Instantaneous water heater for an aquarium. Aquarium heater with thermostat. Our selection of the three best aquarium heaters from Aliexpress

The beauty of an aquarium depends not only on its choice and design, but also on how colorful its inhabitants are. It is useful to remember that the most colorful and unusual aquatic inhabitants live in tropical and equatorial waters. And their habitats are distinguished not only by their abundance various types and palm trees on the banks, but also by the fact that the environment of such creatures is noticeably warmer than our everyday life, even at the height of summer. For creating ideal conditions For your charming pets, the water in the aquarium must not only be purified and oxygenated, but also heated. This task is performed by a special device - an aquarium heater.

Aquarium heater: how does it work?

Setting up a water heater for an aquarium is not difficult. His main element- a special wire that heats up under the influence of electricity. To make its use safe, the wire itself is located on a ceramic core, and is protected from contact with water by an outer casing made of glass or plastic.

If glass is chosen for the body, it is usually heat resistant and is also closed with a special lid that ensures tightness. The cover is also used to place all the control elements of the device.

Plastic models are compact and the price is slightly higher. But this is more than justified: such a heater not only looks stylish thanks to a body made of unbreakable plastic, but is also more advanced from a technical point of view.

When choosing a heater for an aquarium, you need to remember that the larger the volume of water, the more powerful the device you need to buy - otherwise it simply will not cope with its task.

Aquarium heater: how to monitor the temperature?

Temperature accuracy – important element long and comfortable life for every inhabitant of the aquarium aquatic world. However, monitoring your temperature on your own is not only tedious, but often impossible. In order not to waste your time and attention, you need to purchase an aquarium heater (heater) with a thermostat.

Heaters of this type are equipped with a special sensor that constantly monitors the water temperature. As long as this temperature is within the range useful for pets, the aquarium heater works quietly and creates a cozy environment for them. But as soon as the temperature exceeds the limit set by the owner, the device detects this and turns off, allowing the water to cool to the desired level.

Thermostats can be mechanical or electronic. The most common are mechanical ones - they are distinguished by high level reliability, a little more low prices and stable operation. However, their work requires periodic inspection– they can distort the readings by several degrees, and you need to check them with a separate thermometer. Electronic models are more accurate, so they have a higher price, but they are also a little less reliable.

In addition, the thermostat with which the aquarium heater is equipped can be remote or built-in. The remote one is located mostly outside the aquarium - only the temperature sensor is immersed in the water. However, it did not become widespread, since the built-in models turned out to be much more practical and convenient. They are assembled in a single housing with a heating element, becoming compact and featuring an advantageous design in the form glass flask elongated shape.

In modern aquariums you can find representatives of the underwater world from almost every part of the globe. Fish and plants from tropical areas can only survive when maintained at the appropriate temperature, which is generally higher than the temperature of the water kept at room temperature. In such cases, water heaters are used that are capable of maintaining the specified water parameters in the aquarium, which allows for comfortable living for almost any representative of the underwater world.

The water heater consists of an outer glass body of an elongated shape. Inside the case there is a heating element, around which a metal wire is wound. The water heater is manufactured in a waterproof or sealed housing, which prevents the possibility of short circuits. This device is not afraid of water and is completely immersed in the aquarium. The most advanced and useful are water heaters with automatic regulation (thermal sensors) of the water temperature in the aquarium. Upon reaching specified parameters the water heater turns off. This feature will make it easier to care for aquarium fish, since there will be no need to constantly check the water temperature. Water heaters vary in power. Low-power devices are suitable for small aquariums with a volume of up to 30 liters. But experienced aquarists recommend purchasing a heater maximum power, since it is quite possible that over time the size of the tank may change and the power of the old heater will be insufficient. The device operates from the electrical network. A more expensive type of such device is instantaneous water heater, which cuts into the filter tube and distributes a stream of warm water throughout the aquarium. Cheaper heaters include a cable that is buried in sandy soil. Heat tends to rise from the bottom to the surface, simultaneously warming the entire thickness of the water.

Reasons and need for use

Average room temperature in an apartment or house in summer period is about 24-26 degrees Celsius, and in winter period the temperature drops to 18-20 degrees Celsius. Some species of fish, brought mainly from tropical latitudes with warm rivers, need to maintain a specific temperature all year round. In this case, the use of a water heater is necessary for the normal functioning of the inhabitants of a tropical aquarium. In addition to tropical fish, warm water love aquarium plants that stop growing or die at low temperatures. In some cases, a water heater is required for the inhabitants of the underwater world, which feel great in an aquarium with cool water. This is necessary if the aquarium is located in a cold room, where the room temperature is less than 18 degrees Celsius.

Selection criteria

You must select a water heater based on the following criteria:

  • Power from 30 to 300 Watt.
  • Device length. The housing must be completely submerged in water. Before purchasing, you need to measure the height of the aquarium.
  • Presence or absence of a temperature sensor.
  • Filler that conducts heat. There are heaters filled with sand or air. Sand-filled heaters are considered the most effective, since sand particles conduct heat better than air.
  • Device quality. A faulty water heater can cause irreparable harm to the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The question of choice is discussed in detail in the video below.

Pros and cons of the device

The advantages of using a water heater include the ability to constantly maintain the required temperature in the aquarium, which is necessary for fish native to tropical countries.

The latest technology is built-in temperature sensors that allow you to automatically set the operating mode of the water heater depending on the ambient temperature. Such a device will relieve aquarists from the need to constantly check the temperature and adjust the parameters of the heating element.

The disadvantages experienced aquarists include is the impossibility of maintaining a natural temperature balance, when during the day the water is slightly warmer than at night. When using a water heater, the temperature remains constant around the clock, unless you regulate this process yourself. It is difficult to guess with the quality of the equipment. When using a water heater, there is always a small risk of malfunction, in which the temperature sensor can independently increase the temperature to a critical level. This situation can be eliminated by purchasing a heater with low power, which will not allow the water temperature to rise above 28 degrees Celsius. Damage to the housing may result in a short circuit in the aquarium, followed by the death of its inhabitants.

Video review of one of these devices

Calculation of parameters for a specific aquarium

When choosing a water heater, you need to take into account the parameters of the aquarium, the requirements of specific inhabitants and the temperature difference between the parameters of the room and the water.

The length of the heater is selected based on the height of the aquarium walls. The body of the device must be completely immersed in water. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the power of the heating element. For large aquariums, it is recommended to purchase two low-power devices to uniformly heat the water in the aquarium. The power is selected in accordance with the volume of the aquarium; the following summary table will help you navigate:

The top row shows the difference between the air temperature and the water temperature without using a heating element. Power (watt) is determined by the ratio of the volume of the aquarium and this difference.

To measure the temperature of the water in the aquarium, it is necessary to place the thermometer closer to the bottom, since the water temperature at the surface is somewhat warmer. This difference occurs as a result of surface heating lighting device and the special thermal conductivity of water, when heat rises from the bottom to the surface.

To ensure uniform heating of the water in the aquarium, it is necessary to choose the right location for installing the water heater. It is not recommended to place the device in a corner, since in this case the current will not pick up warm streams of water and carry them throughout the reservoir. Most suitable place is the lower level back wall reservoir. The water heater is mounted on suction cups in a horizontal position. It is better to direct the filter stream towards the heater so that the water flows help the heat spread throughout the entire volume of the aquarium. When using for the first time, it is not recommended to keep your hands in the water while the water heater is on, as the device may become faulty and cause an electric shock.

Before installing the device, you must read the instructions to avoid emergency situations and damage to the heating element.

Terms of use

Immediately after purchase, you must rinse the heater flask in running water. To assess the serviceability of the device, you need to place the device in an empty aquarium (without inhabitants), wait until the temperature of the device drops to the water temperature (about 20 minutes). Plug in the device and set the required temperature. If the heater worked without failures for 30 minutes and heated the water to the required temperature, you can introduce inhabitants into the tank. You cannot use the water heater in an aquarium that does not have a filter. The device must be secured strictly according to the instructions; the vertical heater must not be placed in the ground. To heat the soil, there is a special heating element in the form of a wire. It is necessary to regularly (once every two weeks) clean the body of the device from plaque, algae and salt.

Temperature adjustment

At the top of the heater there are divisions with a control knob, which allows you to change the temperature parameters. The water heating error is 1 or 2 degrees Celsius. When setting the required temperature, you should take into account the error and do not set the maximum temperature. The possibility of a heater malfunction is always present, it is better to be safe. If the device has an automatic sensor, the required temperature is set only once and is subsequently maintained independently.

Maintenance and repair

In order to extend the life of the device, you must follow the operating instructions.

Regularly cleaning the housing from plaque, algae and salts will help avoid premature failure. The glass body can be wiped with a light vinegar solution, and salt deposits can be wiped off with table salt and brushes. It is worth noting that the body, which consists of plastic parts Do not wipe with vinegar; cleaning with an alcohol solution is acceptable. Electrical sensors And internal elements It is necessary to clean only with solutions recommended by the manufacturers. The most common temperature sensor that fails is the one that provides water supply. set temperature. It is impossible to repair such a malfunction, since the main part of the heating element must be replaced.

A user talks about aquarium water heaters and possible problems

Where can I buy?

It is necessary to purchase a water heater only in trusted stores for aquarists.

Buying a low-quality, cheap device can lead to disastrous consequences for the inhabitants of the aquarium. It is better to overpay in price, but get a high-quality device that will last for many years.

An instantaneous water heater has the highest price, as it has a more complex structure and allows you to heat the water coming out of the filter, which, in turn, distributes a warm flow throughout the tank. The ground cable is used to heat the root systems of heat-loving plants. Ordinary adjustable heater, consisting of a heating element and a sealed flask, is the most common option that suits many aquarists in terms of price and quality.

The interaction of electric current and water leads to a short circuit and can harm both humans and the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Many electrical enthusiasts and people who are familiar with the basics of electronics make such water heaters with their own hands. Previously, self-made salt water heaters were very popular. It is worth noting that such homemade devices are capable of closing if water gets inside the sealed flask, and it is extremely difficult to ensure such a tightness with your own hands. Making a water heater yourself is difficult and dangerous, but possible. DIY water heaters were popular about five years ago, when there were no high-quality water heaters on the market. affordable prices. Nowadays, the situation has changed and you can purchase a high-quality device in almost any store for aquarists.

Proper use of a water heater and compliance with basic safety measures when using electrical appliances will help provide the tropical inhabitants of the aquarium with the temperature necessary for a comfortable and active life. It is better to buy a water heater in a specialized store than to make it yourself, especially if the aquarium is inhabited by rare and expensive species of fish or plants.

Currently, there are a large number of people who like to keep exotic fish at home. And their maintenance and breeding cannot be done without special equipment. If you are going to have fish in an aquarium, you will definitely need a water heater. With its help it is possible to maintain optimal temperature in an artificial reservoir for the full development and life of residents.

There is a wide variety of aquarium heaters:

  1. Submersible. They are made from a variety of materials (plastic, titanium, glass). They have the shape of a flask with a heating element inserted inside it. This heater is partially or completely lowered into the aquatic environment.
  2. . The thermostat of this type of device is located outside the aquarium. This saves interior space.

  3. Heating cables. Perfect for heating round aquariums. The cable is placed underground. This ensures even heating of the water.

  4. Mats for heating water. They should be installed under the aquarium. The water is heated through the bottom of the container.

Aquarium heater with thermostat

If the aquarium contains tropical fish, the water temperature should be an order of magnitude higher than the air temperature in the room. To maintain uniform water temperature during the day and night, aquarium heaters with a special thermostat are installed. The latter is equipped with a sensor. It heats the water to the set temperature, after which it turns off the heating element. When the water temperature begins to drop, the thermostat turns the device back on.

The thermostat allows you to maintain a certain microclimate, and aquarists do not have to worry that their pets will die due to hypothermia or overheating of the water.

There are two types of thermostats:

Thermostats are also divided into:

  1. Built-in. Together with the heating element they are located in a sealed housing, which is installed directly into the aquatic environment.
  2. Remote. Installed outside the aquarium. They are connected using a wire to a temperature sensor located in the aquarium.

Using a water heater

The water heater should be used strictly according to the following rules:

  1. The heater is turned on only after immersion in an aquatic environment.
  2. Before immersing the heater in water, you need to unplug all electrical appliances.
  3. Do not use damaged water heaters.
  4. If the wire is damaged, the entire device should be replaced, not just the wire.
  5. Use the water heater strictly for its intended purpose.


To maintain the desired microclimate in the aquatic environment, you need to know how to install a heater in an aquarium. The water heater can be installed in both horizontal and vertical positions. When installed vertically, the adjustment handle should be positioned above water level. When positioned horizontally, the heater is completely immersed in the aquatic environment.

The body of the heater is usually marked with water immersion level marks. The appliance must be installed so that the water is above the minimum immersion level. Over time, water evaporates, so you need to ensure that it does not fall below the minimum level.

The heater must not be installed in gravel or sand.

A bracket is installed under the heater head, which is attached to the wall of the aquarium using suction cups.

Please note that the installed device can only be turned on after 15-20 minutes. During this time, the temperature of the heater will become equal to the temperature of the water in the artificial reservoir. Only after this the device is connected to the network.

How to make it yourself

By making a device for heating an aquarium yourself, you can save significantly. The most ancient method of heating water was burning dry fuel. For this purpose, the aquarium was equipped with a small firebox. This method was used mainly when transporting fish, especially in winter time. We can only imagine how troublesome this was.

Over time, people learned to make an aquarium heater with their own hands - from a resistor. To do this, the latter was placed in the middle of an ordinary test tube. Due to the fact that air does not conduct heat well, the void between the resistor and the glass began to be filled with test tubes quartz sand. The neck of the test tube was filled with a waterproof compound. According to users, such a heater is quite capable.

There is also a salt heater for an aquarium. Let's look at how to make it yourself.

Before you start making a salt heater, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety rules for working with electrical appliances.

Necessary materials:

  1. Plastic bottle.
  2. Electrical cable with plug (can be removed from a broken device).
  3. 2 copper rings 15-20 mm long.
  4. Medium hard wire 20 cm long.

First of all, you need to make three holes in the bottle cap. We insert two wires with stripped edges into two holes. Copper rings are attached to the wires and flattened using a hammer. Under no circumstances should the ends of the wires touch each other, otherwise short circuit. You need to place weights in the bottle; for this you can use soil from an aquarium or stones.

Fill the bottle with water. The wires must be located below water level. The third hole in the plug is needed to allow condensate to escape. To attach a home-made heater, we use medium-hard wire. We wrap one end of the wire around the neck of the bottle, and bend the other in the shape of a hook and hang it on the wall of the aquarium. We place our device for heating water in the aquarium so that the neck is above the water level of the artificial reservoir.

Why is the heater stated to be salt? It's simple! To regulate its temperature you need to add it to the bottle. brine . To increase the temperature, add more solution. It is very important not to overdo it, otherwise you risk losing your pets due to boiling water. All manipulations with homemade water heater carry out only after disconnecting from the network.

For creation homemade heater Only take it if you have at least a little experience in electrical repair! Otherwise, it can be dangerous for both you and your pets.

For the full development and vital activity of tropical fish, you simply cannot do without an aquarium heater. It doesn’t matter whether you bought it in a store or decided to make it yourself, the main thing is to follow safety precautions when working with it.

The most important condition for the favorable functioning of your aquarium is maintaining a certain temperature that is optimal for a particular type of fish. Typically, fish need a temperature of 22 to 32 degrees, depending on their species.
Until recently, aquarists actively used simple
heaters. Some specialized stores still sell heaters, but purchasing them is not recommended. Now the blessed era of thermostats has arrived. The power of thermostats depends on how large the aquarium is. Experts recommend a power of 1.5 watts per 1 liter of water. For example: a 100 liter aquarium will require a 150 watt heater.
Fish owners should also know that the colder the room, the faster the water in the aquarium cools, and the greatest cooling occurs in aquariums with a large area of ​​​​its walls.

Therefore, it is best to purchase heaters “with a reserve”, i.e., more powerful ones. Such heaters easily and quickly cope with temperature drops, operate smoothly, without overheating, and last much longer. But powerful heaters must be of high quality.
It would also be useful to know that the cost of a heater does not particularly depend on its power, and neither does energy consumption. The whole question is the reliability of the device, i.e., the thermostat and the heating element. If the thermostat of a powerful heater breaks down, the inhabitants of the aquarium have two little comforting options - to die either from the cold or from unusual high temperature water. Some, in order to avoid such sad consequences, purchase 2 medium-power heaters. If one thermostat fails, another will maintain the optimal living environment. If one of the thermostats breaks down, the water will not reach critical temperature, and the fish will be fine in the end. But, as you know, good things don’t come cheap. A couple of high-quality heaters will cost you twice as much as one simple one. The right to choose is yours.

Using a water heater

Heaters are manufactured in accordance with currently valid safety standards. The heater may only be turned on when electrical network with the parameters corresponding to those indicated on the heater itself and its packaging. It is forbidden to turn on the heater when removed from the water. Before each operation related to the heater, you MUST DISCONNECT the voltage. Before you put your hand in the water, make sure that the heater and all electrical appliances in the aquarium are UNCONNECTED from the mains. Do not use a damaged heater or a heater with a damaged wire. The connecting wire must not be changed or repaired; in this case, the entire heater must be replaced. Also DO NOT MOUNT A SWITCH on a wire.
The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. The maximum immersion depth of the heater is 80 cm. The heater is intended for use only in enclosed spaces and exclusively in aquariums.

How to install a heater in an aquarium

The heater is waterproof, and it can be installed in the aquarium both in a vertical position - with the adjustment handle located above the water surface, and in a horizontal position - completely submerged. Do not insert the heater into sand or gravel. The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. It is necessary to remember that the water level is constantly decreasing as a result of evaporation. The heater is attached to the wall of the aquarium using a bracket with two suction cups, which should be attached to the heater directly below the head. The heater must be fixed in the aquarium in a place where there is constant and uniform circulation of water. ATTENTION! Only about 15 minutes after installing the heater in the aquarium, when the temperature of the bimetallic switch in the heater becomes equal to the temperature of the water in the aquarium, can the heater be connected to the power supply.

Aquarium volume, l Difference between water temperatures in the aquarium and in the room, °C
2 4 6 8 10 12 15 20
20 5 12 17 22 29 34 59 80
40 9 18 26 36 46 55 100 125
60 12 23 35 47 59 70 128 140
80 14 29 43 56 70 85 144 170
100 17 33 49 66 82 99 150 200
150 20 43 65 86 108 127 200 250
200 26 52 78 104 130 156 210 300
250 30 60 91 121 150 182 270 360
400 42 82 124 169 208 247 390 500

Types of Aquarium Heaters

To be able to create as much as possible comfortable conditions For the habitat of fish and plants, special devices are used - aquarium heaters. There are several types of them, but the principle of operation is the same for all - electrical heating of the element in a sealed environment. The most commonly used heaters are:

Submersible(plastic, glass, titanium). It consists of a heating element built into an impact-resistant, heat-resistant housing in the form of a flask or elongated cylinder, and is designed to be lowered into an aqueous environment.

Flow-through. Has a plastic housing and is mounted in a vertical position on the return hose external filter, which saves internal space and creates a flow of warm, aerated water.

Heating cables. They are installed under and allow you to evenly warm up the entire aquarium and create additional water circulation.

Heating mats. They are rectangular mats that are installed under the aquarium. The heat generated passes evenly through the bottom and increases the temperature of the water.

DIY aquarium heater

When making such a device, you need to remember that the operating conditions are associated with a serious risk of electric shock.

But if the decision is made in favor of a handicraft, then there is a good option with the creation of a structure from resistors (resistances), a piece of glass tube with thick walls, dry filler and remote thermostat. Installation work occurs in the following order.

1. The power of the heating element is determined based on a special table, which takes into account the difference in temperature between that required in the aquarium and room temperature. Calculated required strength current by dividing the selected power by the applied voltage. By dividing the voltage used by the calculated current, you can obtain the resistance value of the heater. Selected required amount identical resistors so that their total power and resistance indicator corresponds to the calculated values.

2. The length and diameter of the glass tube are determined based on the size and number of resistances.

It is important that the resistors soldered in series are placed in the tube with a free space of 15 cm.

3. Cleaned and calcined sand can be used as a filler.

4. The bottom of the glass tube is closed with a suitable rubber stopper placed on the aquarium sealant.

5. The ends of the network cable are soldered to the upper and lower resistors . The entire structure is placed in a tube and covered with sand. It is important that the sand is at the bottom of the tube and covers the top resistor.

6. The top of the tube is carefully sealed with aquarium sealant. The power cable is connected to a thermostat with a remote temperature sensor, which in turn is placed in the aquarium.

7.The heater is placed vertically in such a way that the part of the tube containing the resistors is hidden under water. The structure is attached to the wall of the aquarium using special suction cups.

Schemes for manufacturing the thermostat itself based on a comparator and thermistors have also been developed.

Aquarium heater with thermostat

The main inconveniences when using the heater are related to with the need to constantly monitor its work. Even having reached the desired water temperature, the device still continues to function and must be disconnected from the network manually.

To get rid of this problem, a special device is used - a thermostat, which is a device with a built-in temperature sensor. It allows you to turn off the heating element when a preset value is reached and turn it on again when the water begins to cool.

This ensures a stable microclimate without temperature changes. Application modern technologies allows the production of very compact and easy-to-use thermostats.

According to manufacturing technology, they are divided into two types.

Electronic. Possess high accuracy(most of them are equipped with an information board). Disadvantages include the relative high cost and lack of reliability.

Mechanical. They are found most often, are characterized by stability and reliability during operation, and are cheaper in price. They often distort real readings by several degrees, so to accurately adjust the device, you must use a separate thermometer.

According to the level of safety during operation and durability of the devices, thermostats are divided into:

  • Remote - located outside the aquarium, not exposed to the influence of the aquatic environment and the waste products of aquatic organisms. This increases their service life and makes it possible to use cheaper heaters and replace them without additional costs. To determine the operating mode, a separate temperature sensor is used, which is located in the aquarium and connected by a wire to the thermostat.

The latter type of design is the most popular among aquarists and is often made in the form of an elongated glass flask, inside of which there is a electric heater and a thermostat. For greater thermal conductivity, the space of the flask is filled with the smallest ceramic filler.

The tightness of the structure is ensured by a rubberized or plastic cap through which the power wire passes. There is also a regulator here that allows you to set the required temperature.

Well-known brands - Eheim, Fluval, Ferplast, Aquael, Tetra - produce reliable and high-quality immersion heaters for an aquarium with a power thermostat from 25 to 300 W. Such devices are capable of providing the necessary conditions in aquariums up to 1500 liters.

To reduce the likelihood of water overheating, there is a practice of simultaneously using several less powerful thermal devices.

In case it is not possible to purchase necessary equipment, you can do it yourself.

Our selection of the three best aquarium heaters from Aliexpress

Aquarium heater 25 W/300 W

This heating rod can provide the right warmth and maintain the temperature of the water inside the tank. It can automatically adjust the temperature as needed for the fish in the aquarium.

The temperature scale can be adjusted between 20~34℃(68~93°F).
Fully submersible, waterproof double insulation, durable and safe design.
Power indicator, ensures safe operation.
Can automatically adjust the temperature, good for fish in aquarium.
Black color
Material: Glass
Plug: EU plug
Power: 25W/50W/100W/200W/300W (optional)
Voltage: 220-240 V
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Temperature Range: 20~34℃/68~93°F
Item Length:
25W: 20.5cm/8in
50W: 21cm/8.27in
100W: 25.5cm/10in
200W: 29cm/11.43in
300W: 29cm/11.43in
Cable length: approx. 85cm/33.5in
Package Size:
25W: 26.5*7*4cm/10.4*2.76*1.57in (L*W*H)
50W: 26.5*7*4cm/10.4*2.76*1.57in (L*W*H)
100W: 30.5*7*4cm/12*2.76*1.57in (L*W*H)
200W: 36.5*7*4cm/14.4*2.76*1.57in (L*W*H)
300W: 36.5*7*4cm/14.4*2.76*1.57in (L*W*H)
Package Weight: 170g~230g/6oz~8.1oz
1. This item is only suitable for fresh water.
2. The heating rod must be completely immersed in water
3. When the indicator is on, it works.
4. Before cleaning the fish tank or heating rod, please turn off the power for 15-20 minutes to cool down the heating rod.
Package list:
1 * Heating Rod

Price: 664.37 - 819.62 rub. / PC.

Special price:

418.29 - 516.59 rub. / PC.

Stainless Steel Aquarium Heater with LCD Digital Thermometer

Ideal Aquarium Temperature Controller Kit Consists of: Stainless steel Water heater and LCD immersion thermometer.
Both are fully submersible, waterproof double insulation, durable and safe design.
With the easy-to-read LCD display for this thermometer, you can easily keep track of the temperature in your aquarium.
The convector will turn off automatically when the temperature is reached. A sensitive and reliable thermostat maintains an even temperature.

Model: Submersible Aquarium Heater

Material: Stainless steel

AC input: 220V, 50Hz

Power: 50W, 100W, 200W, 300W, 500W

Temperature range: 16-32 degrees Celsius

Heater Length: 16cm/29cm/29cm/35cm/35cm

Protective cover: 6 parts, free stitching, adjustable length 15-42 cm.

Aquarium Suit:
50W: less than 50L water, about 20x30cm
100W: 50-100L water, about 40×60cm

200W: 100-200L water, about 60×80cm

300W: 150-300L water, about 80×100cm500W: 250-500L water, about 130×150cm
Color: Black + Silver

Material: ABS plastic
Display: LCD digital display
Temperature range: 0°C to 50°C
Default alarm setting: maximum: 28°C; lowest: 18 °C
Power: 1*1.5V AG13 Button Battery (Not included)
Sucker Diameter: 3cm/1.2in
Product size: 50 * 30 * 20mm / 1.97 * 1.2 * 0.8in
Item Weight: 26g/0.92oz
Voltage: 220-240V 50Hz
LCD display
Adjustable temperature: 20 to 35 degrees
External design, work with filter cup
Automatic shutdown when there is no water flow insid
Connect the heater to the inner tube of the filter cup
The direction of the arrow on the heater should be the same as the direction of the water flo
Package includes:
1 x heater
2x17mm adatper for inner diameter 16mm water hose
2x22mm adapter for 20mm inner diameter water hose

Price: RUB 2,325.29 / PC.


There is a theory according to which aquatic animals must be kept in conditions as close as possible to natural ones. Temperature changes in nature occur constantly, and there seems to be no particular need to use an aquarium heater.

But in practice it has been proven that fish and plants feel much better, get sick less and live longer in a stable microclimate. This is why using an aquarium heater with a thermostat, especially during the cold season, is more than justified.

You can make an aquarium heater with your own hands, but I would prefer a “store-bought” option, as our fathers say. Let’s try to figure out what an “Aquarium Heater” is and what it is needed for.

Many fish are inhabitants of tropical and warm rivers, so the water temperature suitable for their life is about 26-27 degrees Celsius. Therefore, aquarium water heaters are very important equipment. While in summer the water may be warm enough, in winter without an aquarium heater the fish may simply die.

Why is it necessary buy an aquarium heater:

  • In winter, the water in the aquarium may be too cold;
  • the water temperature is different at night and during the day, and fish do not tolerate sudden changes;
  • For many fish, the optimal water temperature for life is often above room temperature, which means that the water will not warm up to the required levels on its own.

Keep in mind that the thermometer readings in daytime may be false because the lighting lamps add to the temperature in the aquarium. Therefore, you must be sure that the water is exactly the right temperature for the fish before you decide to buy an aquarium heater. Modern aquarium heaters are equipped with temperature sensors so as not to overheat the water.

Temperature regulators for aquarium– these are aquarium heaters with a built-in regulator. That is, you set the required temperature that it should maintain, the thermostat heats the water to it. Next, it turns off and turns on again when the temperature drops below the required temperature. Aquarium thermostats There are mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones are less accurate (the error is 1-2 degrees) but are cheap. Electronic ones have amazing accuracy in measuring temperature, but at the same time they are not cheap at all. And this despite the fact that many manufacturers are just starting to produce electronic thermostats, and their electronics fail quite quickly. Thermostats for aquariums in most cases (with the exception of some models) come without a built-in thermometer. This means that it measures the temperature for itself, but does not show the temperature for you. It is advisable to purchase a thermometer along with the thermostat. This is necessary to control the thermostat itself (just in case), and also in the summer. When water overheats in summer, it needs to be cooled. Refrigerators for aquariums are very expensive, and they make a lot of noise. Therefore, the water in the aquarium is cooled mainly by frequent changes of cold water.

When choosing heaters for an aquarium, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the presence of temperature control - it is better if it is;
  • correct choice of power.

It is generally believed that 10 watts is enough to heat 4.5 liters of water. For large aquariums, it is better to choose not one powerful device, but several weaker ones - this makes it easier to heat the water evenly. If the room is cool in winter, it is better to aquarium heater was more powerful than the volume of water required.

Advantages of modern aquarium heaters:

  • reliability;
  • can be placed completely underwater;
  • don't get shocked.

Please be aware that heaters may become inaccurate over time, so check the thermometer periodically. Just in this case, the possibility of adjustment will be a plus. If the soil at the bottom of the aquarium is fine, then it is best to use a special heater in the form of a thermal cable, which is laid on the bottom. In this case, you get two important advantages:

  • help plants;
  • warm water rises to the surface, avoiding stagnation in the ground.

How to choose a water heater?

Rod heaters are manufactured as moisture-permeable (they must be installed in the aquarium so that top part was above the water level), and in sealed versions. The maximum immersion depth of the latter is indicated by the manufacturer and is quite sufficient for an aquarium (usually about 1 m). In most cases, immersion heaters are combined with a thermostat built into the housing.

When choosing a heater, pay attention to its length, which should ensure the possibility of its placement in the aquarium. Domestic heaters, unlike foreign ones, have the same length, which does not depend on power.

When using a heater without automatic temperature control, you should take into account temperature fluctuations in the room and choose a heater of such power that the water temperature in the aquarium does not rise above 28-30 ° C. You can install two heaters and turn off one of them on hot days.

Table 1 shows the heater power values ​​for heating water in aquariums of various sizes to a certain temperature.

Aquarium volume, l Difference between water temperatures in the aquarium and in the room, °C
2 4 6 8 10 12 15 20
20 5 12 17 22 29 34 59 80
40 9 18 26 36 46 55 100 125
60 12 23 35 47 59 70 128 140
80 14 29 43 56 70 85 144 170
100 17 33 49 66 82 99 150 200
150 20 43 65 86 108 127 200 250
200 26 52 78 104 130 156 210 300
250 30 60 91 121 150 182 270 360
400 42 82 124 169 208 247 390 500

There are two opinions regarding the advisability of using an automatic temperature controller. Some believe that natural temperature conditions should be simulated in the aquarium, i.e. the temperature should drop at night and experience seasonal fluctuations, which the thermostat cannot provide. Others believe that this is completely unnecessary. For example, R. Riel and H. Bensch write: “In an aquarium, with the help of an automatic regulator, we can provide the fish with a constant temperature. The widely held belief that the temperature in an aquarium should change according to its daily rhythm is incorrect. natural conditions. This is confirmed by fish that have lived in an aquarium for 10 or even 20 years, which is hardly possible under natural conditions.”

Still, it is better to choose an aquarium heater combined with an automatic thermostat in one housing. It's more convenient and takes less time less space. The main thing is not to miss the mark with power. It is better to purchase a heater with more power.

Heaters with a thermostat that automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached are much better than simple ones. If your aquarium is equipped with such a fairly powerful heater, then ventilate the room as much as you like - it will maintain the required temperature. temperature regime, and when the room gets warmer it will turn off. This is ideal.

But in practice, they do not always turn off, especially after a year or more of continuous operation. An ear in an aquarium is a most unpleasant sight, costing a lot of nerves and money. Buying an aquarium heater is exactly the case when you don’t need to save money.

Here the reliability and accuracy of the temperature sensor, as well as the mechanical strength of the glass bulb, are above all. Buy products only from well-known manufacturers of aquarium equipment. Be sure to consult with the store salesperson. If this store sells aquarium fish, then take a look at the commercial aquariums. What heaters are installed there and what do the fish look like? If possible, visit aquarium forums on the Internet.

In a word, choosing a reliable model is very important... And yet, even if you bought the best heater in the world, don’t be too lazy to check with a thermometer whether its thermostat is set correctly.

Using a water heater

The heaters are manufactured in accordance with currently valid safety standards. The heater may only be connected to an electrical network with the parameters corresponding to those indicated on the heater itself and its packaging. It is forbidden to turn on the heater when removed from the water. Before each operation related to the heater, you MUST DISCONNECT the voltage. Before you put your hand in the water, make sure that the heater and all electrical appliances in the aquarium are UNCONNECTED from the mains. Do not use a damaged heater or a heater with a damaged wire. The connecting wire must not be changed or repaired; in this case, the entire heater must be replaced. Also DO NOT MOUNT A SWITCH on a wire.
The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. The maximum immersion depth of the heater is 80 cm. The heater is intended for use only in enclosed spaces and exclusively in aquariums.

How to install a heater in an aquarium

The heater is waterproof and can be installed in the aquarium either in a vertical position - with the adjustment handle located above the water surface, or in a horizontal position - completely submerged. Do not insert the heater into sand or gravel. The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. It is necessary to remember that the water level is constantly decreasing as a result of evaporation. The heater is attached to the wall of the aquarium using a bracket with two suction cups, which should be attached to the heater directly below the head. The heater must be fixed in the aquarium in a place where there is constant and uniform circulation of water. ATTENTION! Only about 15 minutes after installing the heater in the aquarium, when the temperature of the bimetallic switch in the heater becomes equal to the temperature of the water in the aquarium, can the heater be connected to the power supply.

Heater temperature adjustment

It takes some time for the heater to work well in a new environment. Temperature stabilization involves cyclical replenishment of heat, which the aquarium constantly releases to its surroundings. When the control light is on, it means that the heater is currently working; when it goes out, it means that the heater is off. Assuming that the heater power is selected correctly and that the room temperature corresponds to the specified adjustment range, the desired water temperature can be set by turning the control knob. Applied with outside The scale allows you to only roughly set the desired temperature. Due to the fact that the conditions environment Your settings may be different (for example, temperature and air movement, intensity of water circulation, heat transfer area of ​​the aquarium, etc.), the regulator may operate in a slightly different way than during factory calibration. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the water temperature in the aquarium using a thermometer for some time after connection. And if necessary, adjust the water temperature using the regulator. Do not exceed the permissible adjustment range (a noticeable increase in resistance when turning the handle).

Aquarium heater maintenance.

The heater must not be disassembled into parts. Maintenance consists of periodically cleaning the outer surface of the heater with a soft sponge. If the boiler stone settles, it must be carefully removed using a special tool. funds. After removing the stone, the heater should be rinsed thoroughly.

Finally, a video reviewing a heater with a thermostat: