According to the author, if a person exists. Philosophy fgos. C2. In what four aspects, according to V.I. Vernadsky, can and should a person think? Based on the text and knowledge of the course, indicate in solving which problems planetary thinking is especially necessary

C 1 Show with three examples the existence of a multiparty political system in modern Russia.

C 2. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “multi-party system”? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences containing information about the multi-party system.

C 3. List any three functions political party in a democratic state.

C 4. Text

“With the advent of the principle of inalienable natural human rights in the theory of the rule of law, it acquires its main value quality and becomes the highest priority. To ensure this principle, a separation of powers is necessary, designed to balance them, and the rule of law. The priority of human rights does not relieve him of responsibility for the proper use of his rights and freedoms and at the same time places responsibility for ensuring these rights on the state. A special legal connection is created: the mutual responsibility of the state and the citizen... A legal state, in order to fulfill its main function - the protection and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens - must be equipped with a system of procedures, mechanisms, institutions that guarantee subjective human rights... The principle of binding the legislator with human rights is important . A legal state cannot be created in a society torn apart by social contradictions and political struggles that go beyond the boundaries of law. A rule-of-law state can exist and develop successfully in a society where there is agreement among citizens regarding the principles of its structure, the goals of its development, where freedom and human rights are associated with respect and trust of fellow citizens in government agencies and to each other. Moral factors, solidarity, unification around generally accepted values ​​- these non-legal factors have an invaluable influence on attitudes towards human rights, law, and legality. No matter how beautiful the principles of the rule of law may be, they could never be implemented in an atmosphere of instability, unbelief, and moral degradation of society. The goal of the rule of law is to protect human rights and ensure the dignity of the individual as an integral component of the culture of society, which embodies centuries-old ideas about a self-determining person, free from poverty, violence, oppression, and humiliation. In ensuring dignity, a huge role belongs to the nature of the relationship between a person and the authorities, in which a person acts not as an object of commands, but as an equal partner of the state, participating in decision-making, exercising control over the activities of power structures in the forms provided for by law, freed from the strict tutelage of the state.

E.V. Lukasheva.

1 Name the principles of the rule of law given by the author

3 The author argues that “a rule of law cannot be created in a society torn apart by social contradictions and political struggles that go beyond the limits of law.” Based on the text and your own knowledge, give three arguments proving the correctness of the author’s statement.

4 The author argues that the priority principle of the rule of law is natural human rights, to ensure which separation of powers is necessary. Based on your knowledge of the social science course and your life experience, give three arguments proving the correctness of the author’s statement.

Optional tasks

Choose one of the statements below and express your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problem raised.

When completing the task, you should use the relevant concepts of the social studies course and, relying on the knowledge acquired in the social studies course, as well as facts public life and your own life experience, provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.

1 “The best cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy” (A. Smith).

2 “The principle of democracy decays not only when the spirit of equality is lost, but also when the spirit of equality is taken to the extreme and everyone wants to be equal to those whom he has elected as his rulers.” (S.-L. Montesquieu).

3 “Politics disguises lies as truth, and truth as lies.” (P. Buast).

4 “The whole secret of politics is to know the time when to lie, and to know the time when to remain silent.” (Marquise de Pompadour).

5 “The task of the state is only to eliminate evil and the state is not obliged to promote the welfare of citizens.” (V.Humbolt)

6. “Next to the activities of the state, it is necessary to provide the opportunity and wide range personal freedom. The purpose of social life is the harmonious agreement of both elements, and not the sacrifice of one in favor of the other.” (B. Chicherin).

7. “There are no single and the same ideas of individual freedom, the legal system, the constitutional state, the same for all peoples.” (B. Kistyakovsky).

8. “Good politics is no different from sound morality.” (G.B. de Mably).

9. “Any government degrades if it is entrusted only to the rulers of the people. Only the people themselves are the reliable guardian of power and people.” (T. Jefferson).

10. “The democratic system is not everywhere and is not always in place. It has its necessary foundations or “prerequisites”: if they are not present, then democracy does not give anything except long-term decay and death.” (I. Ilyin).


Part 1 Level A

Job No. answer
A 2
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Part 2. Level B.

Part 3. Level C.

The response may include the following items:

In modern Russia

1) has a significant number of political parties and movements (for example, SPS, Yabloko, LDPR, Communist Party of the Russian Federation and many others)

2) half of the deputies State Duma elected from lists of political parties, subsequently forming parliamentary factions;

3) periodic meetings of the President of the Russian Federation and members of the Government of the Russian Federation with the leaders of political parties and movements, parliamentary factions, i.e. there is an obvious influence of political parties and movements on the adoption of government decisions and determination of directions political development countries.

Other correct positions are possible.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example

Multi-party system - the coexistence in the political arena of the country of various parties competing with each other in the struggle for power;

2) two sentences with information about the multi-party system, based on social science knowledge, for example:

- “The establishment of a multi-party system is an essential condition for the development of modern democracy.”

- “Multi-party system is one of the significant manifestations of political pluralism in modern society.”

Other proposals may be made.

The answer may include following functions political party:

Representation of public interests

Participation in the formation of the political elite;

Development of political programs;

Participation in election campaigns;

Organization of mass political actions.

Other functions may also be named.


1) The answer should list the principles:

The principle of inalienable natural human rights;

The principle of the legislator being bound by human rights;

The principle of separation of powers;

The principle of mutual responsibility of the state and the individual.

2) The answer may include the following conditions:

The consent of citizens regarding the principles of its structure, the goals of its development;

Respect and trust of fellow citizens for government institutions and each other;

Solidarity, the unification of citizens around public values;

A person acts as an equal partner of the state, participating in decision-making, exercising control over the activities of government structures in the forms provided for by law;

A person is freed from the cruel tutelage of the state.


1) social contradictions and political struggle indicate that in society there are no conditions necessary for the existence of a rule of law state;

there are no generally accepted values;

there is disrespect for the law;

there is no civil solidarity;

there is no trust in the state;

there is no trust of citizens in each other;

2) social instability forces the state to use violent methods to eliminate illegal actions, which does not contribute to the formation and development of partnerships between the state and citizens;

3) social contradictions and political struggle do not give the state the opportunity to achieve the main goal of the rule of law - to protect human rights and freedoms, to ensure the dignity of the individual.

4) The response may include the following arguments:

1) the separation of powers allows you to create a system of checks and balances that ensure control over the actions of each branch of government;

2) the system of checks and balances allows you to control the quality of laws adopted. For example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of appealing to the Constitutional Court to establish the conformity of adopted normative acts with the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3) the separation of powers ensures the independence of the judiciary from the executive and legislative bodies, which allows it to protect human rights based on the law.

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Answers to multiple choice tasks

Job No.




Answers to short answer tasks

Job No.


2314;3214;3241; 2341

Job No.

Notes on grading Part 1 assignments

Each correctly completed task in Part 1 is scored 1 point.

For completing a task with a multiple choice answer, 1 point is awarded, provided that only one number of the correct answer is circled. If two or more answers, including the correct one, are circled and not crossed out, then the answer is not counted.

Notes on grading Part 2 assignments

Correctly completed tasks B1 and B4 are scored 1 point, B2 and VZ are scored as follows: 2 points - no errors; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more mistakes were made.

Criteria for assessing tasks with a detailed answer

Moral norms and rules most effectively influence human behavior if they are consistent with the realities of contemporary life. public relations.

Moral standards have common features. They are supported by the power of public opinion, that is, by direct encouragement And approval from the immediate environment or, conversely, sharp condemnation of those who deviate from these norms in their behavior. This reveals the difference between morality and politics and law, where the main basis for choosing one path or another is the strength (or weakness) of the state; from scientific consciousness, which is based on logical evidence. Moral argumentation is based on the meaning of moral requirements and the need to follow them<...>

Boys and girls, adults, as a rule, experience tension, confusion, anxiety, feeling that they may cross some invisible line. This is how the inner voice of moral consciousness makes itself felt - what is commonly called conscience. A person in this state, as it were, consults with his past experience, recalls certain role models. He can seek advice from peers who are authoritative for him, people with great life experience etc.

The highest authority in making a moral decision is the person himself, his conscience, and the decision that he makes will, in turn, become the subject of public approval or public censure<... >

The meaning of the moral regulation of people's relations in society is to ensure stability and maintain a certain level of harmony in interaction and mutual understanding between people.

Morality introduces a person as an equal member of society from an early age to humanism and moral values. At the same time, morality sets the vector of the moral attitude of society itself towards its individual representatives and social groups.

(Yum. Averyanov)

C1. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

In the correct answer, the points of the plan must correspond to the main semantic fragments of the text and reflect the main idea of ​​each of them. The following semantic fragments can be distinguished:

1) features of moral standards;

2) conscience - an internal controller;

3) the role of moral regulation.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks.


The main semantic fragments of the text are highlighted, their names (plan points) reflect the main idea of ​​each text fragment. The number of selected fragments may vary.

More than half of the semantic fragments of the text are correctly identified; their names (plan points) reflect the main ideas of the corresponding parts of the text.

The main fragments of the text are not highlighted, OR the names of the selected fragments (points of the plan) do not correspond to the main idea of ​​the corresponding parts of the text, being quotes from the corresponding fragment, OR the answer is incorrect.

Maximum score

1) condition: “Moral norms and rules most effectively influence a person’s behavior, his views and opinions if they are consistent with the context (realities) of contemporary social relations”;

2) difference, for example: morality is supported by the power of public opinion, and does not rely on the power of the state.

The condition and difference can be given in other, similar in meaning wording.


The condition and difference are named.

Only the condition is named OR only the difference is given.

The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score

The following steps may be specified:

1) stage of discomfort (a person feels tension, confusion,

anxiety, fearing that some invisible line might be crossed);

3) seeking advice (a person can seek advice from peers who are authoritative for him, people with extensive life experience, etc.)

The stages can be given in other, similar meanings wording.


Three stages are indicated.

Two stages are indicated.

One step specified OR the answer is incorrect.

Maximum score

The correct answer may contain and illustrate the following author's characteristics:

1) “morality introduces a person as an equal member of society from an early age to humanism and moral values” (a person learns to love the Motherland, respect work, value a person, his life and freedom, etc.);

2) “morality sets the vector of the moral attitude of society itself towards its individual representatives and social groups” (respect for the disabled, war and labor veterans, etc.).

Other copyrights may be cited and illustrated. characteristics, other examples are given.


Two characteristics are given and illustrated with examples.

One or two characteristics are given, one of which is illustrated by an example, OR one characteristic is given and illustrated, the second is clear from the context of the example given.

Only two characteristics are given, OR only two examples.

Only one characteristic is given, OR only one example, OR the answer is incorrect.

Maximum score

C5 A. received information that his colleague K. was using his official position for personal gain. Seeing that after his warning the colleague’s behavior did not change, A. divulged this information, and the colleague was forced to resign. Some of the employees approved of A.’s action, while others condemned it. Explain action A. Provide a piece of text that can help you explain.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) explanation, let’s say: A. acted in accordance with his
moral beliefs and principles, but not all colleagues were able
correctly evaluate his actions.

(The explanation may be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.)

2) a fragment of text is given, for example: “The highest authority in
making a moral decision is the person himself, his conscience, and
the decision that he makes will, in turn, become
item ohm total natural approval or public censure"


Given about explanation, a fragment of text is given.

Only an explanation is given OR a fragment of text is given.

The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score

C6. There is an opinion that moral standards deprive a person of freedom of choice. Do you agree with this opinion? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the student’s position: agreement or disagreement with the opinion expressed;

2) two arguments (explanations), for example:

in case of agreement, it may be stated that:

Moral standards limit human actions, there are
situations when he acts contrary to his wishes, obeying
only the requirements of morality;

A person is brought up in a certain environment, the scope of his behavior is initially limited by accepted moral standards.

in case of disagreement, it may be stated that:

Human freedom is manifested in the possibility of choosing between good and

A moral decision does not come automatically, it is almost always the result of free choice;

Sometimes a person’s internal motivations contradict the moral principles accepted in society, and then the person is free to make a decision: to follow social norms or your own ideas.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given, _________________

The student’s position is expressed and two arguments are given. ___________ 2

The student’s position is expressed, one argument is given, OR the student’s position is not expressed, but is clear from the context, 1

two arguments are given. _________________________________________

The student’s position is expressed, no arguments are given,
OR the student’s position is not expressed, but is clear from O
context, one argument is given, OR the answer is incorrect. _______________

Maximum score

“If existence precedes essence, then nothing can be explained by reference to human nature given once and for all. In other words, there is no determinism, man is free, man is freedom... Man exists only to the extent that he realizes himself. He is, therefore, nothing more than the totality of his actions, nothing more than his own life... A person lives his life, he creates his own appearance, and outside of this appearance there is nothing. Of course, this may seem harsh to those who have not succeeded in life. But, on the other hand, it is necessary for people to understand that only reality counts, that dreams, expectations and hopes allow us to define a person only as a deceptive dream, as dashed hopes, as vain expectations, that is, to define negatively, not positively. .. A person is, first of all, a project that is experienced subjectively, and not moss, not mold, and not cauliflower»

Answer the questions:

1. If man precedes essence, then man is first

A) professional B) philosopher C) individual D) personality

3. Characteristics that define a person negatively, and not positively, according to the author, are... Please indicate at least two possible answers.

A) action B) hope C) expectation D) freedom E) dream

4. Which anthropological concept can this text be classified as:

A) sociologizing B) biologizing

C) the Greek-ancient concept of rationality D) natural science D) value

5. The anthropology of Marxism is sociological and interprets the essence of man as a set of social relations. What, therefore, judging by the fragment, distinguishes existentialism from Marxism, and what is similar about them?

Test for the course "Philosophy" Option 5

Test task

1 The main question of worldview is the question of the relationship between A) being and knowledge B) life and death C) man and the world 6 "Back to nature!" called for: A) Rousseau B) Voltaire C) Diderot D) La Mettrie D) Helvetius
2 A direction in philosophy based on the primacy of the spiritual, mental, mental and the secondary nature of material, natural physical existence... A) subjectivism B) idealism C) materialism D) Machism 7 Ethical teaching that prescribes self-denial for people, rejection of worldly goods and pleasures - ... A) Hedonism B) eudaimonism C) asceticism D) altruism E) Humanism E) pragmatism
3 Match philosophical directions and their ideas about the essence of the world 8 If a person’s behavior is called stoic, it means he demonstrates A) mastery over his passions B) resistance to the blows of fate C) struggle with dangers and deprivations D) refusal of active social activities
4 The doctrine in epistemology that denies the possibility of reliable knowledge of the essence of material systems, the laws of nature and society is called... A) nihilism B) utilitarianism C) agnosticism D) sensationalism 9 The thinker who argued that the method of production of material and spiritual life determines social, political and spiritual processes was... A Marx B Berdyaev V Jaspers
5 The statement “to decide whether life is worth living or not is to give an answer to the fundamental question of philosophy” belongs to... A) A. Camus B) S. Kierkegaard C) F. Kafka D) J.-P. Sartre D) G. Marcel E) M. Heidegger 10 The concept of culture in a philosophical sense

Analytical task

Read a fragment from the famous work of G.V. Plekhanov (1856–1918)

“On the role of personality in history” and answer the questions:

1) how does the concept of dialectical materialism explain the interaction between the individual and society?

2) what, according to the concept of G.V. Plekhanov, determines the appearance of outstanding figures in the historical arena?

4) Isn’t Plekhanov’s concept fatalistic?

5) how, using the methodology of G.V. Plekhanov, should one construct a description and explanation of the appearance of historical characters and their actions?

“... Influential individuals, thanks to the peculiarities of their mind and character, can change the individual physiognomy of an event and some of its private consequences, but they cannot change them general direction, which is determined by other forces...

In order for a person with a certain kind of talent to gain great influence on the course of events through it, two conditions must be met. Firstly, his talent should make him more relevant than others to the social needs of a given era: if Napoleon, instead of his military genius, had the musical talent of Beethoven, then he, of course, would not have become emperor. Secondly, the existing social system should not block the path of an individual who has this feature, necessary and useful just at this time... It has long been noticed that talents appear everywhere and always, wherever and whenever there are social conditions favorable for their development. This means that any talent that manifests itself in reality, i.e. every talent that has become a social force is the fruit of social relations.”

The social studies exam is the most widespread of all, which are taken electively, both in Chuvashia and throughout Russia. By its nature, it is focused more on assessing mastery of requirements educational standard basic level, and in this regard is in demand by a large number of graduates who want to pass certification for a general education course.

The social science knowledge and subject skills of the graduates who took the exam in 2009 are generally at the same level as demonstrated by the 2008 graduates. There is noticeable growth in individual content elements and tested skills. More pronouncedly reflected in Unified State Exam results strengthening the applied (practical) component of social science training. The level of completion of tasks to address social realities has increased. In this, in particular, we see a change in emphasis in the practice of teaching the subject - from focusing mainly on the transfer and reproduction of ready-made knowledge to teaching based on mastering in various ways obtaining social information, its interpretation and application.

But on the other hand, there are still difficulties in completing tasks related to the use of concepts high level theoretical generalization, as well as those aimed at establishing structural-functional and cause-and-effect relationships of objects.

The difficulties associated with an insufficient degree of proficiency in analytical and evaluative skills when performing tasks of a high level of complexity with textual information are persistent. Special attention should be devoted to tasks for the analysis and interpretation of text, which require the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematization and interpretation of social information on a certain topic from original non-adapted texts (philosophical, scientific, legal, political, journalistic). The first two of these tasks - C1 and C2 - require the presence of an essentially reproductive skill: to find one or another social information in an unadapted text. At the same time, the absence of this skill indicates that the graduate as a whole has not mastered the skill of semantic reading, and, as a consequence, his unpreparedness without outside help master training course and further work with scientific literature. Meanwhile, the rate of examinees failing to complete tasks C1 and C2 from year to year is quite high - about 20% of exam participants cannot find the required information in the text. Tasks C3 and C4, which require the ability to apply acquired social science knowledge to characterize a text and its individual provisions, are performed much worse; use information obtained from the text to solve cognitive and problematic problems, as well as the ability to argue and formulate value judgments related to the provisions of the text. The indicator of their implementation in 2009 was 37% and 27%, respectively. This means that 63% of graduates cannot complete task C3 and 73% cannot complete task C4.

To competently complete these tasks, you must clearly know the criteria by which each is assessed. These criteria are presented in collections of Unified State Exam training tasks. I provide a memo-algorithm for working with text on the Unified State Exam:

1. Read the text carefully. Remember: direct answers to questions or hints for formulating answers are contained in the text;

2. Correlate the proposed text with the course studied and determine which content line this text is connected to. This will help you rely on the studied material when completing assignments;

3. Give an answer to the question: “What is the text about?” - and determine its main idea;

4. Try to answer the questions in order, since they are formulated according to the principle “from simple to complex.” The answer to the first question can be the basis for doing the next;

5. Read the questions carefully, trying to understand the task completely;

6. Answer the question exactly;

7. Remember that completing the task requires relying on the text, personal experience, material studied in the course;

8. Try to give a logically coherent answer containing clear formulations;

9. Avoid incomplete answers;

10. Do not use unnecessary generalizations and interpretations of the author’s text where the task does not require it;

11. Having formulated an answer, check its correctness: return to the text and find in it key words and phrases that confirm your conclusions.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

Man can exist only if other organisms exist, namely green plants. However, its existence on our planet differs sharply from the existence of other organized beings. The intelligence that distinguishes it gives living matter amazing features, profoundly changing its effect on the environment.

The mind changes everything. Guided by it, a person uses the substance that surrounds him - inert and living - not only to build his body, but also for the needs of his social life. And this use is already a great geological force.

In this way, reason introduces new powerful processes into the mechanism of the earth’s crust, the likes of which did not exist before the advent of man. Man... changes appearance, chemical and mineralogical composition environment, its habitat. Its habitat is the entire earth's surface. His activities become more powerful and more organized with every century.
Based on this great victory, man destroyed “virgin nature.” He introduced into it a mass of unknown new chemical compounds and new forms of life - cultivated breeds of animals and plants.

Completed after many hundreds of thousands of years of steady efforts to cover the entire surface of the biosphere with a single social view animal kingdom - man. There is no corner on Earth that is inaccessible to him. There are no limits to its possible reproduction.

For the first time, man really understood that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act not only in the aspect of an individual, family or clan, state or their unions, but also in the planetary aspect. He, like all living things, can think and act in the planetary aspect only in the area of ​​life - in the biosphere, in a certain earthly shell, with which he is inextricably linked, naturally connected and from which he cannot leave.
(V.I. Vernadsky)

C1. According to the author, the existence of man on Earth is sharply different from the existence of other living beings. Does he still remain a “son of nature”? How does the author justify his conclusion?


1) affirmative answer;

2) argument (a person can live and act only in a certain earthly shell, subject to the existence of living organisms).

C2. In what four aspects, according to V.I. Vernadsky, can and should a person think? Based on the text and knowledge of the course, indicate which problems particularly require planetary thinking.


1) aspects:
- an individual;
- family or clan;
- states or their allies;
- planets as a whole;

2) it is said that planetary thinking is especially important when solving global problems.

C3. The author writes about the continuous connection between man and the earth’s shell, the biosphere. Based on the text, knowledge of the course, facts of social life and personal social experience, provide any three evidence of this connection.

The correct answer may include the following evidence:

1) the biosphere creates certain climatic conditions, provides water and breath necessary for a person;

2) conditions of the biosphere influence human economic activity (economic specialization of regions);

3) natural conditions influence the forms of social organization of people.

C4. In the text, written in the first quarter of the 20th century, the author actually proclaims a hymn to man, and calls his victories in relations with nature great. State three possible reasons for this statement.

The answer may include the following reasons:

The first decades of the last century were marked by major achievements in science and the emergence of many technical innovations;
- in our country there was an idea about the limitless possibilities of man in transforming nature, and the author shares it;
- negative impact economic activity human influence on the environment were not yet so obvious.

Most students, retelling the content of paragraphs for a good grade, find themselves helpless in a situation where they need to apply the acquired knowledge. Their social science knowledge is formal in nature, acquired at the verbal level and has not become an instrument of socialization (schoolchildren will not be able to apply it in real life to solve emerging social problems), nor a condition that provides the opportunity to further improve their educational level. This is confirmed by the results of tasks C5-C7, which require complex intellectual skills, including the ability to understand and apply theoretical principles in a given context, to reveal with examples the most important theoretical provisions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities, to give examples of certain social phenomena, actions, situations; concretize the theoretical principles of the course with the help of examples, apply social and humanitarian knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems that reflect current problems of human life and society. The percentage of completion of tasks C5, C6 and C7 in the 2009 exam is 29%, 30%, 23%, respectively.

C5. Name any three directions in the development of laws that create the legal foundations of a market economy.

The answer may include the following directions:

1) development of laws regulating the activities of banks;

2) creation of a legal mechanism for regulating property relations;

3) development legal framework functioning of private enterprises and business activities;

4) development of antimonopoly legislation.

C6. Illustrate any three individual characteristics of a partner-type (democratic) family with specific examples. In each case, name the characteristic you are illustrating.

The answer may include the following examples illustrating the characteristics of a family of a partnership (democratic) type:

1) in K.’s family, the husband and wife work (there is no functionally clear division and consolidation of male and female responsibilities);

2) members of L.’s family tell each other every evening about what happened during the day, the parents advise their son on what to do in a situation that arose at school (it is customary to discuss problems together);

3) in N.’s family, the decision on how to spend the winter holidays is made taking into account the opinions of all family members (decisions on important issues are made with the participation of all family members).

C7. Foreign analysts assessed the new constitution adopted in the country of P. as less democratic than the previous one. Suggest what three changes in the constitution could become the basis for such assessments.

The answer should name three changes such as;

1) the Constitution could reduce the range of political rights of citizens;

2) electoral qualifications could be introduced;

3) the rights of the executive branch could be expanded;

4) if we are talking about the constitution of a federal state, then the basis for the analysts’ conclusions could be a reduction in the rights of the subjects of the federation, a tendency towards unitarism.

Using different approaches to the formation of skills to work with text, you can achieve positive results. I wish all graduates to successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

Used literature:
1. Methodological letter “On the use of the results of a single state exam 2009 in teaching social studies in educational institutions secondary (complete) general education.”

Section 8

“Then God accepted man as a creation of an indefinite image and, placing him in the center of the world, said: “We do not give you, O Adam, neither a specific place, nor an image of your own, nor a special duty, so that the place, and the person, and the duty you had of his own free will, according to your will and your decision. The image of other creations is determined within the limits of the laws we have established. You, not constrained by any limits, will determine your image according to your decision, into the power of which I leave you. I place you in the center of the world, so that from there it will be more convenient for you to view everything that is in the world. I have made you neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal, so that you yourself, a free and glorious master, may mold yourself into the image that you prefer.”

1) This passage characterizes the ideological position of a person of the era...

Free creativity

free will

3) The position of man in the system of the universe, defined by the author of the passage, is characterized by philosophical anthropology as...


“ cannot be defined because he initially represents nothing. He becomes a person only later, and the kind of person he makes himself... A person simply exists, and he is not only the way he imagines himself, but the way he wants to become... a person is a being who strives for the future and is aware that it projects itself into the future. A person is, first of all, a project that is experienced subjectively, and not moss, not mold or cauliflower.”




3) The direction of philosophy to which the author belongs, which considers the problems of man, his main characteristics and prospects, is called ...


“Not a single social formation dies before all the productive forces for which it provides sufficient scope have developed, and new higher relations of production never appear before the material conditions of their existence have matured in the depths of the old society itself. Therefore, humanity always sets itself only such tasks that it can solve, since upon closer examination it always turns out that the task itself arises only when the material conditions for its solution are already present, or at least are in the process of becoming.”

2) The author refers to socio-economic formations in the consideration of the world-historical process...



productive forces

“I wrote this to you, loving, and calling, and praying with the grace of God that you will change stinginess to generosity and unmercifulness to mercy. Comfort those who cry and sob day and night, deliver the offended from the hands of those who offend. And if you order your kingdom well, you will be a son of light and a resident of heavenly Jerusalem, and as I wrote to you above, so now I say: keep and pay attention, pious king, to the fact that all the Christian kingdoms have come together into one of yours, that two Romes have fallen, and the third is worth it, but the fourth will not happen. And your Christian kingdom will not be replaced by another, according to the word of the great Theologian, and for the Christian church the word of blessed David will come true: “This is my peace forever and ever, here I will settle, as I wished.”

(Elder Philotheus)

1) This passage refers to the history of ________ philosophy.

“your Christian kingdom will not be replaced by another”

“all Christian kingdoms have come together into one of yours”

3) In this passage, the “third Rome” refers to the city...

“The cause of human suffering undoubtedly lies in the thirst for physical existence and in the illusory nature of worldly passions. If we trace the origin of these passions and illusions, we will find that they are rooted in all-consuming desires of instinctive origin. Thus, desire, based on a strong will to live, seeks what it wants, even if it sometimes turns out to be death. This is called the truth about the cause of suffering."

1) The above passage reveals one of the four noble truths...

Illusory passions


“We always understand ourselves as a choice of our own formation, creation. Such a choice, made without a point of support and prescribing motives for oneself, may seem absurd, and in fact it is. Human reality can choose itself as it wishes, but it cannot help choosing itself; she cannot even refuse to be; suicide is, in reality, a choice and an affirmation: to be. This choice is absurd not because it has no basis, but because it is not and was not possible not to choose.”

J.-P. Sartre

2) Among the most essential characteristics of human existence, the author of the passage considers...

3) This passage reveals the specifics of human existence from the point of view of the school...


“….We depict the originality of the psyche not with linear contours, as in a drawing or in primitive painting, but rather with vague spots of color, as in modern artists. After we have made the distinction, we must merge the selection together again. ...One can safely doubt that on this path we will reach the final truth from which we expect universal salvation, but we still recognize that the therapeutic efforts of psychoanalysis have chosen a similar point of application. After all, their goal is to strengthen the I, make it more independent of the Super-Ego, expand the field of perception and rebuild its organization so that it can master new parts of the Id. Where It was, I must become.”


“If the historian wishes to determine the character of a nation or an era, he must first formulate the equation according to which the relations between the masses and the chosen minorities developed. The resulting formula will provide the secret key to the heart of the historical organism. There are races that are distinguished by a frightening abundance of exemplary individuals against the backdrop of a wretched, defective, unruly crowd. A typical example is Ancient Greece, and the noted circumstance was precisely the reason for its amazing historical instability. One day, Hellas turned into a giant factory for the production of exceptional individuals, instead of being content with a few standards, mass producing them. Possessing a brilliant culture, Greece failed as a social organism, a state. The opposite example is provided by Spain and Russia - the two poles of the great European axis. Despite all their differences, what brings them together is that both countries turned out to be inhabited by a race-people, in other words, they have always lacked outstanding personalities.”

1) A poetic comparison of the line of historical process with the dynamics of a living organism is characteristic of philosophy...