Correct landing of the crinum. Planting and caring for the garden plant crinum meadow crinum crinum pratense

Quite often in the house or in the garden you can find a plant such as crinum or marsh lily. This is a very common and beautiful flower, it can grow in various conditions and decorate not only the windowsill, but also the lawn near the house. Especially appreciated by landscape designers. Both an experienced gardener and a novice amateur can grow crinum.

Botanical description

Crinum is a perennial plant from the Amaryllis family. It differs in that some of its varieties can reach gigantic sizes. Crinum has a large bulb, which reaches 25 cm in diameter and has a short or long neck.

The leaves of the plant are usually large and act as a false stem that ends in a fluffy fan. They are linear-lanceolate and belt-shaped in shape and are colored light green. They can reach a length of up to 1.5 m. The young foliage of the plant is usually rolled into tubes.

Distribution and habitats

Crinums love warm and humid climates. There are many varieties of this plant that inhabit almost all corners of our planet. They are common both in the mountains of South Africa and in Asia and Australia. Tropical and subtropical latitudes are the ideal habitat for crinums.

Popular types of crinum

Krinum has a huge variety of species, each of which has its own characteristics of cultivation and maintenance. Thanks to this, you can find a plant that is suitable specifically for your weather and home conditions.

If it’s cold at home or you want to add beauty to your winter garden, then the following crinums are perfect:

If you want to decorate a warm greenhouse, then the following are perfect:

Crinums even live in water. A wonderful decoration for any pond or aquarium can be:

To grow outdoors, it is necessary to take into account that the plant can tolerate temperature changes and be resistant to wind. Powell's crinum is perfect for decorating a flower bed. The plant bulb has the shape of a ball and reaches a diameter of 15 cm.

The leaves reach a meter in length, are belt-shaped, and colored light green. The umbrella inflorescence is located on a high stalk. The flowers are quite large, reaching 20 cm in diameter, and are colored light pink or white.

A favorite house flower that adds coziness and beauty to the home is the Mura crinum. It thrives in a dry home climate and does not require complex care. It has a large bulb reaching 20 cm in length.

The leaves are long, belt-shaped, sometimes wavy. The inflorescence is located on a high stalk and forms an umbrella shape. May include up to ten flowers, the petals of which are colored pink.
This type of crinum is the most common for growing at home, greenhouses or greenhouses. It is the most cultivated.

Use in landscape design

Krinum is a very beautiful and, at the same time, easy-to-care plant. This is why it is so valued in landscape design. It is most often used for landscaping coastal areas.

It gives a river or lake neatness and beauty, and looks more elegant than reeds or other river greenery. Krinum flowers harmonize perfectly with the surface of the water, attract attention, and endow the pond with special mystery and irresistibility.

This flower is also valued for its hardiness and durability. Transplanting and propagating the plant is also quite simple, which is why it is so loved by gardeners and landscape designers.

Growing in open ground and at home

To ensure the correct conditions for keeping crinum, you need to know some of its features, preferences, rules for transplantation and propagation.

The plant itself is relatively unpretentious and hardy, but for its maximum beauty and health it is necessary to provide the correct climate, lighting, humidity, soil acidity, and fertilizing.

Krinum is a tropical plant that loves warmth and moisture, as well as plenty of light. Therefore, when choosing a place to plant it, you need to start from this. It is worth protecting the plant from strong and cold winds.

The soil should be sandy and a little river silt should be added. At home, it is necessary to provide the crinum with sufficient lighting. The amount of sun determines how large and beautiful the flowers will be, as well as the health of the plant.
It is best to choose a place where direct and warm sunlight will fall on the flower. The second feature of keeping a marsh lily at home is to provide enough fresh air.

To do this, you can place the plant near the window so that during the ventilation process it is enriched with the necessary amount of oxygen. Due to the large rhizome, the crinum pot should be deep and wide. This way the plant will feel as comfortable as possible, grow faster and delight with rather large inflorescences.

Important!When keeping a swamp lily on a windowsill, you must ensure that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass. Otherwise, the flower may get burned.

Soil and fertilizers

Krinum is very fond of sandy soil, which is mixed with river silt. This is a fairly nutritious and moist environment that provides the marsh lily with all the necessary microelements.
Therefore, when planting it on a site, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of sand, soil and river silt. By planting a flower in such soil, you will provide it with comfort, and it will delight you with large and beautiful flowers.

When growing crinum at home, it is also necessary to create the right soil. For this purpose, a soil mixture is used. It consists of turf soil, clay, leaf soil, sand and humus. All this is mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1:1.

Watering and humidity

In open ground, the marsh lily needs daily watering, taking into account sunny and hot days. In cloudy and cool times, it needs to be watered once every two days. At home, you need to ensure that the soil never dries out completely.

The humidity should be maintained and the plant should be watered in small doses daily. During the flowering period, it is necessary to especially monitor the soil. It is enough to check whether the top layer of soil has dried out.
If this happens, you should immediately water the plant. During the dormant period, it is recommended to reduce watering, but do not let the soil dry out completely, since the bulb is very sensitive and may die.


Reproduction of crinum occurs through the separation of bulbous children. Their appearance causes the plant to bloom. But it is not recommended to separate the onions right away. It is better to wait until they gain strength and grow a little. The size of the bulb determines how quickly it will bloom. This usually occurs in the second or third year of life.

At home, the separated bulbs are planted in 12-centimeter pots. After a year, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the pots by at least 4 cm. Larger pots should be used after four years of the plant's life.

They stimulate it to reproduce, providing maximum comfort. In open ground, children should be separated during the rest period, namely during the cold season.
But if you want the babies to get stronger and be ready to survive the winter on their own, it is better to separate them before the mother bush blooms. This is a little risky, but most often the plant survives the intervention calmly.

Important! It is necessary to periodically feed crinum with fertilizers. This is especially necessary for recently transplanted baby crinums.


It is necessary to replant crinum at home every four years. The procedure should be carried out at the end of the dormant period, that is, closer to spring. The marsh lily bulb must be placed in the ground so that a third of it is on the surface.

In open ground conditions, crinum can either be left to overwinter in the ground or dug up. If you live in a mild and not very cold climate, then it is better not to dig up the plant, so as not to injure it again.

But in this case, you should completely bury the bulb in the ground. If the winters in your region are harsh, then plant the flower in the usual way, and dig it up for the winter and place it in a cellar or refrigerator.
Crinums grow in one place for four years, no more. After this period, the plants should be replanted and the bulbous children should be separated from them. Otherwise, the marsh lily will slowly fade.

Relation to temperature

At home, you need to determine the temperature based on where the plant comes from. If this is a tropical variety of crinums, then in winter the optimal temperature for them will be +15-17 °C. In summer they will withstand any heat.

For plants that are accustomed to cold, it is necessary to provide a cool habitat with a temperature no higher than +25 °C. Such a plant will overwinter at a temperature of +4-6 °C without any damage.

The marsh lily can be transplanted into open ground after the frosts have passed. It is advisable to do this in April or May. In order for the crinum to survive the winter calmly, it is necessary to insulate the rhizome by placing hay, peat, and leaves on top. This will provide additional warmth and preservation of the bulb.
If your plant is still too small, then it is better to dig it up for the winter and place it in the refrigerator in the department for vegetables and fruits. There is a suitable constant temperature regime that will ensure that the plant gets used to the cold and does not expose it to unnecessary threats.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Gardeners rarely encounter difficulties when growing crinums. But if not properly cared for, some problems may arise. The most common is that the swamp lily is watered too often, which leads to disease and wilting.

Or, on the contrary, they water very rarely, damaging and drying out the bulb. Sometimes it happens that the owner did not notice the disease in time and did not begin to treat it. This often leads to the death of the plant.

The main difficulty in growing crinums is ensuring the correct temperature conditions for tropical and ordinary varieties, and optimal supply of sunlight.

The difficulty is that marsh lilies from different latitudes do not get along well in the same conditions. Therefore, you need to decide which type to keep at home in order to provide maximum comfort to the flower.

Pests, diseases and prevention

If you water your flower too often and a lot of moisture accumulates in the pot, your plant may get anthracnose. The disease manifests itself in the form of brown spots and streaks on the edges of leaves.

To cure a swamp lily, you need to cut off the defective leaves and treat the flower. The product must be diluted in the following proportion: 2 g per 1 liter of water. It would be correct to reduce the number of waterings and ventilate the room more often.

Another common disease of crinum is “red burn” or stagonosporosis. The disease is easily treated with the above-mentioned remedy, diluted in the same proportion. The most dangerous pest for the marsh lily is the amaryllis mealybug.

It has a detrimental effect on the plant and can very quickly lead to wilting. To get rid of the infection, you need to treat the swamp lily with any.
Correct proportion: 2 ml per 1 liter of water. To prevent the appearance of this worm, you must sometimes spray the crinum with the mentioned solution.

Crinum or swamp lily has many varieties. Thanks to this, it will become both a wonderful decoration for your garden and a beautiful addition to your home interior. These flowers are very elegant and unpretentious. With minimal care and proper watering, they will live a long time, delighting you with beautiful leaves and inflorescences with a pleasant aroma.

Latin name: Crinum

Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllidaceae)

Homeland: South Africa and tropical America

Crinum is a genus of over 100 species of luxurious, evergreen flowering bulbous plants belonging to the amaryllidaceae family.

America, Africa and Southeast Asia can be considered the homeland of this magnificent plant. Basically, crinum can be found in swampy areas, river and sea banks, tropical and subtropical areas all over the world.

The name crinum is translated from Latin as “crinis” meaning hair. And in fact, the shape of its leaves, linear and xiphoid, really resembles hanging hair.

Crinum flower differs from the rest of the chosen amaryllis due to its impressive size. In most species of crinum, the oblong bulb gradually turns into a false trunk. It is the base of numerous green, long, even up to two meters long, leaves that form a fan. Crinum has tubular leaves, which is a bit reminiscent hemanthus .

White or pink giant flowers of extraordinary beauty rise on a peduncle in the form of an umbrella inflorescence. It is for this beauty that crinum also has a name - pink lily .

The attractive thing is that some crinums can grow well in aquariums.

The crinum plant looks good and perfectly decorates offices, theater halls, cinema and concert halls, and cold winter gardens. Krinum garden is always a welcome guest in the garden plots of amateur gardeners.

Varieties of crinum

Crinum moorei

This type of crinum can be considered as the most common in cultivated cultivation, in most cases it is suitable for greenhouses and winter gardens.

The mountainous rocky slopes and forests of the Natal province in South Africa are considered the birthplace of Moore's crinum.

Bulbous perennial up to one and a half meters high. It consists of a decent-sized spherical bulb with a diameter of up to twenty centimeters, located in the ground to the middle of its size. From a long, almost half-meter neck, forming a false trunk, up to 15 pieces of light green, grooved leaves with embossed veins appear, reaching a meter in length. Above the half-meter leaf rosette, not very high, an umbrella-shaped inflorescence flaunts majestically, usually from August to September. And it is collected from twelve bell-shaped pink flowers, reaching a length of eight centimeters.

Crinum powellii

As a result of crossing two crinums, representatives of South Africa, Krinum Moore and bulbous, a light-loving and very hardy, frost-resistant species appeared - the perennial crinum Powell. Its bulb can reach a diameter of up to twenty centimeters. Meter-long, light green, belt-like leaves form a rosette. About a dozen bell-shaped flowers, with pointed petals at the ends, participate in the creation of an umbrella inflorescence of bright pink, red or white color.

Crinum latifolium

In nature, Crinum latifolia is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia, including India and China.

A large round bulb up to 20 cm smoothly passes into a small neck. Its top is decorated with a bunch of meter-long, thin, belt-shaped green leaves. And from August to October, this huge giant is decorated with numerous funnel-shaped thirty-centimeter fragrant flowers, collected in umbrella bouquets - inflorescences of white or pink color.

Crinum calamistratum, aka crinum wavy

In their natural habitat, there are about fourteen species of aquatic crinums. They are similar to each other in a number of common characteristics. Basically, these are bulbs with many scales and roots with weak branching, and they are decorated with long ribbon-shaped leaves.

We will consider further the aquarium crinum and its varieties, which can be called the kings of the world of aquarium flora.

The rivers and streams of western Cameroon are native to Crinum undulata. Thanks to its original, irresistible appearance and ease of cultivation, wavy crinum, also called curly crinum, becomes a frequent decoration of any underwater landscape.

An unusual wonderful rosette consists of long, meter-long, dark green, harsh, fragile leaves, the edges of which are wavy. The plant loves bright light, develops well and quickly reproduces by daughter bulbs.

Thai Crinum (Crinum thainum)

It is not difficult to guess that the native place of this strong and beautiful plant is southern Thailand.

In an aquarium, Krinum Thai will look very majestic near the back wall. The plant has wide, up to three centimeters, meter-long leaves. The color of the leaves contains a varied shade of green from light to dark. If the Thai crinum likes the conditions of its detention, it will definitely bloom and delight with its unique beauty. The aquarium must be placed in direct sunlight, and the temperature must reach 28˚C.

Krinum care at home

Krinum are increasingly found in residents’ homes and delight the eye with their beauty and attractiveness. And for this you just need to fulfill simple growing conditions.

Selecting a location and temperature

You can place the krinum on or near a window on the east or west side, and cover direct exposure to the sun on the south side. After all, a bright place with bright diffused light for at least four hours a day is desirable for the plant. The picky crinum will feel wonderful in rooms with artificial lighting.

In the summer months, the desired temperature is within 20-26˚С, and in a state of rest 8-15˚С. Cool halls for crinum are an ideal place to grow.

Ambient humidity and watering

During intensive growth, water generously with warm water, preventing the soil from completely drying out. In winter, limit watering, preventing the soil from drying out too much.

Krinum does not make any special requirements for humidity. It is advisable to periodically wipe the leaves with a wet sponge or, in dry air, spray the plant.

Replanting and suitable soil

It is advisable to transplant a large-sized bulb after a dormant period into a large pot with a hole. It needs to be buried in the soil by half or two-thirds. Good drainage is required. And in order to admire beautiful flowers more often, the pot should not be larger than 30 cm in diameter.

Crinum must be grown in fertile, loose soil. And its composition can be organized from three parts of turf soil, three parts of leaf soil and one part each of humus, sand or perlite and peat.


With the appearance of young leaves, crinum needs to be fed every fourteen days. It is desirable to have a large amount of potassium in liquid fertilizers. You can set the order of application of fertilizers with organic matter and minerals.


Like other bulbous , crinum reproduces simply by baby bulbs or seeds. Carefully, without damaging the roots, separate the daughter bulbs and transplant them into small pots with a hole. A bright place will be very useful for babies and moderate watering is required. In two or three years the crinum will bloom.


And you can contemplate this beauty closer to autumn. On a long peduncle there are huge fragrant funnel-shaped flowers of white, pale pink or light crimson.

Crinum diseases and pests

Crinum care, done correctly, protects the plant from pests that can harm it. This could be a mealybug concentrated in the leaf axils. Spider mites and thrips can also attack crinum. We are urgently fighting with insecticides.

We solve problems that arise

Why doesn't crinum bloom? This issue can be resolved by: feeding the plant well; create conditions for normal plant rest; Provide the flower with good lighting and moderate, proper watering during the active period.

The leaves of crinum wither - the cause of this misunderstanding is most likely due to improper watering.

Crinum poisonous plant you need to take care of it carefully. All parts of the plant contain crinin.

Garden crop from the Amaryllis family. Flowers are mainly grown in open outdoor space. Krinum has more than 130 varieties, its inflorescences are attractive and unusual. Large flowers resemble lilies and are located on a stem up to one and a half meters high. The hardiest varieties are selected for cultivation in the ground. Flowering occurs in the last days of summer or early autumn.

Most crinum varieties are perennial herbaceous crops. The hallmark of the plant is its inflorescences - they are large, reaching a diameter of up to 20 cm. Flowers can be of different colors, white, pink, red and white shades are more common. It is recommended to plant at a temperature not lower than 10ºC in well-drained soil. There are several rules that will help prepare the bulbs for planting in open ground:

  1. In early March, the bulbs are planted in pots or boxes, and transferred to the flowerbed around the beginning of May.
  2. In regions with mild winters, garden crinum can be left in the soil all year round, but the bulbs must be buried so that there is a 5 cm supply of soil on top.
  3. When digging is required for the winter, the bulbs are not buried, but are left one-third open.
Krinum flowering

Flowers are watered as needed, but in limited quantities to prevent excessive moisture. It is necessary to maintain slightly moist soil, not forgetting to apply mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a month.

Attention! Garden crinum loves sunny and windless places, and at low air temperatures it requires the organization of a warm shelter.

How to care for garden crinum?

All garden crops require individual care; garden crinum is a very whimsical and demanding plant, so the following rules must be observed:

  • regular and moderate watering, especially when buds are growing;
  • periodic feeding with fertilizers;
  • after the foliage withers, it is necessary to prepare the flower for winter;
  • during winter, the soil where the bulbs are stored can be slightly moistened;
  • It is not allowed to store the bulbs in a room that is too warm, above +15ºС.

Caring for garden crinum involves timely removal of weeds and loosening of the soil. In addition to periodically fertilizing the soil with organic and mineral products, the flower can be watered with complex fertilizer during the flowering period. Faded buds are cut off to reduce the load on the bulb.

Attention! Do not be afraid of the moment when, after flowering, the leaves of crinum begin to gradually fade. This is a natural process of preparing a plant for winter.

The following products are usually used as fertilizer:

  • a mixture of superphosphate with potassium salt - to stimulate growth;
  • organic matter for general strengthening, such as chicken manure or cow manure;
  • thick layer of humus.

The main rule for feeding any flowers is maintaining proportions and moderation. If there is an excess of fertilizers, excessive greenery will appear without flower stalks. For each plant you need to spend approximately 0.5 liters of liquid fertilizer. Improper care will lead to rotting of the bulbs.

Winter storage of crinum

In winter, the flower requires special care. Even before frost sets in, cover the bulbs with straw or peat. After the end of frost, the shelter is removed to prevent rotting of the root areas. In regions with harsh winters, the bulbs are dug up, dried and trimmed. They can be stored in the refrigerator or cool room.

When at rest, crinums are not watered; irrigation with water is allowed only if there is a risk of drying out the soil layer. Violation of the storage temperature, as well as excessive humidity, will inevitably lead to damage to the root cuttings. Improper wintering can negatively affect the flowering of plants.

If the bulbs are stored indoors, it should be dry. It is advisable to disinfect the cellar and install ventilation in it. In the spring you can see that crinum has woken up - it starts to shoot as soon as it comes out of dormancy. If there is no dormant period, the plant is unlikely to bloom in the summer.

Diseases, pests, difficulties in care

Creating conditions for crinum to bloom is not easy. The main difficulties that a gardener faces are choosing a planting site and maintaining a certain level of soil moisture. Pests rarely attack flowers, but there may be a risk of mealybugs, narcissus flies, spider mites or thrips. Characteristic signs of a diseased plant:

  • bulb rotting;
  • the appearance of red longitudinal spots on the leaves;
  • long absence of flowering;
  • lethargy of foliage.

In addition to insects, excessive watering and excessive fertilization of the soil cause great harm to crinums. The plant also suffers due to lack of rest period or lack of sunlight. Insects can be detected by the presence of a translucent thin web or the appearance of suspicious whitish lumps. If you do not take action, the whitish lumps will turn into plaque, which contributes to the appearance of sooty fungus. An effective solution to the problem will be treatment with special preparations. Fungicides are applied to rotten areas. Red longitudinal burns on the leaves are characteristic facts of a lack of nutrients.

In addition to the problems listed above, every gardener should inquire about the chosen variety of krinum, since some varieties contain the toxic substance “krinin”. Despite all the difficulties of growing, crinum remains one of the most popular garden plants. Flowers can decorate landscape design not only in single form. A group of crinums looks especially impressive.

Asian crinum: video

Crinum is a bulbous perennial plant that is grown indoors. Crinum Powell is suitable for growing in open ground.

The plant is very large, the leaves reach a length of about 1 m, the length of the flowers is 18 cm. Some species are used as aquarium plants. Flowering occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, the flowers are collected in inflorescences and are pink, white or white-pink in color.

Care and cultivation of crinum

For cultivation, a mixture of turf and leaf soil, peat, humus and sand is used. Choose large pots (tubs) with drainage holes. A layer of drainage, such as expanded clay, is placed at the bottom of the pot.

Water moderately but regularly. The soil should not dry out completely. For irrigation use soft, settled water. To maintain moisture, the leaves are periodically sprayed with water at room temperature and wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Mineral fertilizers begin to be applied with the appearance of young leaves (after a dormant period), twice a month. Mineral fertilizers for flowering plants are used as fertilizers.

After flowering ends, faded inflorescences are removed. Feeding is stopped and watering is gradually reduced. After flowering, crinum begins a dormant period.

Transplantation is carried out once every 3-5 years, young specimens are replanted once every 2 years. When planting, the bulb should not be deeply buried; it should protrude 1/3 above the soil surface. Adult specimens do not need to be replanted, but only replace the top layer of soil.

Growing in open ground

Crinum grows best in sunny areas, the place should be protected from the winds. Fertile, well-drained soils are preferred.

Water moderately, not allowing the soil to dry out completely. Mineral fertilizers are applied throughout the summer 1-2 times a month. After flowering ends, fertilizing is stopped.

Krinum requires reliable winter shelter; usually the plantings are mulched with a thick layer of straw and peat. Most gardeners plant the plant in tubs and take it outside all summer; in the fall, the plant is transferred to a cool room.

Crinum propagation

Crinum is propagated by seeds and baby bulbs. In March, the children are separated from the mother bulb using a sharp knife, so as not to disturb the earthen lump around the roots. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. Then the children are planted in a nutrient substrate and watered abundantly. Bulbs are planted in open ground in May.

Seed propagation is rarely used, because flowering begins 4-5 years after sowing. Seeds are sown one at a time in small containers, in a substrate made of a mixture of peat and sand. The seeds are germinated in a mini-greenhouse.

On a note

Some types of crinum are poisonous, so after contact with the plant you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and make sure that children or animals do not tear off or chew the leaves and flowers.

Diseases and pests

May suffer from mealybugs, spider mites, thrips.

Young plants - annually, adults - once every 3-4 years In spring and summer 18-22, in winter 9-12 Abundant in summer, when the top layer of soil dries out; in winter - once every 2-3 weeks Only on particularly hot days Bright lighting Mandatory rest period


Krinum loves and needs bright lighting. Moreover, he does not need shading. The brighter the score, the better the plant grows and develops. The optimal place for the crinum is a south window.

It is important to ensure that the leaves do not touch the glass. Otherwise, burns may occur in these areas. Can be placed on window sills facing east or west.

In autumn-winter, the plant especially needs light - preferably a crinum flower with the help of fluorescent lamps or phytolamps, creating a 16-hour daylight hours.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the plant will be 18-22 degrees. In winter, when the plant enters a dormant period, the temperature should drop to 9-12 degrees.

Young crinums, under 3 years of age, do not need to be kept cold– they will be comfortable at 16-18 degrees.

Crinums are afraid of drafts, but love fresh air. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the rooms in which they are located both in summer and winter.


During the period of growth and flowering, crinum requires abundant watering. However, it is not recommended to over-moisten the soil.

The top layer of soil must dry out before the next watering.. After the plant has flowered, the volume and frequency of soil moisture decreases.

In winter, when kept in cool conditions, watering should be quite rare - once every 2-3 weeks.

However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out - the fleshy roots do not stop functioning all year round. With the appearance of the flower arrow, the normal watering regime is restored.

Used for watering should be soft, at room temperature.

The soil

The soil for crinum should be loose and fertile. You can buy a ready-made universal substrate in the store or prepare the mixture yourself.

Having chosen the second option, you should prepare turf and leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1:1. You can add a few pieces of charcoal.

Before planting, the mixture should be disinfected by spilling it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A pot with large holes and good drainage at the bottom is an important part of growing the plant successfully.


Fertilizing is carried out only during the growing season with liquid fertilizer for flowering indoor plants once every 2 weeks. Dosage - according to instructions.

Fertilizing begins with the appearance of young leaves and stops when the crinum has bloomed.


When the necessary conditions are created, crinum begins to bloom at the end of summer. To preserve the indescribable beauty longer, faded flowers should be removed.

After flowering, in October, the plant begins a dormant period.. It loses some leaves, but growth does not stop completely.

At this time, he should be kept in cool conditions (10-12 degrees) and rarely watered, without drying out the earthen coma. The plant does not need pruning.

If crinum does not have a proper dormant period, it will not bloom next year.

Krinum does not need regular spraying. However, on particularly hot days, with increased dry air, you can spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle.

Spraying can be carried out from time to time to prevent the appearance of pests.

From time to time, the leaves can be wiped off dust with a damp cloth.


Crinum is rarely affected by disease. However, with improper care, anthracnose may appear, which manifests itself in dark spots on the leaves. The cause may be high temperature and humidity.

Another disease is “red burn” - the appearance of red spots on the bulb and leaves. To combat diseases, all affected elements should be removed, and the plant should be treated with a solution of Fundazol (2 grams per 1 liter of water).

Amaryllis bugs and scale insects can be dangerous. Treatment with a soap solution or insecticide: Actellik, Fitoverm will help get rid of them.

Problems are possible when growing crinum at home:

  • Crinum may not bloom for several reasons - lack of light, lack of a dormant period, lack of nutrients, incorrect watering regime;
  • Leaves become limp due to insufficient or excessive soil moisture.


The easiest and fastest way to crinum is with daughter bulbs.

The optimal time for crinum propagation is summer. The “babies” are carefully separated from the mother plant so as not to damage the roots. The cut areas are treated with crushed coal.

Each bulb is planted in an individual pot with a diameter of 9-12 cm. The young specimen should be kept in a well-lit place and watered moderately.

After a year, the plants are transferred to pots with a diameter of 12-15 cm, and after another 12 months - with a diameter of 15-17 cm. During the growth period, good watering and fertilizing are necessary.

Depending on the size of the crinum bulbs, children bloom 2-4 years after planting.


Young specimens, up to 3 years of age, annually. Adults - once every 3-4 years. The optimal time to transplant crinum is before the start of growth, in March.

For planting, it must be large and deep so that the roots fit into it freely without breaking. Suitable pot diameter is 25-35 cm.

Transplantation must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots. The old soil is removed along with the damaged roots.

The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. The bulb is immersed in the soil by half or 2/3.

Useful video

Now you know everything about caring for crinum, as well as propagating and replanting the plant.