Hostas spp. Large and giant hostas. Preparing flowers for winter

In order for the design of a garden plot to be original, it is important to consider the choice of plant species. Flowers delight with their beauty only during the flowering period. And I want the garden to be attractive all season long. Therefore, it is also worth growing decorative foliage plants, for example, hosta. The article will tell you what garden hosta is, what varieties it is represented in, and how to cultivate it.

Hosta has a great advantage over other plants. It is characterized by the presence of many species and varieties, which differ in size, shape, color of leaves and inflorescences. By combining different hosts in the garden, you can bring to life the most daring design solutions and create original compositions.

Classification and types of culture

The entire variety of varieties is divided according to two parameters: size and color of foliage. Depending on the size, there are dwarf, miniature, small, medium, large and giant hostas. The height varies from 10 to 70 centimeters. As for color, there are blue, yellow, and green hostas.

The following types of hosta are also distinguished:

Which variety should I choose for planting?

Although hostas are recognized as decorative foliage plants, among them there are often specimens that simply fascinate with their spectacular flowering.

At the same time, the buds emit a very pleasant aroma, similar to the smell of acacia, lilac or jasmine. Let's look at the most popular varieties at the moment.

Hosta Invincible

Hosta Invincible is characterized by rounded-elliptical leathery leaves. The edges are slightly wavy. There are numerous flower stalks. The buds are bluish-white. They have a bell shape. The culture feels great both in partial shade and in the sun. The shrub reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Blooms in July-August.

Hosta Invincible

Hosta White Feathers

It is one of the spectacular hybrid forms. Young leaves are creamy white. But as they grow, bright green stripes form on them, which over time fill almost the entire leaf plate. The leaf size is about 15 centimeters.

The height of the bush reaches 55 centimeters. Lavender inflorescences. Their color is white. Caring for the White Feather Hosta is characterized by its simplicity. After all, the plant is unpretentious, highly resistant to shade, frost, and most diseases. Also, the crop is undemanding to the composition of the soil. No pruning needed.

But in order for a beautiful and healthy white hosta to grow: planting and care must be carried out according to certain rules. It is preferable to choose a place in partial shade. Moist soil is suitable, without stagnant water. White feathers respond very well to feeding. Especially for mineral compounds, humus and compost.

Hosta Albomarginata

Hosta Albomarginata stands out rapid growth, compactness. The bushes grow up to 50 centimeters in height. Covered with large leaves of a dark green tone. There is a narrow bright white border along the edge. Leaves are lanceolate and grooved. Length 15 centimeters. Peduncles reach a height of 35 centimeters. They are thin and straight. Several small leaves grow on them. The inflorescences are racemose and loose. Length 6 centimeters. The shade is lilac-violet. Dark stripes are visible. The edges of the petals are bent strongly back. Bordered with a white stripe.

For abundant flowering It is important that Hosta Albomarginata is planted correctly. The plant is unpretentious in its maintenance and can withstand low temperature and shadow. Practically not susceptible to diseases. True, the flower is very picky about the composition of the soil. Care involves regular watering, weeding, loosening, and fertilizing.

Hosta Patriot

The height of the Patriot reaches 60 centimeters. The foliage is dark green, about 16 centimeters long, wavy. The edges are jagged. There is a white border. Winter hardiness is quite high. The plant is shade-tolerant and unpretentious. However, in order for a stably flowering Hosta Patriot to grow: planting and care should be carried out taking into account some recommendations. It is advisable to choose fertile, moist soil. The crop needs to be weeded, irrigated, fed and loosened regularly. Annual autumn mulching is shown.

Hosta Aureomarginata

The variety is characterized by dense dark green foliage with a bright yellow thin border. The length of the leaves is 20 centimeters. They are cascading. The buds are bell-shaped, colored lavender tone. Diameter 6 centimeters.

The rhizome is short and thick. It has a cord-like shape. Aureomarginata grows up to 50 centimeters. Counts this variety unpretentious. It tolerates cold calmly and is able to grow well in the shade. Practically not susceptible to diseases. But still, to garden plot The luxurious hosta Aureomarginata grew: planting and care play an important role. The soil should be chosen to be fertile. It is necessary to ensure the correct irrigation regime. Apply fertilizers and loosen the soil in a timely manner.

Hosta Canadian Blue

The variety is densely leafy. Over the years it forms a dense cushion of the bush. The height reaches 50 centimeters. The leaf length is 15 centimeters. During the flowering period, lavender buds appear. They are located on high peduncles. If you know all the features of the Canadian Blue host: planting and care will be carried out competently. The plant tolerates shade well. The variety is often chosen for decorating fences and the perimeter of houses.

Hosta Mediavariegata

Hosta wavy Mediavariegata is one of the most beautiful garden varieties. The leaves are medium in size. A little twisted. They are light green with white inclusions. Flowering is quite early. The buds are soft blue. When opened, the diameter is 3 centimeters. Each peduncle contains several small flowers. The hosta Mediovariegata does not have the aroma. The height of the shrub grows up to 70 centimeters.

Hosta Antioch

This is a hybrid form. It has a short and compact rhizome. Leaves are basal. Located on petioles. Large in size. Their color is bluish-gray or green. The shape is broadly ovoid or narrowly lanceolate. Peduncles are practically devoid of foliage. They are large, sometimes reaching 120 centimeters in height. Inflorescences are funnel-bell-shaped or funnel-shaped. Available in lilac, white and purple colors. Collected in a brush. The crop can grow in one place for about 20 years. The main thing is that Hosta Antioch should be planted in moist, acidified soil.

Hosta Chalcedony

Hosta Chalcedony is a compact bush. The leaves are medium-sized, bright blue. The variety blooms with purple buds. The foliage is dense and heart-shaped. Covered with longitudinal deep grooves. The color is blue-green. There is a silvery waxy coating.

When caring for Hosta Halcion, it is necessary to take into account that the variety prefers semi-shaded areas, nutritious and well-drained soil. The soil should be loosened, watered and weeded regularly. Feeding is also indicated.

Hosta Gold Standard

Gold Standard is popular due to its original golden heart-shaped foliage. The bush is lush. Reaches 70 centimeters in height. Has a high growth rate. Easy to care for.

Has immunity to a number of ailments, but still for successful cultivation Hosta Gold Standard: planting and care must be carried out correctly.

Hosta Guacamole

The height of the Hosta Guacamole ranges from 70 to 100 centimeters. The leaves are medium in size. Their length is 25 centimeters. Color apple green. The surface is shiny. The inflorescences are pale lavender and exude a pleasant aroma. The variety usually grows in one place for up to 25 years. It is drought resistant. Loves slightly acidic, well-drained, moist soil mixtures.

Hosta Vaid Brim

The plant grows quickly, reaches a height of 50 centimeters. It is characterized by the formation of fairly large inflorescences, up to 8 centimeters in diameter. They are fragrant, light lavender. The foliage is heart-shaped, blue-green with a wide cream border. The length is 21 centimeters. Vaid Brim is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant and unpretentious. But still, for the abundant flowering of the hosta Vaid Brim: planting and care play a decisive role. The soil should be chosen fertile and moist. Irrigate several times a day with an interval of 3 days. Weeding, fertilizing and loosening are also carried out.

Hosta Brim Cap

The Brim Cap hosta variety is characterized by its low growth and decorative leaves. Height is up to 35 centimeters. The foliage is cup-shaped, grooved, dark green with golden edges. Flowering early. The buds are bluish-lilac. But over time they turn white. White varieties look great next to Brim Cap. For example, Hosta Bressingham Blue would be a good option for creating an interesting flower arrangement.

Hosta Cherry Berry

This is a hybrid. The rhizome is short-branched and compact. The bush reaches a height of 25 centimeters. The leaves of the Cherry Berry host are basal and located on petioles. Quite large and thin. There are different colors. The shape is broadly ovoid or narrowly lanceolate. Peduncles are devoid of foliage. The buds are lilac, white, purple. Flowering occurs in mid-summer. The variety prefers acidic, moist soil.

Hosta Francais

The Hosta Francais bush grows about 50 centimeters. The foliage is dark green, wrinkled, and veined. Its shape is heart-shaped. The buds are funnel-shaped. Their color is lavender. The height of the peduncle reaches 75 centimeters. The variety has good winter hardiness and is unpretentious in care. It is often chosen for creating borders and decorating lawns. They are often used in making bouquet arrangements.

Hosta Francais

Hosta True Blue

This is a crop about 60 centimeters high. Hosta True Blue grows quite quickly. The foliage is large, dense, broadly heart-shaped. Its surface is shiny and wrinkled. There is a waxy coating. The flower retains its decorative effect for 25 years. In terms of content, True Blue is not capricious. Reacts quickly to feeding. Shade-tolerant. Looks good on the edges of ponds, in group and single plantings on lawns.

Gardeners also often choose the Blue Ivory hosta variety for decoration. This plant allows you to create bright accent on the lawn. It is also successfully grown in pots and flowerpots. A good solution would be to plant a variety of Hosta Pizzaz, especially if the garden is shady.

How to grow hosta?

Every gardener wants to achieve success in cultivating hosta. This largely depends on the used planting material, knowledge of the characteristics of the variety and experience in the field of floriculture. Let's look at how hosta is grown: planting and care open ground, reproduction options.

Planting a flower in open ground

To begin with, decide on a location. Usually choose shaded areas protected from strong winds. It is advisable to use fertile, air- and moisture-permeable soil. Seedlings are planted in the fall in early September.

The landing algorithm is as follows:

  1. Digging up a garden bed.
  2. Make shallow holes at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other.
  3. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom.
  4. Fertilizers are applied.
  5. Plant the hosta, straightening the root zone.
  6. Irrigate abundantly.
  7. Covered with sawdust.

Plant care


  • Watering. It should be frequent and abundant. Irrigate in the morning. It is important to avoid stagnation of water.
  • Feeding. Fertilize only if the crop is planted in infertile soil. Nutrient components are applied three times per season. They use organic matter and ready-made compositions for decorative foliage plants.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Trimming. Held in the fall. Cut off flower stalks. Leaves are left.
  • Transfer. Every year, adult flowers are replanted in the fall.

Plant propagation: basic methods

To grow hosta, seed or seedlings can be purchased at specialty store. But if someone you know already has one of these growing on their property beautiful flower, there is a chance to reproduce it.

Hostas are propagated using one of the following methods:

Conclusions about growing hosta

Thus, hosta is a popular decorative foliage plant. There are usually no problems in growing. Especially if the hosta planting and care were carried out correctly. There are many types and varieties of this crop. They all differ in the shape and color of the foliage and inflorescences. You can read the article: .

HOSTS OF THE YEAR - the most fashionable hosts

Since 1996, the Hosta Society of America has annually selected a variety that has received universal recognition. Here they are, the favorites of American gardeners:

1996 – So Sweet. A variety with shiny oval-pointed green leaves with a wide creamy edge. Leaf dimensions 11x18 cm, flowers are white, fragrant. M

1997 – Patriot. One of the most contrasting varieties in color: the dark green center of the leaf is surrounded by a coarse-toothed pure white border. Sheet dimensions 13x17 cm. Withstands direct sunlight. M

1998 – Fragrant Bouquet. The leaves are round-heart-shaped, light lemon-yellow in color with an uneven creamy border, measuring 15x20 cm. The name (English: Fragrant Bouquet) reflects the peculiarity of the variety - white flowers exude a pleasant, delicate aroma. Another advantage is resistance to eating by slugs. M

1999 – Paul's Glory. The wrinkled leaves of this variety show a blue color (from the parent Hosta Siebold) with a yellow center, their size is 12x20 cm. The color changes during the season: the middle becomes almost white, and the edge is blue-green.


2000 – Sagae. Young leaves are bright green with a dark yellow border; as they grow, they turn silvery-bluish with a pale yellow border. The size of the leaves is 25x35 cm, located on the bush in the form of a vase. L

2001 – June. When planted in a sunny place, it produces amazing heart-shaped golden-yellow leaves with a blue edge, measuring 10x16 cm. In shady places the color will be more saturated, although not as bright. The bush is symmetrical and does not fall apart. S–M

2002 – Guacamole. Large, almost round, shiny green leaves with a bright yellow center, leaf size 21x28 cm. Requires light, but when exposed to direct sunlight, the leaf turns whitish. Large fragrant flowers. M–L.

2003 – Regal Splendor. In Russian translation, the name means Royal Splendor. A truly powerful vase-shaped hosta. Strong, pointed grayish-blue leaves with a cream border, 18x28 cm, resistant to bright sun, successfully resists slugs and snails. Powerful flower stalks up to 1.5 meters in height. L 2004 – Sum and Substance. One of, whose beauty is best demonstrated when grown in sunny areas. Huge chartreuse (yellow-green) leaves measuring 38x45 cm gradually turn golden yellow. The plant is decorated with lavender flowers, which contrast favorably with the leaves. L

2005 – Striptease.

Oval-elongated leaves measuring 16x21 cm. One of the first three-color varieties: the chartreuse center of the leaf is separated from the rich green border by a narrow strip of white color (strip). M

2006 – Stained Glass. Wide oval matte golden-yellow leaves with an irregular wide dark green border, 18x26 cm in size. Needs a fairly bright place. M–L

2007 – Paradigm. Wide, initially chartreuse-green leaves turn yellow, maintaining a wide bluish-green stripe, leaf size is 22x27 cm. Two to three hours of sun per day is enough for color to develop. It is growing rapidly. The variety is resistant to snails. M–L

2008 – Blue Mouse Ears. Miniature blue hosta. The leaves are almost round, 5x6 cm, very thick and elastic. Prefers diffused light. An ideal plant for rocky hills and gardens, as well as containers. Min 2009 – Earth Angel.

A wonderful variety with thick bluish-green leaves surrounded by a wide irregular yellow border, with flashes extending to the middle of the leaf, size 23x30 cm. Requires several hours of sun a day.

Excellent variety for tapeworm for many years. VL 2010 – First Frost. Over the course of the season, the blue color of the medium-sized leaves changes to green, and the initially creamy yellow border becomes white. Leaves size 11x17 cm. Resistant to slugs and snails. S–M Hosta is used as an ornamental foliage plant to decorate a garden, flower bed, or flower bed. Khosta It also blooms, but it is valued specifically for its greenery. Dense, juicy leaves of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and shades become a true decoration of the garden. Hosta belongs to the perennial herbaceous plants family "lily". It grows well and is easy to care for. In a word, if you have not yet planted the hosta on summer cottage.

, make up your mind! All that remains is to choose which one... In this article we have compiled a short

characteristics of the most common types of hosta

. It includes

species name, description and photo
Common hosta species
Flowers: violet-blue, drooping, about 5 cm long. Leafless peduncle, up to 125 cm high.
Flowering month: July-August.

Name: White-margined hosta (Hosta albomarginata)

. It includes

Plant height: 25-30 cm. Peduncle up to 30 cm high, inflorescence
Leaves: thin, broadly lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, dark green with a narrow white edge.
Flowers: funnel-shaped, 5-6 cm long, lilac-violet or white.
Flowering month: July-August.

Name: Curly hosta (Hosta crispula)

. It includes

Leaves: ovate, green, matte above, shiny below, 13-16 cm long, 6-10 cm wide, with a wide white border, wavy along the edge.
Flowers: funnel-shaped, purple, 4-5 cm long. Peduncle 50-80 cm high.
Flowering month: late summer - early autumn.

Name: Hosta undulata


Plant height: 25-30 cm.
Leaves: oblong-ovate, up to 20 cm long and 13 cm wide, strongly wavy along the edges, with a white central part and green edges or alternating white and green spots.
Flowers: funnel-bell-shaped, light purple, up to 5 cm long. Peduncle up to 80 cm high, with several leaves.

Name: Hosta Sieboldiana (Hosta sieboldiana)


Plant height: 25-30 cm.
Leaves: glaucous, dense, wrinkled, with a waxy coating, ovate, up to 35 cm long and 25 cm wide.
Flowers: funnel-shaped, lavender or light purple, 5-6 cm long. Peduncle 50-80 cm high, often with one small leaf. The inflorescence is short, dense, multi-flowered.
Flowering month: July-August.

Name: Hosta lancifolia


Plant height: 30-40 cm.
Leaves: lanceolate, dense, green, shiny, 15-17 cm long, 7-8 cm wide.
The flowers are funnel-shaped, purple, with dark stripes inside at the base. Peduncle 30-50 cm high.
Flowering month: second half of August - mid-October.

Name: Hosta plantain (Hosta plantaginea)


Plant height: 3 - 5 cm.
Leaves: large, ovate-rounded, thin, bright green, shiny.
Flowers: large, up to 13 cm long, tubular, white, with a pleasant aroma. Peduncle up to 1 m high, with one or more leaflets.
Flowering month: late summer.

Name: Hosta Fortunei


Leaves: heart-shaped or cordate-ovate, with a waxy coating below. Similar to Hosta Siebold, but smaller in size and with a less pronounced waxy coating.
Flowers: 4-6 cm long, funnel-shaped, purple. Peduncle up to 50 cm high. The inflorescence is compact, multi-flowered.
Flowering month: August.

Oh unusual species, host varieties and hybrids will be discussed in the next article 😉 We hope the information was useful to you 😉

A modern garden cannot consist of only beautiful flowering plants. He also needs decorative foliage plants, the queen of which is the hosta.

Lanceolate hosta

The very first hosta that settled in my yard was the lanceolate hosta. This is the most common plant. We see this hosta in city parks, schools, near entrances, and just on the streets.

Only 40 cm high, it forms a beautiful, compact bush with a diameter of up to half a meter. A very unpretentious species that can live on any soil.

I needed a lanceolate hosta to decorate my flower beds. My entire garden is divided into separate zones and now each such clearing is surrounded by a chic border.

Many years later. I have a good collection of hostas, but I can never give up lanceolate because it gives a finished, well-groomed look to my garden.

Blue hosta

Hosta Halcyon

After the green hosta, you will definitely want to plant a blue one. Blue hosta has leaves with a bluish-gray waxy coating. This is where getting acquainted with different varieties“Big Daddy”, “Big Mama”, “Blue Cadet”, “Earth Angel”, “Touch of Class”, “Clown’s Collar” and off we go...

I warn all future “hostomaniacs” that you have entered a path from which it will be difficult to turn off. Stop if you can!!! There will be no turning back)))

Having planted a blue hosta in the shade (it is in the shade that it retains its color), you begin to understand that a shady corner can be colorful, bright, and you also need hostas with a white center, a white border... That's it!!! You're caught!!!

Variegated hosts

These are varieties with a border of a different color - white, yellow or cream. "Lakeside Dragonfly", "Samurai", "Hweee!", "Brim Cup", "Golden Tiara", "Strawberry Surprise". I was happy when the colors began to sparkle in the shady areas of the garden.

I love hosta because the leaves remain attractive for a long period from early spring to late autumn.

The absolute favorite among the variegated hostas for me personally is “Lakeside Dragonfly” - “Dragonfly”. Bright, with sharp leaves like a dragonfly's wings, graceful, beautiful. Suitable for growing in rock gardens, rock gardens, and medium-sized flower beds. Grows well in pots and tubs...

After the “bordered” hostas, there is a desire to plant media-variegated ones - the leaves of which, on the contrary, are light (white, yellow, cream), and the leaf border is green.

Mediavariate hosts

These varieties, with a predominant yellow or white color in the center, with a green border, vary in such color combinations: yellow-blue, green-white.

How luxurious they are!!! “Clifford’s Stingray”, “Fire and Ice”, “Gypsy Rose”, “Kiwi Full Monty”, “Dream Queen”, “Golden Meadows” and others. It is no longer possible to stop.

“Hostomania” has moved to the next stage. Several times a day you need to look at your fancy hostas, admire them, and “communicate with them.” Everyone's favorite “Golden Meadows” (pictured) cannot leave absolutely anyone indifferent!

Large and giant hostas

I thought for a long time about where to plant large hostas. They need a lot of space, at least partial shade. There was no place in the garden for them, but the desire grew.

Hosts “T-Rex”, “Blue Angel”, “Frances Williams”, “Gentle Giant” gave no rest. I know for sure that there are never too many plants, only a little space.

The decision came naturally when I saw this photo on the Internet!!! I grow the same way climbing roses. Nine favorite bushes lined up in a row. Gorgeous forged supports were made for each rose. Luxury tops climbing roses and the stems below are not at all aesthetic. Large hostas should be planted between the roses. Everything ingenious is SIMPLE! Roses and hostas have become friends, and all the guests in the garden freeze looking at this riot of blooming and non-blooming...

Classification of hostas depending on the height of the bush

This information is for beginners. The classification is accepted by the American Hosta Association.

First group: dwarf hostas D (Dwarf) have a height below 10 cm.

Second group: miniature (Mini) - height from 10 to 15 cm.

Third group: small S (Small) - height from 16 to 25 cm.

Fourth group: M (Medium) - from 30 to 50 cm, the most diverse and numerous group of hostas.

Fifth group: L (Large) - from 55 to 70 cm.

Sixth group: G (Giant) - more than 70 cm.

The photo, which was appreciated by the whole world, is of the host “Gentle Giant”. Originator: P. Black/Sebright Gardens, 2005. Bush height 100 cm.

Hostas with a “waffle” texture

God, what names don’t they call them! And “crumpled”, and “pimply”, and “toads”...

For a long time it seemed to me that there could not be a more beautiful hosta “Brother Stefan” in nature! But no, maybe...

In this photo, “CLEAR FORK RIVER VALLEY” is one of the most “crinkled” waffle hostas, the most corrugated among the world hosta collection. And what is the cost of the host “Deep Pockets” translated as “Deep Pockets”. The leaves of these hostas are dense and cool. Sometimes one section is already a whole bush. I love these hosts for their power and luxury...

Hostas in the sun

SUN TOLERANT - these are hosts that can withstand a sufficient amount of sun, i.e. are not susceptible to sunburn(edge, or “melted” with holes in the center), do not fade or crumble.

Interestingly, the narrower stripes of white color present on the leaves, the more intense sun the plant can withstand. Checked!

Hosta "Minuteman" sits in full sun and is a beauty, an excellent variety! Hosta "Great Escape" does great in the sun, good girl!

Some varieties, on the contrary, show a yellow color only when planted in the most illuminated place.

Hostas with green leaves that have yellow centers ("Great Expectations") can tolerate a lot of sun. Intensity sunlight in this case, it affects only the rate of discoloration of the yellow color and its transition to almost White color. The brighter and longer the lighting, the faster this process occurs.

Hosta red-petiolate

The time will come and you will definitely get acquainted with these interesting specimens, which are jokingly called red-legged.

These varieties are decorative due to the bright purple color of the leaf petioles. Sometimes the peduncles and seed pods are painted in red tones. In some varieties, the red color even extends to the leaf along the central vein.

Hosta "Moonstruck" is a very showy miniature hosta with bright cherry petioles and flower stalks only at the base.

Hosta "Purple Heart" translates as "Purple Heart", has purple petioles and a purple spot at the base of the leaf.

And simply a masterpiece, in my opinion, is “Raspberry Sundae” translated as “Raspberry ice cream”. This charming hosta is a new achievement of selection. Contrasting leaves are a mixture of snow-white in the center of the leaf with a wide painted border around the edges. The highlight is the dark burgundy stem. This beauty should definitely take up residence in your garden.

Hostas - “mice”, varieties

The first “mouse” that appeared in my garden was, of course, “Blue Mouse Ears”. This is the very first “mouse”, which marked the beginning of the dynasty of the “mouse family”.

This small (still) group of hostas is a collectible item for many hostomanias; they are dreamed of and “hunted” for. These little “mice” have charm, they are cute, touching and very beautiful! Their round and plump leaves reminded the breeder of “mouse ears” - this is how the name appeared.

Hosta "Blue Mouse Ears" was awarded the international awards "Hosta of the year" in 2008, as well as "Best Blue Leaf 2004". And then it started... Hostochka “Mini Skirt” (sooooo cute), “Snow Mouse”, “Church Mouse”, “Dancing Mouse”, “Cat And Mouse”, “Desert Mouse”, “Country Mouse”, “Funny Mouse”, "Frosted Mouse Ears" and so on...

That’s it, I got caught... After all, “mouse” is still a very expensive pleasure, but you can’t turn away from this path. Think about it when you start collecting them... The little ones are beautiful when they bloom! And if you fill a small flowerbed of “mice” with decorative wood chips (red or ginger) you will get a very beautiful sight - a HOLIDAY in your garden...

Small hosts

If you don't have much space in your garden, don't despair because there are hostas that are small but no less beautiful. I really love the interesting miniature host “Dragon Tales” - Hosta Dragon Tails. I also love the cute "Tea Spoon" - Hosta Teaspoon, the wrinkled "Lakeside Dimpled Darling", the wonderful "Warwick Comet", the delightful "Lakeside Paisley Print", the playful "Color Festival", the curly miniature "Kiwi Spermint".

Collection hostas, varieties

I would compare collection hosts to contemporary art. You may like them, or they may cause you confusion.

Collection hosts are hosts with unique characteristics. Mass production technologies cannot reproduce the overly complex leaf pattern, which is preserved only with USUAL DIVISION. Such hosts are truly collectible, but therefore, unfortunately, quite expensive. Collectors try to exchange such varieties, give good friends and not put up for free sale. “Bull Frog”, “Breeders Love”, “Confused Angel” are now the dream of many hostomaniacs. And breeders offer new varieties every year... The passion for hostas turns into INFINITY...

What colors do hostas go with?

What flowers and plants should I choose for my hosts? Hostas have a lot of friends and companions. They should have the same environmental requirements(not very hard sun and moderately moist soils). People who love light are not suitable friends ( bearded irises, gladioli, dahlias). But it is considered a classic to combine hostas with astilbes, mountain goat weeds, ferns, bergenia, heucheras, lungworts, tenacious plants, buzulniks, dicentras and other plants that love shade and partial shade.

Spring bulbs are very good for replanting. The foliage on the hostas blooms quite late and while there are no hostas leaves, the bulbous ones bloom, and in the summer, when the foliage of the bulbous hostas dies, the hostas leaves bloom and cover all the empty places.

Hosta division

If you want to divide an old, problem-free variety, you can do this from early spring to late autumn (any time). But if we are talking about a valuable variety or a young bush, then I do not recommend dividing it in the spring. It is better to do this in early August, before the second wave of growth.

The hosta bush needs to be completely dug up, and the rhizome should be cut with a knife along the already grown and formed sections. The most interesting thing is that even a rosette shoot without roots (it happens that such a section accidentally breaks off) has every chance of taking root well before winter. In August, roots are actively growing, so in the spring you will have a healthy and strong plant.

If hostas grow in your garden, please attach their photos in the comments. If possible, give a short description and characteristics of them. Why do you like the particular type of hosta that grows in your area? What do you think hostas go best with and what colors?

Hosta straightifolia-Hosta rectifolia Nakai

Habitat of the East Asian island type: Russia (Sakhalin and Moneron, Kuril Islands - Kunashir, Shikotan, Tanfilyeva, Iturup, Urup), Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). Common in wet meadows and swamps. Gigrofit. Often found in masses. The host-iris meadows in Kunashir and Iturup are especially spectacular.

The plants are quite powerful, densely turfy, without a waxy coating. The leaves are almost vertically oriented, up to 17-20 cm long and 6-10 cm wide, ovate-lanceolate, dense, dark green, matte, on long, wide-winged petioles. Peduncles significantly exceed the leaves, 60 (90) cm tall, leafless. The inflorescence is long, loose, multi-flowered. Flowers drooping, 3.5-5 cm long. The perianth is funnel-shaped, purple. 2n=60. Blooms in summer. Little known in culture.

The Chonea variety is especially beautiful with a yellow-white border on the leaves, 30-50 cm high. The Tall Boy variety is distinguished by a high (up to 1.5 cm) peduncle and numerous large violet-blue flowers. Planted as a single bush or in the background of a flower arrangement.

In SakhKNII since 1962. Blooms in mid-July, blooms for about a month. The seeds ripen in the second half of September. When sown in April, seedlings appear in early July, when sown before winter - in early June. In the conditions of the SakhKNII nursery (in an open place without additional moisture), the hosta suffered from a lack of moisture in the spring and subsequently fell out. At the foot alpine slide on fertile, moist soil, the hosta grows well and bears fruit abundantly.

In GBS since 1960 (from Sakhalin) it grows well in the shade. Plant height is 70-85 cm. Inflorescence length is 16-20 cm, slightly less than the average length in nature. The number of flowers in the raceme is 18-24, close to the average in nature. The flowers are smaller than in nature; flower diameter is 3.8-4 cm, length 4.7 - 5 cm. Thus, the hosta hygrophyte grows well without additional watering, although it is inferior in size to natural specimens. It blooms from late June - early July, ends flowering at the end of July - early August. In Moscow, hosta blooms at more early dates and blooms earlier.

Japanese researchers note the edibility of young leaves and white parts of the petioles; the petioles are prepared for the winter. Young leaves and petioles are boiled with soda, then the water is changed, boiled again, and then eaten (Miyabe, Mitake, 1907; Kimoto, Si-rasaka, 1936; Sugawara, 1937). Medicinal properties are also indicated: the roots and stems are ground into powder, mixed with sake and drunk to treat abscesses; juice squeezed from leaves and stems is drunk for tumors (Sugawara, 1937).

A beautiful plant for planting in parks and squares in well-moistened areas in partial shade and open areas. Forms picturesque groups on the lawn, good in borders. Listed in the Dictionary of Gardening, 1956.

Photo by Kirill Kravchenko