What does an academic certificate look like? Sample of filling out an academic certificate

The procedure for issuing an academic certificate is regulated by the Instruction on the procedure for issuing state documents on higher education. vocational education, filling out and storing the relevant document forms, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2005 N 65.

Excerpt from the instructions:
1.3. Academic certificate is issued:

Persons expelled from the first or second year - without fail;

For students (listeners) - upon their written application.

1.4. An academic certificate is not issued to students expelled from the university before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during intermediate certification after the first semester.

Students (listeners) expelled from the university before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during the intermediate certification after the first semester are issued a certificate in the form established by the university indicating the list and results entrance examinations to the university and the name of the field of study (specialty) to which the student (listener) entered.

The question is how long you studied at the university before expulsion - perhaps you simply are not entitled to it.

Scroll: Some questions about issuing academic certificates

Is an academic certificate issued to a first-year university student if he did not pass the only exam in the winter session and was expelled for this reason, but before that he received credits in all disciplines? Zhuravleva N.N.
Yes. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education (as amended by the Federal Law of December 21, 2009 N 333-FZ) for persons who have not completed mastering the basic educational program higher professional education, academic certificates of the established form are issued. The law does not establish any minimum training periods. In accordance with clause 1.3. Instructions on the procedure for issuing state-issued documents on higher professional education, filling out and storing the relevant document forms, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2005 N 65, an academic certificate is issued to persons expelled from the first or second year without fail. According to clause 1.4. Instructions: Academic certificates are not issued to students expelled from the university before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during intermediate certification after the first semester. Students (listeners) expelled from the university before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during the intermediate certification after the first semester are issued a certificate in the form established by the university indicating the list and results of entrance examinations to the university and the name of the field of study (specialty), which the student (listener) entered. Since intermediate certification can be carried out both in the form of an exam and in the form of a test, a student who has received credits in all disciplines, but has not passed the exams, is not a person who has not passed the intermediate certification in any discipline, therefore, has the right to receive an academic certificate .
The answer is given as of March 10, 2010.
What is the deadline for issuing an academic transcript?
The procedure for issuing an academic certificate is regulated by the Instruction on the procedure for issuing state documents on higher professional education, filling out and storing the relevant document forms, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2005 N 65. According to clause 1.3. The academic certificate is issued to persons expelled from the first or second year - without fail, to students (listeners) - upon their written application. The period for issuing an academic certificate from the moment of receipt of such a request is not established by law, unlike the period for issuing a diploma - 10 days from the date of issuing the order to expel the graduate (clause 1.1.) You should obtain a written response about the reasons for non-issuance of the certificate and appeal the inaction of the university to Rosobrnadzor or to court
The answer is given as of March 29, 2011.

I am in my last year of university. In case of expulsion, I will be given a diploma of incomplete higher education or academic certificate? What's the difference? Demin I.V., RGTEU, Moscow.
You will be given an academic certificate of the established form. Both a diploma of incomplete higher education and an academic certificate confirm the fact that a person has completed part-time studies in higher professional education programs and does not indicate the assignment of a qualification. In accordance with the version of Art. that was in force until October 27, 2007. 6 and 7 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, education of persons who have not completed their studies in the main educational program of higher professional education, but have successfully passed intermediate certification (at least two years of study ), was recognized as incomplete higher professional education and was confirmed by the issuance of diplomas of the established form on incomplete higher professional education. An academic certificate was issued to persons who had studied for less than two years. In the current version of the law, the concept of a diploma of incomplete higher education is absent, and in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 6 persons who have not completed the basic educational program of higher professional education are issued academic certificates of the established form.
Exceptions are established for persons admitted to study in educational programs of higher professional education before August 31, 2009, who are subject to the conditions that were in force before the entry into force of Federal Law N 232-FZ, including: - the opportunity to obtain higher professional education at various levels under reduced and accelerated programs; - the right to receive a diploma of incomplete higher professional education; - the opportunity to receive education in the educational program of higher professional education at the next level - free of charge.
Reason: Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2008 N YUS-232/03 “On training in educational programs of higher professional education at the corresponding levels of higher professional education”
The answer is given as of May 12, 2010.

Academic certificate is a document confirming the fact of training in educational institution, if the training is not completed properly or the diploma is not obtained.

In accordance with paragraph 12 of Art. 60 of the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 20012 No. 273-FZ for students who did not pass the final exams or passed unsatisfactorily, attended only part of the educational course or were expelled from educational institution for other reasons, an academic certificate is issued.

An academic certificate is a document that lists the disciplines taken during the course of study, the number of hours spent on studying and the grades obtained based on the results of studying the subjects.

Validity period academic certificate is not legally established, since the certificate is only confirmation of the fact of training in certain subjects and cannot become outdated.

Issues academic certificate from the dean's office, to which you must apply with a personal application for the issuance of a certificate. Unfortunately, production time There is no such certificate established by law; it must be issued within a reasonable period of time, sufficient for the preparation of the document. If the issuance of a certificate is delayed, you can file a complaint with the education department, Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

Having received the certificate in your hands, you need to check the correctness of the data specified in it. This applies to both personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, etc.) and data about studies.

In accordance with the law, each educational institution must independently develop and approve a form academic certificate due to the fact that since 2012 the state-issued certificate has been cancelled. The certificate should look like official document, can be issued on a special form or a regular sheet. The presence of the official seal of the educational institution is not optional. The certificate must be signed by authorized persons, usually the rector, dean and secretary. The basic information of the certificate about the disciplines studied, the hours spent on it and the exam grades received must be readable and understandable, without double interpretations; usually this information is placed over the entire length of the sheet in a table containing the corresponding columns.

An academic certificate is issued if it is impossible (temporary or permanent) to study at a university.

  1. First of all, the need to obtain academic certificate occurs when transferring from one educational institution to another. In this situation academic certificate is needed not only to confirm past training, but also to compare the subjects studied with the subjects studied at the new university, the number of hours spent on studying with the time spent on studying a particular subject at the new educational institution.
  2. Academic certificate issued upon expulsion from an educational institution. If a student does not have time to pass a single exam, then a certificate is not issued.

Issue academic certificate It is also required in cases where, due to family circumstances or other valid reasons, it is impossible to temporarily or permanently attend an educational institution. Circumstances may vary, but they must be truly respectful. Such valid reasons include: health status, the birth of a child, the need to care for a sick relative, moving, and so on. Most likely, the educational institution will require documents confirming good reason, which will be announced.

3 tbsp. 6 of the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, persons who have not completed the basic educational program of higher professional education are issued academic certificates of the established form. There are no restrictions on the period of validity of academic documents, since The certificate is a document confirming the fact that the student is studying at a higher educational institution.

Educational landmark

An academic certificate is issued in two cases: at the request of the student upon written application and after expulsion without fail, with the exception of cases where the student is expelled before the end of the first semester. At a new university where a student is admitted on the basis of an academic certificate, they check the difference in hours. If the number of hours attended coincides with the number of hours at the new university, then these hours are counted for the student and recorded in the grade book.

What is an academic certificate and in what cases is it issued?

In what cases it can be requested and what is its validity period, we will consider in the article. What is an academic certificate In accordance with clause 12 of Art. 60 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 20012 No. 273-FZ, students who did not pass the final exams or passed such exams unsatisfactorily, attended only part of the educational course, or were expelled from the educational institution are issued a certificate. An academic certificate is a document that lists the disciplines taken during training, the number of hours spent on training, and the grades obtained based on the results of studying the subjects.

In this case, an academic certificate is issued without fail. An academic certificate is not always issued. An academic certificate is not issued only to those students, as well as listeners who were expelled from the university, although they did not complete their studies in the first semester, or who did not pass certification in any academic discipline during the intermediate certification at the end of the first semester. Students and listeners expelled from the university who did not pass the exams and did not complete the first semester receive another certificate, the form of which is established by the university.

What is the expiration date for an academic transcript?

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What is the expiration date for the academic one? The academic certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of expulsion of the student.

Academic transcript validity period

The site’s lawyers answered the question of how long the academic document is valid and this information is available to all users in the appropriate section. Legal consultations on Russian legislation Selecting a category Son is doing military service, did not enter a military university in 2015, Unified State Exam results yes, but for some reason this year (he is applying again), but the military officers again told him that he needs to pass the Unified State Exam.

Academic certificate and reasons for issuing it

It all starts with preschool institutions, then comes school, gymnasium, lyceum, etc. Further education can be continued in secondary technical or higher educational institutions. During the learning process, a student sometimes has reasons why he may need to avoid absences from classes. negative consequences.
This certificate is issued so that the student can return to classes after a certain period of time, for which an academic leave is issued.

Academic transcript validity period

Thus, a certificate is issued in the case when the training has not reached its logical conclusion, that is, before the issuance of a diploma. The academic certificate displays all the disciplines in which the student attended lectures, the number of hours, grades for exams, coursework, tests, and internships. In short, a complete report on the student’s progress at the educational institution. The academic form has a uniform form established by the Ministry of Education; it is certified by the seal of the university and the signature of the dean of the faculty.

Academic certificate issued:

Students or listeners who have submitted a written application for the provision of an academic certificate (for example, when transferring to another university);

Students who were expelled from the first and second year. They are required to receive an academic certificate.

An academic certificate is not issued to those students, as well as listeners who were expelled from the university without completing their studies in the first semester, or who did not pass certification in any academic discipline during the intermediate certification at the end of the first semester.

Students and listeners expelled from the university without passing exams and without completing the first semester receive another certificate, the form of which is established by the university. This document indicates only the list and results of examinations for admission to a higher educational institution, as well as the name of the specialty (area of ​​training) for which the listener or student was enrolled.

The academic certificate is valid for 5 years.

Procedure for issuing and processing academic certificates1. Basic provisions

1.1. Academic certificate is issued to students:

Expelled from any course and not completing their studies, including when transferring to another educational institution;

When moving within an educational institution from specialty to specialty;

1.2. An academic certificate is not issued to students expelled from the College before the end of the first semester and/or who are not certified in any discipline during the intermediate certification after the first semester.

1.3. Students expelled from the College before the end of the first semester and/or not certified in any discipline during the interim certification after the first semester are issued a certificate of the established form indicating the list and results of current academic performance by month.

1.4. Duplicates of academic transcripts are issued to replace lost documents.

1.5. Persons who have changed their name (last name, patronymic) can exchange their existing academic certificate for an academic certificate with a new name (last name, patronymic). The exchange is made by decision of the college director based on the application of the person who changed his name (last name, patronymic), together with documents confirming the change in the name (last name, patronymic) of the person. The decision of the head of the educational institution, the person’s statement and documents confirming the change of name (last name, patronymic) are stored in personal file college graduate. An academic certificate with the previous name (last name, patronymic) is confiscated by the educational institution and destroyed in the prescribed manner.

2. Filling out academic certificate forms

2.2. The signatures of the chairman of the State Attestation Commission, the head of the educational institution, and the secretary are affixed to documents in black ink, black paste or ink.

2.3. After filling out the document form, they must be carefully checked for the accuracy and error-freeness of the entries made in them. A document drawn up with errors is considered damaged and must be replaced.

2.4. Document forms damaged during filling out are destroyed in

2.5. The student's last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in full nominative case. The date of birth is written down with the day (in numbers), month (in words) and year (in four-digit numbers).

2.6. After the words “Document on the previous level of education” the name of the education document (certificate of basic education) is indicated general education, certificate of secondary (complete) general education, diploma of primary vocational education or diploma of secondary vocational education), on the basis of which the person was enrolled in an educational institution, and the year of its issue.

If the document on the previous level of education was received abroad, its name translated into Russian and the name of the country in which this document was issued are indicated. A certificate of equivalence of a document on the previous level of education is kept in the personal file of a graduate who has received previous education abroad.

2.7. After the words “Entrance tests” the words are written: “passed” (“passed”), if this person passed the entrance tests for admission to an educational institution, or “not provided for”, if this person was exempt from passing the entrance tests by the educational institution in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.8. After the words “Enrolled in” and “Completed studies in” the year of admission and year of completion of studies are indicated in four Arabic numerals, respectively, as well as the full official name of the educational institution (in the appropriate case). In this case, the educational institution to which the student entered and the educational institution from which he graduated are indicated. Other educational institutions in which the student could also study are not indicated. Next, an entry is made in brackets “full-time form” or “part-time (evening) form”, or “correspondence form”..

If the student began his studies at another educational institution and presented an academic certificate upon admission, after the words “Enrolled in” the date of admission and the full official name of the educational institution indicated in the submitted academic certificate are written.

2.9 After the words “Course papers (course design):” the topic is written without quotes coursework and (or) course projects and the grade (in words) is indicated separated by a comma.

2.10. After the words “Industrial (professional) practice:” the names of the practices, their duration in weeks are indicated without quotation marks, and a rating is given, separated by a comma. Assessments are entered in words, duration of practices - in numbers.

2.11. The names of disciplines are included in the certificate in accordance with curriculum. For each discipline included in the academic certificate, the total number of hours in numbers and the final grade (in words) are indicated. The names of disciplines (without code) and grades are given without abbreviations.

2.12. Disciplines passed by a student with an “unsatisfactory” grade, and disciplines (or part of a discipline) that the student attended but was not certified in during the interim certification are not included in the academic certificate.

2.13. After completing the list of disciplines studied, the word “Total” is written in the next line. In this line, in the “Total number of hours” column, the corresponding total amount is entered.

2.14. In the next line, the entry “Including classroom” is made and the total number of classroom hours allocated for the study of these disciplines by the curriculum for full-time training. If there are no classroom hours, after the words “Including classroom hours,” the entry “not provided” is made.

3. Accounting and storage of document forms

3.1. To register issued documents, educational institutions maintain special books (registration books) in which the following data is entered:

a) serial registration number;

b) last name, first name and patronymic of the person who received the academic certificate;

c) academic transcript form number;

d) date of issue of the academic certificate;

e) name of specialty;

f) name of the assigned qualification;

g) number of the order for the student’s expulsion.

3.2. After specifying the data in a special book (registration book), the signature of the head of the department (service) of the educational institution issuing the documents and the signature of the person who received the document are affixed.

3.3. Transferring document forms received by an educational institution to other educational institutions is not permitted.

3.4. Document forms are stored in educational institutions as documents strict reporting and are recorded in a special register.

3.5. Copies of issued documents must be stored in the prescribed manner in the archives of the educational institution in the student’s personal file.

4. Basic documents submitted by the student to obtain an academic certificate

4.1 To obtain an academic certificate, the student must submit to the head of the department a set of documents, which includes, depending on the reasons for receiving the academic certificate, the following documents:

a) When transferring to another educational institution:

· a certificate of the established form from the educational institution where the student is transferring;

· a student’s personal application for termination of the contract due to transfer to another educational institution and an application for the issuance of an academic certificate;

b) Upon expulsion from college due to at will:

· a student’s personal statement to terminate the contract at his own request and an application for the issuance of an academic certificate;

· bypass sheet, drawn up in the prescribed manner.

c) When expelled from college on the initiative of the administration:

· student’s personal statement for the issuance of an academic certificate

d) While continuing to study at college:

· a student’s personal application for the issuance of an academic certificate with a note indicating continuation of studies at the college;

4.2.After submitting the student’s application, the head of the human resources department issues an order for the preparation and issuance of an academic certificate, which displays the following information:

The names of the relevant employees (head of department and curator) responsible for providing reliable information to fill out the academic certificate form;

The name of the secretary of the academic department responsible for the quality completion and execution of the academic certificate form;

Deadline for issuing an academic certificate to a student in the prescribed manner4

Monitoring the implementation of this order by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

5. Deadlines established by the college for issuing academic certificates and issuing them

5.1. Deadline for issuing an academic certificate, according to the Instructions on the procedure for entering, filling out and issuing state documents on secondary vocational education, approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated April 10, 1996 No. 6 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2007 No. 80 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for issuing state-issued documents on secondary vocational education, filling out and storing the relevant document forms" - no later than 10 days after the date of the order to expel the student.

5.2 The student personally (or the student’s authorized representative upon presentation of a duly executed power of attorney) receives the completed academic certificate against signature in the book for issuing academic certificates.

Studying at an institution of higher or secondary vocational education requires the student’s presence in classes, tests and exams. This is especially true for full-time education. However, sometimes circumstances arise that make it impossible to be present at the institution at all times. In such situations, the student may be issued. Let us consider further the features of this document.

General characteristics

Academic certificate, sample which will be presented below, is a document confirming the fact that a person has completed training at a certain educational institution and is temporarily exempt from the obligation to appear for classes, tests and exams. It is issued on the basis of a written application from the student.

Certificate for academic leave allows you to take a break from studying for 1 year. During the entire period of receiving education, the subject can exercise the right to suspend attendance twice.

When is a university academic transcript provided?

Reasons for suspending education may include:

  1. Family circumstances or health condition of the student requiring treatment.
  2. Deduction of the subject.
  3. The need to undergo confirmation of knowledge during parallel studies or admission to another educational institution.
  4. Transfer to another university.

It should be said that students who have not completed the first semester programs and are not certified in any discipline will not be able to receive the document.

Suspension of studies for health reasons

Academic certificate issued on the basis of an application and a document issued by a special medical commission. The last is a clinical expert opinion stating that the student has a disease that is incompatible with studies.

This document must be submitted to the faculty dean's office. After this, an order is issued. It contains information about the granting of a deferment to the student and its duration. It is worth noting that if the subject did not have any health complaints before the start of the examination session and at the same time he received unsatisfactory scores on its results, the application may not be satisfied.

Family circumstances

Academic transcript also is provided to a student whose close relative living with him has serious illness requiring constant care. In this case, the decision is made by the administration of the educational institution individually. Providing a supporting report from doctors will be key. If the decision is positive, as in the previous situation, an order is issued setting the duration of the break.

Document form

The previously valid form has been abolished since 2012. In this regard, the educational institution must develop the form independently. Academic certificate can be printed either on a regular sheet or on a special form of the institution. The document must be signed by authorized persons. They are usually the secretary, dean and rector. Academic certificate must contain a list of disciplines that were studied by the student, the points that he received during the assessment of his knowledge, as well as the duration of the course completed.

All information included in the document must be clear and easy to read. Key information about the disciplines studied, the hours spent on it, and the grades obtained based on the results of examinations, as a rule, are located the entire length of the form, arranged in the form of a table.


During the learning process, a student may encounter various unforeseen circumstances that require his intervention. In some cases, the subject’s participation in solving problems is impossible without interruption from education. In this case, eliminating the circumstances may take quite a long time. To ensure that the time of absence from the educational institution is not regarded as absenteeism, the student should obtain an academic certificate. It is worth saying that the faculty administration will evaluate the validity of the break and study the submitted documents. If management considers the reasons valid, the citizen will receive the appropriate document.