Compatibility by year of birth: accurate recommendations of the eastern horoscope for everyone. Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

It's never too late to recognize yourself. After all, what better person understands his essence, his “I”, the easier it is for him to live and deal with the difficulties that arise. Therefore, now I would like to consider the horoscope signs by year. The eastern horoscope connects a person’s character with them.

Introductory word

There are 12 eastern zodiac signs. However, the year does not begin on January 1, as is customary in European countries, and a little later. This approximately happens at the end of January - beginning of February. Not only the eastern chronology depends on this, but also the distribution of signs by year.


When considering horoscope signs by year, you need to start with the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008). After all, it is considered the first sign. These are talented and purposeful people. They are excellent tacticians, so they always find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. They get along well with others, so in a new team they always gather like-minded people around them. Negative character traits include mild temper, as well as a love of gossip. They often earn good money, but immediately spend it. In love, they are passionate and attentive to their soul mate, however, when falling in love, they are able to give up everything and go headlong into the pool. Ideally compatible with Ox, Rat and Monkey. But it is best not to enter into close relationships with the Goat, Rabbit and Horse: the union will not be strong.


When studying the horoscope by year of birth and zodiac sign, you must definitely talk about the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009). This is the second sign eastern horoscope. These are very patient and hardworking people. They have an excellent memory, the ability to remember even the most small details. These are good workers and responsible performers. Among the negative character traits one can highlight stubbornness and a certain self-confidence in oneself and one’s knowledge. These are slow, but at the same time very thorough people. In love, Oxen are naive, so they often fall into the traps of selfish people. They forgive their significant other almost everything, but they will not tolerate betrayal and betrayal. An ideal union with the Rabbit, Rooster and Snake, bad relationships will develop with the Goat, Horse and Dragon.


What other horoscope signs are there by year? So, the third is the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010). These are attractive, noble, active and independent individuals. They always work hard, but often they try to get the job done as quickly as possible, which leads to a loss of quality. Negative character traits include capriciousness, impulsiveness and quarrelsomeness. Moving towards his goal, the Tiger can even step on the heads of other people, without seeing any obstacles on his way. In love they are emotional and sensitive; romance and tender attitude from their partner are important to them. A marriage with a Dragon would be ideal, but you should not enter into close relationships with a Rabbit, Monkey and Snake.

Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) is the next horoscope sign based on year of birth. They are careful, well-mannered, very generous and good people. They are balanced and will always think three times before making a final decision. Mostly prefer reliable operation, are not capable of taking risks. Negative qualities include secrecy, self-confidence and indifference. These are loving and gentle individuals who always try to please their significant other. Faithful spouses. An ideal union might be with a Pig, a Dog and a Goat, but you shouldn’t even date a Rooster.


Next comes Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012). Such people are unique in that they are sentimental, good-natured and incredibly insightful. At the same time, they can be very self-confident, self-centered, and power-hungry. They cope well with assigned tasks and goals, and know how to earn money. However, they often do not need this as much as power and a sense of power. These are passionate lovers who unconditionally trust their soulmate, forgiving and not even noticing their negative sides. The Dragon will be best with the Tiger, Rat and Monkey, but unsuccessful relationships can be with the Dog and Ox.


When looking through the horoscope signs by year, you must also stop at the Snakes (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013), or rather, the representatives of this zodiac sector. These are very noble and diplomatic individuals who have well-developed intuition. But they often suffer from arrogance, imperiousness and inconstancy. Such people almost never need money, since they are excellent at earning it. They cope with assigned tasks without problems and are not afraid of difficulties. In love they are tender and romantic, but they require a lot of attention to their person. Snakes are owners. Relationships with the Ox and Rooster will develop well, but problems may arise with the Boar, Tiger and Snake.


When studying the zodiac signs by year (the signs of the eastern horoscope), it is imperative to talk about the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014). These are hardworking, sociable and very talented people who, however, can be selfish, unscrupulous and prone to adventure. They often take risks, so they can be either excessively rich or practically poor. They can make hasty promises and, as a result, fail to keep them. They are fickle in love; in their youth they like to go for walks and often change partners. However, having found his soul mate, the Horse settles down and becomes an excellent family man. Relationships with the Dog, Tiger and Goat can be ideal, but it is best not to get along with the Rat, Ox and Monkey.

Goat (Sheep)

When looking through the horoscope, you also need to tell what kind of representatives they are (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015). So, these people are generous, creative and romantic. They are kind and shy. But, at the same time, they can be lazy, irresponsible and indecisive. They are inclined to learn the secrets and wisdom of the ages, and are fond of mysticism. IN ordinary life They do not strive for wealth, but they do not live in poverty either. In relationships they are always tender and romantic, but will not tolerate restrictions from their significant other. An alliance with a Horse, a Boar and a Rabbit can work out well, but at the same time you should not enter into a relationship with an Ox and a Dog.


When looking at the horoscope by year of birth and zodiac sign, it is necessary to talk about what the Monkey is like (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016). First of all, he is a very smart and intellectually developed person. and a devoted friend as well as a romantic lover. Has such negative traits character, such as cunning, negligence and pettiness. At first she can be shy in a relationship, but then she becomes a reliable and faithful partner. The Monkey will feel good with the Dragon and Rat, but uncomfortable with the Boar, Horse and Tiger.


These are straightforward, hardworking and enterprising people (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) who are never greedy. They think clearly and make decisions based solely on their own conclusions. So it is almost impossible to convince the Rooster. At the same time, they can be self-centered, fanatical and self-willed. In love, they love attention from the opposite sex, so they can often fall in love. The Rooster will be good with the Snake and the Dragon, and bad with the Dog and the Rabbit.


Dogs (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) are modest, loyal and considerate people who can sometimes be quarrelsome and superficial. They are honest and fair, you can rely on them in any situation. They prefer calm relationships, where passions do not boil and there are rarely difficulties and scandals. If they cannot cope with family troubles, they prefer to simply leave. Relationships with the Horse, Rabbit and Tiger can be excellent, while you should not enter into relationships with the Goat, Rooster and Dragon.

Boar (Pig)

These are erudite and talented, hospitable and generous individuals (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007). They are sincere, unable to lie and play around. Always open and good-natured. But, at the same time, they can be quick-tempered, authoritarian and pessimistic. They don't like to take risks. In relationships they are caring and romantic, but, alas, naive. What does he say? love horoscope Zodiac signs by year? Pigs can get along well with a Goat or a Rabbit, while they will not be able to get along with a Snake and a Monkey.

It's never too late to recognize yourself. After all, the better a person understands his essence, his “I,” the easier it is for him to live and deal with the difficulties that arise. Therefore, now I would like to consider the horoscope signs by year. The eastern horoscope connects a person’s character specifically with them.

There are 12 eastern zodiac symbols. However, the year according to the eastern calendar does not begin on January 1, as is customary in European countries, but somewhat later. This approximately happens at the end of January - beginning of February. Not only the eastern chronology depends on this, but also the distribution of symbols by year.


When considering horoscope signs by year, you need to start specifically with the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008). After all, it is considered the first sign. These are talented and purposeful people. They are excellent tacticians, so they always find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations. They get along well with others, so in a new team they always gather like-minded people around them. Negative character traits include mild temperament and a love of gossip. They often earn money good means, but they are immediately spent. In love, they are passionate and attentive to their soulmate, however, when falling in love, they are able to throw everything away and go headlong into the pool. Perfectly compatible with Ox, Rat and Monkey. But it is best not to enter into close relationships with the Goat, Rabbit and Horse: the union will not be strong.


When studying the horoscope by year of birth and zodiac sign, you must definitely talk about the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009). This is the 2nd symbol of the eastern horoscope. These are very patient and hardworking people. They have excellent memory, the ability to remember even the smallest details. These are good workers and responsible performers. Among the negative character traits one can highlight stubbornness and a certain self-confidence within oneself and one’s knowledge. These are slow, but at the same time very thorough people. In love, Oxen are naive, so they often fall into the traps of selfish people. They forgive their significant other almost everything, but they will not tolerate betrayal and betrayal. An impeccable union with the Rabbit, Rooster and Snake, bad relationships will develop with the Goat, Horse and Dragon.


What other horoscope signs are there by year? So, the third is the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010). They are attractive, generous, active and independent individuals. They always work hard, but often they try to complete the work as quickly as possible, which leads to loss of quality. Negative character traits include capriciousness, impulsiveness and quarrelsomeness. Moving towards his goal, the Tiger can even step on the heads of other people, without seeing any obstacles on his way. In love they are emotional and sensitive; they value romance and tender treatment on the part of their partner. A marriage with a Horse, Dog and Dragon will work out perfectly, but you should not enter into close relationships with a Rabbit, Monkey and Snake.

Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) is the next horoscope symbol based on year of birth. These are careful, well-mannered, very generous and kind people. They are balanced and will always think three times before making a final decision. Most importantly, they prefer reliable work and are not capable of taking risks. Negative qualities include secrecy, self-confidence and indifference. These are loving and gentle individuals who always try to please their other half. Faithful spouses. An impeccable union can be with a Pig, a Dog and a Goat, but you shouldn’t even meet with a Rat, a Tiger and a Rooster.


Next comes the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012). Such people are unique in that they are sentimental, good-natured and incredibly insightful. At the same time, they can be very self-confident, self-centered, and also thirsty for power. They cope well with assigned tasks and goals, and know how to earn money. However, they often do not need this as much as power and a sense of power. These are passionate lovers who undeniably believe in their other half, forgiving and not even noticing its negative sides. The Dragon will be best with the Tiger, Rat and Monkey, but unsuccessful relationships can be with the Dog and Ox.


When looking through the horoscope signs by year, you must also stop at the Snakes (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013), or rather, the representatives of this zodiac sector. These are very generous and diplomatic individuals who have well-developed intuition. But they often suffer from arrogance, imperiousness and inconstancy. Such people almost never need money, since they are excellent at earning it. They cope with assigned tasks without any problems and are not afraid of difficulties. In love they are tender and romantic, but they require a lot of attention to their person. Snakes are owners. Relationships with the Ox and Rooster will develop well, but problems may arise with the Boar, Tiger and Snake.


When studying the zodiac signs by year (the signs of the eastern horoscope), it is imperative to talk about the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014). These are hardworking, sociable and very talented people who, in general, can be selfish, unscrupulous and prone to adventure. They often take risks, so they can be both overly wealthy and practically poor. They can make hasty promises and, as a result, fail to keep them. They are fickle in love; in their youth they like to go for walks and often change partners. However, having found his soul mate, the Horse settles down and becomes an excellent family man. Relationships with the Dog, Tiger and Goat can absolutely work out, but it is best not to get along with the Rat, Ox and Monkey.

Goat (Sheep)

Looking through the horoscope by year by zodiac sign, you also need to tell what kind of representatives of the year of the Goat they are (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015). So, these people are generous, creative and romantic. They are kind and shy. But, at the same time, they can be lazy, irresponsible and indecisive. They are inclined to learn the secrets and wisdom of the ages, and are fond of mysticism. In ordinary life they do not strive for wealth, but they do not live in poverty either. In relationships they are always tender and romantic, but will not tolerate restrictions from their other half. An alliance with a Horse, a Boar and a Rabbit can work out well, but at the same time you should not enter into a relationship with an Ox and a Dog.


When looking at the horoscope by year of birth and zodiac sign, it is necessary to talk about what the Monkey is like (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016). First, this is a very smart and mentally developed person. This is a sincere and devoted friend, also a romantic lover. Possesses such negative character traits as cunning, negligence and pettiness. At first she can be shy in a relationship, but then she becomes a reliable and faithful partner. The Monkey will feel good with the Dragon and Rat, but uncomfortable with the Boar, Horse and Tiger.


These are straightforward, hardworking and enterprising people (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) who are never stingy. They think clearly and make decisions based only on their own conclusions. So it is almost impossible to convince the Rooster. At the same time, they can be self-centered, fanatical and self-willed. In love, they love attention from the opposite sex, so they can often fall in love. The Rooster will be good with the Snake and the Dragon, and bad with the Dog and the Rabbit.


Dogs (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) are modest, loyal and considerate people who can be quarrelsome and superficial at times. They are honest and fair, you can rely on them in any situation. They prefer calm relationships, where passions do not boil over and there are rarely difficulties and scandals. If they cannot cope with family troubles, they prefer to simply leave. Relationships with the Horse, Rabbit and Tiger can be excellent, while you should not enter into relationships with the Goat, Rooster and Dragon.

Boar (Pig)

These are erudite and talented, friendly and generous individuals (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007). They are sincere, unable to lie and play around. Always open and complacent. But, at the same time, they can be passionate, authoritarian and pessimistic. They don't like to take risks. In relationships they are careful and romantic, but, alas, naive. What does the love horoscope of zodiac symbols say by year? Pigs can get along well with a Goat or a Rabbit, while they will not be able to get along with a Snake and a Monkey.

The eastern horoscope is known to almost everyone, since, based on it, we all bear the names of animals. There are also 12 of them, but they are divided by years of life, and not by months. And of course, they have their own love compatibility.

Previously, we wrote about what the eastern calendar is and what its features are. This will help you better understand its structure and understand the intricacies love compatibility according to Zodiac Signs.

Rat (born 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

For people born in the year of the Rat, everything will be fine in their personal lives with other Rats, Oxen, Dragons and Monkeys. Thanks to his strong character and their fighting spirit, Rats are able to conquer these people and keep them close to them, making them also stronger.

Bull (born 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

The Ox will be fine with the Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Snake and Rabbit. Bulls are calm, but easily excitable, so they should not be provoked under any circumstances. These Signs will be ideal partners.

Tiger (born 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

The Tiger combines wonderfully in love with the Horse, Dragon and Dog. Of course, they will have no difficulty in falling in love and building a successful relationship with almost anyone, but these three Signs can give the Tiger more happiness than others.

Rabbit (born 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Goat, Boar and Dog are the Rabbit's three best love companions in life. Rabbits are usually successful and do not show negative emotions towards loved ones, so such compatibility will allow them to live their whole lives in harmony.

Dragon (born 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Rat, Rooster, Monkey and Tiger are those who can make the life of the Dragon rich and exciting. They usually support him in everything, but do not allow him to do rash things.

Snake (born 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

The Snake is quite selective, wise and incredibly cautious, so it feels good with only two Signs: the Ox and the Rooster. They understand the Snake and charge it with positive energy. We previously wrote about how to attract positive thoughts into your life. In this case, these unions will further enhance the effect of training your mind.

Horse (born 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

The Horse usually experiences many difficulties in finding a soul mate, but its compatibility is incredibly high with three Signs: Tiger, Goat and Dog. It will be a very strong and passionate love.

Koza (born 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Few of the representatives of this Zodiac Sign present a problem in communication, however, compatibility in love is high only with three Signs of the Goat - these are: Rabbit, Horse and Boar. Your love will be filled with passion and mutual understanding.

Monkey (born 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992)

The restless and playful Monkey, who cannot find a place for himself, will like the disposition of the Rat and the Dragon. These people will support your ardor and will not abandon you in a critical situation.

Rooster (born 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993)

Buck, Dragon and Snake - these are yours best friends through life. Love with these Signs passes calmly and is practically devoid of falsehood, which has a positive effect on the duration of the marriage and on mutual understanding.

Dog (born 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994)

Tiger, Rabbit and Horse are ideal for you, since they can also objectively assess reality without falling into causeless depression and receiving only positive emotions from life.

Boar (born 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995)

It is easy for a boar to be calm and responsive. Only the Rabbit and the Goat can truly appreciate this gift. Hold on to these people, don't offend them. If you are in love with one of them, then such a marriage will be incredibly strong.

After reading the Eastern horoscope of love compatibility by year of birth, we also recommend using Chinese love fortune telling or taking a love compatibility test. We wish you good luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.06.2016 08:27

Finding your like-minded person, a person close in spirit, is not so easy. The question is simplified by astrology and the friendship horoscope of the Zodiac Signs. ...

Often, on the eve of the New Year, we are interested in which animal’s year is coming according to the eastern calendar. The tradition of naming the year after an animal came to us from China. The order of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac 中国十二生肖 is: rat 鼠, ox 牛, tiger 虎, rabbit 兔, dragon 龙, snake 蛇, horse 马, sheep 羊, monkey 猴, rooster 鸡, dog狗 and pig 猪.

According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 5 main elements: metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Each element has its own color: metal - white, water - blue, wood - green, fire - red, earth - yellow. Accordingly, 2012 blue dragon, and 2013 is the year of the blue snake.

There are many legends dedicated to the origin of the 12 symbols Chinese horoscope, the most popular of them is about the Jade Emperor. According to legend, the Jade Emperor sent his servant from heaven to earth to bring 12 of the most beautiful animals from earth. The emperor wanted to reward them. The servant went down to the ground and the first animal he saw was a rat. He handed her an invitation to the emperor at 6 o'clock in the morning, and he gave the same invitations to the bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster and dog. He also wanted to give the invitation to the cat, but he couldn’t find it anywhere, and since he knew that the rat was the cat’s friend, he gave the invitation to her so that she would give it to the cat.

The rat conveyed the invitation. Having learned that he needed to appear before the emperor by 6 am, the cat, fearing that he might oversleep, asked the rat to wake him up. The rat agreed, but considering that she could not compare with the cat’s beauty, and that she would look miserable compared to the cat, she decided not to wake him up in the morning. As a result, the cat slept through. And the rat appeared before everyone else and was the first to receive the honor of being one of the representatives of 12 cyclically repeating years. They came for her: a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster and a dog, who were also awarded to become representatives of the zodiac signs.

But since the cat did not appear, there were only 11 animals. The Jade Emperor again ordered the servant to appear on earth and bring another animal. The first person the servant met was a pig. He brought her in and she became the 12th animal nominated for the award. The cat, waking up, immediately rushed to the emperor, but it was too late. The cat got very angry and attacked the rat. Since then, the cat and the rat have been at odds.

Below is a table with which you can find out which year corresponds to which of the 12 animals, and also order a print on a mug or other item of a picture of an animal with a hieroglyph designating it. To order a print, click on the desired image.

Year of the animal Picture and print on the item Years and color of the animal

Year of the Rat








Year of the Ox








Year of the Tiger








Year of the Rabbit








Year of the Dragon








Year of the Snake








Year of the Horse








Year of the Sheep








Year of the Monkey








Year of the Rooster

    The signs are repeated every 12 years, for example, 1987 is the year of the rabbit + 12, 1999 is also the rabbit, behind the rabbit is dragon 88, snake 89, horse 90, goat 91, monkey 92, rooster 93, dog 94, pig 95, rat 96, bull 97, tiger 98 and again rabbit 99.

    Indeed, many people do not know the year in which they were born. But personally, I only recently found out my zodiac sign. Surely such people will be interested in the following picture. Moreover, from it you can recognize your element and color.

    Zodiac signs according to the eastern calendar by year of birth.

    There are only 12 of them, the order and alternation can be seen in this table:

    Rat 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020

    Bull 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021

    Tiger 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022

    Cat 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023

    Dragon 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024

    Snake 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025

    Horse 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026

    Goat 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027

    Monkey 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028

    Rooster 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029

    Dog 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030

    Pig 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

    According to the legend of the creation of the horoscope, Buddha gathered animals, twelve came to him, ordered them to compete in speed and dexterity, at the finish line the animals were distributed as follows - a rat, she climbed onto a bull, and before the finish line she jumped off and was the first, Buddha appreciated her ingenuity and appointed First, the horoscope begins with the rat. Then the frequency goes every twelve years, the next one is a bull, then a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog, a boar.

    If we are talking about years, then there are only twelve such signs. Moreover, each sign is repeated accordingly after a full twelve years. That person will be especially lucky in a particular year if that same year (or rather under this sign) the person was born.

    And here is a table by which you can find out exactly what year you were born:

    In Chinese eastern calendar twelve animals:

    Rat, born in the years: 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008

    Bull, born in the years 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009

    Tiger, born in the years 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010

    Rabbit, aka Hare, born in the years 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011

    Dragon, born in the years 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2012

    Snake, born in the years 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2013

    Horse born in the years 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2014

    Goat, also known as Sheep, born in the years 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2015

    Monkey, born in the years 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2016

    Rooster, born in the years 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2017

    Dog born in the years 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2018

    Pig, aka Boar, born in the years 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2019

    The signs are repeated every twelve years. In the Eastern calendar, each year corresponds to an element and color:

    Fire - red

    Earth yellow

    Metal gray

    Water blue

    tree green

    More information here.

    In order to find out your characteristics according to your zodiac sign and year of birth, you must first determine your animal, in the year of which you were born according to the Eastern horoscope:

    There is an astrological Western calendar, which is called the Zodiac and years of birth according to the Eastern calendar. These are different calendars and different signs.

    The zodiac horoscope is divided into twelve months, each sign has its own constellation, its patron planet or celestial body and its element (air, water, earth or fire). Begins zodiac horoscope from the spring solstice and the sign of Aries.

    The Eastern or Chinese calendar by year of birth also consists of twelve cycles (signs). This calendar is sometimes called the Chinese Zodiac by analogy with the Western astrological calendar, which is not entirely correct.

    The Chinese calendar is divided into years, each year has its own animal. This twelve-year cycle is called the Earthly Branches. New Year According to the eastern calendar, it begins on the day of the second new moon after the winter solstice, so it usually begins at the end of January or February. This must be taken into account when determining your year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope.

    It is easy to determine which animal corresponds to the year of birth: it is enough, based on the table, to add or subtract a number that is a multiple of 12.

    In addition, in the Chinese calendar there is such a thing as Heavenly Stems. This is a ten-year cycle of changing natural elements (elements): water, wood, fire, earth, metal. Each element has its own color, so we have a habit of giving years a color name (year yellow dog, year of the green goat, etc.). Although it would be more correct to name it not by color, but by element. For example, people born in 1975 were born in the year of the wooden Rabbit, people born in 1990 were born in the year of the metal Horse, etc.

    One element rules for two years in a row.

    Years that end in 0 or 1 (such as 1960 and 1961) are influenced by the metal color that corresponds to white or silver.

    Years that end in 2 and 3 are influenced by water, which corresponds to the colors black and blue.

    Years ending in 4 and 5 are influenced by the tree, which corresponds to the color green.

    Years ending in 6 and 7 are fire years, which correspond to the color red.

    Years that end in 8 and 9 are earth years that are ocher or brown.

    The table below clearly shows the twelve-year and ten-year cycles of the Chinese calendar. Water is highlighted in blue, metal is white, fire is red, wood is green, and earth is yellow.

    But that’s not all: in the eastern calendar, each animal has constant characteristics: its natural element (water, wood, fire, earth or metal), its direction to one of the cardinal directions, its happy hour and its feminine or masculinity. Feminine is Yin, masculine is Yang.

    Zodiac signs by year, humorous characteristics:

    Year of the Mouse (Rat)

    Year of the Tiger

    Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

    Year of the Dragon

    Year of the Horse

    Your question is about the Chinese horoscope.

    There are also 12 signs, one for a year and again for a new one.

    It's very easy to remember. Here comes 2017 - the year of the Rooster.

    This means that every year that differs by n*12 years, earlier or in the future, will also be the year of the Rooster.

    2005 (2017-12), 2029 (2017+12), etc. And so with any year.

    In the eastern horoscope, each sign represents an animal that reigns throughout the year. To find out in what year a person was born, it is enough to know the year of his birth and then check the table:

    Also, depending on the year, each animal belongs to one of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water).

    Using the following table, you can determine which element the animal belongs to by year (wood - green, water - blue, metal - white, earth - beige, fire - red):

    The table also shows the date when the year comes into effect.