Is it possible to paint interior doors made of MDF coated with PVC film? How to paint chipboard and MDF facades in PVC film? How to paint a laminated interior door

Nowadays laminated coverings are being used more and more often. They are used to decorate furniture, interior and entrance doors, as well as other interior elements. In appearance, laminate resembles wood, which is why parts of it are used in construction and decoration. This coating is considered durable, but still, due to mechanical stress, laminated doors can receive flaws and become unusable. To make such door defects attractive and invigorate them with color, technological painting is used. Next we will look at how to paint laminated door so that it lasts as long as possible.

Restoring a laminated door using paint

Over time, laminated doors become stained around door handles and scratches on the surface. It is quite difficult to remove such flaws, since the coating is not particularly amenable to this. Therefore the most effective remedy To correct the damage is to paint the doors.

Let us immediately note that treatment with stain and varnish will not be suitable, since for this process it will be necessary to sand the door and fill in all the irregularities with putty, and under transparent coatings all these errors will be visible.

Therefore, only an opaque coating or paint is suitable for painting laminated doors. But the work is not at all easy to do. Especially because the paint will not be able to adhere to the laminated surface and will flow off it. Therefore, you need to know the technology of how to paint a laminated door so that the paint on it lasts as long as possible.

Materials and tools for painting

Special enamel for painting.

Brush and roller.


Wood putty.



Napkins and rags.

The surface of the door should be prepared for painting. The doors are washed, wiped and dried. All scratches, as well as door leaf is erased sandpaper or a grinding machine. After this, dust is removed from the surface with a brush and rags.

Then putty is applied to the door leaf. It should lie in a thin layer so as to become one with the door. After the first layer has dried and sanded, a second one is applied, which is also rubbed down after drying.

When the door has acquired the desired structure, it is cleaned of dust and wiped with a solvent. Now the surface is completely ready for painting. Next, we’ll look at how to paint a laminated door correctly.

Painting a laminated door

The paint will need to be thinned, since the door should be covered with three thin layers paints. The material for painting should be one that is diluted with white spirit.

You should paint with a brush, this will allow you to better apply the coating to the surface of the door. The paint is not simply applied to the surface, but thoroughly rubbed into the door leaf.

After applying the paint, the door must dry completely. Only after this the second and then the third layer is applied. Each of them, after applying the next one, must be dry.

Now finished door coated with varnish to give it shine and attractiveness. The varnish can be applied either with a brush or with a spray gun.

Painting a laminated door with stain

How to paint a laminated door if there are no major defects on it, but the color of the coating is a little faded and worn off.

By using grinder carefully removed top layer coverings. Then the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and cleaned of chips and dust.

The door leaf is wiped with a solvent, and after it dries, it is treated with stain of the appropriate tone.

The stain should be diluted according to the instructions.

Apply the mixture to the door with a roller, brush or using a spray gun.

The technology of work is the same as with paint. It is necessary to coat the door leaf in three approaches, but not earlier than 12 hours after applying the previous layer.

After the final painting with stain and the surface of the doors has completely dried, they should be opened with varnish.

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I'll tell you about my own experience in painting chipboard And film facades in furniture production.

Painting chipboard

Chipboard was painted, but rarely, when the project indicated that, for example, the outer side wall of the kitchen or the details of the portal had to be the same as the painted or patinated facades.

In this case, the surface of the chipboard was sanded with paper of P220 grit or coarser in order to break the top protective layer of the laminate on the chipboard to a matte surface. Next, paint was applied, but more often they worked according to the scheme - sanding, one layer of primer, sanding, finishing. No adhesives were used.

Problems arose if the edge was poorly glued and after finishing the paint fell into places where the edge did not fit well, worse if it peeled off, but again this was due to bad work pasting equipment, violations of pasting technology.

Painting facades covered with PVC film

We had to resort to the technology of painting film facades in order to simplify the technology of painting facades with complex internal milling.

What were the difficulties: the main ones were the labor intensity of grinding complex milled profiles and the risks of damaging the profile itself, which already required alteration of the facades.

In addition, it was necessary to apply sealing primer, sand it, apply base primer, sand, apply primer again, and sand again. In the case of film, the surface and profile of the MDF facade in PVC film were simply pre-grinded and finishing layers were applied.

It turns out that the technology was reduced to a minimum, well, sometimes they could apply primer to the film before painting, but sanding the primer in this case was much easier than sanding unlined MDF.

An important point in all this is how well the film is glued to MDF facades. If the film peels off from the edge, if there are inclusions under the film, glue sagging, poor-quality milling, poor preparation of the facade surface before pressing, then we will get not the advantages, but the disadvantages of this technology.

Therefore, the technology of pressing facades into membrane vacuum press must be at a high level.

In addition, the film itself must be selected for the facades. Firstly, it should be white, and secondly, it will be better if it is intended just for painting, that is, without a protective top coating.

Film suppliers called this film primer. In principle, you can use just white film, but a trial application and an adhesion test are necessary.

Interestingly, no adhesive primers were applied to the film facades; it was enough to matt the film by sanding. But, in any case, experiments are always needed, and then mass application of the technology, otherwise primer may be needed to improve the adhesion of paint to film or chipboard. For such primers, contact your suppliers, they will help you select the necessary paints and varnishes.

Sometimes the interior of a house becomes boring and boring. Then there is a desire to change it or supplement it with something new. Doors are especially susceptible to aging and fading of paint. Although they are the most reliable and durable, their frequent use erases their shine and beauty and leaves minor scratches.

Such doors are solid and are made by pressing waste lumber, so painting MDF at home is difficult, but possible. And at the same time it will give your home an updated look.

In order to paint the doors, you will need MDF paint. On some slabs this coating applies easily, on others it is difficult. Such properties depend on the components from which the board was made. The material fraction causes them to absorb the coating applied to them too quickly.

In order for the color to apply evenly, you need to choose one for MDF doors that matches the chemical composition of the material being painted.

Therefore, when choosing paint and varnish materials To work you need:

  • choose paints without a strong odor, for example, water-based paints;
  • quick-drying. These include acrylic-based paints;
  • with a high percentage of adhesion for strong adhesion of the coating and the surface of the object;
  • with low consumption;
  • a certain color so that the door fits harmoniously into the interior of the apartment.

Nowadays there is a special polyurethane paint for MDF on sale. She is environmentally friendly material for coating, odorless and volatile components. It has high wear resistance and resistance to chemical elements.


To paint the surface of an MDF door, we need certain tools.

  • Tassels. Narrow for small parts and hard-to-reach places and large. Instead of a large one, you can use a roller or spray gun. The lint on the brush should not creep in, so you need to buy a quality tool. Otherwise, then you will have to collect hairs from the brush all over the door.
  • Roller must be terry or wool, because foam rubber slips on the surface.
  • Mixer or drill with attachment for mixing the coating composition.
  • Special bath for working with paint, if a roller is used during application, or a small jar so that you can dip the brush into it.
  • Stencils, tape, scissors, zero sandpaper.

How to paint an MDF door?

In order to paint or repaint MDF doors from one color to another at home, it is necessary to cover the floor of the workplace with paper so as not to get dirty in the process. Place two timbers under the surface to be painted. This is done so that in the future you can easily turn the canvas over to the other side. MDF doors can be painted not only when new, which are made specifically for painting, but also repainted from one color to another.

The procedure is quite simple and does not require any special costs or effort. MDF doors are painted in several layers. Before each application, the previous layer must be completely dry. But first you need to prepare the canvas.

Preparatory stage

To paint MDF at home, the door is removed from its hinges, freed from fittings, and placed on prepared beams. Using heat, the old coating is removed and the material itself is prepared for painting. MDF is carefully sanded with sandpaper.

It is better not to use other tools, as they may damage the material. The remaining debris from sanding is collected and mixed with PVA glue, used as a means to get rid of various defects that appeared during sanding.

If there are glass inserts in the door, they must be sealed with tape to prevent paint from getting in and causing additional trouble.

After the MDF door is sanded and leveled, they proceed to the surface priming process. This is very important point before painting.


Before you cover MDF doors The paint needs to be coated with a primer layer. To do this, you can use drying oil. You need to wait for the primer to dry completely. Then inspect the surface again for defects and scratches. If necessary, cover all cracks and chips with putty and sand thoroughly.

Then you should apply two more layers of primer so that it can clog all the pores and reduce the amount of paint material absorbed.

And only after thorough priming of the surface and complete drying can you proceed to painting.

Painting stage

If you purchased MDF doors for painting, we skip the first two stages. When the product is prepared, you can not be afraid and proceed to painting MDF with your own hands. It is necessary to paint the ends well and small details. Alternative way application is to paint with a sprayer if you don’t want to bother with a roller or brush. But first you need to paint everything well hard to reach places with a narrow brush.

After the first layer has been applied, it must be allowed to dry completely. There will be small stains on the surface, but they will then be covered with the next layer. And, after the second layer has dried, you can apply the final third.

When using water-based or special polyurethane paint, a layer of dried coating on the surface will never prevent MDF doors from closing, as happens if they are painted with nitro enamel.


Glesal thinner can be used as a finishing layer. It will add rigidity to the fibers of the MDF sheet medium density. It also helps create textured surface. With the help of this thinner you can achieve such a type of door decoration as “antique”, “ Venetian covering", "imitation bark beetle" and much more. The final stage in painting will be applying a layer of varnish.

Add aesthetics to interior doors made of different materials can be done using coloring. This method does not require large financial costs, because you just need to choose suitable paint. At the same time, the rules of its use, composition and compatibility with the door material are taken into account.

How to prepare an interior door for painting

To restore appearance old door or to give aesthetics to a new product without decorative covering carry out painting. This procedure is applicable to canvases made of natural wood, chipboard or MDF.

After painting, the interior door becomes bright and looks beautiful

Processing with coloring components requires door preparation. The technology of this process depends on the initial state of the product.

Features of preparation:

  • The painted door must be cleaned of its coating. To do this, use a narrow spatula, a hair dryer, and fine-grained sandpaper. The turned on hair dryer is held at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the surface, the paint is heated for a few seconds until it swells, and then the layer is removed with a spatula. The entire door is treated this way, and the residue is removed with sandpaper or a sander. If the canvas is varnished, it is removed with a special remover or removed by sanding;

    When heated with a hairdryer, the paint swells and is easy to remove.

  • if the door is new and does not need to remove paint, then the surface is treated with antiseptic compounds. This is necessary to protect the material from moisture, mildew and mold, as well as better adhesion of paint to wood or chipboard. For application, use a brush, which evenly distributes the primer over the surface. The product must be intended for wood and must be compatible with paint;

    The primer can be transparent or colored

  • remove the accessories from the canvas, remove dust after sanding, place it on a flat horizontal surface. It is not recommended to paint the door by hand; in this case, streaks will easily form on the surface. They spoil appearance products. All cracks and cracks are covered with putty to match the color of the canvas. This is true for doors made of wood, chipboard or MDF.

    Before painting, fill all cracks and cracks with putty.

Preparation involves not only processing the door, but also the workspace. For painting you also need tools, namely brushes. different sizes or spray gun. Pieces of clean foam rubber, fabric, masking tape, stationery knife.

Video: removing old paint from a door

Technology of painting interior doors

The quality of painting a wooden surface depends not only on proper preparation, but also on the choice of paint, compliance with the rules of its use. Therefore, before starting work, you need to know the features of the work stages, which are expressed in the following:

  1. The coloring composition is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some products require thinning with a solvent, but it is always important to thoroughly mix the paint until smooth and then pour a small amount of the product into the paint container. If a spray gun is used, it has a special tank.

    The spray gun is simple, but helps create an even and beautiful coating.

  2. The composition is applied in small quantities with light movements to the surface. It is important to do this evenly, which will allow you to get a layer of the same thickness on any part of the door. After processing one side of the canvas, you need to wait for it to dry and turn the product over for painting on the other side.

    After processing on one side, the door is turned over

  3. After the first layer has dried on each side of the door, you can begin applying the second. The paint is applied in small quantities and distributed as evenly as possible. Finished product leave until completely dry, and then install the fittings and hang them on the hinges.

    A bright door will easily make the interior original

These steps relate to the general technology of painting doors made of chipboard or wood. Depending on the type of paint used, the material of the canvas, and the tool used, some features of the work must be taken into account.

Video: painting an interior door with a brush or roller

Selection and features of paint application

Manufacturers produce many options for wood paints. Such compositions are also suitable for MDF or chipboard, since these materials consist of wood chips and binding components. The only exception may be paint on water based, because it helps to moisten chipboard or MDF, which will lead to deformation of the canvas.

Paint for wooden interior doors

For processing wooden products Several types of paints can be used. Before purchasing one or another option, you should definitely read the manufacturer’s instructions and the specifics of using the composition.

The choice of paints includes options with different characteristics

For wooden interior doors The following types of compositions are optimal:

  • alkyd paints are presented in different colors, create a durable and dense coating, resistant to fading. At the same time, the funds are characterized by a strong unpleasant smell, which lasts for several days after painting. An affordable price and a variety of shades make alkyd compounds in demand for treating external doors, while interior doors will smell unpleasant for quite a long time;
  • acrylic paint has no pronounced odor, provides a thin coating, dries quickly, has bright color. The disadvantages of such a product are expressed in the low strength of the layer, low resistance to mechanical stress, high cost with average characteristics;
  • oil compositions are suitable for wooden doors, contain natural drying oil and have a strong odor that disappears a few days after painting. High quality coating retains its appearance for several years, and affordable price makes the paint popular;
  • nitro enamel or nitro varnish are optimal for wood, as they create a durable layer of rich color that is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. High toxicity requires the use of nitro paint in a room equipped with good ventilation.

All of the above products have a certain odor and therefore, to use them, it is important to follow the rules and use personal protective equipment. If weather conditions permit, it is worth setting up a place for painting outside. The compositions should not be used near heating devices, open fire.

Paint for chipboard doors

On sale you can find doors made of chipboard that do not have a laminated or veneered coating. They are intended for self-finishing and they are easy to paint. Such products already have a small layer of primer that protects the canvas. But before painting, another layer is applied on top of this layer, providing more quality basis for coloring.

Chipboard canvases can be painted with a roller, brush or spray gun

Oil, alkyd and nitro paints are optimal for processing chipboard panels. Acrylic compounds rarely used, since the thinness of the layer and low hiding power of these products does not allow hiding the rough surface of the chipboard.

If the doors have a laminated layer, then it is very difficult to apply paint evenly over it. That's why the best solution is a surface treatment without a decorative coating. To do this, the same steps are carried out as when preparing and painting wooden products. It is important to make sure that the chipboard door does not bulge, since this material is not resistant to moisture. And they also use water-repellent impregnations for wood.

Painting interior doors made of MDF

MDF stands for finely dispersed fraction and is sheets made from pressed fine chips and binder components. At the same time, the structure absorbs moisture and liquid substances well. Therefore, thick paints are used to treat doors, and the surface is pre-primed.

MDF doors are covered with a film with a pattern in the form of wood structure, and painting should be carried out on the canvas without a decorative coating

Thick paints, for example, nitro compounds or oil-based products, are suitable for processing MDF doors. When processing and selecting, the following rules are important:

  • the composition should provide a glossy surface, since matte paint will emphasize the unevenness of MDF and make the doors unsightly;
  • The optimal consumption of coloring composition for a door measuring 200 x 80 cm is 1 kg. The same amount of primer will be required for the canvas;
  • the product is applied to the surface treated with a primer in several layers of equal thickness;
  • For primer, you can use drying oil, which will eliminate excessive porosity of the door material.

The compositions should provide a durable, hard layer after drying. The color can be any, and each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

Features of acrylic paints and odorless compositions

Acrylic enamel is one of the common options, which forms a matte finish with only a slight shine. The product is not resistant to mechanical or chemical influences. Therefore, the acrylic coating is additionally protected with a durable varnish, which will add gloss to the surface.

Acrylic paints are produced different manufacturers, but it is important to choose the optimal color and protective varnish

When painting interior doors made of natural wood, MDF or chipboard, products that do not have a strong odor are often used. Such paints do not contain toxic components and are characterized by an average level of durability and a variety of colors.

Products without a strong odor include the following options:

  • acrylic enamel has a slight odor and therefore the product can be used to paint a door directly in a living room, but with open windows;
  • acrylic - a light coating suitable for interior doors;
  • Thermal enamel dries quickly and is intended for painting radiators of a heating system, but is excellent for wood, as it is water-based.

These types of coatings are presented in packages of different sizes. When choosing a certain option It should be taken into account that when painting with a brush or rollers there is a greater consumption of the composition than when applied with a spray gun. Therefore, it is best to purchase the product with a small supply.

Color of interior doors

Thanks to painting, you can give the door any shade. To do this, you need to choose a paint color taking into account the interior of the room. You should be guided by the following rules for selecting a door shade:

  • canvases of strict dark shades from chocolate to black are suitable for a solid interior in an English, classic style;
  • light doors from white to light brown are optimal for a children's room, as they make the environment pleasant;
  • bright green, red, purple and other tones are appropriate in the style of pop art, modern, high-tech and other design trends;
  • Multi-colored canvases are often installed in a children's room or in an apartment decorated in a single bright style.

Doors can contrast with color scheme interior This bright solution original, but requires perfect combination other details. For example, in a setting decorated in blue and white colors, they will look unusual. yellow doors. In this case, it is worth choosing a shade that is not too saturated, which will allow you to achieve harmonious combinations.

Yellow and white doors look bright and are suitable for a child's room

The color of the door should also match the shade of the frame. If the canvas is multi-colored, then the frame is painted in any one tone that is present on the door. It is ideal if the color of the canvas is repeated in the decor of the room. In this way, harmony and correct combinations are achieved.

When dyeing, it is important not only to choose the right product, but also its color. The technology for processing wooden products, MDF or chipboard materials is the same and therefore you can easily paint the doors yourself in the desired shade. Preliminary preparation will ensure lasting and high-quality results.

Chipboard is one of the known materials, which are used to make furniture, doors and other products. What does this material consist of? These are wood chips that are held together by formaldehyde resin. Wood chips under the influence of moisture and other unfavorable conditions can deteriorate and come apart. You can protect them by treating the surface with varnish or paint. Besides that coloring materials serve as protection, painting also gives decorative effect, because not only multi-colored surfaces are created, but also a variety of textures. So the question arises, how to paint a chipboard door to give it a beautiful look? To do this, you just need to cover the door with a new layer of paint. It is important to know what material the chipboard was originally covered with or whether the door is new and there is no coating at all.

Before painting chipboard, you should carefully prepare the surface. The final painting result depends on this work. To renew chipboard doors, transparent varnish or paint is most often used, which is applied to the surface. But this is not practical, since the paint begins to crack after a while. Removing this layer of paint later is not so easy and takes a lot of time. But this can still be done in several ways.

The surface of the door can be treated chemical composition. You need to choose it depending on how the door was treated.

The surface can also be exposed to hot air, which can be supplied from a hair dryer. Coming out is enough hot air affects the old coating, destroying it. But then you can easily remove it with a spatula. But it is important to maintain a certain temperature so that the surface of the door does not deteriorate.

Then the surface needs to be cleaned of accumulated dust and degreased. Using a grout mesh (preferably coarse), clean the base of the door so as to leave small burrs. This is necessary in order to create better adhesion with a base. Apply a special primer. The primer is applied so that the glue that holds the wood chips together does not allow toxic substances to evaporate and moisture cannot penetrate inside.

Before painting a chipboard door, it should be puttied and sanded to remove any unevenness and differences that may have formed. Before puttying, a primer must be applied to the surface. For doors made of Chipboard is better apply acrylic primers. They tend to protect the base from cracks. The putty must be applied with a construction spatula, spreading it evenly over the entire door.

After the putty layer has dried, it is carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

How to paint laminated doors

This procedure is carried out until all the irregularities are corrected. After this, the dust must be removed and painting can begin.

A good solution for painting chipboard would be a spray bottle or a special can filled with paint. With such tools it is easier to create a uniform layer without smudges.

What types of paint are suitable for this material?

Before choosing paint, you need to consider one thing: different types paints give different coloring results. To increase the surface's resistance to mechanical stress, the base should be coated with varnish.

Doors painted with acrylic paints will last for many years. They are not afraid of temperature changes and collecting steam, condensation and splashes of water. Surfaces painted with acrylic paints can withstand about 5,000 washes.

Before you paint a chipboard door, you need to know the painting technology.

The paint is applied in several layers. You can paint either with a brush or with a roller that has short pile. A roller with a long pile can leave a pattern that looks like orange peel. If, after applying the paint, unevenness is still visible, you should again use sandpaper to sand it and apply another layer of paint. If you achieve the expected result using this method, you can proceed to the final stage - applying transparent varnish. It can also be applied in several layers.

The choice of paint quality and color is a matter of taste, but it is important that painted chipboard doors are in harmony with the interior.

How to paint a laminated interior door so that it becomes new and lasts a long time

Nowadays, laminated coatings are used more and more often. They are used to decorate furniture, interior and entrance doors, as well as other interior elements. In appearance, laminate resembles wood, which is why parts of it are used in construction and decoration. This coating is considered durable, but still, due to mechanical stress, laminated doors can receive flaws and become unusable.

Is it possible to paint a laminated door?

To make such door defects attractive and invigorate them with color, technological painting is used. Next, we'll look at how to paint a laminated door to make it last as long as possible.

Restoring a laminated door using paint

Over time, laminated doors become covered with stains around the door handles and scratches on the surface. It is quite difficult to remove such flaws, since the coating is not particularly amenable to this. Therefore, the most effective remedy for repairing damage is painting the doors.

Let us immediately note that treatment with stain and varnish will not be suitable, since for this process it will be necessary to sand the door and fill in all the irregularities with putty, and under transparent coatings all these errors will be visible.

Therefore, only an opaque coating or paint is suitable for painting laminated doors. But the work is not at all easy to do. Especially because the paint will not be able to adhere to the laminated surface and will flow off it. Therefore, you need to know the technology of how to paint a laminated door so that the paint on it lasts as long as possible.

Materials and tools for painting

Special enamel for painting.

Brush and roller.


Wood putty.



Napkins and rags.

The surface of the door should be prepared for painting. The doors are washed, wiped and dried. All scratches, as well as the door leaf, are rubbed with sandpaper or a grinding machine. After this, dust is removed from the surface with a brush and rags.

Then putty is applied to the door leaf. It should lie in a thin layer so as to become one with the door. After the first layer has dried and sanded, a second one is applied, which is also rubbed down after drying.

When the door has acquired the desired structure, it is cleaned of dust and wiped with a solvent. Now the surface is completely ready for painting. Next, we’ll look at how to paint a laminated door correctly.

Painting a laminated door

The paint will need to be thinned as the door will need to be covered in three thin coats of paint. The material for painting should be one that is diluted with white spirit.

You should paint with a brush, this will allow you to better apply the coating to the surface of the door. The paint is not simply applied to the surface, but thoroughly rubbed into the door leaf.

After applying the paint, the door must dry completely. Only after this the second and then the third layer is applied. Each of them, after applying the next one, must be dry.

Now the finished door is varnished to give it shine and attractiveness. The varnish can be applied either with a brush or with a spray gun.

Painting a laminated door with stain

How to paint a laminated door if there are no major defects on it, but the color of the coating is a little faded and worn off.

Using a sanding machine, carefully remove the top layer of coating. Then the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and cleaned of chips and dust.

The door leaf is wiped with a solvent, and after it dries, it is treated with stain of the appropriate tone.

The stain should be diluted according to the instructions.

Apply the mixture to the door with a roller, brush or using a spray gun.

The technology of work is the same as with paint. It is necessary to coat the door leaf in three approaches, but not earlier than 12 hours after applying the previous layer.

After the final painting with stain and the surface of the doors has completely dried, they should be opened with varnish.

Alexander Dryablov
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Anatoly Sverdl
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Oksana Strelkova
What can you paint with? wooden door varnished? Varnish, only with a tint. It is better to remove the varnish with acetone. Sand the door and coat it with another varnish. If you can’t (or don’t want) to mess around, you can simply sand it and cover it with another varnish, but it’s still better to wash it off. And after washing, you can prime and paint with any paint... Varnish and paint, the paint may fly off. or remove the varnish surface

Natalia Titova
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Stanislav Yakovenko
How to repaint the window sill? Give it a whiff with sandpaper and cover with oil paint (tikuril or snowball) Stick in a new plastic one - it will be cheaper to repaint alkyd enamel. And before that, suffer with tearing it off. If the window sill is wooden, then you can completely remove all the paint and varnish it. I covered mine with stain and varnish, although the window is light beige... That’s the fact that it’s not plastic, that’s for sure. Or wooden with peeling paint or made of CP (they used to install the ones where wide window sills Strip everything down and paint it again.

Denis Andreychikov
Hello. Please advise how and what color the interior doors can be repainted. Use acrylate paint. It doesn’t stink, dries quickly, and can be washed off with water while it’s wet. The color depends on the third party. I would paint it in ivory or to match the color of the wallpaper light color, present on the wallpaper. First, you need to remove the old paint; for this you will need a gasoline blowtorch and a spatula. Heat the paint until bubbles form and immediately clean it off with a spatula. if your doors are from Soviet times...

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How to paint doors

I do it myself, and only in the summer I cover the whole thing with varnish. I do it at home more often, sometimes I go to the salon; in general, I don’t allow myself to go with peeling ones)

Larisa Antusheva
How to repaint or update old wardrobe for the hallway? color - light wood, the coating is varnish, there are frames on the doors and this is covered with film: There are excellent tinted varnishes, but you just need to take into account that you already have a certain shade. In general, if you’re going to restore furniture, it’s better to coat it with varnish using a spray gun. This restoration is a very delicate and complex matter, although it is very interesting, it is difficult to describe here, so write to YouTube and watch the whole process there, how they do it to look like wood, how and with what they apply the look of wood. And disassembly is mandatory for everything that can be removed…

Vladislav Udovkin
What kind of pervert (apparently in the USSR) with a sick imagination and unhealthy color perception came up with floor paint?! What the hell difference, but we lived well. Well, personally, I painted the floors with similar paint at the dacha, because I plan to do renovations there in the future, and there is no point in using any kind of coating, since soon everything will be redone to hell. Paint is better than a shabby floor. That's it.

Veronica Konstantinova
I have an old Soviet cabinet, I want to repaint it - how is this done, what kind of paint should I use, can I sand the paint from a spray can, degrease it, and paint it. Paint with alkyd enamel using a brush or a small velor roller. There is an ancient Evenki method - buy adhesive wallpaper that looks like wood - and it’s beautiful and without problems. The spray can will stink Acrylic paint I painted a polished desk without sanding, everything was painted over perfectly and is holding up!

Ruslan Lyubyak
How to paint a refrigerator? Find out from those who paint cars. They can also paint and airbrush. Well, if it’s not worth it, then wipe it with a nitro solvent to degrease, remove rust and dust it all from a can of metal paint in 2-3 layers, drying each one... I once painted a refrigerator with a spray can. This paint scratches easily. But it looks okay. I didn't prime anything. I just wiped it with acetone and sprayed it with paint. For a more solid effect, it’s better to buy auto paint and a 2-component...

Alina Lizunova
What can you use to wipe it off? greasy spots on a light brown door? gasoline and detergents did not help Oxol or oxol polish, after wiping off the stains, you need to go over the entire surface or varnish solvents - from light white spirit (it’s not a fact that it will help if the varnish was nitro-based 646, it will remove the fat, but also the color, too, and... You can try organic solvents No. 646 or 647, but they strongly corrode paint and some plastics. If the stains are of grease or tar origin, you can try to remove them with the “Carpet” cleaning preparation upholstered furniture and carpets...

Victor Samokhvalov
How to repaint lacquered furniture First you need to rip off everything, and the varnish first of all.

leaving bare wood. There are paints for varnish, but they don’t look very nice. this is at home. I know this method: all “problem” areas are tinted with regular gouache, dried, and then coated with furniture varnish; after drying, you can do it again. Looks like new. But look - this is a way for polished surfaces...