
  • Manually by an employee.

The latter method is used less and less. This is due to the fact that the most popular 1C program allows you to automatically assign numbers to each newly hired employee of the enterprise.

Assigning a personnel number may seem like a time-consuming process. However, this is not true. Just follow a few simple rules and this action will be carried out automatically.

First of all, the internal documents of the organization must assign this obligation to a specific employee. This will help avoid arguments in the future. This will also eliminate the situation when no one is responsible for this operation.

Secondly, the direct assignment of a number to an employee should be carried out on the employee’s first working day, and ideally at the time of concluding an employment contract. In this case, the numbering will be correct and without gaps.

A specific numeric code must be communicated to employees, as this not only increases their importance in their eyes, but also helps to avoid errors when calculating wages. This is due to the fact that when writing any applications for financial assistance or for taking leave, the employee will indicate, among other things, his personnel number.

This parameter must also be indicated in the employment order. It can be typed in the program or handwritten by a HR representative.

Logbook. Recording personnel numbers

Enterprises that are forced to use personnel numbers for their employees often use a document such as a personnel number register.

This internal document of the enterprise may indicate the following parameters:

  • The employee’s passport data, including his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the number and series of the document.
  • The date the employee was hired at his main workplace.
  • The number of the employment contract, as well as the date of its preparation.
  • Specialist position.
  • The department in which the employee will work.
  • Direct personnel number.

A personnel number is mandatory for large enterprises. However, small companies also use this method to make life easier for employees of the HR department or accounting department. In a general sense, this is the numbering of employees. Since each number is unique, it helps ensure that funds are credited to the right person. This is especially true when employing namesakes or namesakes. Keeping records of personnel numbers itself is not a complex or time-consuming procedure. Basically, it is entrusted to the HR specialist. However, the law allows you to assign this mission to another employee. This fact is stated in the documents of the organization itself.

Many people, when applying for a job, have no idea what an employee’s personnel number is and what it is needed for, but this thing is needed to carry out documentation operations.

Nowadays, entrepreneurs have begun to practice assigning an individual personnel number to an employee when hiring. A personnel number is a special digital code that allows you to reduce and facilitate the processing of an employee’s personal data related to time spent at the workplace and not only.

If you don’t know what a personnel number is and why it is necessary to assign it, then we’ll talk about it below. We will also consider the order in which it is issued to an employee of the enterprise and such an innovation as biometric registration.

What is an individual employee digital number?

All working people at the enterprise are assigned individual numbers consisting of different combinations of numbers, which subsequently help accounting staff process internal movement data. Thanks to this number, all data on wages, vacations, sick leave and time spent at the workplace are saved in the computer system. All this information may later be needed by an employee who retires or travels outside the country.

The personnel number is assigned once and forever, even if a situation arises in which a person is rehired in the same place, the system will immediately show this. Based on this, we note that it can be assigned only once at the time a worker is hired for his first position, and it is not changed during subsequent working hours; in any case, there is no need for this.

This number is unique for each employee and becomes the main requisite throughout the entire period of work. It is also used as an automatic calculation and various marks that help to correctly calculate earnings and calculate from it all taxes due to the state.

Individual digital values ​​are assigned in order, starting with a single value. Usually the number 1 is the chief manager of the enterprise. There are cases in which businesses begin to assign the numbers of laid-off employees to newly arrived employees, but it is worth noting that this can cause confusion and confusion. This is not practiced in all firms and enterprises.

How is the number assigned?

As it turned out, employee personnel numbers help accounting departments maintain special records for the issuance and calculation of wages. In the accounting department, in each case opened for a worker, these individual figures appear. But it’s worth knowing how, with the help of these digital individual ciphers, their records and everything else that is connected with them can be kept.

There are no specially developed regulations for the correct assignment of individual digital ciphers. Based on this, each organization has the right to create its own rules for the development of ciphers and subsequently adjust them.

You should also take into account the basic rules for accounting for labor and wages, which are used in the construction and industrial fields: each employee who is hired for a permanent, temporary, or seasonal stay at the workplace is assigned an individual timesheet code consisting of several digits. The numbers subsequently serve to process reliable information about the employee. Basic regulations and rules may allow the previously used time combinations of departing employees to be assigned to other workers for 1-2 years.

To correctly assign and maintain timesheet records, you need to:

  1. Each organization that practices the establishment of personnel numbers when hiring is required to have on its staff a worker who will maintain full control over the assignment, accounting, created register and maintenance of all the basic rules for issuing an individual document.
  2. Employees applying for a job for the first time are required to assign individual digital combinations when the entire package of documents is submitted. As a last resort, assignment can be made on the first working day.
  3. Assignment occurs in chronological order.
  4. The employee’s individual number must appear in the order that confirms employment.
  5. It is impossible to change the number for any reason, since it is assigned once.
  6. In the case of a re-employment, the worker can receive his old personnel number, which is located in the database under his initials. But unless, of course, it was given to another employee within 1-2 years.
  7. Mandatory condition: the employee number must be in the form of Arabic numerals, cannot consist of letters, or contain dashes or other separating characters.

Tracking time spent at work

The assigned number will help in keeping track of working hours. Labor in our lives is the only factor for survival and existence on earth. It can only be measured by the time spent. To more conveniently measure working time, it is customary to use a personnel number, which will record the time of arrival and departure from the workplace.

The main categories of time accounting are its size and the established norm. The amount of working time can be calculated based on the work performed and the amount of time spent at the workplace. But as practice shows, many enterprise employees sacrifice their personal time in order to achieve the company’s goals in a timely manner. Due to this, the actual time worked and the prescribed norm diverge.

A worker has the opportunity to earn rest and wages throughout the entire year or several months. But the assigned personnel number will help you correctly calculate the required number of days allotted for rest and receive an honestly earned salary.

It is not in vain that personnel numbers are assigned to employees. They, in turn, can instantly display all information about the employee and calculate the length of time spent at the workplace. There are three main types of time spent at work, such as:

  1. Normal. The amount of time established by law must correspond to the 40-hour standard.
  2. Abbreviated. Reducing the time for work may be practiced in the case of hiring individuals who have not reached the age of majority. In this case, the time can be reduced from 1 to 4 hours.
  3. Incomplete. At the time of employment, the employer and the worker may agree on a part-time or shortened week. Typically, such cases occur if the person being employed is: a student, a pensioner, a disabled person, or a housewife. It is also worth emphasizing that this agreement does not affect vacation and seniority. The only thing this can affect is the payment of vacation days.

Biometric accounting systems

Nowadays, new technologies amaze with their characteristics. After all, now you can do without a personnel number, since they came up with a new system - biometric. The biometric system is a new method of recording working hours and collecting all personal data about the employee. Such identifiers are unique because they cannot be destroyed, lost or deceived.

Using them is quite simple and convenient. At the moment, fingerprint identification is practiced. Thanks to such terminals, you can easily record the time you left and came to work, just like a personnel number does. In order for the information to enter the database, you just need to touch the sensor with your finger to scan.

Moreover, such systems include intermediate events during the working day, for example, a lunch break, a business trip, a business trip and much more; you just need to click on a special button that will record this. Many terminals have cameras that take a photograph of the employee after identification. This will only strengthen the company's security level.

A personnel number is a detail that is used in personnel records. With the help of a personnel number, an individual person is displayed in the company’s internal papers, and not just a staff member.

When an employer uses unified forms approved by the State Statistics Committee for internal personnel records and working time recording, the personnel number is one of the required details. Without it, it will be impossible to fill out the forms correctly. In this article we will look at how to assign a personnel number to an employee.

Personnel number

A personnel number is a unique digital code (within one employer) that is assigned to an employee. The digital combination should be simple, but at the same time allow any employee to be identified, so that there is no confusion when filling out personnel forms. In large companies, when individual structural divisions have their own personnel and accounting departments, employees are assigned codes within one department.

Important! A number is assigned to each newcomer in chronological order. The received code will not change if the employee is transferred or his passport details change.

Who is assigned the personnel number?

Personnel numbers that allow employees to be identified are assigned to employees:

  • who has entered into an open-ended employment contract with the employer;
  • workers under a fixed-term employment contract;
  • external part-time workers;
  • for seasonal travelers.

Why is a personnel number assigned?

The personnel number is required for internal use. They, as a rule, are not indicated in outgoing documents, but are used in documents for recording time worked, orders for personnel, etc.

Assigning identification numbers to employees allows you to:

  • make it easier to process personnel data;
  • track the movement of employees during internal transfers to other departments;
  • make special notes when assigning a number to facilitate accounting or establish a special payment procedure;
  • promptly generate a request for an individual employee, receive information about the employee’s accrued or paid salary, sick leave, time off, vacations, etc.

Important! The main reason for using personnel numbers for employees is to keep track of the hours worked by each person. They are used to record and record the time an employee comes to work or goes home, breaks for lunch, and simply being absent on business.

Using the numbers, employers can obtain reliable information about how an employee uses his working time. They can control this process and take it into account in the wage system.

Where are personnel numbers displayed?

In addition to the employee’s personal data and the name of his position, the personnel number is indicated in:

  • order on hiring (reinstatement, dismissal);
  • vacation order (business trip, transfer);
  • time sheet;
  • shift schedules, staffing arrangements;
  • travel certificate;
  • various registration journals (books).

Procedure for assigning a personnel number to an employee

There is no approved procedure for assigning a personnel number to an employee. The law does not provide for a specific procedure for assigning a personnel number by the employer. In this regard, employers have the right to independently develop their own procedure and consolidate their algorithm in local regulations.

The algorithm of actions can be drawn up in the form of instructions or regulations, which will detail the rules for assigning numbers, accounting and control of numbers in the company. If automated HR and accounting tools are used for accounting, the code will be assigned automatically in the program when registering a new employee. However, many employers still keep records manually and record personnel numbers in log books. One of the company’s employees is appointed responsible for maintaining and storing the journal: a human resources specialist, an accountant or a clerk. Such a responsibility as assigning a personnel number to an accepted employee is assigned to the personnel officer by order. If we consider large employers, then the function of assigning personnel numbers is the responsibility of the timekeeper. In addition to directly assigning the number, the timekeeper or other responsible employee also maintains their register, and also monitors the correct assignment or use of the number.

Important! If an employer switches to a new type of software, then employee personnel numbers should remain unchanged when transferred to the new system.

How to assign a personnel number to an employee

If a new HR employee has difficulty assigning a personnel number to an employee, then he needs to rely on the company’s internal rules, as well as generally accepted standards.

Most employers use a single procedure for assigning a personnel number, which has not changed for several decades. To begin with, they compile a general list of numbers starting from one. Moreover, as a rule, the director is indicated under the first number, his deputy under the second, etc., until all employees are numbered.

When drawing up an employment order, the new employee receives his number. This can happen either automatically or manually, taking into account the chronological order and without omissions.

For example, if the staffing structure contains 125 employee records, then the new employee will be assigned personnel number 126. An exception to the rule is the hiring of a former employee who resigned, who already had his own personnel number. In this case, it is possible to use the previous code.

However, this happens quite rarely in practice. When a dismissed employee is rehired, a new employment contract is concluded with him, which indicates the beginning of a new employment relationship. Accordingly, a new number is assigned.

The personnel number format is usually in Arabic numerals. There are no extraneous characters in it. Symbols such as dash, hyphen, Roman numerals, index or letter combination are not used. However, there is also no direct prohibition on the use of these symbols. But usually the personnel number looks like this: “123”. And numbers such as “123full name” or simply “full name” (for example, using initials) can be found quite rarely.

How to assign a personnel number to an internal part-time worker

Internal part-time work is the performance of work by one employee in several positions within one company. The internal part-time worker carries out all the instructions of his employer only in his free time from working in his main position. In case of internal part-time work, a separate employment contract is concluded with the employee.

Due to the fact that several labor agreements are concluded with one employee during internal part-time work, it is more expedient to assign personnel numbers for each. That is, if an employee is employed in two positions, then he is assigned two numbers, if he has three, then three, etc.


As a rule, each new employee with whom the employer signs an employment contract is assigned a personnel number. Workers such as homeworkers, seasonal workers or part-time employees are not excluded. Personnel numbers are not assigned only to those employees with whom the employment relationship is formalized by a civil contract (contractor agreement, service agreement).

What is a personnel number, where does it come from and is it required? Read our article to find out whether you can use the numbers of dismissed employees

From this article you will learn:

Procedure for assigning a personnel number

The Labor Code does not define what an employee's personnel number is. This concept appeared in the Letter of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR N 75-AB, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR N 89, the Central Statistical Office of the USSR N 10-80 dated 04/27/1973. When a person gets a job, the HR department assigns him a digital code - a personnel number. This combination of numbers is unique and not repeated; each employee has their own. The code remains unchanged throughout the entire period of employment between the person and the company.

In very large companies with many thousands of staff, this can be done by a separate specialist - a timekeeper. In other companies, such responsibilities are assigned to a specialist in the HR or accounting department.

The legislation does not regulate this encoding and its assignment in any way, and theoretically, any company has the right to invent its own cipher using Roman numerals, symbols and letters. But usually timekeepers follow the practice that has developed over the years.

The process of assigning a personnel number to a new employee is traditionally as follows:

  • the specialist registering the newly arrived employee requests a free combination from the responsible employee;
  • the code assigned to the person is entered into the employment order and personal card;
  • information about the specialist hired and the number assigned to him is entered into the accounting journal.

Is a personnel number required?

Since the legislation has not made employee personnel numbers mandatory, small companies consisting of 2-3 employees can do without them. But in medium and large companies they are most often used. This codification allows:

  • facilitate the work of accountants in processing and recording information about internal movements of employees;
  • taxes are also simpler and more correct, thanks to the marks entered according to the employee’s personnel number;
  • simplify the search for information about salary, sick leave, time off, etc. for each employee.

Personnel number of the employee upon re-employment

The code assigned to an employee upon joining does not change until the person leaves the organization. To avoid confusion, it is recommended not to assign his code to new specialists for 1-2 years after the dismissal of an employee.

In this case, if the employee decides to return to the company, he should return his previous ID. In case of a later return, the person will receive the previous code only if they do not have time to give it to one of the new specialists.