Snip cesspool distance. Distance to the cesspool from a building or well: sanitary standards and recommendations. Types of cesspools and requirements for them

When planning to build a house, you contact a highly qualified specialist with an order to develop a construction project, taking into account all the rules and regulations. This gives you a guarantee that you will not violate any existing laws.

There are rules and sanitary standards for equipment at the wastewater collection site that must not be violated. In the event of problems with neighbors or environmental issues, you will have to bear responsibility and the phrase applies here: ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.

Pay attention! To avoid troubles during the construction and operation of a cesspool, read the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Populated Areas (SanPin), approved by the Cabinet of the Ministry of Health in 1988.

According to the presented document:

  1. Cesspool distance ( yard dump) must be 15 meters or more from the house. During biological processing of wastewater, sulfur gas and methane are released, which is dangerous to human health. If you coordinate the placement of the cesspool with Rospotrebnadzor and the Vodokanal Administration, you can locate the structure at a closer distance, reducing it to 8-10 meters.
  2. The cesspool must be covered on top with a special grate and a durable lid. In addition, there must be a compartment for collecting solid waste. The lid should be easy to lift to allow free access to the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
  3. The cesspool is made no more than 3 meters deep, taking into account the groundwater level. The maximum filling point is 35 cm from the top of the pit.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to disinfect the pit with dry bleach.

Construction of a small pit

A small pit for sewage can be installed on a summer cottage if no more than two people live there at the same time and there is no equipment that consumes a large volume of water.

If you install a sealed septic tank, the distance between it and the house can be 5 meters. According to sanitary standards, if groundwater moves from a sealed cesspool to water pipes, the distance between objects should be no closer than 40 meters.

When groundwater moves from water pipes to the septic tank, the distance is reduced to 25 meters. The distance between an artesian well and a sealed cesspool is allowed within 20 m.

It is better for groundwater to move through wells or water pipes to the cesspool, and not vice versa. There are times when it is very difficult or practically impossible to comply with regulatory requirements. If you have good relations with your neighbors, equip one large cesspool for several yards. In this case, finding a suitable place for one cesspool is easier than for 2-4.

The first thing to do is to plan. In order for construction work to comply with SanPiN regulations, you need to:

  • Draw a plan diagram of the site on a piece of paper.
  • Specify as accurately as possible the location of the house and outbuildings, indicating the distances between them.
  • Indicate the distances from buildings to the boundary of the site.
  • If water intake wells are located close to buildings, measure the distance and indicate on the diagram.
  • Determine the location of the water supply.
  • Indicate on the diagram the location of garden paths, gazebos, trees and bushes.
  • Determine the direction of groundwater flow.
  • Find out the composition of the soil on the site.

Try to make the diagram at a scale of 1:100. Now the time has come, knowing the basic requirements for the construction of a cesspool, to determine its location. To do this, you will need a compass and a ready-made site diagram.

  1. Select the location for the proposed construction of the cesspool. Install the compass leg and draw a circle with a radius of 12 cm.
  2. If the circle does not cross out the structure of the house on the diagram, proceed to the next step.
  3. Without removing the compass, draw a circle with a radius of 20 cm. Check how the line went in relation to the source of water intake.
  4. From the same point, draw a circle with a radius of 2 cm and check how the line of the circle lies relative to the fence of the site.

If the circle lines do not cross out the object locations, the cesspool is located correctly. If an object falls inside the circle, the hole must be moved to another place and the correct location must be checked again.

Consider other people's mistakes

It is better to learn from other people's experiences than from your own. To avoid violating SNiPs 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.03-85 and SanPin 42-128-4690-88, let’s consider other people’s mistakes and consequences.

Well and cesspool

The site is located on a slope. There is a well on the upper platform of the site. The distance between it and the house is 12 m. The lower part of the site is located near the river. The water level in the well is higher than the river flow. It seems that there should be no difficulties with the location of the cesspool and contamination of the well.

This area turned out to have a surprise - a ridge in an impermeable layer, which led to a reverse flow of groundwater. They did not go towards the river, but moved towards the well. Very quickly the water in the well became unfit for consumption. It’s not just that you can’t drink it, it turned out to be unsuitable even for household needs.

Pay attention! The distance from the well to the cesspool should be 20 m or more.

Plumbing and cesspool

Your garden plot was purchased a long time ago and has good old water supply. Compliance with the rules for placing a cesspool in relation to the water supply must be observed. Old water pipes were made of metal pipes, and they are susceptible to corrosion and deformation.

You most likely do not know the condition of the pipes on your site. If a service pipe bursts, drinking water will leak, but when the water is turned off, groundwater will leak into the empty pipe through cracks.

The cesspool can be placed:

  • no closer than 5 m to the water supply system made of asbestos-cement pipes;
  • to a cast iron main at a distance of 4 m or more;
  • no closer than 1.5 m to the main line made of plastic pipes.

Residential buildings and cesspools

The close location of a septic tank to a residential building violates not one, but several standards. These regulations apply to both their own buildings and buildings on the neighboring site.

Even if you have built a completely sealed septic tank, you do not have a complete guarantee that its walls will not collapse and wastewater will not flow under the house. It is unlikely that you will be able to notice such a problem right away, but after a while you will have to deal with the larger consequences.


  1. It is preferable to make a cesspool in the form of a well. The sewer pipe should go as high as possible, which will increase the volume of wastewater collection.
  2. The distance from the surface of the soil to the bottom of the pit should not be more than 3 m. From a deeper well, removing wastewater will be difficult.
  3. The best option for constructing a cesspool is to use reinforced concrete rings or complete concreting. If groundwater is located high, it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing.
  4. The cesspool cover must have a heat-insulating layer.
  5. To make it easier to control the filling of the cesspool, it is better to install a float alarm.
  6. A cesspool of any design must be equipped with a ventilation pipe. Pipe diameter from 100 mm and more. The height above ground level is not less than 70 cm.

If all requirements are met, you will receive a high-quality cesspool and complete safety of its use.

If something remains unclear to you or you have questions, leave comments on the article.


Watch a video about the construction of an improved cesspool design:


Usually in private households the problem of drainage and sewage is solved by constructing cesspools on their plots. There are certain standards that clearly define how the process of installing septic tanks and other treatment structures serving individual residential buildings should be carried out. It is not recommended to violate them.

When a cesspool is created, sanitary standards are regulated by Law of the Russian Federation N52-FZ of 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” The requirements specified in it are mandatory for citizens of the country.

Sanitary standards for cesspools

According to the text of the regulatory document, cesspools (see photo) must be built with a mandatory special filtration device, and they should not have a regular bottom under any circumstances, especially if during the day the amount of waste exceeds one cubic meter.
At the same time, it should be noted that when constructing a cesspool to serve a heated house in which at least 4 people will live, the sump should be made with a special bottom.

There is no definite answer as to what the distance from the house to the cesspool should be. The requirements for this parameter are ambiguous. The minimum distance between these two objects is 15 meters (read also: " ").

A distance from the house to the drainage pit is required so that the toxic gases emitted by the waste do not harm the local environment and people living in the area.

If there is a need to make the distance from the pit to the water supply closer, then you should contact the appropriate authorities (Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision) and utility service companies (for example, water utility management, etc.).

Rules for arranging cesspools

If a cesspool is being built, sanitary standards must be observed. Septic tanks with a working volume of no more than one cubic meter of wastewater and sewage per day are a classic option for arranging cesspools for servicing country houses and country houses in which people live intermittently and water heating equipment and household appliances are not used.

According to sanitary requirements, the distance from the septic tank to the summer kitchen cannot be less than 5 meters. In the case when the daily volume of wastewater reaches 8 cubic meters, the distance should be increased to 8 meters.

The rules for arranging cesspools require compliance with a number of requirements:

  • when the drainage per day is 3 cubic meters, the pipes must be located as close to groundwater as possible (distance 40-50 meters);
  • pipes should be installed upward relative to the flow of groundwater;
  • if there is an artesian source in the immediate vicinity of the house, the distance from the well to the cesspool should be at least 20 meters.
In the case when homeowners do not have the opportunity to maintain the distance of the drainage pit from the house and sources of drinking water, experts recommend making wells or drainages for several houses at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a 2.5-5 meter offset from the “red line”. Before you start work, you definitely need to know how to make a drain hole correctly and according to the standards.

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88: requirements and standards, installation distance

On the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of residence, SanPiN requirements for cesspools apply.

When a private house does not have a centralized sewer system, its owners are allowed to locate a cesspool on the site. The main requirement for it is mandatory water resistance. There should be a lid over the sump to close it and a special grill. You can arrange a common drainage pit with your neighbors.

When a private house is located near a school or preschool, then the distance should be at least 20 meters. If questions arise regarding the arrangement of a cesspool, the owner of a country property should contact the local administrative authorities.

But there is a general rule for all private households - the septic tank should be located so that the distance from the well to the cesspool is 50 meters.

Treatment buildings must be cleaned at least once every six months.

When disinfecting drainage pits, use a product whose components are:

  • 5% sodium hypochlorite;
  • 5% - creolina;
  • 10% bleach;
  • 10% - naphthalizol;
  • 10% - sodium metasilicate.
Under no circumstances should dry bleach be used for disinfection.

Additional requirements for arrangement

  1. In addition to the requirement, what should be the distance between the well and the cesspool, there is another important point - the tightness of the treatment plant so that sewage does not poison the soil and aquifers, since in this case the environment will be harmed.
  2. The building materials used to construct settling tanks (bricks, boards, blocks) must differ in density
  3. The drains should not be allowed to be higher than 35 centimeters from the ground surface, since then the property owner himself is unlikely to be able to cope with the negative consequences.
There are also requirements for the distance from cesspools to utilities:
  • from the water supply system made of asbestos-cement pipes to septic tanks and drainage pits, the distance should not be less than 5 meters;
  • when using cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 millimeters - 1.5 meters;
  • if there are cast iron pipes with a diameter of more than 200 millimeters - 3 meters;
  • to gas pipes - more than 5 meters.

To prevent the unpleasant odor from disturbing residents, a 5-meter distance from the building to the cesspool must be maintained. The septic tank should not be located closer than 1.5 meters to the border of the site.

Setting up a cesspool is cheap, quick and convenient. In order for it to be legal and safe for owners, neighbors and the environment, installation should be carried out taking into account sanitary standards for cesspools (sewage) pits.

Important! Failure to comply with requirements that affect the location of the cesspool is fraught with substantial fines. Also, by law, you may be required to remove (reconstruct) a dangerous structure at your own expense.


Before constructing a cesspool, you must obtain permission. For this purpose, the SES provides:

  • Scheme of the location of the object on the site.
  • The design of the structure, and it must comply with sanitary standards and regulations.

If documents are submitted that do not comply with the requirements of the law, permission will not be obtained.

But that’s not all, because after construction is completed and even several years later, an inspection inspector may come. In fact, the distance to the cesspool from the well and from other key points must correspond to the submitted documents. Inspectors do not carry out inspections at their own discretion; they often appear on a “tip” from neighbors.

Important! Do not neglect obtaining a permit; it will not cost much. You will have to stand in the corridors of the government agency, but it is cheaper than paying a fine if the distance from the well to the cesspool is incorrect.

It will be possible to obtain permission only if the cesspool is located not on the territory of a neighboring plot, but on your own. Moreover, it does not matter whether this (someone else’s) plot is residential or not and whether it is owned by someone.

Types of structures

The placement of a drainage pit in a private house differs in distance standards, depending on the type. The classification is based on the tightness of the structure. Types:

  • A simple pit is a pit in the ground into which wastewater is discharged. There is no tightness in the design, so drainage can spread in any direction. Here the distances should be maximum from all key points on the site.
  • Pit with hard walls. They create less emissions into the soil, which means they are safer. The drainage does not seep through the walls; it goes only into the soil, through the filter bottom - a mixture of sand and crushed stone. Since the wastewater still leaves the cesspool, the distance from the house and from the well is also the maximum according to the standards.
  • Sealed pits or plastic containers do not allow sewage to enter the soil at all. The cesspool is cleaned using the pumping method. It is allowed to maintain a minimum distance from the well.

Important! According to SanPiN, any cesspool must be installed only in accordance with the project and after approval by the relevant regulatory authorities.

SNiP standards

According to SNiP, a cesspool is an object of increased environmental hazard, so its placement must comply with certain standards, namely:

  • The distance between the well and the cesspool is 20-50 meters. The same standards apply to the distance from any source of drinking water - a well, a standpipe, or another type of water intake.
  • From the foundation of your own house, the neighbor’s, the foundations of other buildings, at least 10-12 meters. If you place the cesspool closer, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the waste storage facility, there is a risk of erosion of the foundation and, as a result, destruction of the building.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the water supply and its pipes. At least 10 meters; such a distance will prevent sewage from entering the water supply in the event of an accident on the sewer pipeline.
  • The depth of the pit should not be more than 3 meters, and only in case of deep groundwater. If they are located high, then only sealed containers or septic tanks can be installed. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1 meter from the bottom of the pit to the groundwater level. The release of wastewater into the soil is dangerous due to the contamination of groundwater, and therefore the sources of water intake.
  • There should be at least 1.5 meters to the property line (fence), but it is better to do more, then you will be able to avoid troubles with neighbors.
  • To the highway, road, if there is one near the site - from 5 meters.
  • Distance from a stream, river – from 10 m.
  • If there are trees and shrubs on the site, then you need to place cesspools and septic tanks at a distance of 3 meters or more. The decision to move the cesspool into the garden is not the best, because the roots of the plant can simply rot from excess moisture, and besides, not all of them are so moisture-loving.
  • It is also impossible to place a cesspool closer to the garden; placement standards are 20-30 meters.

Important! The arrangement of an outdoor toilet also requires compliance with similar standards if a sealed container is not used as a cesspool. A toilet in a country house, although it is not used as often as a sewer system in a private house, it must be placed in accordance with the above standards.

If there are communications on the site

When the location of the site is such that underground communications pass through it, then a certain distance must also be maintained to them. The distance of the cesspool depends on the type of pipes:

  • Asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete - from 5 meters.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of up to 20 cm - 1.5 m.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of more than 20 cm - from 3 m.
  • Gas pipes – from 5 meters.

Important! When moving pipes away from the cesspool on a site, you should be guided by the rule, the farther the better.

Punishment for non-compliance

They are punished for violating the rules for the location of cesspools and street toilets with a ruble, that is, they issue a fine. Its size depends on several factors:

  • Have any cases of violation of environmental legislation by a citizen been previously recorded?
  • How badly the norms have been violated. This means that if the cesspool is closer than necessary to the foundation of the house, the fine will be less than if a potentially dangerous object is located closer than 20 meters from a source of drinking water.

The specific amount of punishment is determined by the court; it is in court that the punishment for such an offense is determined. Violation of environmental standards is dangerous for many people, so fines amount to thousands of rubles.

If there is not enough space

It happens that those responsible for violating sanitary standards make excuses by saying that there is not enough space, and that is why they violated the rules. But in fact, it is possible to install a toilet or arrange a cesspool correctly. If, according to the standards, there is not enough space on the site, the solution is to construct a pit using a sealed container. There are also septic tanks and other installations that can be mounted on the surface, they are also sealed.

Of course, such solutions are more expensive than a cesspool, but by not complying with SNiP standards, the owner of the site primarily harms himself. It pollutes water and makes the soil unsuitable for growing any vegetables, trees, and shrubs.

Compliance with sanitary standards regarding the placement of a cesspool and the location of the toilet according to SNiP in the country is very important. Violation is fraught not only with fines, but also with harm to one’s own health.

To install a sewer system in a dacha or urban area, you need to follow not only construction, but also legislative standards. Cesspool: the norms and rules for its arrangement are observed especially carefully. Violation of sanitary and construction requirements entails administrative and, in some cases, criminal liability.

One of the main laws on which most of the norms and requirements of SanPin are based is Federal Law No. 52-FZ (“On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” of March 30, 1999).

The volumes of cesspools are regulated most strictly by SanPin. The design of the drain tank depends on the average daily amount of waste. Structurally, pits are:

IN SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 sanitary standards are specified to ensure the well-being of the population. They say that if the total volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day, then the construction of an open pit is permissible. If there is more waste, then a filter or sealed bottom must be equipped. It should be noted that in open pits a complete lack of protection is also not allowed.

SanPin standards describe in sufficient detail the requirements for the protection of groundwater. These requirements are presented in the resolution SP of 2001. Particular attention is paid to the design of the lower part of the waste pit. Sanitary organizations require the installation of a filter bottom, which consists of:

  1. Sand pillow;
  2. Crushed stone pillow;
  3. A stone layer in which building materials of various fractions are used.

It is emphasized that if more than 4 adults live in a house and household appliances connected to the sewer are installed, then it is necessary to construct a multi-chamber pit or septic tank. These are reservoirs with a higher degree of protection against contamination of the environment by waste toxins.

The rules and regulations for arranging a cesspool in Ukraine are somewhat different from Russian ones. According to Ukrainian legislation, a cesspool can be made exclusively of a closed type from durable, water-resistant material. In any other case, you will not be able to legalize it and are subject to fines, including a court order to remove the tank from the site.

Selecting a location

Sanitary organizations strictly monitor the distance from the cesspool to the facade of residential and non-residential premises, as well as wells and other reservoirs on the site. Special norms have been developed that specify standard requirements. They are prescribed in the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Populated Areas No. 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97:

  1. The minimum permissible distance from the facade of a residential building is 15 meters. Please note that if the basement exceeds the area of ​​the building, then the counting is from the basement wall;
  2. A distance of 10 meters or more (if possible) should be maintained from non-residential premises and buildings located on another site. If these standards are not met, then the owner of the neighboring plot has the right to sue. Penalties are provided as punishment;
  3. If there is a well or well on the site, then a distance of 20 meters is maintained from them. Here the standards differ, because the footage depends on the groundwater level. The higher it is, the greater the distance. If the area is swampy, then a cesspool is not allowed. At the same time, on sand the minimum permissible distance is 50 meters. This is due to the high throughput of sand;
  4. There should be at least 1 meter from the road or fence.

Regardless of the distance, before starting the preparation of the pit, its depth is calculated. The lower boundary of the pit should be 50% below the level of drinking groundwater. This information can be obtained from your local geological organization.


  • 1 – top layer of soil (chernozem);
  • 2 – crushed stone backfill of the pit for compaction;
  • 3 – drains;
  • 4 – crushed stone cushion at the bottom of the pit.

Good neighborliness

This concept characterizes legal relations between neighbors. According to legislative acts, the owner of a plot can organize any buildings on his land. But at the same time, he must take into account the safety of the people around him.

An incorrectly chosen location of a cesspool can bring a lot of inconvenience to both its owner and his neighbors. Among the most common problems:

  1. Foundation destruction. The sewage tank not only contaminates the soil and water, but also increases the level of soil moisture. In this case, the foundation begins to collapse over the entire area. This is fraught with cracks in the walls, deformation of the structure and even its destruction;
  2. Unpleasant smell. Many believe that you only need to maintain a distance of 20 meters from the facade of your house, but not from your neighbor’s. Naturally, a stench will emanate from the reservoir, which, first of all, will disturb those who live closer to it. The smell not only interferes with normal life, but also harms health;
  3. Infection of the land and reduction in its productivity. Not only buildings suffer, but also garden plantings. Many fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetable crops die from changes in the chemical composition of the soil. This entails a certain financial liability on the owner of the cesspool.

All the requirements and standards described above are mandatory for both private homeowners and individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities.

SanPin: operation of a cesspool

The cesspool codes also specify certain standards for drain care. Regardless of the type of garbage disposal, it must be cleaned with sterilizing mixtures twice a year. This is done after sewer cleaning, so that it is possible to completely neutralize the effect of pathogenic bacteria for some time.

For sterilization, a special acid-based chemical solution, gentle compounds or homemade mixtures are used. It is strictly forbidden to use lime chloride in its pure form. When mixed with water or other chemicals, it releases a dangerous gas. It has no odor, but can cause severe poisoning and burns of the upper respiratory tract.

For home self-service, a mixture is used, which includes:

  1. Bleach;
  2. Creolin;
  3. Naphthalizol and some other compounds.

Cleaning is required every two weeks, and the cesspool is inspected every season. The pit can be cleaned independently, using a sewer truck, or cleaned with bioactivators.

The sewerage or drainage system in a private house is developed at the stage of its design and planning. This is one of the most important communications. Its installation is quite strictly regulated by the norms and rules of construction, protective measures for cleaning and protecting the environment. One of the simplest and most affordable sewerage options for a private home is a drain or cesspool. Despite the primitiveness of the design, its structure has a lot of nuances that must be taken into account.

Sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN and SNiP) for this type of building were not developed by chance. They have been operating on Russian territory since the times of the Soviet Union. Even then, it was noted that the absence of any rules for the arrangement of a drainage pit, with a certain density of residential buildings and a small distance between them, it can cause serious damage not only to the environment, but also to the people living in this area. After conducting a number of studies in this area, it was noticed that wastewater seeps into the ground, reaching the upper threshold of groundwater. The result was uncontrolled pollution for many years, the consequences of which were felt on soil fertility and the quality of water resources in the region.

Certain difficulties arise from the secrecy of the building, the very presence of which and the quality of the construction work performed to equip it are often extremely difficult to determine. However, the harm is primarily felt by the owner who violates the standards and rules for the manufacture of a drainage pit, as well as by the neighbors living in neighboring areas. Therefore, when designing a site for a private house, the construction of a drainage pit must be carefully studied, thought through and taken the time to coordinate sanitary standards with the local SES, in order to avoid mistakes and violations that could lead to irreversible consequences for the ecology of the site.

Compliance with the rules for placing and protecting the internal space of a cesspool, on the contrary, is completely legal and acceptable, especially since in some cases this is the only rational way to install a sewer system on the site of a private house.

What types of drainage pits are there?

Structurally, drainage pits can be divided into several main categories:

  • With soil purification;
  • Sealed (with storage).

To begin with, it is worth noting what constitutes a violation of technical rules and regulations in such a device. And first of all, this is the lack of any protection at the bottom and walls of the cesspool. When runoff enters its area, it freely and unhinderedly penetrates the soil, remaining stuck there for many years, upsetting the ecological balance. Some of them are digested by aerobic bacteria. But putrefactive processes continue in the soil, making it less suitable for farming. If vegetable gardens and neighboring similar buildings are far away, the damage from them is less significant and noticeable. In the absence of insulation materials, this method was generally the only possible for many years. But times have changed. Today you can easily get any material and build a modern cesspool without harming the environment and yourself.

So, an autonomous sewerage system in the form of a drainage pit can be arranged as follows:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structure– one of the most durable materials that does not collapse for a long time is reinforced concrete. Even with the small thickness of the walls of such a container, the reinforcement cage will perfectly withstand any tensile loads. To form the pit container itself, formwork made of OSB or plywood placed at a certain distance (15 - 20 cm) is used. The bottom can also be made monolithic or a sand-gravel mixture can be filled to a depth of 30 - 40 cm as an additional filter. In the first case, any entry of sewage into the soil is excluded, however, sewage disposal work will be quite frequent. In the second case, the filter will cope with its purpose for some time, but after silting it will need to be replaced. The volume of wastewater, provided it is filtered and the pit dimensions are sufficient, is no more than 1 m 3 per day;

  • Photo: monolithic reinforced concrete structure

    The drainage pit is often accompanied by a foul odor, especially in the hot season. Aerobic bacteria will help cope with this drawback, which not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also helps process dense biomass into a more liquid one and suitable for further filtration.

  • Brick or cinder block cesspool- an option in which the walls and bottom of the pit are laid out from piece materials, such as bricks and cinder blocks. The method is not bad, but you need to consider ligating all the seams with an iron bar or fittings. Afterwards, the finished surfaces are plastered with cement-sand mortar and then ironed. In addition, it can be coated with bitumen mastic to increase waterproofing. The bottom can also be made sealed or with soil treatment;

  • Photo: brick drainage pit

    The depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3-4 meters, since the length of the sewer hose may not be enough to empty the entire well. This will lead to constant siltation at the bottom and filtration in it will simply not be possible.

  • Drain pit made of reinforced concrete rings and blocks– ready-made reinforced concrete structures, standardized in production, greatly facilitate the construction of such buildings. The only negative is their weight, which slightly complicates installation work and transporting them to the site. On the other hand, this is an excellent way to speed up the construction process by eliminating the “wet” work of pouring concrete and plastering. Rings or blocks are connected to each other by welding joints and thoroughly coating the seams with waterproofing mixtures or mortar;

  • Photo: installation of reinforced concrete rings

    If it is a free-standing well, it is covered with a sealed lid to prevent precipitation from entering it. When waste waste decomposes and ferments, explosive methane is formed. In this case, the lid is equipped with an vent - a small section of ventilation pipe that goes outside.

  • Ready container or storage– this method is the most modern, since the pit is a container made in production conditions. It can be a tank, a barrel made of metal, concrete or plastic. The latter is especially in demand due to its light weight and corrosion resistance. Depending on the depth, the walls of such a container are insulated and strengthened. In addition, sewer pipes of any diameter are easily connected to them, which can be cut into their walls. The sealed container allows you to reduce the distance from residential and other objects on the site.

Rules and regulations of SNiP and SanPiN for the construction of cesspools in household plots and summer cottages

Having decided on the type of cesspool, it is necessary to calculate its location on the site. For this purpose, there are restrictive recommendations from the following documents:

  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 “Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas”;
  • Set of rules SP 32.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures";
  • SNiP 30-02-97: “Planning and development of territories of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures.”

The remoteness of the drainage pit, especially with soil additional filtration, according to SNiP standards, should be at a distance:

  1. From a residential building - 8 – 10 m;
  2. Outbuildings - 5 – 7 m;
  3. Fence - at least 1 m;
  4. Neighboring house - 10 – 12 m;
  5. Water intake wells - 20 – 30 m;
  6. Water pipes - 20 – 25 m;
  7. Gas pipes - 5 m;
  8. Trees - 5 – 7 m.

Photo: sanitary standards
Photo: remoteness of the drainage pit

The type of soil and its properties also matter when laying sewers. Clay soils are dense and oily, and they conduct water less well. Cesspools in such soils should be at a distance of at least 20 m from natural wells. For loams this parameter is already 30 m, for sandy soils – 50 m.

In design work, the sewerage system of a private house must be taken into account in full, since it consists of an internal part (located within the house) and an external part (all other sewage systems on the site). A detailed drawing will help to calculate the amount of materials for the sewer system, its location on the site, determine whether it will be gravity-flow or whether it needs to be forced, and at what distance from residential and ancillary buildings on a suburban area.

Photo: drawing of a drainage pit

For professional plumbers, engineers, and designers, solving these problems is not difficult. But even for the average person, these rules of SNiP and SanPiN are not so complicated, because a cesspool is the most primitive, and at the same time, the cheapest sewerage device in a summer cottage that you can make with your own hands.