So that the double-glazed windows do not leak or cry. Plastic windows are leaking. Running from plastic windows.

Almost everyone has encountered the problem of moisture or condensation accumulating on windows. This problem is especially acute in rooms where plastic windows have recently been installed. Moreover, cry, leak and fog up the windows in various rooms can be done in different ways and with different intensities. In order to avoid having to face such a problem after installing a plastic window, you should study the reasons why PVC windows sweat and why condensation collects on them. Does this depend on the design of the window, the technology of its manufacture, or are these errors during the installation of the window, or defects in the building itself?
Initially, we will determine that the natural cause of fogging or condensation of water vapor on cold surface glass unit occurs due to high humidity indoors or improperly functioning ventilation system.

It is believed that the wettest rooms in homes are the kitchen (water vapor is formed during cooking) and the bathroom (drying clothes, bathing). It is built accordingly exhaust system, which usually consists of kitchen hood and hoods in the bathroom. Fresh air into rooms equipped with such an exhaust ventilation system, rather than a supply and exhaust ventilation system, as a rule, enters through natural cracks in window frames and entrance doors. However, the design plastic windows so sealed that the natural exchange of air in apartments and houses is disrupted. As a result, moisture accumulates in the room and settles on the windows in the form of condensation. Therefore, you should install a temperature valve in the windows or regularly ventilate the house.

In addition to impaired air circulation in the premises, the cause of moisture accumulation on the windows may be the incorrect selection of the window itself. Thus, in cold climatic zones, windows made of five- or seven-chamber PVC profile and having double-glazed windows with thermal insulation. For southern regions, we can recommend windows from a two- or three-chamber profile and the simplest double-glazed window. More detailed information You can see what types of PVC windows there are here.

Condensation may also appear on the glass when you used it during installation. non-standard methods seals, low-grade sealants were used, sealants were used, the seam between the wall and the window frame. Sometimes the cause of fogging of windows is the mistakes of the building's builders. For example, when the thermal insulation of a wall is damaged, there is no waterproofing layer in the foundation, and there is circulation of cold air in the wall structure. The latter is often found in brick buildings built more than 40 years ago.


When plastic windows leak, what should you do?

Sometimes when installing plastic windows, very strong condensation forms on them. When plastic windows leak, what should you do?
Reasons for the formation of condensation on plastic windows
People say that when windows sweat, it means they are crying.

Why do windows sweat?
What causes condensation to form on plastic windows?

Plastic windows are leaking, what to do?

For the same reason that condensation forms on car windows, condensation also forms on plastic windows. This is facilitated by the increased humidity of the indoor air, as well as the temperature difference both inside and outside. Condensation may occur after repair work. Freshly installed tiles, paint, and plaster release moisture during the drying process, which causes plastic windows to sweat. To avoid this process, you need to install an effective ventilation system. Windows can also sweat due to poor installation of slopes, which violates their tightness and leads to a significant decrease in temperature, which is the cause of condensation. Basically, plastic windows sweat in cases where the slopes are installed independently, without the involvement of specialists. Sometimes the presence of wide window sills also completely prevents the flow of air heated from the radiators and leads to the formation of condensation. If there is a sharp temperature difference outside and in the apartment, the windows begin to cry and leak...
How to prevent condensation on plastic windows

what to do if plastic windows leak

To reduce the formation of condensation on plastic windows, you need to ventilate the room more often if you do not have an automatic air exchanger system. It is also necessary to use plastic windows with a personal valve ventilation system. Typically, valves are installed in the plastic window itself. You also need to make sure that your ventilation is working properly. It is necessary to find out whether condensate is collected from plastic windows based on the results of finishing work. If this is the case, then it is necessary to invite specialists finishing works and measure air humidity with a special gyroscope.

From the experience of using plastic windows, it has been noticed that most of the condensation is collected by plastic windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows. Then it is necessary to systematically ensure an effective influx warm air to the glass unit.


In this article I will tell you how to properly wash windows without streaks and what is the best way to do it, what you will need for this. You can use any of the methods for all types of windows.
Let's start with the most common method of washing plastic windows - washing with a window cleaning spray, a rag and paper. This method Usually used for washing lightly dirty and small windows, it is physically more difficult, but no less effective than washing plastic windows using a screed with a sponge. What do we need? washing windows Clean cloth (cotton) Window cleaning spray (spray with spray nozzle) Paper napkins, newspaper Water container (basin, bucket)

How to do this? First, fill a container with a small amount of warm water, wet a rag, wring it out so that it remains damp, but under no circumstances does water drip from it, and wipe the dirt off the window, this way you will spend less time and money. Then, using a zigzag motion, spread the spray over the entire surface of the window. Take a clean piece of cloth and wash the window in a circular motion. To consolidate success, wipe the already clean window with paper napkins or newspapers. Your windows are cleaner than ever! Washing sliding plastic windows using a window cleaning screed with a sponge on long handle.

This method works best for windows that you can't get to or need to reach, in which case you'll be best served a screed will do on a handle 25-30 centimeters long. As a result of cleaning, there will be no streaks or stains left on the windows. What do we need? Washing plastic windows Any window cleaner or dishwashing liquid Window cleaner with a sponge on a long handle Water container A clean piece of cloth or paper towels

How to do this? First you need to make a cleaning solution. Choose one that suits you best. There are several ways: 1. 1 tbsp. spoon of starch per 1 liter cold water. 2. 50 g of bleach per 1 liter of water. 3. 1 glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water. 4. 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 2 liters of water 5. 5-7 drops of the product per 2 liters of water. 6. 1 tbsp. spoon ammonia for 1 liter of water. If the solution is ready, then dip the sponge into the cleaning solution, squeeze the sponge so that the water from it does not flow down the window and does not leave marks. Plastic windows should be washed in a circular motion; carefully wipe the corners and edges of the window; a lot of dust and dirt accumulate in them.

Then fill the container again with clean warm water, dip the screed there, then pull it from top to bottom along the entire height of the window, stop 2-5 centimeters before the bottom edge and, again, dip the screed in clean water, move on. Finally, when all the windows have been mopped, wipe the screed with a dry, clean cloth and remove water from the bottom of the window in a horizontal motion from left to right. Wipe the edges of plastic windows, corners and hard-to-reach areas of the window with clean paper towels or a piece of cloth, and also wipe the window sill; water always remains on it after washing the windows.


Sometimes people, having installed plastic windows, encounter a problem - when cold weather sets in, the glass, for some unknown reason, begins to fog up and leak. This makes it difficult to see, worsens the lighting in the apartment, preventing the penetration of light.

Also created favorable conditions for the appearance of fungi and mold. Many people think that this is due to installer errors, but there are many other factors that lead to moisture accumulating on the glass.

Why does condensation form?

There are many reasons why plastic windows in an apartment leak, and in order to get rid of condensation on the glass, you need to understand what exactly caused it. It could be:

  • disruption of air movement in the room. When in heating season the radiators heat up only a little, and the temperature outside is quite low, then the window cannot be heated as necessary;
  • with hot radiators, the formation of condensation can occur due to the large protrusion of the window sill, which blocks the access of warm air directly to the glass;
  • if installed on radiators protective screens– they prevent the flow of heated air flows to the bottom of the window;
  • the air in the apartment is too humid. This can happen when drying clothes after frequent washing, cooking, etc.;
  • there is no high-quality ventilation (does not function or is clogged), as a result of which moist air does not escape;
  • poor-quality installation with violations of technology - the gap between the opening and the window profile is poorly sealed. In addition, the sill may have been installed incorrectly - simply attached to the window, whereas it should be placed on a mortar base;
  • During installation, the level could be broken and a misalignment could form, so the gaskets of the valves do not fit tightly;
  • when carrying out repairs - when the wallpaper has just been pasted, laid tile release moisture, which condenses on the glass;
  • the quality of the seal also plays a role, since a gap may form between the frame and the glass unit, from where cold will leak out;
    the formation of condensation also depends on what kind of fittings are used, as well as whether its installation complies with the rules - whether it allows the doors to be tightly closed or not;
  • This effect can be caused by poorly performed work on insulation of external or internal slopes;
  • The adjustment of the plastic window also affects the fogging of the glass: the fit of the sashes may not be sufficient.

Preventive measures

They are used when there is a problem, but it is not too pronounced. One of the reasons why plastic windows leak in winter is the presence of pots with house flowers on the windowsill.

Living plants and the moist soil in which they grow very often lead to condensation. To get rid of it, just remove all flowerpots from the windowsill.

It is also necessary to regularly ventilate, especially if the humidity level rises at times.

Usually there are no vents in plastic windows, so you need to open the transom slightly. This is relevant in the kitchen while preparing food, as well as drying washed clothes in the apartment. It is necessary to install a hood in the kitchen, and it is advisable to cook in covered pans.

  1. It is advisable to constantly keep the windows in microventilation mode by turning the handle 45 degrees and making a gap for air to enter from the outside.
  2. You need to check how efficiently the ventilation in the apartment works - thin sheet paper should stick to the grid of the hole. If it does not hold, the ventilation ducts need cleaning;
  3. In a single-chamber profile, the distance between the glasses of the package is minimal, and air gap one. Due to temperature changes, especially in cold winters, condensation will certainly form. It is better to choose a two-chamber profile.
  4. If the slopes are not insulated, this must be done. Polystyrene foam can be used as external insulation. Cement mortar you need to carefully seal the gaps between the window and the opening. Foam plastic is not used for internal slopes. Here they use basalt or glass wool.
  5. You should reduce the width of the window sill or move the radiator a little further from the wall. Also, for better access to warm air, you need to equip the window sill with convection grilles or drill holes in it. If batteries are installed decorative grilles– it’s better to get rid of them.
  6. Check wear from time to time window fittings, since it may need adjustment or replacement of components.
  7. IN winter period it is necessary to transfer all windows to the appropriate operating mode using the eccentrics at their ends.
  8. You can purchase a dehumidifier. But first, measure the humidity with a hygrometer. Humidity norm for comfortable stay in the apartment should be 40-70%.

What to do if the plastic double-glazed window is of poor quality?

When the methods listed above do not help, and you cannot understand why plastic windows are leaking, it means that your windows are of poor quality. Perhaps there was a defect in their manufacture, a low-quality profile was used, or all installation conditions were not met. In this case, you will not be able to eliminate it yourself.

Sometimes the glass fogs up inside the bag. This means that it is necessary to remove and replace the seal or even the glass unit itself.

You don’t need to think that you can handle it on your own - only specialists can do this. There are certain nuances that you may not know about and make mistakes.

If the manufacturer or company that carried out the installation does not provide a guarantee less than a year– you can, having identified this problem in winter, contact them. They are obliged to eliminate defects or installation deficiencies. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a new window and pay for its installation again.


Conducting preventive measures or by following these recommendations, you can prevent the formation of condensation on the glass. But if, after trying several methods, you have not achieved this, contact the specialists who installed the windows.

The presence of metal-plastic window structures is already perceived as the norm not only in relation to a city apartment, but also in relation to a private house.

As a rule, installing such windows is a costly affair, however, each of us firmly believes that all the money spent will be repaid with interest: the house/apartment will be warm and dry, no extra noise from the street will penetrate, and the windows look much nicer than their wooden counterparts. It’s not uncommon for a customer to be completely satisfied installed windows, that’s when it happens (and quite often) that the windows begin to show their not the best best sides with the arrival of cold weather: condensation forms, which is unpleasant not only with puddles on the windowsills, but also with the appearance of mold and unsightly (also dangerous to health) fungi. Today it’s time to talk about why plastic windows leak in winter.

Causes of tears on the surface of windows.

As soon as water begins to form on a brand new plastic window, systematically flowing onto the windowsill and leaving not only small “lakes” on it, but also nasty stains, many immediately accuse the supplier-manufacturer of an unscrupulous product. But the supplier may not always be the guilty party. That is why it is worth finding out the most common reasons that create a water curtain on glass.

You can start with the fact that there is an opinion that the formation of moisture is inherent exclusively in plastic windows, whereas wooden frames never leak. This point of view is not correct: a window can “leak” regardless of what material was used to make it. Let’s not argue with the fact that Finnish-made wooden windows with double frames leak much less than their single plastic or wooden counterparts: structures with two frames have higher thermal insulation characteristics.

So why do plastic windows leak in winter? What causes annoying condensation to form?

As a rule, one of the common causes of such misfortune is considered to be high humidity in the apartment, which can be caused by cooking in the kitchen, washing or drying clothes, taking a hot bath, indoor plants on window sills or an aquarium in the room. In addition, each apartment resident produces up to fifty grams of water every hour.

Also, the answer to the question of why plastic windows leak in winter may lie in various redevelopments carried out in the past, which were carried out with non-compliance with design standards or with violations in the ventilation system. In principle, insufficient ventilation can be the main factor in the formation of condensation on the surface of the window (poor heating can also be included here).

The role of ventilation and heating in the occurrence of moisture on windows.

Faulty or incorrectly installed ventilation is often at the forefront of the problem of water formation on the glass of plastic windows. In apartments, kitchens and bathrooms are traditionally equipped with hoods. Over time, they can become clogged with a variety of debris, which prevents the passage of air masses. Plus, we must not forget that plastic windows have a high degree of tightness, which also does not allow air to penetrate into the room from the outside. As a result, we have disrupted heat exchange in the room - the air in the room, which for a long time not ventilated, comes into contact with the cooled surface of the window glass, which is then covered with condensation.

Heating, or rather its obvious drawback, will help you figure out why plastic windows leak. Here it is important to ensure that the heating radiators are installed directly under the window and are always in good condition and, if possible, have good power. If a window sill is installed above the radiator that is too wide, this may cause difficulty in convection of heated air from the radiator, resulting in increased humidity. It is also important to ensure that the batteries are not covered with foreign objects (this also includes heavy curtains and drapes).

Ways to eliminate condensation on windows.

Experts note that uniform distribution of humidity and temperature in the room will help eliminate condensation on a plastic window. If you pay attention to the prescribed standards, the air temperature should be at least twenty degrees Celsius, while the relative humidity should be up to forty-five percent.
If you managed to figure out a little about why plastic windows leak in winter, then now it’s worth learning about the simplest, but effective ways combat this problem. For those who are familiar with this misfortune first-hand, it is important not to forget about the need to regularly ventilate the room at least three times a day. By the way, in winter it is not recommended to ventilate the room in the “micro-ventilation” mode: it is better to open the window completely and leave it in this state for about five minutes. During this time, all excess moisture, however, the heat will not have time to completely leave the room.

For those who are just planning to install a plastic cone, it is recommended to give preference to designs with window frames, characterized by the most compacted profile. Even if you have to say goodbye to a few centimeters of the window sill, then later you definitely won’t have to think about why plastic windows leak in winter.

If a plastic window has already been installed, and the problem has already made itself felt, then you should take care of organizing air exchange in the window niche.

Lovers of romance can please themselves with burning candles on the windowsills (it is better to buy thick ones decorative candles). Thanks to the burning of candles, air convection will be created. And if there are also living plants on the windowsill, then the latter will receive an additional portion of carbon dioxide, to which indoor flowers not indifferent.
If burning candles don’t suit you, then you can use a regular fan: set it to the minimum blowing power and point it at a window (you can point it at several at once).

In principle, you can also use anti-fog aerosols that are used to treat car windows. True, such a spray will not completely eliminate the problem, and the composition of such aerosols contains a lot of chemicals and compounds.

Let's begin the fight against fogging of a plastic window.

Plastic windows have become very firmly established in modern apartments and houses. However, such window designs do not always please their owners - now a very large number of people are faced with the problem of condensation on the windows, which not only disrupts visibility from the window, but is also fraught with the formation of mold, which can completely spoil the presentable appearance of your new window. When the windows in an apartment fog up, not everyone knows what to do in this situation. That is why, before unleashing all your righteous anger on the manufacturer and installer, conduct a small investigation, the results of which will help you understand the current situation.

Look at the root, or the nature of condensation formation.

Fogging is the formation of a water film on the surface of the glass, which, in fact, is called condensation. It occurs when the temperature in the room is higher than the air temperature near the window. In addition, do not forget about the role of humidity in the room. By the way, the colder the double-glazed window is and the humidity is high, the more often you will have to deal with the problem of fogging.

The main problems and ways to minimize the formation of condensation on windows.

So, you belong to that category of unfortunate people who have to put up with the fact that the windows in the apartment fog up, what to do and where to look for a way out, we will try to help you figure it out.

There are several main problems that provoke the formation of moisture on the surface of the glass, which subsequently turns into real puddles on the windowsill:

      Increased humidity levels;
      Violation of natural convection inside the room;
      Wide glass unit;
    Defect in window design.

So, knowing the nature of moisture formation on a plastic window, we can assume that the apartment is characterized by high humidity. To correct this situation (or find out whether the problem really lies in the humidity levels), it is necessary to ventilate the room daily. Some may consider that in winter time Ventilating rooms every day (and more than once a day) does not seem to be reasonable advice, because this will deprive the apartment of heat. However, we should not forget that an increased level of humidity negatively affects human health, and therefore, when the windows in an apartment fog up, what to do and how to solve the problem, the answer is very simple - this can be done with regular ventilation!

Problems with convection mode can also contribute to the formation of condensation on windows. By convection we mean the movement, the movement of air, in which warm currents rise upward and cold ones fall down. The air takes its movement from the battery, where the air is directed upward, after which, having passed towards the ceiling and losing its heat, it descends from the opposite side. As a rule, windows are installed above heating radiators (the fact is that in another place the window will almost always be covered with condensation). In the case when the window is located strictly above the radiator, warm air is responsible for heating the glass, on which, in principle, moisture cannot form (it will collect on cold objects).

If the windows in the apartment fog up, what should the owners do in this case? If there is a suspicion that such a problem is caused by a malfunction in natural convection, then it is worth checking that there are no unnecessary objects between the battery and the window that would interfere with the flow of air to the glass. If, when installing a new plastic window, it was decided to acquire wide window sill, which can be used as a table or something similar, then the problem that has arisen can be corrected quite simply - small holes are made in the window sill through which air will pass, due to which condensation on the windows will disappear!

Fogging of the glass may be a consequence of the glass unit being too wide. In this case, the problem can only be dealt with by ventilating the room, thereby reducing moisture. Of course, you can also take care of installing an air conditioner, but in this case you should not forget that the split system must be of high quality (that is, it must be able to control the level of humidity). The best option a double-glazed window is one whose thickness does not exceed seventy millimeters. Remember that bigger is not always better - double glazing larger size It will be difficult to retain heat, and other properties of the window will suffer.

From possible problems when the windows in an apartment fog up, what to do and how to deal with this situation, you should also highlight the moment at which the window itself was not switched to winter mode. In other words, the window continues to be used summer mode, which is characterized by less thermal insulation. As a result, there is low temperature With inside glass To correct the situation, simply switch the window to the appropriate mode.
In addition, we should not forget about the possibility of unscrupulous installation of double-glazed windows, which can lead to the formation of air corridors that cause a decrease in the temperature of the entire structure. To eliminate such an oversight, work is being done to eliminate all existing blowouts.

In principle, when the windows in an apartment fog up, we have already figured out what to do and what steps to take to fix the problem. However, there remains one more point that is also worth taking into account. When all the above-mentioned methods of combating condensation have been tried, but a positive result has not been obtained, then it is worth thinking about the fact that the cause of the misfortune lies in the window itself. If in an apartment only one window suffers from such a “disease”, and not all windows at once, then it makes sense to contact the company that installed it. However, windows with improper assembly are a rare case, and therefore it is worth taking a good look at the situation inside the room.

Why do plastic windows leak? This question is asked by many apartment and house owners. After all, such a problem literally interferes with life: moisture forms on the windows, puddles appear on the window sills, mold begins to creep along the walls and ceiling... And this is not the entire list of disadvantages. So that the problem does not bother you, and you know how to solve it, we suggest you understand the question of why windows leak and what to do about it.

Why do plastic windows leak?

Plastic windows in the house leak due to condensation forming on them. It, in turn, appears for several reasons:

Windows are leaking - reason number 1

The most common reason why plastic windows leak is poor ventilation system. If you don't have it, you should do it. The point is that the air in the room must circulate. If circulation occurs only when it opens front door or the house is ventilated using a window, then the appearance of condensation on the windows is completely understandable. After all, moisture accumulates very quickly in the air, which simply has nowhere to go. It enters the air during cooking, bathing in the shower, and during wet cleaning. And humans are a big supplier of moisture into the air: in one hour, each of us releases from 30 to 60 g of water. If you calculate, one resident of the house will inhale 1.5 liters of water per day! It turns out that in the absence of ventilation, all the moisture collects on the windows. So we found the reason why plastic windows are leaking.

This situation can be corrected by organizing ventilation. This could be either cleaning existing ventilation ducts, or, for example, installing forced fans that will expel moist air.

Plastic windows are leaking - reason number 2

A poor heating system is the second most common reason why plastic windows leak. All radiators must function well. This is the first rule of dry windows. Rule two - radiators should not be covered with foreign objects. For example, if your window sills protrude above the radiator, then a sufficient amount of warm air does not reach the window. If things dry on them, warm air will not come in either, but moisture from them will definitely be on the window.

Curtains can also cause apartment windows to leak. For example, if the fabric is too thick and hangs directly above the radiator, it may prevent the window from heating. This is where condensation appears. In this case, it is enough to simply shorten this interior detail a little, and the problem will be solved. And remember, under no circumstances should you put the curtains behind the radiator, because in this way you deprive the window of warm air, which solves the problem of puddles on the windowsill.

Why windows in the house leak - reason No. 3

Windows leak for a reason high air humidity. But this problem is complex, and it should also be solved comprehensively. Here it is important to check the ventilation, and think about strengthening the heating system, and remove other causes of high humidity. They may be:

  • Flowers on the windowsill
  • Large aquarium
  • Bad hood in the kitchen
  • Repair (yes, you heard right, during repairs there is a lot of moisture in the air, because it has to go somewhere from the materials that you apply to the walls/ceilings).

Why windows in the house leak - reason No. 4

One of the most common reasons why plastic windows leak is leakage interpanel seams. This problem cannot be seen with the naked eye, since it does not manifest itself immediately.

First, moisture falls in the form of precipitation on outside windows and penetrates the seams. In theory itself window design should not allow moisture to pass inside, and during installation, all joints and cracks must be sealed polyurethane foam and are additionally waterproofed. But if you purchased a low-quality window or installed it without meeting a number of conditions, then it will leak, it’s a matter of time.

After moisture has penetrated the foam, it ends up on the insulation. It absorbs a large amount of water, which then sits on the window in the form of condensation.

It is almost impossible to solve this problem on your own, because to do this you will have to completely inspect the window for leaking joints. This is a huge job. If you turn to specialists, you can solve it quickly and in the shortest possible time, since they use special equipment for this.

Why do plastic windows leak in winter?

If plastic windows leak in winter, then the reason should be sought first among those listed above. Good system ventilation and properly organized heating are the key to dry windows.

But there is another problem that causes windows to leak in winter. And its name is single-chamber double-glazed window. When installing such a window in a house or apartment, you should take into account that the difference in temperature outside and in the room can be large, then...

If you are faced with such a problem and are looking for an answer to the question of what to do if windows leak in winter, then you have come to the right place. A double-glazed window can save you from condensation. Because it creates not only an additional soundproofing layer, but also a thermal insulation layer.

Many people install plastic windows in their apartments and houses, which protect the premises from drafts, dust, wind and cold. However, they have one serious drawback - in winter moisture falls on the windows, which leads to the appearance of mold on the slopes, window sills and window profile. Because of this, some people ask the question: What to do if plastic windows cry?


To get rid of condensation, you need to figure out why they cry . The appearance of drops on glass is directly related to the dew point. It determines the temperature at which condensation begins to appear. The dew point can change its value if one of the microclimate indicators in the room changes.

Condensation on windows

There are several main reasons why windows cry.


Most often, it is a faulty or incorrect one in the room that leads to fogging of the windows. Over time ventilation systems become clogged, which leads to disturbances in air circulation and changes in heat transfer. When air in an unventilated room comes into contact with the surface of the glass, condensation forms on them.

Often the windows of people living on the upper floors of houses cry. Their ventilation receives moist air from the apartments located below.

Also, heat exchange is disrupted in apartments of houses that were built according to SNiPas of the USSR. During the construction of these buildings, it was assumed that fresh air would enter through cracks in wooden windows. Installing sealed ones makes natural air flow impossible, leading to the accumulation of moisture and the appearance of condensation.

Ventilation grille in the window sill


This may also be the reason why windows cry. In apartments it is necessary to install powerful and reliable radiators that could provide good heat transfer. The window opening must be heated, so the battery must be placed strictly under the window.

The radiator should not be cluttered with foreign objects, as this may disrupt convection humid air and lead to increased moisture.


Plants on windowsills look very beautiful, but a large number of flowers can disrupt heat exchange. Therefore, you should not fill the windowsill with flowers.

Lack of insulation and sealing

The place where the window adjoins the opening is a source of penetration of damp and cold air. If the window seam is not insulated in time, it will begin to deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which leads to the appearance of mold and penetration of atmospheric moisture.

Fighting condensation

Not everyone knows what to do if they sweat and cry. First you need to assess the state of the microclimate in the apartment:

  1. Air temperature measurement. Allows you to determine the effectiveness heating system. The air temperature should be measured not near the window, but in the center of the room. If the temperature is below +20°C, this indicates poor heating efficiency.
  2. Air humidity measurement. The humidity level in the room temperature at 20-25°C is about 50%, but in winter this figure can be critical if it is -15°C outside. In winter, the humidity level should be around 40%.

There are several ways to get rid of condensation on windows.

Temperature rise

Promotes heating of the surface of the inner glass of the window. To do this you need:

  • get rid of air jams in the battery;
  • flush or completely replace old heating radiators;
  • make sure that warm air flows to the window;
  • turn on the electric heater or air conditioner.

Decreased moisture levels

Achieved by mixing moist air with dry air. To do this, it is necessary to ensure constant air exchange in the room. There are several recommendations that will help achieve this:

  1. Checking the hood. To do this, you will need to attach a piece of A4 paper to the exhaust hole. If the hood is working properly, the sheet will stick to the grille. The ventilation in the toilet and bathroom is checked in the same way.
  2. Ensuring the passage of air through the doors of all rooms of the apartment. To do this, you need to make sure that between the bottom door leaf and there was a gap in the floor.

If the rooms have hermetic doors, then you need to use special ventilation valves, which should be located at the bottom of the doors.

  1. Eliminating sources of moisture. These include damp basement, leaking taps and fistulas in pipes.

Proper organization of air flow

To do this, you can use a wall or window inlet valve.

Supply valve for plastic windows

The wall supply valve is a passive device that allows air flow from the street. The structure consists of plastic pipe, which is installed in the wall of the apartment. The wall valve is installed near the window at a height of 1.5-2 meters from the floor, which allows:

  • easily maintain the grille of the device, which is located outside;
  • hit fresh air into the heat flow of air emanating from the heating radiator.

Also, when organizing air flow, you can use several types of window valves:

  1. No milling. Easy to install and dismantle. After installation, there are no traces left on the window, except for a few mounting holes. Valves without milling have low productivity, which is only 5 m 3 /h. In the absence of sources of moisture, this is enough to normalize the microclimate.
  2. With milling. The valve's performance reaches 50 m 3 /h, so it must be used in rooms with active sources of moisture.
