How to clean heating pipes. How to flush the heating system? Technology for flushing the heating system by chemical method

As you know, the efficiency of the heating system decreases even at the moment when it is put into operation. According to statistics, during the first few months, approximately 10% of heating and operation efficiency is lost.

Causes of clogging of the heating system

In the process of circulation of the coolant through the pipes, chemical processes occur. Sludge and corrosion of joints eventually lead to deposits in the form of scale. It settles on the internal surfaces of the system and reduces its performance. A massive layer of scale is well insulated and prevents heat transfer. Among other things, a layer of scale leads to wear of the elements. In order to exclude an emergency situation, it is necessary to try to prevent it in time, because it is especially unpleasant in winter time of the year.

Signs of scale on the inner surface of the pipes

Before you flush the heating system in a private house, you need to figure out what signs indicate the appearance of scale. If the batteries heat up unevenly and their Bottom part remains cold, this is the first sign of the appearance of a thick layer of scale. You may also notice that it takes much longer to warm up the room than before. Scale can also be indicated by the characteristic crackling that occurs when the boiler equipment is heated. This is due to explosions of water vapor as they penetrate the scale layer. In this case, the power of the device is reduced.

If the pipe is fed hot water, then scale on the internal surfaces of the radiator may also be indicated by the fact that the latter remain cold. Costs are increasing, which cannot suit the consumer. To date, chemical and physical methods are known. Physical methods include hydropercussion and hydropulse washing, which involve special equipment - compressors. Chemical exposure involves the use of drugs with a biological or chemical component that can dissolve sludge and scale deposits.

Cleaning with water pulsating mixture

Before rinsing with water, you should become more familiar with what constitutes a water-pulsing mixture. This technology based on the use of compressed air and water. IN heating system air is supplied, the flows of which, together with the liquid, raise sand, salts, deposits, soot and corrosion. Subsequent air supply removes sludge from the system, preventing it from settling. It is possible to save energy resources thanks to pneumatic-hydropulse flushing, while extending the service life of all systems by 20 years or more.

Cleaning costs in this way amount to a maximum of 12% of the funds that would be spent on replacing system components without changes and improvements. This method cleans the networks without restrictions on the time of year, because the batteries do not need to be dismantled, as well as risers. As a result, heat transfer increases by a maximum of 95%. To flush the system in this way, it will be necessary to rent special equipment.

The use of biologics

If you decide to flush the heating system in a private house, then you can use biological products. This technology is environmentally friendly and highly efficient. It is based on the use of microbiological preparations that are introduced into the system. They break down oily-mud, solid organic deposits, and the process itself does not involve disassembling and shutting down the system.

Another positive point of this technique is the safety of cleaners for old systems. The drug is manufactured in water based, and serves only to separate dirt from the walls. The result is a 100% clean down to the ground in just a few days.

The use of pneumo-hydraulic hammer

If you are thinking about the question of how to flush the heating system in a private house with a closed circuit, then you can consider the method of pneumatic-water hammer. It is applicable for older systems, and sometimes is the only the right way revive heat. The method is based on the action of a hydrowave, which propagates at a speed of 1200 m per second. Given power breaks through scale and plugs from sludge, and the walls are not damaged. They are affected by a two percent force of the impact of the wave. While the remaining 98% acts on deposits that are removed through flexible hose into the sewer system.

Application this method reduces building maintenance costs. Operating costs are reduced, and the need to replace pipes and batteries is eliminated. If you are thinking about what you can flush the system with, then you can consider this particular method, which for a limited time allows you to cope with pipeline contamination, the diameter of which is only 4 inches. With a length of 60 m, the system can be cleaned in a minimum of 5 minutes, a maximum of an hour, which is cheaper compared to a major overhaul.

Cleansing the system with citric acid

Before flushing the heating system in a private house with citric acid, you should become more familiar with this method. Some craftsmen claim that a solution must be added to the system washing powder and citric acid. The resulting mixture is run for a day, then drained, and the system is washed with clean water.

Next, water is poured with the addition of Calgon or another water softener for washing machines. As an alternative solution, a method is sometimes used that involves the purchase of a ready-made composition for flushing heating systems. This mixture is dissolved in water and poured into the existing coolant. Rinsing is carried out according to the technology described above, the mixture is then drained, and then the water that has passed the water treatment station is poured.

Flushing radiators

If you are thinking about how to flush the heating system in a private house, then Special attention should be given to radiators. It is recommended to solve this problem before the start of the heat supply system.

In the store, you should buy flushing welded taps, but the best is considered to be a fixture that is assembled from a simple and battery plug. It is installed when the heating is running. It should be used to remove deposits like sand from batteries and piping to them. Before you flush the heating system in a private house with your own hands, you need to make sure that there is a hose with a fitting. However, it must be selected taking into account the diameter of the thread: it must correspond to this parameter on the flushing tap. A fitting is screwed into the flusher valve, and the free end of the hose is diverted into the sewer hole. The flushing hose must be opened and wait 15 minutes.


If you are faced with the question of how to flush the heating system in a private house, then you also need to take care of the gas boiler, which is most often used to heat houses for one owner. Prior to this, it is recommended to resort to mechanical or chemical way, but it is advisable to entrust the prevention to specialists.

It is necessary separately from the system, therefore, during operation, it is disconnected and a temporary bypass is mounted. For annual maintenance, the normal water flushing method is recommended. At the same time, there will be little deposits on the walls, and if the circulation equipment is removed and the supply and drain hoses are connected to the outlets, then most of the sewage will be removed. If you are thinking about the question of how to flush the heating system in a private house, then the water should be supplied in the direction that is opposite to the flow of the coolant.

For correct and effective work your heating system needs to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time, such as inspection, repair, maintenance and flushing of the system. After all, if water is used as a coolant in the pipes, then scale, rust and clogging occur in them over time. As a result, the water circulates poorly, which leads to heat loss. It has been verified that a heating system that has not been flushed for a long time loses 10% in efficiency. Therefore, flushing should be a regular procedure. Do-it-yourself flushing of the heating system is possible. Let's see how to perform it.

Why flushing is needed

First of all, flushing is needed in order to remove various debris and rust that accumulate in radiators and pipes during operation. As a result, it turns out that the heating system does not function at 100%. You pay money for heat, but you do not receive it in full. Moreover, we all know that when water is heated, scale forms, especially if the water is contaminated. You can verify this by looking at your teapot. If you have not cleaned it for a long time, then at the bottom you can see a layer of scale. The same happens with pipes and radiators. Due to scale, the pipe cross section can be halved, which reduces the permeability of water in the system and its heat transfer (this applies to metal pipes).

It is clear that to determine appearance whether your system needs to be flushed or not is not possible. But you just need to observe how the system functions and take some action. So, you can find out whether pipes and radiators need to be flushed or not by the following signs:

  • The system takes longer to warm up than usual.
  • When the boiler is running, extraneous noises are heard that were not observed before.
  • The radiator warms up partially: it is warm on top, but not on the bottom, or the last fins are cold.
  • The radiator is absolutely cold, and the supply pipe is hot.
  • Recently, the consumption of thermal energy has increased, you have begun to pay more for gas.

All these signs will help you decide on flushing pipes and radiators. This will improve the performance of your heating system.

If the radiator warms up partially, this is not always a sign of system clogging. Maybe he's just overwhelmed. In this case, you need to release air from the radiator, using Mayevsky's taps.

Getting Started

When you are convinced that you really need to flush, you can start doing it yourself. Such a procedure cannot be called simple, so you will have to make some efforts and spend a lot of time. First you need to perform a hydraulic flush.

First of all, you need to turn off the water supply and drain it from the heating system. If you live in a high-rise building, you will have to go to the basement. Since it may be closed, make sure you have access to it in advance. If you are a resident of a private house, this procedure is easier to perform. Now disconnect the radiators from the pipes and remove them. It is difficult to do this on your own, of course, if you are not Hercules, since cast iron radiators heavy enough. So ask for help. If the connection cannot be untwisted, the coupling must be heated.

After dismantling the battery, it can be pre-cleaned mechanically. It is inconvenient to perform further work in an apartment or house, since they involve the use of a large volume of water. Put the radiator upside down, covering the hole that is on the bottom. Then, using a hose, fill the battery with water. Next, the water must be released through the hole from below, opening it. If the water literally "flew" out of the hole and carried debris and scale with it, you did everything right. The whole process must be repeated until the water that comes out of the battery is clean.

Since the hot water moved through the radiator in one direction, the scale it left formed in the form of scales. By turning the radiator over, you run the water in the opposite direction, which helps the water to better remove all the scale. If this method is ineffective in your case, and contamination still remains, consider other cleaning options. They will help to cope with various contaminants and clean not only radiators, but also pipes.

Without removing batteries

To date, there are a lot of types of flushing the heating system. You can use each of them. Consider 5 various technologies cleaning the heating system:

  1. Chemical flush.
  2. Disperse washing.
  3. Electrohydropulse washing.
  4. Pneumohydropulse washing.

Chemical washing consists in the use of special chemically active substances. It could be whey caustic soda, vinegar, phosphoric, orthophosphoric and other acids, store-bought special formulations. The specifics of flushing the system depends on the choice of means. If you will use special composition operating instructions are written on the package. This sequence was developed by manufacturers, so it must be followed. If you use "improvised" reagents, you need to pour them into the system and turn on the pump for 15 minutes every 4 hours. The procedure must be carried out for several days, after which the coolant is drained and the system is flushed several times. Dry cleaning is quite risky and is used for ferrous metals.

Disperse washing is more gentle. A special reagent is introduced into the system, which acts exclusively on scale and debris, without interacting with the metal. Such washing can be done for both metal and plastic pipes. The technology is quite simple and similar to chemical technology: a circulation pump is connected to the system, a reagent is introduced, which circulates through pipes and radiators, after which it is removed.

After such washing, the pipes are cleaned, and a protective hydrophobic film is formed on their walls - the “plastic pipe effect”, due to which salts do not settle on the surface.

Hydropneumatic flushing consists in breaking up the contamination with the help of a special flushing unit. It delivers thin jets of water and compressed air into the system under high pressure, which wash out rust, scale and other deposits.

Pneumohydropulse washing can be performed using a special impulse device or a pneumatic gun. The system is affected by multiple pulses that remove impurities. Thus, spot cleaning of water pipes and radiators is ensured. Used for Ø 150 mm, no more.

Electrohydropulse cleaning is also performed using a special unit. The cleaning process consists in the fact that an electrical impulse is applied to the heating system pipe through a coaxial cable. After that, an electric discharge is formed at the end of the cable, forming a powerful shock wave that acts on the scale, destroying it.

With such microexplosions, the pipes are not damaged or deformed. The main blow falls on pollution. At the end of the cleaning, all debris must be washed out of the system. running water.

Doing such cleaning of the heating system is not just possible, but necessary! Such activities should be carried out regularly. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase the permeability of water and heat transfer, which will save you money. The key is to be careful and follow the rules. And to reduce the formation of scale in the pipes, you can install a special filter in front of the boiler, which will purify the water circulating in the system.


How to carry out hydropneumatic flushing, see below:

Before the beginning heating season a test run of the heating system should be carried out in order to make sure that it is in good condition in time. It is recommended to flush the system once every two to three years. To do this, it is necessary to drain the water from the system, and thoroughly rinse the pipelines and devices with fresh water under pressure. An even greater effect is achieved with hydropneumatic flushing, i.e., with the simultaneous supply of compressed air with water from a cylinder or compressor at a pressure of up to 6 kgf / cm2. Before flushing, the system is disconnected in two places - on the riser and the return line in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler installation (the boiler is washed separately). Having connected a flexible hose from the water supply network to the riser through the fitting of the nozzle, they flush the system until it comes out of the return line pure water, which is diverted into the sewer. In hydropneumatic flushing, it is useful to first blow out the pipelines with compressed air to loosen the sediment on inner surface pipes, and then rinse them with a mixture of water and air.

Applied method chemical cleaning systems. For purification, in particular, a solution of inhibited of hydrochloric acid. Special inhibitor substances are added to it to slow down the reaction with the metal.

During the cleaning process, the scale layer on the inner surfaces of pipes and appliances is etched away. After chemical cleaning, a thorough flushing of the system with tap water is required.

Safer than dry cleaning, and it is not so technologically difficult to clean the system by leaching. A solution of soda ash is poured into the system for 10-20 hours, prepared at the rate of 20 g of soda per 1 liter of water. The solution is heated to operating temperature, stand for 10-20 hours. After cooling, the solution is drained from the system and the system is flushed by the countercurrent method, i.e. by directing the flushing water flow in the direction opposite to the water circulation in heating mode.

After washing, the disassembled connections are restored and the system is slowly filled with water through the filling pipe in such a way that no water remains in the pipelines and devices. air locks. Cleaning the boiler is usually combined with flushing the heating system.

To remove scale, use a solution of inhibited hydrochloric acid or special electrical equipment in bulk

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For such cleaning of the boiler, it is advisable to use a hydropneumatic
way. Compressed air is supplied to the boiler half-filled with solution through the return pipe. The solution, rising through the sections, loosens the scale, which is then removed through the lower opening in the frontal section, followed by washing the boiler first with a solution of caustic soda, and then with clean tap water.

A simpler and more convenient way to remove scale at home is leaching. For this, the boiler is filled with a solution of soda ash with the return valves closed, followed by boiling for 16-24 hours. After that, the solution is drained and sludge and dirt are removed through the lower opening in the frontal section and the boiler is thoroughly washed with tap water.

According to statistics, already after several months of operation of the heating system, the efficiency of its operation and heating can be reduced by up to 10%. The reason for the decrease in efficiency is the numerous chemical processes inside the heating pipes of the house, which lead to the formation of scale and rust.

Pollution settles on the inner surface of the pipes and reduces the performance of the heating system at home. Over time, the situation is aggravated and if the flushing work is not carried out in time, an emergency situation may occur.

When to Rinse

With excessive accumulation of scale occurs significant reduction in heat transfer, since a large layer of scale is a good heat insulator. It has been proven that the appearance of deposits with a thickness of only 7-9 mm reduces the quality of the heating system at home by 40-50%. If not washed in a timely manner, then over time there will be a significant decrease in heating efficiency. In exceptional cases it may be necessary complete replacement heating elements.

It is necessary to rinse when the first signals appear. The signal for the need for work is the appearance of the following symptoms:

If even one sign from this list appears, you should think about cleaning radiators and heating pipes.

The appearance of uneven heat transfer from radiators and the appearance of extraneous noise during operation are the main signals about the need to clean pipes and radiators in a private house. The frequency of flushing depends on a number of factors:

  • coolant composition;
  • temperature regime of the system;
  • pipe materials;
  • radiator materials.

The first flushing is carried out immediately after the installation of the heating structure. Whether or not there are clear signs of a malfunction, periodic cleaning is recommended:

  • for metal pipes 2 times a year, immediately before the start of the heating season and after it ends;
  • for plastic pipes 1 time before the start of the heating season.

The choice of cleaning technology largely depends on the materials for the manufacture of pipes and radiators and the operating time of the heating system.

How to flush the heating system in a private house

Chemical cleaning system

Chemical washing involves the use of special drugs that may have:

  • biological origin;
  • chemical origin.

Biopreparation purification technology is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. The action is based on the principle of introducing microbiological agents into the heating system, after which the deposits are split. This technology does not require disassembly and shutdown of the entire heating system at home.

The undoubted advantage of chemical cleaning with biological products is the possibility of painless use in old heating systems. Means for cleansing are made on a water basis, the drug serves to separate pollution from the walls. The desired cleaning result is achieved after a few days.

The advantage of this technology is:

  • no need to turn off the heating system;
  • possibility of use in old heating systems;
  • high efficiency and achievement desired result in several days;
  • safety;
  • no negative impact on the pipe material.

The mechanism of chemical flushing consists in the effect of the drug on the pollution of the heating system of the house and its purification by dissolving precipitation and scale. Chemical preparations act on deposits, which are subsequently removed from the heating along with the fluid flow.

The cost of a chemical reagent depends on the composition and popularity of the manufacturer. The most popular drugs are:


The cost for 1 liter is 180 rubles, the drug cannot be used for aluminum.


The price for 1 liter is 105 rubles, the drug cannot be used for non-ferrous metals.

Master Boiler Power

The price for 0.6 kg is 475 rubles, the drug has no contraindications for use.

Compositions brand SP-OM

Dont Have contraindications for use, may be used with aluminum and non-ferrous metals. G main advantagewashing liquid brand SP-OM is the possibility of using it for flushing systems containing polymer components, non-ferrous metals and aluminum. Also, SP-OM is relatively harmless. when draining the spent solution. Each SP-OM grade is designed for use with certain metals and under certain conditions. More detailed information about the application and grades of the SP-OM composition can be found on the website

Significant disadvantages of the method include the difficulty in self-selection of the correct volume of the drug. The possibility of using chemicals is also complicated by the fact that in most cases the components of the heating system are made of different materials. Chemicals have varying degrees of effect on the metal or polymer materials. In most cases, preference is given to the method of mechanical impact on the pollution of the heating system.

Physical cleaning methods

Physical cleaning methods are:

  • hydrodynamic washing;
  • pneumohydropulse washing.

For hydrodynamic flushing, you will need special equipment, including special nozzles and thin hoses.

The cleaning mechanism consists in supplying water under pressure to the nozzle, which is responsible for generating thin jets of water.

The advantage of hydrodynamic flushing is its efficiency, but in practice the method is used quite rarely due to its high cost.

Cleaning by pneumohydropulse washing is effective tool pollution control in the heating system. For more high-quality cleaning the procedure is recommended to be carried out several times. The essence of the method is to create an increased pressure, due to which the contaminants are chipped off the walls.

Do-it-yourself chemical washing

For chemical cleaning, it is important correct selection preparation and careful study of the instructions before starting work. For self cleaning heating system in a private house is necessary:

  • pump;
  • liquid container;
  • preparation for cleaning;
  • hoses.

Most chemicals are diluted with a certain amount of water before use. In stores, if desired, you can purchase ready-made liquid, which is the best option for flushing a small system. For large standalone systems, it is recommended to purchase a concentrate. Procedure for cleaning as follows:

  • draining water from the heating system;
  • filling the tank of the treatment plant with the prepared composition;
  • switching on using pump nozzles and filling the elements of the heating system with a chemical composition.

To destroy scale usually 2-3 hours is enough. Circulation is carried out until the absence of deposits in the filter tank. It is mandatory to flush the heating system with water to complete removal chemical reagent. Please note that the spent chemical solution must not be discharged into the sewer.

At the end of the flushing, the heating is pressed and the tightness is checked.

When carrying out work, pay attention to the precautions with chemical preparation. Precautionary measures:

  • gloves must be worn when working with the solution;
  • the concentration of the reagent can be very dangerous for humans, therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to protect the mucous membranes with a respirator.

Do-it-yourself pneumohydropulse flushing

To clean the heating system with your own hands you will need:

  • compressor;
  • hose and outlet pipe;
  • collar;
  • ball valve;
  • liquid drain container.

The procedure is as follows:

  • draining water from the heating system;
  • connection of the outlet pipe to the "return";
  • connection to compressor outlet;
  • pumping pressure up to 5 atmospheres;
  • blocking the outlet pipe and disconnecting the compressor;
  • connecting the hose, after opening the valve, the draining of impurities will begin.

If you notice the problem of uneven heating of the radiator, then you should not take decisive action to clean the heating system. Uneven heating of the radiator is not always a sign of contamination of the heating system. In some cases, this may be a consequence of the fact that it got too much air. In this case, it is necessary to bleed air from the radiator.

To reduce the physical and time costs for periodic flushing, it is recommended to fill the system with soft water, that is, water with a minimum salt content. The softest water is rain and snow water, as close as possible to distilled water. Such water can be prepared at home with your own hands. The recipe for its preparation is simple and does not require large expenditures. For every 10 liters, 30-50 grams of soda ash must be dissolved. Before pouring water, the solution must be allowed to settle, while precipitation should not be present in it.

An effective solution for flushing the heating system can be prepared by hand. For this it is necessary prepare a solution based on- 40 grams of concentrated soda or washing powder per bucket of water. The volume of the prepared solution must correspond to the volume of water withdrawn from the system. As a rule, for the heating system of a private house, 15-20 liters is considered sufficient. After a week of heating, the solution must be drained from the system.

Vinegar, caustic soda, lemon acid, special remedy. When flushing the system with a chemical preparation, the spent solution must not be poured into sewer system or on a homestead.

The choice of method depends from the materials of manufacture of the elements of the system, the terms of its operation, the size and length of the pipes. In a private house, it is much easier to perform the flushing procedure once a year than, after several years, to deal with a layer of deposits of a few millimeters or centimeters.

Has yours ceased to function fully and is no longer as efficient as before, warming the home? The reason is simple: the pipes are clogged with scale, rust and other deposits, which hindered the circulation and heat transfer of water. But there is no need to despair because of such a diagnosis, because high-quality flushing can save the equipment. Do it really even with your own hands. In order for you to accurately cope with the task and return the heating system of your private house to its former efficiency, we will understand the four most effective types of flushing: with and without equipment disassembly.

Flushing with battery removal

Let's first consider the most hard way flushing the heating system - with an analysis of its components. The work is carried out in several stages:

  • Drain all water from the heating system.
  • Unscrew the radiator from the piping and remove it.

Advice. If the fixing sleeve does not come out as standard, heat it with a cutter.

  • Visually assess the condition of the battery and, if necessary, pre-clean it mechanically.
  • Take the radiator outside. Turn the device upside down and close its bottom opening.
  • Fill the battery up to the stop with water and open the bottom hole: the liquid will flow out of the device along with dirt particles. Repeat the procedure until clean water comes out of the battery.

Here it is very important to clarify one interesting point: why does the radiator need to be turned upside down? The fact is that hot water moves through the radiator in one, correct direction, leaving behind scale in the form of small scales, and by turning the device over, you run liquid into it in the opposite direction, thereby helping it to effectively eliminate scaly deposits.

Flushing with battery removal

After flushing, connect the radiator back to the pipes and start the heating system.

Unfortunately, practice shows that even with all its complexity, this washing method is not always effective. That is why cleaning methods that do not involve disassembly of equipment are actively used today. Let's get acquainted with three of them.

Chemical flushing without dismantling the system

This method of cleaning the heating system is based on the use of special chemicals. It can be such active substances:

  • alkaline solution;
  • phosphoric or orthophosphoric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • caustic soda;
  • special formulations.

First, the selected substance is poured into the heating circuit. Further, using a special pump, the reagent is circulated directly in the system for several hours - usually up to four. If you use store-bought formulations, the recommended circulation time is indicated on the packaging - it is important to follow it so as not to deform the internal coating of the battery. After completion of the procedure, it is necessary to drain the reagent, rinse and pressure test the heating system - and only after that it can be put into operation.

Take into account the fact that chemical compositions are not suitable for washing non-galvanized steel batteries and pipes that have been used for several decades - this is simply unprofitable from an economic point of view: active reagents in the process of cleaning the system can not only dissolve rust, but also provoke new leaks in old equipment.

Another way to maintain the heating system that does not require disassembly of the equipment is hydropneumatic flushing. This method has been used for several decades and involves breaking up contaminants using a pneumatic pump.

The flushing principle is as follows: the heating circuit is started to be discharged into the sewer system, and in parallel, compressed air is supplied to the water stream at high power, which destroys rust, scale and other contaminants. At the same time, it must be installed on the pipeline without fail - it will protect against ingress of flushing water into the pump.

Hydropneumatic system flushing

Step-by-step scheme of hydropneumatic flushing:

  1. Fill the heating system with water and close the valve.
  2. Close the drain pipe.
  3. Connect the pump to the second branch pipe of the system.
  4. When the pump pressure reaches 0.6 MPa, start the compressed air supply - one procedure should last up to 15 minutes.
  5. Flush all the risers one by one with an air-water mixture, draining the liquid through the drain cock. Flush the system until the outlet water is clear.
  6. Discard residual water.
  7. Start the heating system and perform a one-time reset.
  8. Refill the system.

Pneumatic and electrohydropulse flushing

Speaking about the methods of flushing the heating system, one cannot fail to mention two more common methods - pneumatic and electrohydropulse.

Pneumohydropulse washing involves the use of a special pneumatic gun or other impulse device: the device creates multiple impulses, through which contaminants are introduced from the system. This method provides spot cleaning heating equipment.

Electrohydropulse washing is based on the use of energy released by an electric charge: first through one end of a coaxial cable special device an electrical impulse enters the system, and then a strong charge is formed at the second end of the cable, the shock wave of which quickly destroys pollution. Most effectively, such a wave fights scale. Upon completion of cleaning, the dirt is washed out with running water. At the same time, peculiar microexplosions do not deform the pipes and batteries themselves - they only affect deposits.

As you can see, it is absolutely realistic to improve the functionality of heating equipment in a private house with your own hands. There are four for your attention effective ways flushing the system - if you clean it regularly and taking into account all the recommendations, you are guaranteed to be able to improve the quality of heating your home and extend the life of heating appliances.

Flushing the heating system: video

How to flush the heating system: photo