Julia's name day is the day of the angel according to the church calendar. Name day of Julia or Julia according to the church calendar

People celebrate their name day several times a year. On Julia's day church calendar certain rules must be followed. Girls with this name must go to church and confess and receive communion.

Name days are not traditionally celebrated like birthdays. This is a day for quiet veneration of the saints and an opportunity to rethink your values ​​and views.

According to the church calendar, Julia's Day coincides with the beginning of the new year. On January 3, two great martyrs, Juliana Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya, celebrate their name days. The first was the wife of the Grand Duke of Vyazemsky Simeon. She is famous for the fact that she remained faithful to her beloved husband, repelling his murderer, who, in addition to killing the prince, wanted to take possession of Juliana herself. She died tragically in this battle.

As soon as her remains were buried, interesting things began to happen. Everyone who came to her grave miraculously gained health.

On what days are Julia’s name days celebrated?

At the beginning of the year, another saint has a name day. January 15 is the day of the angel Juliana Lazarevskaya. This woman had meekness and self-denial. The main work of her whole life was caring for the sick and needy.

Spring days of Angel Julia

In the spring, during the period of intense flowering, Orthodox Christians celebrate the name day of Julian three times. Angel Day is celebrated on the following dates:

  • - March 17, April 2 - Juliana Pontic;
  • - May 31 - Virgin July.

Both of these women are elevated to sainthood because of their faith. They honored and holyly fulfilled all the commandments of the Lord, and forced other people to do this.

Angel Julia Day according to the church calendar, summer

The church calendar shows the following dates for Orthodox name days:

  • — June 15, July 19, July 29, August 30-31.

IMPORTANT! These days the church venerates Saint Julian. You can simply give a card and a bouquet of flowers to a friend named Yulia.

But for girls with this name, it is best to go to the temple to venerate their saint and ask her for protection and fulfillment of desires.

Saint Julia's Day according to the autumn church calendar

In the fall, according to the church calendar, Julia’s name day is celebrated twice:

  • — October 11;
  • — November 14;
  • - December 17.

It is not necessary to congratulate Yulia on every name day; it is enough to simply find out what saint she is named after and present her with a nice souvenir on this day.

When is Julia's name day and angel's day?

It is believed that the name Julia comes from a masculine name. In ancient times, you could meet many Julias, but there were significantly fewer girls with that name. Currently, history has changed and a young man named Julius will look rather strange. And if there is such a young man in your company, then you can also congratulate him on his name day.

Let's talk about the history of St. Julian. His name day is celebrated on February 19. In 312, a saint named Julian died for his devotion and adherence to the faith. He religiously fulfilled his duty and was a doctor.

How and when to congratulate Julia and Julian on their name day?

First of all, determine the day when you are ready to congratulate these people.

ATTENTION! Julia's name day is celebrated due to the fact that in ancient times, at the birth of a baby, he was given a name according to the church calendar. That is, they were named after the saint closest to the date of birth in the calendar.

That is why you should congratulate your friends on Angel’s Day, which is as close as possible to their birthday. If you wish, you can celebrate every name day. This is a matter of taste. Those celebrating their birthday should go to church and pray to their saint.

Happy birthday to Yulia

First of all, it’s worth understanding what Julians like. A good gift is considered to be something related to the owner's hobby. For example, these could be:

Currently, hypermarkets in megacities offer huge selection goods for handicrafts, so you don’t have to rack your brains about what to give Julia for Angel’s Day.

Where to celebrate Yulia's name day?

The most common option is home gatherings with friends, family and loved ones. But you can consider going to a cafe or restaurant. Everything will depend on your financial condition and desires. As a rule, Angel Day is not celebrated on a grand scale; it is rather a symbolic holiday. But you can always change this statement and celebrate all the name days of the year.

Characteristics of Julia

Julia's girls are very nice and friendly. They are moderately inquisitive and love everything new. It is difficult to captivate such children with one thing. Little Yulia has many friends in kindergarten and school, she is sociable, studies well and plays sports.

Many envy such girls because they have everything. But behind the mask of a cheerful and good-natured girl hides a sensual and vulnerable nature. When Yulia meets her other half and gets married, they are in no hurry to have children, as they value their freedom. In general, Julias become wonderful mothers, caring wives and loving daughters.

With age, Julia begins to actively move up the career ladder, which cannot but please her. She easily completes assigned tasks and actively manages the team herself. As for hobbies: Yulia is a creative person and is unlikely to be able to engage in any particular type of art. Most likely it will be a creative hodgepodge, otherwise these women will not be able to.

In our article, we described in detail when Julia’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar and what gifts should be given. We hope that our article helped you understand this issue.

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The name Yulia is melodious, firm-sounding, short and light; it does not seem rustic or overly pretentious to anyone. And most importantly, it always sounds modern.

The origin of the name Julia is still a subject of debate among historians. Despite the fact that there is no reliable information about this, many believe that the origins of the name come from Yul Askania. True, some researchers claim that Yul and Askaniy are two different people(both from the same father, Aeneas, but different mothers). However, a more common version is that it was the same person who founded the city of Alba Longa - the ancestor of modern Rome.

Emperor Caesar, the most famous bearer of the name (in the male version), was most likely a descendant of Ascanius. Later, women from the ancient Roman Julius family began to be named after him.


The sound, as well as the meaning of the name Julia, is quite deceptive. Literally translated from Latin, it means “July”. In Greek, this name means “fluffy.”

However best characteristic named after Julia is contained in his patron stones. These are: amber (a source of happy energy and love attraction), lapis lazuli (the so-called crystal of success), sapphire (a symbol of sincerity and purity of thoughts) and jade (a stone of power and unfading beauty, protecting against the evil eye).

The symbols show what the “July” woman represents: a beautiful, successful person with an authoritative leadership character.


Despite the bright personal qualities and diverse talents, Julia does not strive for career heights. The best career for her is a happy marriage and motherhood. If she makes a dizzying career, then this is a reason to sympathize with her. However, with the same ease with which she achieved a high position, she will sacrifice it as soon as a worthy chosen one appears on the horizon.

Fate depends on character. A woman named Yulia does not have the easiest character: fighting, leadership and not femininely strong. Julia's character contributes to the creation of difficult relationships in society. However, the name gives its owner rare luck and the favor of Fortune.


It is important to remember when choosing a name for a girl: it has a meaning not in itself, but depending on the season of birth.

The kindest and most gentle Julia is the summer one. She is exceptionally feminine, compassionate and tolerant. But firmness and leadership qualities will not allow her to turn into a weakling even with those whom she loves infinitely. No matter what happens, she will not change her principles and will not allow herself to be pushed around.

It is difficult to find a brighter creative personality than Yulia, who was born in the spring. She is interesting, multifaceted and has many friends and fans. Of course, her man will be jealous: after all, her beloved is always surrounded by admirers, and it is not easy for him to break into this circle.

Yulia Zimnaya is a woman leader. She looks cold and preoccupied with something, which can initially cool the ardor of men. But deep down she is a romantic, and love is more important to her than anything in the world, although this is difficult to recognize at first glance.

Julia Autumn is an unread book, a riddle for men who will vainly strive to establish a trusting relationship with her. She is not very confident in herself, timid, although practical, so it is difficult for her to learn to trust. This weakness is compensated by numerous love affairs.

Name color

The color of the name Yulia is the brightest, richest and warm color: yellow.

Name flower

It’s not hard to guess which flower Julia considers hers: a bright, fertile sunflower. It is the bearer of life-giving power and protects against damage and the evil eye. The sunflower contains the desire for happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

Church name of Julia

In the calendar it sounds like Julia. That is, when baptized, the name Yulia does not change.

This name has two patron saints. The first, the Christian Carthaginian Julia, who lived in one of the first centuries BC. Having fallen into slavery in Syria, she refused to accept paganism and paid for it with her life. The pagans tortured her and then crucified her on the cross. At the moment of death, an angel flew out of the martyr’s body, frightening and scattering the robbers.

The second saint, Julia of Corinth, who lived in the third century BC, during the reign of Diocletian, was one of the seven righteous women who refused to renounce Christianity and also accepted martyrdom.


To the envy of other zodiac signs, Julia celebrates name days many times a year. Her days, according to the calendar, fall on two winter months (December 10 and 17, January 3, 9 and 15), three spring months (March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31) and three summer months (June 15, 5, 25 and July 29, as well as August 13 and 31). In the fall, her name day is celebrated on only one day: November 14.

How the name is translated into different languages

In Finnish, Swedish, and German, Yulia is pronounced the same way as in Russian. The name sounds a little different when pronounced by the English and Italians: Julia. And in French, Julia sounds especially tender: Julie.

Full, short and affectionate names

Julia is full name, but it also has other forms: for an informal setting, for loved ones, loved ones and relatives.

The diminutive form of the name is Julia. Affectionate forms - Yulenka, Yulchonok, Yulechka, Yulyasha.

And finally, somewhat rudely, in a courtyard way: Yulka. However, this is considered to be the case among Russians, but among Poles, on the contrary, it is a diminutive form of the name. A girl can be called “Mrs. Yulka” by someone who addresses her with a certain amount of tenderness.

Compatibility with other names

In personal relationships, Julia is perfectly compatible with Sergei, an alliance with whom gives her mutual understanding and respectful partnership. There is a strong spiritual connection with Alexander, leading both to improvement. In her relationship with Vladimir, the spiritual also prevails over the physical, which allows them to create good family. The alliance with Alexey is interesting: both partners are in constant search, but not at all for new connections, but for the next discoveries in their non-standard, creative relationships, which are dear to both.

A strong marriage based on trust and mutual assistance is possible with Andrey. Energetic daily work side by side with Igor will lay the foundation ideal family. The tender feeling will grow stronger every year in alliance with Ivan, and Ilya will give her peace and comfort in a quiet family haven. One of best unions predicted with Valery: this is the man for whom Julia will sacrifice everything, leaving herself only the roles of wife and mother.

With Dmitry in love, everything will not be easy: both lovers are freedom-loving, and also proud. Having flared up instantly, their feelings may cool down at the first difficulties. A passionate relationship with Eugene will also not give you peace and confidence in the future, although there is still a chance of preserving love. And difficulties are possible with Victor: if she does not moderate her ambitions, and Victor does not come to terms with her brightness, their union will collapse.

Life with Oleg resembles a constant struggle for primacy in the family - not the easiest option for coexistence. Artem is not a suitable spouse simply because both take serious things lightly. With the pragmatic Maxim it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve harmony in marriage, with Vitaly the fire of passion can quickly burn out, leaving only ashes, and relations with Nikita can even end in a volcanic eruption.

Declension of name

Julia bows in accordance with the laws of the Russian language:

  • I. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • R. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • D. p. (to whom?) - Julia.
  • V. p. (who?) - Julia.
  • etc. (by whom?) – Julia.
  • P. p. (about whom?) – about Julia.

Famous people named Julia

This name is given to actresses (Menshova, Peresild), directors (Krasnova), singers (Savicheva, Nachalova), TV presenters (Bordovskikh) and figure skaters (Lipnitskaya). This name adorns pop divas and socialites. However, it is very difficult to meet a learned lady or politician whose name is that.

Probably, Julia is born to shine. Her destiny is not routine work, and her clothes are not a business suit. Its purpose is to burn brightly in the sky, delighting some, inspiring others, and teasing others with its extraordinary beauty and inaccessibility.

The name Julia - bright, sonorous and intriguing - will always be fashionable and in demand. Primordial Orthodox, and at the same time European, when naming a girl, it does not raise doubts either among Slavophiles or Westerners. From century to century, this name has served as an adornment for successful, beautiful, creative women.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Julia


Originated from Roman male name Julius. In the female version it means “fluffy”, “airy”. Belongs to the category of ancient names that are still popular all over the world.

Pronunciation of the name Julia different countries world: England - Julius, Germany - Julchen, France - Julie, Spain - Julia, Portugal - Julia, Italy - Julie, Corsica - Gyulia, Czech Republic - Julia, Denmark - Julia, Ireland - Julia, Japan - Hadzeka.

Diminutive form of the name: Yulchonok, Julianna, Yulechka, Julia, Yulka, Yulchik, Yul, Yulenka, Julie, Julia, Juliet.

Julia celebrates her name day twice a year - on May 31 and July 29. It is advisable to call girls born these days by the name Julia. IN Orthodox calendar Julia is mentioned under the ancient form of the name Julia.

Patron Saints of Julia

Famous saints named Julia:

  • Julia Ankirskaya. Venerated on May 31st. Together with other Christians, she spread the Christian faith, for which she was drowned by pagans in 303 and then burned.
  • Julia of Carthage. Venerated on July 29. In her youth she was captured by a cruel nobleman, who for a long time physically abused her. When she refused to celebrate a pagan holiday because she belonged to the Christian faith, she was killed by an angry crowd of pagans.


Julia’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Calm, silent, careerist, organized.

Spring - Sensual, visionary, dreamy, friendly.

Summer - Patient, gentle, sociable, reasonable.

Autumn - Idealistic, romantic, secretive, practical.


Little Yulechka often grows up to be everyone’s favorite and has a friendly, fair character. He likes to play outdoor games with friends, but he knows when to stop and will never agree to dangerous game, will not climb a tree and will not get into a fight. Parents will not have to worry about their daughter; she will not get involved with bad company even in adolescence. As a child, she learns to read and write early, loves to learn new things, but laziness prevents her from achieving great success. Although Yulia is always surrounded by friends, she is not a leader among them, since she does not like to stand out from the crowd and knows how to adapt to people.

Yulia’s transitional age, to the delight of her family, passes calmly, without strong emotional outbursts. He studies at school averagely, without much success. Good grades can only be achieved in favorite subjects, has the ability to study foreign languages. IN school events rarely participates due to shyness and reluctance to stand out. She has practically no close friends, because she tries not to let anyone into her soul. Yulechka is always in good mood, she is rarely irritated and then never without reason.

Adult Yulechka turns into a charming and attractive woman. He always dresses with taste, carefully selecting his clothes, loves jewelry, and always gets his hair and manicure done. He knows how to support any topic with his interlocutor, and can gossip without malice. He does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness, lies, and immediately cuts such people off from his society. Surrounds himself, first of all, with useful people from whom he can benefit. At times she can be overly trusting and can become a victim of scammers.


Little Yulenka is a frequent patient of the dental clinic because of her bad teeth; during adolescence, she often develops skin diseases. As an adult, Yulia needs to check her body once a year so as not to develop any disease.


Not very hardworking, Yulia rarely reaches career heights; work does not come first for her. Throughout her life, Julia can change several jobs, especially if the work is monotonous. Creative professions are more suitable for her, for example, actress, artist, musician, journalist, hairdresser, designer, photographer. Despite her tendency towards laziness, Julia does her work conscientiously and loves to be praised. Possessing the ability to communicate and smooth out conflicts, she will make an excellent teacher and educator. Thanks to her excellent intuition, she can become an excellent lawyer or psychologist.


From an early age, the charming and friendly Yulechka has many admirers, whose advances she accepts with dignity, but she very rarely falls in love. In adolescence, Yulenka begins to date boys, starts early sex life. He may even sleep without love because he loves sex. Until she truly meets her person and falls in love, she can date several men at the same time, their appearance does not matter to her, the main thing is spiritual attraction. But Julia will not agree to date weak-willed, rude, aggressive men.


Despite numerous love affairs and an army of fans, Julia is in no hurry to get married, as she has high demands on her future husband. She may refuse to marry her loved one, with whom she is head over heels in love and with whom she has been dating for a long time. But because there is some kind of negative in his character that is unacceptable for her list of positive qualities of her future husband. This ideal man Julia still finds the role of husband, after which she will become for him the best wife in the world, economical and caring, able to create home comfort. For the sake of her family, Julia will quit her job without hesitation and become a housewife. Yulechka, who sometimes loves to gossip with her friends, will not wash dirty linen in her family, trying to make everyone think that she has an exemplary family, even if this is not the case. Julia will be a very caring and loving mother to her children, even too much. Julia will do anything for her children, even get a star from the sky.

Julia is Eastern European female name, which comes from ancient Greek or Latin. The ancient Greek version means “fluffy”, “wavy”, the Latin means “July” or “she of the Julius family”. Interesting fact: In Scandinavia, children born in December are called Julia or Julius. After all, “jul” means “Christmas.”

Julia's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

Angel Day named after Julia is celebrated in all seasons except autumn. In winter it is December 17, January 3 and January 15; in spring – 16 and 31; Julia has the most name days in the summer - July 19 and 29, 30 and 31. According to the church calendar, the name Julia glorifies the blessed princess Juliana of Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya; righteous Juliana the merciful, Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya; Martyr Juliana of Pontus; virgin martyr Julia of Ancyra; Virgin Juliania of Olyshanskaya; Juliania of Moscow and others.

According to the church calendar, Julia (Iuliania, Julia) of Carthage (Corsican) is most revered. Her name day is celebrated on July 29.

The main character traits of the birthday girl Yulia

One of the main character traits of Julia is sociability. Her advantages include well-developed intuition and creative inclinations.

Julia is distinguished by her constancy in mood, but, in addition, she is vulnerable and touchy. A girl with this name often gets into arguments and is very rarely able to admit her mistake. Usually Julia is compassionate and very vulnerable.

Most often, bearers of this name marry successfully. The family becomes the basis, the whole meaning of its existence. Julia rarely quarrels with her husband; they live amicably. Dedicates a lot of effort and effort to maintaining household. She is very hospitable and an excellent cook. Julia will always have compassion in difficult times, but will also share the joy without feeling jealous.

Julia talks little about herself; she prefers to listen carefully to her interlocutor. For which the latter is always sincerely grateful to her. Julia's shortcomings include secrecy, excessive caution, indecisiveness, and capriciousness.

Yulia is a very good, neat and efficient worker. She should choose a profession according to her calling, in which she is able to prove herself and move up the career ladder. But Julia will not work after hours for anything. Sometimes she can give up work in favor of housekeeping and will feel great about it.

The meaning of the name Julia:“Curly”, “fluffy” (ancient Greek).

Since childhood, everyone loves Yulia. She accepts this love with dignity and reciprocates. In some situations, she cannot decide for a long time to take any step, and sometimes she is stubborn. He doesn’t like to study, but he understands that education is necessary, so he puts all his strength into studying.

Having matured, Julia becomes wise. Outwardly, she is always gentle and sophisticated. However, sometimes she can be capricious. Knows his worth. Despite her emotionality, she knows how to restrain her emotions when necessary. She is quite well-mannered and mannered.

Professionally, Julia tries to reach certain heights, but never puts all her strength into her career. She knows that in addition to this, she has close people who also need her attention. Always performs work responsibly. He devotes himself entirely to his family and friends.

Julia gets along with both male and female society. However, he doesn't like obsessive people and she never imposes her attention. She marries successfully and only to the person who truly loves and appreciates her.

Other forms of the name Yulia: Yulia, Yulchik, Yulyok, Yulechka, Yusya.

May every day bring joy,
And every evening - silence.
Friends and family will be there,
Everyone loves only you.

Let there be an eternal holiday at home,
And there is always family at the table.
Beautiful flowers to be in a vase
They would have been there already in the morning.

Everything I planned came true,
So that laughter sounds, there is spring in the soul.
After all, “Julia” means “golden”
Always shine with gold.

Yulenka, beauty,
Happy holiday to you!
Everyone around you likes you
We love you.

Let the spring flowers
They bloom for you.
Joy, inspiration
Let them come to you.

May the success never end.
And achieve everything!
With a lucky star
We wish to live!

Let love be beautiful
You will have
Kindness and tenderness
It will be completely in it.

Dear Yulia, I congratulate you on your birthday and with all my heart I wish you to be happy. I wish you health, love and success in your work... In general, what you wish for yourself, but in double or even triple size. May the sun illuminate your path in life and may people make you happy.

She can't sit still,
Like a spinning top spinning everywhere.
Energetic, cheerful,
Does good deeds.

Julia is a modest girl,
Loves noisy groups...
But always to my beloved
Faithful in heart and soul.

And fluffy like a cat
Loves affection and care.
Our Yulenka is the mistress,
A very smart know-it-all.

It's never boring with her,
Romantic and tender
Very passionate nature...
So everyone look for Yulia!

Our dear Yulia,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Be as beautiful as you are
Love life madly.

There is always a reason for happiness
Even if it's not easy.
Be strong and don't be sad -
And you will fly high.

May the angel cover you
From unkind eyes and words.
All worries are empty,
Once there is happiness and love.

Congratulations on the holiday!
Yulechka, we wish you all the best!
May this holiday last forever,
It will be bright, unforgettable,

Be beautiful like nature itself
Make your loved ones and friends happy,
Bloom everything brighter year from year,
Be protected by God and fate!

I wish you joy and laughter,
Fun, earthly blessings, goodness,
Many victories for you, success,
Smiles, sun and warmth!

Let it be easy, dear Julia,
Your dreams come true
So that you always drown in happiness,
Living without troubles and fuss!

Yulenka, accept it, beauty,
Congratulations on a beautiful day,
Let them decorate your life
Only bright moments.

I am spiritual harmony
I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Let them circle you more often
Money turns.

Yulenka, you are our star,
Every year you become more and more beautiful.
May good luck shine on you
Constantly on the planet.

Be loved and love
Sweet fate to you.
Mood, positive,
Happiness, laughter, creativity.

Yulyasha, happy holiday!
Let him surprise you with something new,
Beloved friends will come,
To please you

And you shine like a happy star,
Be amazing and sweet
Unique, mischievous,
And may success be with you!

Julia is the most tender name,
Like a fluffy dandelion from summer.
Hold happiness with your hands,
Without giving away the secret of luck.

I wish you good mood.
Let your eyes shine with a smile,
Let the poems be dedicated,
Let the storm pass by.

Let all paths lead only to success,
And don’t hide your emotions.
Let the echo of the desert echo
A romantic verse will sound.