Great Dane breed description. Marbled Great Dane: features of the breed. Breed care

Great Danes are proud, stately handsome men who never remain without the attention of others. When they appear on the street, they attract admiring glances, but do not cause fear. Indeed, dogs with impressive size, however, do not have a vicious character, which makes them attractive to keep. What is known about these extraordinary animals?

The ancestors of Great Danes once lived outside the territory European countries, and in the east - in Tibet and served the indigenous peoples as shepherds. From them came many modern breeds, including the Asian Shepherd and Tibetan Dane, which were later used to develop Great Danes.

From Central Asia Great Danes penetrated into the territory of India, China and Mesopotamia. In the most ancient states they were depicted on the walls of architectural buildings and houses. There is historical evidence that in those days these giants were used not only for hunting and herding, but also as fighting dogs. And this indicates that at that time these dogs were distinguished by a rather vicious and ferocious disposition.

In the first century AD, Great Danes were real fighters who took part in the military campaigns of the Romans, Greeks, Scythians and Germanic tribes. It so happened that there were more of these dogs in Germany than in other countries. At that time, the Danish Danes stood out from the various types of Great Danes, and they were subsequently taken as the basis for the breeding of Great Danes. They had a more graceful constitution than that of mastiffs, dry and graceful. Great Danes were used as guard dogs and for baiting wild animals.

When the homeland lost interest in this breed, the main gene pool of Great Danes ended up in Germany. German breeders appreciated the quality of the dogs and began work on improving the breed. Selection work was carried out on crossing Great Danes with Great Danes living in the southern lands of Germany.

The result was the “Ulm” dogs, named after the city of Ulm, whose breeders made a huge contribution to the improvement of the breed. But even in the northern part of the state, dogs of this breed were actively bred, so two varieties of mastiff-shaped dogs took part in the exhibition - the Ulm Great Dane and the “improved” Great Dane.

Later, the breeders decided to join forces and create one of the two types of dogs - the Great Dane. This was very symbolic, since at that time the German Empire was proclaimed, and specialists from the north and south began to work together to breed a beautiful dog. In the 79th year of the 19th century, Great Danes received the status of a national German breed.

However, the foundation of the Berlin breed club took place only in 1888, and the adoption of a single standard two years later. According to him, the dog must become a beautiful horse, be strong, huge and elegant. It is worth noting that such a description also applies to modern representatives of the breed.

Today, Great Danes can be found in various countries, including Russia. Despite their gigantic size, they are wonderful companions, as their intelligence, gentle disposition and devotion have no boundaries.

The dog of this breed is large, harmoniously built, proportional, has an expressive head and noble posture. Minimum height for males it should be 80 cm, for females – 72 cm.

Great Dane dog: photo

According to the standard, Great Danes have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Head The Great Dane has a large, shape characterized by pronounced angles and parallel lines, with well-defined eyebrows. The forehead is high, flat, the transition from it to the muzzle is clearly marked. The nose is moderately wide, colored with black pigment. The muzzle has impressive volume and depth. The upper lip is drooping and dark. The jaw apparatus is powerful, with large white teeth that form a scissor-type bite.
  • Eyes medium in size, with dark brown irises and tight-fitting eyelids. The look is expressive and intelligent. In dogs with blue fur and merle, the standard allows for slightly lighter eye color. In the latter, heterochromia is possible, although this is an undesirable phenomenon.
  • Since 1993, changes have been made to the standard and the previously mandatory procedure has been abolished. Modern Great Danes have medium-sized, high-set ears that hang down and have a slight slant forward. Creases are a disadvantage. In countries where ear cropping is not prohibited, this operation is performed based on the size and shape of the pet’s head.
  • Neck The dogs are long, with dry, well-developed muscles; the scruff and withers are well defined, especially in males. The back is widened, there is a smooth transition into a short convex lumbar region. The dogs' croup, which has powerful muscles, is slightly sloping.
  • Tail set high, thick at the base and gradually tapering to the tip. In length it reaches the tarsal (also called the hock) joint. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down; during movement or when the pet is excited, the tail is held at the level of the back.
  • Rib cage oval, has a decent width and depth, the ribs are voluminous. The abdomen and groin area create a smooth line with a beautiful smooth curve.
  • Limbs(both rear and front) are located parallel to each other. They have muscular shoulders. They end in short, arched, rounded paws, the toes forming a dense lump. The Great Dane moves easily, freely, springily, while its limbs move in a straight line, without wobbling.

The leather is elastic and fits snugly to the body, does not form folds and does not sag. Due to the fact that Great Danes do not have sweat glands, there is no dog smell characteristic of other breeds. The coat is very short, glossy, and has no undercoat.

Great Dane colors

Several types of colors are recognized as standard:

Great Dane training

Many people will find it strange that it is extremely rare to meet a Great Dane owner with a pet at training sites. Yes, these dogs have natural intelligence, but this does not exempt them from training and socialization. The owner of a puppy of this breed should take into account that an uncontrollable giant strong dog will create more significant problems than a poorly trained Yorkshire Terrier.

If the puppy ends up with an inexperienced dog breeder, then it is worth attending professional lessons, and the presence of the owner is mandatory. This will allow you to find the right approach to your pet, and the dog will learn to listen to the owner. When training, you will need a lot of patience; any manifestations of cruelty are prohibited. Physical methods can cause the dog to be overly fearful or aggressive.

The Great Dane can be influenced by voice, since purebred representatives are very sensitive to intonation changes. You can start training a Great Dane puppy at 2 months of age. First of all, the baby must learn a set of mandatory commands, and this happens quite quickly. A few days are enough for the pet to understand what is required of him, and he will diligently do everything, trying to please the owner. After this, you can proceed to more complex commands. Important to use various ways encouragement – ​​treats, praise and approving glances can encourage your pet to learn.

Character and characteristics of Great Danes

Dogs of this breed are very large, gentle and loyal. One can only envy their patience. Due to their good nature, they are recommended as family pets. They are very loyal to their owners and the best leisure time for them is being with family members. Great Danes do not like loneliness; they need someone from the household to be at home.

Dog breed Great Dane photo

But experts warn that Great Danes can be stubborn and willful, so they need an owner with leadership qualities. In order for a dog to be balanced and self-confident, it must be socialized as early as possible. Great Danes need to be handled and given sufficient time. And this should be taken into account when purchasing a puppy. In addition, Great Danes drool excessively and shed a lot.

Young dogs of this breed are noisy and can cause mischief, so they should be constantly monitored. Dogs need regular exercise. It is necessary to let your pet run around without a leash, and this will require a safe area. The Great Dane will get along well with younger family members, but if there are very small children in the house, problems may arise due to its large size.

As for other pets, you can’t predict a Great Dane’s attitude towards them in advance. They can coexist well with other pets, but sometimes dogs take on a dominant position. In this case, timely socialization of the dog is required. Dogs can treat strangers with indifference, or they can show certain kinds of feelings.

Great Danes can make excellent watchdogs, although they do not bark very often. The main weapon against attackers is large size and power; even the sight of a giant can cause fear. Generally speaking, Great Danes are devoid of aggression and do not strive for dominance, but they do need training. In addition, it is important that the pet learns who is in charge in the house.

Caring for a Great Dane

On average, Great Danes live 8 years, but can increase this period by 4-5 years. Since dogs do not have undercoat, they are kept in a private house or apartment, taking into account their need for spacious room. The coat is short and does not require special care. You can wipe it with a damp cloth 3-4 times a month, removing dirt and dust, and that will be enough. It is recommended to wash your pet or use dry shampoos only if it is heavily soiled.

Great Dane puppies: photos

Great Danes are quite rare, since in most cases they wear down naturally. The eyes should be examined regularly, and existing discharge should be removed with a cotton swab, which should be pre-moistened in chamomile infusion or furatsilin solution.

If your pet has undocked ears, they need to be examined and cleaned. by special means. up to 7 months of age. Great Danes do not like fast running, but long walks on foot will benefit the pet.

How and what to feed your Great Dane

There are two options for feeding Great Danes - natural food or ready-made industrial rations. When choosing ready-made food, it is worth purchasing premium and professional products. These dogs require food for large and giant breeds. At natural feeding The basis of the diet is lean meat (it is first scalded with boiling water) and boiled offal.

Can be given 2-3 times a week sea ​​fish, boiled and boneless, poultry. The pet’s menu also includes fermented milk products, vegetables (except potatoes and legumes), porridge (except corn, pearl barley and millet).

Video about the Great Dane

Great Dane puppy cost

You can purchase a puppy of this breed without documents from random breeders for an average of 12,000-16,000 rubles. But in this case there are no guarantees about the purebred and mental stability of the pet. Puppies sold by professional breeders have all the necessary qualities, but, naturally, their cost is much higher and varies from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Great Danes are not only attractive, beautiful and stately dogs, but also a great responsibility. This must be remembered when choosing such a giant as a pet.

The giant, who exudes calm and nobility, is often called the largest indoor dog. He received this nickname for his “golden” character, kind heart and warm affection for his owner. No matter what happens, the Great Dane is majestically reserved, looks like an elegant statue, and even in an excited state never shows anxiety or nervousness. Characteristics of the Great Dane breed will help you understand whether it is difficult to keep a canine giant.

An impressive Great Dane with “immodest” dimensions is often purchased for status. However, like any living creature, he needs love and communication. The dog forever “clings to” his own family, shows love, and in protecting it, without hesitation, he will sacrifice his life. He is a true friend and nanny to young children. Reviews from owners about the Great Dane indicate that he will make an excellent companion dog, unless you are afraid of the significant financial costs of maintaining him.

Great Dane: characteristics of the breed

The official history of this genus is connected with Germany. Thanks to the pedantic Germans, the unified breed standards are spelled out with great care and specificity.

  • Weight . For males it is 55-90 kg. Females weigh on average from 45 to 60 kg.
  • Height . According to the standard, the minimum size of an adult Great Dane is 80 cm, the height at the withers of females is 72 cm. There is no upper height threshold.
  • Color. Black (completely or with white spots), brindle, blue (steel), fawn, marbled.
  • Lifespan. The dog is not a long-livers. Great Danes live for about eight years. At this age they are complete old men. Dogs that have crossed the 10-13 year mark are very rare.
  • Character . Distinctive Features- good nature, friendliness, tenderness, devotion, unconditional obedience. Moderately smart, playful, careful, sensitive dog. Great Danes are not noisy, they don’t get hysterical, and they don’t suffer from mood swings.
  • Intelligence. They are classified as dogs of average intelligence. They quickly become toilet trained. Great Dane training ensures basic commands are followed. According to the canine intelligence scale compiled by Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren, the Great Dane and the Boxer share 48th place out of 133.
  • Security and guard potential. They are not characterized by aggression and malice; the “weapons” of Great Danes are their impressive size, stern appearance, and strength. In case of a threat, your pet will defend itself, showing courage and energy.

Cases of a Great Dane attacking a person are quite rare. Usually the dog first knocks the opponent down and holds him until the owner appears. They don't bark a lot, but they make good watchdogs. Enraged dogs are dangerous.

By temperament, these dogs are somewhat phlegmatic - like many large breeds, Great Danes love to lie in one position, which is fraught with calluses and even bedsores. Therefore, owners must constantly stir up their giant pet, force him to move and change position, and give him massages.

Breed standard

A description of the Great Dane breed, which allowed it to be dubbed “Apollo” among all dogs, is presented in the table.

Table - Visual parameters of the Great Dane

Body partPeculiarities
Head- “Sculptural”;
- massive;
- long;
- flattened on the sides;
- with a distinct transition line from the forehead to the muzzle;
- with a drooping upper lip, brightly marked jowls
Neck- Relief;
- elongated;
- graceful;
- vertical - in a rack;
- with a slight bend forward - in motion
Frame- Athletic;
- balanced;
- square format in males, somewhat stretched - in females;
- the highest point of growth is the withers;
- straight, short back, with a line of inclination towards the croup;
- strong lower back;
- stomach tucked
Limbs- Smooth, parallel to each other;
- powerful;
- long;
- slim;
- providing springiness and ease of gait
Tail- Medium length;
- thick at the base with gradual thinning;
- without creases, curls, “hairiness”;
- lowered down;
- when running (or when excited) it is raised like a saber, does not twist like a donut
Eyes- Medium size;
- almond-shaped;
- expressive, lively;
- with dry, dense eyelids;
- as dark as possible (for blue colors - dark hazel, for marbled ones - blue or mixed eyes)
Ears- Large, proportional to the head;
- pointed, “tensely alert” (if the Great Dane’s ears have been cropped);
- long, hanging, with the leading edge touching the cheeks (in undocked dogs)

A healthy Great Dane has well-functioning sebaceous glands, which, along with the tongue, perform the function of thermoregulation. Therefore, the breed does not have the characteristic dog smell.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dogs of this breed want to please their owner in every possible way. They experience real happiness when they are caressed, they love to bask in a chair or on the sofa. Great Danes are poorly aware of their strength; during a game or a joyful meeting with family members they can easily knock them down.

Before choosing a Great Dane puppy, weigh the breed's advantages and disadvantages, summarized in the following table.

Table - Pros and cons of the Great Dane breed

In addition to the fact that the Great Dane puppy itself is not cheap, you need to be prepared for unplanned expenses. The impressive weight and size of a dog are often a source of trouble: the animal can even inadvertently damage property by knocking over interior items and decor.

Origin history and interesting facts

The Great Danes have an ancient genealogy. The first evidence of them dates back to the 7th century BC. There are several hypotheses about the origin of the breed. It is believed that Great Danes are descendants of:

  • now defunct bullenbeisers;
  • greyhound (English greyhound);
  • mastiff;
  • Irish wolfhound.

The most plausible version classifies Great Danes as Molossians, and considers the Tibetan Great Danes to be the ancestors of the breed, which is confirmed by archaeological finds. Strong and fearless animals first served as herding dogs and were later used for hunting and military purposes. From Tibet, along with traders, dogs came to India, China, and Europe, where they appeared as bodyguards for the nobility, wore gold-plated collars, and were an attribute of wealth.

It is believed that the species of the modern Great Dane was formed by 19th century. The first was Denmark, where in the 1860s a standard Great Dane with a wide torso and muzzle appeared. But a different type took root - dry, fit and slender, bred by German dog handlers, who did a tremendous amount of work to create an official breed standard. It came out in 1880 and was adopted eight years later. At the same time, the Great Dane was proclaimed the national breed of Germany.

The existence of the Great Dane remained in history in the English-language nickname of the Great Dane “great dane” - “great Dane”. The Italians call it “alano”; we often use the phrase “royal mastiff”. The breed came to Russia with Alexander II, who acquired a couple of dogs in Hamburg. Later, dogs appeared on the estates of Russian aristocrats.

In the history of the origin of the Great Dane, Cardinal Richelieu is mentioned, who was enthusiastically involved in their breeding. Otto von Bismarck is known as the patron of the breed. Alexandre Dumas, describing the hunting scenes in “Queen Margot,” confirmed the fashion for these dogs. Today, Great Danes are ranked 24th in popularity among breeds registered by the American Kennel Club.


The Great Dane dog breed differs in constitution - there are individuals that are more massive and more elegant. But they are divided into varieties according to color. The breed is bred in five color groups, described in the table.

Table - Types by color

ColorWhat does it look like
Black- “Coal” whole body;
- lacquered black with spots white;
- “cloak” effect (as if a white dog was covered with a black blanket or cloak)
Blue- Light gray tones;
- blue-steel;
- without yellowness;
- white markings on paws and chest are acceptable
Marble- Snow-white with black, clearly defined, ragged spots;
- brown, gray spots, as well as an off-white base are acceptable;
- drawing without specks
Pale yellow- Sandy;
- pale gold;
- intense red;
- red gold color;
- black mask is welcome;
- specks and light spots are undesirable
brindle- Basic - all shades of red;
- contrasting vertical tiger stripes (black);
- white spotting is unacceptable

The Great Dane has a beautiful elegant silhouette. It harmoniously combines strength, power and grace. He is a real handsome man with a height of 80-90 cm.

Before you get a Great Dane, honestly answer the question: can you keep him? Do you have enough strength, finances and time?

  • Place. Not only the lack of undercoat, but also the attachment to the owner does not allow the Great Dane to live in an enclosure or on a leash. Poor fit and small apartments: although he knows how to curl up into a compact ball, no one is safe from accidental damage to property. A four-legged friend will be grateful for a personal corner: a bed or sofa, sheltered from drafts and raised 10-15 cm above the floor.
  • Walks. At normal temperatures he likes to walk for several hours. In summer he is protected from overheating, in winter - from long stays on the street, in cold and wet weather he is forbidden to sit on the ground.
  • Bathing. Since bathing a huge dog is very problematic, they care for it with dry shampoo. They often resort to the services of groomers who provide professional beauty treatments.

Despite its size, the gentle giant has the unique ability to be invisible, occupy a minimum of space, and lie silently and motionlessly for hours at the feet of its “master.” But what you have to put up with is hard hairs during molting and traces of drool on clothes and furniture.

Features of care

Giant dogs are unpretentious, but they cannot do without constant examination of the ears, eyes, nose, and limbs.

  • Claws. With sufficient walking, they wear down on their own. It is convenient to trim them with strong guillotine cutters, being careful when trimming dark nails.
  • Ears. Once a week, remove wax and impurities with a special solution and a cotton swab. The reason to see a doctor is the smell from the ears.
  • Eyes . Examine every week, especially if there are “raw” eyelids. Furacilin will cope with heavy discharge. Ordinary ones - remove with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or chamomile decoction.
  • Teeth. For oral hygiene, teeth are brushed weekly (there are 42 of them), and solid treats are given for self-cleaning.
  • Wool. The short, smooth and shiny coat requires minimal care: periodic brushing with a brush or rubberized glove. They shed moderately.

To buy or not

According to the standards adopted in Germany in 1888, ears were cropped, which was due to the real need to protect them from injury during hunting. Since the dog's modern purpose is to be a companion, cosmetic circumcision has lost its relevance. Moreover, from January 1, 1993, it started working in Europe new standard, and a ban on docking came into force, providing for punishment and fines.

In Russia, this issue is a subject of controversy and disagreement. In our country, docking continues to be valued, but in competitions both categories of participants compete on an equal footing. One way or another, the decision on surgical correction is made by the owner, after consulting with a veterinarian. An acceptable age for this is two to three and a half months: then the shortening procedure is less painful and healing is faster. The main thing is that the operation does not overlap with vaccination.

According to veterinarians, uncropped ears are more reliably protected from dust, insects, and dirt getting into them, and are less susceptible to otitis (contrary to popular belief). Every year in the country there is a growing army of adherents of non-interference in the “nature” of the animal, preserving soft, velvet “burdock” ears for their pets. And in order not to spoil them with creases, do not stroke the puppies on the head.


Between natural and ready-made food, experts recommend the first option, although it is more troublesome. Having made a choice in favor of packaged food, purchase specialized age lines for large breeds of at least premium class.

It is noteworthy that the dog is not able to eat much: after all, it gastrointestinal tract two times less than that of its counterparts. However, feeding it is expensive: the price of high-quality food starts from 3 thousand rubles for a bag weighing 15-20 kg, which is enough for a month.

A grown-up Great Dane is fed twice a day with the morning norm being 10% less than the evening norm. Every day he needs 50 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Increased attention to the period of growth. The following feeding schedule is optimal:

  • in one and a half to two months- every three hours up to six times a day;
  • from three months - five times with a simultaneous increase in portions;
  • at four to five months- four times a day;
  • at six months you can switch to three meals a day.

The puppies' diet is supplemented with calcium. If it is deficient, there is a high risk of fractures. Excess weight also leads to osteoarticular disorders: up to a year, a Great Dane should gain a maximum of 150-200 g per day. The priority is the dietary menu. The following table will tell you which products are its basis and which are prohibited.

Table - Balanced diet

Great Danes are prone to allergies. It can be caused by carrots, buckwheat, chicken, fish. If swelling, redness, eczema and skin itching appear, they should first be excluded from the diet.


Raising a controlled, self-confident, socially adapted dog begins in early childhood (from three months). The dog learns well, but it is almost impossible to retrain it, and without practice, the acquired knowledge is forgotten.

Traditionally, training begins with accustoming to:

  • leash, collar, muzzle;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • visiting a veterinarian;
  • “even” reaction to loud sounds.

Demonstrate consistency, patience, take into account the pet’s genetics, including its slowness. He learns quickly, but does everything slowly, “with a sense of push and balance,” and is very receptive to praise and intonations.

Diseases and treatment

The breed is a late maturing breed: the formation of the musculoskeletal system takes quite a long time. The puppy becomes an adult only at 18-24 months. Until he is one and a half years old, try to avoid unnecessary stress - do not allow him to jump a lot, do not allow exhausting jogging, or walking up stairs (especially downstairs). There is a practice of bandaging the pasterns before going outside. Also, according to indications, the veterinarian may prescribe the use of feed compositions with chondroprotectors - substances that promote proper development joints. TO typical diseases include the following.

Genetics poses a potential danger. Blue colors can develop a problem immune system; merle representatives suffer from blindness, deafness, and infertility.

Breeders, sharing their experience, advise to always keep veterinary clinic contacts at hand and have the necessary reserves of funds, and not to self-medicate.


Vaccinations stimulate the development of immunity that can protect your pet’s body from major serious diseases. Systematically check the vaccination calendar with your veterinarian. He will also determine the vaccination schedule and recommend vaccines (mono- or polyvalent). The first vaccination is given at two months.


A true “standard” Great Dane will only be born to purebred parents. Crossing Great Danes of dubious origin is not recommended, as this can lead to mental disorders in future offspring.

The female first comes into heat at 8-14 months, but a physically developed, completely healthy female not younger than 22 months, but not older than six years, is allowed to mate. “Debut” mating is a difficult and exciting process, so owners rush to enlist the support of professionals.

Pregnancy lasts nine weeks. During this time, the expectant mother is prepared for delivery. Including, the menu is adjusted, enriching it with vitamins, dairy products, fish, and poultry. Pathological births require immediate veterinary intervention, and a caesarean section is often performed.

The average litter is four to six young. Cases of the appearance of 17 to 24 puppies in one litter are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

TOP nicknames

Choosing a name for a new family member is a responsible matter. The sooner you decide, the sooner a trusting relationship with the puppy will begin to form. Simple nicknames will not suit your pupil. Choose a solid name that is in harmony with the representative appearance and the noble disposition of the breed. Legends and myths provide great scope for imagination, where among the names of the ancient Greek gods you can find a suitable nickname.

Popular nicknames for the Great Dane “boy”:

  • Diamond;
  • Amber;
  • Graph;
  • Gordon;
  • Baron;
  • Knight;
  • Duke;
  • Henry;
  • Joy;
  • Zeus;
  • Lord;
  • Mike;
  • Milan;
  • Nilson;
  • Oscar;
  • Pierre;
  • Richard;
  • Taylor;
  • Fidel;
  • Caesar.

Popular nicknames for the “girl” Great Dane:

  • Agatha;
  • Adele;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Jena (Gina);
  • Cleo;
  • Lada;
  • Monica;
  • Nicole;
  • Audrey;
  • Peris;
  • Paula;
  • Rebecca;
  • Ruta;
  • Silvia;
  • Secret;
  • Francesca;
  • Honda;
  • Tsarina;
  • Alice;
  • Erica.

Photo review

Photos of puppies and dogs of the breed prove that the Great Dane is a true canine aristocrat, a handsome giant, captivating with his elegance and self-confidence. Particularly impressive are the photographs where giant Great Danes are captured in the company of miniature Toys or Yorkies.

Cost and where to buy

If you are planning to raise a champion or engage in breeding, then contact reputable clubs that offer pure pedigrees. Prices for puppies
differ: in different nurseries they ask for from 20 to 70 thousand rubles (data as of February 2018).

Cheaper puppies may be sold due to unscheduled matings.
Choose a three-month-old pet, when the breed and deviations are already visible.
The following points are important:

  • parents - their character and psychological characteristics (passed on by inheritance);
  • health - the puppy must be cheerful, with clean ears and eyes;
  • weight - pay attention to well-fed babies;
  • limbs - located strictly parallel, long and thick;
  • the tail - the longer, the larger the dog will be.


It is best to select a puppy on the spot, and not from a photo. You will recognize “your” pet from many others: choosing with your heart is the most correct. Below are the contacts of famous Great Dane kennels:

  • Di Stella Ardens (Moscow)-;
  • "New Hermitage" (St. Petersburg)-;
  • "Bigfort" (Ekaterinburg)-;
  • "Don-Ratibor" (Rostov-on-Don)-;
  • Inner Light (Kyiv) -

In the appearance of a giant, the main thing is not parameters, but exceptional balance, harmony of “soul and body.” In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this dog was able to protect people not only from enemies, but also from evil spirits. But the handsome giant has only one significant disadvantage - short life. But a competent, balanced diet, moderation of exercise, timely veterinary examinations and consultations will help increase the life expectancy of a Great Dane.

Reviews: “Very neat and intelligent”

We have big house and therefore, when we were choosing a dog breed for our family, the issue was resolved quickly - we want a marbled Great Dane. Our boy is three years old, our children are 2 and 6. He is very neat and intelligent, lives with us in the house, although he also has an enclosure, which he considers a real punishment for himself. He gets along well with everyone who visits our house, takes care of our parents and children, trying not to make sudden movements when communicating with them.

Galina and Evgeniy,

In 1992, when I was only 6 years old, my mother and father decided to give my sister and me a dog - German Brindle Dog. As I remember now, we arrived from my grandmother, we went into the apartment, and there was this little miracle and my father’s slippers on the chair next to it) Dad named him Hamlet) Hamlet was easy to educate, he understood all the commands the first time! He was an excellent protector, my sister and I often walked with him and he didn’t let anyone near us! He loved to swim, although in my opinion Great Danes are not very good at swimming, he would go into the water up to his neck and stand there to cool off :) He also really loved to walk in the forest, ate wild raspberries straight from the bushes, carefully one berry at a time :) Like a person!

I still dream about him, a big, beautiful tabby - the tabby, his little black puffs (that’s what we called his cheeks), which I loved to kiss so much! I still remember him and miss him: (I have never met a more loyal and kind dog! It’s a pity that Great Danes live so short!


We have been living with my Great Dane for six years now. He is a refusenik - I took him as a year old from his owners, who could not keep and feed him well. I can’t say anything bad about the dog - his excessive appetite disappeared after a week of normal feeding, he is very careful when it comes to toileting, and on walks he never tries to go far, tracking me. At home he tries to be inconspicuous, sleeps while waiting for me from work, barks a little. I am very glad that Hector became my dog.

Sergey, Mariupol,

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Great Dane (yes, yes, exactly Dane) is the name given to these majestic representatives of the canine world in some countries where it is believed that Denmark was the birthplace of the breed.

Gigantic size Great Danes can mislead the average person with their appearance, terrifying others.

The Great Dane is perhaps the tallest dog in the world.

With family

Great Danes have earned their reputation, full of positive reviews, for a reason.

Photo 8. Great Dane is a great family man

These are very kind and loyal dogs, loving their owner and his family with all their hearts. They are great with children of any age.

However, you should try not to leave very young children alone with the Great Dane. A five-month-old baby of such a dog weighs more than a five-year-old child. When the puppy gets into a frenzy, it can unwittingly harm the child during play.

An adult dog of this breed is a real find for children. His tolerance for the latter seems to have no limits, although abusing a dog’s kindness is in any case undesirable.

A little about keeping and caring for a good giant

The short, thick and smooth coat of the Great Dane does not require close attention. Frequent water treatments These dogs are not recommended.

Photo 9. Great Dane deserves respect

When taking a bath, you should rinse off the shampoo well, because its residue negatively affects the quality of the coat, and, among other things, the dog can lick it off.

Regarding the “habitat” - Great Danes get along well in apartments and small houses.

It is not customary to keep this aristocrat on the street, and their fur, although thick, will not provide them with the proper amount of warmth in Russian conditions.

They are true lap dogs, but walking and playing are not fresh air they, like any other large pets, definitely need

Great Danes are smart, which makes it possible to teach them basic commands without much difficulty.

Large breed, giant size dog. Companion and pet, a good watchman, bodyguard. A wonderful escort, guard, guard dog. He is like “Apollo” in the dog world, very harmoniously composed. The noble and proportional lines of his body in relation to his expressive head create the impression of looking at an antique statue. Many people fell in love with this giant thanks to the cartoon “Scooby Doo,” in which a big and cute little Great Dane deftly fought criminals.

Since the appearance of this breed, it has performed all sorts of jobs: it has been the first assistant for shepherds, an excellent fighting and guard dog. She combines enormous strength and exquisite dignity. He is self-confident and fearless, and with proper upbringing he is easy to control. The Great Dane will never be the first to show aggression, for no apparent reason.

During a training or working pursuit of a criminal, he will never bite the victim; all he needs to do is throw him to the ground and hold him with his huge paw until the owner approaches. As you understand, an ill-wisher is unlikely to try to escape from such a giant.

Description of the Great Dane breed and the FCI standard

Great Dane color

  • Fawn (basic background from light yellow to red-gold, a black mask is welcome. White markings on the chest and fingers are acceptable, but not desirable).
  • brindle
  • Marbled (white color covered with black spots of irregular shape).
  • Black or glossy black (may have white markings on chest and toes). This also includes the “cloak” color (with black fur with large white spots on the face, neck, chest, belly, paws, tip of the tail; it seems as if the white Great Dane is covered with a black cloak.
  • Blue (pure light gray color, no yellow tint, white markings on chest and toes are acceptable)

Great Dane character

By nature, the Great Dane is a very sociable, loyal and cheerful breed. A graceful gait, proud posture, aristocracy and intelligence are always visible from afar. The king of dogs is immediately visible. Calm and confident, never barks without a reason.

He senses the owner’s mood so accurately that sometimes it seems as if he is communicating with you on a telepathic level. She loves children and can become a real nanny for them. But given the huge size, try not to leave the child alone with the pet. He gets along well with other pets and never offends small animals. He is very affectionate and friendly.

The Great Dane is easy to train, but requires a special approach. Main task The owner should make sure that the dog is interested in being with him. He will not follow commands unquestioningly; first he will think whether the place is suitable for this or not.

The Great Dane needs a sufficient amount of physical activity; it is better to walk without a leash only on large open areas, where there are no playgrounds or roadways nearby. In urban environments, it is better to walk on a leash. You must understand that if you are not afraid of your pet, this does not mean that passers-by will calmly watch a huge dog running around without a leash.

In the photo there is a Great Dane more than 1 m high

Despite its large size, it is a fairly compact dog. He can be safely kept in a city apartment, provided that he has his own own sofa, on which he will feel comfortable sitting and lying. If you are a fan of the breed and dream of buying a Great Dane, first evaluate your capabilities, financial support, care for it and devote enough time to it. After all, in addition to a bowl of food, he needs your attention and affection.

Choose a Great Dane puppy from a trusted kennel. The growth of a future giant is determined by its paws; the thicker and more powerful they are, the larger it will grow.

However, there is one sad point: massive and tall dogs are more likely to die from heart disease.

This is a fairly healthy breed, but most of the ailments that may occur are due to their enormous size and heavy bone structure.

Before you make your choice and understand whether it is right for you, be sure to talk to different owners, find out the intricacies of raising and keeping a Great Dane, and be sure to read the information about the standard. You can go to exhibitions, see behavior not only in the ring, but also outside it. Assess behavior and communication with the owner, other people or dogs.

Great Dane maintenance and education

Great Dane - photo of baby in bed

A country house with a large garden or fenced area is ideal for keeping a Great Dane. personal plot. There he will be able to walk, run, frolic, dig holes, and relax in the summer heat, hiding in the shade of trees. If you live in a city apartment, be prepared to immediately allocate one room and a sofa for him to relax. Don't let him sleep on a hard bed all the time; it is prone to the appearance of calluses on the elbows and bald spots. The room must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned. Walk the Great Dane 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours.

Indoors he is calm and sedentary, but once outside he becomes active and playful. Limit your Great Dane puppy's physical activity, do not allow him to walk up stairs, and do not allow him to jump off the sofa or high surfaces. During periods of active growth and maturation, avoid running and heavy exercise to prevent problems in the development of joints and muscles.

The Great Dane loves the company of its owner and is happy to frolic in the yard with him and his children. Needs early socialization and training. Without proper upbringing, he will grow up independent, capricious, often ignoring the owner’s commands. But even the most loving owner must understand that a dog of this size is obliged to obey human commands unquestioningly. Practice obedience exercises with your pet regularly.

When training, always use calm and positive methods, and never hit your pet. Great Danes are very sensitive, quickly adapt to their owner’s emotions, and easily distinguish between his approval and indignation. When he behaves badly, it is enough to say a sharp “no” for him to understand that he made a mistake. If you behave well and follow commands correctly, always praise and treat your dog with your favorite treat.

A Great Dane can be outside for several hours a day at normal temperatures. It does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and high humidity. With sufficient physical activity and proper nutrition stay in good shape for a long time. At the slightest sign of excess weight, carefully review your diet and active life.

Great Dane care

White adult Great Dane with a menacing look - photo in the snow

The Great Dane is a short-haired breed that sheds. Shedding is moderate, seasonal, 2 times a year, spring - autumn. If kept in a room with dry, warm air or improper nutrition, it can last all year.

Wool: Brush 1-2 times a week with a rubber glove or a natural bristle brush. During molting, the procedure is increased to 3-4 times a week. Regular brushing will help you quickly get rid of dead hair, improve blood circulation and give your pet a pleasant massage. Does not need trimming.

The Great Dane is bathed when dirty or once a month. This size is difficult to bathe frequently in apartment conditions, so bathing is often replaced by dry cleaning of the coat. A special shampoo for dry cleaning dogs or talc is rubbed into the coat, then combed out thoroughly. To give the wool shine, it can be rubbed with cloth. Wipe the muzzle with a damp towel after feeding. This way you will remove leftover food and drool.

Check your ears regularly. Once a week, wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cloth to remove dust and wax. Ear of a healthy Great Dane pink color, without excess sulfur and unpleasant odor. Noticing redness, fluid, bad smell If the dog shakes its head or rubs against the floor, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian. Reason: allergies, ear mites, otitis media, etc. but never self-medicate without consulting a specialist.

Examine your eyes regularly; a healthy eye without souring or excessive tearing. You can wash it once a week or, if necessary, with a damp soft cloth without lint, soaked in warm water or chamomile decoction. Morning accumulations of tears or mucus are just cleaning the eye from dust. But if there is severe acidification, frequent tearing, redness of the eye, or swelling of the eyelids, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a toothbrush or a finger attachment. Monitor the condition of your gums; there should be no redness, inflammation or bleeding. To prevent tartar, you can include fresh tomatoes in your Great Dane’s diet.

Trim nails with a nail clipper for large breeds once a month. The claw should be in line with the pad. It is necessary to teach this procedure from an early age. Many people do not tolerate nail trimming well; they are afraid and nervous. As you can imagine, dealing with a nervous Great Dane will not be easy. After trimming the nails, always praise your pet and be sure to treat him with a treat.

After walking, wipe paws with a damp cloth. Check regularly for cracks and damage. To prevent cracks in your paw pads, rub vegetable oil and include it in your diet 1 tsp. per day.

The drugs come in in different forms and accordingly applied:

  • Drops (“Frontline”, “Advantix”) - applied to the withers area once a month, do not bathe for 10 days.
  • Spray - the pet and its objects are treated (bedding, the sofa on which it sleeps, blankets, etc.), after 1 - 2 hours everything is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. During the period of tick activity (April - September), before a walk in the forest or park, treat the abdomen and limbs.
  • The collar begins to act on the 6th - 7th day of wearing. Protection against fleas for 5-6 months, against ticks for no more than 1-2 months.

Fleas carry the threat of infection throughout the year, their presence causes inconvenience, constant itching, infection of scratched wounds, up to and including infection with infectious diseases.

Ticks are very dangerous to the health and life of the Great Dane. Some of them are carriers the most dangerous diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, hepatozoonosis, Lima borreliosis, rickettsiosis, etc. Symptoms of the diseases are high temperature body (above 39 degrees), refusal to eat and drink, lethargy, falls on the hind legs, red-brown urine.

If you notice these symptoms, immediately inspect for ticks. Special attention should be given places with soft skin: muzzle, ears, area around the eyes, lower neck, belly.

If you find a tick, do not panic, try to remove it and save it (the veterinarian may want to examine the tick and take it for analysis), then be sure to contact a veterinarian for help. Remember, only a specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment that can preserve the dog’s health and even save a life.

How to remove a tick from a dog's skin:

  1. Wear rubber gloves. A tick can be infectious to humans, so it is better not to touch it with bare hands; besides, it is very dangerous to crush it.
  2. You will need: tweezers or a tick remover (Tick Twister), alcohol, vegetable oil or Vaseline, iodine.
  3. Apply alcohol, oil or Vaseline to the tick, and after a couple of seconds, when it loosens its grip, use tweezers or a remover to unscrew it clockwise.
  4. Treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Great Dane nutrition

Many articles and debates have recently been devoted to the topic of Great Dane nutrition. Some breeders claim that only ready-made balanced food will provide vitamins and minerals in required quantity for growth and active life. Others, on the contrary, are against any “drying” and feed only natural food. In any case, no matter what food you choose for your pet, follow the simple rules necessary for any feeding.

  • Never mix ready-made food and natural food in one feeding.
  • Food should be freshly prepared and at room temperature.
  • There should always be enough clean water in the bowl.
  • Don't serve table scraps.
  • Food should be eaten as a sneak. If you set a portion, but the dog has not eaten after 15-20 minutes. We hide the food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • Do not feed before walks.

Healthy Foods for Great Danes:

Prohibited foods for Great Dane:

  • Fatty meat (pork)
  • Chocolate
  • Bakery
  • Smoked products
  • Legumes
  • river fish
  • Seasonings
  • Spicy food
  • Pasta

Great Dane diseases

  • Bloating
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones)
  • Cataract
  • Entropy (rolling of the eyelid inward, most often the lower one)
  • Glaucoma
  • Osteosarcoma
  • Demodicosis
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma
  • Lick granuloma
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Pododermatitis (interdigital dermatitis)
  • Deafness
  • Bone disease (hypertrophic osteodystrophy, instability of the cervical vertebrae, elbow dysplasia)
  • Osteochondrosis

Apollo of the dog world. It's hard to imagine a more regal breed than the Great Dane. He looks like an antique statue, his appearance is mesmerizing and does not leave anyone indifferent.

The Great Dane breed is not purely European, as the name suggests. Their ancestors lived in Tibet several centuries BC. e. Local tribes kept huge dogs to guard livestock, and it was from them that the Tibetan Great Dane, a blood relative of the Great Dane, originated.

From the Tibetan kingdom, along with goods that were in demand, dogs were brought to the territory of South Asia and the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The inhabitants of Babylon especially loved the giant dog. They decorated the walls of houses with images of dogs and paid great attention to them in manuscripts. In the ruins of the royal chambers of ancient Nineveh, where Ashurbanipal ruled, drawings were found depicting Great Danes on the hunt. The dogs knocked down wild deer and horses. Later, the animals began to be used as fighting dogs, very strong and relatively aggressive.

In the first years of our era, giants became famous warriors, they were used in battles by the Hermondors, legionnaires and Scythians. The famous ancient encyclopedia “Geoponics”, published in the 10th century, describes 7 varieties of mastiff dogs. They were called Old German Mastiff, Great Dane and Bullenbeiser.

Scientists suggest that these representatives of the breed were the result of crossing and hunting dogs of England. Actually, Great Danes served as the founders for breeding work. They were bred for a long time in Denmark and had a number of advantages relative to the mastiff (lack of drooping lips, grace and mobility).

German breeders began to improve the existing breed, bringing them together with native dogs of the same type. Breeding of mastiffs was carried out both in the north of the country and in the south, so at the 1863 exhibition, which was held in Hamburg, 2 types of improved representatives of the breed were shown. Ulm - from the south of the country, where it was carried out selection work, and “improved” (from the northern part). Later the varieties were combined and given the common name Great Dane.

In 1880, a unified breed standard was approved, and the Great Dane lovers club was founded two years earlier.


The Great Dane dog breed has an impressive size and harmonious structure. This is how the very first standard describes him: “He is as stately as a thoroughbred horse, everything about him is proportional and in tune. In his appearance he combines enormous height, colossal power, and grace. It doesn’t have the clumsiness of a mastiff, but it doesn’t have the subtlety of a greyhound either. The Great Dane has a golden mean.”

The height of a male must be at least 80 cm, of a female – 74 cm. The weight of an adult dog can reach 90 kg.

  • The shape of the body is as close as possible to a square. The back is muscular, straight and has a smooth transition to a slightly arched lower back.
  • The head is large, but does not seem bulky or heavy. The brow ridges are clearly drawn. The length of the rectangular muzzle should be equal to half the length of the skull. The upper lip overlaps the lower lip. The jaws are strong with two rows of large teeth. Scissor bite.
  • The nose is moderately wide and has black pigmentation.
  • The eyes are brown with close-fitting eyelids.
  • The ears are medium-sized, hanging on cartilage. Since January 1, 1993, dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.
  • The neck is graceful, strong and sculpted with clearly defined withers.
  • The limbs are straight and tall and should not be too thick or graceful. The hind legs are strong and muscular with a clearly defined hock joint, parallel to each other.
  • The coat is short and shiny.
  • There are 5 types of Great Dane colors: brindle, blue, red (fawn), harlequin and black. Slight white markings are possible but not desirable.

When running, the dog moves easily and freely, with a springy, wide stride.

Interesting! The largest dog of this breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Zeus at the age of 3 years had a height at the withers of 111.8 cm. If he stood on his hind legs, his height reached 2.24 meters.

The most large dog in the world


The Great Dane dog is an intelligent pet. A cool-blooded, self-confident person will never bark in vain. In communication with the owner he is playful and sociable. Sometimes it seems that he can read minds, his intuition is so well developed. A devoted comrade is in a hurry to anticipate the owner’s wishes, but will not insist on communication if the person is busy.

Thanks to his calmness and friendliness, he gets along well with his fellow tribesmen and other animals. He will not pay attention to attacks from street dogs, but if necessary, he will be able to stand up for himself.

Treats children with tenderness and patience; sometimes a pet needs to be saved from a baby. In the worst case, the dog will simply leave, but will never snap back. When communicating between a child and a giant pet, it is advisable not to leave them alone, as the dog may inadvertently touch the baby and knock him down.

The purpose of the Great Dane is protection and he copes with his duties excellently. But even having overtaken an ill-wisher on his territory, he will not tear him apart. Having knocked him down, the dog will simply hold him with his paw until the owner arrives.

Despite their size, Great Danes are very sensitive. They need full communication with a person. In the event of a long absence of the owner, they become sad and withdrawn. This is a faithful companion, for whom it is happiness to simply be with his family.


The Great Dane dog breed is smart and intelligent. She is easy to train, but the owner will still need maximum patience and endurance. You will have to spend a lot of time to ensure that your pet obeys unquestioningly. But it's worth it.

Any dog ​​training begins with mutual understanding. Very often, new owners go to extremes: either they humanize their pet, or they don’t notice its needs and only force it to follow commands using harsh measures. In the process of training, the owner first of all learns to understand the animal.

Instilling rules of behavior should begin after the baby has adapted a little to the new place. Tenderly, but firmly, like a child, outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

Socialization of dogs is perhaps the most important aspect of education. Walking through crowded streets, communicating with relatives and strangers will make your pet more sociable and self-confident.

The Great Dane is responsive to a loving owner; he is the greatest authority for him. If the dog does not see a leader in a person, then he tries on this role for himself. You always need to ensure that this command is followed, otherwise the pet will think that it is not necessary to obey. But it’s not easy to cope with such a giant.

The teaching method is not based on physical violence, but on love and trust. After basic education, you can proceed directly to training. The Great Dane is a good-natured dog, an excellent companion and bodyguard; it is almost impossible to develop anger in them, and it is not necessary. It is enough to pass the OKD, which includes all the main commands.

Great Dane protection

Important! The reward for a completed order should be quick. And the punishment for unacceptable behavior is lightning fast.

How to choose a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to find a responsible breeder. There is enough information about nurseries and litters on the Internet.

The choice according to the criteria: “he came up on his own”, “the first to be born”, disappears immediately. The baby must first of all be healthy, physically and mentally.

The puppy's fatness, activity and good appetite indicate physical health. And also:

  • Clean eyes without purulent discharge.
  • Wet nose without dried crusts.
  • Smooth and shiny fur.
  • No unpleasant odor from the mouth.

You can assess the mental state by talking with the baby’s mom and dad. Temperament is inherited from parents, and it is quite difficult to spoil it at such an early age. Adult kennel residents should be socialized, calm and warily friendly towards strangers.

Great Dane puppies are ready to leave their parents' home at the age of 45-50 days. By this moment, he should gain weight up to 4-5 kg ​​(depending on the number of babies in the litter).

Having seen the entire litter, it is difficult to determine the best one. Therefore, you need to know some “tricks”:

  • The merle color will not improve over time. Small specks will not grow, and light ones will not acquire a rich shade.
  • Thick paws are not an indicator of future growth, perhaps the baby simply eats well. The hind and front legs should be approximately the same in height.
  • Blue eyes will not turn brown, at best yellow.

Choosing a puppy is not an easy task, but it is an exciting one. A professional breeder will always be able to help and advise a baby that meets your needs.

Great Dane puppies can have a price range from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles. It all depends on the reputation of the nursery and the merits of the parents.

If the decision to buy a puppy is made, it is worth talking on forums with owners of the Great Dane breed, photos can also tell a lot about the noble animal.

The Great Dane breed is easy to care for; just wipe the pet's fur with a rubberized mitten to remove dead hairs. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Trim or file nails every month and clean ears and eyes.

Dogs of this breed are quite energetic, but physical activity should be limited until they are 11 months old. Intense jogging and carrying heavy objects can lead to improper formation of the skeleton and even serious injuries.

The main difficulty in keeping a giant is feeding. An adult dog eats 30 kg of dry food per month.

Your pet's natural diet should be nutritious and healthy. Consist of

  • 60% meat (beef, poultry);
  • 15% cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • 15% vegetables.

Important! For full growth, the baby needs mineral supplements and vitamins. Excess or lack of nutrients and microelements can have a detrimental effect on the development of the puppy and spoil its anatomy.

Health and illness

Unfortunately, even with proper maintenance, the Great Dane dog breed has a short life expectancy. On average 6 -9 years.

  • The most common disease of the giant is gastric volvulus. To avoid this problem, you should not allow physical activity after eating.
  • Cancer diseases. Oncology can begin at any age, but dogs that have crossed the 5-year mark are more often affected. Regular examinations will help identify the disease at an early stage and begin productive treatment.
  • Heart failure. The problem may arise due to the animal being overweight. Diet and systematic ultrasound examination will reduce the risk of death.
  • Dysplasia. It may be genetic or the result of improper feeding.

In addition, Great Danes often suffer from allergies and acne. Eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) are inherited. Great Danes with a large amount of white in their coat are sometimes born deaf.


The unique Great Dane, the photo of which only evokes positive emotions, and a representative appearance is respect.

For its loyalty, beauty and intelligence, the Great Dane has become the favorite of the entire planet, Russia is no exception.