Homemade shower stomp. Toptun shower: features, areas of application, self-production. Area of ​​use of the foot shower

This is a device for making water procedures appeared in our country relatively recently and immediately attracted the attention of users.

What are the advantages of a trample shower over conventional devices?

CharacteristicsBrief description
The total weight of the shower-treadmill does not exceed 2-3 kg, the dimensions, depending on the model, are no more than 30x40 cm. Such linear indicators allow you to constantly transport the device with you and use it at the right time.
There is no need to build special rooms for a shower-treadmill. The watering can can be held in your hands, hung on a tree, attached to a wall, etc. If necessary, the location of the shower can always be changed. If desired, the shower can be connected to a large barrel of water and used permanently.
The device can be used not only for water procedures, but also for watering garden beds, washing a car and other household needs.
The trample shower does not have complex parts, which allows you to significantly increase its service life. In addition, it does not require periodic maintenance or repairs. If there are risks of contamination, then a simple strainer can be installed on the inlet pipe.
The pump pumps water without electricity; it can be installed in the countryside and connected to a large container of water - the shower time is significantly increased. The stomp shower has proven itself well at picnics by the pond, and you can take it with you on hikes.

Before considering options for making your own shower-treadmill, you should find out the operating principle of the device; such knowledge will help you choose the most suitable one. at country option taking into account plumbing experience, financial capabilities and desired technical characteristics.

The treadmill shower consists of the following elements.

Before you start making your own shower-treadmill, you need to find out the technical characteristics of factory devices and what they depend on. This knowledge will make it possible to plan what indicators can be adjusted during production, how to do this and to what positive or negative consequences they will bring it.

Technical characteristics of the shower-treadmill

Maximum water suction depth

It depends on the elasticity of the housing; the stiffer the housing material, the greater the vacuum it can create during an increase in the internal volume. But the suction depth cannot be significantly increased. Why? The fact is that when you press the pump housing, you will have to overcome not only the pressure to supply water to a certain height, but also the resistance of the housing.

Let's consider the features of the pump. For example, a person weighs 70 kg. If the housing creates a vacuum of adequate 15 kN to suck in water, then to create water pressure it will be possible to apply a force of no more than 55 kN (70 kN - 15 kN). This means that the greater the suction depth, the lower the lift height with the same pressing force on the pump. For example, we took the weight of an adult.

What if a child uses the trampoline shower? Due to this inverse relationship between suction and pressure parameters, the designers found an acceptable middle option. The factory device can lift water no more than 50 cm, and the supply pressure depends on the effort applied. Such parameters allow people with light weight to use the trampoline shower; the washing process does not require much physical effort.

Maximum water supply height

The greater the compression force on the pump housing, the higher the water pressure is created. Indicators are limited only by a person’s weight. And of course, the physical strength of the case material.


Depends on two parameters: the internal volume of the pump and the frequency of pressure. The first parameter is set by the manufacturer; average values ​​are selected. If the pump has a very large volume, then to press the chamber a person does not need to “tread water”, but raise his legs high. This is inconvenient; the designers did not take this route to increase water supply productivity.

The average parameters of the pump are selected in such a way that the volume of water squeezed out from one pump is continuous until the second pump is turned on. But this does not mean that the frequency of pressure can be increased indefinitely. The fact is that the process of filling the pump takes time; you can press on the pump body only after its entire volume is filled with water. Overall dimensions also depend on performance.

Factory models are made of durable rubber; the intake and exhaust valves are mounted on special rigid elements. It is almost impossible to find tires in the store that match the physical characteristics. In addition to strength, it needs to be hermetically fixed to the sidewalls, match the length and diameter, and ensure stability and durability. In connection with such problems, we offer other options for making a shower-treadmill yourself.

Having this knowledge, you can start making your own shower-treadmill. We will consider two device options, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Pneumatic shower-treadmill

In terms of its operating principle, it bears little resemblance to the factory version, but in terms of comfort it is not only in no way inferior to it, but also superior in many respects. The device we offer pumps not water, but air, although the operating principle of the pumps is the same.

What are the main differences?

  1. If the usual shower-treadmill takes water from the tank and supplies it to the watering can, then in a sealed container with water using a foot pump it is created overpressure, which pushes water into the shower head.
  2. The pump does not pump water, but air.
  3. Water pressure can fluctuate within significant limits.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

We give only a basic manufacturing diagram; anyone can make minor changes to it, taking into account the available materials. The water from the shower will flow under pressure, the air will be pumped by a car pump or frog pumps for inflating rubber boats.

Step 1. Choose a suitable container for water. This can be a plastic twenty-liter bottled water container, metal or plastic barrel, milk can, canister, etc.

Practical advice. If you plan to make your shower mobile, then you don’t need to look for a large capacity. Practice shows that twenty liters is enough to wash one person. In addition, you cannot pump hundreds of liters of water with your feet; this requires a lot of time and physical effort.

We recommend using plastic canisters to make a shower. They have sealed lids, handles for transportation and a capacity of up to 50 liters. Another advantage of this container is that the large wall thickness allows it to withstand significant pressure without problems.

Step 2. Secure the inlet and outlet pipes to the cover. Air will be pumped through one pipe by a pump, the other is used to supply water to the shower head.

For example, consider installation of pipes on the cover plastic canister or barrels. The diameter of the nozzles is within 10 mm; select specific values ​​taking into account the diameter of the pump hoses and available parts.

Important. If you hold the lid with your hands, be very careful. Remember that the drill can tear out the cover, be especially careful when drilling after reverse side a through hole appeared. Side faces cutting tool they grab the plastic and begin to rotate it with great force. It is at this moment that the lid most often breaks in and injures the master.

Step 3. Insert a pipe into the hole; there should be a metric thread. Put on the rubber gaskets (you can do it on one side), install metal washers on top and tighten the connection with nuts.

Practical advice. We strongly do not recommend fixing the pipes using only sealant or glue. During use of the installation and pumping air, dynamic forces of alternating directions act on the pipes. Over time, the adhesive or sealant will peel off, causing the joint to fail. If the air outlet is small, then you can still use the shower, but you will have to pump the pump more often and faster. If the gaps are significant, then you will have to do repair work.

Step 4. Attach a long hose to one pipe; it will supply water to the watering can. A short hose for air supply is attached to the second one. To make it easier to put on a plastic hose, heat its end in boiling water and in this state put it on the plastic. After cooling, reduce the diameter of the hose; the connection is quite reliable. Moreover, there will be no high pressure in the hose. If in doubt, additionally secure the end with a small clamp of a suitable diameter. To increase the tightness of the connection, you can tightly wrap several turns of electrical tape around the pipe.

Step 5. If necessary, attach special adapters to the nozzles to connect the pump hose and shower head. Connect them also after heating the end of the hose.

How to use this shower?

Pour water into a container and place it in the sun to warm up. If you don’t have time, you can immediately cold water dilute with warm.

Important. Always leave about a third of the volume of the container for air. Due to this, it will be possible to create a sufficient pressure reserve for a complete outflow of water. Use a foot pump to pump up the air; there is no need to pump up a lot of air. Pressure of one atmosphere lifts water to a height of 10 meters. For your information, bicycle tires have a pressure of only 0.5 atm.

The pump can not be turned off; it has a built-in check valve, eliminating pressure drop. Practice shows that a pressure of approximately one atmosphere can guarantee the pouring of 15 liters of water from a twenty-liter container when it is filled with water to two-thirds of its volume. You can take a shower immediately or wait a bit until it warms up to a comfortable temperature.

What are the advantages of the proposed design? There are quite a few of them and they all significantly increase the comfort of using a portable shower.

  1. There is no need to constantly trample on your soul. For elderly and sick people this is a tiring task.
  2. The water is turned on/off as needed. There is an opportunity to wash yourself in peace.
  3. Small children can use the unit. They either turn on the watering can themselves, or wash themselves with the help of their parents.

Such advantages make this design the soul is quite in demand among numerous owners of summer cottages. The shower can be installed not only outside the city, but also taken with you on a picnic, fishing or to a plot of land for agricultural work.

If you install a check valve on the inlet pipe, then such a device will be very useful when processing plants chemicals pest and disease control. A check valve can be purchased at any hardware store. Availability check valve makes it possible to disconnect the pump after pumping air and carry the container in your hand. There is no need to buy expensive models with automatic pressure control. An ordinary rubber valve in a normally open state is sufficient. The valve is held in this position by a spring. When the air stream moves in the opposite direction, the air presses the rubber gasket against the socket and closes its exit from the nozzle.

Video - Foot shower “Rain”

Video - Shower from a plastic bottle and pump

Stomp shower made from two frog pumps

You can try to make another version of the shower-treadmill. For these purposes, use so-called “frogs” as pumps. These pumps are used to inflate rubber boats. There are two types of devices in the implementation.

  1. Rubber. The body is molded from hard rubber, which, when restored to its original shape after pressing with the foot, pumps air through the inlet valve. When you press the body, the inlet valve closes, the outlet valve opens under pressure, and pressure is supplied to the hose. Pump volume is approximately 1.5 liters.
  2. Plastic(type Bravo 7011). Consist of upper and lower plastic panels, which are connected to each other by especially durable rubberized fabric. The working volume of such pumps can be three or more liters.

    The devices also have inlet and outlet valves, and the principle of air injection has been changed. Between two plastic plates a metal spring is installed, it is this that compresses/decompresses depending on the applied forces, the top plastic cover approaches the bottom or moves away from it. Due to such movements, the internal volume of the pumps changes.

    Such pumps have the ability to increase the rate of water intake. To do this, you must first remove the rubberized casing; it is fixed to the upper and lower parts with ordinary clamps. Please note that some clamps may be disposable. During tightening, their hooks are deformed; when compressed again, they either slide off or become wedged. Before disassembling such pumps, just in case, buy new clamps. After removing the housing, access to the internal spring is available. It needs to be removed and replaced with a stiffer one, just be sure to install a spring made of stainless alloy steel. We warn you that you must respect the golden mean. A very stiff spring will significantly speed up the suction of water by the pump, but at the same time the force required to compress the device will significantly increase.

Two such pumps are connected into a single structure using a tee and plastic tubes. You need to connect two inputs and two outputs. The inlet hose is lowered into a container of water, the outlet hose is connected to the shower head.

The design is ready for use, but it has significant drawbacks.

  1. Pumps cannot lift water from long distances. This will slow down the water supply process; washing under a weak stream is very inconvenient. It is advisable to raise water containers; the height difference is recommended to be at least a meter. In this position, water will enter the pump housing much faster. It is often technologically impossible to increase the inlet opening of pumps; in this way it will not be possible to speed up the water supply.
  2. To mount two pumps, you need to use a special rigid stand, and it cannot be made of wood. And when attaching pumps to other materials, significant difficulties arise. Solving problems will require a lot of time and effort; factory pumps do not have technological holes designed to fix them in a stationary position. We will have to come up with special elements and do it in such a way that the functionality of the devices is not impaired. At the same time, the pumps must sit firmly in place and not move while supplying water.
  3. Manufacturing requires a lot of time and significant material resources. In terms of cost, a ready-made trample shower is quite competitive with a self-made one, and in terms of comfort it is much superior. Is it worth wasting time, money and effort in order to end up with a device with worse technical characteristics and increased cost compared to ready-made factory analogues?
  4. ABOUT A common disadvantage of all types of trample showers is that they need to be installed on hard surfaces. This could be a specially made wooden stand, paving slabs, etc. Otherwise, within a few minutes there will be dirt under your feet, and the grass lawn will turn into a swamp.

We looked at two options for making portable shower units yourself, but there is also a third, in our opinion, the most successful. According to reviews from many owners of industrial shower-treadmills, they use such devices no more than two or three times. And then they remember the old, simple, cheap and universal method. They buy an ordinary ladle and pour water from the bucket on themselves.

Video – Shower stomp

In hiking conditions or in country house the presence of a shower is a pressing issue. Often, in order to wash in uncomfortable conditions, you need to find a large container (basin, bucket), then fill it warm water, and then use a ladle or mug to begin the washing process. This method, although real, creates a lot of problems. Therefore, the best option for a dacha is a do-it-yourself stomp shower, a video about which you can see below.

The peculiarity of this shower is that it is compact, while the water flow is controlled by the foot. Also, the system does not provide for the presence of mechanical elements, which indicates its strength. In addition, even the youngest family members can operate this device without the help of elders, since it is absolutely safe.

Hygiene is just as important on the go as it is at home. Sometimes, in order to wash yourself at the dacha, you need to do a lot of inconvenient manipulations (find a container, heat the water, pour it on yourself, etc.), so you can’t dream of evenly distributing the water. But uncomfortable natural conditions can be made more comfortable thanks to a portable shower trampler.

The trample foot shower is easy to transport, making it convenient to use almost anywhere. It can be placed in a spacious backpack, and the corrugated cable can be easily twisted, thanks to which it folds compactly and does not deform at all. This device is the best option for hiking, as well as suburban areas that do not have the special benefits of civilization.

This type of shower can be easily used in the location of a standard country shower and even in a tent, as well as in a cabin or in an open space. The area of ​​operation of this water device is quite wide, since it not only performs its original functions, but can also be used to water flower beds and vegetable gardens in the country. Thanks to the length of the corrugated hose, it is simple and easy to draw water, for example, from a well or borehole, if there are any within the site.

Using a portable shower

A treadmill shower is also used to wash various items and surfaces: cars, floor coverings, rugs, asphalt and even windows in the house. It is also convenient to use inside a home where there is no warm water. There will always be a job for this useful plumbing element; it will never gather dust somewhere on the outer shelves of the pantry.

How the device works

To understand the principle of operation of a trample, you first need to understand the features of its structure. The design of the shower consists of several elements:

  • watering can (nozzle);
  • rubber mat or pedals;
  • corrugated hose that does not allow water to pass through;
  • valves;
  • water intake corrugated tube.

In principle, the corrugation is replaced with standard tubes, but then you should be prepared for the fact that they will need to be changed frequently, since such products often break at the bends during operation.

Portable shower-treadmill

Preparatory process for carrying out water activities using a shower-treadmill

  1. First, the hose, at the end of which the nozzle is attached, is hung on optimal height so that the watering can is above your head.
  2. Pedals or a mat are placed under your feet.
  3. One end of the tube is immersed in a container filled with hot water. Any solid container that holds a large amount of water can be used as a container: buckets, tank, canisters, large pans etc.
  4. The person presses the mat with his foot, as a result of which warm water begins to flow from the container, entering the hose with a watering can.

The treadmill shower (see the video of its operation below) operates on a similar principle to a foot pump, which is why it has another name - a pneumatic shower.

The specificity of using this sanitary product is that, if desired, you can stop the water flow, while your hands are not busy, and this is very convenient for washing. Therefore, such a device is an excellent imitation of real shower equipment.


  1. Basic operation of a shower structure. You just need to insert the tube into a container of water, and then take a couple of steps on the mat to start the system.
  2. Saving. The average price for a structure is approximately 1,500 rubles. Compared to a traditional shower in a suburban area, this will significantly save money and time resources.
  3. Mobility. The system is simply disassembled and assembled, making it easy to transport to any location.
  4. Versatility. As mentioned above, in addition to its main function, a trampoline can be used to water beds and also wash large surfaces.
  5. Compactness. The parameters of the shower lie in its design features, the mechanism consists of a rubberized mat and two tubes.

Water pressure

The shower is a stomp, user reviews confirm this, it absolutely depends on the person. In other words, the formation of a smooth water flow is influenced by the frequency of steps. When the movements stop, the water will stop flowing.

Shower stomp in action

At first, this feature may seem very inconvenient, but as a result, water costs are significantly saved. Thanks to this mechanism, a person needs about 10 liters of water to fully take water procedures. In particular, this design even makes it possible to do a little aerobics while taking a shower, which contributes to good fitness and significantly improves mood.

Portable shower for the dacha “Toptun-mini”

If there is no connection to the pipeline at the place where the plumbing product is used, then Toptun-mini will come to the rescue. It is almost the same as a standard trampoline, but its difference is that the mini models do not have a rubber mat. In the standard version there are 2 cylinders on the mat, which must be constantly pressed to pump water, and in the mini version there is an autonomous cylinder made of medresin. However, such products function in the same way as a classic trampoline.

I would like to note that the cost of a mini shower is almost half that of a standard one. For example, a full-fledged model with a mat costs about 45 USD. e., and mini – about 25 cu. e. The economic factor plays a significant role in choosing a model; for these reasons, before purchasing, it is worth deciding whether it makes sense to pay double the price just for the presence of a rubber mat.

Shower stomp in action

Toptun is the optimal solution for conditions where there is no running water, as it is an excellent alternative to a stationary shower. And the ease of use robust design and complete safety of operation makes it possible to use it even for children.

How to make a shower stomp with your own hands

This device is very simple, so you can make it yourself. The following items must be purchased:

  • shower head; foot pump for cars;
  • a plastic tank with a lid;
  • rubber hoses;
  • wooden or rubber stopper;
  • metal or plastic tube.

Manufacturing stages

  1. The tank is filled with water and heated under the hot rays of the sun.
  2. Two holes of different sizes (1 and 2 centimeters) are made in the cork.
  3. Tubes are inserted into the holes made in the cork. Through the larger hole (2 cm), the tube should touch the bottom of the tank.
  4. Rubber hoses are placed over the tubes.
  5. The foot pump that supplies air to the container is mounted in a smaller tube.
  6. A shower head is attached to a large hose.
  7. You can also build a holder for a shower head and other amenities: a wall and a fence.

Area of ​​use of the foot shower

In addition to its main function, the device pumping water from the tank is used:

  • for watering trees, flower beds and beds;
  • for washing paths near the house, cars, windows and other objects;
  • for spraying plants (for example, seedlings).

A do-it-yourself trampoline shower (see assembly photo on the website) is not intended for use in an apartment if there is no hot water in it. It is better to leave such work to models (portable shower structure), which can be purchased in a special store.

However, using this device regularly is not always convenient. After all, it cannot be compared with stationary shower with a reservoir and a comfortable cabin with space for bath items and towels. In addition, in bad weather conditions (rain), the water in the container will not heat up to the required temperature; for these reasons, it is better that the summer shower be equipped with an electric heating element. But as a temporary option, a shower stomp is quite appropriate. It can be assembled with your own hands or purchased assembled in a store that sells goods for fishing, recreation and gardening.

Most summer residents are thinking about creating a shower in their country house with their own hands.

Firstly, this is an opportunity to improve comfortable conditions without big expenses.

Secondly, a properly equipped outdoor garden shower allows you to satisfy the necessary sanitary needs, as it is suitable for use at any time of the year.

And besides, crafts for decorating it make any garden plot exclusive.

Design Features

If the shower will be used exclusively in the summer, then a simple, quickly installed structure, such as a shower stand, camp shower or trampoline, is sufficient.

You can install a simple camp summer shower with your own hands in a fairly short time.

If it is planned long-term operation, including in the cold season, it is necessary that the design of the shower-craft is reliable and provides for the possibility of installing equipment for heating not only water, but also the air in the cabin.

It is more difficult to install a winter shower in a country house with your own hands, since its design requires a frame and foundation.

Regardless of the modification, the dacha design provides the following equipment:

  • foundation or foundation;
  • drain or drain;
  • pallet and floor;
  • cabin;
  • holder-diffuser and shut-off valves;
  • pipeline;
  • devices for pumping and heating water, as well as for heating the cabin.

Film or plastic is used as a material for such a craft as a country shower without a foundation.

For booths installed on a foundation, it is preferable to choose more durable materials - wood or brick. Good option- do-it-yourself polycarbonate shower.

The most famous modifications of the shower room crafts used in summer cottages:

  • Toptun - a mat with a pump and hose. The water supply is provided by pressing the feet on the mat;
  • Camping - a compact, portable plastic container equipped with a hose and nozzle. It can be stationary or mobile;
  • Circular. The circular version provides water supply from all sides;
  • Alekseeva. Provides hydromassage by supplying water under high pressure;
  • Tropical. The flow of water entering through a special grille looks like a tropical downpour.

Making a circular shower with your own hands is quite difficult, but the result of this work will please any summer resident.

Toptun is the most popular shower among summer residents

Simple DIY designs of shower devices intended for summer use are considered optimal solution the issue of dacha hygiene.

After all, installing the same circular or tropical shower is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. That is why, when choosing which shower to make at the dacha with their own hands, summer residents most often stop at the trampler.

To build a toptun shower with your own hands, you will need a car pump, two corrugated hoses, a container with a lid, and a shower head. You don't even need a holder here.

Sequence of operation of the trampler:

  • Water at the required temperature is taken into the container. Considering that the volume of the container is small, you don’t need a do-it-yourself shower tray if it’s a tramp;
  • Crafts are attached to the lid - a wooden or rubber stopper equipped with holes and tubes, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the hoses;
  • The container is covered with a lid with attached hoses - one from the car pump, the second from the shower head holder. Under air pressure from the pump, water flows into the hose. The watering can is held in the hand or attached to any surface.

Using the same principle, you can make a camp summer shower. To do this, you will need a rubber mat or pedals equipped with built-in valves, as well as two hoses.

An ordinary bucket covered with a lid is used as a water container, in the hole of which the inlet hose-holder of the watering can is fixed.

As in the first option, a pallet is not required, and the drainage ladder is replaced by earth.

Water is supplied to the traveling version by alternately pressing the pedals with your feet.

Each step provides one serving of water. As a rule, the walking method saves water and is used in conditions with limited access to water resources.

Also, a camp summer shower can be used to wash a car.

A circular shower can be considered as another option for a country house, but in this case the actions listed above will not be enough. You will also need a special holder for it.

How to expand the functionality?

The functional purpose of the shower, even in a dacha setting, should not be limited solely to hygienic considerations.

For many summer residents, this is an important part of their suburban area.

But not everyone knows that the country house tropical shower with your own hands in a bathhouse can fully replace many procedures offered by spa salons.

In practice, available functionality shower is the result of choosing its variety.

That is, to be built country shower in the bathhouse with your own hands met expectations, you need to learn more about its functionality and installation steps.

In the minds of most people, a bathhouse is associated with a healthy lifestyle, and visiting it is considered a preventive measure.

Therefore, Alekseev’s famous shower will come in handy in the bathhouse.

Alekseev's shower is a new generation design, an analogue of the famous Charcot shower with hydromassage properties.

But Alekseev’s shower, an invention of the Russian doctor of the same name, is equipped differently and has no analogues in the world in terms of its effectiveness.

The use of a device created according to Alekseev’s method provides healing through massage and is recommended for many diseases.

To independently install Alekseev’s shower in a bathhouse, you need to understand how it works.

The unique feature of the device is high-speed streams formed using a special design of holes in the nozzle for the watering can.

If you make such a nozzle yourself, then installing Alekseev’s device in your own bathhouse will not be difficult.

To do this, it is necessary to drill cone-shaped holes in the watering can nozzle - wide on the side of the water flow and tapering towards the outlet.

Then the craft attachments are placed on the holder. The holder must be selected carefully.

Considering that Alekseev’s device produces a strong flow of water, it is necessary to ensure that the drain ensures its full drainage, or use a tray.

At the same time, Alekseev’s shower can be used not only in a country house, but also in an apartment.

Features of self-installation of various types

The functions of a device used in a summer cottage can be expanded if you take advantage of the non-standard capabilities of its design varieties.

For example, a circular shower, along with hygiene, will also provide a healing effect.

According to the principle of the device, a circular type shower consists of several systematically arranged pipes equipped with small holes and a tap.

In the center there is a holder with the main watering can. Using a tap, the water supply pressure is regulated.

Thus, the circular shower additionally provides comprehensive hydromassage of the body.

You can install such a device yourself both at the dacha and in the apartment.

To create an original shower craft, you need to connect several pipes equipped with small holes in series with a central riser on which the mixer holder is located.

The shape of a circular type shower resembles the back of a chair with transverse or longitudinal bars.

Then you should take care of the water drainage - the ladder will handle this task. The owner of the dacha has the right to decide whether he needs a pallet in this case, or whether a ladder will do just fine.

A tropical shower can be an excellent alternative to a regular shower. This is a device whose water flows simulate a tropical downpour.

Functionally, a tropical shower is a hydromassage device.

However, not every apartment has the opportunity to install a rain shower, but if such a structure is installed in the garden, the impression of authenticity will be complete.

It’s not difficult to build a rain shower in your country house yourself. To do this, it is enough to increase the area of ​​the mixer watering can and strengthen its holder.

A drain will help control the drainage of the powerful flow of water that characterizes a tropical shower. It is also convenient to use a deep tray.

But you need to remember that the holder, the ladder, and the watering can must be of high quality.

Construction stages

To build a summer shower with your own hands, you need to know the basic rules of the process:

  • Preparation - determine the dimensions and draw a diagram;
  • The choice of location is a sunny place on a hill, which is not too far from the house and water supply, but with the possibility of arranging drainage if the shower is equipped with a drain, or drain hole, if a pallet is installed;
  • Construction of a foundation - level a site equal to the size of the building, then fill it with concrete;
  • Installation of the frame - piles are installed and secured in the corners of the site, then they are tied up, constructing the shower floor. The frame posts are secured with self-tapping screws. They erect walls and a roof;
  • Connection of communications - installation of a tank, drainage, lighting and ventilation equipment;
  • They install pipes and a pan - it is necessary to drain water. Sometimes they use not a pallet, but a floor into which a large drain is built. The best option drainage systems - drain with lock and grate. The shower drain performs the function of a sewer, but can have different throughput;
  • Waterproofing, wall cladding. For use in the cold season, the walls need to be insulated;
  • Decorative design of the shower stall. Beautiful crafts increase the aesthetic appeal of the entire suburban area.

If the weight of the structure is small, then a foundation is not required for its installation. For example, a metal frame for a polycarbonate cabin is installed on reinforcement driven into the ground.

In addition, it is physically easier to build a shower made of polycarbonate with your own hands than from brick.

A properly constructed foundation will allow you to modernize your shower room in the future and endlessly enjoy its new capabilities.

Currently, various life hacks are very popular - all kinds of devices, little tricks that make life easier. Our story will tell you about one of these devices, indispensable at the dacha or on a camping trip, and at the same time extremely simple to manufacture.


Shower-stomp - portable device, having 2 hoses, one of which is lowered into a container of water, and a watering can is attached to the second, spraying a stream. Both hoses communicate with each other through a special mat with pedals, pressing which acts like a pump. The mat with the pedals lies on the floor, which makes it very easy to alternately press the pedals, while keeping your hands free.

Pumps. Most often, 2 pumps are used, connected in parallel to the inlet and outlet. When applied to the pump, the pressure in it increases, the release valve opens, and water enters the hose with a watering can at the end. At the next stage, the pressure decreases, the pump body increases in volume, resulting in the creation of a rarefied environment. The outlet valve closes, the inlet valve opens instead, and water is drawn into the pump body (nature, as we know, does not tolerate a vacuum).
A pump installed in parallel on another pedal works in a similar way. The pressure exerted alternately in this way ensures a continuous flow of water.

Hoses. Hoses should be corrugated (preferably). The hose supplying water to the pump operates with negative pressure. The corrugation prevents it from shrinking. The hose supplying pressure to the aerator operates with increased pressure. The length of the hoses can vary up to 2 meters. It can be changed to suit your personal requirements.

Watering can-aerator. Creates a comfortable water flow, breaking one stream into many thin streams.

Did you know? The prototype of the modern shower was invented in Ancient Greece. Such a shower is depicted on vases found during excavations in Athens, dating back to the 4th century. BC During excavations at Pergamon, located in modern Turkey, the ruins of public showers were found. The time when they were actively used was established-II century BC

Water pressure

The force of pressure depends on the pressure exerted on the pump. The uniformity of pressure is affected by the rhythm and synchronization of steps, and the force of the flow depends on the pressure on the pump. Also, the pressure depends on the height to which the water is supplied.

How to use

The device is very easy to use. Depending on the modification, the process may differ slightly. But in general, the main stages in the operation of the device are as follows:

  1. Assemble all parts of the shower (attach the hoses to the pump mat) if the device is dismountable.
  2. Choose a place for the watering can-aerator (a branch at a suitable height, a hook on the wall of the house, etc.), place a rug with pedals under your feet.
  3. Lower the hose without a watering can into a tank of water.
  4. By alternately working your legs, create pressure in the pump. You can change the force of pressure by the intensity of pressure on the mat.


Important! Leave 1/3 of the volume of the container for air. This volume is enough to create the pressure necessary for the water to completely leave the tank. Do not pump a large volume of air into the pump; remember that a pressure of 1 atmosphere raises the liquid by 10 m.


The shower has a number of undeniable advantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  1. Compact and easy to prepare for work and collect after work. When folded, it takes up very little space and has quite light weight(the weight of many factory models does not exceed 2-3 kg).
  2. Simplicity of design. The only condition functioning - availability of water. Naturally, if you are going on a hiking trip, taking water with you for taking a shower is an unaffordable luxury. But for motor tourists or for a summer residence this is not a problem.
  3. Does not require electricity (this criterion can be listed as a plus and in the safety category).
  4. The ability to regulate the pressure (the stronger the pressure on the pedal, the stronger the jet).
  5. Economical. You use water only when needed. A bucket of water is more than enough to wash your head.
  6. Possibility to install the watering can at a convenient height.
  7. Multifunctionality of the device (this point will be discussed in more detail below).
  8. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to manufacture the device using scrap materials.
  9. Low price of the device.


Now a few words about the “fly in the ointment” in such a big “barrel of honey”:

  1. The need to perform certain actions can be considered a certain inconvenience. Of course, it is easier to turn on the electricity than to mark time, creating pressure using your own weight and movements. But this circumstance is insignificant in comparison with other advantages.
  2. Lack of warm water. In order for the device to go hot water, first you need to heat it (in the sun, on a fire, etc.).
  3. A weight of 2-3 kg in the case where every 100 g of hand luggage is taken into account (for example, on a hiking trip) is not so small. In conditions that are not prepared in advance for taking water procedures, you will have to equip a place for a shower (like a cabin, fenced on four sides).

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychiatrist J.M. Charcot, a hydromassage shower was invented, later named after its inventor. In addition to the massage effect, the shower helps restore blood flow, improves mental state, and helps remove fat deposits.The procedure is carried out in this way: from a distance of 3-5 m, two powerful water jets are directed at the person, one- temperature 45° S, other - 20 ° From above zero.

DIY making

The simplicity of the design of the device allows you to make it yourself without much effort. Below are step-by-step instructions for making a trampoline shower at home.

To make it you will need:

  • car pump with foot drive;
  • hoses made of rubber (plastic, preferably corrugated);
  • plastic container with a lid;
  • aerator nozzle;
  • metal tube with thread;
  • drill.

When all the parts are ready, you can begin assembling the device. Here is a schematic diagram of the device's manufacture. If you are smart, you can probably make some changes to the design.

Shower cabin on personal plot allows you to wash after field work and cool off on a hot summer day. Every summer resident tries to build such a shower with his own hands near his home. The article will help craftsmen and novice builders install an inexpensive and comfortable summer shower on their territory.

    • Shower stand
    • Shower panel
    • Shower stomp
    • Shower cabin
  • Water drainage systems
    • Filter field
    • Septic tank
    • Foundation
    • Frame
  • Summer shower: photo ideas

Choosing a place to install a shower

During construction summer shower Several conditions must be met, otherwise its operation will be difficult or impossible. Before listing prerequisites To find the right place for a shower stall, it is necessary to emphasize that these points are typical for any type of summer shower room.

  • The first and main condition is a well-lit place. Even if your tank has heating element, there is absolutely no need to burn electricity on a hot summer day when the water can heat up naturally.
  • When choosing a location, you need to take into account that the shower should be on a hill. Daily water consumption ranges from several tens of liters or more, so it is necessary to ensure unhindered drainage into a drainage ditch or a special drainage hole. We must not forget that wastewater can bring you a large administrative fine for damaging land.
  • The building should not be located far from the house, since on a cool day or in the evening it is uncomfortable to run a long distance after washing.
  • If you are planning a major heated shower, then do not move it far from buildings. A shower cabin can be part of a utility unit, combined with an outdoor toilet, or adjacent to a garage or shed.
  • Do not place a rustic shower in bushes or between trees - there is little sun, and the opposite is true for annoying insects.
Installing the frame on a hillock makes it possible to acquire a natural drainage

Types of summer shower cabins for a country house

There are several types of outdoor showers. Choose one, and if the site is large - several showers for different ends of the site, where they will each perform their own function.

Shower stand

This design is very good for installation in the middle of the garden. On a hot summer day, it’s a good place to cool off under it, and the water won’t disturb the surrounding plantings at all. The shower counter is not fenced. One point needs to be taken into account - it can be equipped if there is a running water supply and good water pressure.

You can equip a summer shower stand on a special tripod

Shower panel

The lightweight shower structure can be attached to any support, for example, to the wall of a house or barn, the main thing is to cover the adjacent surface waterproofing material, for example, film or tiles.

Shower panel attaches to any surface

Shower stomp

This design has proven itself well in garden plots. Its principle is that a person tramples, creating pressure in the system. One end of the hose is lowered into a container of water, and the other is connected to a shower head. This method It’s good to freshen up both for a summer cottage and for trips into nature.

Shower is a tramp

Shower cabin

And finally, the shower cabin is a stationary summer shower, consisting of an enclosed space, a tray and a water tank. The design is good for a summer house and a country house. The structure can be made of wood, corrugated sheets, polycarbonate or covered with tarpaulin. The container is heated by the sun or electricity. Usually this is a room covered on all sides with a door, and often with a changing room for clothes and shoes.

Stationary summer shower for the garden plot

Water drainage systems

Building a shower is half the battle; you still need to figure out where to drain tens of liters dirty water after washing. There are several options and factors influencing the choice. For example, you are planning a capital construction, and there are many family members who use the shower - it makes sense to make a high-quality drainage system. If your shower is a temporary structure, or you will rarely use the shower, then it is quite possible to separate the channels and create a filtration field.

Drainage ditches

Filter field

Let's start with the simplest drain. In order for water to flow into the field, it is necessary to build drainage grooves or equip drainage channels. This is done simply. From the hillock on which the shower is built, gutters are dug in all directions or only in one. It depends on the location of the shower. The gutters can be lined with a drainage mixture of sand and gravel or lined with roofing felt. The direction of the gutters is a field or vegetable garden. Water is slowly absorbed into the ground, thereby irrigating it.

Drainage can also be underground. It's done like this. Perforated pipes are laid shallow underground, through which water seeps into the ground. The pipes must be laid on a bed of sand and gravel. The main thing is to accurately calculate the ability of the soil to absorb water, otherwise you will end up with flooding of the area.

Perforated pipe is suitable for underground drainage

Septic tank

Construction of a septic tank is the most profitable method of disposal waste water. Firstly, it protects the surrounding soil from pollution, and, accordingly, you will not have problems with the law. Secondly, it can be used for shower and toilet at the same time. Construction of a septic tank on summer cottage It can be simple and thorough, the main thing is to follow several basic principles.

  • The septic tank must consist of a septic tank and a drainage tank.
  • The entire structure cannot be located close to a well or well.
  • If the structure is intended to receive large amounts of water, then several receiving chambers are needed.

The simplest home septic tank made of metal barrels

The most basic construction of a septic tank consists of the following points.

  • Excavation of a pit for a sealed receiving chamber. This can be a barrel or concrete rings with a lid and bottom. A cover is required to protect against rain and groundwater did not fill the container.
  • Installation of a non-sealed container for drainage. It is mounted on a bed of gravel and sand, connecting to the receiving chamber with pipes.
  • For country house with accommodation all year round you can build a more complex septic tank using an excavator and a crane. It is not easy to make such structures with your own hands, but ordering and installing a capital septic tank will pay off in the first year of operation.

    Video: Types of septic tanks and operating principle

    Projects of a summer shower cabin in the country

    Projects are needed not only for those who have little imagination or lack the ability to draw. Drawings of a future building will be useful even to an experienced builder - why invent a bicycle if you can copy and build according to a ready-made drawing. We invite you to choose your favorite shower and build it yourself or with the help construction crews.

    The simplest drawing of a garden shower cabin

    It is very convenient to build a combined block: toilet + shower.

    Combined block

    The simple design will appeal to fans of fast and reliable buildings. If you cover the frame with corrugated sheeting, then in a short time you will build a shower with a dressing room for clothes.

    Shower project covered with corrugated sheets

    This diagram shows how to build a shower frame using... profile pipes with a large water capacity of 1000 liters.

    Profile pipe project

    The capital structure is made of timber with pitched roof. In such a shower you will not be afraid of either wind or coolness.

    Drawing of a shower made of timber

    A practical option shower with dressing room made of wood covered with OSB or chipboard.

    Shower with changing room

    You can make a frame from metal pipes. If you have the ability to cut the pipe to size, this project will seem fairly easy.

    Project with a frame made of metal pipes

    Construction of a simple summer shower without heating water

    For a simple shower in a summer cottage, not intended for daily use by two or more family members in summer period time, it is necessary to construct a simple base, drain and frame, sheltered from the wind and prying eyes. First of all, decide whether there will be a container for water, or whether there is a water supply system on the site with good pressure. In the second case, you can mount a shower panel and connect it to the water supply. It is good to use a shower-treadmill (all these devices are described in the chapter above). But we will take into account the installation of the container. Step-by-step construction looks like this:

  • We level the area on a hill and mark with pegs the place for the base. The foundation does not have to be capital, because the entire construction will be quite light. You can dig holes for the posts to a depth of 30-40 cm. Place a column of wood or several bricks in each hole. We waterproof them with roofing felt or a special liquid and make a strapping. Then we will attach the floor to this base.

  • Wooden base

    This design usually provides for natural flow to the filtration field through grooves or gutters. Therefore, the floor should have a slight slope, or a drain hole should be installed in the middle.

    Beveled base

    You can really get by with a slatted floor or use a pallet. Then the water will drain naturally. In any case, the bottom under the floor must be covered with a drainage mixture of sand and gravel.

    Base grid
  • The next stage is installation of the frame. This can be a light wooden frame, consisting of four racks, fastened with jibs or cross bars, and an upper frame. You can make a place under the door, or you can leave it as is. Be sure to cover the top with a board or OSB to place the container.

  • Wooden frame
  • Now you need to mount the container. It can be a large plastic or metal barrel. Or purchase a special container for a summer shower.

  • Special plastic tanks

    We install the tank level and securely so that the watering can faces down. Device plastic container without heating it is quite simple. Water is supplied from above using a tap. The container is filled with a hose.

    Built-in watering can with tap near the shower tank
  • Now you need to sheathe the frame. This can be done using any available materials: corrugated sheets, polycarbonate, wood panels or regular tarpaulin. In the end, you can simply cover the shower with thick film.

  • You can simply cover it with matte film

    DIY summer shower at the dacha. Video master class

    Do-it-yourself construction of a capital outdoor shower


    Capital structure implies solid foundation. For it, it is better to choose a shallowly recessed one with wooden formwork or pile foundation. You can do it yourself.

    • We level and mark the place with pegs and ropes. Drive or dig in 30 cm wooden poles. The holes should be filled with sand and gravel for better drainage. Wrap the protruding parts with roofing material.
    • After this we build the formwork. This is necessary if you are going to use the shower for more than one year.
    • We fill the foundation with concrete.

    Attention! The base must be higher than the ground level to create drainage and protect the frame from destruction.

    Pouring the foundation for a shower structure

    To make the structure even stronger, the foundation is reinforced with piles or pillars. To do this, before pouring concrete, metal pipes with a diameter of 9-10 cm are driven in around the entire perimeter. After the concrete hardens, frame racks are inserted into them. Such a foundation is less susceptible to seasonal soil erosion.

    Columnar foundation from pipes


    The frame of a permanent structure is made of metal or wood. Metal frame much stronger, especially if a large water container is installed on it. Wooden - cheaper and more accessible. If the wood is impregnated with water-repellent mastics or resins, the structure will last a long time. The construction of the frame of a permanent building is reminiscent of the construction of a temporary structure, with the only difference being that high-quality wood of sufficient thickness is used. The construction process can be divided into several stages.

    • For a shower that will also be used on cool days, we line the walls with wood or OSB. You can use chipboard, but then it needs to be oiled and painted. Another option is roofing felt upholstery.

      Sheathing a building with OSB panels

    An interesting option is to cover the building with clapboard - it is both beautiful and provides additional protection from the wind.

    Shower room covered with clapboard

    Installing a water tank and connecting it

    Water containers with a heating element can be of two types. Each of them has its pros and cons. Just choose the one that suits you.

    • A metal tank, inside of which there is a heating element - heating element. The good thing about it is that the water flows through the pump constantly. The heating element maintains the temperature all the time, and you are provided with a hot shower at any convenient time. The disadvantage is obvious. If there is no running water at the dacha, and water enters the tank mechanically, then this design is completely unsuitable.

      Heated metal container

    • The second type of container that retail outlets offer today is a galvanized steel tank. One hundred and two hundred liter tanks are designed for low ceilings, as they have a flat design and a short shower head. This tank has a boiler system that requires a constant water supply.
    Galvanized steel tank

    Another container suitable for country showers is a heated plastic tank. Its minus and plus is that it does not have a constant supply of water, and therefore the heating element must turn off after heating. Its installation is very simple. The tank is mounted on the roof and connected to electricity.

    Heated plastic tank

    How to make a water heater for a shower with your own hands

    Summer shower: photo ideas

    This section contains the most interesting shower finds on garden plot. Many ideas are quite unusual, some are functional and simple, while others require financial investments.

    • An original shower stand can be made from metal pipes with a hole. The main thing is to ensure sufficient water pressure.
    • If there is an opportunity to show off a little, then stone bath- this is what you need. The shower head will become part of the shower strip or be mounted directly from the wall of the house.
    • A clay shower will be an interesting highlight of a country house. Mediterranean style will give it originality and give you a good mood.
    • Wooden shower, designed like a beach changing room, is made of treated wood and fits well into the design.
    • A stone shower is the natural warmth of a natural material.

    The construction of a summer shower can turn from a necessity into exciting activity. Use your imagination and you will certainly create a comfortable and original corner for taking water treatments.