For fans of England: a country house in the English style and its features (35 photos). Cozy English houses: history and traditions House layout in the English style

A house in the English style would be quite appropriate to call it classic. Restraint and elegance are the main features that are inherent in these styles. The traditional English style still contains a certain aristocracy. IN modern world It is quite difficult to adhere to one style in the design of your home, but in our article we will still try to figure out how to skillfully combine the basic elements of the English style with functionality, while maintaining harmony. And the 33 photos that accompany the material perfectly illustrate the depth of the presented style visually.

Correct facade of a house in English style

Construction of a private house involves preliminary planning of external and interior work, in which facade decoration plays a very important role. The facade of a house in the English style is, first of all, austerity and conservatism; it has many of its own features that should not be neglected. The facades of English-style houses are noticeably original finishing materials and special decorative elements.

The most popular varieties of English style:

  • Gregorian
  • Victorian
  • Tudor

Gregorian style

In the Gregorian style, the motifs of ancient architecture are quite noticeable. As a rule, houses in this style are two-story. The first floor of the house has a high base and wall coverings in the form of cornices and moldings. The doors are made of wood, sometimes with small windows at the top.

The walls are most often made of red brick, visually a certain classic house made of brick in the English style, reminiscent of a fairy-tale construction from the Middle Ages. The presence of artificial or wild stone in the front part of the house is also a clear characteristic of the style. Facade cladding is often found using foam or polyurethane. These materials are light in weight and quite versatile, they can be easily painted to match natural materials.

Victorian style

This style is characterized by symmetry with the entrance at the center. The ceilings in Victorian-style houses are low, so the windows on the second floor are also located quite low. The windows themselves are round in shape. The roof of the house is covered with slate and symmetrical pipes, cone-shaped towers and cylindrical buildings are used as decorations. The facade of the house in the English style has such striking differences as: stained glass windows, mosaic masonry and figured forging. Direct finishing of the house is done using brickwork. Cornices, doors and window transitions are made in contrasting colors.

Tudor style

As with the previous two, the Tudor-style facade uses brickwork. The masonry is done according to the castle type, and half-timbered walls are also used to fill the walls wooden frame brick or stone material.

In houses made in the Tudor style, the presence of a porch is not accepted; instead, a small canopy is built, which is decorated with climbing vegetation.

English style house: design features of the roof and foundation

In such houses there is practically no foundation; the floor is laid almost on the ground layer of earth. It is not customary to display a garage, so it is built in the middle of the site. It is also unacceptable to build separate sheds for the garage and make it adjacent to the wall of a residential building. The facade of English-style houses has a high roof. The most popular materials for roof construction are slate, tiles and even straw.

Previously the roof was made of natural materials spoke about the depressing financial situation of the owners, but now such roofing is highly valued and considered environmentally friendly. The striking features of English style roofs are their sharpness and height.

Interior of an English-style house: key elements and characteristics of the style

Mahogany can easily be called an essential element of the interior of a house in the English style. Expensive and elegant material, perfect for furniture and interior decoration rooms. Plain walls are traditionally decorated with paintings or tapestries. Windows play a special role; they are always covered with rich multi-layer curtains, decorated with veils, draperies and laces.

The interior of the English-style house is traditionally decorated in brown, gray, olive and white. There are several elements that make an English-style house unmistakable.

Fireplace - what kind english house, without a fireplace? In cold and damp weather conditions, it performs not only an aesthetic function, but also a practical one. The best option there will be a real fireplace, not an electric one, but it all depends on the capabilities of the living space. Most often, the fireplace becomes the center of the room, starting from it the sofa, armchairs and other furniture will be placed.

Also, almost no English home is complete without a library. This could be a whole separate room, a shelving unit, or just a few shelves. Great addition The library will have several armchairs and a coffee table.

And the last obligatory element of the English style is the cage. This pattern is very often used in textiles. It is quite bright and stands out against the background of other interior elements.

Perhaps many will consider the interior of an English-style house too restrained and conservative, but not fans of the classics. If a book, a fireplace and a cup of tea are your ideal evening, then the English style is made for you.

English style house - classic, sophistication and beauty in 33 photos updated: September 14, 2017 by: Valeria Likhovaya

English style houses are a combination of two movements: Victorian and Georgian. In most cases, buildings have two floors or an attic; one-story structures are very rarely observed.

Among the main distinctive features The following points can be highlighted:

  • maintaining the symmetry of the facade, which is faced with brickwork or stone;
  • maintained right angles of elements;
  • lack of any decorative solutions, which are often traced in other trends;
  • dedicated entrance groups, and there is no trace of any dependence with the facade;
  • availability of large quantities window openings, rectangular or bay window structures are used in shape;
  • the foundations of the buildings are low, sometimes it seems that the houses are standing directly on the ground;
  • roof with steep slopes and complex elements.

Order the construction of an English house

You can order an English cottage right now. Leave your details and our specialists will contact you to discuss all the details. After agreeing on the nuances and preferences, the designers will prepare design documentation for the future structure as soon as possible.

Based on the project, an estimate is drawn up reflecting the prices for the construction of the structure. All prices are final and do not change throughout the entire cooperation.

When assessing the architecture of England, it is difficult to be overly delighted, since not everyone liked it. The fundamental factors of English architecture were concepts such as conservatism and rigor. Houses made in this style are traditionally considered one of the most fundamental, and therefore reliable. Among the buildings, it is almost impossible to find wooden or block buildings.

In most cases, English-style houses are made of stone; they are very massive in appearance, and their period of operation is not limited by time. The facade of a private house in the English style is always very large; plaster or brick is used for finishing. The buildings have elegant design, because they combine fundamental power, exquisite sophistication and precision, nobility and luxury. Initially, it may seem that you are not looking at an English house, but at a real medieval palace, which simultaneously attracts with its grandeur and repels with the coldness of its powerful walls.

Features of the facades of private houses made in the English style:

  • The walls are built from natural stone or brick.
  • Carved elements, drawings and patterns are simply not appropriate here.
  • A required attribute is columns.
  • Calm colors, no bright colors or accents.
  • Asymmetry in the external appearance of a private house.
  • An attic is required.
  • The roof must have high angle slope of the slopes.
  • The porch has minimum dimensions or completely absent.
  • The area adjacent to the house should be decorated with trees and shrubs.
  • In everything, neatness, precision and cleanliness of lines must be observed.

In general, at the moment, all English architecture is divided into three types, each of which developed in one or another historical period of time. Each of the directions has its own basics and characteristics, but at the same time, none of them can be combined with each other or with another style. All branches of English architecture have certain elements inherent in them; no one is allowed to violate the boundaries of style.

Victorian era: decor and bold color combinations

The Victorian branch of the English style recognizes the decorative decoration of the facade of the house and the use of contrasting colors. This style appeared at a time when people first began to pay attention to the convenience of housing, its appearance. Here they paid special attention comfort of living, layout and free space. With the help of artificial decorative items and their active production, the poor population was able to decorate their homes, making them more interesting and attractive.

Distinctive features of the Victorian style:

  • The roof structure has steep slopes.
  • A complex asymmetry can be seen here due to the large accumulation of small details.
  • The pediment “creeps” onto the façade of a private house.
  • Turrets have different shapes and sizes.
  • Spacious veranda.
  • The walls are decorated with siding or stone.
  • They actively use stucco molding, patterns and ornaments.
  • Bay windows break up the space and protrude beyond the façade.
  • Decorative consoles and supports.

One of the main parameters that immediately “give away” the Victorian house were the large and rounded windows that protruded far beyond the facade; they were somewhat reminiscent of the portholes of a ship. Thus, English citizens saluted and expressed gratitude to the fleet, which discovered new lands and enriched their country.

Also used for decoration were stained glass windows, forged metal elements. A modern Victorian house is clad in clinker panels, brick or shingles. All decorative details(windows, doors and cornices) are painted in colors that will contrast with the walls.

Tudor houses

Small and something fairy houses, which existed in the Tudor era, received their own style direction, as they have an unsurpassed appearance, which has no analogues. In fact, the buildings had a rough and brutal appearance, and they were distinguished by the following features:

  • The masonry of the house is made of red brick.
  • Large chimney pipe (in most cases it was located closer to the facade).
  • Small dormers.
  • Lack of any symmetry.
  • High gables, which also lack symmetry.
  • The roof structure has uneven edges and steep slopes (in some cases, imitation straw was made).
  • The entrance to the house is designed in the form of an arch, lined with large stones.

The whole point of the facade of a private house in the Tudor style is the lack of decoration, since it is made of solid brickwork.

Georgian architecture: simplicity and luxury in the exterior of a private house

Georgian style is a modern urban style not only in England itself, but throughout the UK. This majestic, pompous and respectable style, combining luxury and simplicity, has long won the hearts of all Englishmen. The capital of England (London) is almost 100% built up with buildings made in this style.

Distinctive features of the pompous Georgian style:

  • The presence of symmetry, its strict adherence.
  • Straight lines, angles, clear lines.
  • Windows of the same height and width, which are located evenly throughout the house.
  • No special decorations.
  • Brickwork.
  • In the classic case of building a house in that style main facade The building contains 5 windows.
  • The entrance has a portico and is quite low.
  • The roof has small angle the slope of the slopes is located almost flush with the walls, there are practically no overhangs.
  • Twin chimneys.
  • There are decorative semi-columns on both sides of the door.

The facade of a private Georgian house combines Renaissance and antiquity. It is not difficult to find a place for cornices, stucco moldings, sculptures and moldings that can decorate any home. When creating modern houses in the English style they use polyurethane products, with the help of which they imitate plaster stucco or decorative stonework. Brickwork replaced with a clinker thermal panel. The only thing that remains timeless is the plastering of the external walls.

We are often contacted by clients who are interested in English-style house designs made of brick and more modern materials- from foam blocks or aerated concrete. Upon discussion, it turns out that they mean completely different buildings, and there is an objective reason for this. The architecture of England took shape over several centuries, and three periods are distinguished: XV-XVI, XVII-XVIII, XVIII-XIX centuries.

Substyles of English architecture

Projects of houses in the English Tudor style: No. 33-03 (one-story townhouse), No. 51-34 (classic cottage with attic).

  • rectangular shape, symmetry;
  • walls without decoration;
  • simple roofs medium height;
  • doors framed by a portal.

Typical examples in the catalog: No. 58-66 or a more modern interpretation No. 32-11.

  • decoration facing stone, using half-timbered or siding techniques;
  • roofs are purchased complex shape, are complemented by towers;
  • distribution of bay windows, verandas, terraces;
  • high pediment above the central entrance.

An example would be photo of a 2-story house in the English Victorian style No. 34-67, or a project with a terrace (No. 40-56).

Composition of project documentation

The Cottage Projects company develops ready-made solutions for 15 years already. Every finished project contains complete package documentation necessary for construction.

  1. Detailed description of all structures: foundation, walls, ceilings.
  2. Floor plans with a breakdown for each room: area, purpose.
  3. Specification building materials, options for their replacement are indicated.

The project includes a set of working drawings: sections, masonry plans, floor explications, and a diagram for filling window openings. Separate standard solutions include projects engineering communications. In most cases, water supply and electrification systems are developed individually. For example, when a customer requires a house with a second light (No. 35-12, 375 m2). Additionally, an architectural passport of the object is prepared.

In terms of architecture, Great Britain is perhaps the most diverse, as it has always been influenced by the traditions of not only neighboring Ireland, Wales, Scotland, but also many emigrants from all over Europe. In this country you can see a variety of buildings, built both in medieval traditions and in classic style. For more than three hundred years (from 1180 to 1548), Gothic architecture flourished in England, first borrowed from the French, and then overgrown with its own details.

What all this looks like today, and what projects of English-style houses are offered to developers, we will tell you in this article.

Tudor style - one of the directions of the English style

The architecture of any country is closely connected with its history, which is very clearly seen in the example of England. All military and political initiatives came from its regions, but the country could not help but take into account the cultures of the peoples living nearby.

In England you can still see medieval mansions of exceptional beauty.

It took England centuries to unite them and unite them into one kingdom, and during this time it acquired a mass of traditions that added to those that already existed. In general, English architecture developed something like this.

How it was

Even before AD Celtic (Franco-Germanic) tribes settled in the British Isles, but they were exclusively rustic style with fauna-themed decor, did not have any significant influence on local architecture.

Historians and archaeologists believe that it's all about the materials: the Celts built mainly from wood and straw, and the British - from stone. Although in some places picturesque houses in a similar style can still be seen.

Read also:

Thatched roofs are a Celtic heritage: private house in the English province

Contributions from ancient tribes

Later, the southern environs of Britain came under the thumb Ancient Rome— the Romans failed to capture the entire island due to the fierce resistance of the local tribes.

Interesting! This colonization turned out to be beneficial for the island, since the Romans not only used natural stone, but they also knew how to make bricks and established its production in England. After this, brick became a priority material, and craftsmen actively mastered artistic masonry techniques.

Project brick house in English style with artistic masonry - Georgian style
  • In the early Middle Ages, the island was chosen by Anglo-Saxon and Jutish tribes who arrived from Germany and mixed with the Celts. It was this mixture that formed the nationality that today is commonly called English.
  • Primitive wooden huts gradually turned into spacious houses with a hall - an elongated structure under gable roof(read in the article) where all working family members gathered in the mornings and evenings. Prototype of a modern living room.

Modern English hall
  • European emigrants brought Christianity with them. They destroyed ancient Roman and Celtic houses, and churches were built from these building materials, some of which have survived.
  • For more than two centuries (IX-XI centuries) the British lands were under the rule of Denmark, which also contributed to English architecture. Complex configurations on facades then became a tradition and were developed during the Gothic period.

Abundance architectural details– Gothic traditions
  • In the 11th century, England was invaded again by the Normans, who created a feudal state structure there. Its organizer was William the Conqueror, who openly supported the construction of churches and castles in the Romanesque style.
  • Military detachments built towers from wood for themselves; later it was replaced everywhere by stone. Castles increase in size, improve and become characteristic feature medieval Britain.

Private castle in Romanesque style

English manor

Closer to beginning of XIII century, the concept of a manor house arose. It was built either from wood or using half-timbering technology, which was already widespread throughout Europe (proposed on our resource).

Half-timbered buildings are a sign of purely European architecture
  • On the ground floor of such a house there were barns and a hall, living rooms were upstairs, where a spacious staircase led. By and large, it is on this principle that they are designed. modern houses and cottages (find out in the article).

There is a hall below and bedrooms above.
  • Norman traditions very quickly came into use, as the conquerors forcibly drove the local population to construction sites to build cathedrals.
  • The realities of the local climate forced us to adapt, to provide tiers of numerous windows on the upper floors. French windows, characteristic of Franco-Norman architecture, did not take root here.

Suite of windows on the top floor and beamed ceiling
  • The walls are thick, the volumes of the rooms are rectangular. The ceilings were made flat with large geometric details, but sometimes like tent roofs.
  • From those times, the fashion for beamed and coffered ceilings came to us, which has survived to this day. It’s just that they were built in this style back then, but today they are simply decorated visually.

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Polish house designs - 45 photos of one-story and two-story cottages

Modern coffered ceiling might look like this


The Gothic style reigned in England quite for a long time, until the 16th century (the era of the reign of the Tudor dynasty), because endless internecine wars and the poor development of European fleets contributed to a reduction in construction. And the one that was there adhered more to French architecture.

Homes in gothic style in England can be seen in our time
  • But in the English version, elongated and geometric shapes, filled with decor, prevailed. It could be unusual shape windows (including curtains) or internal partitions, which immediately caught the eye. It was with changes in decor that the entire evolution of English Gothic was connected.

English style in a modern living room
  • The main emphasis in English architecture of the 16th-17th centuries was on ceilings. To the point where masters compete in inventing ever new ornaments and more complex designs. Because of this, interiors very often turned out to be overly overloaded.
  • When trade and industrial companies gained power, built workshop buildings and houses, added chapels to cathedrals, the appearance of the premises began to change, halls with large windows and vaulted ceilings decorated with geometric, star or fan-shaped designs.

Ceilings with complex shapes came to us from English architecture.
  • Secular construction, which replaced church construction, coincided with the Renaissance, which England entered with some delay. In this regard, Italy was advanced. Therefore, British nobles often invited Italian craftsmen for construction, but not architects, but decorators, or as they are commonly called today - designers.

The structure of English buildings, along with high roofs and bay windows (available on our resource), often having several chimneys, did not correspond to the Italian concept of architecture in general. That is why in England it turned out to be so conservative and slowed down even more after the expulsion of Italians professing Catholicism from the island.

20 photos of Gothic style houses

Half-timbered buildings

Germany and Holland had a much greater influence on order (compositional) architecture. In the buildings they did not leave English traditions, but they made their contribution to the design of buildings. Maximum attention was paid to half-timbering, which had previously been used only occasionally, but now began to be used everywhere.

The half-timbered style is still actively used today
  • Initially, the principle of mass half-timbered construction was prompted by the need to save forest resources, because ordinary people did not have the opportunity to build from stone, but mercilessly cut down trees.

Picturesque country house
  • In a half-timbered structure, only the spatial frame was made of wood, and the spaces between the posts and beams were filled with brick, stone, and wattle fences covered with clay. Such buildings, which predominated in the south and north-west of the island, were very picturesque, although they learned to cover them with plaster and whitewash.
Modern English manor

Note: this technology has today been transformed into a frame technology, when the spans of the frame are filled with ready-made panels (boards), or sheathed directly on site with rigid sheets filled with insulation.

Facade of an English house with half-timbered elements
  • More often, standard projects houses in the English style are frame, as this is the most profitable. As for half-timbering, today it is not a house structure as such, but simply a beautiful design style that is used not only on facades, but also in interiors.

Photo gallery of the interior of houses in the half-timbered style