Heating the house with gas from cylinders. Gas cylinder heating of the house. Organization of heating from gas cylinders

At the moment, the most commonly used method and type of heating country houses, suburban villages – is gas heating private house with cylinders. This method is very interesting and promising for heating country cottages, large estates and simple dachas.

But this method of heating a room has disadvantages, as well as advantages. To better understand the process, it is necessary to understand gas heating in theory, what the equipment looks like and how it is used.

Where to start studying the issue?

The heating process is performed using butane or propane.

In production, gas is liquefied, then it is forced into cylinders. This is how delivery occurs to the place of consumption - be it individuals or commercial organizations.

In its normal state, gas needs to occupy a significant volume, so it is converted into liquid form. This treatment allows a much larger volume of gas to be pumped into the tanks. Next, the gas cylinder should be connected to the boiler using a reducer (a device for reducing pressure). The gas returns to its original gaseous state. Next, the gas is burned in the boiler, ultimately releasing the required heat.

The advantages of this type of heating

  • Fuel purity.
  • System autonomy.
  • High stability
  • Ease of use and management.
  • Low fuel costs.

Heating the house gas cylinders is becoming much more popular nowadays, so it is important to think about how the entire system will be installed, no matter whether it is a new construction or a reconstruction of an old house or building.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that from such a system it is possible to create a supply for a house or cottage hot water. Such a system will come in handy if there is no option to connect to the highway. Such a heating system has a fairly good efficiency, due to the fact that natural gas in a fraction of seconds it changes from liquid to gas.

If desired, gas cylinders are used almost everywhere, even in a simple hut, so heating a cottage or house with gas cylinders should be called truly autonomous. You can easily warm up any rooms and premises, use the heated water in the system as you please, these are undoubtedly excellent opportunities.

Today, propane-butane is popular among consumers. It has many advantages, which is why it is so in demand.

  • high availability;
  • generated heat;
  • stability, security and simplicity;
  • autonomy.

Thanks to these advantages, we end up with: inexpensive, profitable and reliable equipment, which provides heating for the house. A huge advantage is that you can switch your LPG heating system off and on, whether it’s day or night. Even when the cottage or house is still under construction or has already been put into operation. Autonomous heating of the house using gas cylinders can be used when it is unprofitable to use other fuel. Any fuel can become more expensive, as is the case with diesel fuel or firewood.

Try to listen to all possible suggestions from professionals and ordinary consumers who use gas cylinder heating. Not only for safety reasons, but also to save money.

Important information!

To ensure the safety of your home and its occupants, you can reduce the gas supply at night while sleeping.

You should buy a burner from hardware stores and many hardware stores and supermarkets. There are, of course, many options, but you should take a closer look at the 10-20 kW options, you need to take into account the volume of rooms and premises. The purchased burner is connected to a gas cylinder using a reducer; it uses fuel from one eighth to two cubic meters per square meter. When operating a burner that operates from a central line, valve adjustment will be required, since the main hole in the valve is slightly larger and the pressure is also lower.

Carefully read the instructions supplied with all burners. To save money, you can connect, for example, an old Soviet gas stove, however, you will have to change the jet in it. We'll talk about installation next time.

Sometimes sellers in stores may offer more expensive options, saying that the stove will not operate on liquefied gas, but at the same time the instructions said something else! Read the instructions.

How does refueling happen?

This type of heating involves constant delivery of new gas to the point of consumption. In some villages there are special workers with a truck to transport fuel. The following have gas (propane) stations. But not everyone and not always manage it the way it should.

Filling only half, some stations say that the rest must be filled with condensate, because the gas can boil at forty degrees. And the condensate itself will save you from an inevitable explosion.

According to information from various sites, you can find out that 1 cylinder with a capacity of fifty liters can provide good functionality with a power of ten to twenty kW. The autonomous system operates for approximately 1/3 of the day, taking into account both the burner and the time it takes to cool down to the desired temperature, which you can select yourself. As a result, we have - at a temperature of twenty degrees, the heating system uses five kW.

Cons of the system

When located on the street, and also when low temperatures outside in the cold - the system will not be able to function normally, or will shut down completely, due to the fact that the condensate has frozen and does not provide room for gas to escape.

Good advice!

Place the cylinders in a warm place, preferably not in a residential area. For many country houses and cottages this is not a problem; there are premises or even separate buildings there.

If this is not the case, there is no need to be upset. Quickly making a ventilated insulated box yourself should not be a problem. The box itself can be made of metal, insulated with five layers of polystyrene foam from the inside and holes drilled for ventilation.

Do not forget about the importance of ventilation; place cylinders in ventilated buildings or rooms. Remember, gas is heavier than air. If there is a leak, it can lead to disaster.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but in modern world There is not yet a central gas pipeline everywhere. And to heat their rooms, people have to use wood or electricity. But there is another way - heating the house with gas cylinders. This good alternative solid fuel and electric heating if it is impossible to connect a private home to the central gas pipeline.

Although heating with liquefied petroleum gas propane or propane-butane is somewhat more expensive, in terms of its characteristics such fuel is practically no different from gas passing through the main line. A gas stove for heating a house from a cylinder is often used in a private house or country house, where the heated area does not exceed 100 sq.m. Let's consider the main features of balloon heating.

When Do you use liquefied gas for heating?

No direct prohibitions or restrictive measures on independent heating There are no gas cylinders in private homes. However, heating a home with liquefied gas from a cylinder is not always rational, since obtaining thermal energy in this way requires significant expenses.

Heating a house from a gas cylinder is beneficial only if:

  • heated room area up to 100 m2;
  • organizing good thermal insulation of the home;
  • minimizing heat loss.

The arrangement of heating a private house with gas is carried out using ordinary 50-liter cylinders with propane or butane, which are compressed to a liquid state.

In summer and winter, different mixtures of flammable substances are used:

  • SPBTL (flight combination);
  • SPBTZ (winter mixture).

In winter, the containers must be constantly monitored, as interruptions in the fuel supply are possible due to the difference in boiling temperatures of the mixture components (propane -40°C, butane 0°C). As a result, at a temperature of, for example, -10°C, the pressure in the vessel will drop below the level required for the normal functioning of the system. Then the cylinder will have to be heated to at least 0°C so that the butane begins to evaporate.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to heat cylinders that are located in a private house at subzero temperatures with heating elements or heating cables.

Advantages and disadvantages of balloon heating

Heating a private house with bottled gas has advantages over others heating option, and disadvantages.

First, we present the undeniable advantages of heating with liquefied gas:

  • high efficiency with significantly lower labor costs compared to solid fuel heating;
  • the ability to convert a gas boiler from a conventional cylinder to mainline equipment;
  • absolute autonomy and independence of the functioning of the balloon system;
  • long service life of equipment (15-25 years);
  • presence of demand for cylinders in the secondary market - containers are easy to sell if they are not needed.

In addition, cylinder heating allows you to heat water in a private house for household needs.

We also list the main disadvantages of such a heating system:

  • cylinders must be refilled regularly, approximately every 2-3 weeks, which is inconvenient and costly;
  • if the system is not organized correctly, gas consumption increases significantly;
  • the need to create suitable conditions for storing containers.

Thus, organizing a heating system on cylinders can be very dangerous if certain operating conditions of the equipment are not followed. Therefore, vessels can only be stored in a ventilated area without a basement. It is best to place the cylinders in a separate building.

How to connect the cylinder to the boiler?

To assemble a heating system on gas cylinders, the following equipment is required:

  • gas boiler with a special burner for liquefied fuel;
  • gas cylinders;
  • gearboxes;
  • ramp for connecting several containers;
  • shut-off valves;
  • pipes and hoses for connecting the system.

As a rule, a gas boiler with a water circuit is used as a heat generator. Moreover, a special boiler model is not required; you can simply replace the burner or nozzles. The power of the heating device is selected in accordance with the area of ​​the room, but the efficiency of the device should be as high as possible. Excellent choice will become a gas condensing boiler.

Attention! Install cylinders in the basement or basement forbidden. It is better to place them in a metal box with holes for ventilation.

Vessels can only be placed in a horizontal position. It is better to place a metal box on north side area in a shaded area.

For correct and effective functioning boiler it must be simultaneously connected to 4-5 cylinders. To equip a gas pipeline, you will need a pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm. At the place where it is installed, a sleeve is installed in the wall, the diameter of which is 20-30 mm larger than the cross-section of the tube. The space between the sleeve and the pipe is filled with polyurethane foam.

The cylinders are connected to the system through a reducer, which converts the liquid back into a gaseous state. This can be done in two ways: one reducer for all vessels or one pressure regulator for each cylinder. The implementation of the second option ensures complete safety, although it is more expensive.

To increase the interval for refilling containers, it is better to connect several vessels to the boiler at once through a ramp, which divides the cylinders into a main bundle and a spare one. First, gas will come from the main group of tanks, and when the fuel runs out, the boiler will switch to the reserve group. When the main link is updated, the heater will reconnect to the main group.

Attention! Observe most important rule safety: it is prohibited to fill the cylinder more than 80% of the volume, since the mixture of propane and butane has a high percentage of expansion, and when the volume is filled to more than 85%, there is a high probability of the vessel exploding.

When assembling and installing equipment, pipes and hoses, all connections, connectors and fittings must be checked for gas leaks using normal soaping.

Can the cylinder be replaced with a gas holder?

Instead of conventional 50-liter cylinders, it is allowed to use a more capacious steel container for storing liquefied gas - a gas holder. The volume of some of these tanks is often enough for the entire heating season.

However, heating a home with liquid gas cylinders is considered more convenient, since delivering fuel to a more compact vessels much easier. In addition, for a gas tank it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work on digging the site, which will result in additional financial investments.

At the same time, the use of a gas holder eliminates the need to simultaneously connect several containers at once, since one cylinder cannot provide sufficient evaporation for normal operation boiler

Pressure control reducer

The pressure in the cylinders is constantly changing, and its value depends on many factors:

  • number of cylinders;
  • composition and temperature of the mixture;
  • remaining liquefied gas;
  • distance of a group of vessels to the boiler.

The reducer is used to convert and maintain stable gas pressure in a vapor state.

You need to select a gearbox for a heating system based on two main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • working pressure.

The rationality of heating a private house with gas cylinders depends on the fuel consumption of the boiler. Therefore, the performance of the gearbox should not be less than the pickup capacity of the heating device.

The operating pressure of the reducer is also selected in accordance with the characteristics of the boiler equipment. If the pressure produced by the reducer is too high, the operation of the heater will be disrupted. The pressure regulator is made for 20, 30, 37, 42, 50 and 60 mbar.

When connecting vessels using flexible hoses, you will need a reducer with a herringbone fitting. And when connecting cylinders using combs and rigid pipes, you will need fittings with threaded outlets.

In addition to their main purpose, automatic devices are equipped with protective elements that are triggered if the pressure rises to a critical level. Then the relief valve opens.

How much fuel is burned?

Heating a house whose area is approximately 100 m2 with liquefied gas can be done using a boiler with a power of 10 kW. In order to obtain 1 kW of thermal energy, it is necessary to consume 100-120 g/min of liquefied gas at 100% boiler load. If the cold period extends to 7 months, then the approximate estimated fuel consumption for the entire season will be about 5 tons.

But in reality, the volume of expenses will be almost 2 times less, thanks to the automation, which switches the equipment to economy mode when the air temperature in the premises has reached the set value or guided by the timer settings.

If we compare the costs of heating a summer house or private house from a main gas pipeline, then heating with liquefied gas is about 5-6 times more expensive. But nevertheless, in the long run, it is cheaper than heating from electricity.

If we take into account prices for liquefied gas, then heating country house or summer cottages using cylinders is not the worst alternative to electric and liquid fuel systems. Especially in cases where the region has problems with solid fuel or it is quite expensive.

Heating with liquefied gas is the most rational decision in the event that there are plans for gasification soon settlement, due to the fact that then there is no need to purchase a boiler. In addition, there is an opportunity to practice using a gas boiler.

How to store gas cylinders in winter?

In the case where the cylinders are located outside the house, then winter time at negative temperature the liquefied gas pressure drops and the boiler may simply turn off. In order to avoid this, the cylinders must be installed in a special cabinet that is insulated with non-flammable materials and equipped with good ventilation.

Detached non-residential buildings with a minimum level of heating are also well suited for this purpose. When using cylinders, the following safety rules must be observed:

  • Gas containers must not be heated with open fire;
  • There should not be a cellar or basement near the cylinders, because during a leak, the liquefied gas sinks down, it has no odor and can accumulate to an explosive concentration;
  • It is highly recommended to install a gas leak detector;
  • storage of full cylinders is permitted at a distance of at least 10 meters from residential premises;
  • It is prohibited to store empty cylinders in the house;
  • Once every 4 years, cylinders must be checked for leaks and integrity.

Thus, heating a house with gas cylinders is not a profitable heating method. However this great solution as a temporary measure until it becomes possible to connect to the central gas main.

Those who own private houses or summer cottages are one way or another faced with the question of how to maintain a comfortable temperature in it even in the most severe frosty winters. The variety of heating types is quite large, but one of the most common is gas heating with cylinders. Why it is so widespread and how they can provide for their home should be understood in more detail.

Prices for gas cylinders

Gas equipment for heating a cottage

When the question arises about heating with gas cylinders, it is best to contact specialists about this, so the likelihood of error will be reduced to zero. But this does not mean that you do not need to know thoroughly the process of heating with gas cylinders. In order to install this type of heating into a house, a certain combination of devices is needed:

  1. Using a gas boiler, gas fuel is converted into heat energy.
  2. In order for the boiler to function, it is necessary to install a burner that ignites the liquefied gas in the boiler.
  3. Directly a gas cylinder as a source of fuel.
  4. The reducer connects the cylinder and the boiler.
  5. Pipes are necessary so that the entire system is interconnected and can work holistically.

Can be used for heating a home various types cylinders, which have their own positive and negative characteristics, taking into account which a choice should be made. They are:

  • Cylinders made of metal or steel.
  • Polymer-composite.
  • Metal-composite.

Metal cylinders

This type of cylinders became popular a long time ago for a simple reason - previously there were only cylinders of this type.

However, time-tested, they have a fairly large number of disadvantages, which are not known to everyone, because they continue to be used to this day:

  • The first disadvantage of this type of gas tank is its heavy weight. When empty, it ranges from 4 to 30 kilograms.
  • The lack of transparency is not a very convenient characteristic for a device in which it is desirable to see the amount of content remaining there. With a design made of opaque material, it is not possible to control the filling level of the cylinder.
  • Lack of a sufficient level of safety due to the fact that there is no equipment with the necessary protection if such a tank is affected by improper operation. There is a high probability that it may explode, scattering into many small fragments.
  • It is not resistant to corrosion processes, because it is made of metal. The possibility of being exposed to water, which causes corrosion, is great during transportation, storage and during use. In addition, there is water in the form of steam in the inside of the tank, which is also dangerous due to the occurrence of a corrosion process.
  • The material is not strong enough to be impact resistant. Even though the metal itself is strong, due to long-term operation may be damaged in various ways. As a result, it may turn out that another blow will lead to cracking of the cylinder shell, which promises unpleasant consequences.
  • During transportation, cylinders often come into contact with each other, and this is dangerous due to the possibility of spark formation. What will a spark in combination with gas lead to?
  • There is no supply of a bypass valve, which serves as insurance in the event of an overinflated tank, or an incorrect filling process, or heating of the surface of the cylinder.

Polymer composite cylinders

This type of gas container was invented recently. They are produced using fiberglass thread. They have a mass that is 40% less than those made of metal. They are quite convenient for storage and require little space. The advantages can be listed:

  • Providing the housing with impact-resistant properties and explosion protection. This is due to the fact that the cylinder is braided with a special casing, which in the event of an explosion will compensate for the force of the impact. In case of an emergency, only this casing will have to be replaced.
  • There is no possibility of sparks forming during contact, which also plays a role regarding the explosion.
  • The gas containers are made in such a way that if they are near an open flame or in conditions of temperature exceeding 100 degrees, they do not succumb to explosion.
  • In addition, such cylinders are transparent, which makes it easy to observe the amount of fuel in it.
  • It is not subject to corrosion due to its composition. This ensures good visibility and maintains the integrity of the material.

Important: the cylinder can operate in a temperature range between -40 and +60.

The cylinders are equipped with a bypass valve, which eliminates excess pressure in the event of overheating of the cylinder and pumping its contents. These parameters exist due to the presence of a fusible link, which, if necessary, will melt and give space for excess gas to escape into the environment.

Metal-composite cylinders

A type of gas container that is intermediate between the two previous options. All the parameters that the cylinder has are at an average level, such as weight and safety. There is internal corrosion in it, since it is equipped with a metal liner inside. The material is not transparent; the design provides for various monograms.

Choosing a boiler for heating a dacha with gas cylinders

When choosing a boiler for a heating system using a gas cylinder, you need to pay attention to the following number of parameters:

  • The amount of fuel consumed per hour. This parameter depends on how much area needs to be heated.
  • Pressure level. Gas consumption depends on pressure; the lower this indicator is, the lower the consumption will be.
  • Automatic equipment. Some boiler models have the ability to switch the heating power and set the required level.

Also important parameter is the efficiency, which should be close to 100%. The type of burner that will be installed in the system depends on this:

  • Inflatable.
  • Atmospheric.

The first type of burner is characterized by the fact that the gas is burned to its fullest extent, which ensures the highest degree of efficiency. Plus, equipping with automatic heating level switching systems can save 20% of gas. Some models of this type are produced without a chimney, which significantly saves material investments in assembly and purchase of additional equipment.

When choosing heating equipment, you should carefully consider the choice of the cylinder itself, if the type for choosing one is metal. This type of container must have a special inscription indicating the date on which the fuel was filled and the number of the cylinder itself. The color of gas containers should be red or orange.

Important: it is not recommended to use cylinders without the characteristics listed above.

What you should know before installing a gas cylinder in your dacha

One of the main elements in a gas heating system is the reducer. It is needed for the reason that the degree of pressure in the cylinders is often an unstable value; it may depend on the volume of remaining fuel, what composition the mixture has, or the distance from the consumer. In this regard, you need a device that can produce a constant level of pressure, regardless of the factors that interfere with this.

You can select a gearbox according to the parameters indicated on its body:

  1. Performance. To calculate what performance gearbox to buy, you need to start from the fuel consumption per unit of time. The ratio should be such that this gearbox parameter is greater than or equal to the boiler injectivity. Gearboxes with minimum parameters performance cannot be installed in the house for heating.
  2. Working pressure level. There are reducer models that allow you to adjust the pressure level in the range of 20-60 mbar. If you purchase another type of device, you need to pay attention to ensure that the indicators of the heating devices and the gearbox are equal. Standard models assume a working pressure of 30 to 50 mbar.

If necessary, connect the system using flexible hoses, you need a gearbox equipped with a herringbone fitting. When installing rigid pipes, it is necessary to purchase a device that has threaded outlets.

Principles of installing a heating system

There are several options for connecting all heating system gas cylinders in the house:

  1. First option involves connection using curved pipes made of metal, manifolds and plastic hoses with reinforcement. The connection diagram in this option is linear, in which all gas containers are combined into one flow and they operate synchronously.
  2. Second option is a system of cylinders that switches between each other. This is done using a gearbox with the ability to carry out such switching automatically or manually. The connection diagram looks like this: some of the cylinders are connected and in operation, and some are a reserve stock. In the event that the gas in the main part of the fuel tanks runs out, a switch to another occurs. This allows you to save time when you need to fill the cylinders, because turning off the fuel supply to the system is not required. Another advantage is that gearboxes of this type have special valves that regulate the pressure level when it increases due to various external influences.

How to install a gas cylinder for heating a summer house

Rules should be followed when installing gas cylinders for heating, which will ensure the correctness of the process and safety:

  • The installation position of the gas container should only be vertical;
  • it must be installed in a place where there is access so that, if necessary, the equipment can be inspected or replaced;
  • the distance from heating devices must be at least 1 meter;

Important: install gas heating in ground floors or basement-type premises is strictly prohibited.

It is important to remember that even if you are confident in your abilities and knowledge of how to install gas cylinders for heating, it is forbidden to do this yourself; you need to use the services of specialists, as in the case of repairing or replacing equipment. The sequence of actions during installation by the wizard is as follows:

  • The room (dacha, house) in which the gas cylinder will be installed must be well ventilated.
  • First, in an open space, the container with fuel is checked for leaks. This is checked by soaping the monograms and fitting holes. If soap bubbles appear, the use of such a cylinder is prohibited.
  • The next thing to be checked is the integrity of the rod seals and connections in the uncorked state and in the closed state of the valves after the connection. The check is carried out in the same way soap solution according to a similar principle. If bubbles are detected, you should call the emergency service and take the cylinder out into the open air.
  • After checking the tightness of all devices, you can connect the entire system together using pipes and a gearbox. The scheme according to which the installation is carried out is selected in advance and the pipeline is laid according to the scheme.

Important: the pipe material must be steel, the pipe type must be bellows. The use of other types of pipes for gas heating is prohibited.

Storage and safety rules

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the amount of fuel that is allowed to be stored:

  • ten-liter containers in residential premises, provided that the container is sealed;
  • three-liter containers that have characteristics that are resistant to fire and shock.

Rules to follow when sending cylinders for storage:

  1. when choosing a place to store gas containers on outdoors, you need to make sure that there is no direct sunlight in this place;
  2. Only containers that have been checked for integrity are allowed to be stored;
  3. if corrosion processes are detected on the surface of the cylinder, it is strictly prohibited to send it for storage;
  4. the residue pressure level must be below 0.05 MPa;
  5. the temperature regime for storage must be maintained within 45 degrees;
  6. When storing, keep the distance between fuel containers more than half a meter from each other and from heating devices.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The gas cylinder heating system has many positive characteristics:

  • are economical;
  • do not require additional devices for normal operation;
  • easy to install and replace;
  • no need for electricity consumption;
  • With this type of heating, oxygen is not burned.

However, there are several negative aspects in the use of gas equipment:

  • there is a possibility that the heating system will turn off if gas cylinders freeze on frosty days;
  • choosing a room for installing cylinders is quite difficult, since their installation in rooms with poor ventilation is prohibited;
  • gas has a higher density than air and if the system is not tight, it will fall into the lower parts of the building and, accumulating there, can cause unpleasant consequences.


The heating system, which uses cylinders, is quite simple and convenient, and also saves a good amount of money both during installation and during the period of operation. If you carefully approach all installation processes and equipment selection, you can eliminate all the disadvantages of this heating system.


The most popular method of heating country houses today is the use of gas boilers; you can see what they look like in the photo. This is influenced by several factors, most notably the cost of resources. Heating your home with gas cylinders is an economical and effective method.

Features of heating a house with gas cylinders

Propane or butane is used as a heat source (read also: " "). The gas is liquefied and forced into cylinders, which are then connected to heating equipment through a reducer - a device for reducing pressure. In a gaseous state it occupies a larger volume, in a liquid form it occupies a smaller volume. Therefore, it is possible to pump a considerable amount of resource into the cylinders.

As a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, the gas leaving the cylinder through the reducer returns to its natural state. It is subsequently burned in a boiler, releasing a large amount of heat.

Advantages of heating using gas cylinders

Heating with bottled gas has many advantages:
  • environmentally friendly fuel is used;
  • autonomy;
  • fuel consumption;
  • pressure stability in pipes;
  • ease of operation and ease of control.
Heating a private house with bottled gas also provides the possibility of heating hot water for household needs. This method heating is highly efficient because the gas quickly changes from liquid form to its normal condition. Despite this, gas cylinders are used only if it is not possible to connect the boiler to the main gas pipeline. Thus, this method heating system is completely autonomous - the cylinder can be brought anywhere.

Gas heating boilers from a gas cylinder allow you not only to heat rooms, but also to heat water for domestic purposes (for this you need a heat exchanger).

You can organize gas heating from cylinders not only in a new house, but also in one in which you have been living for a long time - you don’t have to do any work for this. But in order to connect to the main gas pipeline, it is necessary to lay pipes and carry out repairs in the house.

You can switch to heating your home with gas cylinders even if it has become unprofitable or inconvenient to use other resources.

Disadvantages of gas heating on cylinders

Like any other heating method, this one also has its drawbacks:
  • if the cylinder is located outside, in the event of severe frost the system may turn off - the condensate will freeze and will prevent the gas from escaping;
  • Cylinders should not be placed in unventilated areas;
  • Since the gas is heavier than air, if there is a leak, it can go down (to the basement, underground), and if the concentration is strong, serious consequences will arise.
Thus, heating using gas cylinders can be very dangerous if certain conditions are not met. Therefore, they need to be stored only in ventilated areas without a basement. It is even advisable to place them in a separate extension on the site. The room must be warm so that the system does not shut down in cold weather. If the extension is cool, you will have to make an insulated metal or plastic box for the cylinders. To insulate the walls, they are lined with foam plastic 5 centimeters thick. Ventilation holes must be made in the lid of the box.

Organization of heating from gas cylinders

To make gas heating using cylinders, you need to choose a suitable boiler, since not every equipment is capable of using liquefied gas as a heat source. This requires a special burner designed to operate from a cylinder. It is recommended to choose a device with a power of 10-20 kW, depending on the area of ​​the heated premises.

The gas boiler is connected to the cylinder using a special reducer. The consumption is approximately 1.8-2 m³ per hour, in the case of a conventional gearbox - 0.8 m³/hour.

You can also use a burner designed to operate from the main pipeline, but in this case you have to adjust the valve for proportional gas supply, since the pressure in the main line is lower. In addition, in such devices the hole in the valve is larger.

Each burner, designed for heating with gas from cylinders, is regulated in its own way. Detailed Description can be found in the instructions for this equipment. To save money, you can also use old boilers, but you need to replace the jet in them with another product that has a smaller hole.

When purchasing a burner, you need to take into account that some stores are trying to sell more expensive devices, arguing that the selected product will not run on liquefied gas. In this case, you need to look at the instructions for the selected device.

Heating from gas cylinders is cheaper if you refill them. However, it is worth considering that at some gas filling stations they try to save money and only fill half of them. At the same time, station employees say that gas boils at only 40 degrees, so it is unwise to fill a full cylinder - it may burst. At the same time, purchased products are almost completely filled with gas. Therefore, you should not agree to such offers.

Heating a house with bottled gas is quite economical. One cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough to ensure normal operation of a heating system with a power of 10-20 kW. Recommended to buy automatic devices- they do not work all day, but about a third of the day, starting gas heating of a private house with cylinders only when the temperature drops below the specified one. The functioning of conventional systems has to be regulated independently. Thus, if you specify the required room temperature at 20 degrees, the boiler will consume approximately 5 m³.

Regardless of whether there is automation or not, in order to save money, it is advisable to turn off the boiler at night.

Reasons for choosing cylinder gas heating

Heating using gas cylinders is quite common, mainly because gas is relatively inexpensive (especially compared to electricity), and with low fuel consumption a significant amount of heat is generated (read also: " "). In addition, such a heating system can be connected at any time, including after using another type of boiler.
If you first use, for example, wood-burning equipment, then you can always buy and install a gas boiler using bottled gas. But in order to connect to the gas main, you will have to perform some work, including those related to the house.

Although there are cheaper heat sources, gas is still the most common fuel. This is also influenced by the fact that a gas boiler from a cylinder can operate in any area and building, so this heating method is indispensable if there is no access to other energy sources.

An example of heating a house with gas cylinders in the video:

In this article we will talk about what you need to know if you decide to heat your home with liquefied gas. Gas (an oil product) is liquefied under high pressure and delivered to the consumer in this state. This allows you to fill the cylinders with a larger volume. The cylinder is connected to heating boiler through a reducer (a device for reducing pressure in the system). The gas leaving the cylinder passes through the reducer and, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its original (gaseous) state. It is burned in the boiler, releasing a large amount of heat.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • gas is an environmentally friendly product and meets all regulations and standards;
  • autonomy, quite easy to connect and operate;
  • the pressure in the pipes is relatively stable;
  • gas consumption is minimal;
  • twice the price of diesel fuel.


  • at negative temperatures, if the cylinder is placed outside, the system may turn off, since condensate, freezing, prevents the gas from escaping;
  • Gas cylinders must be kept in a sufficiently warm place.

Types of fuel and basic rules

Cylinders can be refilled different brands fuel:

  • technical butane- denoted by the abbreviation - B
  • a mixture of propane and butane technical summer - SPBTL
  • a mixture of propane and butane technical winter - SPBTZ.

Compliance simple rules safety can save your life.

Heating system

The heating system itself consists of the following elements:

  1. Fuel, in our case, liquefied gas.
  2. Boiler, one or two circuit, with transition to liquefied gas.
  3. Radiator, heat transfer element.
  4. piping system, for distributing heated water to radiators.

Let's take a closer look at the components of the entire system:

With fuel (gas) everything is quite clear, you just need to purchase new ones, quality cylinders, preferably 50 liters, or a gas holder (five cubic capacity for storing liquefied gas, approximately 4250 liters). I advise you to purchase it in a specialized store.

To calculate the gas consumed by the system, you need to know:

  • room area, which you are going to heat;
  • boiler power and coefficient of performance (efficiency).

Calculation of the cost of cylinder heating

The heating season is approximately 6-7 months, multiply by 30 days and multiply 24 hours, then multiply by 0.5 (coefficient for calculating operating time gas burner in the boiler at maximum power, we take about 50% of the total time of the entire system) = 2520 hours.

To heat 100 sq. m. premises, you will need a boiler with a capacity of approximately 10 kW.

Calculation of gas fuel consumption required for heating a house: 10 kW. h*2520 h = 25,200 kW. h.

For a boiler with a power of 10 kW. and, with an efficiency of at least 90%, fuel consumption (liquefied gas) is 0.86 kg/h:

  • Calculation of gas consumption for heating a house will look like this: 0.86 kg/h * 2520 h = 2167.2 kg/year;
  • in a container for 27 liters of liquefied gas in total 11.5 kilograms;
  • The average cost of a liter of gas is approximately 14 rubles;

We calculate the cost of the required amount of liquefied gas for the heating season: (2167.2 kg/year * 27 l. / 11.5 kg.) * 14 rubles. = 71,860 rubles per year.

If containers (bolons) of 50 liters are used. in which approximately 21.2 kg of liquid gas is filled: (2167.2 kg/year * 50 l. / 21.2 kg.) * 14 rub. = 71,558 rubles per year.

This is of course approximate calculation, for a more accurate calculation it will take much more values(location of the house, area, degree of thermal insulation of the house, windows, doors and a number of other factors that can affect heat and energy consumption).

In principle, there is nothing complicated in choosing a boiler; its power is calculated based on the area of ​​the room, for example, a boiler with a capacity 10kW., fits the room in 100 sq. m. The main thing is that the boiler is from a good, well-known company specializing in this equipment. And there were spare parts on sale for it in wide range(nothing is eternal). You can put two-circuit boiler, and it will provide you not only with heat in the house, but also with hot water, but at the same time the gas consumption will increase (depending on what the hot water consumption will be). Yes, and if you have two or three storey house, then the boiler should be taken with a little more power. This way it will work much longer.

Experts perform much more accurate calculations to calculate the thermal energy of heating radiators by power. Very important calculation by heating area radiators for their correct distribution.

When purchasing radiators, you will definitely need a simple calculation of heating power. In order to do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and its height, as well as the consumption of thermal energy (power) per 1 m. Under standard conditions, for a typical room, approximately 41 W. power. And multiplying the volume of the room (room) by this indicator, we get the amount of heat that is necessary to supply the radiator when heating the room (room). For example, to heat one room with a total area 18 m. kV. and height 3 m. you will need a radiator with a decent amount of power at 2.5 kW.

Now you need to calculate the number of radiators to heat the room. Let's divide the power required to heat the room by the power of one battery section, then we can get required quantity radiator sections. If my memory serves me right, then one section bimetallic radiator heating, has a power of approximately 150 W. Before purchasing a radiator battery, on the packaging or in its passport, it is reported the magnitude of its thermal power. This is not a complicated concept that refers to the heat (in quantitative terms) that the battery will release when cooled with operating temperature heating, to a temperature of approximately 18−20 degrees Celsius.

Calculation of radiators and their quantity by specialists

Of course, the most the right way, is to ask for a settlement specialists. Their method is quite accurate and allows you to calculate the required number of radiator sections for each room of a residential building, and for any other room in a private house. Their method takes into account many parameters:

  • material, what the walls are made of and their thickness
  • window type, installed in every room of the house
  • area ratio walls and windows
  • climatic conditions in your area
  • is the area above your room heated?
  • how many walls your room faces the outside of the house
  • square rooms and ceiling heights.

Pipe system

The system itself consists of correctly selected and laid heating pipes, which connect your radiators and boiler to each other. There are two types of such pipeline laying systems: one-pipe and two-pipe.

When designing a heating system, then two-pipe scheme liner involves installing two pipes on each of the batteries, the so-called "supplies and returns". According to one of them (supply) the coolant (water), in heating device enters through the other (return), having already cooled, returns to the boiler. The use of such a wiring diagram makes it possible to achieve same degree of heating coolant in all radiators at home. Two-pipe type wiring is divided into two main types:

  1. Connecting radiators in parallel-series (one closed ring).
  2. Using a collector, to which all radiators are connected with separate hoses (pipes).

The second type of connecting radiators makes it possible regulate temperature each battery. But she also has a tangible financial disadvantage this is a need for installation large number metal-plastic or other pipes for heating to provide connections to radiators. Single-pipe heating circuit from metal-plastic pipes It functions like this: the heated coolant (water) simply flows through pipes from one radiator to another. Simply put, such a system is consistent, and this leads to a gradual cooling of the coolant along his route. This means that the last radiator in the chain will always be significantly cooler than the first battery. The main advantage of a single-pipe heating system made of metal-plastic pipes is it's cheap its arrangement.

Also, quite important, is degree of thermal insulation your home. If you have taken all measures and insulated the walls, ceilings, floors, installed new good windows, and you have a modern, high-quality, front door(doors). Then the heat loss of your heating system will be minimal and during the season, you will spend much less money than you planned.