Scenario of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” for elementary school. Scenario of the war game “Zarnitsa”

Name: Scenario war game"Zarnitsa"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, physical development, Senior preschool age

Position: instructor physical culture
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 25"
Location: Bratsk, Irkutsk region

Scenario for the military sports game “Zarnitsa”
Prepared by a physical education instructor

Target: create conditions for increasing children's physical activity.


Educational: Introduce children to the branches of the military; learn to use basic instructions, be able to navigate the area using a map.

Educational: Develop physical qualities through the ability to overcome an obstacle course (snake running, walking on an elevated support, jumping), the ability to ride a scooter; practice throwing at a vertical target located at a distance of up to 3 meters and outdoor games.

Educational: To instill in children the qualities necessary for a future defender of the Motherland, a sense of mutual assistance, endurance, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance, the ability to act cohesively in difficult situations, and a responsible attitude to the task at hand.

Progress of the game.

The game headquarters is located on the territory of the physical education area. Appropriate markings have been made on the area. Identification signs are placed at stages of the route. The appropriate equipment has been prepared, and adults stand at each point along the route.

At the signal, the troops gather for a ceremonial formation at the game headquarters. The presenter (physical education instructor) welcomes the participants.


Squads! Be equal! Attention! Alignment to the middle! Hello guys! Today we are conducting a military sports game"Zarnitsa" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Today it’s just a game, but 70 years ago our grandparents, who were still just children, helped defend our Motherland. Thanks to them and many other soldiers, today we can play, joke and simply live in a world without war. Let's start our game with the ceremonial raising of the flag (the Russian anthem sounds).

Game motto: We are the children of our Motherland,

We remember everything that happened to her!

The squad leaders will receive a route map, and you must follow the given route. At each stage, after completing the task by all participants, you will receive part of the secret report. You must not only complete all tasks correctly, but also quickly. Your task is to collect all the parts of the secret report, deliver it to the game headquarters and decipher it.

The squad leader receives a route map, and the squad begins moving along the given route.

According to the terms of the game, at each stage there is an adult who monitors the correct completion of the task. When the task is completed, the squad leader is given part of the secret report in a sealed envelope.

Stage – “Motorized Rifles”

(takes place at the monitoring site)

Participants in the game ride scooters along marked paths.

Participants take turns throwing a “grenade” (small balls). From a distance of 3 meters they try to hit a vertical target - a model of a tank ( carton in the form of a tank).

Stage - “Obstacle Course” (takes place in the physical training area)

Participants, one at a time in a column, walk along a path made of tires, then along a “bridge” (a log), walk along “steps” (chocks) and “snake” between a physical training tunnel. They receive a piece of the map and move on to the next stage.

Stage – “Shootout”

Outdoor game "Shootout". Children are divided into two teams. One team is on the court, the second is distributed along its sides and, at a signal, tries to knock out the opponents from the court with two swords, and those who were knocked out leave the field. At the signal, the game stops and the teams change places. Those who knocked out stand in the center of the court and the game continues. The team that eliminates more opponents wins. IN middle group Teachers knock out children, and those who never hit win.

The guys collect the next piece of the map.

Stage – “Secret Report”

Having collected all the parts of the secret report at the stages, the units go to the game headquarters to decipher it.

The leader gives the command to the detachment commanders to open the packages, collect all the parts of the secret report and decipher it (they assemble a map from the pieces kindergarten, it indicates the place where the secret letter is hidden).

Children preparatory group become “scouts” and according to the specified scheme, focusing on the terrain, carry out tasks and find a cartridge case. (The map shows: a highway, a minefield, a tank platoon, a swamp, a river crossing, a report in a well).

All together we open the sleeve,

We find a letter there, the presenter reads the message.

Leading: The military sports game “Zarnitsa” has come to an end. All the guys coped with the task of the game perfectly. You have shown yourself to be not only dexterous, strong, brave, fast, but also friendly, able to be a single team.

MBOU Nurinerskaya secondary secondary school Baltasinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Prepared by: life safety teacher-organizer
Gimadiev Ramil Shamilovich

Winter Military Sports Festival "Zarnitsa" dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

  • instill physical exercise skills (throwing a grenade at a target, at a distance, throwing a ball at a distance, running, etc.), compliance with civil defense standards;
  • instill practical skills (carrying a victim, providing first aid, etc.)
  • to promote love for the native land, service in the ranks Russian army, to a healthy lifestyle, fostering feelings of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.
Preliminary work with students:
  • Prepare homemade military equipment (model of a machine gun, grenade, sapper shovel, shoulder straps, emblem), learn a drill song. Divide the students into two teams - “green” and “blue”. Conduct classes in specialties (intelligence officers, sappers, orderlies, chemists, cooks, etc.); Select a jury consisting of teachers and students.
  • Hold meetings with school graduates who served in the Russian army;
  • Hold sports competitions between teams (basketball, air rifle shooting,pull-up on the horizontal bar, ski relay race).

The order of the holiday. "ZARNITSKA"

1. Competition “Become slim, worthy of respect”

  • formation in front of the school on the parade ground at 9...
  • report from squad leaders to the platoon commander;
  • the platoon commander’s report to the judge and the Young Army soldiers’ response to the judge’s greeting;
  • inspection appearance 6 fighters (for each absentpiece of equipment minus one point.);
  • turns on the spot;
  • drill song review;
  • military salute by a platoon in motion;
  • platoon march;
  • evacuation;
  • laying a wreath at the monument built in honor of the fallen soldiers in the Second World War
  • We go in a marching column to the Zarnitsa venue.

The teams are given route sheets, which indicate the order of passing the posts.

3 scouts from each platoon search for hidden packages in azimuth and on the map. Their goal is to find all the packages and return to the platoon location. After finding the packages, 1 signalman from each department must decipher what was written.

Shooting from an air rifle while standing at targets No. 6, /distance 8 -10m/.Evaluated by the arithmetic average of the points scored.

6. Competition. "Ammunition Carriers"

The starting line and 45 m from it are marked with flags on the field. For the game, 2 “cartridge” boxes weighing 8 kg each are prepared in advance. A group of 4 people competes from each division. 1 gr. He drags a 15 m “cartridge” box, then they are replaced by 2 gr. /15m/, then the third. The first team to get the “ammunition” to the finish line wins. For violating the rules, participants are penalized with points.

7. Competition. "Sanitary posts."

4 people participate in the competition. The competition takes place in 3 stages, of which 2 and 3 have a control time. The team goes to the start with the equipment necessary to provide first aid.

Stage 1. Personal and public hygiene. Infectious diseases and measures to prevent them. Healthy lifestyle. Test.

Stage 2. Providing primary care for injuries, accidents and sudden illnesses. Transportation of sick and injured people.

Stage 3. Search for "affected" . putting a gas mask on him and carrying him to the collection point.

8. Competition "Grenade to the target."

Wooden grenades are used for the game. Throwing is carried out in two squares drawn on the ground one inside the other, the size is internal -1 * 1 m and external 3 * 3 m. The distance for throwing a grenade is 15 m. Each participant throws one grenade at the target from a standing position.

9. Competition Throwing a grenade at a distance.

This post is held by fighters of the 1st and 2nd squads (3 guys, 3 girls). The best result is taken into account (boys - 700g, girls - 500g)

10. Defense Competition.

A) Participants prepare trenches in places specified by the judge for time and quality;

B) Throwing a grenade into a trench (the number of grenades that hit the trench is taken into account)

11. Competition "Attack"

Participants run over a 200 m section of rough terrain. The team whose member was the first to reach the finish line receives a point and additional points for the team that lined up behind the finish line in sections.

12. Competition “Taking the Heights”

Both teams run to the Banner. The winner is the team whose last fighter reaches the Banner first.

13. Competition “Who is faster and tastier.”

4 chefs from each team participate in the competition.

Every year at our school I hold a traditional open sports event at fresh air. Moreover, in the fall (in September) I spend Health Day dedicated to the beginning academic year, and in the spring (May) the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to the end of the school year. First of all, I prepare a scenario in which I try to involve all the students in the school.

For primary school I conduct “Fun Starts” with elements of tourism and CVP - then they act as fans of high school teams, and there are more serious competitions for primary and high school students. Next, I make equipment: signs indicating stations, maps, grenades and shields with targets, sticks with thread for burning, ropes for tying knots, encryption, backing tracks and lyrics to songs, an obstacle course (crossing, bumps, targets, etc.).

After all the stages have been thought through, I divide the students into teams - for a school with 40-50 students, dividing into classes is not always convenient, so the main criterion is the strength training of each student.

Then I think through the evaluation system (completion time, penalties for errors).

And at the last step I appoint all teachers of the school as responsible certain stages. Don’t forget about the awards for the winners - certificates, sweet treats at a general tea party. I suggest you hold the same event, since children really like them and bring a huge supply of energy.

Purpose of the event:

  • To promote the preservation and strengthening of traditions associated with the patriotic education of schoolchildren within the framework of military sports games.

Objectives of the event

  • :Formation of children's quick reaction skills in non-standard situations. (civil defense skills)
  • Teaching schoolchildren how to provide first aid in an emergency.
  • Development and strengthening of physical fitness of schoolchildren.

Conditions and requirements for participants
The military sports game “Zarnitsa” is held for students throughout our school.
To participate in the school, 2 teams of 20 people each were formed. Children from grades 1 to 11 + class teachers and other school teachers take part in the game. Dress requirements: closed shoes appropriate to the time of year (sneakers, boots).

3. Main stages of the game and their content
The game is built in the form of a military sports relay race, where teams move along the route indicated on the map. There are checkpoints along the route. At the checkpoint there is a stage leader (one of the class teachers), who tells the children the task of the stage and records the correctness of its implementation. The mediator records the completion of the stage in the route sheet, with which the team goes to the next stage.
The event (Zarnitsa or Health Day) begins with a general formation in front of the main entrance to the school to the sounds of a ceremonial march. The school director delivers a congratulatory speech - this adds even more solemnity and significance to the event. Next, the prepared children and I give a presentation about the history of the holiday. For example, about “Zarnitsa”: During cold war In the USSR, military-patriotic education of the younger generation was carried out in schools. Song and formation parades, paramilitary games, military lessons, and military sports camps were organized annually. The Zarnitsa game is a team competition with elements of military exercises and sports training. The game had a lot of options, but was aimed at initial military training of schoolchildren.

Then I tell you the program:

  • Stage 1. “Search for a task map” ()
  • Stage 2. Tourist all-around “One for all, all for one” ()
  • Stage 3. “Sharpshooter” ()
  • Stage 4. “Topography”. ()
  • Stage 5. “Ammunition carriers” ()
  • Stage 6. “Chemical attack.” ()
  • Stage 7. “Sanitary posts.” ()
  • Stage 8. “Throwing a grenade at a distance.” ()
  • Stage 9. “The grenade hits the target.” ()
  • Stage 10. “Who is faster and tastier.” ()
  • Stage 11. “Combat leaflet” and “Symbols of Russia.” ()
  • Stage 12. “Military ranks.” ()
  • Stage 13. “Military polymath.” ()
  • Stage 14. “Staging a war song.” ()
  • Summing up the results of the competition and awarding

Below you can read and download the script of a military-patriotic game with elements of tourism, held the year before last.

Military sports lightning, held regularly at any time of the year, will help make schoolchildren strong, resilient and instill a team spirit in them. In you will find scenarios for lightning for different age groups. We wish you good luck!

Lightning scenario for schoolchildren

Competitions for young army men in squads

Stage 1 – Putting on a gas mask.

Equipment: gas masks and stopwatch.

The team is lined up, each participant has a gas mask in a traveling position. The command “Attention!” is given. and "Gases". At the command “Gas”, team players bring the gas mask into the firing position, right hand open the valve of the bag, put it on your face and exhale. The time of putting on a gas mask by the first and last players of each team is recorded, then the command “Flash” is given to the right, left. The team that shows least time.

Stage 2 – Search for min.

The squad searches for “mines” for 5 minutes, points are awarded for each mine found.

Stage 3 – Combat training.

Turns on the spot, changing into ranks, marching step with a song.

Stage 4 – Throwing grenades.

Each squad throws 10 “grenades” at the shield (or at another target), which

Located at a distance of 10 meters. Points are awarded based on the number of hits

Target "grenade".

Stage 5 – Competition of orderlies.

The detachment carries out the task of providing assistance to a conditionally injured person and transports him according to the specified method.

Stage 6 – Overcoming the distance on your belly.

The squad crawls under obstacles, one at a time, two at a time.

The task is considered to be completed correctly when not a single person from the squad

It will hit the tight ropes. For each touch a penalty is awarded

Point. Fines are established in the following order. If the number of the squad

Equal to or exceeds 15 people – 4 points are awarded for 1-2 touches,

If more than 2 - 3 points, if the number of the squad does not exceed 15 people, 1

Touch - 4 points, 2 – 3 points.

Stage 7 – Making a fire

Properly organize the fireplace. Burnt threads. (brushwood 20 cm high, spears 40 cm high).

Summing up: The squad with the highest score is considered the winner.

Number of points. At the end of the competition, the game “King of the Hill” is played.

Students in grades 9 and 8 will defend the army banner, and students in grades 5-7 will

Try to capture the banner. During the game you need to rip off your shoulder straps. If

If 1 shoulder strap is torn off - wounded, if 2 - killed.

Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnitsa" for schoolchildren

Conditions and requirements for participants:
The military sports game is held on the school grounds for one school day.
To participate in the game, 4 teams (at least 8 people) are formed - students in grades 5-6.
4 teams (at least 10 people) - students in grades 7-9.
Each team has a name, emblem and its own commander.
Dress code: closed shoes, jacket, hat, gloves.
Each team is given a route sheet for the general formation before the start of the game.
All participants are introduced in advance to the stages of the game and the movement pattern

Progress of the event.
Team building.
Explanation of game conditions and distribution of route sheets.
Movement of teams along routes.
Summing up. Rewarding.

1 Combat training.
The team demonstrates drill training and follows the commands of its commander.

2 Web.
Grades 5-6, 8 participants each, and grades 7-9, 10 participants each, take part.
Each participant takes turns crawling along a 6-meter area on their bellies under taut

3 Topography.
The whole team takes part. Participants are given a map with topographical
signs. In a certain time you need to write their name.
4 Fire.
Grades 5-6, 8 participants each, and grades 7-9, 10 participants each, take part.
Each participant is given one “grenade” - a pin, which must be thrown into the trench.

5 Strength training.
Two girls and two boys take part. A girl and a boy perform an abdominal exercise (lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms crossed to the shoulders). The other pair performs flexion and extension of the arms in a lying position (push-up).
Each exercise is completed in 30 seconds.

6 Encryption.
The whole team takes part. Students are given an encrypted message in the form of a set of numbers.
Using the alphabet, decipher the encryption within a certain time.

The whole team takes part. The team needs to build a stretcher and carry the wounded man a certain distance up the hill without dropping him.

8 Parallel crossing.
Grades 5-6, 8 participants each, and grades 7-9, 10 participants each, take part. Participants take turns moving along parallel ropes.

9 Military polymath.
The whole team takes part. The participant must answer questions related to military service within a certain time.

Summing up:
Each stage is scored 10 point system, except for the stages: web, fire, parallel crossing for teams of grades 5-6. These stages are assessed for them using an 8-point system.
For breaking the rules, teams are given penalty points.
The results are summed up among teams in grades 5-6. And separately among teams of grades 7-9. The best captains are also identified.

Teams that take prizes are awarded diplomas. Teams that did not win prizes received certificates for participation. The best commanders are awarded certificates.

Lightning scenario for elementary grades

Construction of classes 1,2,3,4 near the school.
The head judge gives a parting speech to the teams.
Before the start of the game, squad members draw lots to create teams of 8 people. The first competition is held for captains: who will correctly and quickly (for a while) “pack a backpack” for a hike. The task is completed one at a time, starting from grade 4 to grade 1.
Captains competition. On the jury's table there are cards with the names and pictures of a variety of objects. From these, the captain must choose the most necessary things for the trip.
Evaluation: whoever “packs the backpack” faster and correctly will be the first to lead their team along the route; whoever spent more time “packing” will lead their teams second, third and fourth.
While one team will go through the route through the stations, for the rest
conduct outdoor games.
Each station has a sign with its name. The chief judge distributes tickets to all captains, which indicate the route, start time and finish time. All teams are given vouchers with the same route. At each station, the captain gives the judge a ticket, after which the team completes the task. The judge evaluates the performance with points and returns the ticket to the captain. Having reached the finish line, the team lines up in front of the chief judge, who marks the time of arrival of the team on the ticket.
Conditions and assessment of task completion at stages:
Orderlies. Tell us what first aid should be provided if your friend has:
1. Broken nose.
2. Abrasion on the knee.
3. Bruise or “bump” on the forehead.
4. Mild fainting.
Score: the highest number of points for a team is 8. For each incorrect answer, one point is deducted.
Plastuns. Crawl alternately, one at a time, under the gates made up of crossbars of 40, 35 and 30 cm, trying not to drop the crossbars, loosely placed on the tops of the posts. The distance between the gates is 2m.
Score: the highest score for a team is 8. For each crossbar knocked down, 0.5 points are deducted.
Snipers. The task is performed one at a time, one at a time. While kneeling, use three small balls to hit three basketballs placed in a row 20 cm apart. at a distance of 5m. from the throwing line. At the end of throwing, the throwing player puts the knocked down targets back in place and puts the balls in a box.
Score: the number of points is equal to the total number of downed targets.
Orientation. Answer questions and demonstrate in practice your ability to navigate the area.
Questions for 1st grade:
1. Where do birds fly in the fall?
2. Where does the sun “rise” and where does it “set”?
Questions for 2nd grade:
1. How can you determine the cardinal directions by trees?
2. Where is the sun at noon?
Questions for 3rd grade:
1. On which side of the tree does moss grow?
2. What other objects can be used to determine the cardinal directions?
Questions for 4th grade:
1. How can you determine the cardinal directions by anthills?
2. Name all the methods of orientation you know?
Scoring: 1 point is awarded for each correct answer. For an incorrect answer, 0.5 points are deducted.
Crossing. The task is performed one at a time, one at a time. First you need to walk along the “log”, then jump over the “ditch” (1m) and walk “over the bumps”.
Score: the highest score for the team is 8. For each step into the “swamp”, 0.5 points are deducted.
Parachutists. Jump alternately, one at a time, from a bench (porch) 60 cm high into one of three circles with a diameter of 30 cm (as directed by the judge).
The circles are fanned out at a distance of 1 m. from the jumping point. Land exactly within the circle and remain balanced.
Scoring: 1 point is awarded for each correct landing.
Climbers. Walk one by one along the “winding mountain path”, stepping on 10 bricks arranged in the shape of a closed figure eight. The distance between bricks is 60, 30, 10 cm (and then in the same sequence).
Score: the highest score for the team is 8. For each foot touching the ground while walking along the “path”, 0.5 points are deducted.

As soon as the last command will pass all route, the jury counts the points of all teams.
The overall score of each team consists of the sum of points received for completing the entire route and completing tasks at the stages. Best time is assessed by a number of points equal to the number of participating teams. The remaining teams receive low scores according to their time. Based on the amount of points received by teams during the route and for achievements at the stages, places taken in the competition are determined.
Rules. 1. The order of team members performing tasks at stages is established by the captain. 2. Players who made mistakes do not restart the attempt, but continue to complete the task further. 3. After completing the task, the team must put all used items back in place.

After counting the points and determining the places occupied by the teams, the teams are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes.

Tikhiler came to me already when I stopped falling from my head. And before that it was like this:
- Iva-a-n! Whoa-oh-oh! - It was Kolka, Shkil, screaming at the top of his lungs. - The boss fell!..
How many times did I tell him that there was no need to notify the world about this event. So in medieval cities, heralds shouted royal decrees, announced festivities, executions and the arrival of noble guests.
With one hand, Vanka saddles the saddle unimportantly. The deer's jerks as it walks stretch the loosely tied strap, and the saddle slips under the deer's belly. Together with the saddle, I fall on my side, it’s good if I’m still covered in moss. Vanka is far ahead, and with my observations and sketches I usually find myself at the very tail. Vanka turns his reindeer back, because no one else knows how to handle reindeer saddles.
Sometimes it happened differently - at full speed the deer suddenly freezes in its tracks, bending its head and stretching its muzzle forward. I instantly fly through the lowered horns to where he saw something. You think - God knows what, some kind of fear, but just a gadfly or a wasp is sitting in front of his nose on the grass. And, of course, again:
- Iva-a-n! Whoa-oh-oh! The boss has fallen!
The worst enemies of deer are gadflies. Botflies bite through the skin, lay larvae under it, the larvae grow to the size of peanuts in the shell and resemble them in shape. The inside of removed deer skins is sometimes almost completely covered with them.
The deer, without slowing down, walks in the semi-darkness through dead wood, holes, potholes, gaps in moss or “windows” filled with water, and somehow instantly, slightly bending its head and sniffing noisily with its nostrils, recognizes whether it is deep and whether it is possible to enter , and then descends or goes around without slowing down.
Deer are good and touching creatures. They are incredibly, somehow fanatically patient and angerless. They do not even demand from a person the main and only thing that he gives if he wants - salt. They quietly take it from her hand with warm, velvety lips.
They are wary and trusting, they are not used to affection, they do not understand it and do not accept it from a person, like a horse - a horse expects affection if the owner is good to it. It seems that deer are always afraid of humans, they twitch in horror at every movement that is unusual for them.
I often have to fall behind- I’m on the route, and falling behind is not easy - a deer is not a horse. We need to look for a bump or fallen tree. As soon as you get comfortable - he moves, shakes himself - he is eaten by gadflies and mosquitoes, or even leaves completely.
If you catch up, there’s not a stump or a bump around. And the caravan leaves and leaves. And all that remains from all the departed deer is the vague “stirring of bushes somewhere ahead and the flickering of packs - it seems that a giant trembling snake, hidden by the greenery, is making its way up the slope.
Horses cannot get through these places - they will break their legs, they will be exhausted and they will torment people. Once, while rummaging through the archives, I came across an interesting document - an act of returning horses taken for a long period of time on an expedition. Three quarters of the horses died. The rest, as written in the acceptance certificate, were only suitable for “walking unloaded on a flat road at a speed of no more than three kilometers per hour”... Poor fellows, they could barely drag themselves!
Riding a deer in the dark is painful. The saddle rotates on the deer's shoulder blades, the deer walks, the shoulder blades move. You can’t see anything, especially from above, and the deer, without stopping, either descends, just somehow falls from the bank into a fast bubbling stream littered with boulders, then quickly climbs out of the water onto a steep bank, and you need to instantly catch all this and maintain balance . You swing around in the saddle like a roly-poly. During the day you can at least predict something in advance and balance it. Then I got used to it. I went for three years.
Before Tikhiler, I had a small, meek deer with oddities - sometimes he stands strong and walks well, then, as soon as you sit on him, he lowers his muzzle, spreads his hind legs, and is about to lie down.
- Van, why is he so worth it?
“Uh,” Vanka answers, looking at me and the deer disapprovingly. “You’re really heavy.”
- A-ah! Is it me? So, are you lighter than me?
Laughs silently.
- U. Of course.
I was always depressed by the behavior of my deer, and I asked Vanka to replace him on the collective farm.
“This deer is good,” Vanka said with conviction, leading the deer away. “Strong.”
And thinking:
- Only my back is weak...
Everyone is laughing. A riding reindeer has nothing “strong” left if its back is “weak.” Vanka smiles along with everyone.
And Tihiler appeared.
Tihiler and I have passed through many rivers, ups and downs, unsteady swamps with a thawing bottom, slippery ice, and rocky watersheds over the years.

Zarnitsa – “Object liquidation”

(military game in winter on the street)

At the appointed time, the participants of the game arrive at the school. They are divided into two armies. Each one has shoulder straps sewn on, some are red - red army, others are blue - blue army. Commanders are appointed in each army. Before the start of the game, the armies line up in the school yard in two lines facing each other. Each platoon (class) has class teachers. Each army is led by an instructor from among trained senior guys.

The Commander-in-Chief explains:

    A forced march of 1 km through unfamiliar terrain in the snow.

    Along the route you will encounter various obstacles: a minefield (10 mines); a river through which you need to cross on a log, the “State Border” object, a medical post, a battlefield, a competition circuit, a field kitchen.

    The final destination of the march is a military facility. This is a battlefield and a circle of competition.

5. In war there can be losses. If one of the fighters manages to rip off the enemy's shoulder straps, such a player is considered killed and is eliminated from the game.

6. Each army moves to the objective along its own route.

The armies are pulled out into a column one at a time. Commanders are ahead.

    Station "state border"

Students are invited to draw the Russian flag on the snow with paint diluted in spray bottles. The correctness of the task and speed are assessed.

    Minefield station

The presenter explains that instead of mines, 20 balloons of two colors are buried in the snow. Players cannot go further until they clear the road. The guys take twigs and, using them as probes, look for mines. You need to find 10 balls so that the color matches the color of the shoulder straps; if they find a ball that is not their color, they bury it back. Whoever steps on the ball is considered killed.

    Station "Pereprava"

A huge tree on the bank of a conventional river, marked with flags. Length 3 meters. The team must cross the log holding hands. Whoever falls is considered killed.

    Station "Orphans"

In each team, orderlies are selected - 2 people and one wounded person; at the start, orderlies must provide first aid in case of a head wound and deliver the victim to the hospital, which is located at a distance of 10 m. (Use improvised means or sleds)

    Station "Battlefield"

    Before the battle begins, the participants prepare firewood.

    The organizers prepare the venue for the game: determine the boundaries of the territory (shape: elongated rectangle); find or make 2 fire places (at opposite ends of the field), around which a border is laid out with branches and logs. The size of the territory depends on the number of players, the diameter of the border around the fire depends on the age (the older the children, the greater the distance from the border to the fire).

    Participants gather in the center of the battlefield. The commander-in-chief gives an introduction: light a fire, make a fortification out of snow.

    To defeat your opponents, you need to put out enemy fire with snowballs from your fortification without crossing the center line, while protecting your fire. To start the attack, a signal is given and the stopwatch starts. You have 20 minutes for a snow attack.

    Station "Competition Circle"

As soon as the fire is extinguished, a “hand-to-hand fight” is declared for the army flag. The armies line up on opposite sides of the “Circle of Battles”; upon a signal, the participants can begin an attack. Tearing off shoulder straps from opponents. A participant with one shoulder strap is considered wounded, without shoulder straps - killed, leaving the game. Main task– protect your flag. Using brute force is prohibited! The winner is the team that managed to recapture the enemy’s flag but retain its banner.

The overall result of the battles is summed up for all the tests around the “Bonfire of Friendship”; “livers” are prepared in the “Field Kitchen”.