Holiday ticket check 43rd circulation. Stoloto lottery in honor of the Victory Day holiday. The incentive to play is an important thing

When there is a holiday all around, the joy of winning is greater. And winning the draw dedicated to Victory Day is a double salute of joy and luck. Give this joy to yourself and your loved ones: buy tickets for the holiday draws of the Russian Lotto, Housing Lottery and Golden Horseshoe for yourself and as a gift. Sales are already open! Let's tell you more about the prizes.

15 apartments, 2 barrels in “Russian Lotto”

In the 1231st draw of the Russian Lotto, 15 apartments and cash prizes will be drawn. The expected Jackpot amount is more than 200,000,000 rubles. If it is not won, in honor of the holiday, part of this amount will be forcibly distributed among all winning tickets this edition. The previous Jackpot was drawn on January 1, its amount was 250,000,000 rubles. Also in the 1231st draw, if the Jackpot is not won, the game will go until the 88th move: there will be 2 barrels left in the leader’s bag. In this case, every second ticket will win!

If you like to give paper tickets, ask for Russian Lotto gift cards at retail points of sale. These are blocks of 2 tickets for the holiday draw with a congratulations inside and a double chance to win.

“Housing Lottery”: winning housewarmings!

In the 285th drawing of the Housing Lottery, 30 country houses and cash prizes. After the drawing, there will be 3 balls left in the lottery machine, which means that there will be more winners!

"Golden Horseshoe": 9 winning cars

In the 141st draw in honor of May 9th we will be giving away 9 cars. As usual in the “Golden Horseshoe”, at the end of each drawing there will be 3 balls left in the lottery drum, there are always many winners!

Watch broadcasts of the “Russian Lotto”, “Housing Lottery” and “Golden Horseshoe” draws on May 13 at 14:00, on NTV, in the program “They are winning!” Broadcast times in your region may differ from those shown. Follow the TV program.

*The phrase “Every second ticket wins!” means that the probability of matching 30 numbers on a ticket up to and including the 88th move (with a total number of numbers on the ticket equal to 30 and a total number of kegs in the bag equal to 90) lies in the range from 1 in 2.37 to 1 in 2.25 .

**The 88th move and the distribution of 35,000,000 rubles of the accumulated Russian Lotto super prize will be carried out if the accumulated super prize at the beginning of draw No. 1231 is 35,000,000 rubles. or more and there will be no Jackpot wins in this draw. In other cases, the game in draw No. 1231 will go until the 87th move without distribution of the super prize.

You no longer need kvass - now beer you have.
Your winnings are quite rare, you are lucky, there is no doubt that you got not two candies, but two
candy papers.
Not a win, but manna from heaven, you gotpiece of bread.
Accept itbutton this and walk around the world with joy.
What is this?
Pencil! It is very difficult to believe in this: now he will only be yours.
Don't look so timidly, don't be scared - this is
This will help you get a strong hold in lifeclip.
So as not to eat in the canteen, getbay leaf.
Cleanliness is a sore point, get a vacuum cleaner (broom).
When you start dancing, so that your pants don't fall off, you need to have with youpin made of steel.
We give you the best toy in the world -
Everyone is happy with such a gift - delicious, juicygrape.
It's not a nut or a screw - it's medicalbandage
Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - match boxes.
Best friend in life -thread whole reel.
This is not a random gift - we give it to you
tram ticket.
There is no better win than cellophaneplastic bag.
You're very lucky - get itbar of soap.
Don't get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
We don’t feel sorry for anything for you - accept thislighter.
You have to believe in miracles - as a gift to yousausage.
We give you balloon and in the set for it flashlight.
Forget all questions, we give you cigarettes.
An item that is very necessary in the household, take it quickly, don’t be shy (lid).
So that you look out the window less, we give you domino
Yes, this is what you need - cheese under the glorious name “Friendship”.
You should not be upset - you have new luck. you got it
mustard delicious, canteen.
Move your brains a little - for this we hand over
Nothing is a pity for you - just get itmedal.
Don't be sad, don't worry, get up neighbor kiss.
There is nothing better in the world than receiving a bouquet of flowers (card with flowers)
Here's a gift for your future - from a shoelace.
We give you this ticket so you can travel around the wholelight.
To save beautiful hairstyle, getcomb.
So that there is no longing, we give you socks.
At first glance it’s not noticeable at all -toilet paper.
Fruit is the best diet, but eat it todaycandy.
The stripe in life will only be white, it will help you with thispiece of chalk.
What is happening in the world today - you will read innewspaper.
We've got you coveredhooks , Well, catch the catfish yourself.
Always, at any time of the year, you will need this
A great find for teeth - here you gotoothbrush.
If you like excitement, get itdeck of cards
To make jam for future use, getsugar.
This thing is necessary to create intimacy(candle).
If you're not drunk yet, get it sooncup.
The most fragrant banana will be the envy of monkeys(banana)
To keep your linen tight, we give youclothespin.
Success awaits you soon, get it from us nut.

2. Comic lottery - forecast

1. You are a tough nut to crack, which means

Good luck awaits you!

2. Who gets a can of beer?
Live happily all year!

3. Eat bananas and coconuts
And expect rewards from fate!

4. While the boss is “taking the shavings off” us,
Calmly brew a mug of tea!

5. Receive this tube as a gift,
So that every tooth shines in the sun!

6. Since you got a chocolate bar,
It won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet!

7. When you drink cranberry jelly,
Forget about the merry-go-round of the world!
Let the world, as they say, wait!
And you will be healthy all year round.

8. Perhaps you are planning to run away,
But your lot is to continue working!

9. Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is simply incomparable!
(Coconut cream)

10. To the one who receives this candle,
You'll have to travel around the world!

11. To record where the pay went,
You will really need this pen!

12. You will have to live with grief,
And forget about the days of the calendar!

13. And great love awaits you
And kisses all year round!
(Sponge set)

14. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright!
(Felt pens)

15. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life!
Among your friends you have no equal!
(Juice packet)

16. You are good at work
And you will be held in high esteem by us all year.

17. Delight awaits you for your heart -
Big salary increase!
(Yogurt "Uslada")

18. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

19. You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore the whole year will be great!

3. Comic lottery for a friendly company

Be it a cowboy or a businessman -

They are all afraid of caries.

Well, now try:

Chew, chew, chew - and there are no problems!

(Chewing gum.)

It doesn't matter that the ball is small,

If only he could jump merrily.

Pele himself, by the way,

I started on rags.


Everyone around is terribly happy:

It erases everything as it should!

After "Dosi", after "Tide"

This is the best reward.


Either rattle or strum...

If you now have your keys

You'll lose it all at once -

Either grumble, or don't grumble.


You can glue day and night,

If you drive laziness away.

Super sticky oilcloth -

In overseas it’s just “scotch”.


No matter how hard the alarm clock tried -

I just got him to his feet.

No matter how I tried to wake you up -

Will complete the task with honor,

What no one could solve

With best wishes

"Wake-up powder"!

(Bag of coffee)

You go out onto the porch in the morning -

Your face will turn red.

Why? You're on my finger

You will suddenly find a ring.

(Children's ring)

Kissing in the wind

It's hard in the field in the morning.

You're lucky - here's lipstick,

There is no need for chapped lips.


Somewhere the cherry blossoms are blooming,

Somewhere dates are growing...

There are many vitamins in the world,

And we have our own product.


America is calling them

"Russian nuts."

They are eaten without fuss

And without any haste.

(Bag of seeds)

Two cheerful geese -

Joy for grandma.

You're not a grandma -

Get the beads!

(Children's beads)

You got it at this hour

Something that makes us all happy.

Light, bringing a holiday to everyone,

Obedient to every wind.


You can brighten up such an important celebration as an anniversary with an original comic lottery. It is simply impossible to lose in it, because there are enough gifts for absolutely everyone. This is a great way to thank guests for their congratulations and create a real holiday atmosphere for everyone.

What to play

Prizes in this case are not the main thing; the mood that you give to guests by raffling off the lots is much more important. A cheerful and original presentation will amuse the guests, and the change won will be a pleasant bonus for participating in the general fun. You don’t have to buy expensive things: guests will also be delighted with small, cute gifts. Such entertainment will provide any guest with the opportunity not only to have fun at the celebration, but also to go home with a pleasant material memory.

As lots you can use various little things like key rings, pens, varnishes, elastic bands, combs, etc. Prizes can be either humorous and decorative, or useful in the household, for example good knife or a cup.

Prizes-items can be diluted with forfeits like all kinds of certificates. For example, prepare “Best Host” or “Most Beautiful Relative” certificates in advance, and as soon as the lots are drawn, all you have to do is enter the winner’s name there.

How to present a lottery

You can play lots in various ways. If there are others at the celebration, then give their winners in-game currency, for which you can purchase a ticket. You can make a real ticket with a washable coating using ordinary chapstick and acrylic paint.

You should cut out a small rectangle of colored paper and write the name of the prize on it. The inscription must be rubbed with chapstick or Vaseline, and painted over with bright acrylic paint. This coating can be easily removed with a coin.

The entertainment can also take place more traditionally, in this case, guests pull out small pieces of paper with gift numbers from a hat or bag. Then the toastmaster checks the number with the list of lots and only then gives the guest a gift.

Original ideas for a lottery

If you have a large basket of fruit on the table, you can use them as tasty lottery tickets. You need to cut the fruit into cubes and string it onto skewers or toothpicks, and place their end in a piece of paper with the prize number.

If the celebration is taking place at home, you can stick numbers under each guest’s chair in advance, and at the most important moment ask them to look under the seat. Such a sudden start of the competition will give guests positive emotions and will keep the intrigue, because no one will expect it.

Bright balloons, inside of which there are comic poems with the names of the prizes, will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the celebration. If you only have small balls in which it is difficult to place pieces of paper with poems, you should simply write the lot number on them. And the toastmaster can read poetry already in the process of presenting a gift.

A large bunch of balloons can be placed in the corner of the room or helium balloons can be left under the ceiling. When it's time for the competition, the guest will need to choose a random ball and pop it to win.

Poems for the lottery

Using poetry during the game will lift everyone's spirits and demonstrate your resourcefulness and sense of humor. Funny tips for using the gift for its intended purpose or funny jokes should be printed on the numbers.

If you are far from versification, use ready-made examples rhymes for a comic lottery:

  1. To avoid any problems with your face, we give our dearest guest the most best cream.
  2. To add shine to your hair, get it and sign it - here’s a comb for you.
  3. To make your fist look brighter and more beautiful, we give you, dear, this bright varnish.
  4. If sweets don’t make your teeth hurt, then you’re eating marmalade this evening.
  5. An unlit park can be treacherous, which is why we give you a flashlight.
  6. If you need to invite a duelist to a fight, throw these gloves at his feet.
  7. If you are frying meat at the dacha, you would need red wine.
  8. To brew chamomile after your session, you need a beautiful cup.
  9. To prepare pancakes in March, we are giving you a colorful apron.
  10. To sew up any T-shirt, dear, hold a big needle.
  11. To flutter around the house like a butterfly, you will need soft slippers.
  12. To make you smell like a true dandy, we are giving you deodorant.
  13. To have a nice rest, grab our favorite friend, beer.
  14. To make it easy for you to boil eggs in the morning, we are giving our guest a box and matches.
  15. To avoid wrinkles, eat more vitamins.
  16. Here's a new product for you - foreign chewing gum. Don't be gloomy - eat bubblegum.
  17. To illuminate the place, accept a candle as a gift.
  18. News from all over the world can be found in the newspaper.
  19. To be the most elite housewife, get this cookbook.
  20. Everyone with a sweet tooth pricked up their ears; the guest wins grandma's sweet cakes.

Such jokes will amuse guests and allow them to look at small gifts in a completely different light. Let the draw be held by the most charismatic of the guests, who can present surprises in the right mood.

Lottery - the best competition for the holiday

A funny anniversary lottery is a great way to show off your creativity and creative skills. Such a competition can be held at any time during the holiday, as a break from the feast.

The hero of the occasion must decide in advance on the prizes and the design of lottery tickets. An unusual presentation and fun, bright gifts will make the evening unforgettable and will not allow anyone to leave empty-handed!

One of the popular entertainments during the holidays is comic lottery. Be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding. The toastmaster can hand out lottery tickets to guests at the entrance or immediately before the drawing; at a wedding, lottery tickets can even be sold for a nominal fee. If there are a lot of lots, you can play the lottery throughout the evening, with breaks. Each ticket is assigned a number, starting with the first. The lottery must be a win-win, so prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. We offer you sample texts comic lottery lottery draw:

1. For your kind eyes, a souvenir - read (Fairy Tales).
2. A thing that does not go out of fashion. (Laces).
3. Here’s a lighter for you, use it, don’t mind. (Box of matches).
4. When you go for a walk, to keep your pants from falling off, you need to have a steel pin with you. (Pin).
5. Who is the happiest among us? Get that basin. (Pelvis).
6. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, the boxes will come in handy. (Box of matches).
7. Let the bride’s smile suddenly touch your eyes, and good mood will never leave you again.
8. Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - a box of matches. (Matches).
9. Accept this (Button) and walk around the world with joy.
10. You will have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar).
11. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
12. You are desperately lucky - you will receive (Sandwich).
13. Your winnings are special. You will read about everything in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper).
14. Pour this into this glass and drink quietly. (Disposable cup).
15. I hand over your winnings with confidence, use them in your business. (Sheet of paper).
16. Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer).

17. Even the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears. (Brush).
18. Dear comrade, get (Candy), Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
19. Here is the ticket, so the ticket, don’t rummage through the numbers, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).
20. Since you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).
21. Extend your hand. Get the onion head. (Onion).
22. You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (Peanut).
23. Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply incomparable! (Coconut cream).
24. To avoid eating in the canteen, get a bay leaf. (Bag with bay leaf).
25. If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
26. Don’t drip on your neighbor, and win a napkin. (Napkin).
27. Today you are not the hero of the day, the laurel crown does not shine for you, you’d better accept it from us ( bay leaf bag).
28. Nothing will happen to you, this item will be useful to you. (Condom).
29. So that you can keep your money, we hand you a wallet. (Wallet).
30. We give you a piece of chintz, you can get married again. (Handkerchief).
31. Somehow it’s not even clever, but now for you (Carrot).
32. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice packet).
33. Don’t be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea (Tea).
34. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can).
35. It will help you remember an object from long past childhood years. (Dummy).
36. The lottery is not a scam. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth).
37. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins).
38. You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, because even the most rusty nail will be useful in the household. (Nail).
39. You won a spoon. Go and eat a little. (Wooden spoon).
40. If suddenly a child starts crying, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and make him shut up. (Beanbag).
41. Portrait of himself handsome man. (Mirror).
42. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
43. Antique hanger. (Nail).

44. Vessel for drinking strong drinks. (Thimble).
45. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your winnings are ahead.
46. ​​We wanted to win a flashlight. You only got the ball. (Balloon).
47. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
48. To shave very cleanly, you will need this tool. (Blade).
49. The tulle was eaten by moths yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!
50. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride on it. (Machine).
51. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).
52. There is no more practical gain than a garbage bag. (Garbage bag).
53. While the boss is “taking the shavings off” from us, calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug).
54. You don’t have striped pants, but you do have a cigarette. (Cigarettes).
55. Why should you have a wallet? Put your money in a bag. (Plastic bag).
56. A treat for your heart awaits you - a big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Uslada").
57. For good people I don’t feel sorry for anything, get it as soon as possible, comrade, (Jump rope).
58. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with nozzle. (Comb).
59. You didn’t win a penny, but a real (Ruler).
60. And for dessert we have. There is a pill for you. (Vitamins).
61. We are giving you (a notebook) so you have something to write on.
62. And great love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of dish sponges).
63. You are a welcome guest with us. As a gift to you (Valuable nail).
64. For your sweet smile, given to us now, We present you with this (Button), let it make you happy.
65. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
66. Come on, dear little friend, have some (Pie).

67. I don’t have a typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel).
68. So that the wind doesn’t blow your cap away, here’s a gift for you (Paperclip).
69. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).
70. Straight from the department store (Toilet paper).

71. After a glass, have a snack. This is a very important matter. Here's a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin).
72. Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you (Pills).
73. Who is so joyful there? As a keepsake for you - (Thermometer)!
74. Everyday matter, as they say, this thing may come in handy. (Cork).
75. You got a flower - a rose, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose).
76. Your winnings are like manna from heaven; you got a piece of bread. (A piece of bread).
77. And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
78. You don’t need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard).
79. Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - (Balloon).
80. You bought an unlucky ticket, show us a 100 ruble fine for diapers.
81. To find out your income, a notebook will come in handy. (Notebook).
82. This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
83. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens).
84. I will not give up (Kefir) for any good in the world.
85. You are extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!
86. You and your companion will never be lost; you will never come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
87. You (Postcard) came across it, that’s how it was supposed to be with us.
88. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar).
89. (Notebook) - this is a small thing, but this is what you wanted.
90. Give this book to your future baby. (Children's book).

91. If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need a candle. (Candle).
92. Now you will have to buy a child so that you have someone to suck on the pacifier. (Pacifier).
93. Make a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder surprise).
94. Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes).
95. There is no more important book than you, only you are the writer in it. (Notebook).
96. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen).
97. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle).
98. Since you are no longer at your desk, cards will come in handy in life. (Deck of cards).
99. Don’t be sad, don’t grieve, get up and kiss your neighbor. (Kiss the neighbor).
100. Evil lottery fate, The clothespin is only given to you. (Clothespin).
101. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
102. To save you from suffering, we won hand cream. (Hand cream).
103. Open your mouth wider, you will get a roll of paper. (Toilet paper).
104. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car).
105. With the dream of a shortage, you will run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet it (Paper napkin).
106. Your winnings are yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
107. Success awaits you today, Get your nut. (Walnut).
108. Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three pieces of paper from candies.
109. You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue your work! (Soap).
110. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana).
111. Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Paste).
112. Enjoy yourself, my friend, a little - you got (three candies).
113. Happiness fell into your hands, big apple got it. (Apple).
114. Don’t be bored today, get Indian tea. (A pack of Indian tea).
115. To keep your hair in order, you will need an oven mitt. (Hair band).
116. Although your name is not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet).

117. Seal of a small enterprise. (Eraser).
118. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).
119. If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet).
120. Washing machine"Little one." (Soap in a soap dish).
121. Oh, what a great fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).
122. We give you toothpaste So that you have teeth. (Toothpaste).
123. You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. (Horseshoe).
124. You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).
125. In life you have to hope for the best. Take glue if life doesn’t stick. (Glue).
126. Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars).
127. Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss the neighbor).
128. In life, anything happens and it can even happen, if you tarnish your reputation somewhere, (A clothespin) will help dry it.
129. You are the best, you will see that the glass is for you, you will get a hangover. (Glass with vodka).
130. Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
131. The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle).
132. To keep the jar full, you need (a lid).
133. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (Pencil).
134. Pet control product. (Velcro for flies).
135. You will walk around with your hair beautiful, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo).
136. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! (Coffee).
137. Even though people say that vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward. (A glass of vodka).
138. The turn has reached you, a fresh bar (“Mars”) for you!
139. Whether you need it or not, Here’s lipstick for you (Lipstick)!
140. For an overgrown baby - wonderful (Nipple)!

The Stoloto holiday lottery in honor of the Victory Day holiday - May 9, 2018 is preparing pleasant surprises in " Russian lotto", "Golden Horseshoe" and " Housing lottery" Everyone who decides to take part can win an apartment, country house, car and money. There will be more winners under the conditions stated by Stoloto!

31 TV shows “They win against us” dedicated to the day Victory - May 9 will be held on the NTV channel on May 13, 2018 at 14-00 (Moscow time).

Russian Lotto 1231 draw

In honor of the Victory Day holiday, part of the 1231st draw of the Russian Lotto lottery will be drawn jackpot And the game will pass up to move 88, that is, there will be 2 barrels left in the bag. This means that the accumulated millions of rubles in the prize fund and jackpot (if a winner is not determined at the beginning of the game) will be won by more participants. This is a truly rare chance to try your luck and not lose, since there are usually 4 barrels left in the bag - numbers that should not be on a lottery ticket.

A significant event for the Russian Lotto draw on May 9 will be a drawing 15 apartments among the lucky ticket holders, which can be found on the Stoloto website.

The jackpot of 209,000,000 rubles was won by a participant from the Tver region! Therefore, the game went until move 87 and there were 3 barrels left in the bag.

Lottery ticket for the drawing in honor of May 9 can be purchased on the website until 19:00 (Moscow time), 05/12/2018.

Result of the Russian Lotto 1231 draw

Video of the 1231st Russian Lotto draw

Check the ticket against the table

Tour The order in which the numbers appear Winners Winning
1 08, 14, 23, 53, 52, 32 4 105 000
2 55, 25, 35, 74, 44, 39, 71, 31, 03, 63, 68, 22, 06, 61, 85, 16, 26, 18, 65, 47, 40, 87, 64, 88, 36, 77, 66, 57, 59 2 apartment + 209 000 000
3 56, 79, 05, 33, 90, 83, 89, 41, 21, 13, 12, 19, 76, 43, 49, 73, 75, 15, 09, 20, 24, 30, 27, 82 1 apartment
4 86 1 apartment
5 62, 48 1 apartment
6 54 3 apartments
7 38 8 apartments
8 70 17 30 001
9 81 18 10 000
10 04 55 5 000
11 29 54 2 000
12 78 83 1 501
13 10 176 1 000
14 07 285 700
15 60 527 501
16 51 825 301
17 37 1 257 267
18 11 1 991 241
19 02 3 268 218
20 28 4 441 199
21 72 6 763 183
22 45 13 762 170
23 80 19 178 160
24 46 31 020 151
25 01 43 053 144
26 67 73 918 137
27 50 117 392 133
28 34 161 783 130
29 69 241 986 128
30 42 364 764 126

Missing numbers: 17, 58, 84

Housing lottery 285 draw

In honor of May 9, the 285th drawing of the Housing Lottery will be played on May 13, 2018. 30 country houses and the accumulated prize fund will be raffled off between the participants. The festive drawing will pleasantly please new and regular participants of the game by increasing the chances of winning by holding the 285th draw before the 87th move. Only 3 out of 90 possible balls (numbers) should not be on the lottery ticket. Chance to win a large sum or a country house on May 13 above!

The super prize of 17,008,779 rubles has not been drawn and goes to

A lottery ticket for the holiday drawing on May 9 can be purchased on the website until 20:00 (Moscow time), 05/12/2018.

Result of the Housing Lottery 285 draw

Video of the 285th draw Housing Lottery

Check the ticket against the table

Tour The order in which the numbers appear Winners Winning
1 55, 08, 71, 69, 58, 31 1 210 000
2 80, 52, 03, 48, 66, 04, 06, 82, 84, 39, 15, 44, 33, 60, 57, 54, 43, 78, 40, 51, 50, 64, 62, 53, 74, 01, 29, 75, 22, 46, 14, 34, 02, 67, 63, 10 2 Houses
3 89, 79, 83, 36, 68, 87, 65, 90, 24, 86, 59, 76, 72, 70, 09, 32, 45, 07, 27, 19, 88, 47, 77, 81, 18 6 Houses
4 12 4 Houses
5 73 3 Houses
6 85 5 Houses
7 30 28 214 285
8 37 35 1 002
9 49 58 702
10 41 79 500
11 23 342 402
12 16 534 130
13 56 570 127
14 21 1 855 123
15 17 2 476 119
16 13 3 601 115
17 11 5 149 113
18 25 12 677 110
19 35 15 896 107
20 38 22 049 106
21 26 44 299 105
22 05 56 048 101
23 61 83 442 100

Missing numbers: 20, 28, 42

Golden Horseshoe 141 edition

In honor of May 9, the Golden Horseshoe lottery will delight all participants in the 141st draw with valuable and cash prizes that will be drawn on May 13, 2018. 9 cars and the collected prize fund will be raffled off between purchased tickets. Since the drawing within the rules continues until the 87th move, every third participant will have a chance to win more money.

The super prize of 12,000,000 rubles has not been drawn and goes to

Tickets for the festive edition of the Golden Horseshoe for Victory Day can be purchased on the website until 18:30 (Moscow time), 05/12/2018.

Result of the Golden Horseshoe lottery 141 draw

Video of the 141st edition of the Golden Horseshoe

Check the ticket against the table

Tour The order in which the numbers appear Winners Winning
1 24, 17, 79, 33, 35, 66 1 100 000
2 48, 65, 11, 58, 25, 12, 59, 51, 29, 68, 01, 34, 76, 21, 82, 03, 75, 04, 50, 30, 22, 14, 36, 77, 23, 13, 53, 44, 52, 20, 08, 07, 45, 57, 19, 78, 73, 71 1 auto
3 56, 63, 70, 18, 05, 27, 10, 60, 43, 64, 32, 26, 40, 31, 87, 72, 39, 28, 54, 61, 69, 80, 06, 86 2 auto
4 88 4 auto
5 46 9 155 555
6 81 25 701
7 47 53 500
8 83 106 401
9 67 124 301
10 41 211 256
11 89 469 222
12 49 625 194
13 90 1 076 172
14 85 1 647 155
15 55 2 290 140
16 15 3 858 129
17 38 6 055 120
18 09 9 833 114
19 16 13 500 107
20 74 20 223 103
21 37 30 523 102
22 62 45 907 100

Missing numbers: 2, 42, 84

I am willing to bet that in honor of the holiday May 9 - Victory Day, the Stoloto lottery is a rare chance for thousands of Russians and foreign citizens win and be happy.

Even if you don’t manage to win, part of the money spent on a ticket will help you win in sports!